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tv   Forbes on Fox  FOX Business  August 13, 2017 3:00am-3:30am EDT

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kennedy: we will take it, ben, make it big. >> just the ordinary s&p 500 index, stick with it, you can't go wrong. kennedy: thank you, gentlemen, i will see you 8:00 p.m. eastern monday night, cost of freedom is next. >> my first order was i want this, our nuclear arsenal to be the biggest and finest of the world and we spend a lot of money, a lot of time and a lot of effort and it's in tip-top shape and getting better and getting stronger and until such time as this disappears we will be so much better and stronger than anybody else. >> president trump responding to north korea's threat of a missile attack against the u.s. and someone hearsays, don't stop there, we need to invest a lot more to update all our outdated military equipment to protect our lives and our way our life
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and economy r they right? hi, everybody, i'm david asman, let's focus with mr. steve forbes, elizabeth, sabrina and bruce jackson, steve, spend more? >> dave, unfortunately we will have to spend more and a lot more under barack obama the budget declined, a couple of hundred billion dollars, trump is increasing it but not nearly enough, we need more ships, we need more equipment and we need to maintain what we have which we haven't done in recent years, we also need radical reform of procurement system which wastes $25 billion a year. a lot has to be done. >> john, look at the percent of gdp that we spend in military hardware, it has come way down. we had the peace dividend during the clinton years after the end of the soviet union, that's when the big dip happened and we built up after 9/11 and it's come down again. >> coming down from a very high level. even now we spend more on the
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military annually than the next seven largest spending countries combined. david: they're not spending a lot, john. >> i would add in this case, that our military from 1945 from the north koreans and a ruler that have none at all in the first place. david: military hardware of the united states is terribly out of date and some of it just can't work. we have 50% of all our b-1 bombers can't fly. we have 70% of u.s. marine corps fighter jets can't fly, we have all these accidents happening with the marine ospri, with e need to fix this stuff. >> i agree with you, we need to get military spending back up to 4%. you look historically, david, our country has been the safest and we've gotten into fewer conflicts when military spending was higher than lower,
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when armed forces had the most up to date tanks, ships, et cetera and where we can cut back if necessary is on bureaucracy, that's where we tend to increase spending the most. >> i couldn't agree with you the most. sa briana, military hardware is out of date. president trump is going to start with nuclear arsenal which is also out of date. >> yeah, i think yes and so, maybe, david, first of all we have nearly 7,000 nuclear war heads. i don't think we need that many. we have strong cabinet war head. just recently they did a test of icb missile and went off flawlessly. i'm sure we can cherry-pick but i think that we need to keep it in perspective and consider all the things that are going right. >> but some of those 7,000 nuclear war heads that we have available to us are 40, 50 year's old. we are out of date and it's great that a couple of those icbm's are flying right but when
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half of your jets aren't flying at all, that's a problem. >> that's astonishing those findings, we need to give the men and women the best they need to do the job that we have asked them to do. i agree with you, david, i agree with steve and mike, it's going to be difficult to get to even 3% of gdp on defense spending the way this congress has been. i think that defense spending, correct me if i'm wrong, down. mattis going to silicon valley, that's the way to spend smart. i do think there's a lot of fat marble through the defense and you can't compare countries to countries because purchasing power, they could have better technology versus what's going on, our technology with our defense department. >> it is true, bruce, that like any bureaucracy the pentagon spends on wasteful programs, we know the stories. again, we have to do something
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to get it up to date. >> well, i think it all depends on what is the price tag on the cost of fire and fury and locked and loaded. i don't know that the president has revealed that yet but president obama in 2014 talked about upgrading the nuclear arsenal and outside experts said that would be a trillion dollars in spending over 30 years and we heard people on the right saying that was too much. that seems like more than enough. >> steve, maybe it's just coincide ens -- coincidence but whenever we stop spending in the military, whenever that number comes down, somebody takes advantage of us. when you have a strong arms forces, you do have a tendency to have a more peaceful world, no? >> that's true, david. after the ball of the berlin wall, that is not the case,
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unfortunately barack obama let the military slide even more. we have a lot of updating we have to do, procurement we have to do and training of our people has not been done the way it should have been done. >> john, what do you think? >> i see the other coincidence that every time we elevate the leader of irrelevant country they tend to play into our elevation of them and i think we are doing this year. >> history where we have underestimated the damage that a tyrant can do like adolf hitler. >> i don't think that was our war either. if the desire is more spending now, simple answer is this, tell china this is your problem, in turn for you taking care of what is your problem, we will remove troops from south korea that will save a lot of money and file it back in the military. >> i don't know. i believe history with
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underestimating the damage that tie reants do. >> steve mentioned after the fall of the berlin wall, same thing happened after world war i. elizabeth touched on something very, very important which is technology. >> thank you. >> i like to see a focus on technology and again, going back to ronald reagan with star wars and brilliant defense system, a lot of people laughed at that and mocking him at first but we got tremendous number of advancements and key negotiating point with the soviet union. >> bruce, one of our allies, takes advantage, it worked in certain cases, doesn't always work, it's not fail-proof but the fact that it does work it means it saves lives, right? >> certainly technology, that's the thing when we talk about throwing around the gdp percentages, how do we know that that's even the right measure. i mean, if there's -- if we have technology that can, you know,
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do cyber-attacks which can be less expensive and save lives why not pursue it? my rule of thumb since regan days if we have enough bombs to blow up the world enough times over, i think that's enough. >> is that simplistic? >> yes, it is, you're not going to love nuclear weapons on cuba and north korea if you can avoid it. by the way, cutting down we cut back sharply after world war ii so much that that's why north korea invaded south korea with soviet union and china and look at what's left us today. david: steve, excuse me, sabrina, we had the peace deal and lucky to buy into that and then we saw obama and bin laden and others take advantage of it. >> agree, part of having strong military is also having strong diplomatic core and that's a lot of areas that we are seeing cuts. recent victory for the trump administration is that they were able to get the united nations 15 to 0 to vote for sanctions
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and i think that that's something significant that we are not talking about. i think they go hand in hand. david: we have to leave it at that, gang, great debate. excessive or appropriate, president trump feuding with senate majority leader mcconnell for saying he has, quote, excessive expectations of congress. someone hearsays the health
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>> critics are call to go ditch mitch over this. >> part of the reason, i think, that the story line is that we haven't done much is because in part the president and others have set these early timelines about things need to be done by a certain point. now our new president has not been in this line of work before and i think had excessive expectations of how quickly things happen. >> excessive, republicans be
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able to replace obamacare in seven years and six months they've had to do it is excessive? that remark is not sitting well with the president and mike, you don't blame it, explain. >> david, i certainly don't. it's ridiculous that the republicans in congress could not replace obamacare with all the time they've had. i totally, totally blame the republicans, we knew the democrats would not be for anything that went further away from single payer. trump is absolutely right. trump is at its best when he takes case directly to the american people which is what he's doing here. these people, these republicans who failed to get obamacare through, they're going to be replaced. david: what do you think, who is right, the president or mcconnell? >> i think -- let me back up. we don't like the nasty blame game, right, it's really nasty what's going on in congress with the president right now. the gop did campaign for seven years and got campaign donations saying repeal and replace, but i have to say, you do not attack
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your senate quarterback when you only have a slim majority of 52 in the senate and with john mccain being ill unfortunately and i like what ronald reagan said 11th commandant, thall shall not insult fellow republicans. i don't like them shooting the same tent. republicans need to get a move on in the congress. david: john, you know, this president came in saying he was going to clear the swamps out and like him or not, mcconnell has been in those swamps for a long time and for him to call the president having excessive expectations for some that have been talking about for seven years. >> they would have come with equally silly idea, but what they should have done is have a bill on trump's desk the day he was inaugurated, he would have signed it and been over with, two years to find a new health care bill. i do understand why trump is doing this. he wants to set expectations high.
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i don't like legislation for presidents but i can see why he's doing what he's doing. >> steve, it wasn't just president trump who was talking with excessive expectations, mitch mcconnell himself, we are going to get it done by now. >> the house representatives did pass a health care bill, they are going to pass tax bill in september, they are acting more like fake senators instead of real senators. come on, guys, why are you taking a five-week vacation. >> you look at polls concerns the number one concern, they should get to it. >> i think john is correct, crazy, insane that republicans didn't have their act together and weren't ready to go on day one, that being said, i'm slightly sympathetic to mcconnell.
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this is a man who was able to hold supreme court nomination process for an entire year, i think -- he does sort of understand how this process works and that's where the president sometimes needs to pick up on that. >> of course, remember how he did it, he switched from super majority to a plain majority. that was a good effort but shouldn't he put in more of an effort with regard to obamacare? for example, we have 6.5 million people that we know had to pay a fine in 2016 for pulling out of health care. november 1, that's when we have enrollment for obamacare again, we may have millions of people having to pay fines again. >> it's not going to happen. i think trump must be quite -- >> hold on a second, you think they are going to fix it before november? >> i don't think they are going to fix it before november. trump has to realize that he should be quite envious of the
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party loyalty that predecessor had eight years ago and now attacking people that used to be loyal to him, i think the problems are going to get worse. >> a nasty shotgun marriage. half of all foreclosures in the country, people faced medical costs, they are facing bankruptcy from it. that's the important fact. >> another 10% increase in premiums next year. >> john tammy said and rightly so, obamacare will belly up any, imploding, the problem that trump is facing is not that mcconnell is not a good tactician, he's an excellent tactician, the problem is the republican party by in large has shifted from ronald reagan's day where the majority was liberty and freedom towards a big government party. >> the one thing that ronald reagan did that was different, he claimed to come in and clean the swamp but did so with smile
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on the face and without nasty rhetoric. do you think trump needs to do that? >> i think you will see him do that specially in tax issue which he does care about, the administration is involved working with republicans and so it's very different on what happened in health care. >> very good. the bottom of the hour, trish, what do you have? >> hi, there, david, john kelly telling white house staffers to put country first and stop the leaks. why someone hearsays we won't be able to stop north korea if they don't stop those leaks. plus, chicago suing the justice department as the white house threatens to withhold some of its funding along with other cities protecting illegal immigrants committing crimes, we are asking who is right, i will see you at 11:30. >> up here first not just deals with north korea coming back to haunt us, some say there's also costly lesson to what happened to american diplomats in cuba.
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>> did you hear about this, it's bizarre, the u.s. accusing cuba of of attack. diplomats were sent there after obama administration open relations with the communist country and this proves that deal with castros was a bad deal. >> david, with e knew we should have left cubna the 50's when the family left and moved business back to the united states. that was a clear signal. >> so, john, this opening was a bad idea? >> no, the way to win with cuba
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is to get more open to it, show the cubans how we americans live, how cuban americans live, that's the way to regime. >> you think back when president obama went to cuba and shook hands with recall castro, high hopes but they haven't come to pass, have they? >> no they've not. the regime is oppressive as usual. when you spend money to cuba, it doesn't go to workers, it goes to cuban government, they get worthless pesos. it's a bad deal and recall castro taken full advantage of it. we get nothing except injured diplomats. >> keep it open or close it down? >> we have to keep it. that are tasting freedom, the genie is out of the bottle, so to speak, and the more we expose government with corruption and violence, the better. >> looks like they are attacking our diplomats. >> steve is right, i think the state department should put travel adviserry, when you go to havana, your dollars help pay
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for recall's torture chambers. >> bruce, truth in advertising maybe keep it open, folks, look, these guys are real tough cookies? >> well, i suppose you could do that, we could return to the days of cuba when -- [laughter] >> the god father cus pretty good back then. >> go ahead. >> no, exactly. >> the russians have embassy down there, it could be a multiple things. >> you're a big free market guy, would the free market cure this ill or not? >> you can't do business with the commu people doing cuba, i'm not going back there until the family moves back. [laughter] >> i see you smiling. >> that's ridiculous, stay open to them. our way will ultimate win, cuba is going down. >> steve, again, you are also a
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big free market, the opening worked with a place like china, why won't it work with cuba? >> because china wanted on opening, china wanted to become part of economy, castro does not, he wants a close society, get what he can from the rest of the world and keep repressive regime. there's no freedom in cuba. come on, guys. >> names they say will calm your >> names they say will calm your nerves in the ♪ whoa that's amazing... hey, i'm the internet! i know a bunch of people who would love that. the internet loves what you're doing... build a better website in under an hour with... ...gocentral from godaddy. type in your idea. select from designs tailored just for you
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>> security for the u.s. government. >> i like it but i like boeing more. >> that's it for "forbes on fox". thank you, everybody for watching. the leaks continue. now, some are worried that is weak for further undermine the world confidence in the united states of america. are they right or wrong? i'm trish and we have three. welcome to you. rachelar


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