tv Kennedy FOX Business June 28, 2017 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT
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strong and great again in spite of them. president trump said there would be a winning. are you tired of all this winning yet, america? no way. kennedy: with the senate health plan on hold can the republicans craft a plan that will work? i will ask famous spy novelist brad thor. and hillary clinton reportedly has a new memoir in the works on we went wrong in the election. that will be a thick book. the senate republicans temporarily abandoning healthcare, and obamacare imploding all around us. there are only a few things left to do before the insurance carpet explodes like a beached
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whale. 1,000 counties will be left with only one insurer. next year, 5 entire state will only have one option. and maybe that's why 23 million americans have knowingly opted out of obama care taking exceptions for ignoring irs orders. the law is fails because there are too many sick people and not sufficient suckers to prop up the system. premiums are going up because sick people cost more to treat. of course the government is subsidizing most customers so there is no incentive to keep prices low. obamacare was brilliantly designed. its barbed tentacles were jammed
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into the economy. lazy lawmakers went for the next option. instead of keeping obamacare as it is and letting it fail. they slapped a new coat of paint on it and tried to sell it as a shiny new car. the other is the most politically risky. that is separating the conjoined of government and insurance and suggesting the whole seal experiment to the free market. insurance companies would have to compete for your money without being propped up with corporate welfare. we live in a world where cowardly politicians seek financial umbrellas from insurance companies to protect them from the storm they created. it's a vicious cycle where
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people have the audacity to say the only cure for big government is more government. i am glad you are here. i'm kennedy. this morning kentucky republican senator rand paul send a letter to his boss. mitch mcconnell. among his ideas, ending insurance company bailouts, and eliminating the individual man date and allowing americans to band together to purchase group coverage. will these ideas work? welcome back. you are nodding. is it enthusiastic? >> not a lot of enthusiasm about government healthcare. but rand palms points are totally exactly where we should
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be heading. one of the problems with obamacare and republicans have been railing about for years are the bailouts to insurance companies that lose money on the obamacare market. the senate bill would continue that and grow it a little bit more. rand paul is right to say get rid of that. he's right to get rid of the continuous care in the senate bill. kennedy: in the senate version, that means people have to sit out for six months without healthcare. >> if the whole point of one of the main attacks was the individual mandate. the idea that the government can compel you to even gang in economic activity that you don't want to. this does that by another name. the house has another version that's just as bad. that's probably the most clear-cut case where you recognize the republicans are not serious about shifting the
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healthcare paradigm in america which we need to be doing. kennedy: one of the things senator paul suggests would be great for shawl business owners. they are the ones penalized by the idea of the employer mandate and being forced to pay for expensive healthcare for employees. you either don't grow your company or don't have enough money to grow your business. >> i agree with that and to the point you were making in your monologue. we have a market system for food. we have a market system for clothing and all sorts of stuff and it works pretty well. we live in a medical system where after obamacare they were supposed to repeal and replace obamacare. in the words of one of my colleagues, this is all obamacare. it won't get us to the place
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where insurance companies and doctors compete to say, we are going to give you annual checkups and blood tests for free as long as you agree to work with us if you have something more serious. we live in a country where we spend thousands of dollars a month for premiums and health insurance. nobody those what a blood test costs. >> basic medical services everyone has to engage in and we don't know. >> you might say it's $20 because i have a co-pay that i pay somebody. on the back end everybody is charging all sorts of stuff. until we root out that third party pair system which an artifact of previous government interventions saying health benefits are not compensation so they don't get taxed. then companies and workers want more put in that. until we get rid of that system
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and we are paying for service. you are giving me a blood test that costs $50 out of my pocket. the guy down the street is $20. why is yours better. we'll see what we see everywhere else which is quality goes up while prices go down. kennedy: we all know how important sleep is. sleep is important for maintaining a healthy being. a mattress is important. you can shop for a mattress. that's critical to your health. and you are not forced to pay $3,000 for a mattress. you can wait until one goes on sale. you can buy a used mattress. >> i would pay a premium for that. and you can also return mattresses. there is customer service involved. if you are getting insurance through your employer which the vast majority of americans do. you have limited choices. i would much rather live in a
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world where your employer says here is the money we are sperndle on your healthcare. take it. if it's going to be taxed as income, go out and buy insurance and people would have many more choices with what they want to do and they could individualize it and tail year the for their particular situation. kennedy: choice is hair d -- cs here sy to progressives. nick gillespie, shining the light of freedom on the darkness. senator rand paul came on fox this morning and blamed the senate healthcare 5 as co-on the moderate. >> these weak-kneed republicans
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saying we have to spends more money and the keith medicaid expansion. they get knead to get over themselves. they said they were for repealing obamacare. after senator dean heller announced he would not support the senate bill, the trump super pack started running ads attacking heller. mitch mcconnell called white house chief of staff reince priebus to come plain that the attacks were stupid and threatened the business prospect. the president is blaming it on the democrats tweeting the democrats have no policies. all they do is obstruct and complain. they only obamacare. let me bring in my eagle-eyed
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party panel. and fox news analyst andy levy. welcome back. fm maria, i will start with you. the president is blaming democrats. democrats say we are the minority party. you don't even need us. they can obstruct and resist all they want. are they doing the right thing politically? >> it's true you don't need democrats to pass a healthcare bill. if it does not getthrough the senate it won't be democrats fault it will be republicans fault. we have the susan collins of the world who save we can't just tinker with this. we knead an overarching.
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you have democrats who if republicans came to them and said we are going to get rid of some of the crazy stuff in this bill, they could fix it. kennedy: i don't know if they could withstand the political pressure to mutiny the democratic party. who are the real republicans? the rand pauls and mike lees or susan colins analysta murkowski. >> i would say you have a lot of republicans who came out of this meeting saying he said he's willing to work on some of the stiff want for this bill and it's good news. you have infighting between the more centrist republicans. there are some republicans who are saying it's the president's fault. >> if the republicans can't compromise, you can blame every
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one. they have the opportunity to pass it. honestly you can point fingers at mitch mcconnell and rand paul and ted cruz and say you are all partially to blame. >> every republican who said when they were california page, you can keep all the stuff you like, you can have lower costs and more coverage. that was a fantasy. andy, who do you blame? >> there is a lot of blame to go rounds. once they have been put in place, it's almost impossible to eliminate or roll back government benefits. and, you know, a lot of people talk a good game about hating obamacare. but when push comes to shove they don't want the government out of the healthcare game. i think for the first time in my life, i agree with chuck
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schumer, he said the republicans have doing something amazing, they made medicaid popular. the message anything that hurts obama care kills people. the gop has not been a conservative or libertarian party if ever. kennedy: those that do are lonely voices in the desert. >> trump ran on a pop lift platform. populism means giving stuff to people. nothing he has said will mean trumpcare is better than obamacare. kennedy: democrats are fractured, too, and it appears the trouble stretches from the new blood all the way to the old blood.
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jon ossoff wrote an op-ed. "lessons for democrats." hope and decency are essential to our republic when hatred and deception have become the dominant forces in american politics. a new politico poll says 46% of the american people think nancy pelosi should be replaced. rest say she should stay. rest have no opinion because they are terrified of her. but the two stories speak to the trouble democrats are having in the trump era. can they turn it around? >> i think they should keep on keeping on. if they wasted $10 million when they had their worst april since
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'09 and worst may since '03. if this is their strategy, go for it. kennedy: let's talk a little bit about that. hillary clinton and bernie sanders have both attacked the dnc. hillary clinton said they didn't have any money, they didn't have any resources. i had to give them everything, blah, blah, blah. >> every time a party loses a big election we go through hands ringing. i think my party, the democratic party is doing the same thing. i'm not a huge fan of the dnc. we need young party leaders. kennedy: you had jon ossoff. he had tons of money and dozens of millions of dollars and a grounds game. that's what hillary clinton had. why is that a losing recipe for democrats.
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>> it's a plus 9 republican district. kennedy: a lot of democrats pin the hopes on 2018 on a single election. >> there are 23 house districts with incumbent republicans that hillary clinton won in 2016. they are going to have to defend voting for trump care and people possibly losing coverage or not following through on the agenda they promised their vote is for 8 years they would. so the glass is not half full or half empty here. >> i think the democrats are at one of those political crossroads we see every -- 20 r 30 years. or they can wake up and look at their losses everywhere else. and realize they have got to make changes. that's probably what they should do.
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but it's a huge "b." the republicans manage to win the presidency if they can get a george w. bush or george bush. but the democrat for whatever reason, that's what they seem to do well with on a national level. but that obviously doesn't translated to local elections. they have to start realizing that and not pin all their hopes on that. kennedy: a transformational figure doesn't necessarily transform the party and that doesn't translate to votes. the intelligence community looking to reauthorize fisa and keep the power to snoop on any of us at any time. brad thor weighs in next with his expertise.
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more power to snoop. the nsa, the f.b.i. and the justice department went to capitol hill looking to extend fisa, the controversial law which let them collect massive amounts of phone and internet data. after all the talk about russia and unmasking since the election, some lawmakers are finally pushing back, including senator lindsey graham. >> we need to know whether the intelligence community monitored a conversation i had with a foreign leader abroad. am i entitled as a united states senator to know if my conversations with a foreign person overseas was collected and if somebody made a request to unmask me? kennedy: they gave the senator a boiler plate answer by checks and balances and blah, blah, blah.
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should spy agencies be able to expand fisa? brad thor joins me. the author of his brand-new book out this week, "use of force. ". you know a lot about this stuff be you inform the federal government about potential scenarios that may be horrific terror situations we might find ourselves in. so you end up researching a lot of this stuff. does lindsey graham have the right to know whether he has been spied upon by various agencies? >> he asked in his capacity as a u.s. senator. with fisa, the ability to listen in on foreign nationals. that's an important thing for the intelligence community to be able to do. if they are rinsing to a call of a u.s. elected official in his business dealing with a foreign
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leader, i think that gets into an area that's different than if you or i were calling a buddy in per rise or caracas. i'm a big civil liberties guy. i want to make sure there are checks and balances on the intelligence community. if you look at this 702 situation. there was a bad isis guy that was swept up because of this and we were able to share that information with western intelligence services and we interrupted some really bad stuff. kennedy: obviously those are the intended targets. and that's where the law is useful. unfortunately there is not a lot of transparency. and the agencies have not been transparent or completely honest with us. and there are innocent americans who can get swept up in these conversations. and the president knows that all too well.
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some this cam opinion operatives were contacted. >> when the nsa built the huge data farm. i understand they had rolling brownout. but how much stuff are they storing? they just told us it's meta data. i would rather those guys are given tax breaks to hold on to people's personal meta dat metaa longer. kennedy: you don't know what he will they are take and how they are using it. >> bingo. kennedy: people like to simplify the term "meta data" but we don't know what that means and how it can be used against us. >> senator church said if the nsa ever takes its giant listening and turns them on the
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united states, what happened after 9/11 we need to start look at stuff inside the u.s. but the big thing that's at issue is whether they should be given carte blanche. kennedy: they want to make it permanent. it should not be made permanent. this an ongoing discussion. and the discussion tend to change based on where we are and -- >> we are still under the state of emergency that was declared by george bush in the wake of 9/11. bush renewed it, obama renewed it. kennedy: they are incredibly powerful. once people ascend to the oval office they want more power. they don't want less of it. regardless of what they say are there issues of civil liberties in this? >> i like thrillers.
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i want you to take it on vacation and to the beach. we are a nation of laws, not a nation of men and women. when we are dealing with an enemy, how do we equip our war fighters in the intelligence community to get the bad guys. this is more about getting the bad guys. >> they are wasting their resources spying on all of us. your book is a page turner. people will love this latest installment. >> i hope so. and i hope we can strike a good healthy balance. if they are collected, i don't want to see people unmasked. kennedy: that was one of senator graham's big issues on capitol hill. venezuela slipping further into chaos and becoming a failed state. will the government get involved
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the organization of american states are contemplating whether to create a group to help resolve the conflict. but venezuela's foreign ministry warned that if the u.s. sent in marines, it would mean a strong response in venezuela. joining me now is former army intelligence officer lieutenant colonel ralph peters. let's talk about this. you point out what's happening in venezuela is the end game of hard time socialism. is there such a thing as soft line socialism. >> of course there is. you see it in europe all the time. wase socialism. you are -- quasi socialism. venezuela, 31 million people. the largest oil reserves in the world. larger than saudi arabia.
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it was once the richest nation in latin america. now it's the poorest. for years people haven't been able to walk into a grocery store and buy eggs or milk or toilet paper. i saw the soviet union before the walls came down. venezuela is worse. the soviet union did a better job of feeding its people. it sound wonderful to young people, undergraduates. the problem is it doesn't work. when the theories don't work. instead of adjusting the theories, rulers try to force humanity to adjust. that's what we are seeing in venezuela. the army is a corporation. they have been bought off. and they are all standing in the way of a real return of democracy. president maduro, this big lumping bernie sanders with a
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beret and a pistol belt. he's hanging on. he's not the man chavez, his predecessor was. and the country is falling apart. brave people. these aren't campus demonstrations. brave venezuelans have been out in the streets for months. thousands have died, some have disappeared. and they are still out there. kennedy: they are freaking with the worry this is somehow going to spread. and if show so, what are other south american countries planning on doing about it? >> socialism passed it high water mark. but the problem is, it's implosion. and what do you do? >> what do you do? do you have a refugee crisis? if they don't have basic materials, people start pouring
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over the borders? >> the black market is all that's keeping the country going. if you have a valid passport and yankee dollars you are in miami, not cara kuls. south mayor -- not caracas. south america is in the midst of the biggest political scandal. kennedy: they have corruption problems the likes of which -- south america is falling apart. lieutenant colonel ralph peters thank you very much. in 2016 there was a presidential election. a woman named hillary clinton lost. now she wrote a book, her third memoir to date. all the pages are going to be blank. she doesn't know when it will be released or what the title is. but she says the book documents way it's like to run for
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president as a woman and get back up after a loss and go for a long hike in new hampshire. the panel is returned. katie fraitus, and andy levy. >> i was so happy. i was afraid she had nothing more to say. honestly the best thing that can happen to the democratic party is if nobody buys this book. they need -- there needs to be a separation there. and as long as she is out there in the spotlight or whatever, it's not helpful to the party at all. kennedy: maria are you still with her. >> i agree with the idea of separation. when you look at other candidates who lost for president. a little bit of distance makes people like you more. look at al gore or my former boss john kerry.
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some day i would like to read a book about what it was like to be the first woman nominated in a major party. that's interesting. but we need a little time. maybe jim stein can write that book. >> the recount isn't done yet. >> hillary isn't writing this book. her ghost writer told her to say it's her most personal memoir. if we are taking her last one as any indication, no one will buy this either. i'm not sure why she needs a third. i don't know if it will be her lamenting all the awful things everyone else did without taker taking any responsibility. kennedy: if that's all this is in written form. can you imagine how the grading that is. kennedy: how many stains do you
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think will appear in the manuscript. thank you, guys so much. great having you all tonight. critics of school vouchers often claim students who use them do worse in school. but a new study is refuting that. john stossel is next. when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. ♪
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kennedy: critics of school vouchers would have you believe students who use them do much worse in school. some voucher groups showed academic gains. president trump was criticized heavily for setting aside a billion dollars in his budget proposal to encourage students to move from public to private school. expwhrieng now us john stossel of the fox business network. john, let's talk about this. john: it's true. kennedy: the problem that i have, whenever there is a study that shows after just one year kids in private schools do worse, it's because they are using standardized tests. is that the only method we can determine whether a student is having success in school? john: the only method you can
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use nationwide or statewide to make mayor konl comparisons. but this voucher study that found slightly worse results was the aberration, and opponents grabbed at it. i was stunned when i saw it. isy are longer in school of course they do better. if you are making a choice, odds are you are going to try better and do better. kennedy: the public teachers union looked at academic performance after and year. but when they were measured over three years they did the same or better. but the difference is they got to choose and their parents got to choose where and how they went to school. john: shouldn't the money be attached to the kid in and the school that attracts the most kids does bert. kid down the street likes going
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to school, maybe i should check out that school? and that starts a market. but it has been stopped by government. not just teachers unions, it's school boards in all the little power groups. kennedy: once they get power they want to exercise with great authority. it's interesting because parents have so little sway over some of the education decisions made for their kids. but you see where there is higher parental involve seattle, this more satisfaction weren't entire family and kids tend to do better. >> as the critical mass develops, some do much, much better. some teachers are making a million dollars in korea. it's the theme of your show. you were talking about insurance for healthcare. somebody else pays. soft socialism. europe isn't venezuela. but somebody else pays for lots of stuff.
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there are lots of rules and there is no innovation. unless you pay yourself, the magic of the market doesn't work its magic. >> and you are not invested tonight at all. and of course there is risk to it. and that's scary. but ultimately if you are going to be successful, anyone who has been successful knows you have to step out on a limb. >> parents don't have to be education experts to know which school is better. word gets out. kennedy: that's one of the bestways parents make decisions about education. they talk to other parents already in that system. >> now there is this thing called the internet. he it'sgate quite innovative. coming up, colorado shoppers saw a boost at the mall. and for once it was not the weed make them imagine things. we'll tell you all about it in
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san diego. who has time for football when there is an alien in the lane. cops pulled over a man for doing 84 in a 55 and found this life sized doll riding shotgun. the car flew off into the clouds and the cops didn't bother to follow up. their town is the home of cnn. topic number two. if you are look for further proof that dogs are cooler than those god awful stinky murderous cats. check out jake the diamond dog.
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he's a golden retriever that's trained to bring out baskets of water to the umpires. that's just delicious, jake, thank you very much. though judge by some of the calls they made during last night's game it's fair to ask. you are blowing the game. jake is scheduled to visit almost every single minor league team in the country this summer. up next, the new york mets. topic number three. perhaps we should train more pets to deliver water baskets. word on the street is they are not getting enough exercise. a new study shows one in three american cats and dogs are obese.
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veterinarians blame this on overfeeding and fact we have done away with bullying in our society. 10 years ago a bully dog would have called these guys fat and most of them would have been minnesota rated to get in shape. but now you can't even call a pet name. way to go, social justice warriors. but the story is also proof how fortunate we are to be living here in the greatest country from the world. there are starving people all over this planet. and they are saying, i want to get a treadmill for my cat. topic number 4. there is no shortage of exercise in the moose community. colorado police were called to a shopping mall after a 2-year-old moose was found walking around out front.
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there he is. taking a stroll. witnesses say he was waiting for the mall to open so he could buy some edibles. unfortunately he had to settle for tranquilizers and a dart. police said he had an upset stomach that made him unruly. apparently he ate chinese food in the food court during the previous day's visit it was suppose to be a joke about a specific restaurant chain but we didn't want to get sued. i'm obviously making that story up. topic number five. speaking of female moose. michael moore announced he's donating $10,000 to the public theater program that produced the rendition of "julius caesar"
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where trump look alike was assassinated. moore's play is scheduled to run for 12 weeks which is a big deal. because he can't run for more than 30 seconds. coming up, democrats and republicans are piling on former president trump for going on a fancy trip to indonesia? my final thoughts in the night cap coming up next. today, we're out here with some big news about type 2 diabetes. you have type 2 diabetes, right? yes. so let me ask you this... how does diabetes affect your heart? it doesn't, does it? actually, it does. type 2 diabetes can make you twice as likely to die from a cardiovascular event, like a heart attack or stroke. and with heart disease,
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but he's not your emperor anymore. you know the best part about not being president anymore. you don't have to be president. i don't begrunting man his wealth or free time. and if some dumb publisher was stupid enough to give me $60 million for my memoir and i didn't have a job, you get bet your sweet ascot i would be plane hopping. that makes smug leftists like john oliver crazy which makes it even more useful. go diamond kipping. the more times he spend on vacation the less time he has to poke his irrelevant head bang into the d.c. -- back into the d.c. hornet'snes hornet's pest l be better off.
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tomorrow juan williams is back on the show with pete hegseth and buck sexton. i'll see you on the "outnumbered" couch tomorrow noon eastern. and you are happening now. good night. it's official now. the president is dead. >> even the most hated man in america... [gunshot ] >> [groans] >>lee oswald has been shot! >> ...gets his name on a headstone. >> the stone clearly shows oswald's date of birth and death. >> but how did it become their strange inheritance? >> i thought, "what on earth was a tombstone doing under my mother's house?" >> only after it's stolen, recovered, hidden, found, fought over, and more. >> we're going to take it back to texas, back home to the good ol' boys where it can have a lone star beer and make a lot of noise. >> you really wanted it back, dave. why? >> maybe they messed with the wrong tombstone owner.
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