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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  July 11, 2017 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT

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kennedy: i love the idea of cutting out entire agencies. starting with the department of education. the irs is not an organized crime family, but you could have fooled an elderly dallas couple whose bridal shop was shut down. they owed $31,000 in back taxes. but rather than putting them on a payment plan, they declared 1600 of their dressed as perishable items. a lawsuit filed by the couple states members of the irs even bought some of the dresses at a discounted rate. hey, man, cheap dresses. most loan sharks couldn't pull this off.
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how is the irs able to do that? >> we have terrible rules including civil asset forfeiture. the government can take your stuff even though you did not commit a crime. they declared the stuff illegal. they passed a bill, congress a long time ago saying if you have $10,000 you deposit it has to be reported in a certain way. if they notice you making three deposits that are $9,000. that's structuring. that's the law. kennedy: they are saying that's a crime. and that was supposed to protect people from drug dealers. this elderly couple, they weren't drug dealers. they were selling wedding dresses. it's a little harsh. >> they used to say ignorance of the law is no defense. now they are saying knowledge of
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the law is no defense. the fact that they are knowingly complying with the law, that's what got them into trouble and even more the irs bent it own rules to devalue the value of the dresses so they could sell them. instead of holding on to them. kennedy: wedding dresses aren't perishable. they don't wilt. they don't go bad. if they are not jars of mayonnaise. this is the most irrational thuggery. it's absolutely insane. no due process. >> some women may have a "use by" date on their wedding dresses. kennedy: i don't know anyone who bought a wedding dress before they got married. >> i have known one or two. they said you owed taxes and they didn't even allow them to
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appeal the ruling, and they just went out and seize it. in 20 minutes they took the entire business and ruined this couple's life. and the irs had take your kids to workday. they brought kid and put them on crates and ordered them pizza. they are watching on crates eating pizzas as they ruin this couple's lives. the suit says they did not owe any income taxes because they operate at net losses which are not taxable. kennedy: they were able to write off the losses against what they earned. but that was not recognized. maybe they have to redo some their taxes. maybe they didn't do something right. but a business shouldn't be run into the ground without due process. the light of liberty shines so brightly on this table i might have to come back in sunglasses. speaking of which, president
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trump and the media. who is more obsessed with the other. what percentage of americans trust the news media? i have got the answer for you after the break. potsch: you each drive a ford pickup, right?
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(in unison) russ, leland, gary: yes. gary: i have a ford f-150. michael: i've always been a ford guy. potsch: then i have a real treat for you today. michael: awesome. potsch: i'm going to show you a next generation pickup. michael: let's do this. potsch: this new truck now has a cornerstep built right into the bumper. gary: super cool. potsch: the bed is made of high-strength steel, which is less susceptible to punctures than aluminum. jim: aluminum is great for a lot of things, but maybe not the bed of a truck. potsch: and best of all, this new truck is actually- gary: (all laughing) oh my... potsch: the current chevy silverado. gary: i'm speechless. gary: this puts my ford truck to shame. james: i'll tell you, i might be a chevy guy now. (laughing) copdso to breathe better,athe. i go with anoro. ♪go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma .
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kennedy: before the break i asked you what percentage of americans trust the news media. the answer is c. according to a kree scented npr marist, only 30% have trust in the media. president trump's lack of faith in the press has led him to use social media as a soap box. and cnn and msnbc don't like it one bit. is that what it takes to communicate in mash tag fake news? the host of the greg gutfeld show and co-host of "the five." gregg require many wonderful to see you. kennedy: the news media has
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fallen to an all-time low. greg: the right sees the media the way the left sees the church. they are the reason for everything wrong in this world. it's like a scrappy couple that lives next door at always fights. you hear it, but you don't want to get in the middle of it. because once you intervene, they will say stay out of it. but they are louder in the bedroom. because there is a passion. there is a passion between trump and the media i have never seen before in my life it's a love hate love, love spit love. kennedy: it's a form of energy that feeds itself. greg: the last time i saw this phenomenon, during those hearings, the media wanted it so
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he would be the villain, somehow he jumped over the media, the combination of twit errant rallies and donald trump's aggressive stance like he's going to fight has allowed him to jump over the media. he found a carpool lane to america. where everybody else has to get through that toll booth of the media, he has figured out a way to go around it. that's why a lot of this stuff that's happening. everybody says this will him in and it doesn't, because the public already made the deal. kennedy: they know most outlets have some sort of agenda. people are more comfortable getting news from a source they have agree with as opposed to challenging their opinions. greg: i get all my news from the lifetime channel. kennedy: and hallmark movies.
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greg: for good news i go to the hallmark channel. but for scary news, i go to the lifetime channel. the mysterious stranger to shows up to fix the fence your yard, he has a dark past. kennedy: and he works for cash tips. where do we go from here? i know you talk about the news in a way, but you are also an astute analyst. greg: i think it's changed for the better. the next president and the president after that will use twitter. we -- every time you think that his presidency is just about to implode, it doesn't. it somehow the antipathy is this fuel. that's why he uses twitter.
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it creates the fuel for him and makes him stronger. this will keep going and going. kennedy: when he doesn't need more votes he will decide perhaps to use social media differently. and future administrations will thank him more making the paradigm shift in taking a stand. thank you very much. greg: it's been my pleasure. kennedy: we are so cordial to one another. greg: we really are miss kennedy. kennedy: artist chris brown is drawing a picture of me on his etch-a-sketch. a denver man started a multiple tattoo removal company. it will come to wherever you are and wherever you woke up drunk. we'll tell you about it in the "topical storm" next.
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your brain changes as you get older. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. dearthere's no other way to say this. it's over. i've found a permanent escape from monotony. together, we are perfectly balanced. our senses awake. our hearts racing as one. i know this is sudden, but they say...if you love something set it free. see you around, giulia
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kennedy: today is an historic date in the world of sports. on this date in 1989 president ronald reagan did play-by-play at the major league all-star game. and bill clinton did play by play at billy bean's foxy
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boxing. hillary clinton was a ring card girl. just kidding. this is the "topical storm." topic number one. new jersey governor chris christie has an approval rating of 15%. but christie isn't letting it bother him because he's taking his talents to sports talk radio. as you are about to hear, it's going great. >> governor, next time you want to sit on a beach that is closed to the entire world except you, you put your fat [bleep] in a car and go to one that is open to all your constituents. >> you know, you are swearing on the air, like. you are a bum. kennedy: more shocking than the
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call, is the drop in his trajectory. a year ago he was running for president of the united states. a year ago he was on the short list to be donald trump's vice president. at this rate he will be driving an uber in six months. which would be win for all of us because we wouldn't have to worry about him shutting down the george washington bridge. topic number two. any travel agent worth their salt will tell you select city, new jersey is beautiful. the ocean is just pristine. you haven't lived until you have swam with three rusty hub cabs and keister in cement shoes.
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' blackjack tables and poker tables are on sale at the taj mahal. topic number three. have you ever drank so much that you wake up with a tattoo you have no memory of getting? that sort of thing used to happen to me and stuart varney all the time. but now there is good news because a denver man started a mobile tattoo removal business that comes right to you. no more walking to the tattoo parlor to have your ex-'s name taken off your chest. the man who started the company is a full-time school teacher
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who runts i -- who runs it as ae business. it's classier than what other teachers are doing. kennedy: huge news out of fargo, north dakota. i'm not talking about the fact that golden corral added crab legs to their lunch buffet. i'm talking about viking yoga. which is like regular yoga, but instead of spending the whole time noalgd your gas, you drink beer and shout at your fellow practitioners as a way of relieving stress. we all know how stressful life can get in fargo. sometimes the ice fishing
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permits come in late. in addition to viking yoga there is a new thing called minnesota viking yoga where they put you in a purple shirt and bite up and down a football field for 60 minutes straight. topic number five. finally the feel-good story of the week. an idaho dog that disappeared 9 months ago during a family hunting trip has returned home from the mountains. she is a chesapeake bay retriever. the family feared she had been killed by a bear or something far worse. but she got stuck at a katy perry concert. or something worse, she was abducted by hillary clinton and her jaws flapping about the election. but it turns out she was just doing viking yoga the whole time.
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welcome home, mo. i can't wait to see who voices you in the new disney movie. a cat wouldn't do that. the cat wouldn't come home because the cat would have been eaten by a coyote. artist chris brown reveals his masterpiece. an etch-a-sketch drawing of yours truly. don't shake it, you will break it. [brother] any last words? [boy] karma, danny... ...karma! [vo] progress is seizing the moment. your summer moment awaits you, now that the summer of audi sales event is here. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during the summer of audi sales event. with some big news about type 2 diabetes. you have type 2 diabetes, right? yes. so let me ask you this...
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how does diabetes affect your heart? it doesn't, does it? actually, it does. type 2 diabetes can make you twice as likely to die from a cardiovascular event, like a heart attack or stroke. and with heart disease, your risk is even higher. you didn't know that. no. yeah. but, wait, there's good news for adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease. jardiance is the only type 2 diabetes pill with a lifesaving cardiovascular benefit. jardiance is proven to both significantly reduce the chance of dying from a cardiovascular event in adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease and lower your a1c. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. other side effects are sudden kidney problems,
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genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. so now that you know all that, what do you think? that it's time to think about jardiance. ask your doctor about jardiance. and get to the heart of what matters.
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kennedy: my next guest has a very you sneak skill set accept's good at drawing via etch-a-sketch. that childhood toy everyone in chair has picked up at some point. he says the toy has made him live the american dream. let me bring him in now, chris brown, the amazing etch man. you actually worked for etch-a-sketch. >> i worked for the company that created hatchables. and they acquired etch-a-sketch. we'll have having contests and giveaways. kennedy: you invented a process that allows the etch-a-sketch
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drawing to stay there permanently. >> we drain all th -- all the graphite out to preserve it. kennedy: there you are. there is time lapse photographive you etching and sketching. there is the her. there is the weave. it's coming together with those fast fingers and the little plastic wheels that give the etch-a-sketch its power and glory. >> i'm living the american dream. that is the american dream to take something and make a career out of it. kennedy: you were a ne'er-do-well and you picked up
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an etch-a-sketch in a coffee shop and said what do i do with it. >> i invented it for the invent industry and now i travel the world spreading the joy. kennedy: it shows people you can follow your passion and develop a wonderful living. there is the portrait. we can see it behind nuts giant monitor. that is glorious. thank you so much. >> this is actually yours it's permanent and you get to keep it. >> there it is. there is the sketchy dr. dr. if you want, you can check out christoff in times square. he's the master. thank you for watching the show. you can follow me on twitter and
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instagram @kennedynation or email tomorrow on the show i have former congressman jason chaffetz within dr. ron paul and brian kilmeade. good night. >> a mysterious death. >> the story of my strange inheritance occurred when they fished my cousin's body out of the gowanus canal. >> a flood of questions. >> you think it's something sinister? >> i do think there's something going on. >> are the answers locked in storage? >> i just shook my head and i go, "oh, my god, this is a nightmare." >> he was, one might say, an idiot savant. nobody has what he had. howie frank had the best. >> he was sitting on a photo collection potentially worth $10 million. >> they dubbed him the "million dollar beggar." is it worth a million dollars? >> don't change that channel.
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it's a made-for-tv "strange inheritance." >> dy-no-mite! [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ]


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