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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  September 14, 2017 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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fred fleitz, another record day for the dow jones industrial average but a big question mark going into tomorrow after the latest provocation from north korea. lou dobbs is next. keep it right here on fox business. lou: good evening, everybody. breaking news tonight -- north korea tonight has fired a missile. this missile traveling 2300 miles east from pyongyang. japanese media reports that missile flew over japan where authorities warned residents to take shelter. tonight's launch following a threat from the north to sink end quote japan with a nuclear weapon. the north korean regime launched 23 missiles this year alone. the previous missile flew over japan as well last month. we'll bring you any developments throughout this broadcast, and we expect to
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learn far more about this 23rd missile launch by the north koreans. we're also following developments from the trump administration. democrats and the republican establishment trying to drive a wedge between president trump and his base over the issues of daca, border security and the border wall. the intransigents, the obstructionism and paul rye span and senate majority leader mitch mcconnell compel him in order to move his agenda forward and to get the people's business done. we are actually witnessing a worsening between the duly elected president of the united states and the power of the chamber of commerce, business roundtable and the establishment that president trump ran against. the gop leadership of the house and senate are clearly indifferent to casualties and the middle class and in the small businesses that result
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from this conflict. our president's counselors and advisers, i will say, have not guided the president as well as any of us should expect. and mr. trump increasingly isolated in the white house with the departure of so many of his aides who were at his side throughout most of his campaign for the presidency. as an anti-establishment candidate, president trump has very few perhaps no friends at all, in the washington swamp and frankly very few true friends even in the west wing of the white house, making it imperative, the president's base ensure democrats and republican establishment figures fail in their efforts to subvert the president's initiatives to build a border wall, enforce immigration walls and enact his make america great agenda. fox news correspondent kevin corke is at the white house and he has our report tonight. >> only do it if we get extreme
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security. if we got not only surveillance but everything that goes along with surveillance, and ultimately we have to have the wall. if we don't have the wall, we're doing nothing. reporter: after the president and florida surveying hurricane irma damage strongly emphasized a border wall between the u.s. and mexico would be built, word of a possible deal with democrats on daca long since sparked a political firestorm in washington. it began late last night when the associated press reported that democrats announced a deal with the president that would include border security but no wall. that led to an avalanche of tweets from leading conservatives accusing the president of caving on promise to fight illegal immigration, punctuated by iowa republican congressman steve king since deleted tweet that read -- early this morning on twitter, the president suggested the ap got it wrong writing --
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however, he seemed to buoy hope among democrats that a compromise could be in the offing, tweeting -- on capitol hill, party leaders from both sides of the aisle had differing views how the conversation played out on daca between president trump and democratic leaders pelosi and schumer, and last night's white house gathering. democrats seemed to revel in the gop's intraparty fight. >> details will matter but it was a very, very positive step for the president to commit to daca protections without insisting on the inclusion of or even a debate about the border wall. >> there's no agreement. the president and the chief of staff called me from air force e today to discuss wha was
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discussed, and it was a discussion, not an agreement or negotiation. >> we will break the cycle of amnesty and illegal immigration. we'll break the cycle. there will be no amnesty. reporter: then-candidate donald trump made the border wall his top priority, a promise he has since touted repeatedly at rallies since becoming president. to the delight of his many supporters. a promise he acknowledged today could be delayed but won't be denied, and he vowed -- >> there will be no amnesty. reporter: lou, white house officials insist any conversation or negotiation about daca or dreamers or border security broadly speaking or specifically the border wall will ultimately be fleshed out by congressional lawmakers, making conversations like the one the president had with democratic leaders wednesday night merely a prelude to what lies ahead. lou? lou: a lot lies ahead, and what a prelude. thank you very much, kevin corke from the white house.
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joining us to discuss the president's dinner with democratic leaders and a social media firestorm that resulted the fate of an unconstitutional daca policy and some 800,000 dreamers and their, well, 4 million associated relatives who might have an opportunity to cross the border as well. or remain this side of the border, and whether the obstructionist republican leaders actually have driven president trump into the arms of democrats with no plans whatsoever to help the president build a border wall or move his agenda. ed rollins who served in three political administrations, the chief adviser to the house republican leadership, the dean himself and pulitzer winning columnist for the "new york post," michael goodwin, both are fox contributors and great americans. >> thank you. lou: michael, start with you, tonight, the president started
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a firestorm on social media with discussions of quote, unquote an agreement as senator chuck schumer styled it. i love the fact that schumer is pushing what happened in a meeting with the president of the united states before the president can even address the party. >> that's a shock, isn't it? lou: yep. >> the next time the president is going to have dinner along with democrats, he better bring a food taster. i think that the end result of this, while i applaud the president for working with democrats last week, i think this week it looks like he's rushing ahead of his fees and getting too far making a deal when his backtracking today on what exactly he agreed to putting out several different statements through tweets and his own comments. i'm not sure what they did agree to that the point. lou: or whether it was an agreement at all. >> or where the wall stands, most importantly. lou: what do you make of it? >> you sit down with the democrats, what are you getting back in return?
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we've got a big tax bill coming up, struggling on health care bill is. schumer going to give one or two or five votes he needs to get the health care bill through? is mrs. pelosi going round up the democrats? my issue here and touched on it in the beginning statement. the white house staff, the big story today is jared kushner is having a big meeting with high-powered people to talk about how we get prisoners back into society again. that should not be at the white house. that should be at department of labor. >> from the justice department. >> cohen is meeting with the u.n. world leader, people interested in his environmental platform, which isn't the president's platform. the president ought to have his team basically scrounging, pushing, twisting arms to get the tax bill through and if he doesn't do, that the rest of it doesn't matter. lou: following the two points and i think they're absolutely correct, following that, what
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is the chief of staff doing here? why is he permitting gary cohn, jared kushner to take on these initiatives as if the president worked in florida with the first lady meeting with the victims of hurricane irma, assessing damage. it's an extraordinary, to me at least, departure from what normally would be happening in a white house. >> look, the events of the last 24 hours do speak to some kind of a breakdown or a train wreck that i can't make sense of. i actually have been saying recently that trump i thought was doing really well. i thought kelly brought unifying messages to the white house, things have been going pretty well but the last 24 hours seemed like reversal in a lot of ways. ed's point about not getting anything, i think the kindest thing can you say is he wants, he wants to get daca out of the
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way, wants everything out of the way for taxes, but if you're not going to make a good bargain, you are digging yourself, creating new problems down the road. lou: well, the president surely, as paul ryan pointed out, knows the negotiation will take part, take place in part with the republican leadership whether it be the speaker's office or the leader's office over in the senate. all of that has to happen with the majority party, so any declaration by schumer is premature at best though the president and he may agree on which way the wind is blowing on the southern border. i don't know. but it's interesting that people are trying to drive a wedge between this president and the base right now and those people are the dems, the left-wing and, of course, paul ryan and mitch mcconnell and all of their great friends over at k street including the chamber of commerce and the business roundtable. >> he's going to change the town and change the town by
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winning victories in the near future. i lived through the '86 immigration bill. we had promises from the congress when they passed it, they were going supply not wall but more border security. we let all the illegals in that wanted to be qualified and we did nothing, we did nothing. lou: there is no guarantee that could be offered by chuck schumer, who is so wantonly bereft of integrity that i cannot imagine why anyone would trust such an ideological partisan to enter into a quote, unquote finite agreement. >> right. lou: which he claims. >> look, i think we all agree, the border, the wall is so central to the president's appeal and to his election that you take the wall out of all of this. lou: is it symbolic with the base or a manifest promise by this president perceived as such by the base?
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>> i think to the base it's a manifest promise, to everybody else it's symbolic. to the base it matters more than anything else. >> i would argue more than symbolic. i would argue it is something we need to secure the border. the border we have -- lou: the remarkable thing here, this president not only in terms of illegal immigration but addressing that border because it is where most of the majority of marijuana, methamphetamines, cocaine and heroin, it's where the drugs, the majority come into this country. and he is the only candidate of what was it 17 of them? and then in the general election, to deal with the issues of what drugs are doing to this country. illegal drugs and legal. >> he called into doubt his own commitment to, it through several cycles, and i think that's a major mistake. lou: it's a major mistake, it is also a mistake that it is it
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is not inexplicable. people do not appreciate the strength of this president because he is isolated in that white house from so many of the advisers with whom he's worked over two years in reaching more than two years, in reaching the white house, but also he is under assault day after day after day, not only by the national left-wing media, the establishment of this country that he ran against and understood that he would be at war with, but his own party and the persons of paul ryan and mitch mcconnell. if there is any way this president, the republican party can get paul rye span and mitch mcconnell out of those positions, the national interests will be well served and brighter days await us all. >> the slogan has to be for every republican running, build a wall and talk about comprehensive immigration later. >> look, i think it's wall, wall, wall.
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if he gives up on the wall, he's gutted the movement. >> right. lou: he's made no suggestion, certainly, that, to my knowledge, that he's given up on the wall, in fact, he talks about putting it later, perhaps talks should be about advancing the schedule. ed, appreciate it, michael, thank you, as always. >> thank you. lou: we're coming right bark much more ahead. hang on, here we go. stay with us. president trump fighting for tax reform, tax cuts for the middle class and creation of more american jobs. >> this is not to benefit the wealthy. this is to benefit the middle class and to benefit companies where they're going to be producing jobs. lou: we'll take up the push for tax reform with treasury department spokesman tony sayegh who joins us next. and the president and first lady in naples, florida today. they surveyed damage from hurricane irma. talked with victims of the storm and thanked first
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responders. we'll have the latest for you from florida and much more straight ahead. stay with us. we'll be right back. parodontax, the toothpaste that helps prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try parodontax toothpaste. ♪ money managers are pretty much the same. all but while some push high commission investment products, fisher investments avoids them. some advisers have hidden and layered fees. fisher investments never does. and while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management.
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. lou: tonight, we'll have the shocking new details in the obama spy scandal. former national security adviser susan rice changing her story on the unmasking of trump
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campaign officials. that report coming up later in the broadcast, and you do want to see it. president trump today making the case for tax reform. president trump pushing for a plan focused on strengthening the middle class, creating jobs and economic expansion. he says he'll take support wherever he finds it. >> with the tax bill, i would be very surprised if i don't have at least a few democrats. i have states they won by 30 points and more where they have people running, and frankly, i think, and i get the impression they very much like the ideas of this tax plan. lou: and there are three senators among the potentially persuadable democrats and those solidly pro-trump states, heidi heitkamp of north dakota, john tester of montana, and joe manchin of west virginia. any one of them can cast a decisive vote for tax reform, especially if mitch mcconnell
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switched to the 51-vote threshold that the president demands. for more on the battle over tax reform, we're joined by tony sayegh, assistant secretary for public affairs at the state department. >> good to be with you and your viewers, thanks for having me. lou: let's turn to tax reform, and i hear from this president, 15%, 15% for a corporate rate, and then i hear from the treasury secretary a different, some mitigation of that, then i hear from another cabinet officer or adviser to the president or paul ryan that, you know, something like 20% is better. what in the world is going on? >> well, look, lou, we have been pushing the 15% number, it's the most pro-growth, the most competitive in the world, that's where america should be at number one. we know as the president said in the speech in north dakota, when you level the playing field for the american worker we win every time.
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that's the number we want. the treasury secretary was saying as we're pushing that number, we have our eye on the fact this is a negotiation with congress and we need to make sure at the end of the process we get the most competitive number, but we still stick to 15%. >> the middle class, the president focusing on middle-class tax cuts yet we hear the 15% tax cut number but don't hear the number for the middle class why. not? >> rates are being discussed but there is something that is absolutely certain, that's the middle income, hard working family is the focus of the president's agenda when it comes to the individual side of tax cuts. we're going to lower rates, standard of deduction in cases doubling tucker the first $24,000 of a taxpayer family files jointly, a married couple is not taxed. that is significant middle tax cut. we're going to simplify taxes so most middle income families can fill taxes out on one page, and we're going to reduce the
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terribly high uncompetitive rates, also do something where paychecks are increased and workers get the pay raise they deserve. because we know from our studies, lou, that 70% of the tax burden on business is bore by the worker and that's what we're trying to address on the business side but helps the individual worker. lou: and let's talk about the business tax cut because it's bold, it is easy for everybody to understand, which is ironic, there isn't something solid and concrete that can help shape your message to the middle class and to the president's base, and it just seems like it would be a very good idea for you all to put that number in some form or the other out there for folks to comprehend and ultimately support. let me turn to another area where we have some ambiguity,
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and that is an estimated 3 to $4 trillion parked in overseas banks by corporate america, u.s. multinationals. there is no reason nar money to be over there because that money should be here, but it's not here because corporate america has taken advantage of all sorts of loopholes to do so, and they're loopholes. this is not a matter of economic force driving, it that's a decision by corporate america. how will the trump administration incentivize those companies to move that money back to this country and to invest it and create jobs? >> look, lou, you are absolutely right. we consider whatever we put out in the tax legislation and details will be coming out september 25th. as essentially a jobs bill. we have a model which our corporate tax rate is at 35%, that's 15 point higher than the average competitor overseas. they've lowered rates in the last 30 years, we haven't and
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that makes us less competitive. american companies's profits are fine, they're just not reinvested in america, they're parked overseas. lou: that's an attitude and the conduct and the choice of corporate america that is frankly un-american and that has to be changed. >> that's what the president is doing, he talks about going from offshoring model what we have now to american model. lou: how do you incentivize the companies? >> you reduce taxes, we talked about the fact we put out 15% where we think that tax rate should be, we're going to go from a worldwide system to a territorial one so the companies have to pay taxes to the united states. that's what our competitors overrace is done and works for them. it's sad an american subsidiary has more competitive advantage to operate in this country under a foreign company than as an american company, that is counterintuitive and hurts our product and workers and reinforces the fact that many people in the country think the
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system is rigged against them whether it's on the corporate side or the individual side, and the last piece of this is the business tax, corporations, we're going to reduce the business taxes significantly so our mom and pop shops and sole proprietors and pastors benefit from a much lower and competitive rate. lou: we appreciate it, tony, a lot for you all to get done, and we appreciate you being here, tony sayegh. >> thank you. lou: on wall street, stocks closed mixed, the dow up 45 points, the s&p up 3, the nasdaq down 31 point. volume 3.4 billion shares, ticking up a little about the average of late. equifax shares continue to fall. the ftc announcing investigating equifax because of the massive data breach and cyberattack that resulted in the capture of 143 million consumers' files from equifax. and a reminder to listen to my
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reports three times a day coast-to-coast on the salem radio network. up next, susan rice denied first unmasking the names of trump campaign officials, now she's got a bunch of explanations. we're coming right back. liberty mutual stood with me when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. i just snapped a photo and got an estimate in 24 hours. my insurance company definitely doesn't have that... you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance.
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lou: new developments in the susan rice unmasking scandal. the former national security advisor offering new excuses for having trump campaign members unmasked, despite her initial denial that she unmasked anyone. reporter: a senior capitol hill source told fox news former national security advice year susan rice offered vast and
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varied explanation for unmasking the names of trump team members. returning from florida president trump said the so-called unmasking of his team was wrong. >> what she did was wrong and that's just the tip of the iceberg. reporter: she told lawmakers she was troubled by a meeting between the trump's son-in-law and mike flynn an a united arab emirates crown prince. a former intelligence official disputed rice's characterization emphasizing the gulf delegation did ask for a meeting with mr. obama, but the white house dropped the ball. rice's explanation appears to back up intelligence committee
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chairman devin nunes' statement that she was involved. >> i was surprised to see reports from chairman nunes on that account today. >> reporter: ricin sifted any unmask reports were above board. >> the allegation that obama administration officials utilized these tactics is false. reporter: ne nunes wrote to dan coats that it was to achieve political purposes. sources tell fox news they found
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rice's allegations questionable. and said the democrats might regret looking into the russia connection. lou: we'll take up the battle over daca, the wall and tax reform with charlie hurt here next. this mountain biker taking his grand canyon tour to extremes. we'll have his jaw dropping performance here next. we'll be back with much, much more. stay with us. don't get too comfortable. we're talking to you, cost inefficiencies, and data without insights. and fragmented care,
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lou: joining us tonight to assess the ryan-mcconnell obstructionism, the efforts to subvert this administration at every turn and much more, charlie hurt coming to us from liberty university. they are -- i'm double-checking the record. they are 2-0, the first in the big south. and the president said they will surprise folks and they are. >> this is their first year in the conference and it's a tremendous thing.
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lou: i'm sorry to start with football. and president fall -- falwell back up his brag on the field of play. charlie: it's gorgeous what they put into this place in the last 10 years. lou: it's great to see the success of the university. truly. let's turn to the dems and president coming up with these slate dinner session mind melds of some sort. but with chuck human were coming out of the white house to announce the grand bargain of all time, and people running with it before the white house could even react. your reaction to it all. charlie: anybody that finds
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anything surprising has not been paying attention to the first part of this administration or to the cam paint past two years. this is the way donald trump operates. he worked tirelessly though hopelessly with republicans to get things done with them, and not only get things done they promised in their campaign but all of them promised in their campaign. the idea that he's turned around negotiating with the democrats is a smart move. it's not conservative. i would rather he figure out a way to strike a deal with republicans, but you can't blame the guy for doing this. lou: in the social media fire storm that followed, it's difficult to understand why the president who ended daca because it belongs in congress as a matter of constitution pal a
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much -- constitutional parameter, and he wants to be involved in it agree be, whatever he did with schumer and pelosi. it's very odd to many people that he would then reinject himself into daca. charlie: i think he views that as being something of a bargaining chip as he does the wall. and if he can sort of -- look, the guy is not a partisan guy. he's not a conservative. he's certainly not a liberal. but he's a practical guy. lou: he does say he is conservative. charlie: but he's not conservative notice washington sense. lou: you mean in the paul ryan sense? charlie: he made the deal with the democrats on the debt ceiling. we have had a debt ceiling around here for 25 years. do you know how much the debt
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has gone up since they put the debt ceiling on it? it has gone up five-fold. what do we have to shut the government down and would we have to pay our bills? these are some of the most of confused, conflicted people we could ever put in elected office, the leadership in the house and senate. charlie: that's why voters sent somebody like donald trump. he may not have even known what a debt ceiling was before he got here. but we know what the outcome will be with these people. after 25 years, it has gone up 16 trillion dollars. people just want something to change. lou: something to change, and they do want the damn wall built. it's not symbolic.
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charlie: it's not amnesty. lou: i don't even want to say that word. be sure to vote in our poll tonight. do you believe the obstructionism of ryan and mcconnell gives president trump little choice but to turn to democrats to advance his agenda? please roll the video. this stuntman is taking biking to a new level. the man fearlessly hopping his bike along the edge of the grand canyon. are you kidding me? that's just -- why do that? it's scary. that's what it is. and i don't think it's a good idea in any fashion. no, all right.
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i have got to be honest with you. some of these daredevils are too much for me. even with the beautiful grand canyon waiting for them below. up next new evidence of pay-to-play at the clinton state department. we'll take up the case against clinton and more. historian doug wead is next after the break. it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same. but while some push high commission investment products, fisher investments avoids them. some advisers have hidden and layered fees. fisher investments never does. and while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management.
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lou: joining me to discuss these most of recent developments, author and presidential historian doug wead, special assistant to president george h.w. bush. this caught a lot of people by surprise, and i will admit including me, when the president chose to make an announcement about daca after he brilliantly brought the democrats in, pushed daca, ended daca, pushed it to congress, working with the democrats and taking the continuing resolution, the budget ceiling and pushed it off to congress to deal with three months more to spare.
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suddenly he involves himself again in daca. >> yeah, yeah. i trust donald trump. well, i don't trust anybody. but as much as you can trust someone in washington, i trust donald trump. lou: so do i. >> i think he may lands on his feet with this. and i'm thrilled with finally the middle class, we get an increase in the median household income. the senior citizens after 8 years of obama, they got more money out of their 401ks under trump than they did with obama. it's morning in america. but i think this will cost him politically. i worked with george h.w. bush. i traveled with him several years on the road. he didn't like that line no new taxes. he would get out there and the
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crowd would draw it out of him. in the practice debate he said i don't want to get stuck on taxes. and i was thinking to myself, boy, pal, you are forever. and sure enough when he was nominated at the convention and accepted his convention in 1998 in new orleans it was the greatest liner, no new taxes, build the wall. trump is nailed to that wall. it may not cost him reelection but it might cost him something. lou: he says he's going to build it, but it might be later. the base could deal with the delay. they could never deal with the canceled wall. it's not symbolic to the base it's a commitment of promise.
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a guarantee with this president he will have to meet if he's going to preserve an extraordinary relationship with his base. >> i think he knows that. we'll see what he gets out of this and how far he takes this with the democrats. lou: what would you have him do with paul ryan and mitch mcconnell. they are nothing more than hacks. ryan 20 years, more than three decades for mitch mcconnell. they have never done anything. they haven't passed significant legislation of any kind. even the volume, i think ryan moved three bills in his entire career. one of them to name a post office. these are not accomplished brilliant legislators. >> maybe you could expose some of the corruption. there is so much corruption in washington. if they started pulling on the thread, the whole sweater would
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come undone. lou: we tugged on that, and it's a swamp, not a sweater, as you well know. up next, the president says congress can't obstruct him on the border wall. >> very importantly what we want, we have to have a wall. if the wall is going to be obstructed when we need the funds at a later date, we'll be determining how much we need, then we are not doing anything. lou: we'll talk about what a deal on daca should look like. tammy bruce and mark simone join us right after the break. we'll be right back.
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or are prone to infections. needles. a must for vinyl. but for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. an "unjection™". lou: in an online poll last night we asked will trump supporters who chanted "lock her up" at rallies in 2016, will they soon get their wish? only 53% of you said yes. joining me, tammy bruce and mark simone. good to see you both. let's start with the base, the furor that was kicked up on social media. tammy: there is a lot going on. social media especially the attitudes being promoted. i want to remind the base and trump supporters that nothing
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has happened yet, yet we are being told whether it's the legacy media or pelosi and schumer saying trump is doing x, y and z. we want to make sure he knows where we stand because we want him to be a successful president. mark: follow ann coulter on twitter. i think any time you are going against paul ryan and mcconnell you are doing god's work. keep it up. chuck schumer, pelosi -- lou: you tell me what you do when he's working with schumer and pelosi. what's the deal with pelosi and schumer. mark: at least you know where they stand more so than with ryan and mcconnell. tammy: this is a wash. we are going to make you
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irrelevant in this process. to the republicans who can move both of those men out of leadership have sent them a larger signal. lou: he's a dale maker and i get all of that. and he's also the president of the united states. sometimes a president achiefs more by guiding a process rather than getting involved tonight. i thought he was brilliant turning daca back to congress where it belongs. the next thing we know he's having dinner with pelosi and schumer. this president worked with schumer, knows schumer. what did he call him, crying chuck and the head clown. suddenly he's having to put up with hip at dinner. mark: he had dinner with mitt romney. it doesn't mean anything. lou: i didn't like that dinner either. not at all.
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we'll hear from some interesting democrats. susan rice changing her story again about the unmasking scandal in which she ordered the unmasking of trump unmasking officials. she denied it. tammy: i don't think she realizes what she has done. this is classic for the democrats. with what she confessed to, i don't think she does. they know how to lie. but they are dumb. that's instinct. it's their instinct to lie. what they don't understand -- i was on the left. it's their instinct to lie, but they are also not necessarily the brightest bulbs in the land. and she believes she'll be protected. lou: next thing you are going to tell me she is like sally quinn.
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mark: what are the odds, she unmasked jared kushner and mike flynn. tammy: on whose orders. she is not making this decision on her own. brennan or obama and hillary. lou: they spy on everybody. including the intelligence committee that had oversight. you get the last word. mark: it's a lot of fun watching this. don't lock uphill are you. this book tour is more fun than anything. lou: i don't think she should be locked up anytime soon. as long as she is on the road, america will be well entertained. tammy: i say keep going, democrats. we are loving it. lou: she is a feature unto herself. great to see you guys.
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congressman trent franks, steve forbes, gregg jarrett among our guests tomorrow night. we hope you will join us. good night from new york. kennedy: democrat say they have a deal to let dreamers stay. but the president says not so fast. will the white house try to tax the rich to cut the corporate rate? brian brenberg crunches the numbers. why are democrats so hooked on single payer healthcare. juan williams will try to explain. last night'' super natural conservative fab produced a hint of hope for stranded dreamers. the president is trying to


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