tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business September 29, 2017 11:00pm-12:00am EDT
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i guess sometimes you can take it with you. ladies, thank you y much. the man himself is next. lou dobbs. trish: i'm trish regan in for lou dobbs who is on vacation tonight. health and human services secretary tom price resigning after coming under fire for use of private planes on the taxpayer's dime. president trump told reporters he wasn't happy with price and didn't like the optics of this. john roberts has our report. >> it's starting to be known as firing friday around the white house. administration officials often use pry that charters or government threats. in the case of hhs secretary tom
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price, it appears he flew too close to the sun. it was two days ago the fate of hhs secretary tom price seemed to hang in the balance. by the time president trump left the white house bounds for bedminster, the writing was on the wall. he's a fine man. but we'll make a decision sometime tonight. reporter: reports say price spent more than a million dollars in taxpayer money and it was out of step from the practice of the trump white house. >> we save hundreds of millions in negotiations. that's why i don't like to see anybody have a question about flying. reporter: price announced he would reimburse the treasury $50,000 for his seat on the flight. >> that did not city well with the president. >> that would be unacceptable.
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reporter: the decision over price's future came on the day the president was contemplating putting more money in the hands of taxpayers and corporations through his tax plan. >> jobs will start pouring continue to our country. when companies leave our shores, it's american workers who get hurt. they get fired. when companies stay in america it's our wonderful workers who reap the benefits and rewards. reporter: democrats see the plan as a giveaway to corporate fat cats. chuck schumer said it leads to bigger ceo bonuses. more stock buybacks for shareholders. as he sold the prospect of tax cuts to american manufacturers.
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president trump took time to defend his disaster response in puerto rico. all departments are engaged in the response and recovery effort. probably has never been seen. reporter: the mayor of san juan criticized he lake duke for -- elaine duke for saying this yesterday. >> i now it's a good news story in terms of our ability to reach people and the limited number of deaths that have taken place in such a devastating hurricane. reporter: mayor cruz says this is not a good news story, this is a people dying story. >> the governor of puerto rico has been unbelievably generous with his segments. he has been praising our efforts. this is a total devastation. we have 10,000 people in puerto
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rico right now. we are getting truck drivers because the people from puerto rico, the drivers just aren't there. they are looking for their home. trish report resignation of tom price as hhs secretary come as other members of the administration face allegations of chartering flights at taxpayer expense. >> i would just like to address in the words of general schwarzkopf a little b.s. on travel. reporter: new allegations of travel abuse surfaced today against ryan zinke. they charrerred a plane for $12,000. >> all this travel was done on the after determined by multiple career professionals at the department that no commercial
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options existed to meet the schedule. reporter: the plane was chartered through a company on contract with the federal government. >> i won't divulge any personal conversations i had with the president, but he wasn't happy. >> reporter: new reports emerge that he flew on military aircraft to africa and europe. bringing the cost of his charter flights to more than a million dollars since may. >> we need to demand good judge from the our cabinet secretaries. treasury secretary steve mnuchin under investigation for a flight to kentucky with his wife vowed never again. >> i can promise the american taxpayer the on time i'll be
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using mil air is when there is no other means. reporter: the white house has released data showing in his first 8 months the administration authorized fewer charter flights than the obama administrations 94 flights in its first 8 months. >> in this job i normally have flown home commercially. in this job i'm obligated to be in touch with communications and that have to fly on a secure plane. reporter: that was also former house speaker nancy pelosi's justification for using military planes to go home.
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her successor avoided controversy by flying commercial. betsy devos has her own plane and use uses it at her own expense. more than 10,000 federal personnel are on the ground helping with hurricane relieve in puerto rico. garrett kenny reports, the situation there is still stark. >> elaine duke flew to puerto rico to assess the situation after her comments yesterday where she called the efforts to help a good news story. but a lot of the supplies already sent by fema aren't getting to the towns that need
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it most of because of badly damaged roads and a lack of drives to deliver the goods. we traveled to a city of 60,000 people where there is still not enough food and water to go around. fema is sending one truck a day. 3,000 people lined up for flies, 2,000 walked away empty hand. >> i have one truck with water. for 60,000 people. it's not enough. we need more water supply so we can give it to the people. reporter: neighbors in churches are feeding a few dozen people a day with rice and beans. but cash is in short supply and most of atms are empty or inoperable. >> he where you have to make a line. you can't be impatient. you have to wait for everything
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calmly. reporter: with more rain in the forecast this weekend they are struggling to stay calm. trish: there are growing questions about the future of senate majority leader mcconnell and establishment republicans. the victory of roy moore spearing outside groups to target the establishment? 012018 races. >> reporter: republicans can look to alabama and the roy moore model. >> you will see in state after state people that follow the model of judge moore that do not need to raise money from the elite. reporter: steve bannon is already meeting with conservative candidates. targets include dean heller in nevada. rocker wicker in mississippi. nebraska, deb fish and jeff
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flake from arizona who could avoid a challenge by retiring like tennessee republican bob corker. >> i think they will also throw in the towel. reporter: previous comments hostile to hem. >> try to apply a religious test, that's not right. and republicans ought to stand up and say it's not right. >> also distancing itself from moore's past comments, the white house he wants to help if elected. the leader of the senate leadership fund believe outsiders have all the lefnlg.
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steve moore writes, conservative say republican office holders are in peril. >> as you get tags as a candidate of the republicans in congress. you are doomed. reporter: leader mcconnell is seen with scepticism from colleagues across the capitol. it members said some would be happy if mcconnell retired. trish: we are coming back with much, much more including the fallout from tom price's resignation. stay with us. president trump urging both parties to put america before politic and overhaul the tax code. republicans and democrats have always said we want that money to come back. we are going to bring everybody together and get that done. trish: we take up the president's push for tax cuts
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with congressman trent frank next. nfl ratings taking a hit after the disgraceful league insult the disgraceful league insult our anthem, our flag and our ♪ can i kick it? ♪ yes you can ♪ can i kick it? ♪ yes you can ♪ can i kick it? ♪ yes you can ♪ well i'm gone ♪ i'm... i'm so in love with you. ♪ ♪ whatever you want to do... ♪ alright with me.
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trish: a republican study commute he chairman says it might be time for senate majority leader mitch mcconnell to retire. congressman mark walker saying he thinks he's a huge part of the problem. there is a growing consensus that would be happy if the senator called it a career. joining me right now, trent franks, a member of the armed services and judiciary committee. let me ask you about the tom price issue. what is your reaction to his retirement? >> thanks for having me on. i'm very biased when it comes to tom price. i think he's a great, noble human being. he's a precious friend and i think the country has lost a fine leader. i don't know the details that precipitated to everything.
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but it's a loss to america. trish: one of the reasons why americans sent donald trump into the white house is they were tired of this. we all work hard for our money. and the idea that anybody in government would waste our money needlessly by taking a private plane. i hear you it's been done before by other administrations, but isn't this administration suppose to be different? it's a different day and able with a different president in the oval office. >> i can't argue with a thing you said. i started out saying i'm biased in tom's fave because i know him to be such a great human being. i would be completely open to any explanation he might have. trish: he did get in some hot water for insider trading allegations. that surfaced back in january
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when many were concerned, including myself that his broker traded some stocks despite the fact he was about to introduce legislation. he introduced legislation and his broker was trading stocks. we'll leave that aside for a moment. i want to get reaction to this new policy. the omd saying from now on if you want to take a private jet, you will have to get john kelly to sign off on it. >> i'm all for that. i certainly avoid those issues in my own life. i think the american people want their leaders to try to take a clear look at what is facing a country and to try to act in a country's own best interests, no matter what. i have no issue with the omd order at all. >> i don't any anybody would. we need to start holding government accountable for every
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dime that they spend. it can't continue in the way it's going. but with all that in mind and the fact we are facing a $20 trillion debt load. we are looking to cut taxes and i for one am all for that. i think you need to do something to stimulate this economy and incentivize businesses to be here. this is all in the plus column. do you think mitch mcconnell will be able to pull it off? he couldn't do healthcare repeal. can he do taxes? >> there is a clear explanation why we are not getting anything through the senate and mr. mcconnell knows that. we have over $20 trillion in debt. and it's because the filibuster in the senate slow marches us into bankruptcy when republicans are in control the filibuster stops us from dealing with the spend and the appropriations process.
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and when the democrats are in control they spend to eternity. senator mcconnell has to deal with the filibuster. he either has to deal with the filibuster or explain to the american people what his plan is to save the country. trish: is he going to make it? >> the senate filibuster will not last. the democrats say they intend to change the. and if senator mcconnell doesn't do something to make sure the american people get a glimpse of republican policy first, senator walker has a point. trish: he can call it a career. be sure to vote in tonight's poll. is repealing and replacing mitch mcconnell the last chance to pass obamacare.
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the dow gaining 4 points. the nasdaq up 43 point. both closing at new all-time highs. the markets closing at the third quarter. s & p up 9%. not bad. regulators voting to remove federal oversite of a. i.d. insurance company that was half the size it was no longer pose an economic threat. up next, the nfl disrespect of our flag and our values. it's costing them. fox news' gregg jarrett says the first amendment does not protect first amendment does not protect nfl players from being
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stood for the national anthem and the ratings took a dive. down 13%. the fans were heard chanting "usa" before the anthem played. gregg, what's most of interesting here is players, coaches, team owners, and networks are starting to notice. gregg: the today cove criticismn deafening. these players and the teams have heard loud and clear from americans who are angry at flairs for kneeling and disrespecting the flag. i think most of of these players don't understand what the nation all about. it's not about racism in baltimore or st. louis. it's something large and more meaningful than that. when we put our hands over our
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hearts we are expression our gratitude for the generations who fought or our freedom including the freedom of these guise to make millions of dollars for playing a game. the steelers who stayed back in the locker room for the tunnel announced we'll come out on the field and we'll stand for the flag and the national anthem. yes people were locking arms, and that's okay, too. but disrespecting the flag in a visual and active way offended americans who were angry and disgusted. trish: i don't know how anybody -- i'm a former singer. i have done my share of the national anthem. when i sing sit i feel a sense of pride. when i hear it i feel a sense of pride. i don't know how anybody hears that song and don't feel, we are so darn lucky. we are in the land of opportunity. but that aside, it's your right
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as an american to have free speech. but when you are work for somebody on the football field it's a little different. that is a form entertainment and it's starting to catch up for what it means for the industry in? the way of lower ratings. gregg: the players run the teams, and not the owners anymore. they are so powerful by virtue of the ratings they can garner and the revenues received before it teams. the team owners are powerless and beholding to the players. trish: i'm not a huge football fan, but i don't know a ton about football. i said to my husband the other day. what if they got rid of them all. why not go to colleges and
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universities and finds the next group of football players to which i was told that's easier said than done it's a battle between the players themselves and the nf stlrks, the industry. gregg: they are all coming together. and i think they rick fires in they don't necessarily have a first amendment right to do whatever they want. the first amendment talks about government fun it force with your free speech right. it does not apply to private businesses and the u.s. supreme court repeatedly said so. this is a business it's private. you can be fired for your conduct. in fact every single player signs the standard nfl contract it has a clause that says any conduct that is detrimental to the nfl and the team is grounds
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for immediate termination. those players signed that contract. trish: this is certainly detrimental. but roger goodell who runs the nfl has not really been -- is outspoken on this. you think about the concussions and the abuse of women. you think about some of the criminal trouble many of these players have been in and roger gold hasn't been anywhere to be found. gregg: roger gold is the most of feckless commissioner of the nfl. he has a history of getting every decision wrong while lining his own pocket with tens of millions of dollars. do not expect leadership from this man. i have hate to say it, but it's true. trish: we are coming right back with a whole lot more. the state department pulling
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embassy staff from cuba in response to mysterious attacks. >> they did some bad things in cuba. trish: we'll discuss the diplomatic dispute with lieutenant colonel tony shaffer. this group of daredevils is this group of daredevils is throwing a party i'm vern, the orange money retirement rabbit, from voya. this group of daredevils is throwing a party i'm the money you save for retirement. who's he? he's green money, for spending today. makes it easy to tell you apart. that, and i am better looking. i heard that. when it's time to get organized for retirement, it's time to get voya.
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trish: the state department ordering home 60% of its diplomatic staff in cuba following a series of mysterious attacks on embassy employees. rex tillerson warned against visiting cuba until they finds out what is behind the series of attack. joining us to discuss, retired lieutenant colonel tony shaffer. now a senior fellow for policy research. the cuba story just keeps getting weird and weird. any idea what happened? who may have been responsible? >> the bottom line is we don't know. but either by commission or collusion, the cubans are responsible. there is -- they are still a communist country and they are responsible for the security of
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that embassy. i don't care if it's a third country. they are supposed to be patrolling those areas around the embassies. i would not be surprised if this was duplicity on the cubans' part. trish: what a stupid thing to do. they had the opportunity of a lifetime to grow their economy with u.s. tourism and they shoot themselves in the foot so quickly? >> that's part of the issue. they have before been that bright related to long-term objectives. the russians actually did things like the russian embassy in moscow. trish: lept not forget who trained the cubans. >> we were trying to do the right thing and open up relationships. there are hardliners still in the cuban government and we were fools to not ask for concessions
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relating to human rights and assurances, that this sort of thing would not happen. trish: you got the baseball game. meet the famous catcher down there. let me turn to north korea. there are still questions about what are we going to do here. i said over and over again, go after china. china has the culpability. what do we need to do? they are in violation of major, major world trade organization agreements. they are stealing $200 billion in intellectual property every year. >> i have seen this think tank report from the british saying we may start a war. there is a war on. it's never finished. that's why we are here. we have standing armies on both
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sides of the demilitarized zone ready to fight. the question is can president trump walk this back and it started in 1951. an spement by the chinese. it's like a petri dish for social experimentation. they bulldog to scare people then they rain them in. if a hot war recurs, the chinese will be the most of affected. south china sea, all their fuel comes in there. trish: what you are saying is important. it's not in china's interests to have someone who is not dependable there in north korea. they should want to get rid of kim jong-un. i hear you. they haven't indicated -- we are
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getting kind of wishy washy responses from them. i think if they wanted to get rid of him and do a regime change, i would like to think they could. >> you have to remember the chinese act very slowly. very deliberately. i think maybe it will take some time. they are more national stick. but they have to go through their own internal process. i hope donald trump helped educate them on the downside of their inability to take care of north korea. trish: i hope he does, too. if he doesn't, there is an economic threat that we can utilize. we are their number one customer. for all those goods they export around the world. we are the ones that buy them. without us there buying those goods, it would be severe economic impact. they should realized very soon
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for their own national security they don't want kim jong-un there. >> the moment we threaten their favored nation status, i think that would be a severe threat to their economy they would take seriously. trish: tony shaffer, good to see you tonight. be sure to vote in tonight's poll. repealing and replacing mitch mcconnell. please roll the tape. these sky divers are clearly having a lot of fun. they are up there at 13,000 feet. you see them forming a giant circle as they race toward the ground. this is just amazing stuff again. not that it want to do it. up next, president trump delivering on his promises for economic growth as he pushed for tax reform. >> the era of economic surrender
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is over and the rebirth of american industry is beginning. america is winning again and america is being respected again. trish: steve forbes takes up the president's tax proposal next.t. it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same. but while some push high commission investment products, fisher investments avoids them. some advisers have hidden and layered fees. fisher investments never does. and while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management. ♪ can i kick it? ♪ yes you can ♪ can i kick it? ♪ yes you can ♪ can i kick it? ♪ yes you can ♪ well i'm gone
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trish: there is still a lot of details to be ironed out. the proposal would provide the biggest tax cuts for the wealthiest americans and cut federal revenues by $2.4 million in its first 10 years. joining me to discuss, steve forbes. my goodness. don't we love this latest analysis? it plays into the left's hands. steve: i won't call it fake modeling, but the idea that a growing economy will lose $2 trillion over 10 years is preposterous. the net wealth of the nation went up. incomes went up at all levels. in the real world 4% growth gets a lot of everything.
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they just assume even with tax cuts you don't get much additional economic growth. trish: by spending a little -- steve: what you are doing is setting a stage for people to get more income immediately. you are setting the stage for an investment boom. that's how you get growing incomes and better-playing jobs. it's a two-fer. in the real world investments take time to make and pan out. trish: it's not taking into consideration what's going to happen in places that have the wealthiest americans. places like california and new york. i believe under the current tax system are effectively being subsidized by texas,
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new hampshire, florida. because in new york you can pay a 9% state tax, a 4% city tax and add that 13% and deduct it from your federal amount. what that means is the same person in texas has to pay the full federal amount. but in new york you can detective so texas is basically paying for some of new york? >> in terms of all these deductions the only way you will have a substantial change is if you throw them all out and drastically cut tax rates. if you want to get rid of state and local tax deductions and other goodies you have to take it down to 28 or 30% at least. trish: i love that idea, and the flat thanks. why do we want to discourage anyone from making a buck. steve: the crazy republicans
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using the language of democrats. it's tax cuts they should be focused on. the more the better. all these projections assume you only get 2%, 2.5% growth. that's trillions of dollars. trish: what about the corporate rate? >> go for the 15%. we'll be a little better than average. let's be the best in the world among large developed countries. i think it should be 12%. but 15% is still good. the republicans are going to get criticized no matter what they do. just go for growth like ronald reagan and john kennedy did it works. trish: there is an under current to this.
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no matter what you do, they will say it's a giveaway to corporations. >> suddenly you haven't had a raise for years and you are getting $3,000, $4,000 a year. you are going to care about bill gates? you will say my prospects are improving. my income is improving. that's what people want. they want to know their life is improving. they are not going to worry about bill gates or anybody else. trish: i think americans don't believe that. steve: we are not envious. we just want our chance. another person wants their chance. if they see their pay going up, job prospects going up. they say that's what dreams are about. trish: i talk on my program, the intelligence report, drawing a picture of what this economy has been. this an hourglass.
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you can see sit and picture it. an hourglass economy with this middle class paying a lot in taxes and it's getting squeeze and squeeze. can we via tax reform change this? >> tax cuts will change it. this is not -- they say once in a generation opportunity. you can do a tax cut every year if you want. trish: i like the way you think. steve: the biggest part of growing people's paychecks. they end up paying more and getting less. >> it's messed up. but we need that opportunity. opportunities for all. this is tax cut one.
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trish: pressure on tom price predating his resignation. >> you are going to get the votes? he better get them. he better get them. otherwise i'll say tom, you are fired. wow! it looks like that one came true. he didn't get the votes and he's sort of fired. or done. tammy bruce and lawrence jones will join me after the break. stay with us. we are back after this. i count on my dell small business advisor for tech advice. with one phone call, i get products that suit my needs
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trish: last night we asked you in our online poll, do you agree nfl players should stand on the sidelines respectfully with their hands on their hearts and their helmets at their side. 95% said yes. i don't know about the other 5. joining me, tammy bruce and lawrence jones. tammy, this is one where i don't know how you can't feel this amazing sense of country when you hear that song. i get goosebumps every time i hear it. this has turned into a giant side show that i don't think is
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helpful to the league or the country. tammy: people are finding that out. the numbers for last sunday were 180 players taking involvement on the field either kneeling or sitting. that's 12%. that means 88% did not. so the afl-cio union we know where they stands in the politics of the day. this seems like a plan like most of of the liberal plans that do backfire. yet the media wants to make it seem like it's a larger encompassing event everyone is responding to. maybe not. i think we have to remember that. your response to the anthem, mine, our relationship with the flag, that it embodies the idea of who we are is part of cower dna. in this political season a lot of people misrepresent things. most of americans should know
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they don't stand alone on this. trish: it's become something else it's basically i don't like trump as opposed to i don't like my country? >> specifically the president's comment. before that it was only 3 or 4 people that participated. this movement was dying and almost reignited as an opposition to the president. trish: i know a lot of people are saying the president should have brought this up. it causes the players to do this. they could have ignored it and let it stay at 3 or 4 players. >> if you wanted to kneel, kneel before the national anthem then stand when it's time for the anthem. they can do that. but a private business has the right to respond as well as the people that support and pay your
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bills can say they don't want to watch. trish: it's a form entertainment that embraces who we are. this a reason we have football rather than soccer. but maybe soccer will see its day. jason moore telling investors cbs was going to take a hit because so as much of their revenue comes from football. tammy: a fox news poll yesterday people were asked if they thought america was going to nell a hands basket. 71% of democrats think so. and positions about political correctness. 2/3 of americans in this pollack every line, women, men, under 45, over 45, black and white. 2/3 of everyone said political correctness has gone too far.
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this also what the football dynamic is about. this notion if we are offended or you say something i don't like, we'll protest. >> it's calling people racist. that's what the cnns and msnbc say. trish: the howard deens of the world. if you vote republican you are racist. and you know when you start throwing that terminology out there, it tries to shut down the other side. tammy: the democratic party is turning into a weak regional coastal club. when you have 2/3 of republicans and democrats who have been united. we are at least united on the same ideals coming together. and appropriately with the pinpoints of the flag and "the national anthem" that unifies all of us. trish: thank you, tammy, thank
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you, lawrence. and god bless america. lou will be back with you monday. you can watch me on "the intelligence report" every day 2:00 p.m. on fox business network. >> announcer: the new week are. >> welcome to "wall street week," the program that analyzes the week that was and helps position you for the week ahead. i'm maria bartiromo. kathy ireland is my special guest this weekend. it was a big week this week. after months of waiting president trump and republican lawmakers revealing their framework for tax reform wednesday. on the dorm rat side the plan cuts the corporate thanks rate to 20% down from
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