tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business October 4, 2017 4:00am-5:00am EDT
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slogan. charles: can't wait to see what lou dobb thinks about it, he is next. lou: good evening there have been few president the tested by events and challenges so traumatic as president trump. with natural disaster, tragedies and international threats, beset by a vicious national left wing media and a democratic party aligned with that media, in the hustle opposition to all things trump. and there is the deep state. all are clearly intent on destroying mr. president trump's administration, and subverts his presidency in every consevere able manner, never before has a
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president had to do with all, at once with the aftermath of the worse mass shooting in american history. on top of that, a category 5 and category 4 hurricane, hitting u.s. within two weeks of another, a stand you've with a threatening -- standoff with threatening north korea, and a packed language latest agenda with budget tax reform and obamacare repeal on top of a $1 trillion infrastructure bill, and cyberattacks that have now hit at least half of our population. all that president trump faces, would leave any citizen leader trim uluce. president has been confronting each crisis in my opinion with strong leadership, president and first lady at this hour on their way back to washington. they spent the day in puerto rico. comforting victims of the storm,
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and looking over the horrendous hurricane damage. where the president pledged an all out effort on behalf of our fellow americans who endured so much suffering and deprevation. president trump took with him his sense of humor about all that has to be done and money it will take to rebuild the hard hit eye land. island. >> i late to tell you, you made our budget a little out of whack. lou: president meeting with san juan mayor. cruz told president that her criticism was all about saving lives not politics, check. president trump took a veil shot at mayor, praising puerto rico's governor for not delving into
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petty politics. >> he is not even from my party, he started right from the beginning appreciating what he did, this governor did not play politics. he was the saying it like it was. and he was giving us highest grades. lou: we still don't know how much the storms will cost tax payers, but the trump administration reportedly ask congress this week to approve between $10 to $15 billion for fema disaster release fund, republicans in congress this week takes first legislative steps to advance tax, cuts, and tax reforms. house voting thursday on a fiscal 2018 budget, that should pave the way for republicans to then pass tax cuts by a simple majority. here to disdiscuss whether congress can deliver, this time for president, congressman mark meadows. also chairman of house freedom
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caucus. congressman and mr. chairman good to see you. >> lou, always great to be with you, good to join you, and your viewers tonight, you are right, had the not only been faced with a daunting task of natural disasters, but really, a congress that has not been willing to help him, achieve that trump agenda. and what we saw today, was really president trump and first lady at their very best, that is, showing they really do care. so we can certainly celebrate that tonight, even in face of unbelievable tragedy in nevada and in puerto rico. lou: congressman we're expecting you all to begin delivering your votes, on tax reform attacks cut if you prefer. are you passing it? >> we'll do that, but it is about time, have you been calls
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for it for 9 months. it is about time we deliver on our promises, we have had two fumbles on obamacare repeal and replace. i can tell you not only has freedom caucus come out and embrace the think about -- budget but embrace the tax cut, bold tax cuts for the american people framework. we're going to get it done, we need to get it done, by thanksgiving. to make sure that it is retro active to get the economy going again. the president is all in. he knows this tax policy better than most, have been in meetings he gets down to the fine you know. find details of tax reform, and so we can celebrate that, as we deliver finally to the american people. lou: disappointing to some is fact it is hardly regular order.
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we've not seen committees put in place, and activated as we would have expected. flun thnonetheless tax reform mg for a vote, but tax reform itself, we still don't know what will incentivize corporate america to take whatever trillions of dollars are repatrioted. we don't know how much the middle class will receive in way of a tax cut. but we do know, that the administration will provide a ceiling of 25% for small businesses, on passers, and 20 for corporations. >> correct. lou: this is now -- this is a sketch, we need a full on painting for the american citizen and voter to understand what you are doing. >> well, you right. and you and i have both agreed
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we need not just the borders. i try to make this out in terms of a picture, maybe we're putting together a puzzle, now we have borders around outside of the picture but we have fill in the middle, we were in a meeting this afternoon at 4:00 talking about some of those details. all of emphasis was making sure we give back money to the hard working american taxpayer, putting it back. it is not our money, it is their money, yet, we have get to get specific, quickly, i am hopeful this month we'll markup the bill, you will get very clear specifics on what they will be. but you are right, it is time for detail for a vote, and it is time to get moving with trump agenda. lou: and the question of whether or not state and local taxes are deductible. this is a major issue for
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millions of our fellow citizens, it seems there is not a certainty amongst your party as to which way they want to go. >> well, part of the original frame work was to do away with that, that affects millions of people looking at that to make sure we're not increasing taxes, we're actually lowering taxes that debate took on really with some of your new york, new jersey, pennsylvania, members today -- lou: high tax states. >> yeah, and yet when you look at that, there are some from other states that are not high tax, saying why should federal dollars there to support a higher tax state, we'll have to find a happy medium, i believe we do, you hit a key issue, you are someone that follows financial market closely. always have. on this repay thin repatriation.
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let's bring that back and make sure we put it to work to create jobs to make sure wages go up. and that is hopefully, around a $420 billion plus on the economy when we do that it is time to get to details. lou: quickly. the budget. first time in 20 years we'll see a real budget? >> we're actually -- we have $2 03 billion worth of mandatory spending cut in house budget, that will go to conference as we work out our differences between senate and house, but we're talking about real reform. and what we can't get done there, we need if make sure we're prepared to get done in 2019 budget, that will be another threshold, we'll be able to pass with 51 votes in senate. it is time to be aggressive and bold or go home. lou: there are those who are suggesting that some of your
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leadership go home. whether it be speaker ryan or mitch mcconnell. what is the likelihood? >> i think that is if they do not perform, not just leaders of the senate and house that will go home, it will be a lot more of us, failure is not an option. if we do, you see a change in leadership but change the complextion of house and senate overnight, american people are tired of talk, they want action, this president is a president of action, it is time to get onboard. lou: congressman mark meadows, good luck this week and through out. >> thank you, lou. lou: appreciate it. >> turning to the russia witch-hunt. special prosecutor mueller expanding his purview and mission for not just investigating so-called russian collusion with the trump organization, but now mueller has tapped deputy solicitor
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general michael dreebon to work around the clock, trying to work a legal case, preemptive pardons, he has worked in justice department 30 years, including under presidents obama and clinton, mueller has teamed up with new york democratic attorney general eric schneiderman, investigating paul manafort. a president does not have pardon power over state crimes, we're coming right back, as we examine the issue of what in the world is this special counsel doing. at what point will republican leadership in senate and house join with the president to decide whether or not he has abused his powers. we'll be right back with much more. stay with us. >> president trump and hurricane ravaged puerto rico, witnessing
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the devastation and applauding the hard work of federal first responders and local officials. >> in texas and florida, they get a plus, i think we have done just as good in puerto rico, it is say tougher situation. >> we take you of president's strong leadership and times of crisis with matt schlapp, and secretary of defense mattis breakings with the president, now claims that staying in the iran deal is in our national security interest. but mattis said we need to know more about what iran is doing. so just how is it he is so confident and how can be in our national interest for the president to keep mattis? we take that up, and more. stay with us. liberty mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe. yeah, my dad says our insurance doesn't have that. what?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance.
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i do. lou: yes or no question? and defense secretary responds to that ignore a ignorant statey senator king. remarkable. trump, signaled he may pull out of the deal, his defense secretary seems to have promoted himself, established republicans have not learn their lesson from roy moore's win in alabama last week, detailing how establishment elites are skeptical that former white house chief strategist steve bannon can oust incul rhinos in midterm. states like arizona, nevada, mississippi and others, joining me now to take up the what appear to be delusions of the republican establishment. push for tax reform, and much
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more, matt schlapp, chairman of the american conservative union. let's start with defense secretary mattis, first of all, jen -- to a senator who is sitting there telling him it is a yes or no question. >> i think it is time for a cabinet meeting, lou. you have president tweeting in tillerson with north korea, now secretary of defense, right now is it okay we're in the deal, he said yes, i hope by time we get to deadline that is looming where iran deal should be decertified by the president, his whole team is onboard with that decision. lou: i think parsing your parse, if i may, he said in national interest, it is in the judgment of the folks i respect most, not. >> right. lou: your opinion of it? >> my opinion, that iran --
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lou: yes or no. >> i agree with you. i never talked to an -- angus king so there you go. lou: what a beauty he is, unbelievable. mattis, how can you put up with -- tillerson "going rogue" in asia. laying out future of the administration's foreign policy. just a little too cute by half. >> i think the thing about donald trump which is jarring to people, i don't know what he will say in response to what secretary of deficien defense se tends ts to take his displeasure public. is there a wood shed moment in private or a public chastisement.
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lou: i have never seen a president treated so fa poorly. the -- these this is bad form on their part. i consider it ignorant behavior. >> and no more clear campaign promise, there were others that were clear, no more clearer than he would get out of this terrible iran deal. lou: it is striking and also striking that senate leader schrem--leadership committee deg that steve bannon's threats were overstated in terms of consequences, for behalf of and success of judge roy moore in alabama. there are 18 other seats, that are vulnerable by some measures. how in the world could these
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people be so arrogant and indifferent to lessons they are witnesses in the shift in american politics? >> i think mark twain said something like there is nothing more dangerous than believing in something that is not so. and for these republicans to who believe what happened in alabama is an aberration, they will do a lot more losing until they realize you imprint a candidate with this congress, that failed to implement mayor campaign promises that candidate is weakened, i don't think they realize that. which means, i think these primaries are real threat to them. lou: yes, i don't think there is say question about it. i think only, a loser like mc connell would preside over a senate and party apparatus that is sudden whether i clucking
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about the success of judge roy moore, and failure of his personal 24 million dollars he pumped into that campaign in alabama? this guy should be licking his wounds, but instead trying to deny a clear shift, that is with the election of this president, judge roy moore, and other special elections, who is -- who is mitch mcconnell? it is extraordinary. >> i think that this story shows political operatives invest in the statu status quo are afraidt money trail will be upset, their donors believe they can win these races even when their candidate is unpopular with shock and -- "shock and awe" of outrageous money. lou: how strong is steve bannon and his group, how strong are
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they? >> pretty strong, because it is a combination of two thing, steve has access to a real platform. and to real funds, but when you put that in combination with grassroots, republicans and conservatives, a lot of trump supporters who are independents are very frustrated at the republican congress. there is nothing more frustrated at than failure of republican congress, these senators who lied about what they would do if they got majority, they are fit to be tied. lou: and one hopes he does not squander all of his attention on senate. and hopefully terns to the house -- turns to house. >> there is a lot of targets out there, i think for speaker ryan and leader mitch mcconnell, you know their political necks are on the line on this tax bill. it has to deliver on stimulating this economy. i hate to say, this is not going to be easy.
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lou: nothing is. in either the house or senate it seems, seems like it should be but has not proved to be, matt schlapp, good to have you here with us. and talk with us. >> thank you, sir. lou: vote in our poll, some any ceo whose extreme negligence betrays public trust be subjected to a massive fine, and company held responsibility to pay rhett trueinrestitution to ? as many as 145 million of them. cast your s vote on twitter. like me on facebook. instagram, at "lou dobbs tonight." >> on wall street, a record breaking day for stocks, dow jones up 84. s&p you o up 5, nasdaq up 15, at new record highs, volume on big board, just under 3 billion shares, car sales climbing over 6% in september.
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and americans replacing cars, damaged in hurricanes. the largest cyber attack in history, much worse than reported. yahoo! now saying that every single user account, was affected, and 2013 cyberattack. some 3 billion users in total. that is 3 times larger than company previously acknowledged. >> imagine that. >> not telling the whole truth. we'll take that up tonight, a reminder listen to my reports 3 times a day, coast-to-coast on salem radio network. up next. high drama at the democratic senator robert menendez corruption trial. have you not heard about the trial. you have not been watching us, we cover it. prosecutor reveal menendez took
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a rare step of awagerrin arranga meeting. this is about the obama administration obama a democratic senator, where else do you hear about it stay with us. no, i'm scheduling time to go to the bank to get a mortgage. ugh, you're using a vacation day to go to the bank? i know, right? just go to lendingtree dot com. get up to five loan offers to compare side by side for free. wow, that's great. wait, how did you get in my kitchen? oh, i followed a raccoon in through your doggie door.
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menendez. she said she thought it was curious that former senator harry reid wanted her to meet with senator menendez over a medicare billing dispute. reporter: a handful of supporters and protesters greeted senator menendez as he arrived for day 15 of his bribery trial. secretary kathleen sebelius testified about a meeting involving senator menendez. according to the prosecution an eye doctor give menendez gifts and political contributions in exchange for menendez to helped the doctor obtain visas for girlfriends and help with business deals.
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see beale was told the court, quote. everybody did some talking, but senator menendez, it was his meeting, he presented the issues he was concerned about. prosecutors say there was only one issue concerningmen menendez, to change a ruling that he overbilled medicare $8.9 billion. she told the court quote the discussion involved policy this case has triggered. >> the defense tried to show there were other issues discussed. >> if we are going to speak about this trial, we'll speak in the courtroom. reporter: does that mean you will testify. >> there was testimony with nor
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menendez about the same billing policy. the senator's conversation was called aggressive and menendez hung up when he discovered he wasn't going to get what he wanted. lou: richard smith grilled by outraged members of congress over the data fax to 144 million equifax customers. we take up the fallout from one of the largest cyber attacks in history with morgan wright. this adventure seeker knows how to take surfinged to the next level. we'll show you his way, the newest way, to hang 10.
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the vulnerability of the cyber attack. or why executives were aloud to sell stock before the incident was made public. and he said he had no idea how to protect consumers that his company compromised. >> do you think consumers should have to pay a penalty for your mistake including financial and medical and identity threat? >> i apologize to the american consumer. we've offered a comprehensive set of products for free. >> will it make them hole? >> it -- will it make them whole? >> it's hard for me to tell if they were damaged. that was just a little too much arrogance for me on the port of a ceo who screwed up massively.
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>> 145 million people have their most of sensitive details out there. their own cyber security details failed to detect the fact that they failed to put the patch in place. it should have been a flaming arrow tied to somebody's rear ends. saying get this thing fixed and i want a report on it when it's done. but there is no accountability. lou: september 15 equifax announced the cheech information officer and chief security officer were retiring effective immediately. then we found out richard smith was retiring as well. this company has been a disaster from the moment it refused to take that patch, was it apache?
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lou: they sent out the warning, the security coordinate door sent out the warning. there was so much notice here and this was such a needless act of negligence on the part of equifax. >> and mr. smith is going to get upwards of $90 million when you include stock. but we as the consumers will have to pay for things. i see how your pay step works. don't saddle me with your free stuff that probably won't work any better. there needs to be a version of digital protection the same way we treat financial protection. until you take away these $90 million paydays from ceos.
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lou: our question tonight for our audience is, should he not be subject to a massive fine and the company responsible for restitution for permitting through its extreme negligence a cyber attack that has taken those files of the most of personal data and put it in the hands of evil-doers. >> who is going to fine them? the sec? they had their own compromise and didn't disclose it. lou: for a year. >> where else could you be allowed to steal from your bank for a year and be allowed to retire. you would be put in cuffs and taken to jail. we are allowing people to benefit from the negligence that they perpetrate on the american
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public. and it's especially damaging, the most of sensitive details of your life, putting mortgages in somebody else's name. he says i can't tell in anybody has been harmed. i don't have to wait for the house to burn down before i call the fire department. lou: facebook was selling ad space to russian agents and it turns out that is the first empirical evidence of true collusion we have seen in the 2016 election. 2015. >> we have done this before. we tried to influence elections in latin america when the spread of communism was happening. mark zuckerberg said we are going to hire another 100,000 people. where is the before the fact
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behavior that says we see this, we need t to prevent it before t happens. but now that it's out there, we need to be able to tell what is real and what is fake. lou: please roll the video. we told but this daredevil taking surfing to a new level. the plane is a but mond albatross. in danbury connecticut, riding the waves. this has to be one of the most of expensiveways in which anyone could go wave riding, surfing. but it looks like a lot of fun. fans abandoning the nfl amid national anthem protests by players, raised black panther
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national anthem" in the game against the red skins. nfl viewership has fallen each week this season from a year ago. last week's ratings down 8%. joining me now to talk about the nfl insults and more. pastor of the first baptist church of dallas. author of the book "a place called heaven." let's start with this awful, awful insult which the nfl from the management that permits this to the players who participate in it. your thoughts about it. >> there was already a growing disdain for these nfl players who refused to stand for the national anthem. i never use the phrase taking a knee during "the national
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anthem." that makes it sounds like some act of reverence. this is a lack of respect. after las vegas, there is a zero appetite for it. after all, it wasn't brave nfl players who burst through that hotel room in las vegas and neutralized that psychopath. it was law enforcement who did that. we shouldn't be doing anything to denigrate the police, we should be respecting them. lou: you touched on it, the families of the victims, survivors, and the dead as well, how do you explain that to grieving families, what has happened, your thoughts? >> it's the number one question people have. why would god allow up a horrific massacre like that.
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president trump touched on it yesterday when he called it pure evil. the bible talks about evil. satan himself. jesus called him a liar and evil from the beginning. but evil is also temporary. one day the lord will return and defeat evil. and only the host of heaven can is continuing wish the horror of las vegas. lou: as we began the broadcast, enumerated the challenges this nation faces. our president faces. i have not seen a president contending with so much in such a short order of time as this president. and he is besieged from every quarter, attacked viciously and
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venomously by the left. it just goes on and on. then we have natural disasters and all that he must do as president. and north korea, russia, china. it's extraordinary what this president has to do. >> but he's performing excellently as the commander-in-chief and the consoler-in-chief after these disasters. i sent him a note yesterday congratulating him on the speech he gave to the nation. i have never heard a president give a more encourage or faith-based address to the nation as president trump did yesterday. he has been pitch perfect in everything he has done and said. lou: the national left-wing nut jobs, their bias is exposed. their media anti-trump bias.
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managing editor, katie frates and nick adams. author of "retaking america." let start with first of all, this president, he -- it's unimaginable that he's contending with all that he is. but right now natural disasters and as pastor jeffress said, fewer evil in las vegas. >> you are right. he has a whole heck of a lot going on for him. you almost have to sympathize. no one aside from other past presidents can really understand what it means to be the person in authority in tragedies like this. lou: how is he doing? >> i think he's been doing pretty well. if i could get him to stop
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tweeting -- i'm not team trump tweet. but i will say that in return, the backlash he faces is not fair either. so while i don't like the tweets, i don't like the mainstream media's reaction to said tweets. >> i would grade the president very, very high. i think he's doing a tremendous job and all fronts. i think he's been successful in insuring we crush all the anti-american forces out there rooting for his failure, seeking to diminish america to the fullest extent that they can. i'm pleased we have america' first on outsidebar time in the culture war president. that's what donald trump is doing. lou: these players who are so
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misguidedly, they are saying outright they are taking on president trump rather than raising their fists in a black panther salute or refusing to stand up during anthem. this is extraordinary. the nfl is paying a big, big price. >> i think what the nfl players don't realize is whatever message they were trying to convey has been lost. now it's been turned into a muddied concept of we don't like the military and we don't like america. it's become a negative stance again millions of americans who do love america and do love the military. as you said ratings are taking hits, money is taking hits. it's not playing out well for them. i'm not quite sure why the coaches and owners aren't taking
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more a stand and saying these are private entities and you aren't allowed to do that if we employ you. lou: roger goodell is playing the fool in permitting this conduct. nick, your thoughts? >> i think we should have zero tolerance for those who want to denigrate our country and showing disrespect to the flag. they wouldn't be anyone if they weren't in the united states of america. it's the height of ingratitude, and they are setting a terrible example. it's time the athletes show a little bit of respect and a little bit of gratitude. lou: katie, we are out of time. i would like to continue the conversation on the nfl and how
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to run a business and not insult the nation. nick adams, thank you, sir. we appreciate it. thanks for being with us. pat buchahahahaha [gunfire] they are shooting right at us. everybody gave down. drain to stephen paddock ex-girlfriend on u.s. soil. lauren: president donald trump heads to las vegas to meet with families a day after he visited storm ravaged puerto rico. cheryl: markets, records all around. dow, nasdaq, s&p hitting all-time highs. slightly lower open. lauren:
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