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tv   FBN AM  FOX Business  September 1, 2017 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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lauren: breaking news this morning, rescuers go door to door for looking for victims of hurricane harvey while administration asks for billions of dollars of relief. cheryl: new hurricane across the atlantic, fox senior meteorologist tracking hurricane irma category 3 storm. lauren: month of report with brand-new report of the job market ahead of the job's data. the dow is up 33 points and check out the nasdaq, up 6 points this morning. it will open in record high. cheryl: ahead of u.s. employment news, ftse, cac on the green.
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lauren: widening scandal on wells fargo after warren buffet said the bank is on the right track. fbn:am starts right now. lauren: 5:01 a.m. in new york. good morning, everyone, i'm cheryl casone. lauren: i'm lauren simonetti, dead toll from harvey to 39, officials warning there could be more explosions at the chemical plant in crosby, texas, the plant was hit by two explosions yesterday and one lost power. cheryl: this as daunting time of clean-up, jeff flock is live in houston with all of the latest, jeff, good morning.
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good morning, cheryl, good morning to you. i do sense a corner being turned this morning. take a look at the scene behind me. no more water, but this is what harvey and the flooding has left behind. you know, there are different neighborhoods in houston, 40,000 homes impacted, many of them as you look at the debris here flooded quickly and the flood waters are already down and people are already attacking it, pulling out their damaged goods, pulling out the drywall, getting it back to normal, getting back to recovery, this neighborhood even has power back in it, yet, still many more neighborhoods with water still inundating them and it will for some time to come. we are told by some in houston and harris countfully flood control, some of the homes could be flooded for as butch as six, seven more weeks. we are nowhere near reservoirs but many homes around it, that's
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where the flood waters will stay high. other signs of recovery the port of houston is reopening today, that's a big plus because a lot of commerce flows through there, petro chemicals and the rest, that's a positive. we will be all day long today in the myerland neighborhood, quick flood, flash flood with the rain, waters back down, recovery beginning, that's a good sign to see. lauren: jeff, it's lauren, you put in a tough week there. we have been enjoying the reports and the devastation unbelievable. how did it feel yesterday when you saw your own daughter? [laughter] jeff: my daughter is a journalist and works with pbs news hour i knew she was here but we are going down in varney program and i'm describing a truck that's coming down a road, 2 and a half ton truck that somebody has bought. there you go and there's lizzie in the back of the truck riding
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in there. i dragged her to numerous stores, you're lucky that i'm not your dad because i would have dragged you to all of the stories when you were a kid and fortunately she hasn't had to invest in therapy or recover from that yet, she's used to some of her own. she's a much better journalist than i am. lauren: she has her instinct. jeff: smart enough to get in a truck on high ground, thanks for showing that. it was a special moment. cheryl: we enjoyed watching it out of houston this morning. while we are monitoring another powerful hurricane in the atlantic, hurricane irama expect today become a category 4 storm by early next week. we will have live report from senior meteorologist janice dean, that will be coming up.
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lauren: hurricane harvey to be one of the costly storms, mark, senior economic analyst at, good morning. when are we going to see the signs of economic impact from harvey actually start to show in the government reports? >> right, in the data. first of all, we will begin to see in jobless claims which are delivered each and every thursday, that could begin as soon as next week, people begin to go file first-time claims for unemployment benefits. obviously with the report that we have due this morning for the august employment report, too early for that because the survey week occurred before the storm occurred, so we could see in terms of the job's report, the following month's report begin to show up and feed into things like auto sales, gdp and retail sales and the list goes on. lauren: i want to talk to you about gdp because i heard different views on this. hurricane katrina didn't really
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affect gdp nationally because of the size of the economic impact of new orleans, for instance, is much smaller of that of houston. >> i don't have any doubts that it will, indeed. in fact, those numbers, it's important to think about the extent of this horrific storm and flooding and certainly our thoughts and hearts and prayers go to those people affected n. the near term, economic activity has basically been put on suspended animation, will have a recovery and rebilling effort as jeff's video indicated there and in small measure beginning right now. dollars will begin to flow, economic activity will begin to restore and we will have a gross spurt as a result of this rebuilding effort in the fourth quarter but it'll be sometime before we get there. lauren: we are looking at flooded cars, there could be a million of them to sent to junk
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cars. gas prices 60 cents this week, increased another 7 cents. how big a deal to consumers paying high prices? >> the gad news is the gasoline prices are coming off lower base. but this will serve as small tax on the economy, but it'll go away as refining capacity gets back to speed and economic activity recovers as well. lauren: all right, we are looking at wholesale gasoline prices, they are down today, mark, thank you so much. >> thank you. cheryl: while president trump is doing his part of victims of hurricane harvey to get back down on their feet, sarah huckabee sanders making announcement to reporters. >> i'm happy to tell you that he would like to join in the effort that a lot of the people are
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doing, pledging a million dollars. cheryl: sanders wants suggestions from reporters on which charity should receive donation, first lady melania trump are heading to texas tomorrow. plans are being finalized on which cities they will visit. lauren: all right, the wells fargo scandals had deepened. the company revealing that the problem is actually much bigger than they first thought. cheryl: we have tracee carrasco with that story. good morning. tracee: good morning, sales practice scandal is much bigger than it previously acknowledged. yesterday wells fargo said that 3.5 million, potentially unauthorized accounts were opened because of improper sales tactics, 67% increase over 2.1 million figure it made public last fall. the disclosure was made at the
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end of the review but the news conveniently comes one day after warren buffet who was a huge shareholder sat down with liz claman on closing bell. is it a coincidence? >> they made multiple mystics and plenty for it. i was at solomon when they had mistakes, we had thing not on the scale, obviously, but you go forward. tracee: interesting there. wells fargo stock fell yesterday behind big rivals. cheryl: let's talk about tesla, big labor complaint against them tracee: allegations of unfair labor practices from workers in freemont california factory, nondisclosure agreements and tesla harassed them during
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unionizing efforts. administrative scheduled for november 14th. we will be watching that. lauren: getting back to harvey, cell phone drying companies that are helping the victims. tracee: it's not just the homes that were damaged by the flooding, cell phones good ruined too, to help people get back up in running, one company, the ekdry drove 15-hour trips to help make dead phones back to life. they set up next to convention center, by the first night there they saved about 20 cell phones. cheryl: that's a great story. tracee: 20 cell phones.
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lauren: they are suggesting people to do that by flood damage today because the law changes after today. that's a great story. you couldn't think of that right away. tracee: getting in touch of family members, these people without their phones they weren't able to do that. cheryl: thank you, tracee. we have a lot more coming up. did fbi director james comey let hillary clinton off the hook in the e-mail investigation before he interviewed key witnesses including her? you won't believe what fox found out about the story. four companies have been passed to build propertyo -- prototypes, you are watching fbn:am.
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cheryl: welcome back, let's get you caught up on what's happening now, two republicans on the senate judiciary committee say then fbi director james comey began drafting a statement that would exonerate hillary clinton in the investigation into her private e-mail use before they even interviewed anybody including her. committee chairman gassily and
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lindsey graham learned about comey's draft, quote, exoneration statement after reviewing transcripts of top comey aides. interesting story. lawyers for president trump had met several times with special counsel robert mueller, the lawyers submitted memos arguing that the president did not obstruct justice by firing former fbi chief james comey. congress has not fund border wall, four companies have been selected by the federal government to build concrete prototypes of the wall, either way, he says, lauren, there's going to be a wall, we will see what it looks like. lauren: can't wait, actually. that border wall is absolutely going to be a my juror topic when congress returns to work. the congress is scheduled to vote on spending bill that would cut a billion dollars from fema disaster relief fund to pay for
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the wall. in fairness the bill was proposed before hurricane harvey hit texas, but you know, will this funding for the recovery turn into a political disaster, bring in conservative radio talk show host eric, good to see you, eric. >> good morning. lauren: president trump promising billion, he's going to ask 6 billion for recovery on hurricane and renewed the idea of shutting down the government and mike pence reiterated that while he was touring the devastation in texas, this sounds like it's going to be a political fight. >> i think it is. listen, i think they know that republicans in congress are desperately scared of government shutdowns, they always get blamed for them by most of the press so they don't want to shut it down and the president wants border funding and he wants disaster relief funding. gop is setting disaster bill trying to set the president up for failure trying to make him
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pick for wall and disaster funding and he's not going to do it, he will choose both. lauren: do you think congress can get more done because they are dealing with disaster the biggest u.s. has ever seen, can they get agenda done fast? >> congress loves disaster because it allows them to spend money as quickly as possible in projects. so, yes, they will move very quickly before public outreach can build to get funded and all of the projects funded, we are about to get great new roads in america. lauren: do you think relief funding is going to be married to increasing the debt ceiling when they have the meeting next week? >> probably so. paul ryan has come out saying they do want offsets and
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republicans can be good stewards of the budget, as they should, they will certainly include some expansion of the debt ceiling in here. >> if you recall, it was five years ago, hurricane sandy, i think it struck october 29th, took congress two months to get the relief bill done. is that what you expect this time around? the president says he wants the money to the victims fast but nothing is really fast in washington. >> three to four months in congress is fast. they do have to go through legislative process. the longer it takes them honestly, the better for people in texas and rest of us because it allows what congress are doing and lobbyists can't have a hi day and slip in things unrelated to texas. lauren: i want to move to tax reform. everybody wants a tax cut.
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the tax package what we get, what it looks like, we are not exactly sure, here is the issue, 49% of people polled by fox news say it's important, of course, we want tax reform but in terms of faith in congress only 14% think will get something passed. >> i don't think congress is going to pass substantive. hats off to speaker and tax committee, they really want to get something don't. they understand that we have corporations like apple with billions and billions of dollars oversea that is they want to see come home to create american jobs and we have to have tax reform to do that. whether they can get it passed with democratic help it's a completely different matter. the democrats can filibuster this in the senate. lauren: yes or no, do we get tax plan for the year? >> probably not. mid-june next year. lauren: have a beautiful labor day weekend, thanks for your time. >> thanks, you too. cheryl: coming up as texas recovers from hurricane harvey, a new hurricane is in the
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atlantic, fox senior meteorologist janice dean tracking hurricane irma and then there is this. ♪ cheryl: so in the midst of disasterrous flood water this texasman consoled himself in his home with his piano. ♪
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[brother] any last words? [boy] karma, danny... ...karma! [vo] progress is seizing the moment. your summer moment awaits you, now that the summer of audi sales event is here. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during the summer of audi sales event.
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lauren: past week we brought you devastating images in texas but moments like this one, we will
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show it to you, that perfectly capture the human emotion. this man return today his home, flooded home in houston. he we wanted to kid his kids' favorite stuffed animal, his 13-year-old asked him to make sure it still worked. [music] lauren: and it did. basically sitting in water. cheryl: what a beautiful song. his talent by the way, got me on that, that was amazing. certainly harvey moved out of texas but reminiscence continue to dump and another powerful hurricane moving west. where is irma going to go?
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senior meteorologist janice dean, janice, more storm. >> lots to talk about. the gulf of mexico watching this area over the next five days because we don't need anymore rain across the gulf coast. so far we will do okay this weekend. drying out period for the gulf coast. this is what's left to harvey, 50 reports of tornadoes during duration, a lot of damage from reports of tornadoes, we are unfortunately going to get a piece of harvey for long labor day weekend, this is irma, it's going to be a very dangerous hurricane ramping up to category 4. i need all interests in the caribbean, i need the east coast, florida and the gulf coast to be on alert, we will be watching the storm for the next week. if this high, bermuda high is strong, the storm will remain on west ward track. if bermuda track breaks down, then it has potential to be east
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coast threat. we have a few days to watch this, here are the two reliable forecast models that we look at in terms of cone of uncertainty and now we are starting to come into agreement that next weekend perhaps coming very close to east coast, many days ahead of us ladies, we have a lot of time to prepare, if we live on the east coast, florida, gulf coast, you need to know the preparation. this will be a very dangerous, very strong hurricane that could impact the u.s. cheryl: irma could be a cat 4. janice: could be a cat 5. cheryl: a little bit of denial on that one. janice. janice: no denial, no. you've been warned. prepared. lauren: when we come back the trump administration tapping human resources. we are going to tell you how
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scammers are targeting harvey victims with robo calls, absolutely outrageous. we will be right back
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lauren: in europe stocks on the rise, the ftse in london up 15 points, cac if paris up 41. cheryl: we have seen the best of human nature in the wake of hurricane harvey but we have also seen the worst, we will tell you how scammers are targeting victims, robo calls, outrageous. fbn:am starts right now. lauren: 5:31 a.m. in new york, friday first of september, thank you for joining us, i'm lauren simonetti. cheryl: good morning, i'm cheryl casone. we have seen issues of looting, price gouging, not all is well today. lauren: very long gas lines in some places. cheryl: death toll from harvey has risen to 39 after authorities confirmed seven more victims overnight. meanwhile officials warning there could be more explosions
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at the chemical plant in crosby texas, the plant hit by two explosions yesterday after losing power. lauren: all of this coming as difficult clean-up efforts underway across southern texas where we find jeff flock this morning. live in houston with the very latest, hey, jeff, long week for you. jeff: well, it's going to be a long several months for the folks that live in houston, 40,000 homes we believe impacted by this flood and take a look. you're going to see and maybe dave gives you up close and personal picture, homes all across the city and this is actually the good part here because these folks are able to at least get back in and flood waters are out and they are able to get back to recovery, get to recovery, look at the pictures elsewhere in houston, flood waters remain high, that is because they are near those
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reservoirs and essentially reservoirs, these are flood controlled projects and they are huge areas but all filled with water and that water is going to stay up for a long period of time local officials tell us so that is going to i'd say slow down the recovery efforts. you said that maybe things are not going perfectly here, they are going remarkably well in the phase of this, we are really in some ways even in the harder part, that is where things play out over time, frustrations build, you know, getting around continues to be a problem and just the frustration of having your life as you can see perhaps here strewn about and in some ways never the same. we'll follow it all at it unfolds here in houston. lauren: certainly takes an emotional toll, jeff flock, thank you. we are also monitoring another
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powerful hurricane in the atlantic, irma could become a category 5 storm at janice dean tells us as it barrels towards the u.s. next week. cheryl: president trump we should say is doing his part to help victims of hurricane harvey on getting back on their feet, sarah huckabee sanders telling reporters that trump is going to donate $1 million of his own money to relief efforts, meanwhile the administration is also moving forward with federal assistance, more now on all of this from blake berman. blake: disaster relief will be funded, that was part of the message from the homeland security adviser tom who also warned from the white house podium against price gouging saying the hammer will be brought on top of those who try to take advantage of harvey's aftermath, on the ground in texas thursday vice president pence who assured the federal government's weight is leaning on texas. >> full resources of the national government are being
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brought to bear in a consistent way through the course of rescue operation which is still underway and recovery that will follow and the rebuilding that we will see through. blake: while dominant focus remains on relief effort, congress comes back next week and tackles behemoth of tax reform and split on tax code and 80% do not expect it to happen in 2017. democrats are already saying they will not support the president's plan if it includes relief for the wealthiest 1%. the white house press secretary sarah sanders telling me that democrats should back relief for all americans. >> i would love for democrats to want to help all americans, i don't know why they would ever want to be against that, certainly helping more americans have more must be in their
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pockets, hopefully they will be reasonable when it comes to the table. blake blik sandest was also asked whether -- sanders described cohn as integral part of the team. thank you in new york. cheryl: well the president and first lady melania trump are heading to texas and louisiana tomorrow. that second visit, by the way, lauren, we both saw this. mike pence picking up garbage in port arthur. lauren: dressed in jeans, this administration has tried to instill confidence in that area that we are here. [laughter] lauren: the president called for billions of dollars in harvey relief efforts and he's expected to do that today. cheryl: tracee carrasco, making news this morning, hey. >> reportedly asking $6 billion
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in aftermath of harvey. the president may attach increasing u.s. debt limit which could come as today allocate $5.5 billion to fema and the rest to small business administration, the president believes this amount would be more than enough to support hurricane efforts until the end of the year. cheryl: good that everybody is obviously pitching in across the country but the president is also asking for back up from the oil industry. tracee: hopefully this will bring relief on gas pumps, emergency stockpile of crude oil in response to the major refineries in gulf coast by harvey, follows shutdown of the colonial pipeline which normally carries a huge amount of gasoline between houston and the east coast. the energy department said it will send 500,000-barrels of oil from strategic petroleum reserve in lake charles, louisiana, the move will hopefully keep gas
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prices from going up further. lauren: they rose 7 cents overnight. terrible news, of course, you see this in times of disaster, scammers trying to extort money from the victims. tracee: this is awful as if people didn't have enough to worry right now. scammers are using robo calls from trying to get money from survivors, premiums are past due and they must send money immediately or else have their flood insurance canceled. the director of national flood insurance program at fema said, quote, this is pure fraud, you should only be taking information from trusted sources. another scammed victim wills also have to look out for dishonest contractors. cheryl: you know what me too, you guys, the folks opposing immigration officers going to people's homes and scaring them to leaf and going back and robbing them. lauren: evacuate so we can steal your stuff.
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you want to check credentials and badge. lauren: thank you very much this morning. all right, coming up, end of an era, former white house press secretary sean spicer spicey sending his final e-mail to the white house staff. i like to call him spicey. i like to call him that. we will tell you what he said to everybody as he is leaving and get this, the asteroid to pass by the earth, is it a coincidence? we will be right back. you're watching fbn:am.
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lauren: good morning, let's get you caught up on what's happening now. milwaukee county sheriff clarke resigns, might be heading to washington, might take on a role in the white house, we will see. in resignation letter he chose to retire to pursue other opportunities. well, the end of august marks end of presence at sean spicer in the white house, his final e-mail to staff said working for president trump was, quote, the honor of a lifetime.
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you might want to look up today. it's not on par with the recent solar eclipse but this is definitely worth noting, a massive 2-point 7-mile long asteroid set to pass by earth today, named after florence, safe distance of 4.4 million miles and today's fly by will be the closest to earth since 1890. cheryl, that's what's happening now. cheryl: i can't get over that sean is out. i will miss lisa mccarthy. lauren: saturday night live too. cheryl: it's been a pretty good month overall, held on despite a lot of headwinds. doug flynn certified capital, hey, there good morning. >> good morning. cheryl: it seems that a lot of
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volatility may return to markets, that's the prediction, anyway, how sure are you that we are going to have a rough month. >> we have a couple of things. historically since the past 90 years since we look at history, september is the worst month of the year, average down 1%. the last three years in the row it's been down, the economy is very strong, the consumer is strong so it doesn't automatically mean that it's down so what we do think is that there could be some volatility pickup even though there hasn't been volatility of late, it's kind of overdue. cheryl: don't you think the job's report that we are getting today, three hours from now, that can be upside surprise for the markets? you had adp coming up that was stronger. that could be a good thing. >> it absolutely could be a good thing. we think it will come above expectations, those are all good signs, there's no doubt that the backdrop, the economy, everything is looking very good from investment and economic perspective but that doesn't
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mean that there can't be some kind of spike in volatility or event that might cause a little bit of 5% correction that we haven't had. we hasn't had a 3% correction in a while. those are opportunities, really, that's what i would look for, fundamentally after that, those are just opportunities to get back in, maybe rebalance portfolio if it's gotten out of whack, that's a good time to do that. cheryl: we will be feeling the impact of this economically for probably months to come, what about energy companies, what about insurance companies, things like that? i mean, a lot of times, you know, folks tend to look at this as investment opportunity, have you looked at that as well this week? >> well, we have, energy companies have had issues with their stock prices, but, you know, look, you might have a spike in gas prices and other things in the short term as they work through the issues with the pipeline and what not, that, of course, settled down. insurance companies will
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typically suffer big losses but a lot of that is reensured, it's never really as bad a you might think. the one company doesn't have all the risks and they do spread around. hopefully they built amount of reserves, those things are going to happen from time to time just like a short-term event in the stock market might drop it but are the fundamentals behind it good, is the company you're looking at still good even though you had a short-term thing that goes on. cheryl: before we let you go, if tax reform doesn't get passed this year and fox poll shows that our viewers don't think it'll be passed, what does that mean for the market? >> i think we are trading on fundamentals and i think if we get tax cuts that's going to be a positive to the market. i don't even anticipate tax reform, but tax cuts to any degree i think will be additional boost to the market, i don't think that's already priced in. i think we are trading on
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fundamentals. still a lot of people that are not in the market, still a lot of uncertain the city about the market and some people coming back to the market. we are slightly above average valuation, it's not -- it's not outside. cheryl: well, that would be nice upside surprise from investors. doug, thank you very much. >> absolutely. cheryl: this is congress, lauren, i'm trying to be optimistic about tax reform. lauren: the market -- the nasdaq had a record high, should we get a tax package? coming up in sports, big boost in houston astros as the city deals with flooding, best team in the american league makes trade for pitcher, at the u.s. open, cheryl, meter runs high for federer fans. jared max with sports highlights, traders starting the scary month of september today, we will go to london how traders are preparing for what is often
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considered the coolest month for investors. guest just told us down 1% on average. we will see. you're watching fbn:am excuse me, are you aware of what's happening right now? we're facing 20 billion security events every day. ddos campaigns, ransomware, malware attacks... actually, we just handled all the priority threats. you did that? we did that. really. we analyzed millions of articles and reports. we can identify threats 50% faster. you can do that? we can do that. then do that. can we do that? we can do that.
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lauren: j.j.watt's fundraiser keeps going and going. cheryl: oh, my gosh.
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jared: he's becoming an american hero. j.j.watt began fundraising, the goal is up to $15 million. >> i'm going to lever it open, we will see how high we can get it, i can't say thank you enough. celebrities, musicians, athletes, kids with lemonade stands and people hosting fund raisers, businesses donating, i cannot think everybody enough. jared: total contributions 13 and a half million dollars. the dallas, receiver dez bryant. cowboys jerry jones. >> how many million dollar contributions have you had tonight? >> yes, sir.
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we have a million over here. we have a million. we have a million from mr. jones. [laughter] >> cowboys raised more than 2 million in over 90 minutes. ezekiel elliot could be sooner than expected. recommended not suspending the cowboys running back because of inconsistent statements from his accuser that raised questions of credibility. reportedly led the nfl players association to ask a court to block the suspension. e second rank ohio outscored indiana, 36-7, running back jk, 181 yards. tenth rank oklahoma stake, tumbling 59 to 24. in sports, healing force, maybe
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there's something for baseball fans in houston to smile about this morning, not only astros home again but they've landed one of the best pictures in the last decade. former cy young justin verlander traded, fiance kate upton on the move, justin upton, traded from tigers to angels. time to get up and go. it works for both stories. supreme court justice sonia sotomayor in judge's chambers last night. the judge's chambers built for home run aaron judge. gary sánchez helped the sox beat 6-2. bang that gavel. check that out. cincinnati win against the mets, he thandz bat he use today hit
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the homer with with 6-year-old child that's battling cancer. gave his fan jersey. wow. 19-time grand slam champion. the five set battles are actually a lot of fun. federer won five sets for the second match in a row. advance 3 in the u.s. open taking final two sets, also advancing last night or yesterday was rafael nadal into the third round. cheryl: a lot of great tennis being played. thank you very much. catch jared max in fox news headlines 24/7, siriusxm 115. lauren: we will have a report on that coming up
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lauren: let's say good morning to riva gold. first day of september and i was just looking at the month of august, it's interesting, european stocks are down 3 months in a row. u.s. stocks are up 5 bucks in a row, why the disconnect? >> a lot of what's been weighing on european stocks is this really rapid rise in the euro, the euro is off to strongest start of the year ever and that's really starting to cut into earnings specially the
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multinationals as well as jitters and what could be coming around the corner from the european central bank in october. cheryl: we had a expert saying get ready for a rocky start in september, are you expecting the same thing in europe? >> september does tend to be weak kind of globally, between the set and all the jitters around the u.s. debt ceiling, that could potentially have a knock-on effect in europe although evaluation can be more attractive, they do catch-up as things turn around. lauren: we hear you will be off a few days, have a beautiful time whatever it is that you're doing and thank you so much for your time today. >> thanks, take care. cheryl: i think she should visit to us in new york. lauren: did you hear that, riva. making a stop on the tour. thank you, everybody, for joining us. cheryl: i'm out of here, i'm vacation, mic is off.
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that is it for us on this friday, we are sending in to friend dagen mcdowell in for maria bartiromo. dagen: i had somebody get up and throw it off in midsentence. long road to recovery begins as the waters recede the devastation of harvey in full focus. >> we saw broken homes and we talk today so many people with broken hearts but we also saw something that is so incredible that has arisen because of this crisis and that's resiliency of fellow texans and fellow americans. dagen: president trump and first lady will


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