tv Kennedy FOX Business July 18, 2017 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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conservatives who felt they were lied to and i don't think it's going to work. lou: i want to recommend a book written by my buddy jim born and me, putin's gambit. try it out. buy it. and thanks for being with us tonight. kennedy: the gop healthcare bill goes up in flames. what happens now? attorney general jeff sessions announce he plans to increase asset forfeiture. when will he learn? would why would somebody give up everything and go to syria to fight with isis. mike lee and jerry moran tweeted, we'll not support the
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healthcare bill. they proved to be the toxic shot that killed the bill. and gleeful democrats were led by their cohort chuck schumer who took to twitter and said the core of this bill is unworkable. the core of this bill is obamacare. the president tweeted republicans should just repeal failing obamacare now and work on a new healthcare plan with the democrats.
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do you know why healthcare is so expensive? because you have become so reliant on bureaucracies who shield you from real costs whether it's the government or keep milking insurance companies that you don't bother asking how much you are paying for drugs and services. with lasix and plastic surgery, you know what it costs. it doesn't matter if it's a boob job or knee job, that's how free market should work. i hope a free market phoenix rises from the ashes and competition succeeds at making medicine good again. let's do this. i'm kennedy.
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now that this whole thing has fallen into a million little pieces, the president is pointing fingers and he appears to have cooled on repealing obamacare as well. >> we'll just let obamacare fail. we are not going to own it. the republicans aren't going to own it. we'll let obamacare fail and then the democrats will come to us and say how do we fiction it or couple a new plan. kennedy: senate majority leader mitch mcconnell intend to hold a vote on repealing obamacare even if it fails. is that whiz? is the president's plan any better? and where do things go from here. welcome back, chris. the president said instead of fixing obamacare, starting from
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scratch now, they are look ahead to the 2018 mid terms to try and get some more republican senators elected. is that him throwing in the towel or is that the best plan the president could crack. chris: good luck getting more republican senators when you sting this bad at being the majority. this failure is predictable based on what they put into this pick slice of mince meat pie. it's late july, the republicans are in control of the both houses of congress and the white house and have not been able to fashion a bill to deal with this issue is laughable. the idea that next year they will go to voters and say we had total control of washington, we just need some more senators to
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do the thing we have been promising to do since 2009. it's a bad joke. ken report on thing they could hope for is democrats only continue to offer resistance and no ideas. i think that's a losing strategy for democrats. it's appealing for the most of frothy mouthed in the base. but i don't think it get them elected. it's hike we are at a race to the bottom. who loses first? chris: absolute obstructionism worked well for republicans in between and 2014. they had great mid-term success standing against everything. it's a tough senate map for democrats in 2018. they have a lot more seats than
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republicans do. but instead of thinking about what happens in november a year from now. the real issue for republicans is they have about 10 weeks and they have to do so much more, not just patch obamacare for next year. but also they are going to have to deal with the debt ceiling which will come in september. they have a budget or they will face a government shutdown. kennedy: that's before they get to the gy -- to the gimmees on e tax plan. they laid out this timeline. they said we have a narrow window. we have to pass some sort of healthcare legislation before we even get to tax reform because tax reform is dependent on healthcare and reducing the deficit.
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unfortunately they have not been successful there. so how on earth are they going to get some sort of a budget resolution passed before on our road to taxes. chris: what you can do at the end is be irresponsible. under the budget rules you don't have to have a real budget. the republicans want to have a real budget. but they can basically write in magic mark per on a piece of paper, budget, put some numbers on it say this our budget, we voted for it, and same it to the back side tax cuts and they are within parliamentary rules. the rules don't say you have to have this many word tonight. it just says it's got to be called a budget with numbers in it. you fling that across the top and deficits go haywire but at least people will say we got a tax cut.
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kennedy: okay. people love tax cuts. but i prefer the calvin cooling plan, cut taxes, cut spending. nobody has the courage or stones to put forth that kind of revolutionary plan. so we have got more on the budget in moments. but what will solve the healthcare debacle. according to senate minority leader chuck schumer the magic bean of bipartisanship. >> the door to bipartisanship is open right now not with repeal. but to improve the existing system. the door is open right now. republican leadership only needs to walk through it. kennedy: that sounds like a vampire trick. is there a snowflake's chance in
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hell? jessica tarlov, anthony cumia, and reason * magazine editor-in-chief katherine mangu-ward. chuck schumer says bipartisanship is the answer. is he being genuine? >> this is the same guy who last week tried to ban snortable chocolate. i'm struggling to take chuck schumer seriously. the healthcare debate is mired in permanent differences that can't be reconciled because republicans failed to come up with a plan. kennedy: even the plan they came up with they couldn't agree on.
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>> they are moving backwards and losing support. kennedy: they had something they all agreed on in 2015 and they can't agree to vote on that again. why is that? is it because they didn't agree to being fired? >> because it's crazy politicized. it has nothing to do with healthcare at this point. it has to do with the votes and mid-term elections. as far as chuck schumer goes bipartisanship means the left and the crazy insane left. he will not accept anything that this president does. it could be golf. he could literally an obamacare exactly and give it to him and he would say we can't accept that. kennedy: he said the republican plan is rotten to the core. but at it core is obamacare. but this is far from an ideal system that would actually fiction healthcare and
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understand in this country. >> first all probably the people who buy the healthcare should be the people who pay for the healthcare. right now that is such a huge divide that prices don't function. kennedy: and they don't reflect reality. >> in all aspects of our economy where the government doesn't meddle. lots of information embedded in the system. you should be able to buy whatever plan you want. right now the on plan you can buy is the much maligned cadillac plans of yore. you have to have extra bells and whistles. catastrophic plans would be a great option. but the fact is, republicans can't agreen terminally because moderates and conservatives never agreed on what healthcare reform should look like. kennedy: jessica, you say the
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public will rebel if republicans get together and repeal obamacare. >> because it's not what they want. it is what they campaigned on but i think americans thought they would have a replacement plan at the same time. this idea the president is floating of letting it fail is absurd. we are talk about healthcare. you are talking about the healthcare of millions of americans it's a dangerous game. >> people get confused. >> i'm not confused, anthony. kennedy: maybe the government should stay out of all of it. it failed so massively, we could have health savings accounts and health insurance across state lines without any government interference. you realize that, right? >> i do realize that. in my book we talk about
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democrats have to have sensible conversations about this. i was heartened to hear chuck schumer saying that dyers open and we want to talk to you about how to lower the cost of premiums. i don't think he will ever say insurance across straight lines. both parties are bead holden to the insurance companies. kennedy: as long as government and insurance are links together arm and arm it will always fail. >> what do you do about the millions on medicaid? there are too many millions on medicaid. kennedy: "reason" wrote a great piece south lining why medicaid is so horrible. >> there are problems with implementation. if you are serious about bipartisanship which i don't think cluck schumer is.
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there are ways to clean up fraud. that won't, though, solve our budgetary problems. kennedy: house republicans today unveiled their budget resolution for 2018 when they could pave the way for the gop's long-run deeg sire for tax reform. but conservatives say they want more cuts in the budget and moderate argue that the cuts go way too far too deep. the plan calls for boosting military spending. it attempts to balance the budget within a decade. could republicans pull off a victory with this budget after a stinging dough feet on can? anthony, what do you think? >> i don't see the republicans getting together to do anything it's amazing when you see the democrats and liberal left. they really do get together and they can work as a team. all you see are different levels
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of the republicans messing with each other and getting zero accomplished when they should be uniting against the opposition coming from the democrats. kennedy: i think it opposition is big government. we have to cut taxes and spending. no one will do that, cath are. this budget does cut some spending. but does it increase spending in other areas? >> it's definitely a budget that managed to perfectly polarize the debate without achieving much of anything. spending is being cut in a couple of super controversial areas while being increased for homeland security. there is a study that george washington university has been doing for decades. they look at spending on regulatory action and staffing and they say this budget increases that spending by 3%. so this president campaigned on
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cutting regulatory spending and it will increase more than it did in obama's last year. kennedy: they are also counting on economic growth. >> the president said 3% which we know isn't happening. they only forecast this as 2.6%. but the real division is president trump doesn't want to cut an entitlement and the republican party is interested in that. they go i think too far. this is an area i don't think it will happen but i do think smart compromise is possible. we revisited some symbols on what they laid out where how we can mean test and cut taxes. we saw over 80% support of it. people are willing to take on communal burned if it means they are going to be available to the next generation when you don't
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need it. kennedy: wealthy people don't opt out of medicare because it's not means tested. >> you want to kill old people. kennedy: cat food for everyone. the party panel returns later in the show. attorney general jeff sessions wants to make it easier for law enforcement to storm into your home and take your stuff without any indictment or evidence that you committed a crime. can we stop him from turning america into a police state. how much did the federal government collect in asset forfeiture in the last 10 years? the answer see if you can guess just after the break.
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that's how you outmaneuver. so new touch screens... and biometrics. in 574 branches. all done by... yesterday. ♪ ♪ banks aren't just undergoing a face lift. they're undergoing a transformation. a data fueled, security driven shift in applications and customer experience. which is why comcast business delivers consistent network performance and speed across all your locations. hello, mr. deets. every branch running like headquarters. that's how you outmaneuver. kennedy: before the break i asked how much money has the federal government seized in assets in the last 10 years. the answer, $28 billion. and that's apparently not enough for attorney general jeff sessions who yesterday doubled down on his push to give police
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officers more flexibility with asset forfeiture. >> we hope to issue a new directive on asset for if i tiewrs, especially forfeiture of ill-gotten gains from drug dealers. we plan to develop policies to increase forfeitures. kennedy: that's just great, the top law enforcement official in america wants to give cops more freedom to seize your property just because they suspect you of a crime. all the cop needs is a hunch. it sounds pretty bad. let me ask john stossel how bad it is. john: it's bad if you are innocent and they take your car or the money you saved all your life and you are moving it somewhere, and it would cost you
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$20,000 to sue them to get it back and take five years if they just steal from people. it's probably popular because most of of the people did break some law. sessions said we'll have to very careful. i just hate him. trump has appointed so many good people. and this guy is just wrong on these big issues. kennedy: i think he's the worst person in the administration with way too much power. since 2007 the department of justice asset forfeiture program collected $28 billion. the u.s. government seized more property from americans than burglars did. john: i'll bet a lot of viewers say that's great if they are criminals. kennedy: we heard stories about
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a couple having their house seized. and a guy leaving the casino with the cash he just one with the cops buying he's a drug dealer. we should stop calling it civil asset forfeiture. "wall street journal" called it police asset forfeiture. that's a little more clear and should make people think about, should we give them this power? kennedy: in 13 state this is actually illegal. cops cannot just take something from you because they suspect you committed a crime. there has to be due process. but what they do is they take something and give it to the federal government. the federal government takes it under federal law but then gives 80% of that in most of case back
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to law enforcement so they have clever work-arounds. john: the texas d.a. used the funds to go to a conference in hawaii. he said the judge approved it, and it turns out the judge went too. it's bind season toughs. sessions did not talk about cracking down more on drug laws, but that will be the next thing i hear. kennedy: this is another stop on the drug war express. unfortunately he's not the only attorney general who has fallen in love with this form asset forfeiture. loretta lynch called it a wonderful tool when she was being confirmed. john: but at least there was a discussion of the problem. kennedy: i hope someone like rand paul can grab the president's ear and explain to him why this is so egregious,
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and if you have committed a crime there are ways for answering for that. as judge napolitano said, a government taking, that is wrong. john: you have a right to a trial. kennedy: coming up. i want to love my home 8 of oregon. i really do. but it's really hard to when they go and pull off crap like taxing healthy people who ride bikes. is there anything government won't put its grubby hand on? john: no. copd makes it hard to breathe.
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what?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. up not chair dancing. reebok is picking a fight with our president. now we have to ask the question, does anybody care with a sneaker company has to say about politics? it started last week when president trump was in paris. he reportedly told the wife of the french. he that she was in quote such good shape. this caused a stir online and reebok felt they ought to get involved. they tweeted out this picture. when is it okay to say you look
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like you are in good shape. the only time it's okay is when you have found a forgotten across figure. >> the question is when is it appropriate for a sport company to troll the president. let me ask fox business network gerri willis. the president does a lot wrong. he says a lot of dumb things. especially on twitter. just stop, we have enough going on. you don't have to make stuff up to sell aerobic shoes. gerri: if somebody said that to me i would say thank you, you made my day, i love to hear it. what reboiks really telling you is they believe money is red or blue, not green. they don't want to see anybody from any red state buying their shoes.
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this is confounding. i don't understand why they are doing it. what makes me even angrier from their brand manager saying they are helping change the narrative around women. kennedy: don't feed me your company line about whether i'm expected to accept that for myself whether i receive compliment. if someone tells you you are in good shape, shouldn't you be shahful for that? gerri: i'm all about positive reinforcement. she said sh -- we saw this as a learning moment. who is the teacher if this is a learning moment? this is marketing. we are selling gym shoes. kennedy: even michael year dan when asked if he was going to
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get tone politics he said no, republicans buy sneakers, too. why are you putting off half of your potential customer base. gerri: it doesn't make sense. it's business school 101. you want to appeal to the broad market. reebok, i don't know what they are thinking. there is some little club they want to sell to, only appropriate people who think like us. kennedy: if people who are so full of themselves and entrenched in their own bubbles, they don't understand there are people who might differ from them politically. reebok doesn't have a brand manager pushing back saying that's not a good idea. but you are in good shape and you are beautiful and i love being around you. good bliss and god bless america.
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the only thing bureaucrats do is find new things to tax. they want to place a flat $15 tax on the sale of bikes that cost $20. >> o$2d that cost $200 or more. oregon want to penalize people for trying to be healthy and the most of environmentally friendly for of transportation. the governor still has to sign the bill into law, but she is a bit of a commie. katherine, you say of all the thing that could be taxed and the amount that could be taxed, you like this tax. so when did you become a cop tonight? >> about the type i got hit by a bike. i'm anti-bikist. this is a basic idea of taxation. if you tax something you get
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less of it. this is an awesome way to have less bike riding. however, there is -- the money is coming from somewhere. this is a user fee. they are saying well take this money and build bike trails. has the highest top margin tack rate in the country,.9% on -- it's 9.9%. they tax work which is. >> the thing we like to even courage. kennedy: people should be even couraged to buy bicycles from mom and pop bike stores. >> some of that makes sense in that someone has to pay for the bike paths.
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when you have the government taxing large sodas and sweet drinks because they are unhealthy and they are taxing something because it is healthy. in general with the -- kennedy: we are superior to seattle. >> do you have a goal to alienate all 50 states in any given show? kennedy: oregon is a great state, this is misguide. >> they are going to use the money to make the lives of cyclists better. if you have a bike over $200 you probably have a little spare cash. kennedy: what about their property tacks and pension requirements? >> the government uses their tax dollars wisely? do people really think they are using it in our best interest?
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i don't. >> i would use that money to do some of the government infrastructure prongs. we build 8 feet of bike trails. kennedy: the mainstream media will never cover it. katherine, anthony and jessica, thank you. coming up. you heard the stories of americans who traveled to syria to join isis. but a group of americans are going there to help locals fight against the terrorist group.
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kennedy: it's a fight as vicious as the fight for berlin in world war ii. taylor hudson is risking his life as a volunteer fighting against isis in raqqa, syria. he's among a number of americans and brits who traveled to the area as freelance soldiers. they have different reasons for joining. including iraq veteran kevin howard who is working as a sniper. >> i have a friend whose little sister was in the bataclan theater. i fought in iraq in 2006, 2008.
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i lost friend there, and to me this is a continuation of that fight. i think if you leave something unfinished, it will remain unfinished for a lifetime. you have to go to the heart of darkness and grab it and get rid of it. kennedy: there is no doubt they are brave, but are they also in trouble with the government? let's talk about these people. it's an interesting group because they see this obviously as ground zero for the fight against jihadists and they are fighting with kurds and some of the syrian democratic forces. how would you characterize some of these village land tees to go overseas -- some of these vigilantes to go overseas for the fight. >> it's not uncommon.
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it's a strange mix of bag of personalities, motivations and ideals. i guess that's the best way to characterize it. when saw this before. in early 2003 when we got engaged in iraq we had a lot of people out there. you would see people start to drift in to what at the time was a relatively serene environment compared to what happened in 2003. but people showed up for a variety of reasons. some are legitimately vets craving more action or legitimately believe it's an important fight. you have people who are idealistic who have an idea of saving the world. you have drifters who are just look for something to latch on to. it's an unusual combination of people who end up in environments like this.
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kennedy: they feel like they want to do something. it's almost like war correspondents. but instead of documenting, they want to pick up arms against the enemy and maybe they don't want to join the military and be part of a bureaucracy. i understand that drive. there was the abraham lincoln brigade who fought in the u.s. civil war. and citizens who fought in the i.d.f., the israel defense forces. >> sometimes the intentions and motivations are absolutely pure and very, very admirable. kennedy: do these people get in trouble with the u.s. government? >> if you go over there to fight against the u.s. government then you are in a world of hurt. kennedy: what if you fight isis
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with the kurds do you get in trouble with the government? >> no, if you are fighting with our allies, no. unless you get crosswise. unless something happens and something can always happen in a chaotic environment like that. if you are going to fight on behalf of democracy and freedom you are not going to get sideways with the u.s. government. but i would caution, typically what you get, you get people way in over their head. there is some structure. the kurds are run something training camps and some of these folks hook up with that. other people stick it out for a period of time. this is a brutal battle. nobody should be under the impression they are enlisting in something that's very organized and very structured. >> i think that is the siren
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song for many of these people. and it's very interesting. we'll keep document. mike baker, thank you so much. coming up. ever seen the dog that coaches michael phelps all the way to olympic glory? this dog will have to do until we find that one. "topical storm" is next. jump in. at fidelity, trades are now just $4.95. we cut the price of trades to give investors even more value. and at $4.95, you can trade with a clear advantage. fidelity, where smarter investors will always be. and at $4.95, you can trade with a clear advantage. i just want to find a used car start at the new
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show me used trucks with one owner. pretty cool. [laughs] ah... ahem... show me the carfax. start your used car search at the all-new dearthere's no other way to say this. it's over. i've found a permanent escape from monotony. together, we are perfectly balanced. our senses awake. our hearts racing as one. i know this is sudden, but they say...if you love something set it free. see you around, giulia
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kennedy: on this day back in 1995 barack obama published his book "dreams of my father." for you kardashian fans, a book is a square thing with pages and words inside. this is the "topical storm." topic number one. florida police are looking to throw a book at a 39-year-old man who was caught smuggling cocaine. colombian marching powder inside a cookie monster doll. the cops became suspicious when they saw a 39-year-old man with a cookie monster doll. is this guy kidding me? why not just hide it in a white van full of candy and drive around elementary schools in a clown mask.
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this pulled over roar remember dough mcnair and detected a strong scent of americana. when they searched the car it seems the cookie monster was a little bloated. they decided to x-ray him and they found 314 grams of the white stuff. and i'm not talking about milk. although that's probably street code for something much worse. i know what you kids are doing. topic number two. cookie monster isn't the tomorrow childhood icon who has had a rough week. winnie the pooh has been band from social media websites in china because people have been comparing him to the president xi jinping. none that i can think of. i'm sorry. i should have specified.
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no relevant political figures. i like that last one especially. just go and nuke the rhode island wilderness. topic number three. this is good news for the hard working -- good financial news for the hard working men and women of new jersey. no, the irs won't let you write off ed hardy t-shirts and press-on nails. and an affordable rollercoaster on the jersey shore is back in business it floated into the ocean in hurricane sandy. it travels at 45 miles per hour. and let's be honest, 4 5/miles an hour isn't that fast for a rollercoaster. before it many 10 times quicker than a drive down the shore on a friday night.
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i'm just kidding jersey people. please don't write me a bunch of hate tweets for that. i'm depressed enough after the show without having to read your 4th grade grammar. bruce springsteen. topic number 4. again to new jersey, strong than the storm and so is the dog named lily who refused to let flash floods stop her from getting her toy. things were looking quite grim when lily surveyed the situation. but nevertheless she per 1eu69ed and jumped right in. there you go, lily, go get'em girl. her owner was so proud of the dog she rewarded her with a new
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chew toy. if you see her, please give us a call. topic number 5. finally i would like to wish the happiest birthday to wendy williams. iconic talk show host is turning 53 and her nose, cheeks and bres are turning 10. she was just a struggling deejay until she started dating our cameraman clark. i should point out that days also the birthday of rapper hurricanes a who was named after hillary clinton's email server. coming you have i'll tell you about my weekend triathlon adventure. grab some gatorade and sponge off. it's happening in the night cap next.
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we are building new airports all across the state. new roads and bridges. new mass transit. new business friendly environment. new lower taxes. and new university partnerships to grow the businesses of tomorrow today. learn more at >> i wanted to give a shout-out to my nieces. >> thanks fox business for sponsoring. it was a great event. >> this is my tenth time doing this in new york city. fox rocks. kennedy: fox business is the business. scenes from the beautiful new
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york city fox triathlon. i was lucky enough to be part of the pack. i raced next to liz claman and cheryl casone. we dove in and took on one of the best races in the country. the hudson river isn't the says peel it was years ago. there were no floating bodies. my daughter jumped in and got me through the end of the race. she ran the last quarter mile with me and boy did i need her support. it's an incredible sport that tests your mettle each time the begun goes off. if you have the chance race with us next year it's worth a trip to hear rowdy new yorkers hoot and holler for their shi through
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three legs that will change your life. email tomorrow night on the show i have got ambassador john bolton. gillian turner returns and wrestling superstar. >> these really are the rules here -- 1891, james naismith. granddad's signature. >> incredible. >> one family's heirloom... >> you think your great-grandfather could ever envision that the game he developed could be what it is today? >> ...goes on one wild ride. >> he starts looking around and thinks, "oh, my goodness. where are the rules?" >> no. >> it's a national treasure with a big price tag. >> you paid more than the emancipation proclamation. >> yeah, well... [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ] [ bird caws ] ♪ >> i'm jamie colby, d
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