tv Kennedy FOX Business May 20, 2017 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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impression of a typical news anchor, the audience would see right through it. he inspired a remarkable level lou: good evening. fired f.b.i. director james comey agreed to testify in front of the senate intelligence committee. that committee announcing comey will testify in open session which will be scheduled after memorial day just about a week away. this follows a coordinate attack on the trump administration from
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the left-wing media as president trump embarks on his first overseas trip. the "new york times" and the "washington post" delivering a 1-2 punch saying trump official said james comey was a real snut job, just a day after trump fired comey. that reporting allegedly based on a white house document summarizing last week's meeting. the "times" claims it was read to the "times" by an unnamed american official. the "times" all stow claiming the president at that meeting stead quote i face great pressure because of russia. that's taken off. the white house blasting those leaks.
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"the washington post" reporting that a current white house official has been identified as a person of interest in the investigation into russian meddling into the presidential election. the "post" citing unnamed sources. this is the latest effort by the left to destroy the trump presidency to take over the got. all coming after president trump was safely on board air force one and on his way to -- to saudi arain yeah. john roberts is in riyadh with our report. reporter: on the president telling lavrov firing coachy re-diewlsd the pressure on him and calling comey a snut job. the prime minister said the president has always emphasized making deals with russia for the benefit and safety of the
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american people. by grand standing and politicizing his actions comey inhibited our ability to negotiate with russia. spicer said quote as the president has stated before, a thorough investigation will con flirm was no collusion between the -- confirm there was no collusion between the campaign and the enemy. reporter: president trump left the white house without naming a new f.b.i. director. he's drawing fire from democrats from capitol hill. >> i think it's a mistake to nominate anybody who has ever run for office. >> that's above my pay grade.
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>> maybe we should have someone with no political connections whatsoever. someone who comes out of the professional ranks. reporter: president trump is hoping to leave behind the barrage of bad news that has been dogging him for a few days. >> i think people in the rest of the world do not have the time to pay attention to what as happening domestically here. reporter: he will touch down in friendly territory. saudis say they are honored their country is the first stop on his overseas trip. >> he comes as a great ally and strong leader who wants to work with us. reporter: while in riyadh he will meet with the king and crown prince and deliver a speech on islam. >> i will speak with muslim
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leaders and challenge them to fight hatred and extremism and embrace peaceful future for their faith. recognition that iran poses and exist evenings threat -- >> he's a man who has courage, is decisive and he's a man who does the right thing. report among the right things he's doing for saudi arain yeah is the biggest arms deal in history. border security, fair force modernization, air and missile defense and cyber-security. fox news confirmed jared kushner personally called lockheed martin's executive, urging them to lower their price on a radar
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system included in the package. in the next 8 days president trump will visit five countries in total to meet with 20 foreign leaders and dignitaries. president trump will talk about the importance much fighting radicalism and extremism in the war on terror. he talked about the importance of saying the words radical islamic stair rifle. fox news is told in an initial draft of the speech does not include those words, though we are also told it could change before he gives the address on sunday. lou: john roberts in riyadh, saudi arabia. joining me to assess comey's testimony i attorney gregg
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jarrett and randy evans. i want to thank you for being here. this development testifying in open committee, this is something of a surprise tonight. gregg: i always thought, and i covered comey for a great many years since he was u.s. attorney that he's the kinds of guy who would walk a mile for a camera. he has an ego. i think it's one of the things that offended president trump who also loves cameras. i wrote a column the day comey was mired and mueller was appointed, special counsel doesn't change anything. they will compel witnesses to testify, they will obtain documents. if the white house or anybody else thought mueller's appointment would change the, it doesn't. >> i completely agree.
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i talked to several people who worked with him for a decade. there came a point where he stopped being himself and started being almost a caricature of himself. he loved the cameras so much it became the driving force rather than being the f.b.i. director. it's a beast you can't feed enough. lou: it has been gorging itself. given the historic issues he has been contending with as f.b.i. director. now his firing adding to the dram drama. mueller has a relationship with comey, dose not? greg: because mueller has been appointed special counsel, he has a glaring and conflict of
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interest. his long, close personal relationship with james comey who will be a key witness in all of this. this investigation -- lou: who worked for the f.b.i. director. gregg: you talk to any f.b.i. agent. they were joined at the hip. look at when they were together when mueller handed overred the reins to comey, they were he fuelsive in their praise of each other. there is a conflict of interest because comey is a key witness. lou: why is the white house, the republican party, the leadership of the house, the leadership of the senate not screaming as loudly as they can given the obvious conflicts that now we are all sitting here watching in
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the special counsel's office? >> they are spending every waking moment reacting to the endless leaks out of this white house. to have the notes from a meet where you know the people that were there to be leaked to the new york times, there has to be a reckoning. i hope there has to be a point in which you say enough already. if you can't do your job, if you can't find and stop the leaks, then we need to find somebody who can. lou: at this point one of those people should have been james comey. others should be the head of the cia, the nsa, the incoming director of course will have that responsibility. i have never seen any other administration have a bit of a problem running down a leak.
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have you? gregg: leaks always bedeviled administrations. this is the hoover dam with a huge gash tonight and it's crumbling. these leaks are everywhere, and it's horribly damaging the president's ability to do his job. lou: why doesn't his chief of staff and senior advisors, why isn't jared or ivanka chasing through that white house like a bloodhound to find out what's going on? and i'm naming just a few names that came to mind immediately. the national security council? this place -- right now there is no security. national or otherwise in the white house. randy: you are absolutely right. you are seeing a white house
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debill 8 by the constant leaking and it's completely unacceptable. most of those folks are my friend. but this is completely unacceptable. there is no reason why you can't find when you have got a few night group of people in the meeting, the person who actually leaked the notes. at some point we owe it to this president to consistently drum beat to say you need to clean house. you are going to have to make some tough choices and get some people out of there. lou: do you have any names? can you be straightforward? it's clear as speaker of the house who has a existence and relationship with the president is not, if actual forgive my saying so, reliable. the majority leader of the united states senate is basically missing in action.
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meanwhile, the president is not being served by the very people he appointed. he made compromises to bring in reince priebus he made all sorts of compromises to work with the house and the senate. the fact of the matter is the republican national committee is nowhere to be found in all of this. the donors who supported donald trump and have since joined on, they are nowhere. this is a man standing absolutely squarely in front of every one who is literally trying to tear rim down and carry out the first coup in my experience as a journalist against the president of the united states. gregg: i remember when bill clinton took office. it was a total mess and chaos reigned everywhere for a long period of time and he had to do
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house cleaning. but here is the difference, there wasn't the internet, he wasn't getting hammered on an hourly basis the way this president is. lou: i think you are right, gregg. randy, back in the day as gregg said, you would never know how old he is to cast us back 30 years. but there was at least honor among thieves back in the days of the clintons. that seems to have changed. randy:are:i said the president d rue the day he put in never trumpers. you cannot put in your circle of trusted people, people you cannot trust. we are paying a heavy price for that. we know who the never trumpers are and they need to be
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eliminated from the white house. lou: i have got to bring you back so you can be more up front with our audience. stay with me as these developments are rolling in and i will conclude this portion of the broadcast by saying this president is in desperate need of junkyard dogs, and he has got a lot of establishment poodles around him. president trump closing in on a replacement for the man he reportedly called a nut job. comey preparing to testify in front of the senate intelligence committee. conservative come day tore and best-selling author who has had (microphone feedback) listen up, heart disease. you too, unnecessary er visits. and hey, unmanaged depression, don't get too comfortable. we're talking to you, cost inefficiencies and data without insights.
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>> he wanted to blend in and not be singled out. he stands in a part of the room that is as far from trump as it is possible to be. and he chose that spot because it was almost like a chameleon. lou: one should crown the director's good friend. my next guest says there is a coup against our president and it will not stop. political commentator, ann coulter who has written a "new york times" best seller. the last time we talked, you were wobbly on the president. are you back supporting the president or is this delicate
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time? ann: one of your next guests said i can't see what's happening, i can only listen, that it's not a good idea to hire a bunch of people who are completely against your agenda. i think things would be going better if we had all jeff sessions in the administration. i'm sure he's not leaking. maybe this would be a time to notice capitulating on the budget and the dreamers, continuing to print work permits unconstitutionally for illegal aliens. we went crazy when obama was doing it. under trump still doing it. nothing on the wall. putting nikki haley at the u.n. and goldman sachs filling up the white house. well, that made them like, mr. president. it's not working. why don't you just keep your
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promises and at least you will have people loyal to you because they care about the country. lou: i take teach your points. they just don't happen to be loyal to the president right now. we have been document on this broadcast for weeks and weeks. this an effort to overthrow the government of the united states. this is nothing more, it is nothing less. and the white house acts like it's a clash between two very cultivated civilized opposing political parties. it's sheer nonsense. ann: it's both political parties and the fourth branch of government, the media. they won't let up on this theory
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that putin wanted trump so he conspired with wikileaks showing the dnc was trying ask screw bernie sanders. that's all coming from people who were fine with the show trials and fine with russia as long as it was communist. now that they are afraid comb number of isn't coming back, russia is this horrible country. he isn't running guns to mexico and he doesn't have a private server. lou: comey couldn't successfully prosecute tonight scandals you just mentioned. yet we'll have the treat listening to his testimony in open committee after memorial day. what should his president do.
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why should he have an inadequately prepared and less than passionate members around him? ann: a lot of replacements should be made to much of his cabinet. did you hear the secretary of state rex tillerson said america has a lot t for the violence we caused the in mexico? so many of these cabinet officials -- lou: you might think about my blood has been boiling ever since he uttered those words. i don't know ways going on in this white house. it looks like the early stages of a collapsing organization, a collapsing power center which happens to be the greatest in the free world. i will turn to you one more time as we wrap up here. are you now supporting this president fully? are you ready to talk about the president that you say you trust
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so much? or have you abandoned trust and confidence and trust in him all together? because it sounds like you have? ann: no, but i want to bring him back. you and i -- barely enough americans to elect him president. i don't want anything from him. i don't want a white house job. i want him to keep his promises. lou: i want to grab his secretary of state by the name of the neck. i want mcmaster to keep saying radical islamic terrorist until he pukes. i have had enough of the establishment that he brought into that sacred house that was for sow long from november 8 back to being the house of the people. that i would desperately seek and i hope you would agree. ann: i hope he notices bringing
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people -- lou: you are not going to answer me. are you in or are you out? ann: can you hear me? i think it audio is down. lou: i hear you continue to say critical thifnghts administration. i need one positive from you about how you are feeling for this president. ann: that's a very complicated question. i have been giving my opinion over and over and you keep talking over me. lou: ann coulter, thank you for being with us. come back soon. president trump battling a coordinated attack from the left-wing media as the senate intelligence committee calls on comey to clear up media reports and testimony.
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lou: the senate judiciary committee says it's disappointed james comey will testify in front of the intelligence committee and not judiciary committee. what do you make of this as comey has decided to bring the cameras with him to the intelligence committee which normally you would think of as being quite and reserved and wants to go stay out of the limelight ran.
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randy:are it's object surdity it shows how bad system has broken down. lou: i don't believe in systems. i believe in people. mitch mcconnell can decide where comey goes. so let's talk about the system. the system is run by mitch mcconnell, the majority leader in the senate. randy: he made the decision who he would testify in front of without a subpoena. the senate majority leader said you don't get to pick. that's an indication of how the system is broken. lou: it looks like they are full
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of fools and idiots. the reality is randy is talking about a system, it looks to me like a gathering of complete sellouts. >> if i worked briefly on capitol hill. when i came back home. what do you think? idiots and more rones? you can -- morons? you can guess what my answer is. lou: what are we witnessing when the republican party won't stand up for this president for the system of justice. gregg:are:when reagan came to washington he brought his
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loyalists with him. trump didn't have that and that's his problem. the trump revolution was too broad and far too thin, and the team he brought with him to washington, d.c. far too few. thank you both for being with us. we are coming right back with much more. stay with us. president trump has embarked on his first foreign trip as president. >> i'm heading on a very crucial journey. i will strengthen all friendships and seek new partners. lou: how will his america first agenda play overseas.
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there's a c-class just for you. decisions, decisions, decisions. lease the c300 sedan for $399 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. listen up, heart disease.) you too, unnecessary er visits. and hey, unmanaged depression, don't get too comfortable. we're talking to you, cost inefficiencies and data without insights. and fragmented care- stop getting in the way of patient recovery and pay attention. every single one of you is on our list. for those who won't rest until the world is healthier, neither will we. optum. how well gets done. lou: the white house is besieged
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by the deep state to frankly overthrow the government. general jack keane, general, great to have you with us. before we turn to even the trip. the fact that this president has a national security advisor counseling him to do the opposite of what he was elected to do, that is to name the enemy and destroy the enemy, the islamic state. he has people around him, people he doesn't know who to trust, who to listen to. and he's being bee sieged by the establishment, whether it be the deep state or the establishment as represented by the elites of both political parties. what do you make of it? jack: the fact that there is
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disagreement over policy is a good thing. he has a -- has a sophisticated national security team. what else so troubling and disturbing is inside and outside the white house there appears to be a conspiracy to delegitimize this president and bring him down. i have never seen anything quite like it in my adult life. lou: you are talking about forces within the white house contending with each other for the tour that has been constitutionally granted the president of the united states, donald trump, and without the establishment, the deep state contending with all the forces whoever they may be within the white house. but certainly the president for the power thate is again bestowed by the force of our
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constitutional political system. jack: i'm not going so far to say it's within the white house. lou: where do the leaks come from jack: they believe the leak about the discussion with lavrov and the foreign ambassador came from the nsa. there were initial leaks who came from people who worked for the nsc, national security council and they were virtually holdovers. people in our i will tell joneses services are opposed to the president and hopefully the leaders of the intelligence services can get these people under control. lou: we cannot trust the national left-wing media, we cannot trust the establishments
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of the political parties and we can't trust a media trying to subvert the president. jack: he's on his first trip, it's a largely extra ordinary trip. two regions of the world. four countries, nine days. that's unprecedented. and more important than that is the message he's sending. d states isg leaders in that back on the world stage exercising global leadership promoting stability and security. and we are not just going to deter our adversaries like iran and russia and defeat isis. we are willing to confront our adversaries. lou: thank you very much. why does the phrase enemies
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foreign and domestic occur to me tonight. i hate content of what we have to discuss right now in this nation. be sure to vote in our poll. do you believe the trump administration should bring lawsuits and criminal complaints for their subject vetion? a heart-stopping stunt. riding a tricycle above lake powell, and launching himself off the cliff, and his parachute happily opening as he plunges safely into the water blow. terrifying, exhilarating, and great video. president trump phase what is nothing less than a coup attempt.
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witnessing the overthrow of the democratically elected president and his administration. joining me, presidential historian doug weed. this is a battle between the establishment, the deep state, the left-wing national media, and the leftists, the democratic party. we have news organizations pretending it's not a crime. how can this be? >> there is nothing like it ever in history. this is making history. who knows how they will write about this. this is no less than the attempted overthrow of a democratically elected president of the united states by the national media. they announced it -- you saw on election night, these are trained journalists. they were stoic under gunfire in
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syria, they spoke with objectivity as the twin showers collapsed over their shoulders behind them but went into near his tearics when this -- historics when d hyterics when this election got away from them. lou: certainly his interests as president as well as outside, trying to overthrow the entire trump administration. what is he to do? >> this is the good and bad. we wanted him because he's an outsider. so he hasn't been able to bring that army with him. the ground game has been his problem. but this trip, the money, the deal with saudi arabia. the jobs it will bring to america. i guess he has to keep on what won the election.
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the jobs coming to america might help turn this around. it wasn't this bad under ronald reagan. i thought it was. but i re-read michael d.e.a. ver's book. lou: a harvard study puts it as high as 98% opposition, but overall 95%. it's full-on, no question about it, an effort to overthrow this president. doug weed, thank you. confusion on capitol hill as deputy attorney general ron rosenstein tries to explain what his memo about james comey really meant and which he meant it and what it means now. sarah westwood and randy evans. stay with us.
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sarah, let's start with you. what can we make of this other than it's an effort by the left in this country to overthrow a legitimately elected president of the united states? sarah: i think a special counsel could be a good thing for you president trump. they did not want the investigation to get to this point. by the erodes the democrats? congress who want it to turn into a political cha trade that the white house would want to avoid. a special counsel is able to investigate a white range of things that's we don't know if it will include classified leaks to the press. lou: you know what troubles me about what you are saying, the
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pro spes becomes the story, and the process sucks the oxygen out of the reality. this is president hoyles bee seedged -- who is besieged from within, and by leaks, and an establishment that means him great harm from without. the deep state of democrats, the left. and this is a president who everyone to this point has said, everyone including james comey said there is no suggestion anywhere in any evidence that he has been allied with the russians. then you have to ask yourself hot hell said that he was? the reality is the bigger question is why did the democrats refuels the f.b.i. entry to their servers after the f.b.i. told them that the russians hacked them? the only evidence of pervasive
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russian interference is on the democratic side of this thing. known while we are watching the national left-wing media trying to strangle the life out of this presidency. at what point do people say enough is enough. it's indecent, wrong, illegal and un-american. sarah: i think the mediate tilts against president trump. lou: i'm not talking about a bias. i'm talk about a media complicit in the attempted overthrow of this government. sarah: faith in the media is at an all-time low. but people do trust institutions like the justice department.
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randy: they said president trump would conform to the system other system would break him. i bet my money at donald trump changes his country in ways we never imagined. lou: we who have supported this man as candidate, as president, we all put our money there. but even those who oppose shim have their money at risk as well. there always certain madness that's clear, unequivocal. and we have journalists who will ignore and deny the facts that they can smell and see and hear and touch. airr: you hear that -- sarah: you hear impeachment calm every time the wind blows on the white house. you hear accusations leveled at
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the president that have no basis in fact. lou: it's minds blowing. you get the last word, randy. randy: i think the media has become so irrational they have become unbelievable and the american people don't care about them anymore. lou: i hope not caring about them is sufficient to forestall an unlawful and pun -- and un-american act by the deep state. thanks for become with us. randy, thank you for your extra duty through this hour. up were as always terrific. thank you for joining us.
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