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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  September 29, 2017 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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david: john, we're only 12 points away from, we are very close. [closing bell rings] we're there for s&p, nasdaq and dow transports. we'll see you fox news 11:30 tomorrow. "cashin in." cheryl: thank you, liz. gains hitting in the final moments of trading. the dow barely positive for the day. but for the week, the month, the quarter, higher. s&p, nasdaq did have a record day today. brand new all-time highs for both of those indexes. hi, everybody, i'm cheryl casone and i'm in for melissa francis day, i'm david asman. happy friday to you. this is "after the bell." more on the market movers but here what else we're covering for you this hour. the era of economic surrender is over as president trump making that declaration as he sells his tax plan to manufacturers today. critics question whether it goes
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far enough offering incentives for growth. some republicans are arguing over one key proposal. the very latest from washington. the president just speaking on the white house lawn about a lot of issues, in particular the future of his health and hewlett-packard services secretary dr. tom price who has been under fire for taking private planes. the president saying, he will make a decision this very night. among our guests this hour, steve forbes, grover norquist, mike huckabee, former ambassador john bolton. cheryl: get back to these markets. look you got to take it with the dow ending higher for 8th straight quarter, longest win being streak in 20 years, folks. another record for s&p 500 and nasdaq. nicole petallides watching action trot floor of the new york stock exchange. nicole, to you first. nice to see wins for major average. >> absolutely. it has been happening since november, since the election. as you noted the run we're seeing for the dow, for example,
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with the eight quarters, we haven't seen that in 20 years since 1997. where were you then? that's a long time ago. that is the market we're seeing. look at nasdaq. we have the 50th record close on this one. with that move we see nasdaq up quarter after quarter as well. s&p 500 a record there. markets overall, look at dow, nasdaq, s&p, you can see wins across the board. the nasdaq fared the best of the bunch. what led really technology in the last quarter, this quarter we're completing here today. technology, energy, materials, when we look at actual winners, boeing and caterpillar, which hit an all-time high today, account for about half of the gains that we have seen the dow jones industrials, well over 1000 points for the dow just in this third quarter alone. you have optimism on a tax plan. you have fundamentals doing better. the banks are, have been doing better, thinking about a rate hike in december.
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everything making through tough headlines with north korea. have a great weekend and a great quarter. cheryl: thank you, nicole so much. david: let's look at commodities. first of all oil is on fire closing up 12% for the quarter, snapping a two quarter losing streak. we saw is a lot of gains this month with crude rising in september. gold is down 6% to 1281.50 an ounce. still up for the quarter. sterile. cheryl: love to see the numbers. guys are you not tired of all this winning? >> we're seeing results of an economic policy that puts america first. unemployment is at a 16-year low. wages are rising. the stock market is soaring to record levels. cheryl: oh, there was gdp by the
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way. let's bring in steve forbes, forbes media chairman. jack how hough from "barron's." >> hello. cheryl: you have to point back to president trump and a lot of these regulations have been quietly rolled back over last few months. more to come. looks like investors like everything they're seeing from washington. >> that is why small businesses especially like that. they least can afford onus regulations. businesses it is nice waking up every morning not seeing what can washington hit me with next. and some states tend to imitate. already tens of billionof regs are rolled back. looks like more to come. cheryl: jack, gop is struggling with health care. promise of the tax reform. you have got got a president to
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has no problem putting executive orders in place to help business to get it back on track and a president wants jobs brought back to the country. all of that good for the economy. >> i'm not calling this a trump faith healing of the economy. looks like growth continues pays. continuation of the recovery we see. stock market does well. you talked about boeing and caterpillar doing well. that i like to see. finally boeing is getting recognition for strong free cash flow. caterpillar, great to see some of its markets coming back. that is encouraging. cheryl: steve, talking about construction and aircraft building, remember boeing just signing a new deal with the iranians, that relationship opening up on the business side anyway. so what we're seeing is that these are relationships that are going to be good for american companies. >> i wouldn't bank if you're a boeing stockholder on iran deal. that may be upended with future sanctions but boeing is not
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dependent on iran in terms of the overall picture, hardly at all. as a matter of fact you mentioned construction, one of the challenges in this country we have shortage of construction workers made even worse by rebuilding florida and texas, from those storms and lord knows what we'll have to do with puerto rico. so, for certain skills there will be very, very high demand. which means those wages will be rising. cheryl: i was going to say. i spoke at a construction industry conference, jack, they said we need labor, skilled labor. it is just not there. the to steve's point money will be there if people take on the job. >> absolutely. it is encouraging here about the training programs where we take people out of work, teach them new skills needed. that we very much need. cheryl: guys, thank you very much. steve and jack, of course steve, we'll see you again later on in the show. david: woohoo!. unleashing america's competitive spirit, president trump taking his corporate tax reform pitch
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to manufacturers earlier in washington today. connell mcshane live from the white house with latest on that. connell, talk about tom price, moments ago people are reading between the lines what president said on tom price. some people think his time has come. what do you think? reporter: we'll hear from the president, you can draw your own conclusion, david. this is one of the big stories of the week. future of health and human services secretary who is under fire for his use of charter aircraft for his travel when commercial options were available. it is a bigger story by the day. the president is asked about it a number of times. his most recent comments to your point came moments ago. watch. >> if you look at obama administration, take a look at amount of time they spent in the air, they spent a lot of time in the air but i felt very badly because secretary price is a good man, but we are looking into it and we're looking into it very strongly. reporter: on top of that saying he is looking into it, the president said he would try to have a decision on the future of
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secretary price by tonight. of course he will be in new jersey at his golf club for the weekend. we'll watch for any updates. to the manufacturing story and the tax reform story you're right across town i was in the room earlier when the president spoke to the manufacturing executives and his basic argument to them is lower business taxes will make tear companies more competitive. and he can give them what they need to get there. here he is is again. >> my administration is working every day to lift burdens on our companies and our workers so that you can thrive, compete and grow. and at very center of that plan is a giant, beautiful, massive, the biggest-ever in our country, tax cut. reporter: biggest ever in our country. i can tell you, david, we had conversations with some executives in the room to hear the president speak. that was a receptive audience. they like what they heard.
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one said lower corporate taxes would be quote, music to our ears. there you go. back to you. david: they all benefit from that. connell good to see you. here now is grover norquist americans for tax reform president, by the way, 10 feet away from me, he is here in new york, but we'll let that go, what do you think is good and what do you think is not good about the proposal so far? >> the really good news, they will take unacceptable 35% corporate rate down to 20. it makes us competitive with the rest of the world. david: let me stop you right there. you and i taubed about this before. our corporate rate is 38.9%, the highest in the industrial world. you can put up full screen, united kingdom is 19%. ireland of course is 12 1/2%. we talked about this before. a lot of u.s. companies have gone to ireland. is 20% going to be low enough to bring them back. >> 20% is a very good start. remember, this is the first of a series of tax cuts. there will be a tax cut every
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year, that you have a republican president and a republican house and senate. you had that during the bush years when he had both houses. you have that in republican states like florida and texas, north carolina. indiana, i met with vice president pence the other day, said not only will we have a tax cut each year, i had one in indiana. get to 20. get that done, move to 15. it will be 15 before trump leaves office. david: do you think that direction continues? in the reagan administration did on individual rates. we had initial cut in '81 and '83. in '86 it came down even further. with democrats pushing it so hard might be emphasis getting it to go up rather than go down? >> no. there won't be enough democrats in the senate or house, thanks to the tax cut. what will keep republicans control in the house and strengthen in the senate, size, scope, dramatic pro-growth effects of this year's tax cut. that is why it has to be so big.
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not just for economic reasons. we need the jobs. the reasons republicans will get it done and not forget or drop the ball what happened with obamacare repeal, because their political lives are on the line. david: so much so, by the way, so much so, some people say part of the tax code was written in a way, to lure democrats into voting for it, with this particular phrase, to insure that the reformed tax code is at least as progressive as the existing tax code. a lot of people, a cot of conservatives were bothered by that they don't want the tax keyed as progressive as it was under obama. >> all this discussion about saying nice things, left-wing silly things to get democrats to vote for you, there will not be a single democrat vote in the house or senate for this bill that matter. david: i think you're right. >> maybe at end of day, republicans 51 votes in the senate someone might jump in to save themselves in 2018. no vote that matters there. is no deal to be made there. david: interesting stuff.
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grover norquist. good to see you. >> good. cheryl: well, president trump's pushing big tax cuts and tax reform but can he sell it like president reagan did back in the day? why not stick to tax cuts instead of doing both? steve forbes will be back with his take. david: the president facing growing pressure sure to scrap the iran nuclear deal over the coming weeks. former ambassador john bolton writing a big "wall street journal" editorial about this today. he said the deal isn't worth saving. he will join us later in the hour. cheryl: and a show of unity on lambeau field during the anthem last night but what was different here, everyone was standing. what players and owners are saying will happen this sunday. former arkansas governor mike huckabee sounded off. >> you want to protest, don't do it on your boss's time. don't do it on my time. >> i've been through much, seen too much. i'm a disabled vet actually. i took three shots for this country. i still stand for the flag.
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♪ what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming ♪ cheryl: you are watching the green pay packers and chicago bears link arms before their game in green bay last night. players on both sideses chose not to take a knee, but even that wasn't enough to help them in the ratings. "thursday night football" premier down 13% from last year. are protests to blame? here with me former arkansas governor mike huckabee. he is also a fox news contributor. pretty good football plan like i am. >> well i am, cheryl, but it is hard to be an nfl fan when you
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see them doing really, really stupid things like they have done over the past couple weeks but i have hoped they learned the lesson and they realize, when you poke the eyes of your fans, it just doesn't end well for you. cheryl: i have so many of our viewers and -- it is the conversation de jure this week as does this really kind of fly in the face of their fans? do the nfl, these teams, these players know who their fans are? a lot are veterans, people served the military. a lot of these veterans are say i would never not salute my flag. i would never take the protests off the field. this is something a part of americana and it is the national anthem at a football game, why take that from us? >> it is one of the most absolutely inexplainable things i have ever seen. here is what i don't understand. can they not look up in stands, these people are drinking beer, eating hotdogs, wearing boots
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and sweatshirts. these are not people eating caviar, sipping fine wine during the first quarter and wearing birkenstocks. that may be over simply faycation, i will have nasty comments coming from that but here's my point. these americans like good, old, solid hard-hitting football game. they love america. the nfl is absolutely an american sport and they want to be able to escape realities of politics when they go to the game or watch the game. when these guys want to make it about a preachchy platform it is oaf negative sieve to the fans. cheryl: all eyes on "monday night football" up until last night because we wanted to see what the cowboys were going to do. the teams talked beforehand. the cowboys did what a lot of folks were celebrating. they were arm in arm, owners and players but, they did not protest the national anthem. they were there arm in arm but
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did not kneel for the anthem. we're finding out from drew brees of the saints, he came out with a tweet, that his team will kneel. the saints are planning to kneel during the anthem, but broncos, steelers, so far they plan to stand. is all we're going to be seeing on our tv screens this weekend? >> cheryl, do they even know why they're kneeling? do they have a clue this is about supporting black lives matter. that is where this started, colin kaepernick the guy who wore socks that cops are pigs. do they want to identify with him? rather than all the people who died for this flag and go to football games and want to honor america and simply see a sport? i can't think of anything dumber for these people to do, get on their knees, somehow america will support that. if you want to protest donald trump do it at white house. if you want to protest cops, go to the police station. if you're at a football games
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use your platform for something positive. cheryl: i don't think fans want to see it. football used to be bipartisan as entertainment. that don't seem to be case anymore. broncos and steelers planned to kneel before the national anthem. they're taking a page out of the cowboys, not showing disrespect for the flag. seems to me the fans voices came out loud and clear, don't respect our flag. seems football teams and owners, despite what president trump, owners are listening. >> what is the point of taking the knee thing? i don't get it. because what are you kneeling for? i just want them to put the microphone in front of those players and say what is it that you're saving by your kneeling? wouldn't it be better, rather than offending our fans to use your celebrity, use your power, use your money and to do some positive things that don't offend the very people that you're trying to ininfluence? because if you make the people you're wanting to influence less likely to be influenced, how is that positive?
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just, i would say use the noodle. i know a lot of people have been hit hard in the head but surely not that hard. they ought to be able to figure this one out. cheryl: there is a chorus of folks that owners need to take charge. remember it's a privilege to play in the nfl to make a million plus dollars every year and in front of 80,000 fans. we'll see if they listen. thank you very much, governor mike huckabee. >> thank you, cheryl. david: a lot of people died for that flag. meanwhile how much are the player protests hurting the nfl's bottom line? hillary vaughn is outside the coliseum in los angeles, currently home to the l.a. rams. with the very latest. hillary. reporter: hey, david, business owners an fans have a very clear message for nfl athletes who decide to protest during america's national anthem by saying two can play that game because companies are yanking sponsorships that feature athletes that have taken a knee. one businessman says, he is pulling his company's ads from 29 states for the entire nfl
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season. >> i'm a patriot first, and this is about the flag. this is about the country. it is not about anything racial. we stand together for our country, black and white, and we stand for the flag. reporter: some bars and restaurants are also boycotting the game by not playing it for their patrons, also canceling watch parties happening in restaurants and in bars in states like texas, louisiana, south carolina, even new york but ratings have taken a dip. last night's game reports that the ratings dipped 13% compared to those who tuned in last season. nielsen says, as a whole, live supports are seeing a decline in viewers, saying that two million people that tuned in last season are changing the channel this year. also, directv is letting customers cancel their sunday night sports packages if they take an issue with some of the player protests and also nfl's
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own channel, red zone, has been hit with cancellations but some nfl sponsors are chiming in on the controversy as well. i want to point out two of them. nike making a point to back athletes. nike supports athletes and right of freedom of expression on issues great importance to their society. ford saying they don't necessarily side with those taking a knee on the sidelines, saying they support freedom of expression but don't necessarily side with the view saying they support their right to protest even if they are not views that they share. back to you, guys. david: hillary vaughn, thank you very much. appreciate it. i should mention cheryl, directv gives back money to individual consumers if they want a refund for nfl money, but not businesses. we had a bar owner on yesterday. terrific guy. $6,000 he paid for rights to show directv in his bar. when he decided to cancel that.
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when they asked him for money back he didn't get it back. he had to swallow those $6,000. cheryl: as a football fan i hope we have peaceful sunday with good play. david: let's pray. cheryl: help on the way for the devastated island of puerto rico. president trump vowing that the u.s. will not rest until the island citizens are safe. the latest on the ground in san juan next. growing frustration with some are calling a do-nothing senate. republican congressman jason lewis on the gop chances offing tax reform by the end of the year. ♪ liberty mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe. yeah, my dad says our insurance doesn't have that. what?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™.
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david: can president trump sell his plan the way ronald reagan did? take a listen. >> the present tax system has 14 different brackets of tax rates ranging from 11 to 50%. we would take a giant step toward ideal system by replacing all of that with a simple three-bracket system. by lowering everyone's tax rates
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all the way up the income scale, each of us will have a greater incentive to climb higher, to excel, to help america grow. david: steve forbes remembers that well. he is forbes media chairman. he is back with us. you worked in the reagan administration. that was so simple. all americans get it. can he get that. >> he can. he talks about tax cuts. he has to get republicans to talk about revenue neutrality, tax reform. david: i hate those phrase. >> washington gobbledygook. go for a big fat tax cut. on individual side. don't play democrats class warfare game. it will hit the rich. go across the board, john kennedy did, ronald reagan did. we'll all go together. we need investment, consumption, higher wages. we'll do it all. david: on simplification we saw reagan use props. the president could use a prop as well. here is the postcard.
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the postcard is very simple, fair and easy. you won't have to go to h&r block in order to do it. why don't he do something like that? >> i think he will end up doing it. that is added bonus. how much do american people spend on complying with the tax code. david: lots. just the time. >> buying software to do it yourself to save. you could have a 2 or $300 bonus by your postcard, yea. david: steve has been talking about the postcard for decades, literally decades. i remember 25 years ago you talked about it. you mentioned you hear same rhetoric from republicans that you hear from democrats that the tax code has to be, i'm using words from the tax bill that came out this week, the reformed tax code will be at least as progressive as the existing tax code. now it is progressive that got us in trouble. it is progross sieve stagnated economy. progressive led the growing gap between poor and richest.
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>> progressive enemy of progress. david: why are republicans used that language? >> they're emersed in "washington post" and "new york times" editorials. we're against the work. it will not work. you're cutting corporate tax rate. throw all that rhetoric aside. go for, how about cutting capital gains tax which raises money? how about cutting social security taxes? they did a few years ago. take three points off of the tax for the employee. so everyone who works gets a tax cut. that is cut for everybody. david: before they started to praise progressivity as if it was something to cheer about, donald trump was saying it is not government's money, it is your money. that is clear. people at highest level, lowest level, and everybody in the middle can understand. >> they create resources. mommoney represents a claim on resources created by american people. they take resources, defense, okay. a lot of other stuff a lot gets wasted. david: you mentioned this
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earlier with cheryl, talking about economic growth and 3.1% economic growth last quarter, probably won't be that next quarter because we have all the storms and hurricanes which will be -- back in february, paul krugman, "new york times" genius. he is a nobel prize winner, lord knows why, if you gave reagan's policies credit after business cycle recovery after '82 and believe trumpnomics will do wonderful things for incentives a la reagan, you should be expecting growth of 2%. this guy is saying you can't expect anything but 2%. we get 3.1%. what is up with that. >> beware of economists that write for "the new york times." as my grandfather said you make more money selling advice than following it. he is prime example of it. we'll have a 3% economy. david if they do the tax cut right, it will be 4%, 5%. boy, at that solves a lot of problems. david: mnuchin says for every
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percent growth in the economy, trillion dollars extra revenue coming into the tax coffers per 10-year period. do you agree with that number? >> i think if anything that is a low number but in the last decade if we had normal growth rates we wouldn't have a deficit today. deficit is 6, 700 billion, we would have a surplus, just normal growth rates. growth works. americans want growth. david: steve forbes, good to see you. americans want steve forbes every week on fox on for example on fox, weekends at 11:00 a.m. on saturday and sunday. cheryl: watch every weekend. secretary tillerson attending high-level meetings to discuss a standoff with the rogue regime. of ambassador john bolton former u.s. ambassador to the u.n. on the united states' response. he is coming up.
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cheryl: push for tax reform continues. gop members of the house are on board with the president's proposed plan. speaker of the house paul ryan speaking to sean hannity says the rest of the work depends on the senate. >> we're on schedule in the house. we passed the health care bill back in may. we passed repeal and replace, dodd-frank, we did military, we did veterans.
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we passed 337 bills in the house. we haven't gotten them over the finish line in the senate. is that frustrating for the house you? bet it is frustrating for the house. cheryl: republican congressman, member of the house budget committee, jason lewis. thank you for being here. >> you bet, cheryl. cheryl: i want to talk about the senate, i'm sure you have choice words what they have done in particular with health care but i want to start what is happening in the house on gop side. you have more than 30 gop congressman from, that were states basically, whether new york, new jersey, california, they're all expressing deep concerns about the fact that you want to eliminate the tax reform plan, wants to eliminate state and local deductions. this would sock, if you will, those particular states. most taxpayers in the state. can the gop on the house side come over that divide, bridge of to agreement somehow? >> it is to eliminate deduction
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and credits so people don't have to itemize. think about what we did here, double the deduction to 24,000 and people don't take the deductions. >> congressman, congressman, i have to interrupt you. i'm sorry, we're getting breaking news into fox business. health and human services secretary tom price offered his resignation to president trump. president trump has accepted. fox confirming that health and humans services secretary tom price offered his resignation. president trump accepted it. we saw it in washington moments ago, that president spoke to reporters. there were concerns about tom price but he said he was still a good man but at the time seemed like writing was on the wall. goes back to controversy of tom price spending about $1000 on private jet travel while doing government business. many were up in arms even though he had permission up in arms about that spending. it looks like secretary price, again he has offered his resignation.
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president trump has accepted that. congressman, while you're here, can i get your reaction to that breaking news, sir? >> well, as you say everybody pretty much expected this once some of the revelations came out. tom price is a good man. it's a shame. time to move on now. cheryl: i just want to let our viewers know really quick we're looking at live viewers as we talk to you, congressman of air force one, morristown, new jersey. the president landed on the ground. we expect to see president trump exiting the aircraft any moment. he is heading to his golf course in bedminster. we'll look at the live pictures. talk about tax reform, congressman. >> you bet. cheryl: if you can get the divide, get house members on board, paul ryan seems to do a good job bringing unity from house gop members without any democratic support, then it goes to the senate. that is where reconciliation happens. that is where health care died was in the senate. >> right. cheryl: what are you hearing from the senate side on your colleagues there or counterparts
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on the senate side? >> leadership has worked with the senate. we worked with the administration to come up with this blueprint we think will work, get animal spirits going again by lowering the pass-through business rate, 40% since the lowest rate since 1931, from 40 to 25. productivity is exponentially higher than in washington. i want to talk about before, the idea of tax reform, broaden base and lower rates so people don't have a itemize and take those dedubs. we doubled the standard deduction so people don't have to item eyes. we eliminate the lowest bracket. we don't just reduce it. we eliminate the lowest bracket. next one goes from 15 to 12. that will help everybody especially folks at the bottom end. cheryl: mick mulvaney was on mornings with maria on fox business. at same time will there be another fifth bracket up in the
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39 percentile range. will that emerge as negotiations continue. >> i don't know. people saying tax cuts for the wealthy, can't have it both ways. they're trying to preserve the state and local tax deduction which overwhelmingly benefits high income households. 88% of deduction goes to incomes over 100,000. democrats and wayward republicans advocating that for more breaks for the wealthy. we're eliminating that deduction to have lower rates for everyone else. cheryl: i have to push back. tax foundation, even with getting rid of amt and reductions for state and local income taxes, those five top states, new york, new jersey, california, maryland, you will see net increase,0% of taxpayers -- 70% of taxpayers will see an issue that is up to you. >> and tax foundation also said that 88% of the benefits of
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salt, state and local tax deduction, goes to incomes of unwith hundred thousand or more. you can't have it both ways. well the plan preserves breaks for wealthy and turn around with chuck schumer to try to preserve the break for the wealthy, seems a little odd for me. cheryl: wealthy in new york, new jersey, a little different. congressman, wish i had more time. thank you for commenting on breaking news. we look at live pictures of president trump exiting air force one landing in morristown, new jersey. david: marine one is taking him to his golf course. sometimes at the edge of the stairway the president will talk to the press. in this case marine one is statically placed to prevent that from happening. breaking news may have something to do with it. as you see at bottom of your screen, dr. tom price, still technically the head of hhs, but he is offered his resignation and the president has accepted
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that resignation. we'll have a live update exactly what the white house is saying about all of this coming right up.
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cheryl: let's go back to connell mcshane for more details of tom price's resignation. i understand you have the statement. reporter: this is a story building throughout the week and future of secretary price had been in question for some time as he had come under fire as we were talking earlier this hour for the use of charter aircraft when commercial options were available and all the money added up to. what the white house statement says again, this came a few moments ago, secretary of health and human services tom price accepted his resignation today and the president accepted. the president will designate john wright of virginia as the acting secretary. that is effective midnight tonight. mr. wright is deputy assistant
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secretary for health and director of the disease and prevention of health. promoting one of the deputies to take place. we'll see what happens on more permanent basis but you know, cheryl, a little bit earlier at this hour, look at dollar figures around this and watch the story build throughout the week. secretary price was on with our colleague bret baier last night talking a little bit about his side of the story. 26 charter flights around the united states. total of $400,000. he said i can pay back 52,000 of that. add to that the "politico" story broke this story, basically doubled, if that part is true, adding overseas travel, the total is million dollars. it wasn't enough in the end, that $52,000 secretary price offered to pay back, given all the backlash and attention this story was getting throughout the week. the president, we took this live, played back some of his comments earlier called him a fine man earlier. compared his travel to some of
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the travel in the previous administration but in the end he did receive the resignation from secretary price, cheryl, and accepted it a little bit earlier today. there you go. he is out. cheryl: another busy day at the white house, more personnel changes. connell mcshane at the white house. thank you. david: by the way there is a piece on, talking about all the private planes used during the obama administration by eric holder, loretta lynch, leon panetta. that is one of the things donald trump criticized about the obama administration, why it was a embarassment to the trump administration. but it happened before. commander-in-chief should withdraw from the iran nuclear deal. former ambassador to the u.n., john bolton with his message to the trump administration. what did we do before phones?
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david:ed deadline is fast approaching. president trump face as decision 15th to certify that iran is in compliance with the 2015 nuclear agreement, something he must do every 90 days. the president making his distrust of the deal known. >> the iran deal is one of the most one-sided transactions the united states has ever entered into. frankly that deal is an embarassment to the united states. i don't think you have heard the last of it, believe me. david: joining me, john bolton, former u.s. ambassador to the u.n. and fox news contributor who wrote an op-ed on this topic called, the iran deal isn't worth saving. good to see you. i want to talk about iran. there is breaking news, i want to get your feeling, i was
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looking up trips that individuals in the obama administration took on private or government-owned small aircraft that cost the government a lot of money for personal expenses. in 2014, eric holder took his two daughters, their boyfriends and a couple of secret service agents on a government-owned gulf stream to go to the belmont stakes for a race. it cost the government $14,400. he paid the government back $955. how much a coach last ticket for one would have cost. now in relation to dr. price, sounds even more outrageous than what he was accused of. >> we're all shocked there is a double standard in the press between what happened in the obama administration, what happens in the trump administration but you know the bottom line is you should try to be consistent whatever the vagueries of mainstream media. david: right. >> if there is a important government mission involved, freakily there are -- frequently there are government planes.
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fleet for the fbi or the justice department of the idea somehow the domestic cabinet secretaries are so critically needed at any moment they have to be on a private plane because commercial airlines are inconvenient. i'm sorry i'm not sympathetic to it. tom price ace good man. the preside is right. i'morry for thisersonal tragedy. honest to goodness, we're republicans. we're cheap or at least should be. david: at least cheaper than democrats. switching to iran, existential question as opposed to political one. if the iran deal is so bad why are some people in the trump administration convinced we should keep it? >> because i think a lot of these people are hearing from the career bureaucracy which negotiated and administered this deal for the first two years, it would just be catastrophic if we got out. so they're looking for ways to back and fill, keep the deal alive and hope that trump goes away. that is what it boils down to.
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they got this too cute by half strategy of not certifying that the deal is in america's national interest under the corker-cardin legislation by staying in the deal. i think that is ridiculous. if corker-cardin didn't exist the president should look at any deal the united states is in internationally and ask the fundamental question, is this deal in our interest? you played donald trump thinks of it. he thinks it is an embarassment. when you're in that situation i think you should confront it squarely, talk straight, get out of it. david: the problem is, the cat is out of the bag. they got their $100 billion or more. they're trading with europe like crazy. the europeans will not stop it even if we do? >> i don't agree with that. it is true that the deal was front-end loaded with benefits for iran back-end loaded where iran's responsibilities are. that is one reason it's a terrible deal. if the united states withdraws and reimposes sanctions which the executive branch can do on
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its own. that creates entirely new reality. you approach the europeans, who do you want to deal with a state sponsor of terrorism still pursuing nuclear weapons, maybe in conjunction with north korea or you want to trade with us? david: they will deal with the highest bidder. we know the europeans. john bolton, thank you very much. have a good weekend. >> you too, david. cheryl: great to hear from him always. help on the way for puerto rico. latest what is being done to help people without power, fresh water and food. ♪
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>> melissa: the u.s. navy hospital ship comfort heading down to the island of puerto rico to help with much needed medical assistance. >> cruise lines royal caribbean and carnival sending their ships to assist with delivering supplies to the hard hit areas and of course, the top news is that dr. price is leaving as secretary of hhs. got to say by the way, leon panetta, remember him and the
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obama administration, every weekend he would fly back to california at the expense of taxpayers each trip cost $32,000 , panetta had to only pay $630 per trip. >> melissa: obviously fox business will stay on this breaking news. that does it for us but risk & reward is starting now. >> liz: health and human services secretary dr. tom price is resigning. this after admitting the use of private charter planes at taxpayer's expense instead of using commercial planes. this is risk & reward i'm elizabeth macdonald. the white house releasing this statement moments ago. secretary of health and human services tomorrow as price offer ed his resignation earlier today and the president has accepted. the president intends to designate don j. write of virginia to serve as acting secretary. let's get to connell mcshane in d.c. with the latest. >> this is one of those stories building throughout the week as more and more details emerged about the


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