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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  June 18, 2017 7:00pm-7:10pm EDT

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lou: he told the president to fire james comey, then gets haughty about the fact that the president then fires mr. comey. you can't make this stuff up. i apologize, very quickly, a few seconds left. your final thoughts? >> i think what we have to look at is what has happened with this entire situation, with mr. rosenstein, the firing of mr. comey, then say why are they not investigating loretta lynch for obstruction of justice because she did give a directive to james comey and he followed it. lou: congresswoman marcia blackburn, thank you for being with us. up next. draining that swamp in washington, d.c., draining all of those swamp creatures who inhabit it. we are going to talk with steve forks and ned ryun about whether
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firing robert mueller might be a step in the right direction. quit smoking. but when we brought our daughter home, that was it. now i have nicoderm cq. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent your urge to smoke all day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how. i've been blind since birth. i go through periods where it's hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day.
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lou: in our online poll we asked, should the department of justice appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the clinton email scandal, the
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clinton meeting with loretta lynch, lynch's collusion with the f.b.i. director. 96% of you said yes she should be investigated. joining me, steve forbes and the founder of american majority ned ryun. this president is presiding over an economy that was moribund before the election. but thing are turning. meanwhile he's the subject of a special counsel investigation that nobody seems to be able to define. explain its creation or what it achieved. the investigations in congress that have been going on for what, nearly a year. >> it's the on thing they can do. they don't want to fight him on figure policy because they can lose that debate.
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they still havenecovered from the loss of the election, so they are scrambling around trying to find something. by appointing a special prosecutor, crown now they call them. they are going to search him until they find something. they want to bring him down, and they will conjure up whatever they need to try to do it. lou: we are not talking about democrats. this special counsel was created by republicans. >> the attorney general rod rosenstein. "the washington post" was saying trump was under investigation when he wasn't under investigation. now they are saying he's under investigation by a special counsel appointed by rosenstein. so now we are looking at this going, wait a minute. trump was following a memo you laid out to fire comey. now, you appointed a special counsel to follow your membership oh.
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only in d.c. does this happen in a world insulated from common sense and rational thought. i'm thinking, rod, did you overdose on stupid pills? now you have a clinton foundation lawyer fighting foia requests for information requests on hillary clinton's private email server. i think what rod rosen tine needs to do is go through congress and say i laid out a budget and i laid out parameters for mueller and i will report weekly the progress of what's going on with special counsel. steve: why didn't they just stop the thing? he hasn't taken a bribe. what's to investigate. all you have going to do dwsh karl rove pointed out when they went after bush and libby, they
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were going to try to get him. then he pulled up some evidence to show he actually remembered the conversation correctly. they try to find something to hang something on. lou: for libby the ultimate end game for. >> the expansive special counsel that lost its way. the question here becomes why did the republican leadership in the senate and the house accept the special counsel? and why did they not today stand up and defend the president of the united states. the republican party is at a crossroads. and i said that just for karl rove's benefit. the establishment in this country right now. republican and the democratic elites are trying to take down a president. can this president say to hell with it, mueller, you are fired, rosenstein, you are fired, and
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get the support of paul ryan and mitch mcconnell? >> it's well within his constitutional rights. but the question is political fallout. there is no evidence of collusion. we are way past that. lou: including is not a crime. >> you have no collusion, no obstruction, what are we even talking about? we started with whitewater. lou: that cannot be sufficient to fire the special counsel, i don't know what could be. steve forbes great to see you, ned ryun, great to see you. thanks for joining us. . tonight on "war stories" -- from stallen grad to berlin. >> the most intense fighting man kind has ever seen. >> russians trying to withstand stallen and fighting hitler.
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americans come to help with planes, trucks and spam and even join the front lines. >> all hell breaking loose. and they're chattering in russian. >> old russian boys said -- >> the untold story of the eastern front. that's just ahead on "war stories." >> good evening. i'm oliver north. welcome to "war stories." this is fort wayne wright in fairbanks, alaska.


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