tv After the Bell FOX Business August 30, 2017 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT
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with warren buffett. liz: he does not own amazon. he wouldn't have bought wells fargo. he thinks jeff bezos is in a class of its own. [closing bell] barbara, thank you so much. there is the closing bell. four seconds to the top of the hour, let me hand it over to "after the bell." cheryl: liz, thanks so much. stocks are spending another day in the green. the dow closing higher for the a second day, up on your screen up 24 points. 24,000 would have been nice. the s&p 500 climbing for the fourth straight session. nasdaq higher for the third. hello, everybody, i'm cheryl casone. i'm in for melissa francis today. ashley: i'm ashley webster in for david asman and this is "after the bell." we have more on the big market movers, but first here is what else we're covering in this busy hour, week, month for that matter. president trump making a big pitch for his tax plan to america this afternoon, putting pressure on congress to seize what he says is a once in a generation opportunity to deliver on tax reform.
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we are live in springfield, missouri, with all the details. meanwhile tropical storm harvey making landfall again. this time slamming parts of louisiana. we'll speak with a state's lieutenant governor, billy nungesser about the situations there. talking about harvey, the town of port arthur, texas, now underwater after being hit hard by heavy rains overnight. we're live on the ground there where rescue efforts are now underway. cheryl: we'll get back to texas of course in a moment but these markets, taking a look at the dow climbing for a second straight day, driven higher by shares of cisco. goldman sachs and caterpillar helping all of this. nicole petallides watch being action from the floor of the new york stock exchange. nicole, we got good news on the economy. is that part of the reason we're seeing these numbers? >> overall looking pretty good. we die guessed a lot of harvey and north korea. we got a little blip late in the
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day talks between lavrov and tillerson, not do anything with north korea. exercise restraint. with that we sold off, regained that. we saw new highs for names such as apple and others. we did see some movers. look at winners we're seeing. dow, nasdaq, s&p are winners. nasdaq in particular up over 1%. financials, to your point, gdp growth of 3%. that is some great news there, ultimately. fastest growth we've seen since the first quarter of 2015. all the indications are showing that the beginning of the third quarter is the same because we're seeing consumer spending. you're seeing businesses investment. and equipment spending. and that helps all the banks. take a look, jpmorgan, goldman sachs, bank of america, all with up arrows. bank of america got a nice boost from warren buffett today. we had him on with liz claman. last but not least, show you one loser, h&r block. h&r block failed to give an outlook how they will have the
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strategy and plans for the 2018 tax season. without that vision going forward, investors sold off 8%. we heard from president trump all about the future of our tax cuts and tax plans. maybe them simple and fair. back to you. cheryl: president talking about it as well. nicole, thank you so much. ashley: a once in a generation opportunity. president trump making his case for tax reform this afternoon in springfield, missouri, a short time ago. fox business's blake burman is there. blake, heard loud and clear the president made a big pitch what he calls a tax plan for for forgotten americans. reporter: bottom line here, ashley, the sales pitch is fully underway from the president and this white house as it relates to tax reform. in springfield, missouri, manufacturing plant the president broke it down to four different principles he sees at tenet for the tax reform plan. first simplifying tax code, getting rid of loopholes. secondly he wants to reduce the corporate tax rate what he said would be quote, ideally to 15%.
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third, middle class tax relief for families. forth he wants to bring back corporate profits overseas. on reducing loopholes the president joked it is something he himself is all too familiar with. >> speaking against myself when i do this, i have to tell you, and i might be speaking against mr. cook and we're both okay with it. is that right? we're crazy. maybe we shouldn't be doing this, you know? [laughter]. but we're doing the right thing. reporter: now the president also pointed directly at congress, basically telling them, ashley, to get in line with his vision. he argued, that tax reform should be a simple bipartisan fix. >> what could possibly be more bipartisan, than allowing families to keep more what they earn? and creating an environment for
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real job and wage growth in the country that we love so much. reporter: the president also began his speech with remarks about hurricane harvey, saying he has seen the resilience of the american people first-hand, adding we will restore, recover, and rebuild. ashley, back to you. ashley: very good, blake burman in springfield. very much appreciate it. cheryl: let's bring in today's panel, robert wolf, 32 advisors ceo and former advisor to president obama. fox news contributor. danielle dimartino booth and dan mitchell from the cato institute. welcome to all of you. he put out a what we want to see on the democratic side. >> i'm supposed to be getting this. cheryl: robert, can you hear this?
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basically, here what the democrats want. chuck schumer wants this. he wants, not so much simplified, but nothing can be there for the wealthy. he also wants to make sure that middle class get a fair break. they want bipartisanship, be at the bargaining table. you like what chuck schumer said today. >> corporate tax reform should be bipartisanship. this is not corporate tax reform. it will be a tax cut. it will not be revenue neutral, something we looked at especially from the fiscal side for the last eight years. it will not be something broadens the base. it is about lowering rates. listen bipartisanship sounds great. this was much more of a campaign speech. from the principles point of view everyone with would look it simpler, everyone would like to take care of middle class and everyone would like repatriation and everyone would like to get rid of loopholes. having said that, getting that done legislatively will be a tough task. i heard liz's interview on
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buffett thinks it could happen before year-end. i'm a little more pessimistic on it. i like to be hopeful. cheryl: danielle, the president had fairly hopeful tone today when spoke in springfield. talked about the 15% corporate tax rate. they still want that in place. what do you make of the chances of that? >> i think he was pretty wise to caveat he might not get to that 15% number but i think any appreciable decline in the tax rate would be fantastic for job creation as he alluded to, especially for small businesses that have been really absent from this rally for quite a long time. cheryl: dan hello. i hope you can hear us. >> yes. cheryl: i want to her from president trump and specifics of his proposal. do you think it has a good shot in washington? >> i don't think there were any actual real specifics but get the corporate tax rate down as low as possible. he wants to get rid of some loopholes. he didn't say what they were. the most important takeaway from
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the speech, he wants corporate rate down as low as possible. we bring the corporate rate down, that is good for jobs, american competitiveness, it will bring money back from overseas. it is clearly a win-win. it is the lynchpin of trump's plan. we have to wait to see what congress can actually deliver. cheryl: good point. ashley: you mentioned liz claman asking warren buffett what he thought about tax reform. here is what the "oracle of omaha" himself had to say. >> if we see a tax change, it isn't necessarily tax reform, it will be a tax cut. but it will be called tax reform though. liz: a lot of people would like that. more money in their pockets. >> sure. liz: including the middle class. that is probably why it won't happen. liz: possibly. do you think it gets done in 2017? >> i think there is more of a chance than most people think. liz: why? >> i think republicans need one and i think that, if you don't make it too complicated to
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really try to change the code in a massive way. i think you can probably get it done. liz: have you ever seen -- ashley: we'll leave it there. if warren buffett is right and president trump is able to wrangle congress, that is a big if, and get tax reform through this year, what does that mean for the economy? back to our panel for reaction. robert wolf, back to you, surely putting more money in the pockets of american workers has to be good for the economy t generates more consumption and therefore generates more revenue down the line to make up money put aside for those tax cuts right? >> ashley, no question. tax reduction is good for a country 70% consumer driven. that being said it will be more important who gets the tax cut. i hope we're accurate, schumer or president trump it goes towards the middle class. that is who needs it the most. the middle class, it is tough environment for them the last 10 years than upper class.
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we need to make sure they are the beneficiaries of these changes. that being said i think it is difficult. when you ask for a tax cut, for the 1%er, i think that is becomes less bipartisanship. that is why i have a little consternation about it. ashley: i thought his speech, danielle, he took aim at the rich and made fun of himself, those in the audience, we get away with loopholes, we get around the system. it is great for me but not right for the rest of hard-working americans paying their taxes in full. will that appease enough democrats do you think to eliminate the loopholes, give more tax cuts to the middle class and lower class, that he can get bipartisan support? >> i think it actually could. i'm heartened he was joking about it, that means he will go after some sacred cows. if he goes after carried interest, where wealthy get all the tax benefits, pay a lower rate, warren buffett in the same exact camp, if he goes after mortgage interest deduction for high-priced homes, these are
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things that should find bipartisan support and they will make their way right to the middle class which is what he said, we'll see. we'll see. ashley: so, dan, we just had latest gdp reading. it came in at 3%. pretty healthy by the way. we seen the global economy start to rise if we get tax cuts in, deregulation, infrastructure, i'm asking for a lot, if we get all those in place if the president is suddenly wrangling congress in a much more effective way, what does it do for the economy? we've seen 3% in the last quarter. where can it go? >> first thing i would say don't put too much any one quarter or any one month of economic statistics. it could be noise. that doesn't signify a trend, but, on your fundamental question, that you're asking? ashley: yeah. >> of course if we can lower tax burden, not so much on consumption. i think it is more important to boost worker wages to lower taxes on production an investment.
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those things drive the economy. higher consumption is a symptom of a strong economy, not the cause of a strong economy. so if we deregulate, lower tax rates especially on corporate income, get rid of some of those loopholes, especially state and local tax deduction, which by the way schumer and other blue state democrats will fight to the death to preserve that loophole, so don't believe their rhetoric. look what they do. ashley: indeed. we're out of time already. thank you so much, robert, danielle, dan, good stuff today, and growth agenda. that is what it is called. hope we get some of it in place. cheryl: seeing the economy grow 15%. we'll see. tropical storm harvey making landfall for the second time this morning, now hitting louisiana. coming up we'll speak to the man coordinating the emergency response efforts for the state. louisiana's lieutenant governor, billy nungesser. ashley: historic flooding in texas taking out the country's largest oil refinery. what does that mean for prices
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at pump and the air fares as well. cheryl: port arthur, texas, underwater slammed by heavy rains. we go live to the ground. efforts to rescue those that already made it into shelters. >> port arthur civic center. we came here to seek refuge. we came here for a safe place to get away from our flooding at our house. to get away from being trapped in our house and we end up being trapped here. like an "unjection™". xeljanz xr. a once daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened.
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the city is asking individuals with boats to come help with rescue efforts. hillary vaughn is live on the ground in port arthur. hillary, what is the conditions like now. reporter: rain has stopped. that is a good thing. rescue efforts are arriving. air force is out. coast guard is in choppers, monitoring people, locating people needed to be rescued. this really turned into a fine-tuned operation. earlier, last night, 1:00 a.m., earlier this morning, rain started coming down people were trapped, just one volunteer who was here with his boat and the fire department, who didn't have a boat. so the fire department were relying on this volunteer to go into this community in the dark to find people. i spoke to him. his name is kevin van camp from new orleans. here is what he had to say. rescuing people, kevin we were talking earlier.
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tell me what you saw in the dark and how you found people? >> all we could see lights from the gas station in the background. some street lights and as soon as we got our boats in the water, fire department was only one here. we got our boat in the water. as soon as we rounded corner, people were hollering, yelling, flashing their headlights, blinking porches lights on and off we could see who to find and get first. we prioritized people. we tried to get people in lower houses, a little bit above water. we told them hang tight. we'll be back. everybody was begging us to come get them. we just couldn't get everybody. reporter: tell me about the woman you saw. rescue effort led for several hours by him and only him and his brother-in-law. soon an army of boats arrived. several of them. at least 50 are pouring through the neighborhoods rescuing people. the water here goes and deep as 10, 15 feet into the
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neighborhoods. that is why the boats are necessary. only way in and out of the city is by boat. you can see they're bringing more people in now. there is another boat here which people have been pouring in. they have been loading them up into dump trucks, taking them to shelters. the shelters we're told finally supplies earlier. they had nothing but a roof to offer these people. now we're told that sum some supplies are able to get through. cheryl: fishing boats, kayaks, whatever it takes. hillary vaughn, thank you very much. ashley: the storm came in late friday, early saturday morning. we're here wednesday, still doing rescues. cheryl: it is sitting there. ashley: you just heard america's largest refinery is shut down at least for bringing storm related outages to more than three million barrels a day. that represents more than 17% of u.s. refinery production. the key colonial pipeline which delivers gasoline and jet fuel through 12 states, that too is
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seeing major disruptions. there are reports that airlines could indeed raise ticket prices to cover a spike in the cost of jet fuel. the question is, how long does it last, and what does it mean for prices at pump? lots of questions for us. the best man to cover it all, phil flynn from cme in chicago. what will we see in regards to gas prices in particular? >> i'm afraid not going to be pretty, ashley already. in the futures market because of the port arthur refinery going down, we sagas prices rally 13 cents a gallon. because of that, numbers you mentioned refinery outages and pullback. what we saw from hillary on that footage, is not very encouraging because with that kind of floodwater and that kind of situation, it will be difficult for the major refinery to come back online. we saw a good look at refinery
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fund in galveston. valero is trying to start two refineries right there but the capacity of the refineries are not what we're losing in port arthur area. that is good news. even if they bring the refineries back online, what do they do with the oil? the port of galveston will not open until september 5th. a lot of those pipelines are still down. it doesn't do you good to bring refineries back on line if you have no place to put the oil. the colonial pipeline situation very, very sears are. if that pipeline happens to go down we'll have real possibility of gas shortages. let's hope that doesn't happen. ashley: don't even mention it in harsh terms. we hope that doesn't happen. great stuff as always. phil flynn at cme. thank you very much. >> thank you. cheryl: you know it seems that no matter what the president does, the media will slam him either way. the media is tearing into president trump.
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media said he should have met with flood victims or mentioned donation options. the president treat tweeting this out. after reading false reporting and anger in dying magazines makes me wonder why. all i want to do is make america great again. host of "mediabuzz" on fox news, howard kurtz. how are you. >> cheryl i'm good. cheryl: seems like he did everything right. if he went to late, he would be criticized. if he went too early he would have been criticized. what was your take on it? >> keep in mind the mainstream media set this up as major test for president trump and his administration. while the devastation is staggering, there is a long way to go, doesn't look like fema or the federal government has screwed up. we keep hearing empathy. hearing a lot on msnbc. cnn, whole piece in "washington post." he didn't hug anybody, didn't feel her pain. certain presidents specialized in that. that is not necessarily donald trump's style. the goalposts shifted.
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now as you say the president's trip is faulted because he wasn't in the empathy mode. cheryl: do you think that he was empa threatic enough? >> look he went down to make sure that showed the flag, when he held up the texas flag, said we love you, help is on the way, i thought that was pretty empathetic. he didn't to to houston obviously not wanting to interfere with disaster relief effort. there was not a lot of opportunity to meet with families. he might do that on the second trip. i'm not saying the criminal system is completely off the wall, seems the press has to find something, so far, the president ignored a lot of experts who said he shouldn't go. he did go. this will ultimately turn on results, not feelings. will he deliver on aid a long time after floodwaters recede, after media attention fades a little bit. will congress produce dollars, other than saying how bad he feels about this. cheryl: the media is targeting
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melania. she got beat up she was hairing heels. of course she changed. "new york times" melania trump, off to texas, fines herself on thin heels. "vanity fair," who wears stilettos to a hurricane. medical lawn yeah's stilettos, donald's caulkkies, white house continue all failure to understand optics. >> if they had a better image consultant she would not have worn heels. she was not wearing into the mud. she was going to wear into appropriate attire. the level of animosity, first lady showed compassion is way off the charts. cheryl: to be clear, they went to corpus christie and then austin. they did not go to houston. they didn't need flood boots. >> if they had all the criticism
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making it about him an interfering with first-responders. kind of in the can't win category. cheryl: howard kurtz, great to have you on the show. thank you, howie. howard kurtz catch him on sunday 11:00 a.m. eastern time on fox news channel. ashley: kathy griffin, talking about her again, not sorry for beheading the president in this photo. how the united states is responding to that latest provocation from rogue machine. >> no country should have missiles flying over them like the 130 million people in japan. it is unacceptable. they have violated every single u.n. security council resolution that we had. so i think something serious has to happen. ♪ hey, how's it going? um... who are you? i'm val. the orange money retirement squirrel from voya. i represent the money you save for the future. see?
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we're putting away acorns to show the importance of being organized. that's smart. who's he? he's the green money you can spend now. what's up? oh you know, gonna pay some bills, maybe buy a new tennis racket. tennis racket for a squirrel? he's got a killer backhand. when it's time to get organized for retirement, it's time to get voya.
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potsc(in unison) drive russ, leland, gary: yes. gary: i have a ford f-150. michael: i've always been a ford guy. potsch: then i have a real treat for you today. michael: awesome. potsch: i'm going to show you a next generation pickup. michael: let's do this. potsch: this new truck now has a cornerstep built right into the bumper. gary: super cool. potsch: the bed is made of high-strength steel, which is less susceptible to punctures than aluminum. jim: aluminum is great for a lot of things, but maybe not the bed of a truck. potsch: and best of all, this new truck is actually- gary: (all laughing) oh my... potsch: the current chevy silverado. gary: i'm speechless. gary: this puts my ford truck to shame. james: i'll tell you, i might be a chevy guy now. (laughing)
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ashley: tensions rising with north korea after another missile test, this time the missile flying over japan. president trump is increasingly frustrated with rogue machine saying this "the u.s. is talking to north korea and paying them extortion money 25 years. talk something not the answer! the u.s. and allies in the region tried everything to rein in north korea. where do we go from here? >> i don'ts agree with president trump's time is for talking is over. we continue to pursue the diplomatic path as well. secretary mattis said diplomacy is not over. you go down the road, diplomatic, military enforcement of this. ashley: david, looking what is tried in the past. diplomatic dine duesments, security guaranties, food aid, failed. you freeze your nuclear program
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you can come to kind of agreement. north korea consistently violated agreements. we pursued sanctions but china is very reluctant to get on board with those. to me that is a lot of diplomacy that hasn't achieved a lot. >> it is, you're absolutely right. diplomacy itself has not worked alone. so we need to look at the military aspects of it to see what we can do. there are things we could do. i would put a lot of resources shooting down the next missile. i wouldn't advertise that is what you're going to do. you should do that. attacking him on his ground, galvanizes kim's base, allows him to control the narrative. we look like bad guys. shoots down the missile makes him look incompetent and reassures our allies in the region as well. ashley: based on his character and runs risk of him retaliating just to save face if anything else. >> that is why i think we can
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win that narrative over with the international community. he is launching it over international, over japan. he is launching it out in the pacific. you're not striking north korea actual territorial land. it allows us some wiggle room in there. but we can't continue on track of appeasement. we have to do something. ashley: i hate to say this, david, if they launch against north korea, it is suicide move, if we act you lose your regime. could it get to the stage where you get in line or you're in big trouble? >> it could get to that stage but i think it will have to be a responsive strike. i don't think we would initiate. i think we need to also let china know this isn't just about the u.s. kim know it is not just u.s. and north korea unilaterally. japan could decide, we are threatened we could turn towards
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nuclear weapons. something i guarranty china and russia certainly don't want. ashley: we'll get them to the negotiating table. we're out of time. david sears, thanks for taking time. >> thanks, ashley. cheryl: we're following the path of harvey as another storm is forming in the caribbean, another storm. different name. that could possibly hit land next week. we'll keep you updated on all of this after a quick break. ashley: don't believe it. as texas is still searching for stranded people in houston, louisiana, already, getting ready for the potential crisis of his own. louisiana lieutenant-general billy nungesser tells us the hatest from louisiana. we'll be back. >> it remains imperative people don't drive through water if they don't know how deep it is or how strong the current is. that is one of the most dangerous hazards out there. ♪
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cheryl: tropical storm harvey is on the move, making landfall in louisiana as more cities in texas are now underwater. there is another storm on the horizon. we can't believe it. fox news meteorologist adam klotz is in the weather center with the latest. adam, is it one or go storms that are coming? >> a little ways down the pike we're watching a couple possibilities. those are still good week, week 1/2 off. i will get to that at the end of this forecast. we'll begin what we're seeing out there right now, this is the place we're targeting, port arthur area, rainfall 45 inches,
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moist of that coming last night, a good 20 inches. this is satellite and radar. you're looking at tons and tons of moisture rolling along the coast there. the good news they're beginning to get on the back side. we'll see a little bit more movement with this. here is how it played out. originally harvey running on texas coast, running back over gulf of mexico. it picked up all the rain and moisture and now unleashing across portions of louisiana. now we're on land we'll move quicker and get this thing rolling. heavy rain from sheave port, little rock, memphis -- shreveport. a period where the coast will see sunshine to have the opportunity to get out there. how does that play out? it weakens in this direction. next weekend, early next week, this whole system lifts up into the ohio river valley, clearing down the coastline. as it moves it dropping rain. look at numbers. nothing what we've seen so far,
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we're cut off from water and moisture. still areas along that path getting eight to 10 inches in some cases. it will still be a big rainmaker, harvey is, as it lifts up a little farther to the north. one of those systems you were talking about, became a tropical storm earlier today, will become a hurricane. right now forecast to become a category 2 hurricane this. is on other side of the atlantic. not until late next week we better idea where this thing is heading. cheryl: first things first. >> a lot to deal with harvey. cheryl: adam, thank you. ashley: after tearing through texas and killing at least 21 people, harvey as we've seen moving into louisiana, as the state prepares for the worst, hopefully not, the president tweeting moments ago by the way, texas and louisiana, we are with you today. we are with you tomorrow. we will be with you every single day after to restore, recover and rebuild. encouraging words from the president. here now, louisiana lieutenant governor, billy nungesser. lieutenant governor, thank you for joining us.
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i was looking at the last forecast we heard there, is it true to say that louisiana is perhaps missing a little bit of the just devastating rains that we saw in texas? describe what it is like in louisiana right now. >> absolutely. it looks like they're getting the brunt of this heavy rain in port arthur. the governor moved assets to the state line to help out in texas, because what is going on in houston, their people can't get to port arthur. so we're assisting in texas. i want to tell you, i heard about the president caring. in the floods last year in louisiana, i saw then candidate trump and pence go in and out of homes, when the media was not around, hugging individuals. americans in need, listening to their stories, not in front of the media. i saw a man, both men, truly care about the problems of these flood victims. i don't know how it plays out in the media but this president
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cares. ashley: thank you for pointing that out, by the way. so i understand your office is in charge of donations and disaster preparedness. obviously a lot of resourceses as you just said have gone to texas. what does louisiana need? >> well, louisiana is gathering goods. we'll use some of it here. we have 500 people south of lake charles into a shelter that we opened. we also have a shelter up in shreveport where we're going to bring texas evacuees. we're gathering goods to support of our neighbors in texas because they will get the brunt of this storm and help them through the recovery. just like they helped us after katrina and every other storm we had. ashley: how proud of you of the "cajun navy"? we spoke to a sheriff near beaumont, texas, he said what a special breed the "cajun navy" and how special they are and couldn't be more praise worthy
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of helping texans in need. >> the best america has to offer, when we're willing to risk our own lives as the "cajun navy" has to help neighbors and neighbors across the state line. it gives you great hope in america to see people like that. ashley: it really does. inspiring stories, no doubt. lieutenant governor, thanks so much for joining us. hopefully louisiana being spared what we've seen in texas. we thank you for taking time out with us today. >> thank you. cheryl: "new york post" this morning, don't mess with texas. ashley: exactly. said it yesterday. tweeted it today. cheryl: the post is listening, exactly. cheryl: we have new details coming up on the hillary clinton investigation. why the fbi is now refusing to release its files to the public? plus taking back her apology. turns out kathy griffin isn't sorry at all for this gruesome stunt. coming up next, madison desoto from "the washington times" will sound off.
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cheryl: the fbi will not release documents on hillary clinton due to, quote, lack of public interest. after a lawyer made request for files to seek punish clinton for perjury over handling of her emails. we have a madison desoto, "washington times" columnist and head of national diversity coalition for trump. lack of public interest, are you not interested in seeing emails and making them public? i think most people are. >> of course most people are. foia requests will be honored and we see the information. either she consents, she is dead or personal privacy concerns are overridden by the public interest. in this case i think this would be one of those where almost seems foolproof that would happen. they're saying no. saying public interest does not override this. we look what happened.
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look at amount of media interest this received all the way back to dating two years ago until now i really think this blows many people's mind. cheryl: conspiracy theorist in me, they're seeing something in the emails they don't want to be released. they would rather have them safe, blacked out, if you will, covered up. >> right. when we look at a concern people have, this could potentially affect our lives, put them in danger. she used a private home server to conduct government, government relations when she was leading the state department. this is unacceptable. cheryl: obviously, now that election is passed, even president trump, candidate trump wanted her thrown in jail, arrest her, but president trump is really backed off. do you think that has something to do with the decision by the fbi? >> i don't believe that it did. really the thing that concerns me i heard a lot of people talking about today, many people want to keep the status quo. they don't want to release because they don't want to know how bad things are. cheryl: that is interesting.
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i want to talk about another topic making headlines. kathy griffin is taking back the apology of holding up severedded head of president trump. i'm no longer sorry. the whole outrage was bs. it whole thing got blown out of proportion. what do you make of that statement? >> i had enough of her. i said it before the initial thing happened. i think she needs to sit down. and shut up. people are sick of her. she is touring in australia, because no one wants to listen to her here. it is what it is. that is reality of it. cheryl: why do you think she chose now to come out to change her tune? because she wasn't getting attention? >> people were forgetting about her. receiving no tours here. couple months ago here on fox business if i was an establishment that had her scheduled to perform i would have canceled her as well. that is what she experienced. many people had her canceled repeatedly. this is her way to do it. that sound ridiculous. this will probably be last time
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we mare from her. cheryl: hurt her in the wall lit. great to have you on the show. ashley, over to you. ashley: thank you very much, cheryl. floodwaters in east texas continue to rise, harvey with more rain to hard-hit communities. there are fears recoveries could take years. fox business's jeff flock is at ground, hearing more from victims of this epic storm. that is next. it's time for the biggest sale of the
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a place along the brazos river where the. the floodwaters have to go somewhere at some point. as they do, they bring a wall of water, down the brazos river, the colorado river. this community is on the edge of the brazos. as you can tell, we've been showing you pictures last few days, of fairly high dollar neighborhoods in houston that have been flooded. floodwaters no know rich man, poor man, democrat, republican, whatever. floodwaters are just floodwaters and it's a mess everywhere. the national guard, by the way, because of this wall of water coming down and will increase the flood that you see here, the national guard went house to house today, at a community here in richmond to try to get people to leave. , there is not a mandatory evacuation there. but they did their best to convince people. a number of people said yes, i
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hear you. if it will be three or four more feet, i get out now. i don't want to get out at the last minute, so they did. little babies, one family we met, the young lady had sixth child, young baby named michael. they just got home from the hospital. now they are headed out of their home, to points unknown. i think they will try to be with family. they said we made wind up in a shelter. she is not alone. ashley? ashley: jeff, there are those say they're just not going to leave. do they have electricity? do they have the means to actually live for what could very well be weeks and weeks? reporter: it is different situations depending where you go. of course this is such a widespread event, in the community, like this one, no, there are no electricity. so these people have pretty well left. this is pretty rough. other communities people think they can stay. they have supplies. they may have a generator. but yeah, my experience with this, you think you can stay. but when you have that much
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inconvenience over time, you finally, you know what, this isn't the life i would like. ashley: you know, jeff, we know that houston imposed a cure few. people are -- curfew. people are reluctant to leave homes because they don't want to leave belongings. it is your whole life in the home and fear of someone taking it is very real, unfortunately. reporter: with rescues we had yesterday, one lady brought a plastic box. the guy was helping said, gave it to us, we took it on board, he goes, be careful of that box. it was a plastic box you could see through. there were 100-dollar bills. okay, i'll see you. ashley: wow. reporter: this is people, people save money, whatever, something happens. there you go. ashley: at least they didn't bury it in the backyard. it would be long gone by now. reporter: exactly. you would need a backhoe to get it out, exactly.
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ashley: jeff flock doing an amazing job down in texas and reporting on the floods, on the human side of it, jeff, what we all appreciate. jeff flock, thank you so much. appreciate it. reporter: appreciate that. cheryl: i appreciate the fact that i'm seeing sun on jeff flock's face right now. ashley: yes. cheryl: i think that gives us hope that city will start to dry out at some point. well, more celebrities are now calling for action. the worst of times in texas is bringing out the best in many americans. how you can help victims of the deadly storm. where to get out. if only the signs were as obvious when you trade. fidelity's active trader pro can help you find smarter entry and exit points and can help protect your potential profits. fidelity -- where smarter investors will always be.
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$1 million i'm just grateful i can do it. >> liz: she makes austin texas home but may be houston's very own star athlete jj watt doing the most leading to social media charge and raised a lot of money towards harvey relief efforts and he's not done. >> over not we surpassed $5.1 million over 50,000 people have donated to this thing, and it's rising by the minute. please keep sharing please keep donating, whatever you can do $5 or $500, anything helps i'm going to make sure this money goes directly to the people as possible so houston, stay strong , the link for everybody else is i can't say enough. thank you. >> yeah so the total now is up to 6 million, the new goal by the way just keeps going 10 million and you started this last sunday and the original goal was 200,000. >> liz: and look at it now.
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a remarkable response and obviously, cold play has been involved there's so many, kevin hart has been raising all this money so it's just great to see. well that does it for us, risk & reward though is starting right now. >> the operation right now is very clear. we're still in life saving life sustaining mode. >> this is what we call a mega shelter. >> all of the organic texas guard has been mobilized. >> coast guard crews continue to operate around the clock to assist residents. >> entire families being loaded into the back of trucks. >> all cars are submerged. the water is everywhere. >> we expect a many-year recovery in texas and the federal government is in this for the long-haul. >> we are one texas and i hope one america again. >> liz: we're not out of it yet tropical storm harvey making a second landfall. the death toll now at least 21 and that number unfortunately is
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