tv Varney Company FOX Business September 11, 2017 9:00am-12:00pm EDT
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big tragedies right now, and let's come together as a nation and show the world who we are. dagen: lee carter, thank you so much, lonnie chen and steve forbes, a pleasure being being h you. right now, "varney & company." mr. varney, take it away. stuart: thank you very much, indeed. you're weighing up to a stock -- waking up to a stock market rally and a destructive irma, storm surge and is all, that is still hitting florida. throughout the program, you will see both unfold. good monday morning, everyone. september 11th, 16 years on. the news from florida is grim, about half the state has no power, weeks to get everyone back up. local roads blocked with downed trees. getting around is difficult and dangerous. the authorities say just don't even try. daybreak reveals extensive wind and water damage, especially along the gulf coast. the storm surge, that sea water, pouring on land is ongoing as we
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speak. there has been some looting. miami was on lockdown overnight to try to prevent it. nine arrests in fort lauderdale. now, the millions who evacuated do not know at this time when they can go back and what they're going back to. irma is now a tropical storm, still lashing north florida and georgia. it hits atlanta in a couple of hours. so why are stocks going up? it looks like a triple-digit rally about a half hour from now. well, there are several factors at play. irma bad, yes, it is. but perhaps not the epic catastrophe that it might have been. and the money that is pouring into texas and florida may help the national economy in the long run. president trump is getting favorable reviews for his handling of the crisis. that may help the push for tax cuts. and finally, north korea did not launch missiles as feared. add it up, and on this -- the 16th anniversary of 9/11 -- americans have pulled together to deal with back-to-back
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disasters. yes, they have. "varney & company" is about the begin. ♪ stuart: straight at it, please. jeff flock in florida, a barrier island west of tampa/st. pete. all right, jeff, i know you've got the storm surge coming. from a distance, it doesn't look like the storm surge was as bad as expected even though it looks terrible where you are now. tell us. >> reporter: i think you're dead on, stuart. yes, indeed, the storm has passed us here, and the surge is coming in because of the counterclockwise rotation of the circulation, and the storm surge is coming in, but it's the back side of the storm, so it's not as bad as it could have been. i think overall the story is that things aren't as bad as they could be. this is tropical storm force winds, and it looks kind of bad but, you know what? this is the same kind of wind you get when you stick your head
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out the car window at 65 or 70 miles an hour. no big deal. no major structural damage up the beach in madeira beach. it's now blowing out of the east, coming right at us. we'll see something, but i don't think it'll be anywhere near as bad as it was in naples, certainly in the keys. i think the headline is the upper west coast and the most populace west coast of florida has dodged a bullet. stuart: good stuff. all right, jeff, thank you very much, indeed. we will be back to you shortly, that's promise. joining us by phone, congressman gus bilirakis from right along the gulf coast just north of tampa, right in the thick of it. congressman, you're assessment -- your assessment, please. you may have dodged a bullet. your response, please. >> well, i think, i think we have to a certain extent. it definitely wasn't as bad as we thought it would be, but it was still bad. the power lines are down, trees
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are down all over, over 50% of my constituents do not have power. so i plan to -- it was a category two, stuart. i plan to assess the area as soon as i get the clearance from the emergency operations center. stuart: sir, can i ask you if you've got any indication of damage in the tampa area at this point? i know it's very, very early, obviously, but an initial assessment? >> well, yeah. the mobile homes have a lot of damage, a lot of flooding, there's no question. and we're concerned about this storm surge, there's no question. so it's not over yet. so even damage to homes. so, you know, i want to see it for myself, again. i've gone around the neighborhood, but that's not enough. and as soon as i get the clearance, i'll be out there. stuart: everybody wants to get back. the people who got out of town, they want to get back as soon as possible, but i take it that it's going to be several days --
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you put a time frame on it, but what's the time frame for getting people back to the tampa area? >> i think it's going to take at least two to three days to get people back. and, again, i encourage people to stay in their homes until the officials, eoc, declares that it's safe to go out. you know, the power lines that scare the heck out of us, and the trees are all over. you know, we have a lot of branches everywhere. stuart: but you've got a lot of guys working on the power lines right now, i think. >> yeah. you know, we have terrific first responders. the companies are out there right now, and, you know, we're very, very fortunate. and really our constituents did a great job in following directions. so it could have been a lot worse, stuart. stuart: okay. sir, we appreciate you being with us last friday and again today. appreciate it. god bless. >> thank you. stuart: janice dean is at the weather center.
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i know irma's downgraded to a tropical storm, i know it's moving through georgia. can we say that it's almost done? >> reporter: almost, but we still have widespread effects from this storm system. ing jacksonville was under a state of emergency with flood warnings in their area from the storm surge on the east side of the coast. so depending on where you live, you're still dealing with the potential for storm surge especially along the georgia coastline up near the carolinas. look at the wind gusts that we received in naples, some of naples completely, you know, they saw water, they saw some homes being destroyed. marco island where we had our second landfall yesterday as well, we have no access to get in there right now. and the keys, of course, withstood a category four impact over the weekend. so there's the 48 hours as it unfolded as the storm made two landfalls across the state of florida and now pushing into northern florida, into georgia, the carolinas could be impacted
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as well with not only tropical storm force gusts, but that tornado threat. the panhandle of florida, up towards georgia for the first time in history, atlanta, georgia, under a tropical storm warning. and then eventually moving towards the tennessee river valley. still a flood threat over the next couple of days, tornado watch in effect for northeastern georgia and northeastern florida into georgia and south carolina where we could see the potential for weaker tornadoes. back to you. stuart: the ever-hard-working janice dean. thanks for all you've done for our viewers and our program. >> reporter: anytime. it's what i do. stuart: you do it well. how are we going to open up on this monday morning? triple-digit gain, up about 100-odd points right from the get go this morning. s&p, nasdaq, all of them on the upside. some companies and industries affected by the storm, obviously. these are some of the insurance companies with florida exposure. these are some of the companies
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that have a lot of outlets in florida. i mean, dunkin' donuts, for example, cvs, mixed bag there. no clear trend. remember, this is not quite the catastrophe that we were expecting, so we have not got a huge downside move in those stocks. home depot, lowe's on the downside, but they were up lasting week. now, the insurance. first of all, the major insurers with business all across the country on the upside. again, it was not quite the epic catastrophe expected. now, here are the reinsurers. these are the companies that insure insurance companies. all of them on the upside, a couple unchanged there, but essentially no further downside move. again, i've got to repeat this. irma, bad, but not quite as bad as it had been expected to be. come on in, please, congressman dennis ross. his district includes many of the eastern suburbs of tampa. sir, would you give us an update
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on any damage in your area that you've seen so far. >> yeah. i had a chance to just walk around a little bit. again, this went through the eye of the storm went overheld last night just after midnight. a lot of debris, a little structural in terms of fences and outbuildings, power is down, but by and large, i think we survived it well. again, i think we learned a lot from the '04 and '05 season here in florida that was very bad. i think we were prepared. harvey taught us some lessons in that regard. now we'll assess the damage today and tomorrow. stuart: so far what i'm hearing is -- and i'm going to repeat this expression throughout the program -- it wasn't quite the epic catastrophe that had been expected. would you agree with that, sir? >> i would agree with that. i had a chance earlier on friday to fly with the hurricane hunters into this storm off the coast of cuba. it was quite an experience for four hours in the eye of that storm, going through that storm. we were very concerned especially with the path up the
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spine of the state of florida. fortunately -- again, and great preparation, i think, but also by the grace of god -- this was not add because add it could have been. stuart: congressman, thank you very much for being with us, sir. good luck as you walk around your district today and find out exactly what happened. congressman dennis ross right there. again, check those futures. we open this market in 20 minutes' time, and i'm telling you now we're in for a gain of 120 points, not bad. a friday night news dump from the d. of justice, and it said that lois lerner, she at the heart of the irs/tea party-targeting scandal, will not face any criminal charges. judge napolitano following up on that one after this.
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been thought to have been. wasn't quite there. okay. hurricane irma did wreck sir richard branson's caribbean eye larynx necker. >> it did. his island, by the way, the luxury resort that's $80,000 a day to stay there, the buildings and the vegetation either just completely -- he's saying completely destroyed, that's redundant, but it was destroyed or at least devastated. but he is now traveling around, sir richard, the islands that have been devastated as well, because it took a direct category five hit. he says there are many islands that are completely cut off, they've got no access to food and water, and he's now leading the charge to help those in other islands to get, you know, some supplies in -- stuart: those last pictures were not from necker, they were from other parts of the caribbean. piled up right there. >> correct. remember, he has a menagerie of
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exotic animals. some did perish, but many didn't. stuart: now let's get to politics. the trump administration has no plan to charge former ira official lois lerner over her role in the tea party-targeting scandal. judge napolitano joins us this monday morning. i'm told there wasn't enough evidence to take her to court and win. >> that's a what the justice department would like you to believe. this is a reluctance to prosecute a former official for political reasons. the evidence of her guilt is overwhelming. the obama administration, the loretta lynch justice department decided not to do anything. i say this about my friend, jeff sessions, the sessions justice department sounds like the loretta lynch justice department because of its refusal to prosecute an obviously guilty person with an overwhelming amount of evidence for abusing the power the government gave her. stuart: but aren't some of the people responsible for in the same people who staffed up the justice -- >> when you say responsible for
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this, you mean for the decision not to prosecute her? stuart: yes. >> yes. yes, there's a core of the justice department that doesn't change no matter who the attorney general is and who the president is, and they make a lot of the decisions. stuart: [inaudible] >> correct. this is this justice department protecting its predecessor so that it will have reason to expect its successor will protect it. it's a government mindset which is antithetical to doing the right thing. and i condemn it. and there are other examples of this. this justice department could indict mrs. clinton. they're not bound by the decision jim comey made. this justice department has the same people responding to freedom of information act requests about the obama administration that were responding in the obama years, and they're being just as obfuscating as they were when loretta lynch was the ag. stuart: let sleeping dogs lie, is that it? >> yes. or to defend them, we have better things to do with our time. stuart: okay. i have to ask you a question
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about the role of government -- >> in our lives? stuart: no, no, in harvey. isn't in the classic, correct role -- wait. you're dying to have a go at me, i know you are. [laughter] look, it's a natural disaster. it's got nothing to do with politics. it strikes from the outside, is to speak. surely, we need an outside organization to organize the response of our citizens. >> so when natural disaster strikes, we all become socialists. stuart: no. oh, come on. >> government to take care of us and for the future to pay the bill. the government's going to borrow money, and who's going to pay it back? your wonderful grandchildren, some of become i've met, are going to pay higher taxes because of the borrowing that occurred concern. stuart: are you saying the government has no role to organize the national guard to rescue people? >> no, i'm saying this should be done by the states and not the constitutional government --
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stuart: what's difference? [laughter] >> if the federal government starts to give away goodies, people rely on that, and then the constitution means nothing. stuart: and you wonder why the libertarian party never gets -- >> and you wonder why the constitution of great britain is not written down. [laughter] i'm breaking that tie. [laughter] stuart: you can keep that -- it's red. you can keep it, okay? all right, judge. >> [inaudible] stuart: yes, he was. [laughter] you're only a couple years younger than me, aren't you? >> just a little. [laughter] stuart: you'll be back, i promise. all right, look at this. on a monday morning like this, you come back, irma has clobbered florida, harvey, we're still recovering from, but the no kos did not launch their missile, therefore, we're going to go up 120 points. take that, ladies and gentlemen, how about that? and america came together just like it came together 9/11, 6
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the market opens in, what, seven minutes from now. up 120. maybe a little more. today, of course, is the 16th anniversary of 9/11. you're looking live now at the memorial in lower manhattan where we are reading the names of those who perished. congressman peter king is with us, republican from new york. congressman, you're right there. the mood, please. >> the mood is very somber. i'm right now several blocks away. i came down for the interview, but i got there early this morning. obviously, there's a lot of government leaders, those in office on 9/11, but much more than that, so many family members are still coming back year after year, the mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, and really it's emotional to meet with them, to see them, to see how after all these years they still have so much anguish and sorrow. again, it's really a wake-up call, an important annual wake-up call for all of us to realize how deadly those attacks
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were and how dangerous the islamist threat still is to our country. stuart: i remember, along with everyone else, that right after the attack in the days that followed america was just an outpouring of the american flag and a sense of unity around this challenge to our country. is it, is it okay for me to make a parallel between what happened then, 16 years ago, and what has just happened with harvey and irma and the coming together of america in the face of ma challenge? -- of that challenge? >> yes, i think it's very appropriate. i think that americans, whatever differences we have, whatever divisions we have, the fact is that when a crisis hit, when a tragedy hits, we do come together. i think 9/11 showed that probably most dramatically, but we saw it with harvey. we saw not just the first responders who were totally, you know, terribly heroic, but also you had the ordinary people going out. and we're seeing it with irma. we're seeing people come together. we're seeing the different
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levels of government who are able to function well together. and so, no, i think if there's anything, you know, americans have is that spurt of never giving up -- that spirit of never giving up, fighting back. and for good or bad, once that calms down, we go back to fighting. but the fact is whenever the money's on the line, americans come together. stuart: yes, they do, sir. congressman peter king, thank you so much for taking time out to be with us this morning. very important thing. much obliged. >> thank you, sir. >> you know what's so tough about this, anywhere from 3 out of 10 to 4 out of 10 of people who died at the world trade center site have not been identified, so the chief medical examiner's office is still fighting to identify the remains of those family members. so those families down there still did not get their loved ones back. and the list of the fallen, the people dying since 9/11 have grown because of the catastrophic illnesses. 1300 people have died since 2011. stuart: lizzie, thank you. dow industrials going to go up
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in about three minutes' timings up at least 120 points, could be more than that. stay there, please, back in a moment. don't let dust and allergens get between you and life's beautiful moments. switch to flonase allergy relief. flonase outperforms the #1 non-drowsy allergy pill. when we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by overproducing
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course, a plane did crash into the ground there and into the pentagon building itself. right-hand side of your screen, the market -- which is about to open, and you will see it go up probably 130, maybe 140 points right from the get go. well, the get go is now. it is 9:30 this monday morning. we're up, we're running, and look at that, 145 points in the immediate opening moments of this stock market. 146, 145. 21,9, 150 points, 21,951. the market is rising as the stocks open up. left-hand side of your screen, the pentagon. president trump is going there momentarily to make a speech marking the 16th anniversary of 9/11. we're up 156. now, that's a gain of three-quarters of 1% and still rising. show me, please, the s&p 500. i want a seasons of the broader market here -- a sense of the broader market here. the s&p 500 is also higher, nicely so, a .6% rise there.
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give me the nasdaq too, i want to see that. home and technology companies, bounceback there. a better gain percentage wise than the dow industrials, we're up .8%. now, the insurance companies that are doing business in florida primarily, all of them on the upside with a huge rebound. why? and i'm going to use that expression again and again in the next three hours. it was not the epic catastrophe in florida that many had feared. dreadful, yes. awful, yes, indeed. terrifying for many people. but not -- i think, would you agree with this, lizzie -- >> yeah. stuart: not the epic catastrophe. >> were the forecasting and better construction for these buildings to sustain the water damage. stuart: show me the major insurers, where are they -- i'm pretty sure they'll be up as well. yes, they are. two, three, four percentage points higher. the reanyone you arers -- reinsurers, these are the insurance companies that insure insurance companies, up changed at this point. the rest of them are on the
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upside. we have with us this morning ashley webster and elizabeth macdonald along with jack howe and keith fitzgerald. keith, why a rally morning with 160-odd points on the books already? >> well, it's all the stuff you've been talking about, stuart. america has come together, it's a sign of resilience. there's a vote of capitalism, there is a relief that irma was not what it was planned to be, and money has to keep moving because traders are going to look at those companies now rather than just the immediate shock of a storm like this. stuart: jack howe is with us from barron's magazine. why is the market up 160 points now? >> there are individuals in florida for whom this storm was an epic disaster, but when you look at the whole, insurance companies were preparing for losses three times we're likely going to see. stuart: i also believe that it's a plus that the north koreans did not launch -- >> oh, i think that's a big deal, yeah. we were set up for it, to be honest with you. it was the founding, the
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anniversary of the founding of the regime. the fact that they didn't do anything really does help the market's attitude right now. stuart: and there is this: new york fed president, federal reserve board governor william dudley, he said hurricanes harvey and irma will actually boost the economy over the long run. you agree -- >> no. stuart: no, you don't agree with that, jack? >> i just think you're going to take a hit initially are. you do have to rebuild, so you do have economic activity, but let's not mistake gdp with well-being, of course. we're not better off for having big storms. stuart: yeah, but, keith, the market is callous. it cares only ability money and not human feeling. -- about money and not human feeling. do you think all the money that's going to be pouring into texas and florida, you think that might be stimulative long term for the economy? >> well, respectfully, i'm going to kiss agree with jack on this one -- disagree with jack on this one. yes, i do think it's stimulative because of the confidence that goes with it. dollars are not just invested and thrown away, dollars are invested in growth.
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in material that money begets money. stuart: and we have, i'm going to say this, it surely will be hard for people this congress to vote against any kind of infrastructure package at a time like this. >> yeah. we interrupt our regularly scheduled sniping to be bipartisan for once in d.c -- >> exactly. >> you cannot be bickering in d.c. at a time when americans are coming together to rebuild after harvey and irma. stuart: it would look terrible. >> there's an argument to be made on whether the government should spend more or less, but what matters is what are you buying. this is what people should be buying. borrow long, build big. we should be spending on infrastructure. stuart: okay. we're up 180 points, 177 on the dow industrials, got that on the right-hand said of your -- right-hand side of your screen. check briefly the hurricane stocks, please. this is what we call them. start with the airlines, are we starting there? no. the s&p losers, i've got those. okay, show me the airlines if
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you've got them, please. hurricane stocks, home depot, lowe's, they're could down toda. okay, airlines, where are we? i've got thousands of flights canceled. okay, give me the cruise lines. [laughter] >> why not? stuart: i'll go with the cruise lines right now. many of their ship, by the way, are being used to rescue people in the -- >> yes. royal caribbean and norwegian lines are doing that. stuart: they're getting good pr out of this, the stock prices are up. laying the wreath, okay, let's listen in, please. [background sounds]
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stuart: the president will be making remarks in just a couple of minutes, and we will take those remarks for you. the market opened six minutes ago, opened to a very significant rally. gain now of 180 points. we will take you to the president when he makes those remarks momentarily, but let me run through some of the stocks that are making news this morning. we have the airlines, have we got the airlines, please? i'd like to see them because we have -- >> they're all coming back. stuart: they're coming back. not much, but they're coming back. something to be said there. as we said, the cruise lines using some of their ships to get people out of the affected caribbean islands. show me the concern yeah, there's the cruise lines again. they're all up very nicely. travel web sites? how would they react? well, they're up.
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again, they were down last week on the expectation of huge disaster. >> a lot of cancellations. stuart: indeed. coming back a little bit right there. >> yeah. stuart: now, the new iphone comes out tomorrow. we're told it's going to be called the x phone -- >> right. stuart: let's see, i've got apple up $1.70 at $160 a share. what do you say, jack howe, $1,000 for the x phone tomorrow. >> it's going to be a monstrous upgrade cycle for the iphone. forget about the features, the facial recognition, this and that. what really matter is the the form factor. it's going to look different from the other phones. that's important, because when i in here, i want to impress ashley by showing him i am -- i have the new iphone. [laughter] the last big upgrade we had was when they went to the bigger screens. stuart: keith, what do you think? we're walking up to the launch tomorrow -- >> the iphone 8, 8 plus and the x. stuart: you buying the stock,
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keith? >> i'm going to sit tight. here's why. apple's one of the most widely traded stocks in the world. if that demo falls on its face for any reason, the stock's going to be volatile. i'd be looking to buy the dip rather than sell the rip with this one. stuart: tell me about equifax. we understand that a a class action lawsuit is at least very likely. i'm not sure whether it's been launched yet. jack, look at it go down. that stock's really taking a hit with that class action suit, jack. >> yeah. a big disaster here. maybe some good news for some of the security companies, but that's about it. stuart: keith, are you upset about this? i know a lot of people, what on earth is going on with a company that's supposed to protect our information and loses it. >> right. >> it takes a lot to get under my skin, stuart, but i am livid about this one. one out of two americans -- none of whom signed up to be a customer -- and these guys try a marketing ploy to repair their negligence? i hoped they're sued into oblivion and there's a warning
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shot that consumers have had it with companies like this playing games with our data and making billions. stuart: jack howe, on the expectation that the president will be speaking momentarily, and we will take his remarks at the pentagon, i want to ask you about your cover story in barron's, nike feeling the heat from adidas. >> nike has all of the problems you see across retail, but add to that the fact that adidas has been nowhere to be seen for decades, suddenly the past three years they're coming on strong. they're taking market share. it's unclear now whether this is a long-term fashion shift with a preference for adee las. stuart: okay. we are going to take the president's remarks. he's approaching the podium. i'm told that others will be making remarks before the president. you will be hearing direct hi from the president when he begins to speak. i should add that the dow is now up 172 points. the ceremony has begun at the pentagon. i've got to say thank you very much to you, jack, and to you,
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keith, we appreciate you being with us on a very important day. the dow is up 180 points as we speak. listen in, please. ♪ by the dawn's early light. ♪ what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming. ♪ whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight -- ♪ or the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming. ♪ and the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air -- ♪ gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. ♪ o say does that star-spangled banner yet wave -- ♪ o'er the land of the free and
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the home of the brave ♪ >> ladies and gentlemen, the united states air force chief of chaplains, major general costin. >> let us pray together. heavenly father, we bow our heads this morning with our feet fixed on sacred soil, consecrated on september 11th, 2001, by 184 innocents who perished in an instant but whose legacies will never die. whereas moses was commanded from a burning bush on holy ground to rescue his countrymen from their oppressors, our generation was commissioned from a burning building on this site to do the same. for the nearly 3,000 who lost their lives that day, we
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remember. for family members who deal with their loss to this day, we pray. for first responders who helped others live to see another day, we rejoice. for those who witnessed this shot heard round the world and suited up for combat to seize the day, we thank you on this patriot day. thank you for giving our freedom fighters enough grace to stand firm, enough grit to stand tall and enough guts to stand up to anyone gullible enough to assume america would ever stand down. standing here in the shadow of their sacrifices, please transform the raw emotion of this ceremony into righteous action worthy of their service. the scriptures tell us that one day we'll turn our swords into plowshares and to leave combat from our dictionaries once and for all. but until that prophesized peace persists, lord, help us demonstrate due diligence not
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only in the quantity of our vigils, but in the quality of our vigilance in keeping beside guys on the run. when complacency creeps in, give us the skill to succeed. when fear calls, give us the will to win. when differences divide, unite us in a common cause. and when doubt appears, fill us with the faith to know that this cause -- liberty -- is clearly worth the cost. in closing, lord, we pause now for a moment of silent reflection. stuart: now, we will return to this ceremony at the pentagon momentarily when president trump addresses that ceremony. right now i'm joined by rob o'neill, the man who killed osama bin laden. welcome back. >> as a always, thanks for having me, stuart. stuart: your thoughts, please. >> it seems like only yesterday. the blink of an eye. and the problem right now is on
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9/11, every anniversary we say never forget, but as the days go on, we start to forget. not here in manhattan in particular, but around the country, and other things become more popular like trying to tear down statues. stuart stuart what do we have to remember? what should we remember? >> one of the points i make is that al-qaeda hit the world trade center in 1993. they wanted to knock one tower into the other, but they failed. they didn't forget about us, and we were saying they're going to come back, and we kind of let our guards down, and they came back. it's not like al-qaeda is just gone. they want to hit us again. they want to make announcements today that they haven't fogger forgotten about us. we get distracted about isis, and al-qaeda is kind of -- they're not hiding. they're in about 08 -- 80 countries. they want to hit us just as bad now. stuart: now, what's the state of the military 16 years on? because, you know, it occurs, we've got to fight terror, we've got to fight isis, we've got to fight the remnants of
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al-qaeda, but that's a totally different form of warfare from beating north korea. >> it is. we still have the strongest military in the history of militaries, and we were designed to fight big armies. but what we cois we get bogged down with trying to be really nice about the wars. we'll go in and thump the enemy, but then we sticking around and try to rebuild our nation. stuart: you don't think we should stay -- >> i think we should maintain a presence, bagram airfield where we can keep some air force and army people to secure the perimeter and met -- you know, if they couldn't help themselves in 16 years of us training them, it's not going to happen right now. we keep a presence there so if they do start to make the training camps again, you bomb them from bagram for a couple days and go back and wait. stuart: you don't night-build. >> it's never happened there. afghanistan's never won a war since alexander the great. it's never happened. just the simplicity of it. they need to want to help themselves. it's almost like we're enabling
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them to be weak, and they allow -- they're in a tough spot, but they're allowing the taliban. even the taliban is claiming to be isis now. it's the same group of people terrorizing the same group of people. it's kind of their problem at this point. look at iran, look at north korea. and they're collaborating on nuclear weapons, and that's a big problem. when one of those intercontinental nuclear missiles hits a city in the united states, there's a lot of big stuff going on. we don't need to try to build these things up. we need to hit them hard, bloody their nose or decapitate the head of the snake and then leave. stuart: okay. now, you were in seal team six, you're the man who shot osama bin laden -- >> i ended up shooting bin laden. i was part of the team, the greatest ever assembled. stuart: okay, since you shot bin laden and since 9/11, 16 years ago, has there been a shift in the resources within the military towards special operations? >> well, there has been a shift. when i was in there, i was part of the them team who did a lot f
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high profile rescue, and we became sort of what was called the easy button. we'll just send in the elite special forces. we've seen it again. that can only go on for so long, and you can only create so many special operators. again, we are designed to fight big army, and we're very strong at defending ourselves, but we do stretch ourselves thin. a lot of our allies need -- their feet should be held to the fire as well with defending themselves. even as we're looking at north korea, we're forgetting about ukraine. what's russia doing, what's china doing as they're building these islands. they want us out of the pacific, they always have. there's a lot going on, and we need to maintain focus on what's actually important and not the other nonsense. stuart: what's the role of the seals now? >> right now the role of the seals has always been -- initially, it's high-value individuals. we're going to go after the point targets, as we call them. we use a lot of intelligence and airframes to get us there, but
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our role is to take them out, kill or capture. stuart: could you ever see the day when a seal team is used to knock off kim jong un in north korea? >> i wouldn't -- stuart: i'm stretching the boundaries. >> i wouldn't put anything past them. i've worked with the men and women, and if they did something unbelievable that says, yeah, makes sense to do it. i think just because he's so embedded it's going to be something along with the south korean special forces, but you've got to believe he's becoming a pain in the butt for china. it wouldn't surprise me if he all of a sudden eats a meal and dies of a heart attack. stuart: have they got a seal team? that's an interesting question, kuhn? the chinese. >> yeah, they've got some good stuff going -- >> their hacking abilities, they steal most of our secrets. stuart: have they got anything like you guys? >> no. they've got some good people. stuart: the israelis do, i believe the brits -- >> the brits definitely do. stuart: the french? >> again, when you get into some
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of these different countries, it's not their operator, it's their governments. same with the germans. [laughter] i shouldn't say it, but they did have beer, so that's good. [laughter] we didn't, they did. stuart: the germans in afghanistan were not allowed to fight at night. >> they wouldn't leaf the -- leave the bases. it's a presence to say we're helping. again, it's more of a politically correct view of look what we're doing to help with the effort. they're not helping with the effort. even when we train with our afghan allies and they came to a point saying these are after a began-led missions? no, they're not. we just bring them along. stuart: really? >> it's a case of we're going to tell our bosses what they want to hear. a lot of it is we're not telling the truth in a lot of these places, and that canning be an issue. the enemy understands what it's like to get their head handed to them, and that's what we do, and we don't need to stick around and try to make sure their country can be rebuilt. stuart: rob o'neill -- >> always fun to be here.
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stuart: thank you so much. and now, ladies and gentlemen, the president of the united states at the pentagon. >> thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen. i want to thank you, secretary mattis, general dunford, members of the cabinet, members of the armed forces, first responders, and most importantly, to the families and to the survivors. it's an honor to join you on this very, very solemn location. this is an occasion that is extraordinary, and it'll always be extraordinary. before we begin, i'd like to send our nation's prayers to everyone in the path of hurricanes irma and to everyone suffering through the devastation of hurricane harvey. these are storms of catastrophic severity, and we're martialing the full resources of the federal government to help our fellow americans in florida,
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alabama, georgia, texas, louisiana, tennessee and all of those wonderful places and states in harm's way. when americans are in need, americans pull together. and we are one country. and when we face hardship, we emerge closer, stronger and more determined than ever. we're gathered here today to remember a morning that started very much like this one. parents dropped off their children at school. travelers stood in line at airports and getting ready to board flights. here at the pentagon and and at offices all across the country, people began their early meetings. then our whole world changed. america was under attack. first at the world trade center, then here at the pentagon and
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then in pennsylvania. the horror and anguish of that dark day were seared into our national memory forever. it was the worst attack on our country since pearl harbor. and even worse because this was an attack on civilians. innocent men, women and children whose lives were taken so needlessly. for the families with us on this anniversary, we know that not a single day goes by when you don't think about the loved ones stolen from your life. today our entire nation grieves with you and with every family of those 2,977 innocent souls who were murdered by terrorists 16 years ago. each family here today
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represents a son or daughter, a sister or brother, a mother or father who was taken from you on that terrible, terrible day. but no force on earth can ever take away your memories, diminish your love or wreak your will -- or break your will to endure and carry on and go forward. though we can never erase your pain or bring back those you lost, we can honor their sacrifice by pledging our resolve to do whatever we must to keep our people safe. [applause] on that day not only did the world change, but we all changed. our eyes were opened to the depths of the evil we face.
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but in that hour of darkness, we also came together with renewed purpose. our differences never looked so small, our common bonds never felt so strong. the sacrifice grounds on which we stand today are a monument to our national unity and to our strength. for more than seven decades, the pentagon has stood as a global symbol of american might. not only because of the great power contained within these halls, but because of the incredible character of people who fill them. they secure our freedom, they defend our flag, and they support our courageous troops all around the world. among the 184 brave americans
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who perished on these grounds were young enlisted service members, kid candidated civil -- dedicated civil servants who had worked here for decades and veterans who served our nation in korea, in vietnam and in the middle east. all of them loved this country and pledge their very lives to protect it. that september morning each of those brave americans died as they had lived, as heroes, doing their duty and protecting us and our country. we mourn them, we honor them, and we pledge to never, ever forget them. [applause] we also remember and cherish the lives of the beloved americans who boarded flight 77 at dulles
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airport that morning. every one of them had a family, a story and beautiful dreams. each of them had people they loved and who loved them back. and they all left behind a deep emptiness that their warmth and grace once filled so fully and so beautifully. the living, breathing soul of america wept with grief for every life taken on that day. we shed our tears in their memory, pledge our devotion in their honor and turned our sorrow into an unstoppable resolve to achieve justice in their name. the terrorists who attacked us thought they could incite fear and weaken our spirit. but america cannot be intimidated, and those who try
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will soon join the long are list of vanquished enemies who dared to test our mettle. [applause] in the years after september 11th, more than five million young men and women have joined the ranks of our great military to defend our country against barbaric forces of evil and destruction. american forces are relentlessly pursuing and destroying the enemies, all civilized people insuring -- and these are horrible, horrible enemies, enemies like we've never seen before. but we're insuring that they never again have a safe haven to launch attacks against our country. we are making plain to these savage killers that there is no
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dark corner beyond our reach, no sanctuary beyond our grasp and nowhere to hide anywhere on this very large earth. since 9/11, nearly 7,000 service members have given their lives fighting terrorists around the globe. some of them rest just beyond this fence in the shrine to our nation's heroes, on the grounds of arlington national cemetery. they came from all backgrounds, all races, all faiths. but they of arlington national cemetery. they came from all backgrounds, but they were all there to dedicate their lives and they defend our one great american flag.
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they and every person who put on the uniform has the love and gratitude of our entire nation. as we stand on this hallowed ground we are reminded of the timeless truth that when america is united, no force on earth can break us apart, no force. on the morning of 9/11, pentagon police officers, isaac hopewell and a special person, was one of the many heroes whose love for his fellow americans knew no bounds. he was a mile away when he got the call over his radio that a plane had crashed into the pentagon. the sped to the scene and raced
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into smoke and fire. few people would have done it. he ducked into live electrical wires and trudged through puddles of jet fuel only steps away from sparks and vicious flame. the pitch black, he began calling out, people in need of help, isaac heard faint voices and he wanted to answer those faint voices. one by one, he carried people out of the burning rubble. he kept going back into the smoldering gardens calling out to anyone who could hear, anyone who was alive, saved as many as 20 people who had followed his voice, he carried eight himself. for nearly 36 hours, isaac kept
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saving lives, serving our nation and protecting our safety in our honor, in our hour of need. today, isaac continues to do exactly that. isaac still works at the pentagon, now as a sergeant. he is on duty right now and has joined us here today for the ceremony. and this morning, all of us and all of america inthank isaac f his service. [applause]
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>> to isaac and every first responder, you carry on the legacy of the friends you lost, you keep alive the memory of those who perished and you make america proud, very very proud. to the family members with us today it is with paint and a heavy heart that you come back to this place, by choosing to persevere through the grief, sorrow, you honor your heroes, renew our courage and strength in all of us, you really do. you strengthen all of us. here on the west side of the pentagon, terrorists tried to break our resolve. not going to happen. where they left a mark with
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fire and trouble, americans raise the stars & stripes, our beautiful flag, for more than two centuries graced our ships, flown in our skies and lead our brave heroes to victory after victory in battle. the flag binds us together as americans, who cherish our values and protect our way of life, the flag reminds us today of who we are, what we stand for, and why we fight, woven into that beautiful flag is the story of our results. we have overcome every challenge, every single challenge, every one of them. we have triumphed over every evil and remained united as one nation under god. america does not bend.
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we do not waiver and we will never ever yield. so here at this memorial with both sad and determined, we honor every hero who keeps us safe and free and we pledge to work together, to fight together, and to overcome together every enemy and obstacle that is ever in our path. our values will endure. our people will thrive. our nation will prevail. and the memory of our loved ones will never ever die. thank you, may god bless you, may god forever bless the great
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united states of america. thank you very much. [applause] stuart: the president of the united states on the 16th anniversary of 9/11 speaking at the pentagon. the man who shot usama bin laden still with me, 20 seconds, responding to that speech. >> when america is united against a fetus and major things happen like 9/11 hurricanes recently, makes our differences look small. we need to look out for each other. i was at the 9/11 memorial and this is where you come when you need to see what is important. we are all united, we can disagree without being violent. stuart: appreciate that. thank you. the dow industrial average just hit 22,000. the dow is up 203 points, went up more during the president's speech. how about that. for tens of millions of people,
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irma and harvey were not distant events. america was not detached from these disasters, we were gripped by them but many including myself, it was personal. even if you were not directly connected, the site of our own people facing disaster brought out the best in all of us. my daughter and her husband had come and we believe still have, a house in naples. they have no idea when they can go back. my colleagues ashley webster and liz mcdonald were directly affected. ashley moved his mom, liz evacuated from sarasota. who among us does not have anyone in texas or florida that they care about? surely whole country is involved personally. now comes the damage assessment and the perfect moment for social media. the people who stayed behind
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supplying pictures for the evacuees. this is how they will find out what they have to go back to. and now the long wait will be difficult, the storm is moving away but you can't just drive back home. it will take weeks to return power to the millions of homes that have been off and authorities have to secure and make safe a vast area with 20 million residents. the waiting will be tough indeed. on this day september 11th, we are reminded of the attack that 16 years ago brought the country together. it is worth remembering the initial response. american flags everywhere, unity in the face of challenge. now back to back disasters and the sense we are in this together despite what you may have heard, we are connected and all americans feel it. the second hour of "varney and company" is about to begin. updating you on irma, jeff flock at modernity beach in florida, you are feeling some of this storm surge, a lot of wind. what is going on?
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jeff: that spirit of unity in texas and florida, i can tell you, what is being seen now through the camera lens gives you an indication the inner many of the storm. even though it is well past us and may be way off in the distance you can see a shard of sunlight, is quality rainfall coming through and tropical storm force winds keep the fellas that prepare the power lanes from getting out, keep your daughter and others who have homes in harm's way getting back there and getting their lives back to normal, it is going to be a wild. this is the first truck i have seen come over this bridge all day, a dog put his head out the window, like standing in the wind, like being a dog with her head out the window and traffic opening on east bridges. we are headed in the right
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direction, it might take a while. stuart: jeff flock in the middle of it is usual. joining us on the phone, southern jacksonville, the northeastern part of florida and daytona beach. what is your assessment? a lot of people in this program have said it was not an epic catastrophe. it was bad but not quite as bad as had been expected. your take please? >> you are seeing in downtown jacksonville significant flooding. the water is going to rise. they are on high all are. they have taken on a lot of water. the bad way this storm hits them. that situation, stay tuned, that could do significant
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damage but overall wednesday were forecasting potential cataclysmic storm that could wipe key west off the map or wipe naples off the map you didn't see the 10 to 15 feet of storm surge in southwest florida they had feared. i grew up in tampa bay, my parents were hunkered down for the storm, they noted wind, debris in their neighborhood, but it missed a direct hit on tampa, the tampa bay area which they feared and would have caused problems. there is damage to the state because it scraped so much of it. we have to assess that in the next 24 to 48 to 72 hours but three or four days ago we were looking at a potential direct hit, category 5 on miami. that would have been an absolute train wreck if that happened. stuart: it is a very early day and you are in the middle of it in the jacksonville area, but can you give us any idea when the people who evacuated the
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jacksonville area might be able to come back? i am sure it is at least three or four days. >> it depends. people have to look to local authorities. my district, we have daytona, new smyrna beach, ormond beach, those beaches, the bridges were closed yesterday but the intent of the locals is to get people back to their property when safe to do so. some areas will be safer sooner than others. the problem with downtown jacksonville is they, that is not in my district but i got a lot of friends and constituents who worked there, they just ordered new evacuations of the downtown area because they are worried about the rivers flooding, they are fearing four to six feet of storm surge in that area and that will be difficult if that happens. it depends where you are. talk to the locals. what we are telling local officials, what we are hearing
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from constituency safety first but getting people back to their homes, it does with peace of mind and will make recovery go quicker. stuart: thank you very much. you very much. we are following two big stories, irma obviously, the vice president will speak later this hour at the united 93 memorial in shanksville, pennsylvania. the dow industrials up 207 points regaining 22,000, we will be back. inal... inal... ...has grown into an enterprise. that's why i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. now, i'm earning unlimited 2% cash back on every purchase i make. everything. which adds up to thousands of dollars back every year... ...and helps keep my passion growing... every direction. what's in your wallet?
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there will always be a cone of uncertainty. i cannot pinpoint the exact location where a storm will make landfall but i will say pretty darn on for the national hurricane center. they did a good job. stuart: congratulations, you were dead right from the get-go. >> national hurricane center are the ones who worked tirelessly to give us the best forecast possible. we did get hit hard, naples, 142 mile-per-hour winds, marco island, second landfall, the rainfall totals upwards of a foot and a lot of these areas. here is the storm right now, second landfall yesterday morning and scraped up the florida coastline, we are seeing a weakening trend, best case scenario, the storm did not remain overwater. now georgia, the carolinas,
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potential for storm surge in jacksonville with counterclockwise wind moving in. also vulnerable beach areas and storm surge possibilities in coastal georgia and the carolinas. a tropical storm but not done yet, tropical storm windss possible for georgia, alabama, tennessee river valley. stuart: don't you love those supercomputers. joining us by phone, the mayor of cape coral, florida. we were expecting a storm surge where you are and the storm surge would spread seawater a couple miles inland. that did not happen. >> we were so blessed, that did not happen. stuart: give a status report. what did happen? >> i don't know how we escaped it but driving around with our emergency personnel, there are
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downed power lines, but no structural damage, no shingles off. our heart goes out to marco island. hoping -- they took the brunt of it. stuart: you can drive around in fort myers and naples which means crews can get in to fix the power supply. maybe you can come back quickly. >> we are telling residents, i don't know the exact figure but more than half of residents have power last night. this has been amazing. it is amazing. so fortunate. stuart: those of us with a connection to naples and the fort myers area, several here do, we were all very worried we
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would lose friends, relatives and property in the storm surge. you are telling us you dodged a bullet. >> in cape coral we did. i got off the phone with the mayor, they are dealing with a different scenario. he did ask me to pass along, give them time, give them space, they are trying to make sure people are okay. we actually wonder, not wonderful but i can still it is no longer what we know of at this point, minor structural damage. stuart: the mayor of cape coral, that is a blessing indeed. >> it is. i don't care how it came, just so glad we were spared and i
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will take that. stuart: thank you for being with us today. we got some video fed in from key largo from adam housley's crew down there, damaged boats, a lot of debris all over the place, we expect many more pictures like this throughout the day but that is down in the keys, significant damage. some of those keys were inundated. we will get a better handle on it throughout the program today. you will see a lot of video like that. destruction on the marina. look at this. a rally, the dow jones industrials, the monday morning after, 16th anniversary of 9/11 and we are up 207 points, 22,006. that is where we are. i believe we are going to take a commercial break and we will be back.
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for a free quote today. liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. stuart: two dow stocks getting all-time highs in this big rally up 207, mcdonald's reaching 160, visa at 105. the big technology companies roaring back, all of them in percentage terms, when it a half, 2% higher, facebook, amazon, microsoft, alphabet, apple on the upside. come on in please, a tampa resident who rode out the storm. i want to go personal with this. i have been in a force 10 typhoon in hong kong and it was frightening. was irma frightening to you? >> good morning.
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it was frightening. i am from buffalo, new york. i have been in some blizzards that were more frightening from where we are in tampa. we did not take as much a directed as our fellow citizens in florida especially those in the keys and the southwest part of florida. stuart: look out the window, what do you see? >> it is extremely windy. i am in a condo north of the city, we evacuated my home which is where your coverage has been today. i am looking at the pond, a man-made pond in a condo community i have ever seen this high. it is definitely the biggest storm i have seen in my 11 years in florida. stuart: was it as bad as you expected it to be? >> no. we prepared for the worst and we give governor scott and all the authorities at all levels
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bracing for this, harvey was a warning to everybody. that warning a few weeks ago had us over prepared. one i would like to mention, i do a lot of work with long-term care and nursing homes, my wife and i went to my mother in law's assisted living yesterday and the faces of those elderly folks with panic and fear. thank god for the healthcare workers and certified nurses, the administrators, that is a story i haven't heard enough of. stuart: that is store you will get on this program. thanks for joining the conversation. we are going to take an emotional break, back in a second.
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stuart: 200 points up, 22,000 on the dow, vast majority of dow stocks on the upside, some of them hitting new all-time highs. the mayor of miami beach, good to see you again. the storm has moved past you and miami beach. are you in position to give some good solid assessment of the damage and miami beach? >> absolutely. we have been all over the beach, tremendous amount of down trees, power lines, gas leaks, happy to report miami beach, thank god, has weathered the storm well. it was almost a category 3, 100 mile-per-hour winds but very minimal flooding. we have been raising our roads, putting in the raiders, we are
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-- generators, we are really fine. stuart: the word for much of south florida is it is not as bad as had been expected. not that you dodged a bullet but not as bad as the epic catastrophe that was forecast. >> 100% correct. we didn't dodged a bullet, we dodged a cannon. we were in the bull's-eye of a category 5, i call a nuclear hurricane. thank god we were spared the major brunt of it. we are concerned about the keys, the rest of florida on the west coast. it is all about preparation and making sure folks stay safe. stuart: any looting in your area? >> absolutely not. we have had our police out, curfews in place and doing everything we can to make everybody safe and keep our businesses safe.
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stuart: we have video on screen from miami beach and the looters are taking stuff out of stores, it did happen. >> not in miami beach. stuart: i correct us, that may have been miami itself. >> not in miami beach, no reporting of looting on miami beach. stuart: you can now start the cleanup. >> it has happened since early this morning, dozens of group left across miami beach making sure we take care of power lines, gas leaks, clearing the roads. right now residents cannot return to miami beach, 12:00 tomorrow, if we can do it sooner we would love to. stuart: thank you for joining us with what i think is pretty good news. by the way, as reports keep coming and that it is not the
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epic catastrophe that was expected the market keeps going up some more, we are up 220 points at 22,017. on the dow jones industrial average, a direct result of irma not as bad as it could have been. congressman ted yoho representing the northeast of jacksonville. we just got some new evacuation orders for parts of jacksonville because of storm surge. update me on that. >> the high tide will be around 2:00 this afternoon so storm surge is still coming in and we advise people to stay out of that area, he evacuation warnings. i give a shout out to governor scott for doing a great job mobilizing the state of florida, calling for evacuation early and mobilizing emt and emergency service coordinators all over the state. they did an awesome job. stuart: quick word on politics. it is difficult to vote against
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an infrastructure package when so much infrastructure in florida and texas has been knocked out. >> a terrible vote. that happens when you don't prepare ahead of time and have your work you have to have done before you get pushed into a crisis because there's always going to be a crisis. crisis management is never a good thing. there will be plenty of money for fema, supplemental packages and we look forward to clean votes on those and not play the political shenanigans that so often happen in washington dc. we want people to get the money they are supposed to get. stuart:'s they are probably going to get it fast. >> you will see supplemental fema relief bills come up and multiple of those. our goal is to have leadership in the republican house and democratic house to bring those up for purity of purpose so it is fema money for disasters in texas and louisiana and don't
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play politics. had we done our work early, planned ahead, we wouldn't have a debt ceiling vote tied to this. stuart: congressman ted yoho from the jacksonville area, thanks for joining us. vice president mike pence speaking in shanksville. >> pay a debt of honor to the heroes of flight 93. to all the fallen and their families and the generation of heroes they inspired. and to tell you that his heart is here in pennsylvania. especially with all of you who lost loved ones 16 years ago. our president observed the
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state of remembrance at the pentagon memorial where moment ago he paid tribute to the 184 men and women who lost their lives. all of our hearts as well i with the families of the 2753 men and women, their families who lost their lives at the world trade center in new york city. has the president said moments ago, we grieve with every family of the innocent souls who were murdered by terrorists that day and we will never forget what happened on september 11, 2001. today we pause as a nation not so much to remember tragedy is to celebrate heroism and patriotism, but permit me to say that on this day, our
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hearts and prayers are also with her fellow americans in florida and throughout the region who suffered loss in the wind and water of hurricane irma. at this our first responders and new citizen heroes are being forged among the people of florida. as the president has said, i say again, to those affected by hurricane irma we are with you, we will stay with you and we will be with you every day after this tempest passes, to restore, recover and rebuild. [applause] stuart: vice president mike pence at going the sentiment of donald trump who spoke earlier at the pentagon. the vice president speaking in shanksville, pennsylvania in memorial of the 16th anniversary of 9/11. dow jones industrial average up this morning, solid gain, 200
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points tire, in part because damage from irma is not quite as bad as expected. case in point, naples, florida, joining us from there is griff jenkins. we were expecting several feet of seawater to come inland a couple miles. it didn't happen. what did happen with the storm surge where you are in naples? >> reporter: you have to give me the address of your home. while the storm surge was a fortunate thing that did not happen, 10 to 15 feet, they did get a couple feet, this was indeed a catastrophic wind event. look at the palm trees, power lines that littered the streets
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here, a minefield of debris that made most roads except the main ones when emergency crews began clearing this morning when we started at 4:00 am, impassable, asking people to stay out of their cars at not drive to their homes to check on them. just palm trees everywhere so many of the homes, a tree fell forward, a lot of homes trees fell on top of the homes. that will cause quite a bit of damage. while the storm surge did not materialize in the way that we thought, the damage physically of the wind event was unbelievable and something -- there were hundreds of thousands of terra-cotta tiles flying like confetti on new year's eve every which way we went and it was very scary, nobody -- 90% of collier county, 90 lost power here. one of the stories you will hear about his florida power and light trying to do the greatest restoration of power in the state of florida's
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history ever. stuart: griff jenkins in the middle of it, thank you very much. the dow jones industrial average holding on to a 200 point gain still right there, 22,000. the dow industrials. back in a second. who's he? he's the green money you can spend now. what's up? gonna pay some bills, maybe buy a new tennis racket. he's got a killer backhand. when it's time to get organized for retirement, it's time to get voya. when you're close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment? if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. with taltz, up to 90% of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. in fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin.
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ashley: donald trump spoke at the pentagon to commemorate the 9/11 attacks. here's what he had to say. stuart: we triumph over every evil and remain united as one nation under god. america does not bend. we do not waiver. and we will never ever yield. at this memorial, with hearts both sad and determines, we honor every hero who keeps us safe and free and we pledged to work together to fight together, to overcome together every enemy and obstacle in our path. ♪
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stuart: counting up the rally, 209 points up, the dow at 22,007. the insurance companies that have exposure in for a mixed bag, some coming back because the general feeling was irma was not as bad as it might have been. the major insurance bouncing back a couple percentage points and look at the reinsurers, the companies that insure insurance companies, very big gains, 6%
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higher. chris steigerwald with us, politics editor. i donald trump may be on a political upswing because of his handling of harvey and irma and the deal with democrats on the debt ceiling. >> at the very least the hunt that gets to the end of the year removes the immediate pressure. there will be questions what markets can do to you, my brother, your bailiwick, i know that in washington there is dissatisfaction among republicans generally speaking but relief across both parties by trump teaming up with democrats, gets to advise them because they didn't know how to finish it. stuart: how about an infrastructure package? is that more likely to pass given the destruction of infrastructure in florida and texas? >> maybe or look at it another way. the way they are both
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politically powerful states, the amount of money they will demand for their own reconstruction will be so massive that it will exhaust the willingness of conservatives to spend money on infrastructure programs. there will be a lot of infrastructure spending but on the other sent it will happen in two powerful states. stuart: let me return to the president. he is dominating the news. he is everywhere and has been for the past week. that is good for him. he seems to be on the upswing. >> donald trump has dominated the news every week since june 2015 blues not like there has ever been a dearth of donald trump, not always for good reason. i think the president, his administration is competent, capable of handling the disaster in the immediate response and we will see in the time to come but so far everyone seemed satisfied with
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the role the federal government is playing, the storm in florida we have gotten through the worst of it so that is good for him. the question on the deal with democrats weapons that is good will depend where we end up on taxes at the end of this month and never 2 on the rest of everything at the end of the year. he bought himself time but what he does with that will determine the consequences. stuart: thanks for joining us, much obliged. tammy bruce is with us and i will say the same thing, i think the president is on an upswing politically because of the deal with the democrats because of harvey and irma. >> he has built up goodwill. we had months since the campaign when the media has worked to create a narrative how trump is evil, incompetent, doesn't know what he is doing but in this time, americans have seen them operate, they have seen him lead, seen him govern, seen his nature as an
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empathetic individual making a difference. bringing business sense to making that difference. this negates the narrative that is inbuilt, people got to know him and that will help him politically, we see the resolution daily paul has 44%, up several points from last weekend the key is how does he utilize that with congress to what matters for congress is whether the american people have the back of the president. you have seen this effort to ruin his approval rating, this will benefit his agenda, he must begin to implement with democrats and republicans. stuart: anyone disagree? >> i lost his tone was perfect with the 9/11 speech. people call 911 a tragedy, this is a reminder it is not a tragedy. this was an attack by a poisonous evil ideology. this is our moment, this is our
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call. most generation you get a call to step up, this is our time. that is the tone the president took this morning. stuart: it was not sorrowful. >> he has a good speechwriter and delivered it very well. very good combination. looked residential. stuart: what about this other question? now better political standing has inference for the infrastructure package. >> certainly the circumstances but also what donald trump has stood for and people trusting the fact the right deal will be made, his deal with the democrats which he doesn't make any more, he became the speaker of the house and senate leader, he moved ryan and mcconnell out of the way so the american people wanted his business sense, we do want it, trust his idea and the nature of what we need at this point.
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the storm is a tragedy, the difference between an attack and a tragedy. this will be good for us but it is about keeping the nation safe. other things going on as well. stuart: thank you very much, we are holding onto a 220 point gain, it says at the bottom of the screen stocks up despite irma. maybe stocks are up because irma is not as bad as we be. we are remembering 9/11 on the 16th anniversary of the attacks on america. we will be back. ♪ think your large cap equity fund has exposure to energy infrastructure mlps? think again. it's time to shake up your lineup. the alerian mlp etf can diversify your equity portfolio and add potential income.
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relief. stuart: you are breaking up, we can't quite hear you. before we establish another line, moment ago we had the mayor of cape coral, very close to fort myers saying storm surge of 15 feet did not occur. plenty of damage to palm trees. can we say we dodged a bullet? >> absolutely. stuart: mayor henderson is back with us. it looks like your town dodged a storm surge bullet. is that accurate? okay. we have a problem. >> that is from fort myers
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yesterday. we got that. we were expecting a storm surge of 50 feet. stuart: the river from the ocean to fort myers, real concern it acted as a funnel for that storm surge, didn't happen. >> it is striking how much construction and building has been on the west coast. it really ramped up. lots of building and financial collapse and -- stuart: that infrastructure housing was largely spared. we were worried about storm surge, seawater inundating the lot. that did not happen. we have a 220 point gain for the dow jones industrial average. irma is on its way out, it is
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stuart: 11 a.m. eastern time. status report. irma is still with us. right now it is bringing wind and rain to north florida and georgia. atlanta will be hit right about now. just as important, the storm surge. that is the massive flow of seawater on land. the tampa area on the gulf coast was largely spared, spared the worst of it. right now jacksonville is getting hit, and that's in the eastern seaboard, of course. irma is now a tropical storm, it's not quite done. very difficult to get a handle on the full extent of the damage. you can't get into all the affected areas, at least not yet. you can tell, we can tell you that 4-6 million homes and businesses are without power. weeks to get 'em all back online. there has been system looting.
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miami on lockdown overnight to try and prevent it. nine arrests for looting in fort lauderdale. now, fema, they have lined up and stashed staff and equipment. they are ready to go. private resources coming in from all over the country, and the money is there, $15 billion from the feds, much more from the insurance companies. plus governors abbott from texas and scott from florida and president trump all clearly on top of the crisis. add it up. irma was bad, but it does not appear to have been the epic catastrophe that it might have been. and the human reaction was and is a fine example of the american spirit. reminds you of 16 years ago, doesn't it? the third hour of "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ ♪ stuart: at risk of repeating
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myself, this is a rally. it's a rally because irma was not as bad as expected. it wasn't the catastrophe that many had feared. it's still out there, it's in georgia, and the market is rallying strongly, a 200-point gain. we're back at 32,000. --22,000. let's go to jeff flock near tampa. jeff, the storm surge. you went through it, you're looking at it. not as bad as feared, correct? >> reporter: that is correct, because it sucked it out yesterday, and now it's sucking back in or blowing back in, actually. but i tell you, this has kicked up some since we were last with you. the wind is just blowing it this way. i don't think there's going to be a flooding problem though, and you see the sun is out right now. it's this wind though, the wind continues to blow, and that keeps those power crews, 62% of the state is out of power. and that's what keeps the power crews from being able to go back out and restore. but other than that i think, you know, i think you're absolutely
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right. major bullet dodged. i leave you with one image here, and perhaps it's distasteful, but you've said -- we sometimes feel i look like a drowned rat or you look like a drowned rat? that, sir, is a crowned rat. [laughter] sad to say. stuart: i think we got the point there. that's one of the more extraordinary things that you've brought us in the last two weeks covering harvey and irma. you just had to go out with a drowned rat. [laughter] all right, jeff, back to work. we'll see you shortly. [laughter] i want to bring in -- >> conversation starter. stuart: how do i follow a drowned rat? >> you did it perfectly. stuart: here's herb london. [laughter] the only one i've got. why is the market up? i've got it now. i'm trying to see here, we're up 209 points. your main reason. >> well, i think that the presidential leadership for both harvey and irma clearly are factors that account for the
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rise in the market. there's a belief that now you have a president who's really taking control. i think the markets are responding affirmatively to that in large part because it suggests that we have someone in the white house who understands the nature of emergency. stuart: i put it down to the irma not being as catastrophic -- >> sure. stuart: -- as we thought. i think that's an accurate statement. it wasn't as bad as we thought it was going to be. >> right. stuart: do you think that's a factor? >> oh, no question. if you look at the major population centers in florida, tampa wasn't as hard hit as expected, miami, certainly not as hard hit as expected, west palm beach. so i think you're absolutely correct. that was clearly a factor. if you looked at the news accounts prior to the events that actually occurred, you would have believed that not 60% of the state out of power, but something like 80 or 90% of the state out of power. so there's no question that this is not as bad as what was expected. stuart: now, you're speaking in terms of presidential leadership. he is leading, he's in control. do you think that helps him with
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tax cuts, the growth agenda, an infrastructure package? can he convert that political plus into legislative plus? >> well, we'll see. i mean, this is largely conjecture, but i do think that the president has at the moment a certain kind of initiative that would allow him to work with democrats concern clearly, that has already occurred -- and send a message the republican leadership. look, i want to work with you guys, but you have been very, very lax in the way in which you've conducted yourself on tax and health reform. so i do think that the president is in a very, very fortunate position at the moment. stuart: what astonishes me is the way the president totally dominates the news and the news cycle. and he's been dominating it, i think, for a couple of weeks. >> yeah. stuart: it's not like it's an isolated incident. the man dominates the headlines. >> and that three month debt ceiling agreement he reached with the democrats, what's striking, it could have boosted -- it looks like it boosted his approval ratings. it also put john mccain in a box, because it basically says john mccain, who wants $640
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billion in military spending, he wants to increase it to that level, he's going to have to come back to the president and say, all right, when this three month agreement expires, will you step up and increase military spending? and, of course, the president would want that. but now john mccain has to negotiate with the president because he did strike that deal with the democrats. stuart: you're nodding your head, herb london. >> no, i think that's an extremely important point. there's no doubt that john mccain obviously wants to see an increase in military expenditure, but it's a question of going to the president and asking for it as opposed to the reverse where the president would go to mccain on bended knee and ask for it. very, very different, i think, correlation of forces here. stuart: ash, you've not said much today. >> i'm thinking -- yeah. stuart: do you think, if i'm right -- >> i'm thinking. [laughter] >> a lot of thinking. stuart: i'm very sorry. look, if the president's on a political upswing, do you think it helps him with his legislative agenda? >> it does, but it won't be long
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before the hate moarngs are back. we've had two hurricanes, the mainstream media will get back on him, and he won't be able to breathe without getting criticism. can he get the legislative agenda through? i don't know. he's still got major enemies within his own party, but i remain hopeful. stuart: i think the market is up because of the president's political upswing. >> yes, for now. absolutely. stuart: look at it right there, up 210 points. by the way, i don't know if we can show this quickly, but the five major -- the big technology companies which have led this market for a couple of years, all of them bouncing back very nicely today. i can tell you now that microsoft is almost at an all-time high, facebook is up $2, amazon is -- look at that. amazon, all of them in percentage terms nicely higher. that's where the market is still concentrated, herb london. >> no question. the market is concentrated there. they have seen very, very positive developments, and i think that what you are seeing again, i come back to this role
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that the president is playing. the very fact that he is now on tv every single minute, 9/11, irma, harvey clearly suggests that the presidents has captured the imagination of the american people. the left is arrayed against him. he will face ennies, no question. but i think at the moment he has the initiative -- >> he does. and we mentioned it before, nothing out of north korea this weekend. >> that's right. >> if they had fired off another icbm missile, maybe a different story. but we're seeing money come out of treasuries, out of gold and back into equities. it's a good thing. stuart: we are, of course, tracking irma as it heads towards -- well, it's in georgia now. more on that coming up. we're also going to get our first look at key largo. we'll have a live report from there. irma went right over it. and this, several looting arrests in miami. dana loesch, nra spokesperson, next on law and order. check that market, holding on to 22,000, up 200 points. back in a moment.
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stuart: as you may have heard earlier, there were nine arrests for looting in fort lauderdale. there was a lockdown or -- it was a lockdown in miami overnight because of the fear of looting. and we have some video of the looters actually going about their business, so to speak. but i want to bring in cain that lash, host of -- in dana loesch, nra spokesperson. how should -- look, in texas there were signs up saying you loot, we shoot. what's your response to the looting we've now seen in florida? >> well, stuart, it's good to be with you, and a very somber monday as well. thank you for having me. personally speaking, when i look at this video footage and when i see this, and i've been watching your program and watching the networks show these clips, and it is amazing that here at a time of their neighbors' greatest need, you have individuals exploiting the vulnerabilities and doing this. look, in texas people don't
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play. they don't play around. and really in florida, stuart, they really don't play around either. when you're talking about looting someone's livelihood, i mean, to them, maybe it looks like a business, but that's how someone feeds their family, how someone pays the wages of individuals that work with them, that is how an individual adds to the tax a base of their -- tax base of their community and makes their community better, and all of that undermines it completely. to exploit that in the name of a storm is horrible. stuart: but if a store owner or anybody else had seen that looting going on and shot one of the perpetrators, the person who did the shooting would probably be up on charges and would go to prison, isn't that accurate? >> well, i think it's kind of a broad statement. you have to look at the case. i mean, we could really get into the weeds with this, but from what i understand -- and with certain states if you have stand your ground or castle doctrine and if your life is in danger, that's a longer discussion. look, if you have someone who is
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trespassing on private property and they look to do you or your family harm, you know, that's one issue entirely different from just, you know, stealing. i mean, that's, you know, that's a bigger conversation. but stuart, look, the point is when there is the presence of a business owner who is able to protect their property and their belongings, that -- we know that that actually decreases the looting and the stealing and etc., when they know there's that deterrent present. stuart: citizen volunteers heading to florida today to help with the recovery. somewhat similar to concern well, very similar to what happened with harvey. >> right. well, yes. a lot very similar to what happened after hurricane harvey. and i just point out, stuart, i want to make a point about what it is we're looking at today. offing, we're looking at the aftermath of the destruction in parts of florida, parking lots of florida still dealing with the flooding, southern texas is still dealing after harvey. we also have the remembrance, the observation of the 16th anniversary of 9/11, the fifth
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anniversary of benghazi, and i just hope, stuart, that in these times of turmoil and as we rebuild from these cats pick natural disasters that we can focus on what we have in common as opposed to what divides us. and i hope people use this opportunity as they are pitching in and helping out their fellow man as i see trucks that are going to florida with boats to help search and rescue efforts just, stuart, as they kid in houston and surrounding areas, i hope that people focus at the end of the day we are all americans, we are all fellows in the same boat. we're fellowshipping, as it were, and that's at the forefront of our minds. stuart: oh, i think it is. dana, i do believe it is. that's the way people are thinking about harvey and irma and the collective response to it. and frankly, it's a fine thing. i've got to say, it's a fine thing. a terrible mess, a terrible disaster, i got that. but it's a fine thing to see america come together and help out on this one. >> right. and that's the american spirit. stuart: yes, of course it is. >> that's what we do. stuart: that's us, isn't it? and i'm very proud to be able to
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say that's us now. couldn't say that a couple of years ago. >> i am proud to hear you say it too, stuart. [laughter] stuart: thanks a lot. sorry to keep it shot, it's a big news -- keep it short, it's a big news day. griff jenkins, still in naples, florida. i see some damage behind you there. where are you? >> reporter: you know, stuart, i'm still in naples. we talked last hour about the wind, this was a catastrophic or devastating wind event, not necessarily the storm surge. so i wanted you to see, look at this, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven or eight 0, 40-foot trees just ripped by their roots. that is the sheer force. now, when it made landfall, irma, in marco island about 20 miles southeast of here, it was 130 miles an hour. it's 131 gets you to category four, so it was just barely not a category four. and just the sheer force having been in both katrina, a handful of others, in harvey and now
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this, at times trying to cover this one there were gusts that i really felt i was going to get stuck getting airborne, if you will, in the sheer force that it takes to rip these up is unbelievable. if you look, actually, just a little bit down the street, it's a little bit sunny here, but i think you get the idea. this isn't an isolated tree. look at these trees. the entire line of trees just ripping them out of the earth, roots and all. and that is, of course, the the big problem they're going to have to deal with. when i talked about the debris issue, that comes on the heels of 90% of collier county losing their power. they're advising people every hour on the hour on am radio to boil your water. there's a boil water advisory. and, of course, officials trying to figure out how you get power back up, get the restoration and get this place back on its footing. that is in addition to some flooding. but, again, water not the story here so much as the wind damage
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and the power outages. stuart? stuart: griff jenkins right there in naples, thank you. now, i've got video from key largo. it took a direct hit from irma. we have a live report coming up, but look at that damage. that is key largo, florida. extensive damage there. now look at these pictures. hurricane irma wrecks sir richard branson's necker island. it's in the caribbean, wrecked it. branson and many others stayed there. everyone's okay, but as you can see, a lot of damage. we'll be back. hey hun, huh! we gotta go. come on. ♪
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stuart: we're going to take you back now to key largo, adam houseley is there. what are you seeing in terms of damage, adam? >> reporter: yeah, stuart. we drove down to about mile marker 50 which is about halfway down, pretty much more than halfway down to key west. i have to tell you, the damage on the ocean side is like this. it's extensive. mile after mile. you'll see some of the new construction that looks like nothing happened at all. in fact, if you drove by tomorrow, you would think there was no hurricane here. but for the most part, anything that was not built with the absolute newest standards is ending up like this. you see houseboats, mobile homes, boats stuck in the side of homes in places. we know a couple of sailboats we
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found about a block inland. stuart, on friday you might remember i did a live shot standing right here. one of these floating homes had a sign on the side that said hold my beer, i'll be right back, and that is now this. you can see basically only the floor is left. and the other one next to it is up on the shore and destroyed. this is the type of destruction you see all the a way down the coastline here. and right now i can tell you here's the situation. they've started the aerial assessments, they just flew over us about 15 minutes ago to assess the situation. all the bridges are closed here, the hospital's closed because they want to assess its stability. no ambulance service whatsoever. the sheriff's department's driving around just to see which roads are passable and which ones need to be cleared, so they're not responding to calls. the national guard is here, they are starting to stage, and they're going to be going out, they brought in big backhoes to clear some of these roads. there's no power. almost all these islands have little water service. and cell service as you head
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just south of us here in key largo is nonexistent. it's a difficult situation here on the keys. there's a lot of damage here, and i've got to believe that money wise we're talking it has to be into the billions when you see the extensive damage. there was a restaurant right over here, the sheriff's department used to go there on fridays because they had a fish fry. it looks like what i saw after the tsunami, there's nothing left. stuart: that was the hardest hit area of all, and you right in the middle of it. adam houseley, thank you very much, indeed. now, there is another disaster taking place in the west, wildfires not getting anywhere near the attention that harvey and irma have received. there are more than 50 fires burning if you cover the whole of the western united states right now, there are 50 going on. in montana three fires covering 170,000 acres. of course, high winds, low humidity, dry conditions, that fans the flames. we got that. officials expect many of the fires to be contained within a
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couple of weeks, but some of them may be burning past halloween. that's another disaster. again, it just doesn't get the attention it should. >> no. stuart: it's an extraordinary thing. now, irma looting, yes, it did happen. that's fort lauderdale. moments from now we'll bring you the mayor of fort lauderdale with that looting situation and a whole lot more. plus, it is the 16th anniversary of 9/11. we have benghazi -- and it's also the fifth anniversary of the benghazi, benghazi hero chris tanto plan toe is with us, and he, by the way, is next. (honking) (beeping) we're on to you, diabetes. time's up, insufficient prenatal care. and administrative paperwork, your days of drowning people
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stuart: all right are, we do have a ral, 203 points up. left-hand side, the radar shows the path of irma. it has been downgraded to a tropical storm but still expected to bring a lot of rain to parts of georgia including atlanta. police in fort lauderdale arresting several people for looting in the wake of irma. miami also had reports of looting. joining us now is the mayor of fort lauderdale. how much looting was there, and what can you do about it? >> well, stuart, there was a fair amount of looting, but i'll tell you what we can do about it, we can arrest them and prosecute them. our police department did a
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fabulous job. we've arrested 19 looters, two residential looters, 17 business looters, and not only did we arrest them, but i think you saw what we've done, we've actually publicized the arrests of all of these looters both on social media, through the media, sending the message we will not tolerate looting, we will not tolerate people taking advantage of those that have already been disadvantaged by irma. stuart: okay. now, last week you were on our program, you were girding for an onslaught of irma. well, irma's passed. can you assess the damage in fort lauderdale? >> stuart, we've been somewhat fortunate. i've been out, obviously, last night through the night, again this morning, and we were expecting greater damage. we were expecting worse damage. having said that, you know, there are still roads that are not drivable because of trees down, power lines down. we've got some flooding in some low-lying areas.
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but all in all, kind of similar to what you're seeing with the market this morning. i think fort lauderdale woke up much more optimistic than we went to bed on saturday night. we're encouraged -- stuart: you're right, your honor. now, our viewers are looking at you, and they can see the high-rises along the beach there in fort lauderdale. i take it that none of them were truly structurally damaged. >> correct, stuart. the only structural damage we saw were some roofs and, obviously, some infrastructure, power lines, telephone poles. but from a standpoint of the structures of what's been built on the beach, a lot of them since hurricane andrew, we fared very well. now, we've got some flooding which creates some infrastructure issues on the first floor of some of these buildings, but all in all, we fared extremely well. the storm surge was not what it was originally attempted to be. the winds were less -- anticipated to be. the winds were less. we feel very fortunate. we've got a lot of work to do to
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recover, but we're going to get there. stuart: if some of the people who left fort lauderdale now want to go back, will you allow them to go back now? >> yes. as of 10 a.m. this morning, we lifted the rur few. -- the curfew. so 10 a.m. this morning, the city has lifted the curfew. however, if they're on the barrier island, we're asking only those people that have to be there whether for residential or business reasons. we're not expecting any visitors, guests or gawkers and certainly no looters on the barrier island, because we've got to get those roads and intersections cleaned up. traffic signals are out, so there's a lot of work that needs to be done throughout fort lauderdale. but more importantly, on the barrier island. stuart: real fast question about florida power and light. have they given you any indication when the juice might be returned to fort lauderdale? >> stuart, some of the juice has been returned. we've actually had a few thousand homes already restored, i've got a 1:30 call with the
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head of fp and l. so we're excited about that. i know there's a lot of talk about these looters, if you want to interview them, we'll make them available for you, because we know just where they are right now. stuart: there's an offer i'm not sure we can refuse. [laughter] i'm going to sum it up like this: i think you dodged a bullet. do you agree with that? >> absolutely. absolutely. we've been talking about this for the last week as how big a bullet this was going to be. this was one big, bad, intense, immense storm, but when it made its move over to the left, to the west, we dodged a bullet. i'm looking at naples, and our hearts go out to the people on the west coast, especially the southwest coast. stuart: yeah. i've got a house in naples, your honor. i used to have a house in fort lauderdale. [laughter] i swapped. >> stuart, you should have kept the house in fort lauderdale, and we'd also make sure we protect it for you. [laughter] stuart: you're very kind. thanks for being on the show. great stuff and congratulations dodging that bullet. >> thank you. stuart: judge andrew napolitano
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is with us now. okay. is it legal if i own a business in florida -- and wait a second, i've got a perfectly good, registered firearm in my name. a looter comes in my front door, you know what east doing, and -- what he's doing, and i shoot him. what's my situation. >> is is in your home or business? stuart: business. >> you cannot use deadly force even in florida unless the assailant has deadly force. stuart: is that true of your home as well? >> no. in your home you can use deadly force in florida and in most states. not in our home state of new jersey, unfortunately, which has the lowest level of self-protection rights in the union. but in most states, and certainly in florida, you can use that weapon in your own home. you can use the weapon without pulling the trigger as an instrument to deter the looter. but you cannot use it to, you cannot pull the trigger and shoot the looter unless the looter is using deadly force on you. that's the law everywhere in the
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union. outside the house. stuart: okay, understood. next case, the legality of things that occur within the hurricane situation. for example, you've got a job, you don't go because of irma, and you're fired. legit? >> well, this is a heartbreaker because the cases that we reviewed uphold the decision of the employer to fire employees who do not come to work when they are ordered to do so even in category three and category four hurricanes. we couldn't find one in a category five hurricane. but it really depends on the nature of your job, can you do it remotely, do you have a contract and what state you're in. because the laws are different in each state. remember, the law cannot compel you to do the impossible. if it is impossible to get from a to b because of some event you didn't cause, the law cannot punish you for your failure to do that.
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i would think if one is fired for not going to work during this kind of a hurricane, get a jury trial. no jury is going to sustain that. stuart: that's for sure. [laughter] >> some cold-hearted judge might, but no jury will. [laughter] stuart: judge, i've got 30 seconds. answer this, please. if you, judge napolitano, had flood insurance, government-backed flood insurance, and you made a claim, would you take government money? >> no, i wouldn't. stuart: yes, you would. [laughter] yes, you would. if you've paid the premiums and you've paid your taxes, you'd take some of your money back. >> but the premiums i pay for flood insurance, i hope i'm not getting duped, i pay to an insurance carrier, not to the federal government. stuart: you're just skewing the question to get a different answer. [laughter] what do you expect? judge, you're all right. thanks for joining us. god bless, indeed. today marks the 16th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks as well as five years on from the attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi. and look who's here, kris
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"tanto" paronto, author of "the ranger way." kris, you justin dropped down below the -- >> the fox news channel. >> am i up? stuart: let's see, we -- >> let me sit up. here we go. there you go. >> i'm right here! stuart: don't worry, son, we've got you. and you're in houston of all places. >> i know, isn't that -- it's really such a coincidence with the hurricanes and things, isn't it, that i'm in houston. stuart: it's a coincidence all right. i bet you're there volunteering. five years on from benghazi. yes, sir. stuart: what have we learned, what morals have we learned five years on? come on, tell us. >> you know what, what have we learned? that politicians can't be trusted more than anything. [laughter] i think anything that benghazi did is it brought to life that stories that you get within d.c. from what happens overseas aren't entirely true.
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i'm glad that the team stood up and told the truth. and also i think it's getting to the point now where we are seeing that we need to hold politicians accountable. i hate getting into politics about benghazi, because benghazi was about heroism, courage, the sacrifice of my teammates. but it did bring to light and showed the house of cards is real. there are politicians that aren't truthful, and by not standing up, we were letting them get away really, essentially, with murder. but we did stand up. stuart: there you are in houston, and we've all remembered the extraordinary outpouring of empathy, sympathy, volunteers, that wonderful feeling that america came together. i think that that's the same feeling that we have in the days after 9/11. we came together as a country. am i wrong to compare the two, a natural disaster and the response to it, and a terror attack and the outrage in response to that?
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>> no. no, not -- especially not in this great country that we have. we do bring people together when catastrophes happen. i just, i hate it that it has to come to that though. we have to have a massive, a massive catastrophe with many deaths or many injuries before we all come together and we work together. but sometimes that's what it takes. you see that in the special operations community. that's how guys come together, and they work together, is they put us through misery, they put us through buds, through ranger school because that develops that teamwork and that camaraderie and that cohesion. well, in the civilian world, what it takes to that extreme is it takes a catastrophe. stuart: do you miss it? >> it's good to see people still want to come together, work together and help each other out. stuart: do you miss it? >> oh, i miss it immensely, more than you know, mr. varney. i hope one day i can get back into it, but it doesn't look that way with security clearances and such, me not having one any longer.
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stuart: it's great to have you on the show. you're a great guy. >> yes, sir. thank you, sir. stuart: appreciate it. good man. >> yes, he is. >> yeah. stuart: shivers. irma is now, by the way, a tropical storm. it's in georgia, attacking atlanta, so to speak. first tropical storm warning ever for atlanta, by the way. rick reichmuth has the latest on the storm's track, and he'll be with us shortly. plus, millions -- and i mean that -- millions without power in florida. there are reports of more than 250,000 without power already in georgia. that's going to be the big issue once irma clears, getting the juice back. next, former fema chief michael brown on the response of this storm and harvey. we'll be back.
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♪ >> i'm nicole petallides. the dow up 225 points after losses last week, a relief rally across the board. the s&p 500 going as well as the nasdaq, and both looking at possible record closes. watching everything related to power and light concerning irma as irma moves along. we're looking at florida power and light and system of the others to understand what has happened. take a look at these florida power companies, names such as duke in orlando and tallahassee, southern company, most of the panhandle. you can see some of these names controlling power companies in florida, looking at all this. florida power and light, for example, saying it was a record, worse than hurricane wilma in 2005, over four million people affected, 570,000 of those
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they've learned that you really -- it's all about leadership at the state and local government. as long as state and local leaders understand what their responsibility is because they're truly the first responders. so i think what we saw particularly in florida is governor scott saying to the fema director, brock long, and to the president, here's what we can do and here's where we're going to need help. that's what was missing in katrina, and so i think if you look at harvey and you look at irma, i think those lessons have finally been learned by government leaders that at the state and local level, leadership is what counts. i think what hasn't been learned yet is that american citizens themselves still have a responsibility. so i would caution people that i know that, you know, florida has evacuated so many people, they want to get back to, they want to get back to napless, to miami, to all of their homes and businesses. but traditionally and almost historically, we see there are more deaths and accidents and injuries after a storm than
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there is before because you have downed power lines, you have infrastructure that has been weakened, you have offices and homes that have been weakened. so i would caution people, i know you want to get home, but wait until you get the all clear to go back. stuart: i hear that fema has stashed a lot of equipment and personnel throughout florida in various parts of florida, they're just waiting for the roads to clear so they can go get at it and do the job. now, is that accurate or is that just sort of good publicity for fema? >> no, that's actually accurate. what i find fascinating, stuart, is fema has been doing that since 1979. we always pre-deploy assets as close to the disaster point as we can without those personnel and that equipment and those supplies becoming victims of the disaster itself. so even though we did that in katrina, nobody wanted to talk about that because we were distracted by the superdome. so they will move those supplies in even closer, but just like
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everybody else, you can't move those supplies in a bridge or a highway is out. so they will have to be as a patient as everybody else to move those things in. some stuff can be airlifted, but most of the things have to be moved in across roads and highways. stuart: do you feel somewhat vindicated? you took the blame or a lot of the blame for katrina -- [laughter] you did. the world came down on you, mike brown. how do you feel now? >> well, it did, stuart. and i've got to tell you, what i find fascinating is watching this people talk about the post-katrina reform act. the things that congress did post-katrina were the things that i was saying inside the department of homeland security that you needed to fix or that fema would fail. that these were the things you needed to do or fema would fail. so i think over the years those lessons have been learned, and does it mean vindication for me? that doesn't really matter. what matters is that it works, it does what it's supposed to do, and i'll stand up and say
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hallelujah for that. stuart: well,s it is, and the dow is up 236 points. [laughter] mike brown, thanks for joining us. reappreciate it. >> you bet, stuart. stuart: irma is still packing high winds, heavy rain. let's go to rick reichmuth. rick, tell me about atlanta what's happening there right now? >> reporter: yeah. they have some really heavy rain going in towards atlanta in the short term. get ready for that. rain pretty much everywhere in georgia. take a look quickly at the max winds out of this. naples, 142 miles an hour. these are stations that have places to measure the wind. that doesn't mean there weren't stronger winds in other spots, i think especially down across the keys there's not a lot of measuring stations down there. same goes for the rainfall, almost 16 inches in fort pierce, florida. a lot of flooding going on especially across areas of georgia right now because we have very heavy rainfall going, we have an onshore wind continuing to come in all across the coast. all of that rain tries to drain to the coast, but the wind is pushing the water into the
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coast, and that water doesn't have any place to go. there's atlanta, and you see just these last couple of frames here there's this yellow starts to get in here, and that's the very heavy rain. there you go, that is getting very close to winding in towards the atlanta area. we're going to see the flooding right across there. this is the direction of the storm, at this point it just means where most of the moisture's going, most of that is on towards the east side and where some of the breezier conditions go. tropical storm warnings in effect all the way up towards north georgia which is just unbelievable to have those warnings all the way there. here though, however, when you look at the track, this is where we have tropical storm conditions, all the way throughout south carolina, parts of north carolina. still some hurricane force wind gusts throughout the day today as this comes in, and tornado concerns. charleston down through savannah to around brunswick, that's where we're going to be seeing as those bands come in, more tornadoes. we had more tornado warnings in a single day in florida than ever yesterday. now we're going to see some of
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that across parts of the north. here you go, that's our severe threat just towards the east side. still storm surge, still flooding, not cone with this just yet. -- not done with this just yet. stuart: i guess in about 36 hours, you might get some sleep. >> reporter: hopefully. [laughter] stuart: good luck, rick. we told you about the damage in florida. what about the heroes? our next guest is a business owner in tampa. he refused to leave. he rode out the storm. he's been giving out free water to people affected by irma. we'll have him on the show in a moment.
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stuart: the verdict is coming in from some towns around florida. it wasn't as bad as it might have been. that guy there is phil keating. he's in miami beach. same question, is it as bad as it might have been, phil? >> reporter: oh, definitely not. but in the words of miami beach mayor phillip levine who we just spoke with down the street, he said, look, we didn't dodge a bullet, we dodged a cannonball, and that is the truth. the eye of the storm, for much of the last week, the forecast was going to go right over miami beach. it ended up going over the west coast. the problems today and what everyone's discovering as the curfew ended at 7 a.m. is three main things; fallen trees, tens of thousands of them, massive
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cleanup to do -- here's mud all over his front yard and he's, of course, cleaning his car because of the time. the bay is to the back of you. so storm surge came all this way flooding the streets, all of this was impassable for hours on end, but it finally subsided, the water went away, and now faster than you can say fast, utility teams are getting in, restoring the electricity, putting up the transformers and the power lines, and there are a lot of exposed lines, there was a lot of debris blocking the road. that's exactly why it's been pushed aside, and they move on fast, and it's on to the next site. stuart: yeah, it is. phil keating, good stuff. thanks very much, indeed. now, our next guest is a business owner in tampa. he refused to leave, he rode out the storm. he's been giving out free water to people affected by irma. his name is gio. come in, please. >> hi, how are you? stuart: i'm in great shape, thank you very much. and thanks very much to people like you. how is your -- before we get to
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the water, how is your business damaged, if at all? >> yeah. we have system leaks and some water from the ceiling. we survived. it wasn't that traumatic, how we thought it was going to be. it was bad only nothing major. we have leaks, some broken windows, nothing that, you know, we can't fix. stuart: okay. now, you're giving out free water, cases of water, bottles of water, is that what you're doing? >> yes. before the hurricane we gave out 2,000 water. people were charging online $40-$50 for cases of water, and me and my wife thought the best idea was to give back, and we gave whatever we had in stock, and it was 144 cases that we gave out. stuart: were there other business owners and other people around you doing the same thing? >> i don't know about other people, i'm just -- just for me, i was the only one i saw was just us that did that. stuart: hold on a second. forgive me for asking, but you have a slight accent. are you an immigrant? >> yes, sir.
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albania. stuart: are you now a citizen? >> yeah, yeah, i was born on staten island, new york. stuart: isn't it great to be an american? [laughter] you know, it brings out the best in us, and you're part of that. congratulations, sir. >> i appreciate it, thank you. stuart: you are. are you back up and running, by the way, your business? >> no. no way with, it's going to take a few days, it's pretty much a mess everywhere. it's going to take us a few days to get back to normal. stuart: we think you're all right, and you can come back on this show anytime you like. >> i appreciate it. thank you, guys. have a wonderful day. stuart: all right. more "varney" for you after this.
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>> his temper -- september the worst month market, 100 points. stuart: donald trump is out there in a leadership position and looking good and strong, that may help tax cuts. it is a rally. neil: an update on the development you alluded to, irma moving north as a tropical storm, 6 million without power across florida and georgia and some could be, some people could be without power for weeks to come, did make the rest of today. a number of characters staying at these resorts to entertain folks. markets are up on words about irma so the sense things could have been worse this weekend, by telling that
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