tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business September 20, 2017 4:00am-5:01am EDT
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charles: here's lou dobbs. lou: good evening. president trump delivered not only the best speech of his presidency but arguably the best speech ever delivered to the u.n. general assembly by the president. president trump forcefully asserting his america first doctrine. the president also confronted rogue nations, north korea and iran. >> the united states has great strength and patience. but if it's forced to defend itself or its allies, we'll have
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no choice but to totally destroy north korea. rocket man is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime. iranian government masks a corrupt dictatorship behind the false guise of a democracy. it turned a wealthy country with a rich history and culture into a rogue state whose chief export are violence, bloodshed and chaos. lou: unlike his two predecessors, president trump confronted radical islamist terrorists by name today. >> we'll stop radical islamic terrorism because we cannot allow it to tear up our nation and indeed to tear up the entire world.
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we must deny the terrorists safe haven, transit, funding and any form of support for their vile and sinister ideology. lou: 9 reaction of the mostly left-wing general assembly was mostly overwhelmingly positive. benjamin netanyahu was effusive. he said quote in over 30 years in my experience with the u.n., i have never heard a bolder tore courageous speech." but the strongest negatives are originating with the dems on capitol hill. senator dianne feinstein who said president trump could be a good president if he changed. signals she is hardly concerned at all that north korea fired two ballistic missiles over our
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allies, japan. they said he used the stage to threaten war. but in reality he only further isolates the united states. and crying chuck human were was as expected not pleased kim jong-un might not be pleased and schumer could hardly have been more petty in his critique. >> if i were giving the president advice, i would have said avoid using rocket man. we know the leader of north korea is erratic to put it kindly. that kinds of language i think is risky. lou: for more on the president's speech, the dem reaction, ed rollins, the chief political advisor of the house republican leadership, the dean ed rollins.
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the president gave a tremendous speech, strong it seemed to me in every corner. ed: he was extremely strong, he had great present takes. there waltz great clarity to the speech. you think back over the last 8 years with obama's policy of leading from behind. there was no mistake to those leaders who were there. he said i'm going to take care of my country, you take care of your country, but my country takes care of all of you have in a way. he threatened our allies, japan, and we are not going to put up with it. saying to the iranians who are certainly i agree and you agree on this show, the terrible deal the iranian deal was, and to a certain extent he said today wire going to redo it to make
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sure it many in the u.s. best interests and the world, best interests. lou: we also heard this president say he was disappointed with the performance answer of just about everyone in the room at the united nations. he talked about the potential. it was an offering of an olive branch to those who would stand up and really contribute to the goals of the u.n. and actually share properly and equitably the expense of running the institution. ed: we paid scene overwhelming shaffer that institution since the beginning. our city is terribly inconvenienced when they come here. we think it's important they behave and far forward. he showed a strong leadership today. i don't think there wasn't a person in the room who would say americans aren't weak any more,
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he's a very strong leader. they may not like him, but they respect him. lou: i think the only people worried about whether he's respect or liked is the left-wing nut national media. let's turn to the politics of the day. obamacare, the repeal is back on. what is going on with the republican party? ed: i think they are working behind the scenes. they are working hard to make it a factor. if the president makes his speech this week, the tax plan coming forward. if he gets the repeal of the obamacare next week, which is the deadline, then basically he's right back on track on everything he needs. even if they don't get on track web's not giving up the fight. at the end of the day he's grown to where he's not just a leader in this country and not becoming
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a significant force in the world. lou: this man has been so strong as president, bedeviled and beleaguered from the media, his own party establishment. he is at this point a more accepted and possibly the strongest individual to serve in the oval office in my lifetime. and i'm including ronald reagan. he established himself as the leader of this nation. ed: which is very important. reagan came in with a different environment and different experience. but where he started and the cynicism that was out there and still the cynicism among the democrats. for schumer to make a very deliberate decision to call him rocket man and belittle this leader of north korea who does not listen. who has basically blackmailed
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america. i think there is no more blackmailing. lou: schumer acted like a fool. what kinds of mindless nonsense^. ed: i hope the president doesn't watch those responses. he knows that guy is not his ally. lou: can i suggest one thing on this? and i take your point on the importance of moving legislation. and certainly the president wants all of that and more. but i believe this president is so strong at this point and has demonstrated clearly what he wants done, and is leading the republican party toward those objectives. but if this legislature led by paul ryan and the house and mitch mcconnell in the senate fail to deliver on his agenda, i
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believe he stands strong as president and they fall as weak leaders of their party on capitol hill. ed: he's the leader of this party. he developed day by day greater strengths. at the independent of the day he will get his legislative agenda, or most of of it. lou: coming right back. there is a lot more ahead. the general he amendably didn't know what to expect from president trump. what they got was an extraordinary speech. >> now north korea's reckless pursuit of nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles threatened the entire world with unthinkable loss of human life. lou: we take up the latest on threats from the rogue regime. catastrophic hurricane maria
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battering dominican on its path to puerto rico. we'll have the full report on what has become a deadly and powerful storm. powerful storm. stay with us. you each drive a ford pickup right? (all) yes. i'm going to show you a next generation pickup. awesome. let's do this. the bed is made of high-strength steel, which is less susceptible to punctures than aluminum. stronger the better. and best of all, this new truck is actually- (all laughing) oh my.... the current chevy silverado. current chevy owners and lessees get a total value of ten-thousand, six hundred dollars. or, 0% financing for 72 months on this silverado all star. find new roads at your local chevy dealer.
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mexico today. at least 104 people killed. the death toll is expected to rise significantly. the earthquake hit at 2:15 eastern time measuring 7.1 according to the u.s. geological survey. it was southeast of mexico city in the state of pueblo. collapsed buildings and gas leaks reported that bore the brunt of the earthquake. fires results in some instances, the government says almost 4 million people lost their power. the international airport in mexico city remains closed at this hour. the country's stock exchange suspended trading. this devastating quake comes less than two weeks after the strongest quake in a century on
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mexico's southern coast leaving 90 people dead. turning back to president trump's powerful address at the united nations. my next guest says it was essential for the president to put the world on notice about the threats of north korea and iran, and u.s. foreign policy. joining me now national security advisor to vice president dick cheney, john hannah. good to have you with us. your assessment of the speech. what i think is a remarkably positive reaction from a general assembly that doesn't usually even take note of what an american president says in any case. >> i think this was vintage trump. this was a president who was explaining precisely what america first looks like at a
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global level. it is a strong independent sovereign nation states working together to defeat common threats like north korea and iran, and to advance common interests in prosperity, peace, and security. that's the only way you get to a more stable global order. not by surrendering or submerging your sovereignty into a one world global bureaucracy dominated by corrupt, failed dictatorships. the president delivered that message in a blunt and powerful way. my guess is the likes of ronald reagan and margaret thatcher would be beaming if they heard that speech today. lou: this is better than any speech i have ever heard by a president at the general
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assembly. ed rollins said the clarity was remarkable. but the force with which he delivered it, and the assurance with which he delivered that speech. it's obvious the general assembly, no friend of the united states and most of of the seats of the general assembly, they had to take note. and i think this president is standing tall right now on the world stage. >> the thing those countries in that audience today, what they need to hear is where the united states stands. what is the united states' position on the major threats, the global peace and security today. coming out of that hall, they have absolutely no lack of clarity on exactly where this president stands on the primary challenges that threaten the united states and the rest of the world.
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lou: to follow on your point. i would like for you to think about how much the national vast left-wing national media chewed around in their op-ed pages and foreign policy reporting about what is the obama doctrine. and that discussion was going on ngton.the very last day this president 8 months into the job has defined the doctrine of his foreign policy. the trump doctrine is crisp, clear, certain and there should be no ambiguity in the minds of anyone, the general assembly, moscow, beijing or tehran. >> that's correct. on these two critical questions of north korea and tehran. the president put everybody on
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notice we are done kicking this can down the road. we are going to deal with this problem one way or the other. we would prefer to do it with the rest of the world stepping up and taking responsibility with us. but if they won't, this problem will deal with this problem alone. it will get done because it's in the vital interests of america and its allies. lou: the two previous presidents in point of fact, three previous presidents, have left this president no choice but to have to confront either individually as the leader of the united states, or to the degree that our allies will stand up, a north korea that is nearing ballistic missile capability for delivery of an advanced nuclear weapon. and shame on them, it was a failure of leadership on the part of those three presidents,
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and it's up to this president and to the debright's possible, the leaders of those states represented in the general assembly and very importantly in the permanent members of the security council. do you agree? >> i wish i could disagree with you. but the fact is i can't. this is a history, a litany of failure by one administration after another, both republican and democratic. this president has been left with very few options. lou: i think you just agreed with me. i said it's a question of the failure of three presidents. >> and one who i served with for 8 years. unfortunately i have got to agree with you because you are absolutely 100% right. none of them stepped up to the plate and did what was necessary. lou: john hannah, good to have you here as always. we always appreciate your
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insight. be sure to vote in our poll tonight. the question is, do you believe schumer, pelosi and other dems' criticism of president trump's strong speech at the u.n. suggests they are worried about hurting the feeling of kim jong-un and the ayatollah? what are they thinking? cast your vote on twitter @loudobbs. on wall street a record-breaking performance. the dow jones industrials up 39 points. all closing a new all-time highs. volume on the big board, 3.2 billion shares. and the market continues to elevate. housing starts falling for a second straight month led more by a drop in multi family home construction. single family homes moving straight ahead.
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rite aid receiving regulatory approval with their merger with walgreens. t-mobile in a merger with sprint which would cut the number of mobile carriers to four. it leaves people to wonder what happened to the anti-trust fervor from the trump campaign. be sure to listen to my show on the salem radio network. puerto rico is bracing for what may be the most of catastrophic island in a century. we'll have a full report on hurricane maria. stay with us. a lot more to take up as the evening continues here on "lou dobbs tonight." we are coming right back.
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lou already tonight hurricane maria is barreling towards puerto rico with the intensity to make it the strongest to hit the territory since 1898. winds of 165 miles an hour. one person killed on the french island of guadalupe. two others are reported missing. adam klotz is live in the weather center. he has the latest for us on maria's projected path and strength. adam: yesterday morning this was a category 1. it intensified quickly. winds up to 175 miles per hour.
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you see a nice tight eyewall spinning right there. u.s. virgin islands, puerto rico just around the corner. eventually and likely not until after it's made landfall with the u.s. virgin islands and puerto rico it will weaken back down to a 4. through the day on puerto rico tomorrow. wednesday throughout the day this system will be moving across the island battling the heaviest populated area. as it continues to move you see it shifting and turning off to the right. none of those areas that were hit will be hit again. the island chainsaw a lot of irma's impact. let's put this in motion for you. this area is where we are looking at the strongest winds.
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we see it looking at the heart of puerto rico. it will be tough for anyone owning that island to escape the highest winds. that's u.s. virgin islands taking you through to early tomorrow morning up to 130 miles an hour. wind gusts on top of that. the rain will be coming down heavy over the island. you are getting these colors here and that's getting up to a foot, maybe 18 inches of rain. this is a really big storm we are tracking unfortunately for the folks there, port river co, they will get the brunt of it. lou: they haven't seen a storm of this magnitude in almost 100 years. we'll hope for everyone else, the bahamas and the east coast, that your path for this hurricane stays in the direction you have got it.
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thanks so much. we are coming right back. much more straight ahead. please stay with us. this is rino mitch mcconnell trying to sell the republicans' last ditch effort to repeal obamacare. this is his idea of an exciting sales pitch. >> it's bert than the status question by far and that's an argument we are all comfortable making. lou: he may want to work on that sales pitch if he's sincere about earning obamacare. this daredevil wing suit pilot effortlessly completing a stunts that's never been done before by anyone, anywhere. his ground breaking performance and much more straight ahead. and much more straight ahead. we are
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bird. he says cohen broke an agreement by making public comments on the hearing. he will now appear at an open hearing. the senator from north carolina is an outrageous failure in his efforts to lead this committee it's embarrassing to watch and it's bad form and bad manners what they pulled. what did they expect? michael cohen to be their pinata? the president's son, one of his advisors will no longer have secret service. kellyanne conway's protection lost her protection after the threat assessment on the president was changed.
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matt schlapp, the former white house political director, now chairman of the american conservative union, matt, good to have you here. let's starter with the manafort wiretapping. the president has been vinds kateed on every -- vindicated on his level and his charge they were wiretapping him. you have james clapper lying by the. the fbi lying about it. the top officials of the fbi and the department of justice in filings. this is outrageous the conduct of the fbi. there needs to be a third council to investigate entire hierarchy of the fbi. matt: sometimes you wonder why the republican party doesn't have the guts to go after the democrats. lou: because they are bought and
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paid for by the chair chamber of commerce rounds table. matt: i fear the damage that gets done in the meantime. you have a guy like clapper who went on national tv and said not only was the president not in any way surveilled, he said specifically there were no fisa * approved wiretaps of team trump. he said that very clearly. he said he would know if there were. lou: we have sounds bite of james -- do we have a sound bite of james clapper saying that? i'm asking the producers live on the show. we are pulling it up. matt: he said that to chuck todd and we all heard it. lou are also said it to congress. he lied to just about everybody. and the man is -- it's appalling. listen to this. >> there was no such wiretap
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activity mounted against the president-elect or as a candidate or against his campaign. >> with respect to the president's tweets about alleged wiretapping direct at him by the prior administration, i have no information that supports those tweets. lou: let's give you a comey bonus. he's lying through his teeth, too. you can call it disassembling and playing semantic games. these two officials lied to the american people. matt: if they don't know, lou, who knows. these were the people in charge of this. they say they don't know. it makes you wonder. was this a rogue judge? we know exactly what happened. comey is a liar. clapper is a liar. mitch mcconnell and paul ryan are responsible for perpetuating
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the nonsense from the senate intelligence committees in this russia witch hunt and it's appalling to watch what is going on. matt: i do think this is a moment where donald trump had this uncanny ability to describe these abuse in tweets and interviews, and even when you don't see the proof at the moment, i have learned to take a step back and to watch. and these things have all been proven to be true. the fact this was just they are attacking the president, trying to delegitimize the president, trying to run him out of town on a rail. and i agree with you, there are too many republicans who think that would be a good thing. it would and disaster for our party. lou: to hell with the republican party if i may speak candidly. you are talking about the legitimately and duly elected president who is being subverted
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by the deep state. it's an effort by the establishment to attack him. you know what i love right now? this president is standing tall, he's leading, and he is as of today the leader of the free world. he's vowrnlgtd by these petty fools of both -- he's surrounded by these petty fools who pretend they are leaders of the democrats and republicans. what are we doing with a paul ryan, the speaker of the house. are you kidding me? mitch mcconnell the majority leader of the senate? these people have never done anything. between them they have a half century on the public dole in the senate or the house. matt: everything is on the line. if this healthcare gambit doesn't work and the tax bill doesn't happen, there will be a first revolution in the
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republican party. they will say why can't you get things done. we gave you the majority. you have got to get it done. lou: you have got two leaders, mcconnell and ryan, and the leaders of the two parties permitting a witch hunt. there has been a year-long investigation of so-called collusion and nothing has been produced. you have had almost five months by the special counsel. nothing has been produced. it's ignorance. it's power run amok. an absolute stove roll back the will of the american people. if this hasn't provoked a rebellion by the republican party against its so-called leaders, i think it republican party is lost. matt: i think the american
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people will save the country. i think it american people are less aligned with a party. lou: the republican party is being led by the chamber of commerce and the business establishment. until that changes we are going to be in very big trouble. matt: i agree with that. the b.r.t. is bringing all the ceos to this country soon and i don't think they are doing anything to try to pass a tax bill. they want to see what a tax bill does for them before they will support it. they need to be interested in what helps the country. lou: a stunt that's never been done before. never seen before. here it is. this wing suiter leaping off a cliff in china soaring at 125 miles per hour.
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hitting targets the size of a dinner plate while attached to a moving suv pulling him through the air. and an extraordinary view. chute deployed. remarkable stunt. up next president trump taking aim at iran during this speech at the united nations. in that speech calling ther president obama's nuclear deal an embarrassment to the united states. stay with us. we are coming right back.
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lou: my next guest says the president's speech today at the united nations was unquestionably one of the best ever. fred fleitz. good to have you here. this president served notice on the world, what is america first, what is the trump doctrine and what they can expect from this leader of the free world. >> that's right. among the many reasons this speech was so well received and
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so dramatic. we had a president who didn't go to new york and attack his country and make excuses and apologize for our policies. that's over and that's good. there is another reason nobody is talking about. we have been seeing president trump's policies rolled back by people in the national security and state department. when i heard the speech i wondered if hr mcmaster was on vacation and didn't have a chance to clear it. this man is a veteran and a hero, but he will not let the president use radical islamic terrorism. he's been trying to keep the president in the iran deal. the president went another direction today and i'm very proud of him. lou: it's interesting to watch the national media talk about
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h.r. mcmaster, gary cohn, his economic advisor. these people have influence. but this president is the same man we elected. he may take some time. a week or two. he shouldn't listen or take more time to decide. this is a man who lives in the moment. and he's leading as no other president in my judgment in our history has. it's remarkable to watch what he's doing. fee may not always understand this, particularly in the political class in washington. but this president is smarter than hell. and in nearly he instance he's smarter than the folks who are giving him up amazing grief. >> i agree with that. i think the president is listening to all side.
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but on the iran deal he said it's an embarrassment to the united states. he will not just tell congress -- he's not just going to say i am not certifying this to congress. he will use john bolton's plan to pull out of this disastrous deal and couple with an alternative that addresses the threats from iran and does so with our middle east allies. israel and the gulf states were completely cut out of this idiotic nuclear deal obama came up with with iran. lou: our key partner in the middle east israel is now in every deal. this was a president who has rolled back so much of the obama years. there is almost 3% growth in gdp
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in the current quarter. that was an impossibility under president trump. the obama administration talked about the new normal. we couldn't do that. he's already doing it. the stock market. $4 trial in market cap. the positives are extraordinary. but he's hah ranked and harassed and insulted by the vast left-wing nut media. it takes so much time to break through. he should be recognized for all the positives he brought to the country. >> i agree with that. it's tough being president. i think he made major stride in moving toward a foreign policy agenda i voted for. kill the iran deal as soon as possible. lou: i think this is a marvelous moment. as you said earlier, this was a
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special day at the u.n. and the rest of the country who got to meet the president up close and personal. up next, president trump putting america first on the international stage. we'll take up the trump doctrine next. the one we now understand fully. we are coming right back. ♪ whoa that's amazing...
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lou: in our online poll we asked if you support the president's call for a 4th of july military parade and 90% said yes. the last parade in new york featuring the u.s. military was after the persian gulf war in 1991. >> you have to introduce us first. lou: i was so excited about the topic. rachel duffy is here because she always agrees with me. so military parade. the president talked about that with the french president at the u.n. and other cable news networks interpreted that to say president trump wants something that resembles what kim jong-un
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does in north korea and kept the context out about that field day and the military parades that go on. lou: he's a stunning -- terry moran, and you have written a column on this. >> on "the hill." lou: excellent. and for terry moran to say what he said. tell us exactly. >> so abc news breaks in with a special report to talk about the president's speech today which you said was the greatest speech ever given by any president at the u.n. that's definitive. not ambiguous like you usually are. then they go to terry moran and he says trump's rhetoric borders
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on committing a war crime. base said that a foreign nation if they provoke us, a foreign nation. a rogue foreign nation, so trump says we'll retaliate if you continue to prove kate provicats apparently a war crime now. >> you mentioned it's reaganesque. i'll tell you way loved about the speech. the talk about venezuela. we have not heard enough. how unambiguous trump was about socialism and what that has done to that country. lou: nearly every government in the general assembly is a socialist government. and half the congress and the senate is trying to drive this
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country towards socialism. >> he started the speech talking about how great our economy is getting under his leadership which is decisively not socialist. infant mortality rates have spiked and maduro is starving his people. it took great moral leadership to lay that out for what it is, call him what he is, a dictator starving his people. as a catholic i have been very disappointed in the pope when it comes to the issue of socialism and what it has done to this country. lou: let me turn quickly to mcconnell saying he's going to get repeal. you get the last word. >> do we think they will get the 50 votes? >> i will answer yes. it's going to happen.
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lou: what kind of nonsense is that. we'll play if you play first? >> they would not go public with it if they didn't have the votes. lou: >> this is without a doubt the most dangerous form of our generation. lauren: billions of dollars in debt and bankrupt with catastrophic hurricane maria to take a direct hit on puerto rico with power and communications blackout expected for days. cheryl: in mexico, 200 deaths after a powerful seven-point one magnitude earthquake hit southeast of mexico city yesterday. continuing with many still trapped under the rubble. lauren: president donald trump's first speech at the united nations where the u.s. i
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