tv Kennedy FOX Business September 21, 2017 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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lou: i can't get to it. we'll take up -- we'll take up obamacare the next time we meet, mollie, charlie. thank you for joining us tonight. kellyanne conway joins us tomorrow. kennedy: president trump back at the u.n. one day after his game-changing speech on foreign policy. will the world and our enemies listen? the healthcare battle is heating up as republicans race the clock with their new plan. what did president obama know about trump campaign surveillance and potentially surveilling president trump himself? grab a phone. it's time to dial the up. for anyone who has been judged by a roomful of people who think they are better than you, he blasted north korea, and blasted
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iran and sucker punched venezuela. the protocol girls were waiting for the president to overstep polite bounds and he sent them into a tizzy with this doozy. >> the united states has great strength and patience. but if it's forced to defend itself or its allies, we'll have no choice but to totally destroy north korea. kennedy: that's a harsher and more pointed version of the exact same thing the previous three administrations said. the only way it works is if he thinks he's getting stuffed in his cell. here is the president on venezuela. >> the problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented, but that socialism has been faithfully
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implemented. kennedy: of course truthful statements like that elicit statement from every spot on the spectrum. iran, sweden and france had it it. go back to your and naivian. what remains to be seen is where do we go from here with iran and north korea and what exactly is the trump doctrine. i'll ask ambassador bolton in a second. i'm kennedy. kennedy: the president in the guilded tower with leaders from egypt and jordan.
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but will the rest of the world listen up or go rogue? former u.s. ambassador to the u.n. and fox news contributor john bolton is with us. what is the trump doctrine? a lot of people after yesterday say they say the, they heard it, they know what it is. >> i think he covered a large amount of territory. his discussion sovereignty was a direct rebuke to the notion that is popular in europe and parts of the united states. what we need is global governance. we need to share or sovereignty with international institutions the problems are so big. i think the president put that where it deserved to go, and that was the first shocking thing he said. but that's what leads to the conclusion his policy is an america first policy. i thought articulated quite
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well. of course, he puts the interest of the american people first. just like everybody in the other delegations in that hall put the interests of their people first. kennedy: terry mor moran said te president had essentially committed a war crime. if the united states were forced into a corner it would respond by destroying north korea. is that tough talk and the on way of talking that gets kim jong-un to understand or did he overstep a boundary? >> i don't know who terry moran is but he needs help. this is called self-defense. not on is it not a war crime, it's been customary international law for 2,000 years. what trump said is not that much different than what his predecessors have said and we we
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said for 70 years on the subject of nuclear proliferation. it is a threat to the international peace and security. we are standing up for the strategy that has been tried for 25 years to talk them out of their nuclear weapons program which has failed. kennedy: it's terrifying and the last thing we want to see is them lobbing something at seoul or guam or hawaii or the west coast of the united states. i want to talk about the reaction to the speech. russia and israel reacted favorably to it. what is the relationship between russia and israel. >> because of a large number of russian immigrants into israel. russian jews who left afterred the collapse of the soviet union. not just the nuclear program, but its support for terrorism and its effort to expand its
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regional influence. i think putin in a way liked the argument about sovereignty. it's an argument that does benefit him in some respects. kennedy: was the president not tough enough on russia? >> he made it clear when he defended ukraine and he talked about the south china sea. sovereignty means you treat others in effect as worth respect and when you don't, you will bear the consequences. i'm a defender of american sovereignty. i'm less concerned when everyone else's. we make decisions about our safety. and equally significantly we make decisions about matters internal to the united states, gun control, death penalty, climate change. that is news in u.n. circles. and i think more than the language about north korea and iran.
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my favorite language about venezuela and socialism, the notion we are going to look after our own interests was the most of shocking. kennedy: president trump pushing republican senators to get the latest gop healthcare plan passed. the million dollar question. will the pressure work? this morning the president tweeted i hope republican senators will vote for graham cassidy. money directed to states. the graham-cassidy bill gives money to the states to control their own healthcare rules. >> this is not repeal. it's barely obamacare light. it keeps obamacare. it's not what we promised. kennedy: will the president prevail and scorch-needed legislative wins or will this crash and burn.
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lisa boothe is back in the house. he's the host of "media buzz," howie kurtz, and the jessica tarlov. there is so much going on. so many moving parts, so many critical votes. how is the president going to reach out and get a yes from some of these impossible votes like lisa murkowski, susan collins and rand paul. >> i think this is truly potentially the last effort republicans have to do something with obamacare. rand paul is absolutely right. this isn't a full repeal of obamacare. republicans were not honest when they said they wanted full repeal. clearly that's not what they are interested in. but we don't know what's going to happen in the coming elections. we know where democrats want to
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go, that's single payer. at least this is some changes and put something power into the states removing it from washington to some zee grow. this might be the last time republicans have to try to make some changes to obamacare and roll it back to some degree. kennedy: the governors have much more at stake. if this passes the medicaid money will be block granted to them. but the governor alaska says he doesn't like it. he's going to put pressure on lisa murkowski to stay a no. lou: haven't we seen this movie at least twice before in all politic is local. the idea is to have anything called healthcare reform to get 50 votes in the senate. the problem is states rights. sounds great. but the opponents of this which
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includes some republican governors, saying you are not necessarily banning preexisting conditions and every state, every governor want to know what's in it for my state. but a few red states will be heard. and now some of that will be rolled back. kennedy: they are not necessarily going to get as much money as they would. they would have more control over that money. for rand paul that's not enough. it's still way too much of a prop-up. if they don't prop it up and the system fails, who gets the blame for it. it's still technically obamacare. >> i think you are absolutely right. i'm confident about this. they have a chance and is it because they had a chance and failed or people just forgot who was in charge of obamacare? >> i think people are so frightened at this moment because the media is hyping it
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up like you are about to lose your healthcare tomorrow and you will never have protections again. and you will never be able to afford anything and you are going to die. lou: let me just absorb that. >> that's one thing scaring people and that's why you have seen a rights in support for obamacare. it's not that the policy has changed. you have actually seen premiums go up. kennedy: and insurance companies pulling out of the exchanges. jesseexchanges.. >> barack obama was right when he said the graham cassidy bill is a disaster. kennedy: of course he's going to say that. >> it's hard to take that seriously when he put together a law that's in a death spiral. there is an estimate of 45% of
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america's counties that will only have one insurer in 2018. >> this isn't a death spiral. >> republicans should have come out of the gate with something right when this congress began. they had a vacuum of information, a time when democrats were able to occupy the space in the beginning. you could do this fear mongering without an answer to reply to it, i think that hurt republicans. kennedy: democrats are having a great time with that. that's why you are seeing the 2020 hopefuls coming out with a repeal bill. kennedy: at least they get to go on the record. >> i hate the fact that a number of moderate democrats would have
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a lot of issues with it have been forced to support something that because of what the far left has done. kennedy: joe biden has come out against medicare for all. >> the on thing we may get is a couple smart fixes to obamacare. kennedy: do you really think pumping billions of dollars to prop up shady insurance companies is a fix? that's price fixing. that's socialism. that's worse than you would have if you had single payer or a pure free market system. >> if chuck schumer said let's talk about insurance come state lines he wouldn't get so much good press.
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without some sort of bipartisan agreement you can't do it across state lines. or tort reform which is part of the problem with republicans trying to drive down prices as part of mechanisms and tools they can use to do that. kennedy: malpractice understand is so prohibitive for many doctors. lou: the hardest thing in washington is to take away a federal benefit. kennedy: we have to shrink government, not grow it. the party panel is coming back later. president trump's assertion he president trump's assertion he was under
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an investigation into his possible role in the election meddng. wh's not car i where the surveillance of manafort occurred and where this conversations were picked. you. the fisa court approved it. is it possible the former president would he kno the feds we listening in on then candate tru? joining us a curious position on this show. n on one hands you have to defend the deep state having been a part of it. on the other hand you have to shine inconvenient sunlight on it. >> this an interesting story and people need to focus on it so i'm glad you are covering it. if the reporting is correct, they are saying the filessa
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court had approved a warrant for the fbi to wiretap communications of paul manafort in 2014 to 2016. the reason for that was because he was involved in lobbying efforts on behalf of a pro-russian ukrainian president and there was interest in that. kennedy: so were john podesta and his bther tony. >> isn't tha interesting. john podesta and his brother to, tony runed the podesta group i was also working forkenr rveillance? >> isn't that an interesting qution? i wouldssume so given the fact that the bureau seems to be
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so they would lk at the potential targe. the pesta group youou w think would be onef those targets. keedy: if you have someone with close russian connections working har -- hands in hands wh someone who was going to be president of the united states. i have assume there would be so many nefarious exchanges you would want to know what's going on. if you are only selecting one person to surveil. it seems that you could make the case it could be politically motivated. who would have reasonably known about the filessa warrant, that secret warrant granted by that secret court? >> this is where it gets interesting. they dropped that surveillance. they gave that up.
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then we progress to 2016. we are getting closer to the election. and the fbi goes back in and requests the fisa court to issue a warrant again on manafort related to some potentially their concerns over the russian contacts. here is the fbi going in to request this warrant own an individual who had been briefly the campaign manager for the republican presidential candidate. they would have to get the doj to sign off on that. if somebody thinks an underling would sign off on that other than kick it up to loretta lynch. lynch you would logically assume was aware of this. kennedy: someone was completely neglecting their duties within the justice department. it's problematic because she had the private conversation with the nominee's husband as the
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criminal investigation into her doings was just about wrapping up. >> then also assume this. lynch then is aware of, signs off on the fisa warrants. she is a close associate of president obama. does anybody think she would not feel it necessary to advise the president that she had just authorized a wiretap of a member of the republican presidential candidate's team? and that's a big stretch to think some how sit wouldn't have gone into the oval office to at least have that discussion. kennedy: unless the president wanted plausible die my built. >> that's a possibility. kennedy: it went high enough that it's inappropriate. if you are going to investigate the russian collusion you have to investigate all of it, not just that politically convenient
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for those want to go maintain power. president trump and hillary clinton's war on words continues. attacks on free speech across the country. one professor threatening to boycott. others say they will cancel speeches if enough students threaten to raise hell over them. too many children in this neighborhood do not graduate from high school. the kids after school, they are alone and they have nowhere to go and we tried to solve that problem by having this wonderful place where they can be children. wtef is the washington tennis and education foundation. we help the kids with their academics, and we teach them tennis.
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kennedy: some * a north korean fat baby is swaying. hillary clinton was not impressed with president trump's speech at the united nations yesterday. she stopped by steve colbert to give her own version of the u.n. address. >> i thought it was very dark, dangerous. way hoped the president would have said was something along the lines of we view this as dangerous to our allies, to the region, and even to our country. we call on all nations to work with us to try to end the threat
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posed by kim jong-un. and not call him rocket man. kennedy: donald trump addressed clinton's comments this morning. it's the latest criticism from hillary clinton since she clawed her way back to the national stage to promote her book "what happened." joining me is katie pavlich. let's talk about this. is that a fair claim that bill clinton and hillary clinton both have some part in where we are at with north korea and their nuclear weapons program? >> what hillary clinton suggested the president say with her diplomatic gobbledygook is the same thing she have herd her
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say to enemies of the united states. some of the thing she said he should say, he said a lot of that. she is living in this fantasy land. if i won i would have said this. you didn't, and you lost, so stop pretending your president. kennedy: it's so desperate and embarrassing. al gore obviously lost a squeaker to george w. bush. could you manage him popping up just a couple months after george w. bush took the oath of office and said what i would have said in the state of the union is -- it's so embarrassing. >> it's so pathetic. kennedy: i hope she stops, but i think she is providing great fodder to her enemies. republicans must love this book tour. >> as pain new as it is to listen to her whine and talk
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about man spreading who man spreads in front of male leaders as well. here is hillary clinton mansplaining. >> there is an expression we know in new york called man spreading. every time i met with him it would be, okay? the whole deal. kennedy: i like to see you the two of them were all neutered up in a steam room. >> if you are getting distracted by vladimir putin's man spreading, it's no surprise you are a terrible secretary of state. in term of how this affects republicans, democrats don't like that she is still around. she looks pathetic, she looks like a sore loser. she says she is not going to go
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away no matter what people say about her. so they have to keep her on board as bad as it will be for to us listen to her for the next four years. kennedy: hillary clinton is political herpes. >> probably so. kennedy: berkeley free speech week starts this sunday. we'll be doing a special week-long edition of "kennedy" to celebrate it. 177 professes at berkeley which was a free speech bastion starting in the 60s signed a letter calling for a boycott of free speech week. berkeley is -- isn't the only college hostile to free speech. '. a professor who is in charge of shaping young, impressional
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mind. speech is costly. the academy has never promoted spree speech as its central value. i suggest you read some plato. the founder of the academy in greece. and mill bury academy which famously silenced charles murray. essentially telling kid all they have to do to stop somebody they disagree with from coming to campus is threaten violence. 20% of college kids think it's okay to silently shut down a speaker they disagree with. the party panel is back. lisa boothe, howard curt, and
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jessica tarlov. jessica, what aspect of the and susheddity would you like to tackle? >> i'll go violence for 100. it should not have cost $600,000 to get ben shapiro a stage to talk about conservative principles. i don't agree obviously with a lot of the fundamentals of modern day conservatism. ben shapiro is a never trumper certainly didn't say thing so appalling to the audience. i went to a small college. i'm glad i have not seen it shop up in the headlines. but you need to look at your academic stats. i don't want to here neo-nazis say anything.
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i understand it's protected speech. kennedy: that's the point of the first amendment. it's not the speech we like. how widespread is this? we hear stories like this and it makes it seem like it's happening at every school across the country. is it really that bad? lou: i'll answer this without man spreading. it's profoundly depressing. 40% saying hate speech is not protected by the first amendment. 20% of republicans as well as think violence is okay. it makes me wonder where they are getting these values. is it at the colleges? maybe they group playing video games and we just whack somebody over the head. >> i don't think they would beat anybody up it's just a tactic.
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kennedy: it many fun for conservative speakers to go to berkeley because they will get a lot of attention and sell a lot of books. >> so many people that wouldn't typically listen to something he had to say had to listen to him. for good reason. he's incredibly smart, i saw daily wire posted something on twitter. there were 700,000 people watching online. the positive thing to come out of pit. out -- out of it. by the the being facilitated on college campuses by the in the themselves. you mentioned middlebury where you are instigating a college student to threaten violence. kennedy: as a form of a heck letters' veto. >> you look at studies and they show that liberal teachers
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outnumber conservatives on college campuses by 12-1. so of course they don't want this other opinion to be heard on college campuses. kennedy: we are up against a hard break. thank you so much. next week it is of course free speech here. i will be joined by some of the biggest names in the battle to protect your first amendment rights. protests in st. louis continue as the white former cop is acquitted in the shooting death of a white man. we saw a similar protest in ferguson. can relations between the community and the police
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kennedy: st. louis bracing for trouble after protests on the streets last 6 nights in a row. it all began when former white police officer jason stockily was acquitted of shooting an african-american man. some accuse police using excessive force. these riots are a long string of 1eu6 unrest. it happened not far from the
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site of the ferguson riots. how do we solve this problem and rebuild trust? joining me now, lawrence jones. welcome back. it's critical to have a good relationship between cops and the communities they cover. there is obviously a breakdown in missouri. what do you think is the cause of that breakdown? >> i don't think it's just missouri. i think it's a national conversation we have to have. but i wouldn't suggest it was all cops that have broken down this relationship. but there are some. when you have senators, a republican, sometime scott saying he has been stopped six time by capitol police. we know there is a relationship problem between the community. how we rebuild it? i think it's communities to
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community. community policing. having cops embed in the community like 90% of them do. that's how you build that relationship. kennedy: sometimes we see these cases and most of times the police are acquitted, oftentimes it's for good reason. but there are some cases where it seems like there is a great injustice and not enough accountability. how do you get more accountability for police officers who maybe overstep-their bounds and how do you get more press in the community that needs to feel like the police aren't there to end their lives? >> i think it's no doubt that we have to have criminal justice reform. i think oftentimes people don't realize the standard for officers to use force is the same as any other american citizen. in my home state of texas the standard is, do you feel year your life. but in many cases we see where
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this not necessarily a fair trial in some cases where the evidence and the standard is not looked point same as it would be for an american citizen. in many cases the officers do get it right. because they have a stuff job. in some cases they don't and they shouldn't be criticized the same way any other american citizen can be criticized. and so -- kennedy: is that something that needs to come from jeff sessions and the department of justice or is that something that needs to organically spring up from individual police departments? how do you best tackle that? >> i think it's individual police departments and individual states. jeff sessions hasn't bent best person advocating for criminal justice reform. if we can't get jeff session to the agree on civil asset
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forfeitures being criminal and unconstitutional. i don't think we'll have an advocate on that issue. there are a lot of republicans like mike lee and rand paul and ted cruz and marco rubio. but at the end of the day it's going to take local communities. kennedy: we'll have to take a hard look at sentencing and community policing like you talked about. people have to take responsibility on both sides and do whatever they can to keep themselves and their kids out of the system. once you are in it's almost impossible to get out. howrns jones, thank you so much. china's annual robot competition is officially under way. we'll tell you
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into a nasty battle earlier this week. i should warn you have the footage you are about to see is very disturbing. especially if you happen to like good music. [♪] kennedy: just when you thought people couldn't get more upset with police, they sing a back street boys song. col slip kaepernick isn't going to stand for this. that video has been shared 10,000 times on facebook. and it's gone viral on the world's biggest female pornography site pinterest. secretary of the interior ryan zinke has quit playing games my heart and is now playing video
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games. that was a back street boys joke for those of you who aren't a mom in her 40s. zinke installed the game that features plastic guns that can be used to shoot animated deer and cups to can used for beer and whiskey. it's so popular they are installing the board game operation to raise awareness to the fact we'll all be operating on ourselves if we don't fix obamacare soon. i will give a spleenectomy after whiskey. an ohio man is lucky to be alive
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after attempting to scare his daughter. he wanted to discipline his naughty daughter so he put on a clown makes from the movie "it." and chased her down the street. just like it says to do in the parenting handbook. the girl ran into a neighbor's apartment and told him the story. the man pulled out a gun and shot at the girl's dad causing him to remove the mask and identify himself. you might wonder why the neighbor tieblght so far. but in his defense. he tried calling the cops, but they were busy. it's so nice to see someone sing a back street song beef sides
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stuart varney. topic number four. taylor swift is going through another breakup. but unlike the last 3,000. this one is different because it involves a couple of songwriters. two men are suing miss swift because they claim her hit song shake it off infringes on a song they wrote in 2001 called players going to play. at this point i was supposed to show you each video. but i told the producers i am not doing it. and now we have bad blood. never mind that. the rest of the segment is a blank space. if you laugh at either of those d plus jokes you belong with me.
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topic number five. china's national robotics competition is officially under way. that means thousands of developers are unveiling robots that will take your job in the near future. they will kill you long before they take your job. this years event includes a competition to see who can build the best drone, the best infantry robot and the best hero row bat. there is also a couple robots i'm not allowed to mention on air. i was talking about hillary's twitterbot. get your head out of the gutter. put it back in there. coming up. there have been numerous studies about the benefits of a good night's sleep.
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