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tv   Bulls Bears  FOX Business  June 18, 2017 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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thanks for watching "strange inheritance." and remember, you can't take it with you. lawmakers are on alert after this week shooting of deep police and three others. they are calling to beef up security of all officials. >> this week, welcome to our guests. what you think of this new
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security no matter the cost? >> of course there will always be a cost-benefit analysis, but this week's events, first of all our hearts and prayers go out to the members affected and staff people on capitol hill. i spent a lot of time on capitol hill yesterday and you can tell the mood is a very somber, discouraged feeling and naturally so. we do need to ask if, security measures for every member of congress are adequate, do they understand how to properly hold public events where security risks might be present, but we also, i believe it's also a good time to reflect on the tone of our political discourse, whether or not we are fostering the type of opinions of one another that are healthy so this is somethin we can look in the mirror, but i think it absolutely a good question. something we all ought to consider across the political mile. >> when you look at the situation, it's a balance between keeping our lawmakers
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safe but at the same time, they are supposed to be with their constituents in a accessible. that's what democracy is all about. walking around at the supermarket and having someone talk to them who they are representing. how do you balance that? >> i think that's the tough part you're facing. it's not practical to give all 535 members of congress the security detail. this was a 6:00 a.m. batting practice. this was the last place you would expect something like this , that violent and that horrific to occur. there is a problem. she's right about the tolerant america. there's a couple of the things you can do. campaign finance, right now is not able to take campaign-finance and use it for your security detail. i think that should be allowed for congressman who are worried about that. i think those who are serving the country should be allowed to
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carry a gun. i understand a lot of people will disagree that more guns is not the answer to gun violence but something needs to be done. what we are doing is not working in our country is not working. when you have businesses being boycotted because you voted for or against the president, there's something wrong with her president. we can't get away from the fact that we disagree with someone without condemning them. civility has to come back to our country. >> gary b, every there are two issues, the issue of the security and the cost and when you hear the stories about how this happened and if there hadn't been police, the people in the field would've just been sitting ducks. it coulde been much worse. it is also about the tone. >> exactly melissa. it's about the tone but it's also about the cost. you're talking 535 members of congress. then were talking to never be able to go to a baseball practice, never be able to walk to capitol hill.
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is it around-the-clock security? the cost could be tremendous. i do think there's a simpler answer. i will go back to something john said. every member of congress and senate travel with the staff. every person in congress, may be every person in the senate should be issued a handgun. if not them, their staff, trained how to use it, have a concealed and you have a security force, not the police, they're not the fbi but as a deterrence to the incident we saw in alexandria and in fact, the number of congressman, if they were allowed to use their handguns when some of them have conceal and carry, they had a clear shot at the shooter with their own 9-millimeter but they weren't allowed to use it. i know a lot of people won't like that. i think in this day and age, it
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may be an answer. >> it sounds a little bit extreme. you issue a gun to at least one person on every staff. >> it's very personal for me. i live on capitol hill. i spend a lot of time traveling with congressman i'm here traveling with three democratic senators. we need to think about groups of senators who are together, if there had been one person therefrom leadership at the baseball practice, there was security detail. next weekend there's 14 latino members of congress going to share ideas. i think we can pay for security. maybe not if there's just one person or one junior member flying back home but when groups of congressman get together in groups of senators get together there is more vulnerability in some of these people may be unhinged to give them opportunity and i think that's one thing we should look at like
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act. reporter: is this the world we live in or is this temperature higher than it's been? the rhetoric has gotten so out of control. >> i don't want to fall into that these are just different times. crazy people have been shooting at elected officials for hundreds of years. i don't know if the guy who shot lincoln was radicalized by the products. the bottom line is there are crazy people out there. they are mentally ill and were there not getting the help they need. at the end of the day, a crazy person with the rifle, everyone will have a handgun. i think, ultimately we have a society that lets walk mental illness walk around whether they're homeless or not and we don't address it until becomes a
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problem. otherwise you will be militarizing all the softball field in america. if we go that route we have to do it with drones and robocop's because it's not possible with persons. >> it really minimize the damage when there was one person armed with a weapon. if there hadn't been someone there would've made a big difference. in this case, a good guy with the gun made a big difference. >> absolutely. god bless the capital police. this is not an all or nothing question. i don't think we need to meet move to militarized state but we can be strategic about this. this is what i mean by cost-benefit analysis. are there new methods or strategies we can use two ensures the safety and foster an environment where constituents and lawmakers can interact in an environment where they feel safe to express their points of view and violence will not be an
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issue. >> john. >> look, i agree but when you're talking about a militarized state, i don't agree it's going that far but remember in 1900 we had no security around the president. it wasn't until our 25th president and he got assassinated and the secret service started guarding the president after that. talking about the mentally ill out ere, there are a lot of people who are unstable. that's why the tone has to stop. i can debate all i want with chuck and we will have a burger afterwards and we will be fine. when people hear what comes out of the politicians and pundits and everyone talking because are so upset about politics, it affects some people who are mentally unstable. >> chuck, real quick, last word. >> things have really changed over the past 7 - 10 years.
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social media is an onslaught of information. i make political ads for reason. this is not the way to solve our problem. you should be actively involved in your politics and holding your government accountable but not by getting it gone or doing anything crazy. >> thank you. caputo on business is about 20 minutes from now. what you have cooking. >> can they come together for more than just nine innings and help legislation for the entire u.s. team. amazon is adding whole foods to its shopping cart. how that could change what goes into yours. >> thank you meal, we can't wait up next, another major leak on the russia coke probe. someone says
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another week, another week leak. it's the washington post reporting that another unnamed official is investigating trump for obstruction of justice. trump slams this as a witchhunt and his legal team called the leaks outrageous, inexcusable. they say they're also costing the taxpayer. explain. >> there costing the taxpayer dearly. they are promised tax reform. they are not delivering it. and they're not delivering it because they are so blindsided and obstructed with all of this extra stuff going on. put a special prosecutor going on. find a leak, find out if there's collusion, but we have to get down to business. they mention july 4. they could have tax. you have a better chance, unfortunately of a dinosaur walking through dallas texas. i'm sorry about that, but that's what we need.
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that's what this economy needs. we need to reap patronization of foreign money and something done with obamacare, but it's not happening. >> how do we know steve isn't in a closet somewhere working away on this, getting it done what everyone else is distracted by this garbage. >> all these people in the administration and congress, they are all looking for safe harbor. these leaks are killing this administration. they're killing the republicans. no one wants to be around and administration that he's in has even the sniff of being tainted goods. they are all looking out for each other. all ey care about is one thing , getting reelected. once it passed some legislation, who doesn't enjoy being in congress for 30 or 40 years. every single one of them. until we get past this,
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president trump is in the clear, he's not to be investigated, there's not a tax reform. it will be july 18. we need to move beyond the. >> the reason i totally disagree with that is because if they do want to get reelected, no republican will get reelected if we don't see movement on healthcare and taxes. this is what they promise. they should be off in a corner getting it all figured out. >> absolutely. first, the russia related investigation, i think they are important. it's important to ensure the integrity of our governments to restore trust in institutions but by the same token, americans went to the pole, when they were voting there were hoping to see change. change in our tax policy in our healthcare policy and were not getting to those big-ticket items that so many americans care about. these are personal issues.
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people want to see those big changes and i haven't yet. >> i think they care about changes, i don't think they care about all of these investigations. this is nothing new. there are constant investigations. all of it, this is how our politicians behave. where did i go wrong. >> the bill clinton and nixon situations were blatant look witchhunts full of leaks. i do think this sideshow is not not why things are getting done. the big ones we just talked about which are tax reform are cuts, i don't think, if russian other never happened or thisr not, the slide rule is that going to work. trump is coming into a situation that will be beyond control to
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have what bush or regulated did which was cut taxes and expand the debt. there's no room for that. the math has to be more complicated and they can't do it the minute a added it, it wasn't ever going to pass once that happened. if there are 13 republican lawmakers locked in the basement , why are we sure these 13 guys are sitting on their hands and not doing anything. >> it's nothing new for my good buddy. it's not surprised that they're not getting anything done. i'm a democratic political consultant. donald trump is the head of the republican party, whether you like it or not, everybody looks to him as to where the party is. there are 23 congressional districts out there that hillary clinton one where there is a republican congressman and midterm elections are shortly approaching.
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people are worried. they're worried about getting reelected so they're trying to stay as far away as they can to get reelected. >> that was my point. >> you guys have the right point you have the wrong conclusion. they are all worried about getting reelected which is why they have to get something done and why i think they will. we will all meet back re and discuss it. cashg in is justver an hour for now. eric what you have. >> we will examine the media coverage of the shooting rampage against republicans. how does it compare when democrats like abby gabby giffords our attack. billy joel says he stays out of politics because his fans want him to entertain him. should other celebrities just shut up and entertain their fans
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congratulations, you are not number one. as high school say goodbye to the graduating classes, many are saying goodbye to volatile valedictorians. one school named 48 valedictorians out of fairness. others are phasing them out altogether. what kind of lesson are we teaching with this.
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>> a terrible lesson. these little snowflakes will not melt. i did pretty well in high school and college but i was not a valedictorian, but what i appreciate was the valedictorian the people who work their butts off in college and they have those list of accomplishments and i said they worked hard, vision of they deserve it. i think that's what we need for people to be motivated to work harder. >> what do you think? are we protecting our children too much? >> i think schools should keep those awards because were celebrating achievement. absolutely. healthy competition is a part of life. >> chuck, what you think about, 48000 valedictorian in that one class? everybody gets to be a valedictorian. >> i like one. i live with the really a lawyer
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who i'm engaged to marry graduated at the top of her class and she almost killed herself to get to the top of her class and now she has a great job to support her sorry man who is me. in high school i graduated 114 th out of 125 and i now make more money than the valedictorian. ub for judge. >> what was your rank? are you number one. >> i want to get into that right now. >> look, if you're's school gets government money you have to have a class average as a be. this whole situation of an a- is the gentleman see is a bad situation. if they actually taught you something it wouldn't be bad but they're not really teaching them anything. at the combo bad situation. >> there's always a way for the best students to distort different trend differentiate themselves. >> i want them to compete. if they lose they learned. greatest generation hopped off a hail of bullets going off to
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certain death in normandy and now they said need safe zone and participatiotrophies. >> i told my kids don't come home unless you have one 100%. no i'm kidding. of course. thank you for joining us coming up, the u.s. open is in full swing and the winner of the swing and the winner of the tournament could be a hole inmas still clean their dentures with toothpaste. but they have to use special care in keeping the denture clean. dentures are very different to real teeth. they're about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. polident is designed to clean dentures daily. it's unique micro-clean formula kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains, cleaning in a better way than brushing with toothpaste. that's why i recommend using polident. polident. cleaner, fresher, brighter every day. i've been blind since birth. i go through periods where it's hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. learn about non-24 by calling 844-844-2424.
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predictions, gary, what's your prediction. >> i don't know who is going to win the u.s. open but i do know he is bound to be playing a titleist. the 20% by the end of the year. >> the new foreign-policy of cuba will help for foreign investment for a time. i think it's up 15% for the year >> jonah. >> talk about schools letting us down, 7% of americans think chocolate milk comes from bar
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brown cows. >> it comes from brown cows, how stupid can they be. that can't be true. >> some are valedictorian. >> thanks for joining us. happy father's day. the cost of freedom is up next. >> can congress turned this. anywhere moment, he republicans and democrats coming together. now someone here says it's high time to seize the moment and deliver something positive for the american people. can it be done? adam, what do you think? >> of course it can be done. tragic moments like this remind us that we are all americans. the first tv image i saw was ryan thinking houston democrat


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