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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  October 16, 2017 9:00am-12:00pm EDT

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yes, it is true, and that is what we are looking at this morning. the momentum continues. great to have you guys with us. >> great to be here. maria: great show, thank you. that'll do it for us, ashley webster is in for stuart varney. ashley: thank you very much, i am ashley webster. stuart is back tomorrow, but here is the big story. the dow, oh, yeah, closing in on another milestone, 23,000. a big week of corporate profits are ahead of us, and any positive news could maybe push it to that new level. the market will open slightly higher, and we could see those fresh records when it does, right now pointing to a jump of about 20 points when we open in about half an hour. there are always, of course, big happenings at the white house. president trump meeting with mitch mcconnell, could be a little frosty, and you can bet he's going to tell him to the get tax reform done, that's for sure. 50 votes is all you need, right? steve bannon declared war on the
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gop establishment over the weekend. and hillary clinton in response to a question about harvey weinstein says, quote, we have a sexual assaulter in the white house, unquote. and, oh, by the way, her foundation not return weinstein's $250,000 in donations. we'll get into that. big day as always for politics and money. "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ ♪ ashley: but we begin this hour with some breaking news. at least seven people are now reported injured and one person is missing after an oil rig exploded last night in louisiana. lauren simonetti joining us for three hours today. what's the latest from louisiana? >> look at that picture, ashley. this happened about dinner time last night. lake ponte cher train -- upon cher train, basically, that oil rig exploded.
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they don't know exactly why right now. the thinking is cleaning chemicals on the platform caused the explosion. either way, you have seven people injured, at least seven, five of them we're hearing are in pretty bad condition, and they're searching for one missing man. people are concerned about the safety of the water. the drinking water is safe, it doesn't come from the lake, it comes from the mississippi river, so that's good news. the weather is calm, so that should help in the rescue and the recovery and also help the spread of oil in the lake. ashley: we'll keep an eye on that story, lauren, thank you very much. let's take a quick look at the futures, as we just said, one good rally away from dow 23,000, about 148 when you look at that, the futures showing about 22 points on the dow. come in, james freeman, with the wall street editorial page. "wall street journal," that is. thanks for being here. we're going to hit 23,000 this week, right? >> well, earnings are, you know, i'm not one that thinks stocks are cheap right now, but if you're looking for a reason to be optimistic, white house
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today, this morning, putting out a report really an effective sales pitch for their tax agenda. ashley: right. >> basically showing how when corporate income taxes go up, wages go down. they martial a lot of evidence from across states, across countries. so seeing them make this kind of case, i think -- ashley: listen, the stock market is not always a proxy on the economy. >> that's right. ashley: the economy seems to be going along quite nicely, would you agree? >> i'd say we're getting a lot of positive indicators, got some good reports on manufacturing recently. ashley: yep. >> beneath the headline a good employment report, jobs growing in the household survey. but stock prices, i don't know. the run-up has been faster than earnings growth, it's been hard -- ashley: seems to me right now the naysayers are coming out of the woodwork. the -- >> it's coming. which kind of makes sense.
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you'd think people would grow more skeptical. ashley: a lot of people missed out on a huge rally. >> that's for sure. ashley: difficult time to jump in, i agree. steve bannon, wow, he vows to challenge six of the seven incumbent gop senators up for re-election in the 2018 election. roll tape. >> right now it's a season of war against a gop establishment. nobody can run and hide on this one. these folks are coming for you. president trump's not only going to finish this term, he's going to win with 400 electoral votes in 2020. ashley: he's a lightning rod for all sorts of interesting comments. joining us now, congressman ralph norman, republican from south carolina. congressman, thank you very much. let's begin there. let's get your reaction to what mr. bannon was saying over the weekend. >> well, you know, one thing about steve bannon, he's real. when he talks, he's real. he's somebody who not just talks, but he puts his words
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into action. my thoughts are this: competition is good in anything, particularly in politics. i think, you know, term limits should be in effect. it's not and probably won't be. but what he's doing is expressing what a lot of people are fed up with, is the senate's inaction. we have 270 bills that we passed in the house that we can't get action on in the senate. so i think what he's doing is right. i think, as he says, it's work. and he's willing to go to war. ashley: there seems to be more than one party within the republican party, and that's certainly very clear in the senate. if you cannot get tax reform done, how much is that going to hurt those republicans who are going to be running next year? it could be carnage. >> well, you know, and if you look at the tax reform policy that we proposed, it's for that average working man. for the rapid write-offs, for that farmer who may buy a
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tractor, that mechanic who may add a bay to his shop. it's a good thing. so it should be carnage for those who oppose. we had 18 -- no democrats supported it. we have 18 republicans who voted against it. and i don't understand it. i mean, it's to give money back to the taxpayers, it is a good thing. particularly now. look at what's happening all over the country. ashley: right. >> look at the markets, what's happening there now. so i agree with him. ashley: well, next one for you, congressman, let's take a listen to congressman kevin brady talking about the budget and taxes. roll that tape. >> right now it's very clear if you are a no vote on the budget, you are voting to kill tack reform. there's -- tax reform. there's just no way around it. ashley: you know, congressman, are you a yes vote on the budget? >> absolutely. you know, now, was it perfect? no. but we've got to have tax reform. we didn't pass obamacare. and, again, the senate -- it took the vice president to cast
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the deciding vote just to debate health care. which is unexcusable. but we've got to have tax reform. it's good tax reform. it's not a good day for the tax collector, it is for the taxpayer. hopefully, we're going to get it across the goal line. chairman brady, i think, has done a good job to bring consensus. and i think at the end of the day we get it. ashley: why is mitch mcconnell having so much problem getting the senate onboard with the big ticket items? just seems to be an elephant's graveyard over in the senate. mitch mcconnell is going to be visiting the white house today, is it fair or not to blame part of this on mitch mcconnell? >> well, you know, the thing about mitch mcconnell is i think he's a good man, but he wouldn't be majority leader if it had not been for donald trump. donald trump carried states that no republican has ever carried, pennsylvania, wisconsin. is so so he's where he is because of donald trump winning the election with the electoral
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college. so he ought to be all onboard. he's in charge of a lot of the committee chairmanships which he ought to be putting pressure on those senators because if you look at it, this isn't rocket science. this is giving money back. ashley: yeah. >> and this is what republicans promised, and we control all three houses, you know, the house, the senate, the executive branch. and we've got the deliver. ashley: yes. >> a no vote on this is unexcusable. ashley: as you said, the frustration is almost palpable on a daily basis right now. congressman, thank you so much for joining us, we appreciate it. >> my pleasure. stuart: talking of frustration, health reform. president trump tweeting this over the weekend about the health insurers: health insurance stocks which have gone through the roof during the obama years, plunged yesterday, and i ended the dems' windfall. stocks have gone straight up since obamacare went into law. look at these numbers, some of these insurers, 647%. james freeman in here.
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you know, you could argue that the subsidies to the insurance companies was a bailout, as mr. trump has stated. what happens to those stocks now in. >> well, they obviously took a little wit of a hit -- little bit of a hit on friday. ashley: yeah. >> but, look, this is probably some short-term 2018 pain, but long term unless be obamacare is reformed, they're going to get other subsidies from the law increasing just because these were cut off. now, this gets complicated. these were cut off because they were flat out illegal. ashley: right. >> the obama administration was appropriating without congress' consent. can't do that under the constitution. ashley: right. >> so president trump -- ashley: but that issue's been caught up in the courts. in the meantime, these payments continue and they will continue -- i think i'm right in saying -- through next year. it's probably not until 2019 that those payments get cut. >> he's cutting off the one type of subsidy, but what it's going
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to do is trigger other subsidies to a lot of these insurers. so you're going to see a little bit reshuffling of the debt. i think maybe a unitedhealth does better under this new system than maybe a molina, but basically we need the fundamental reform and the rewrite. ashley: right. >> and it's odd because we're talking about insurers. ashley: right. >> the democrats keep talking about the health of the insurance companies as they defend the status quo, and obviously they don't really mean it. they're kind of saying that for the moment as a way to defend these companies. but i think president trump is rightly focused on other things like patient welfare, taxpayer welfare -- ashley: go figure. [laughter] >> i think the insurers will figure it out to. ashley: i'm sure they will, james. of thanks very much. the clinton foundation says it will not return nearly a quarter of a million dollars donated by harvey weinstein. guess what? the money's already been spent. judge napolitano coming up on
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that. fires still raging in northern california, 40 people dead, more than 200,000 acres burning, but firefighters are making progress. they say the fires in napa and sonoma are now 60% contained. 25,000 have been allowed to return to their homes. that's better news. coming up next, we have an entertainment icon with us, the one and only dolly parton. she pledged millions of dollars of her own money to help the victims of last year's wildfires in tennessee, so what kind of help do the victims of california need right now? we're going to ask her next. ♪ ♪ [vo] when it comes to investing, looking from a fresh perspective can make all the difference. it can provide what we call an unlock: a realization that
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affordable, fast fedex ground. ashley: wildfires continue to burn in northern california. there is some better news though. these people need help. the fires are getting better in northern california, but they do
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need help, and our next guest has experience providing a lifeline. come in country music star dolly parton. it's a pleasure to have you in studio. >> thank you. ashley: i'm very nervous. >> oh, don't be nervous. you used to work in nashville. ashley: it's been a long time. but listen, you raised millions last year for those devastating fires in tennessee. we're seeing a very horrible scene in northern california now. how much money did you raise, and how how did you go about th? >> the last i heard it was around $12 million, and we were very happy because i had a lot of help. i got to take a lot of credit for a lot of work from a lot of people. but everything worked out well for us there, all the wonderful entertainers in nashville and all around the world and donations from all around the world. people were really good about it, and i'm sure the same thing is going to happen with the fires there. when i saw that, it just broke my heart. i can so relate to that. ashley: yeah.
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>> but people will jump in, and they have been, all the entertainers doing whatever. we just all need to do what we can do. and i've been donating books by the hundreds of thousands -- ashley: your imagination library. >> yes, with the hurricanes and the fires and anything elsewhere the people need to do and, of course, we try to help any way we can. ashley: last year you also created i think it was called my people fund. >> yes. ashley: that provided victims of families with $1,000 a month for six months. how vital was that to those -- >> it was very vital and very helpful. in fact, at that time we thought we weren't going to make as much money as we did. but as the time went on, they wound up getting $10,000 instead of the six that we thought they were going to. ashley: wow. >> and not only that, there was extra money we rolled over into some other funds to help the fire victims with other things. but every dime of the money that we raised went to the fire victims and is still going, people that kind of maybe have problems brought on by the fires with loan problems, health
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problems or to buy cars that got destroyed to make sure they get to work. so there's a lot of, you know, things still going on there. ashley: but it took your star power to get that going, and you think that can be done in california. >> yes, i absolutely do, and i think that's what's happening now with raising all the money for all the problems. the stars need to step up, and they do. very generous, i think, entertainers, don't you? ashley: you're always at the forefront. >> well, i like to do my part, but there are many others that do more and equally as much, for sure. ashley: this is a tough summing, but they said please ask about the harvey weinstein situation. you've been in movies and in the entertainment industry as, you know, a world-renowned singer. what's your reaction to what's happened? are you shocked? >> well, yeah. that's a heartbreaking situation all around. i only worked with harvey once, and he worked my butt off. [laughter] he was a businessman also. but i never had the problems with him that some of them did.
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but that happens a lot. i've been in this business a long time -- ashley: there is that culture, you think? >> oh, yes, i think that's true. ashley: even today? >> oh, sure. but anyway, i don't like to -- ashley: what's your advice to young actresses or entertainers wanting to get into the business? >> i think things like this are going to bring to the forefront, and i think that'll give them extra strength to say, hey, remember what happened here, you better back off a little bit. but i myself, aye been this a long time. i grew up in a family of six brothers, my dad and my uncles, so they kind of taught me the ropes if i got in those situations. i really have been lucky, luckier than most. but it's a sad situation, i agree. ashley: let's change subjects. let's talk about -- you do a lot for children. you have your imagination library which i have covered in nashville when i saw you there, and you make sure every child has a book the read. now you have an album, a children's album coming out. tell me about that. >> well, the album is called "i believe in you," and it's based
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on "the little engine that could," the first book that we give out. and a lot of the songs be are based on some of the books through the penguin company -- ashley: sure. >> -- that give us the books for the imagination library. this one is just about building confidence. i try to write songs that have to do with little things that kids go through. there's one about bullying, it's called making funny funny, and there's one about responsibility. they not only learn how to spell the word, but they learn about responsibility -- ashley: are these original songsesome. >> yes. i wrote all the songs in thal one. i've been writing songs for kids all through the years. ashley: do you write every day? >> a little bit of something, a melody, something unless i'm just completely sick or completely busy. ashley: that's never going to change. >> it's spinning in my head. i come up with a title or something. ashley: what do you think of the state of country music today, dolly? >> well, i'm very proud. i think it's the best music there is, and i think the whole world is kind of looking at it
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like that. so it used to be people were ashamed of it. they called it that s-kicking music, remember? back when? [laughter] ashley: sure. >> but now it's the music to love. ashley: well, we love you. thank you for all your effort, you're always first to offer your services and to help people in need, so it's a privilege to meet you. >> well, when you can help, you should. ashley: dolly parton, thank you so much for being here, in person, no less. shares of nordstrom, members of the family have suspended their exploration of taking the company private. the stock reacting down 6%. hillary clinton blasting president trump in an interview that she did with the bbc calling our president, quote, a sexual assaulter. you'll hear what she had to say after this.
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♪ ♪ >> this kind of behavior cannot be tolerated anywhere whether it's in entertainment, politics, you know, after all, we have someone admitting to being a sexual assaulter in the oval office. ashley: hillary clinton talking to the bbc, it's the big political show every sunday morning in the u.k. oh, yeah, we also learned, by the way, that the clinton foundation will keep harvey weinstein's donations.
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why not, right? how much hypocrisy is here? james, talking about a sexual assaulter in the white house unlike are, okay, your comments on that? >> yeah, you wondered was she referring to the 1990s -- ashley: well, that's what i was getting at, yes. takes a lot of manager to say that. >> -- of something to say that. >> very hard for her to speak with any credibility on this subject as with many other subjects. but especially this one when you look at the history where she was extremely active in the -- ashley: yes. >> -- team clinton effort to discredit women who accused her husband of various things. ashley: and, lauren, not giving the money back from weinstein donations -- >> yeah. it's like she's protecting him in a way. look, this is an opportunity for hillary to empower women and not make it political and not lash out the way she is. especially when we saw how it didn't work for her during the campaign and election. ashley: doesn't appear to have learned anything. all right, interesting stuff.
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let's take a look at the futures for you, by the way thursday will be 30 years since black monday, 30 years ago thursday when the market dropped 23%. i remember that day. no such day today, up 26 points on the dow. up a tenth or two on the s&p and the nasdaq. looks like another positive start when we come back. we'll be back with the opening bell after this.
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♪ ♪ ashley: how's that for timing? the bell's going to ring in four seconds, we get another week of trading, had a great week again, records every day, and there's a very good chance we're going to break some more records. the dow up 23 points at 22,897, now less than 100 points away from 23,000. s&p up about a tenth of a percent, 2556. and what about the nasdaq, the tech-heavy nasdaq? as long as those tech stocks are coming back again, the nasdaq up 16 points at 6621, up about a quarter of a percent. good start to the week. netflix, by the way, reporting earnings after the bell today. stock's still near an all-time high. big tech names that we like to check every day, of course, there's netflix up another 1% at
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201.72, up another $2. let's check the other big tech names, amazon and google. both those shares now over $1,000. as you can see, nice start for big tech again today, up anywhere from two-tenths to half a percent on facebook, up half a percent on apple. we mentioned nordstrom, check the shares there. down on news that members of the family basically suspended -- not giving up, but suspended their thoughts of taking the company private. that's hurting the stock, down 4.5%. ruby tuesday getting bought out, it's a $2 stock up at $2.38, a 19% gain but in reality that's 39 cents. joining us on this monday, lauren simonetti, james freeman gamely staying with us for the hour -- [laughter] and our good friend keith fitzgerald. is he in seattle? does he have the space needle behind him? [laughter] are we going to hit 23,000 this week? james says why not. what do you say? >> i say if this is the week we're going to do it, this is
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the week we're going to do it. ashley: all right r. okay, so -- [laughter] james -- short and sweet and to the point. james has said, keith, look, stocks were a little pricey, and we are getting closer and closer to i don't want to say a correction, but there's a growing number of bears out there. where to you stand on that, you know? okay, tax reform, all of the stuff that's going on in washington, the geopolitical tensions, blah, blah, blah, the markets continue to go higher. what's going to change that? >> well, james is definitely correct. i mean, but there is a lot of blah, blah, blah right now. you know, if you're picking the right companies, you're looking at growth, you're looking for those companies that can change the world at the stroke of a key, then yes, i think there's going to be plenty of growth, and the market's going to know that. ashley: let's talk about the health insurers. we know they've soared under obamacare. keith, is the party over now that those subsidies have been cut off and the turmoil that's
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going to be going on in the insurance exchanges? >> well, actually, you know, that's a very good question. i've been doing a lot of thinking on it. i don't think the party's over. i think the party's, in fact, just getting started. capitalism works because of survival of the fittest, because of strong companies. i think this reforming of obamacare takes away all the freeloaders, and i don't mean those in terms of patients, i mean in terms of companies that are doing what they shouldn't be doing because they've got guaranteed payments. i think we're going to have a cleaning of the pipes, even more profitable health care companies, and that's going to be because it's good for patients. ashley: but, james, you take away the bailout from the government in these subsidies, they're a little more exposed, are they not in. >> what you could have though is new opportunity. >> there you go. >> let's say the trump project really gets rolling and you get this interstate competition that he wants, different states allowed to not dictate -- ashley: a true free market. >> yeah. so the government isn't dictating what insurance is and what has to be covered.
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clearly, there are going to be winners as companies navigate in the new, freer market. they be all the same incumbents at the top? you know, maybe not, but clearly a lot of opportunity and growth there. ashley: very good. let's take a quick look at the big board for you. look at this, the drugmakers, by the way, generally on the upside. the big board itself, we're up 58 points now, 22,930. forget this week, we could hit 23,000 in the next five minutes, up another 60 points. [laughter] this is interesting, the new white house study, james alluded to this earlier, saying that cutting the corporate tax rate to 20% -- as president trump has proposed -- would increase the average household income by at least $4,000 a year. overly optimistic, or is that reality, james? >> now, this is where i'm thinking that might be even too pessimistic. ashley: ooh. >> because what you see in that report, and it's from all over
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the world, it's from different states, it's from years of data showing that when you cut corporate income taxes, you get higher wages. and the idea is pretty simple. when there's more incentive to invest, that means more plant and equipment, more tools that make workers more productive, that means they can demand higher wages, and that's exactly what you see. ashley: but there's a big question -- there's a big but, and i say big but -- [laughter] keith fitzgerald, let me ask you this. okay, so you cut corporate taxes. more money to boost dividends and invest in automation which actually loses jobs. how would you answer that? >> well, i think that's a fair statement, but i disagree with it. i don't think automation is going to cost job, i think we're going to learn to work with it. i think we're going the see unprecedented productivity and efficiency and, in fact, an entirely new field created. so the retraining issue is going to be scary for a lot of people. certainly, there are going to be jobs lost, but i think there's
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going to be net gain. to james' point, capitalism works that way, and profitability will find its way to the top. ashley: you guys obviously got together -- [laughter] great. let's take a look at the tech stocks. amazon and google shares over $1,000, and what do we do? we show netflix. also in record territory, up over $200 right now. james, is tech making a comeback? we did see a bit of a selloff into this section. money went into other areas. are we coming back into the tech nowsome. >> yeah, i hate to be the wet blanket on valuations -- ashley: no, you don't. >> all these things, you take a traditional measure of stocks where they ought to be priced relative to earnings, it's hard to back any of these things. am i optimistic about the u.s. economy especially if we get tax relief? yes. but it's hard to make a case. i mean, the -- netflix -- ashley: are they pricey at $200? >> a lot of people were investing in movies, a lot of big competitors, a lot of -- all the big tech companies are now
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investing in hollywood. they may be regretting it as system of these scandals come out -- some of these scandals come out. i'm not sure what their particular edge is. >> one point that a million people cut the pay-tv, the cable cord last year, the number's expected to be higher this year. all this money's going into streaming, that's netflix. ashley: have you cut in the simonetti household? >> we haven't, sports keeps us there. ashley: you can stream sports these days. >> you've got to figure out what service you need to watch what. it's nice and easy to sit in front of the tv and click. ashley: stuart varney would say turn on fox business, that's all he did. keith, are you a fan of netflix? >> you know, i think netflix is a one-trick pony. it needs to align itself with a much bigger player. the business model does not work for me. they're like a rat on a treadmill. so unless they line up with somebody that can multiple this in terms of amazon, alphabet or one of these other tech
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companies with something to stabilize that, i don't see netflix as a long-term, viable player, and to me they're way overpriced. >> yet they're expected to add four and a half million subscribers in the past three months, keith. and they've got great content. >> that doesn't equate to new revenue if the company can't spend or harness that money effectively. doesn't matter if we're talking ge or netflix which is content. the only thing is it's a different bag of tricks. ashley: let's leave it there. we could talk about netflix for a long time, but let's move on. let's take a look at the big board quickly for you. okay, up nearly 60 points, up 50 points, 22,922 on the dow. take a quick look at oil, crude oil up over or 1%, up at $52 and change. let's take a look at gold. gold also moving higher by a couple of dollars at $1306 per troy ounce. higher profits at charles schwab
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but shares off about 1%, all-time highs though for caterpillar, mcdonald's and, oh, yes, netflix. despite what keith fitzgerald says. [laughter] now, breaking news, the weinstein company has entered into a preliminary agreement with colony capital to provide immediate capital infusion. the weinstein company says it's entered a negotiating period for potential sale of all or significant portion of the company's assets. james, keith, your reaction to that. let's begin with james. the beginning of the end? >> i don't know why they're still calling it the weinstein company. [laughter] shouldn't that be the first order of business -- ashley: change the name? >> call it the ashley company, whatever they want to call it. i don't know. ashley: beginning of the end, keith? >> i think it's actually going to have some pretty far-reaching effects. i've seen companies from disney to netflix to the amazon and google are all going to look very carefully who's producing these films, because the reputational and brand risk
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associated with a blockbuster or a dud is the same. and that's significant. ashley: all right. let's move on to this story, i was reading about this on the train coming in this morning. lots of layoffs at tesla. >> yeah, hundreds of workers. they have 33,000 workers at tesla, some reports say anywhere from 400-700 being fired after annual reviews. think of performance reviews, we get them here at fox, right? but the timing of it -- ashley: i hope not. [laughter] >> so interesting, because how many model 3s, the affordable electric cars tesla produced this year, 260. they've got half a million preorders out there, so there's a bottleneck, there's a production slag, and the timing is interesting. the firings amid not getting -- ashley: they always miss targets, don't they? >> yeah, over and over again. >> they wanted 5,000 cars produced by the end of this year, a week. it's october 16th. ashley: james, they never seem to come through. >> yeah. and as you said, these layoffs not just in manufacturing where they've, obviously, been failing
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to hit their targets, but across the company. i, you know, this is a company that exists in large part on a tax subsidy. so -- ashley: right. >> this is one -- ashley: we help to pay for it as the taxpayer. >> i'm a skeptic long term. >> there's no union at tesla. ashley: there you go. >> so it's easy to -- ashley: keith, you live in seattle. doesn't everyone drive a tesla up there or some sort of electric vehiclesome. [laughter] >> i think they seem to grow off trees around here. it's interesting because at the end of the day letting shareholders, or letting workers go who are not performing is good for shareholders, but i do have to question the timing, the method by which they did this. as you so rightly point out, it's subsidy city at the moment. i think they're going to make a transition, but what it's going to take to get there, i don't know at this point. ashley: yeah. i think that's true of a lot of people. keith fitzgerald, thank you so much for joining us, even though you colluded with james. [laughter] >> they did.
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tyler's like, what? ashley: thank you so much. the mayor of kansas city buying and writing reviews for thousands of dollars of products for amazon, all part of his bid to get amazon to build headquarters in his city. we're talking to kansas city major sly jones in the next hour. that should be interesting. and colin kaepernick filing a grievance against nfl owners. he says they've colluded against him and prevented him from landing a spot on a team. and kaepernick's hired a big name lawyer to back him up. judge napolitano's got plenty to say about that coming up next. ♪ ♪ it's great to finally meet you. your parents have been talking about you for years. they're all about me saving for a house, or starting a college fund for my son. actually, i want to know what you're thinking. knowing that the most important goals are yours. it's how edward jones makes sense of investing.
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ashley: all right, let's check the big board for you on this monday morning. it's a sea of green. the dow up 67en points good for a third of a percent gain, we are 60 points away from 23,000.
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could it be today? toyota, by the way, announcing it will begin testing self-driving electric cars around 2020. nicole, what's going on? >> reporter: taking a look at toyota. big news, and nothing is the same anymore. you're talking about cable and cord-cutting, right? everybody's streaming. cell phones now instead of the house phones. how about no one's going to be driving either? toyota now, they are investing a billion dollars going forward into 2020. these are cars that are automated. they are self-driving. and they'll be talking as well. i mean, this is reminiscent of david hasselhoff and his talking car,k. i.t. they're design ising these cars, and it can now how you're feeling. i knows your emotions, ashley. it also knows how alert you're feeling and, in fact, if you're feeling a little too tired, the car can easily take over. ultimately, we know artificial intelligence is the wave of the future. back to you. ashley: the car doesn't want to know my emotions on a monday
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morning. it's not good, i can tell you that. >> reporter: i know, i know. ashley: thank you so much, nicole. former nfl quarterback colin kaepernick, who started kneeling during the national anthem last year, is filing a grievance now against the nfl. he says owners are simply colluding to keep him off the field. all rise, judge andrew napolitano is here. judge, could he have a case? >> well, legally he has a case if he has the facts to support this. so if there is -- ashley: what does he, what do you need to prove it? like e-mails -- >> well, e-mails would help, but any kind of agreement, explicit or even a wink-wink, nod-nod, let's stay away from this guy because we don't want to take on trump over the politics of it. ashley: but these owners operate private companies. they own a sports team, respect they -- can't they do whatever they want? >> no, because they've agreed in the collective bargaining agreement they can't do whatever they want. so if they agree amongst themselves to keep him off the field for reasons other than his
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skills, they have violated the collective bargaining agreement. so the question is, is there evidence of this. now, he has a prominent lawyer, as you mentioned, who many of us know because he's represented a lot of celebrities. i happen to have a lot of respect for mark gaer goes. he knows he would be in hot water with the legal ethics regulators if he filed this complaint without some evidence to back it up. you can't just file a complaint because your client wants you to. the client has to present some evidence. so i'm curious as to what the evidence would be. again, it could be something as easy as a wink-wink, nod-nod, or it could be something in an e-mail. kaepernick, do you want to deal with trump and the knee-bending? no way. ashley: is it likely the owners themselves would be independent, you don't need to be told by the 49ers, they all say independently, you know, i don't want to touch that? >> that would franchise -- ashley: that would be okay? >> yes, that would be their defense. again, it depends on what evidence he has. but any contract or combination
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or agreement among the owners to interfere with the right of a player or group of players -- ashley: right. >> -- actionable under the collective bargaining agreement. ashley: that's the key. >> this is not a complaint in federal district court, this is a complaint in front of the team of arbitrators who almost always go for the players against the nfl. but again, it's going to depend on the evidence. ashley: i know there's a lot of sympathy for him in middle america. he takes this stand, and now he can't get a job because of it. >> well, the audience is one of their professional arbitrators, retired judges, law school deans, senior practitioners of law, people like that. ashley: all right. don't go away -- >> i'll be here. ashley: we've locked the door, you can't get out. [laughter] >> varney never did that to me. ashley: let's check stocks for you, more green than red, that's for sure. travelers insurance leading the way, by the way, with chevron on the dow. oh, yeah, the clinton foundation apparently not returning the nearly $250,000 donated by
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harvey weinstein. the foundation says, guess what? it's already been spent. judge napolitano, he's here, he's locked in the studio. [laughter] he's back for more after this. big thinking in the finger lakes is pushing the new new york forward. we're the number one dairy and apple producers in the eastern united states supported by innovative packaging that extends the shelf life of foods and infrastructure upgrades
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that help us share our produce with the world. all across new york state, we're building the new new york. to grow your business with us in new york state, visit
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ashley: the clinton foundation will note giving back money that harvey weinstein donated saying the money's already been used. all rise, judge andrew napolitano -- actually, he's back. >> you don't have to stand up. ashley: thank you, your honor. they've spent the money. they're not under any obligation to give it back despite the optics. >> no. when 501(c)(3)s and political groups give money back, they're doing so, so they can say my hands are clean. we didn't take any dirty money from any person whose behavior was illegal or unconstitutional or immoral or against public policy. but there is no requirement to do so. harvey weinstein, if he's convicted of a crime and if he goes to jail, could make political contributions from jail, and they would have no obligation to return them. so the question is a political one. mrs. clinton, who railed against conservative republicans whose behavior wasn't as bad as
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weinstein's but it was in the same category, and demanded that they -- politicians who received money from them or favors from them somehow compensate for it is not doing the same when one of her own is caught. i say caught, he hasn't been convicted of anything. ashley: that's another issue. dripping with irony and hypocrisy, but legally no obligation. >> correct. ashley: harvey weinstein planning to challenge his firing at the next weinstein company board meeting. i mean, to your point, he hasn't been convicted of anything. certainly, in the court of public appeal, we know what he's been accused of. does he have a shot of getting his place back on the board? >> that would depend on how a california judge interprets his contract, because there is a clause in the contract that permits this behavior upon the payment of certain fees. and if he makes these payments in the certain amounts, that's a sliding scale depending upon how many times people complained against him. i've never seen a contract like
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this in my life. ashley: but it's predicting future illegal acts, is it not? >> it's a form of indemnification. we will indemnify you from your intentional misbehavior which is clearly against public policy, sexual harassment in the workplace, if you make these payments. now, such an indemnification in my view and the view of most people, is unconstitutional because it's an encouragement to do and get away with unlawful behavior. sexual harassment in the workplace. ashley: does the board have a right to let him go even though there's been no conviction of any type? >> well, if the contract is upheld as valid and enforceable, they cannot fire him. if the contract -- if the portion of the contract that protects this horrible behavior is invalidated and severed from the rest of the contract, then he can be fired. so it's going to depend on what a california judge would do. in my opinion, there isn't a judge in the country -- ashley: that was my next question.
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>> it's against basic law which prohibits indemnity for -- ashley: that behavior. >> if knox indemny -- fox indemnifies me and i overwater plant in my office and you slip and fall, fox is going to pay my legal fees, but if i put that water there intentionally because i got glee out of seeing you fall, fox can't indemnify me. [laughter] that's what we have here. we have a person whose intentional, untoward behavior against public policy is being indemnified by his own corporation. ashley: it's remarkable, it really is. judge, thank you so much. >> you're welcome. ashley: we'll open the door now. [laughter] happening today, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell meeting with the president at the white house. the message, of course, repeal obamacare. and, oh, by the way, let's get a tax deal done as well. also check this out, new border wall prototypes ready for inspection by the trump administration. build the wall. is it coming closer to reality? the second hour of "varney" is
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ashley: 10:00 a.m. here on the east coast. 7:00 a.m. on california. i'm ashley webster here for stuart varney on this monday morning. here is what we have for you today. senate minority leader chuck schumer says they can come to a bipartisan deal on health reform. he will break bread with the president. that should be interesting. health care on the menu with a little side of tax reform. clinton foundation hanging on to $250,000 from harvey wayne steen, and calls president trump a sexual assaulter but her husband's affairs are in the past. you're watching second hour of
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"varney & company." ♪ take a look at big board. we were wondering whether we could hit 23,000 on the dow this week. we could hit it by noon. we're at 22,934. the markets keep going higher. all the big tech names moving higher. check out amazon and google both at $1000 a piece. netflix reporting after the bell today, near a record. netflix up 13/4 of a percent. -- three quarters of a percent. sprint and t-mobile shares rising after their announcement they will merge. don't forget about the price of oil. up $52. up another 55 sents per barrel. to politics, why not.
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president trump tweeting to this, responding to art laffer on mornings with maria, art laffer says he doesn't know how a democrat could vote against the big tax cuts, reform bill and live with themselves. here is the sound bite. >> i'm hoping that the democrats vote with it. they should vote in it they believe in it. what they have to do is let this partisanship go to that extreme vote against america is shocking. i can't imagine them not voting in favor the president's bill. i can't imagine. we'll have to see. it is coming soon. ashley: i don't know how art laffer would be shocked if democrats don't vote for tax cuts but you love him. doug schoen, pete hegseth, lauren simonetti being very brave. >> freeding. ashley: cold in here. i like it like a meat locker. doug, let me begin with you. how could democrats not vote for
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these, to be honest, watered-down tax cuts? >> the devil in the details. we're talking about deductibility of state and local taxes that would mean a huge impact on new york, california, connecticut and new jersey. i don't think there will be one democrat from those states, the high state and local tax states that will even consider this bill without sam alteration. ashley: they are high-taxed liberal states. >> they are. but we'll not keep taxing them higher. ashley: that's true. jason, how could democrats in all good honestly say no to tax cuts for the middle class? >> the first thing has to happen, they have to introduce the bill. what is hard we talked about the principles. treasury secretary said they would get it done before august recess. it is middle of october. the speaker is talking about keeping the house in session through christmas. they're in middle of a 11-day recess. if there is such imperative,
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they know what they're doing, introduce the bill. instead of saying we'll stay late in december, come back in december right now. that doesn't make sense. ashley: steve bannon over the weekend taking aim at a lot of gop establishment and really taking aim at mitch mcconnell. fair or not fair? inability -- because house is passing bills, many minor but some big ones but senate is the graveyard. >> president trump did what he said, got passed supreme court nominee, number one thing on his list but senate has not been able to perform. 300 bills passing in the house sitting in senate. people want results. if your coach, if your team is not winning games, people look to the coach to see what adjustments do we make to win games. ashley: exactly. former white house steve bannon, steve bannon is going to war against establishment republicans. mitch mcconnell at white house
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today. pete hegseth, steve bannon going after those, brutus, julius caesar analogy. is it that bad. hatred for the president in some quarters of the republican party, that bad? >> establishment never wanted donald trump. they don't even want him to succeed because he bucked the system that they built, and has remade their party, some would say reinvigorated party that lost its way. go to any grassroots or republican or steve bannon, they're with steve ban nan and president trump. there is no constituent if i for mitch mcconnell or paul ryan. they haven't gotten things done. they have the class gone. ashley: how does that play out? >> wonderfully for democrats. congressman chaffetz would agrow the best ally democrats have, failure to pass legislation. the cherry on top of the sundae is the internet seen division in
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the republican party and could give them a couple of republican states in arizona which would not go democratic. >> shooting within the republican will not produce it. what al dave said just win babe. ashley: they're not able to get on the same page. >> couple years ago, john boehner, i give a lot of credit to him, we got rid of earmarks. there isn't the political candy. the world mitch mcconnell grew up with. you need a bridge, you vote for this bill. it is food public policy to get rid of that, but leadership didn't have coercion tool to get people to support a bill. ashley: they stand for hatred of donald trump. >> why they will not come on
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with a tax cut. >> they need a legislative accomplishment w a divided party may well be enough. ashley: at this point you may be right. >> yeah. >> dianne feinstein facing a primary challenge from the left. because she hopes the president could be a good president. no oxygen to say anything good about trump. that will hurt them. i think you gain seats if you take on incumbents. ashley: move on to this story. clinton foundation a favorite topic. they will not return harvey weinstein's donation, $250,000 worth. the judge on previous hour said there are under no obligation. >> i worked for bill clinton. i'm fond for bill clinton. certainly have been supportive of the goals of the foundation but this is dumb. this is just dumb. give the money back. weinstein is totally discredited, as he should be. this isn't an issue of politics. the man is a predator. you took money from him. give it back period. >> they said they already spent it.
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>> give it back. ashley: already gone. >> give it back. >> event at northeastern university and chelsea clinton there totallying dod for the questions. ashley: probably paid for their wedding. i'm just kidding. >> probably guests at it. >> harvey weinstein's dollars in an organization easily symbolically give it back. i think they're more strapped for cash than they ever have been. >> that is true. ashley: very good point. anyone who did give, feeling what did i get for it. jason, are you surprised by this? i'm not surprised. >> they're totally tone deaf. i don't want them to give the money back. i don't want it back in harvey weinstein's pocket. >> tribute to domestic violence. >> must be a women's shelter could use it. >> the opportunity to empower women instead of making excuses why she didn't win election. ashley: asked the question in the book. this for pete hegseth.
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president trump decertifying the iran nuke deal. this is interesting, french, brits are up in arms. how could you do this. what i'm seeing he wants to say there are trigger points. if we, very difficult to know what iran is doing. those trigger points are actually triggered sanctions come back in. it's a weak deal, weakly overseen. >> is asking congress to step up and codify this which was never done in the bomb administration. should have been treated as such but done unilaterally. there is a lot the u.s. can do in. effectively congress will not do enough. other countries will not step up. effectively it is decertified if it hasn't happened immediately. ashley: jason, your point. >> it should have been structured as a treaty. if looks like a treaty, smells like a treaty and should have been codified. the president made congress make
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that decision. some of our strongest allies israel are cheering us on. this is the right thing. puts us in more powerful positions to talk and negotiate with iran as well. ashley: i'm sure that the democrats are up in arms over this, doug, but it puts down a marker, says to iran, we don't trust you. we have no way of making sure you're actually doing what you're doing and we believe you're not. >> the problem we need an endgame. because we do have to deal with our european allies. congressman chaffetz is very eloquent how ine congress has been. i don't have confidence they will recraft the bill or come up with smart sanctions. we're in a sort of a net they are world with this, that raises a many questions as it answers. >> doug the endgame iran doesn't get a nuclear bomb. the deal codifies they will. >> if you change in the middle what you're suggesting we'll find ourselves with a new set of problems, maybe the right problems but these are serious,
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serious issues. >> don't you think changes are warranted to make sure they don't keep producing ballistic missiles? aren't changes warranted? >> i think they are. i think you're right. the problem how do we get there in a way that does not lose our european allies. ashley: they will fall in line. they will moan and -- >> i'm not so sure. not with this president. >> hear what hillary said about all this? ashley: yes? >> donald trump should not take on north korea and iran at same time. it is bad politics. ashley: obama administration took on neither. someone had to do something. we're out of time. jason chaffetz. doug schoen, thank you very much. check this out. pictures of this weekend after plane dropping flame retardant near santa rosa, california. hundreds missing, 40 dead. we'll have a live look on the ground. construction underway of eight prototypes of president's promised war on the mexican
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border. they stand between eight feet and to feet high. national border patrol counsel president will give us report. one mayor taking fight to amazon on their doorstep. purchased a 1000 products amazon to review and get their attention. you're watching second hour of "varney & company." ♪ top speed fifty knots life on the caribbean seas it's a champagne and models potpourri on my yacht made of cuban mahogany, gany, gany, gany♪ ♪watch this don't get mad
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(bell mnemonic) get e*trade and get invested
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ashley: let's check the big board for you. new week of trading and we just keep going up. good for about a 50-point gain. looking at dow 30 stocks, travelers and apple leading the way on topside. more green than red. we're up 50 points. nordstrom by the way falling, confirming it is
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suspending for plans to be bought out. because of that stock is down 5% down to 40.49. now this, at least 40 people have died, dozens still missing in the northern california wildfires. hillary vaughn on the ground in santa rosa, california, with the very latest. hillary? reporter: ashley, as you can see this neighborhood has been completely wiped out by wildfires. all that is left behind are chimneys and a few hollowed out vehicles burned out, everything else, metal and rubble. the cost of destruction could total more than $85 billion. if the fires are not contained in the next few weeks, the total economic impact, ashley, could hit 100 billion. a property analytics firm estimates over 172,000 homes in napa and santa rosa are at risk for damage, 6% are completely wiped out. the cost of rebuilding those 6% could top $5 billion. the wildfires starking around
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northern california have burned more than 40,000 acres across the state. more than 40 people have died. 75,000 are displaced and under mandatory evacuations. the number of evacuations, with the 11,000 firefighters made some progress over the weekend. the national weather service taken down red flag warnings throughout the area which is a good sign. forecast shows rain coming later in the week, a much-needed assist for firefighters on the ground here, ashley. ashley: hillary, thank you very much. maybe a little better news out of northern california. weather helping just a little bit there. hillary, thank you very much. we have breaking news. bowe bergdahl just pled guilty to desertion and misbehavior is the official term. pete hegseth here. are you surprised? >> whether or not we know if there is plea deal, get the deal or what the judge finds.
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there will not be a full trial. there will be a sentencing a week from now where decision will be made. we'll hear from men injured because of the search for bowe bergdahl. six men who wear our country as uniform died -- ashley: recap, 2009 he is at a base in afghanistan takes off. >> leaves gear and weapon. ashley: gets caught by the taliban. gets kept by them. other troops go out there to try to rescue him. putting their own lives -- >> lives, resources money, mission. we know six men confirmed were killed longing for bowe bergdahl. three years ago, president trauma traded five of the worst terrorists for him and greeted his parents at a rose garden ceremony. susan rice said he served with honor and distinction. a fox news contributor led the search for bowe bergdahl. they knew from day one he is deserter. a lot of us feel like he is a trader who should be executed. live in prison should be the
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least. ashley: we'll see if he get as plea deal. he has pleaded guilty. thank you very much. now this, border wall prototypes ready for inspection by the trump administration awaiting final approval from the white house. joining me the national border patrol council vice president joining us today. art, have you had a chance to look at the prototypes? is there one you like? >> we have had a chance to see all of them pretty much. the important thing is, that we would like some type of see through. we would like to see what is on the other side, not necessarily something that completelies blocks it and you're not able to see on the south end, trying to get in or staging on the south end i guess you could say. ashley: how effective are these? there is argument you can climb over or tunnel under. what is your response to that? >> you know, various responses. president trump done a fantastic job which -- bringing attention
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to the border. he always explained it would be a combination, technology, more agents and a physical barrier. what i respond to people, you know, people can still break into your house but you still lock your door at night. ashley: that is good analogy. the geography of this, there will be areas if i'm not mistaken you won't fiscally put in a wall. is that a problem? >> you know, the main thing is, obviously through more agents, through more technology and putting physical barriers where they're needed it would funnel areas where these individuals would go and we would be able to apprehend them. the bigger problem we're seeing is also retention. we're below the mandate an amount of agents we need on border. it is important to retain the agents. we're looking at other means that we need to do to retain them. you know, you can put all the technology and all the walls up that you want but realistically it is agents on the ground,
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boots on the ground are ones that make a huge difference. we need to figure out a way to retain the individuals. ashley: since donald trump became president, we've seen number of arrests, number of people trying to get across the border drop off significantly. leading some to say, tougher policies not enforced may be less need for the wall. how do you respond. >> president obama created a open door policy. a bunch of individual entered country and believing they could stay here and would be years before they see their actual immigration cases go up before a judge. those individuals are still living within the country and we need to, frankly we need to enforce some of those laws for interior enforcement also. ashley: we'll leave it there. the national boarder patrol council, thanks for joining us. we appreciate it. >> thank you. ashley: let's get to colin kaepernick, former 49ers
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quarterback filing a grievance against the nfl accusing the 32 teams colluding to keep him out of the league. we're all over that story. ♪ [fbi agent] you're a brave man, mr. stevens. your testimony will save lives. mr. stevens? this is your new name. this is your new house. and a perfectly inconspicuous suv. you must become invisible.
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ashley: colin kaepernick filed a grievance against nfl owners. what is it all about? lauren: he opted to leave the 49ers last year to become a free agent. none of the teams signed him but at same time he was taking a knee during the national anthem. a judge said on air, now that
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kaepernick filed a grievance that owners are colluding against him there may be some evidence that did happen. ashley: under collective bargaining, if there is some sort of collusion shown, maybe he has a case. but what, email? lauren: can even, be judge said, word-of-mouth, hub hush, here and there. there is meeting of nfl owners tomorrow. they have to talk about how to handle kaepernick and other players are kneeling as fans getting fed up with everything going on in football. >> much more likely common sense than collusion. ashley: it is. >> they're putting product on the field. fans have to buy and want to be attracted to it. you have to manage a locker room, where there is politics and division inside of locker room. you create problems. ashley: who can blame a team owner not wanting to bring him on board. >> why all 32 said no thank you. ashley: we'll leave it there. hillary clinton slamming president trump on handling of
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iran and north korea while calling the president a sexual assaulter, but her husband's indiscretions are in the past, we're all over that. next. listen up, heart disease. you too, unnecessary er visits. and hey, unmanaged depression, don't get too comfortable. we're talking to you, cost inefficiencies, and data without insights. and fragmented care, stop getting in the way of patient recovery and pay attention. every single one of you is on our list. at optum, we're partnering across the health system to tackle its biggest challenges.
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often reveals a better path forward. at wells fargo, it's our expertise in finding this kind of insight that has lead us to become one of the largest investment and wealth management firms in the country. discover how we can help find your unlock. ashley: we're on the plus side, still up 30 points. big tech names, like to check these every day. mixed bag now, amazon down slightly. as is alphabet, facebook, microsoft, apple moving higher. apple up a percent 1/2. other names for you. ruby tuesdays on the way out after announcing it will be bought out by a private equity firm. it is relative. that is up 38-cents. it's a 2-dollar stock at $2.37.
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nrd capital, the chain had four straight years of declining sales. that is ruby tuesdays. let's move on. disney will allow guests to bring dogs to some hotels at walt disney world. that is interesting. limited to two dogs per room. the dogs are required to be leashed in public areas with proper vaccinations. wasn't goof -- goofy a dog? >> you're asking wrong guy. ashley: you can bring a dog. lauren: 70 bucks a night to bring goofy. ashley: tough to pay $100 a ticket to bring the dog in? jake tapper, asks the rex tillerson whether or not he used word moron. >> please clear it up. >> i'm not playing. these are the games of washington. these are destructive games of this there are not helpful to
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anyone. my position i'm not playing. >> you still haven't denied you caught him a moron. a lot of people will watch this and think he probably said it. >> i'm not dignifying the question with an answer, jake. ashley: reminds me of tommy lee jones turns up at the scene in the fugitive, has this tone about him. i like the way he just batted that off. is it really that important? media buzz host howard kurtz is here. what do you think of rex tillerson, how he handled that particular question because he hasn't deny it, but do we care? >> most people probably don't care all that much but you know, that was in middle of a pretty substantive interview jake tapper did which secretary of state made news on north korea. he will engage in diplomacy until the first bomb drops. when tillerson held the snap news conference asked the question, said something similar, i will not dignify. that is catnip to journalist, if it wasn't true, he would say it wasn't true. seems like getting a lot of attention. ashley: don't go away.
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that is for sure. hillary clinton in bbc interview with andrew marr, big political guy for the bbc, called president trump, called him assault her-in-chief when asked about producer -- how could you not challenge her. he has a lot of -- she has a lot of, i'm finding the right word, moxie, to go down that road what we know about her husband. >> hillary clinton is trying to change the subject. it took her six long days to say anything about harvey weinstein. did fund-raiser for her. photo of them smiling mucking it up. she was not appalled on day one, two, three, four, turning it back on donald trump going back to the "access hollywood" tape and what women accusers said at that time about a year ago i guess. ashley: clinton foundation saying guess what, we spent all
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the money he gave us anyway. come on. >> if you think they spent the money, other democratic politicians giving back or donateing to charity because they didn't know about horrifying allegations. you would think they wasn't want ton associated with this guy. ashley: or donate to women's shelter to a group that would be appropriate. to say we spent the money i think makes it worse. >> it doesn't help hillary clinton and you know, she is, she loves going after president trump and that is still is sore about the election. but, harvey weinstein thing is really complicated for her. as you say people will of course bring up her husband's activities, extracurricular activities,. ashley: we shouldn't be surprised. she is consistent in that sense. howard kurtz, thank you very much. appreciate it. president trump decertifying the iran nuke deal.
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bring in congressman lee zeldin. good move bit president? >> iran nuke there are deal is fatally flawed, one-sided for what is in it. very flawed and one-sided what isn't in it. he knew, talked about the during the campaign, the deal shouldn't have been entered into the way it was. he wants to fix it. and, have a better course with regards to not just iran's nuclear program but all the other bad activities. certainly the right path. ashley: let's move on. next one for you, congressman, your colleague, congressman kevin brady head of tax-writing committee has a strong message, would you expect this, on tax reform. take a listen to this. >> mayors and governors really put to the screws to taxpayers in some of these high-taxed states. we want to make sure we lower those taxes, keep more of what you earn regardless where you live. ashley: how can you argue with that congressman?
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your response? >> we need to pass tax reform. it is true we have state and local governments that are forcing constituents like mine to be paying a whole lot of taxes from property taxes to income taxes. washington needs to do its part over the course of these next couple months in finalizing a great tax reform package. needs to pass the house and senate, get signed by the president before the end of this year. that is delivering tax relief, not just to hard-working blue-collar americans in high-taxed states or low-taxed states but to all americans. that is what the president campaigned on. that is what the republicans in congress campaigned and it is time to deliver. ashley: so what is your take on eliminating the deduction for salt, state and local taxes? new york, extremely high-taxed state, that is a big benefit that will go away. what do you say? >> i think there is going to be a modification to the original
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proposal. i met with chairman brady multiple times over last couple weeks. other meetings with white house officials and other colleagues. i'm just waiting to see, house ways and means committee presents back because at the end of the day i want every constituent to go on line to calculator, they simply plug in their own information and determine that this deal is going to lower their taxes. it is going to need a little bit after tweak as it relates to, parts of what was proposed as it relates to state and local tax reduction. i anticipate seeing some kind of a modification to the proposal, but i'm willing to see what they come up in order to comment. there are people, they opposed president and they oppose republicans so they say that we need to make sure tax reform doesn't get done because of this? ashley: right. >> i'm one of the people who say, let's make sure tax reform gets done and make it right for all americans. ashley: congressman, if you
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don't get it done, i mean, 2018 will be a tough run because what incumbent republicans going to run on if they can't get health care through and tax reform through, at least tax cuts? >> on the house side, we have done over 300 bills have passed the house. fortunately dozens of those passed the senate. but where house passed bigger items, obamacare repeal, funding for border reform, tax reform, it is important to senate to pass big bills. they're not getting help from chuck schumer and other democrats. they want to tank the entire agenda. they have to get it across the finish line, to your point, next november, when people are going back, voters are going back to the polls, they're seeing that, what drove them there last year-ended up resulting in important progress for them and their families. ashley: could be toast if it doesn't get done. congressman lee zeldin thanks so much for joining us.
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>> thank you. ashley: voting shows austria's next chancellor is a 31-year-old conservative. he looks a like a kid. lauren: his platform similar to with "brexit" in england and. similar from marine le pen. control the borders. limit number of refugees coming into your country. cut benefits for newcomers as well. voters seemed to resonate with it. ashley: reminds me of trudeau of canada. has dashing good looks. lauren: you said, thank you. ashley: kind of a good-looking guy. interesting in europe, we thought these right-leaning parties would do a lot better than they have. interesting, europe has come back into the middle of it. use tria, he is definitely right-leaning candidate. >> he is. it was framed around immigration. people that live in countries want borders.
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want to control their own sovereignty. "brexit" is glaring example of retaking that sovereignty. people see all the open borders policies of the elites, justin trudeau may look like him but exact opposite. two views of the world. there are globalists with open borders and nationalists believe citizenship matters that is the class of future more so than left and right this is big win for those who believe countries should have border. ashley: 31 years old. lauren: could be the world's youngest leader. there is so much you don't know, ashley. >> that is really true. lauren: still trying to learn. ashley: less than a hour, president trump meets with his cabinet. before he has lunch with senate majority leader mitch mcconnell health care will be on the menu. we'll bring you headlines coming out of the meeting. kansas city mayor, beg, i mean begging amazon to pig his city for their new headquarters. he will tell us if amazon is
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lauren: republicans are divided if they can't get tax reform done, it could be bad news for republicans seeking re-election. last hour congressman ralph norman said it could mean carnage. roll tape. >> if you look at the tax reform policy that we propose it is for that average working man.
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for the rapid write-offs, for the farmer who may buy a tractor or mechanic adding bait to his shop. it could be carnage. no democrats supported it. 18 republicans voted against it. i don't understand it, to give money back to tax payers is a good thing, particularly now. look what trump, look what is happening all over the country and look at markets what is happening there now. ♪
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ashley: well as usual, another busy day for president trump. he is holding a cabinet meeting and having lunch with senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. could be a bit icy? maybe. blake burman at white house with a preview. blake? reporter: rarely full cabinet meet something appetizer. what we're having at the white house here today. president will have full cabinet meeting, don't mean to diminish that at all. but main course comes an hour later, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell will have lunch with president trump and vice president mike pence. according to mcconnell's office, areas of topic, hurricane relief, judicial nominations, budget, no doubt about it, tax reform will what a lot will center around after failures of health care and how republicans and mitch mcconnell in the senate could not deliver. now it is squarely on tax reform
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and trying to get that across the finish line. lindsey graham over the weekend said hey look, if mitch mcconnell can't get this done, it might be the end of mitch mcconnell as we know it. i haven't even, ashley gotten into the relationship, the back and forth yet between president trump and mitch mcconnell. you know the tweets, the phone calls, and like that happened throughout the year. ashley: right. >> those two will sit down with the vice president today. a lot of issues at hand. tax reform at the forefront, potentially some smoothing over of their relationship as well. ashley: every day, we say wouldn't you love to be a fly on the wall? this is definitely a fly on the wall. >> if we were to collect them it, would be a swarm this morning. ashley: there is a lot of flies in that room, blake. thank you very much. appreciate it. let's look at the big board for you. we're up 24 points on the dow. we were up as much as 60 points. right now, 22,895? will we get to 23-k? i said by noon but maybe
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sometime this week. it keeps going higher and higher. seven person injured, one missing last night after a oil rig exploded in louisiana. lauren, you're following the story. what is the latest? lauren: the worker is still unaccounted for. the weather is okay. this is 14 miles from new orleans, lake pontchartrain. there was explosion at a rig owned by a private company, and they think, there was a cleaning chemical used on the platform that caused this explosion. as we noted, seven people were injured. five of them pretty bad. one person still unaccounted for unfortunately. ashley: quick update on northern california fires which we have not forgotten, believe me. conditions there changing for better correct? >> yeah but you still have 40 deaths there at least. now you have people coming back to view what happened to properties and homes. devastating. ashley: devastating. lauren: hillary gave numbers for loss, 85 to $100 billion.
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ashley: estimated. lauren: the weather this year, between hurricanes and wildfires and earthquakes, scary. ashley: certainly has been. crazy year. we'll have more "varney" after this. is this a phone?
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>> how do i get amazon to take notice of kansas city?
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product reviews. i live in beautiful kansas city, where the average home price is just $122,000. so i know lux living doesn't have to cost a ton. at 14.99 these wind chimes are music to my ears. they have a soothing timber, and they catch the win beautifully as those far more -- ashley: that was sly james, the very clever mayor of kansas city, missouri, bought and reviewed dozens of items on allison, all in an effort to get the company, amazon, to pick kansas city for its new headquarters. guess what? he joins us now. mayor, thank you so much for taking the time. listen, if you give up on politics you have a job in product writing and descriptions. that was very poetic i may add. how did you come up with this idea? >> well, actually i give all the credit for that to the team. we have a team of people who are working on this project.
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a number of them are marketing from my office to city office, private marketing and public relations firms and they came up with it, actually. i'm not going to take red for something i didn't do. but i tell you what. it was a brilliant idea, stroke of genius, and we executed pretty well. ashley: have you got any reaction from amazon yet? have they kind of taken the bait so to speak? >> i know we haven't had specifically a reaction from amazon. we had reaction specifically from the seattle business journal wrote a nice story what we're doing. hopefully amazon reads that. we're trying to do, make sure amazon, everybody else for that matter, knows that kansas city is unique opportunity, has unique assets, one of which is our creative class. what we did showed level of
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creativity and entrepreneurism and innovation we have in kansas city. ashley: there are critics out there, in order to get such a big, you know, deal in place, you're going to have to give up a lot, a lot of tax credits, a lot of tax breaks if you like. how prepared are you? how prepared is the city to bend over backwards with regard to tax breaks and everything else to get amazon to set up shop in your neighborhood? >> this is not just a city effort but a statewide effort as well. but here's the bottom line. the opportunity to do something may increase job base by 50,000 good-paying jobs in a single fell swoop, comes along once in lifetime. if you have opportunity, don't make every effort to go after it i think we're failing what we're supposed to be doing. my job as mayor and our job as people in the city and the state to do everything we possibly can
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to provide for long-term benefit of the citizens. that is what people need to look at. you have to make an investment before you see the long-term return. so, you don't make the investment thinking that you're going to have immediate first day return. you make it recognizing, if you have a company like this, 10, 15, 20 years down the road. returns will be magnificent. people will have better outcomes and jobs. this city will have different character to it because of those types of things. i look at it more as investment. ashley: well, you have a lot of competition. that is an understatement. you know, i just saw the other day, michael jordan was pitching charlotte. chicago, denver, you name it. you have some very strong competition out there. are you up for it? >> we're always up for it. i don't have any problem with competition. competition is healthy. but i also want people to know that we're ready to compete with anybody, anywhere, anytime, on any subject. kansas city is unique. it has a lot of things going for
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it that a lot of other cities don't have. we're located right in the middle of the country. we have major highways passing through. we're second largest in rail transportation. we have a very diverse environment here on both sideses of the state line. great neighborhoods, fantastic people. and a tremendous level of culture. so, at the end of the day i will match my city with anybody in country and any place else because i know, and people who live here know, exactly how good it is to live in kansas city, missouri. ashley: you have thrown down the gauntlet. you should be in contention for the bow tie alone, mayor. thank you so much for taking time out. you know, best of luck. obviously will be a very tight competition. thank you so much for joining us. quick look at big board. markets are up 27 points. there is the white house. president having a cabinet meeting. then lunch with mitch mcconnell. we all want to be a fly on the wall for that one. we'll be back with varney after
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ashley: it is 11 a.m. on the east coast, 8 a.m. on the west coast. good morning to you. here's what's new. the big news at the white house, president trump meeting with mitch mcconnell. love to be there for that. he'll likely tell him to get tax reform done. this meeting comes after steve bannon declared war on the gop establishment over the weekend, vowing to challenge six to have seven incumbent gop senators up for re-election next year. we're also going to be joined by the ceo of one with of the largest construction management firms in the new york area. he says president trump's executive order on health care should bring some relief to their costs. we'll get into that. and texas state rep cain was invited to speak at texas southern university, but when he arrived, he was met by an angry group of protesters. he'll tell us all about that
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story coming up in this hour. and the other big news, the markets at record highs again. stuart is off, but we're till on dow 23k watch. could we see it before noon? 22,898 on the dow. and, of course, we've got an all-star lineup to cover it all. the third hour of "varney & company" begins right now. ♪ ♪ ashley: somewhere, stuart varney is smiling. his beatles. we can work it out. can they get tax reform, health care reform done as we look down sixth avenue in manhattan. happening moments from now, president trump will be holding a cabinet meeting, then he meets with senator mitch mcconnell at the white house. taxes, obamacare all on the table with the salad and whatever else they're eating.
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we will take you there when the headlines develop out of that meeting. meanwhile, let's take a look at the big board. the dow still chasing 23,000, inching ever much closer. we were up about 60 points earlier, still up 27 points at 22,901. could be new records all around again on this monday. scott martin, herb london are here along with our very own lauren simonetti who's graciously agreed to stick around for all three hours. scott, let's get to you first. you know, there are more and more people coming out of the woodwork who are naysayers on all of this market stuff saying time's running out, the stocks are overvalued and so on. however, here we go again. we're moving higher. what's going to stop this move higher? >> i'll tell you, ashley, i don't think there's much. ashley: right. >> yes, further delay in the tax reform, that could be a problem. what i'm worried about, honestly, is in a few quarters we're going to have tour
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comparables -- tough comparables as far as earnings growth. stocks are not wickedly expensive, but they're a little pricey. interest rates low, earnings growth, i think stocks are still the best game in town. ashley: what do you say, herb? where else do you go? janet yellen over the weekend said, look, i don't worry about inflation, i see the economy gaining strength, i can see regular rate hikes. does that take some of the wind out of the sails? >> it may, but corporate profits look very good. and on top of it, you're finding people's confidence in the economy continues to grow. there could be an event. you don't know what's going to happen with north korea, could be something else that happens elsewhere in the world. but rather than that, i'm rather bullish on the state of the economy and of the stock market. and i think 23,000 is clearly doable this week. ashley: i suddenly feel better. politics now, mitch mcconnell at the white house today, as we said. tax reform on the list, of course, among a whole mix of
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subjects. chris story is wallet, fox news -- chris stirewalt, fox news political editor joins us now. we'd all love to be that proverbial fly on the wall, but is it genial, or does mr. trump lay down the law? >> well, trump has a genial way of -- ashley: laying down the law. >> well, because what he does is in what he will do to mcdonnell, codo -- mcconnell, do you want me to make it stop? all you have to do is give me what i want. the realization that senate republicans have come to is people don't expect trump to be able to solve policy problems and don't punish him when those solutions are not made present. any other president, any other president who had not delivered on core campaign promises by this point and this number of failures, their base would have revolted. but in this case, trump knows that he has the advantage that as a novice and as somebody who definitely is not somebody who talks about deep grasp of the details, he's not like obama,
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he's not like bill clinton. he says you guys figure it out, just quit screwing up. and for a lot of his voters, for most of his voters, that seems to stick. ashley: herb, mitch mcconnell, does he not care for donald trump, and is that partly why we're seeing difficulty in getting this agenda through? >> i never underestimate personal relationships between people in the congress and the president. ashley: right. >> on the other hand, it's important to note that if you get a budget approval -- which i think is likely -- you will get this tax reform bill passed. ashley: by the end of the year? >> by the end of the year. and trump will be very, very happy about that, and mcconnell's position within the white house might change as a consequence. health care is over the horizon, that's not going to happen immediately, but i do think you're going to see tax reform. ashley: if that happens, scott martin, these markets, what, can they get another leg up? >> i'll give you a prediction, ashley, dow 25,000 if tax reform gets done. think about the money that's sitting overseas in some of the
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big tech companies. it's going to be reinvested, it's going to create jobs and go into stock prices. ashley: why not? we just continue to go up and up. let's get to the next topic. president trump taking executive action to unravel obamacare. herb london, getting rid of those subsidies which, you know, weren't technically legal in the first place. >> they weren't, and people are always saying, well, the president, of course, is trying to change obamacare. no. he's trying to be consistent with what obamacare actually required. ashley: right. >> and i think what you're seeing now is you're -- the unraveling of obamacare is very desirable from the point of view of those who have 30 or more employees. their saying for the first time we're getting a little relief are. this competitive environment is desirable. and once you have a situation where individuals can make the case for themselves, the kind of health care they want, and you can actually choose the insurance market you want to be in, that is a very desirable outcome. ashley: chris, this is interesting to me, because you
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have donald trump basically saying, look, congress holds the purse strikes. -- pursestrings. this should never have happened in the first place, to do the executive order on the subsidies, and the democrats are now crying foul because president trump is doing what is actually correct. >> well, if the federal government started arranging itself around the ideas of what was constitutionally permissible for the executive branch, you would need a lot longer show to talk about everything that would have to get undone and redone. ashley: true. >> the practical reality and the reason tax reform won't take place until next year is the stuff that has to pass this year includes a continuing resolution, an omnibus spending package by the end of december to keep the government functioning into next year and something about obamacare. the president has created a very serious cliffhanger here for millions of americans in a belief that he can force democrats to the negotiating table to try to get some conservative reforms put into obamacare before these subsidies run out.
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because i promise you that the republicans know that if they are the ones who say, yep, we are cutting off these payments to people who were, by the way, victims of obamacare in the first place, these are the people who lost their doctors, their health insurance policies, they were marooned in obamacare with the reforms that trump alreadyut in, the premiums are going to go upven more. the government's gng to do somethg with the people, and if they don't,he rublicans will dervedly g a shellacking in the midterms.ranr exposure to health care over the summer, and maybe that was a little too early. i'll tell you, health care's going to be a minefield i think going forward for the points chris pointed out there. i'll tell you what else make me nervous is the subsidy issue. you're going to have to give something to these insurers and health care companies because they need it. fending on how that, i guess, comes out, you're probably going to see the health care stocks rebound, but i'd avoid them. ashley: yeah.
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too much uncertainty. chris and scott, thank you so much, guys, for joining usen to this monday -- us on this monday. appreciate it. want to get a quick update on those wildfires in california. at least 40 have been killed, dozens still missing as people are slowly returning. after one week of burning, firefighters say they are making headway containing the flames. nearly 220,000 acres have been burned so far. those pictures, quite remarkable. all right, let's check netflix for you, reporting earnings after the bell. the stock still near an all-time high. down slightly ahead of the report, just under $200 per share. now this. in response to a question about harvey weinstein, hillary clinton says we have a sexual assaulter in the white house. her foundation, by the way, will not return weinstein's $250,000 in donations. ann coulter coming up on that. you can only imagine what ms. coulter has to say. and at the white house today, plump meeting with mitch mcconnell, and you can bet
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he's going to tell him to get tax reform done. this meeting comes after steve bannon declared war on the gop establishment over the weekend. coming up next, kimberly strassel. don't go away. zar: one of our investors was in his late 50s right in the heart of the financial crisis, and saw his portfolio drop by double digits. it really scared him out of the markets. his advisor ran the numbers and showed that he wouldn't be able to retire until he was 68. the client realized, "i need to get back into the markets- i need to get back on track with my plan." the financial advisor was able to work with this client. he's now on track to retire when he's 65. having someone coach you through it is really the value of a financial advisor.
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ashley: steve bannon says he's going to war with the establishment gop. interesting stuff from mr. bannon as you'd expect over the weekend. joining me now, kimberly strassel, "wall street journal" columnist. in person, no less. splits her time between here, new york, and alaska. [laughter] you couldn't have two more different -- >> washington and alaska. stuart: okay, all right. same thing really. [laughter] so we've got mitch mcconnell going to the white house today. >> right. ashley: how does that conversation go? does mr. trump -- i asked chris stirewalt this earlier.
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does he lay down the law and say, mitch, look, time to get going? >> look, i think what happens, we've also heard that they had a conversation going into the weekend, and that seemed to be cordial. so i would wager that what this really is about is more strategy. i mean, yes, that message is going to be sent, we've got to get this one done. but what you've seen is this president has been far more engaged himself on the tax reform question than he was on health care going out, doing a tour across country. so i, i'm wagering that that's what this conversation is going to be, is what senators do we still not have onboard, what can i do to help. here's what you need to do to get this done well too. ashley: is mcconnell a reluctant leader? i don't know whether in his heart of hearts he's a huge donald trump fan. the house is passing legislation, but it's turning into an elephant's grave yard on the senate side. and his leadership really coming into focus. >> first of all, i think there's
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a couple of things that mcconnell has done that he doesn't get enough credit for. one is the judiciary. there is only one body in congress that's in the personnel business, and right now you have donald trump who's made 60 nominations, they are all scalia-like nominees, and it's remaking the judiciary, and mitch mcconnell, lifelong interest in the judiciary, and he's pulled out the stops to start to get these people confirmed. i think that's important. also even on the tax thing, the house has still not passed a budget. ashley: that's i true. no. >> and what came out of the senate is a far better product because it had that $1.5 trillion built in so they can truly do a reform, and that was the work of senators. so, you know, and i think that we need to keep that in mind. ashley: steve bannon really going after gop establishment, targeting six of seven gop senators. i mean, he's out of the white house now, so he's free to roam and do whatever he wants. he still wields a lot of power, doesn't he, among the base of
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the trump supporters. >> i think we're going to find that out. ashley: okay. [laughter] you're a little skeptical? >> well, i am, because i think, look, when you talk about trump supporters, that's always a hard thing to measure anyway. ashley: sure. >> but trump supporters also want to see things get done. and if in the end what mr. bannon is doing is running up a hill, is simply going to hurt the gop and just doing it off of some spite or to send a message, look, deb fischer from nebraska, john barrasso, these are not fare thee well conservatives. these are rock-ribbed conservatives, so why are you opposing them? and simply throwing the word "establishment" out, the problem here is that you end up forcing these people, these incumbents to spend a lot of money to fend off potential primary candidates. that's money the republicans cannot use to go out and beat the democrats they need to beet out there. ashley: right. so the republicans turning on the republicans, but you could argue on the senate side there are several different republican parties.
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>> yeah. and by the way, it's always a lot easier to turn around and shoot into your own trenches -- ashley: true, true. >> -- than it is to go out and actually win some of these races. look, we'll see what kind of candidates he puts forward and backs. the republicans have been through this before, and it's why they didn't take over the senate in 2012 and 2010. ashley: right. >> they decided they were going to have all of these primaries. remember christine o'donnell, sharron angle, all these people, theying didn't win their seats in the end. ashley: that's true. if we don't get tax reform and it gets caught in the mire, what does that do to the midterms in 2018? because, you know, there was a very strong mandate for donald trump to become president, and we just don't get it done, surely a lot of these lawmakers are toast. >> lindsey graham's been getting a lot of attention -- ashley: that's true. >> and it's because his line was spot on, it's perfect. if we don't get this done, he said, we're all in trouble. and they are all in trouble. they have to accomplish this. ashley: and they know that, but
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can they get it done? >> that's going to come down to two or three members just like it did in health care. ashley: so we have john mccain giving the thumbs up or down? >> that is a possibility. the pressure needs to be exerted on those guys rather than mitch. mitch mcconnell wants to get this done, and he's doing whatever he can -- ashley: sure. but he's the leader, he's the point person. >> right. the folks that deserve the real attention are the shadow senate leaders who, in fact, wield all the power because you need 50 votes. so every vote counts. ashley: well, a lot of people counting on them to get it done. kimberly strassel, thank you so much. in person, we're very honored. >> thanks for having me. ashley: shares of nordstrom down on news that members of the nordstrom family have suspended their efforts to take the company private. that stock down nearly 60%, $40. meanwhile, ruby tuesday getting bought out after years of declining sales. often you see those in or near malls, and we know what's happened to the malls these
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days. carry over from the retail ice age. also want to alert this story, colin kaepernick, we've been talking about this this morning, filing a grievance against nfl owners. he says they've colluded gwen him and prevented -- against him and prevented him from landing on a team. interesting. now this. president trump who has called the iran nuclear agreement the worst deal ever announced his refusal to recertify iran's compliance with the 2015 deal. we've got the judge on that very soon on what all of this means. but first, it's a brand new aston martin convertible. it can reportedly hit 60 miles per hour in 4.1 seconds with a top speed of 187 miles per hour. you just can't go anywhere to do that fast, but i'll put you back in a couple hundred thousand dollars. i guess that's not bad . you have to ask the price, you
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can't afford it. more "varney" next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ashley: all right, so you can drool over this, the brand new aston martin, that's exactly what you'll do, 500 horsepower.
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0-60 in four seconds. how much? well, it starts -- i guess that's the basic model, starts at $216,000. nice if you've got it. how about this? microsoft building up its cubicles in trees for workers, what are essentially treehouses. they are working spaces 12 feet off the ground and, yes, in the woods. microsoft wants to tout the benefits of working in nature and push a focus on creativity. >> you get a good wi-fi connection? ashley: i don't know, that's a good question. now this, oil rig explosion on lake pontchartrain in louisiana. one person still missing in this explosion. surface chemicals reportedly starting that fire. eyewitnesses report feeling this ebbs motion and hearing -- explosion and hearing loud noises that rattled nearby homes. the price of oil has been fairly steady, up slightly at 26 cents,
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$51.71. pg&e falling another 10 president on worries over california's wildfire liability. the company is about $800 million in liability insurance for potential losses. was it a utility problem that caused those deadly blazes? pge down more than 8%. now this, wrist coe cain was invited to speak at texas southern university. but when he arrived, he was met by a group of protesters who eventually stopped his planned speech, and he's with us next to tell his story. apparently, they don't like what you say? terrible. we'll also be joined by the ceo of one of the largest construction management firms in the area. he says president trump's executive order on health care should bring some relief to their costs. meanwhile, any moment now president trump will be meeting with his full cabinet. if we get any headlines, which we normally do, we'll take you there. stay right there. ♪ ♪
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♪ ashley: the dow up 45 points, 22,916. we begin yet another trading week with more records. amazing. happening right now, you see the white house on the left of the screen, president trump holding a cabinet meeting. then, following that, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell stops by for lunch. you can be sure taxes, obamacare all on the table as part of the menu. of course, we are watching headlines, anything that comes out of these meetings, and we will bring them straight to you.
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[audio difficulty] owns and operates a business in the construction industry. how has it affected your ability to cover your workers and the cost therein? >> it's been an absolute battle. each and every year we face increases. this past year we're facing a 17% increase in our overall health care. at the rinaldi group, we do something that is unique to most businesses in the sense that we pay 100% of the employee cost for insurance. ashley: you pay it all. >> we pay it all. we take no employee participation whatsoever. ashley: how much does that cost you? >> it's running me on average over $2 million a year. it ranges from $1,000 per month, per employee on those who are single -- ashley: yep. >> -- to as high as $3,000 a month for those who are married with children. ashley: so what kind of policies
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are available the you in because you're in a, you know, what they would call a high-risk industry because there are risks of people getting injured in the construction process. what kind of plans are available for you? >> very, very few. very few options we face, and that's one of the difficulties that we have. in fact, this month right now we have our renewal coming up, and we face a $340,000 cost increase to our overall health insurance, and for the first time i'm in business over 15 years, we're facing having to cut back potentially on our benefits to our employees by now taking employee participation which is something that i haven't done since i've been in business. ashley: so we have the president signing an executive order which in part would also call for the ability for companies to band together and buy through health associations across state lines too. what difference will that make for you in. >> that is a huge difference. and, you know, i almost stepped
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up and cheered when i read it in his executive order because it's something that i've been talking about for a long time. as we were discussing earlier off the air, one of the options that we had years ago were these professional employee organizations commonly known as peos. ashley: right. >> and they function very much in the same way where a number of employers can pool together their employees, and by economy of scale, be able to go under one insurance policy with one carrier and be able to because they're insuring rather than just their personnel, they're insuring multiple employer personnels, they get a benefit of cost of insurance. ashley: you know, herb, we talk about this every day, but anthony really brings home what it means to run a business in this country and the exorbitant amount of money being paid out because of obamacare. >> this is an extraordinary illustration. it's an illustration of what a
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competitive environment means as opposed to a monopolistic environment. i think that what anthony is doing is, obviously, quite right. this kind of professional organization provides an option that did not exist before. this executive order on the part of the president is a very important step forward. i don't think it is dispositive in the sense that it deals with all the health issues in the united states, but it's a very important step in the right direction. ashley: have you met personally with president trump? anthony? >> i have not, no. ashley: but you'd like to send him a message, what would you tell him? >> i love you. [laughter] now just get congress to fall in line. [laughter] abby: i think that message -- ashley: i think that message went out loud and clear. thank you very much, appreciate it. thank you for being here. texas state representative wrist coe cain -- briscoe cain, a republican, told by a democrat that he couldn't speak at a student event at texas southern university. why, we don't know. mr. cain joins us now. we're seeing some of this video.
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how did this all happen, sir? how could this actually happen? you were invited but weren't allowed to speak? >> yes. the student organization, the federal society of conservative libertarian law students there on campus invited me to speak, but the administration for tsu did not like what we had to say, and they shut it down. ashley: so what exactly was it that you were going to say that they objected to so much? >> well, i don't think it has anything to do with what exactly i was going to say, but with my identity as a conservative republican and the identity of the law student organization as a conservative-lib arertarian organization, they didn't shut it down because of anything i was going to talk about, in fact, they would have been surprised that i would have taken questions from anybody in the audience. what we're finding is just a part of the trend that conservatives are being shouted down on the college campuses, that colleges aren't teaching or challenging students anymore, but they're becoming e
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intellectual safe havens. ashley: so, briscoe, are you taking legal action as a result of this? >> that's something we are considering strongly. yes, of course. ashley: you are thinking of filing suit. >> yeah. you know, originally that was off the table. we thought maybe they had legitimate grounds, but over the last few days we are finding that they're not legitimate grounds, that this was a precept, that the reason they shut us down was purely based on my identity and the identity of the students. ashley: are you that outrageous? have you been controversial in any way? >> i'm only controversial because my ideas might not be considered mainstream on the college campus. they -- ashley: like what? name one idea that's so extreme. [laughter] >> oh, one day -- exactly. a simple idea that might be extreme is that i believe in the free market system or that i believe in religious liberty. >> and one of the things you have to understand is that the university, the presumption in the university is the free and open exchange of opinion. so out doesn't make any
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difference whether he's controversial or not. controversy is -- ashley: well, yes. >> -- should be part of the kind of dialogue that occurs on campus. so it strikes me that what you have here is the emergence of an orthodox city where people on campus are unwilling to consider other points of view. this is now a dogma. you either apply and accept the dogma, or you're not accepted in the university. ashley: that's a good point, herb. briscoe, final word to you. if there's any place where you can exchange ideas whether you like them or not, it should be a university. and yet these universities -- not only in texas, but across the country, berkeley comes to mind, of course, even oxford. oxford university is now getting in on the act. it seems people who don't agree with you are afraid of what you might say. >> that's exactly right, ashley. and that's what was so surprising. because until now, the law school campuses have been kind of free from this issue. but we're seeing a growing trend. in fact, in the last few weeks there's been issues at the law school campuses with mine being
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one. people have asked did you think it was going to be protested? of course not. it's law school. we were going to have an intellectual conversation, but now we've seen this disease, this dogma has infiltrated the law school campus as well. ashley: all right. briscoe, let us know if you decide to take legal action. it's outrageous, just another example of campus lunacy, as they say. okay, let's bring in judge andrew napolitano. free speech, judge, under attack again. i don't understand it. >> i am embarrassed to tell you that my own alma mater, princeton university, is engaged in a debate as we speak. is the conservative voice one worth listening to. ashley: what? by whose measure? by whose measure? >> well, by the measure of the liberal orthodoxy that runs the university as herb just pointed out. what this young man, who happens to be an agent of the government, a representative properly elected, is going through is not uncommon. so here's the law. if the school is owned by the state -- rutgers university owned by the state of new
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jersey -- any ban of political speech is, on its face, unconstitutional. the only way they could justify the ban is a non-content basis like there would be such disruption and we don't have the money to hire the security to resist the disruption. in the case of rut guesser, they're flush with cash -- rutgers, they're flush with car cash, so the argument wouldn't work. what about a private school? well, a private school like princeton -- ashley: yes. >> -- which receives federal funds for a variety of things from professors' research to the construction of buildings to student scholarships, some of those funds have strings attached x. some of the strings might say you have to follow federal standards in the following area. i haven't read the strings in this case. ashley: right, right. >> but if one of them is the freedom of speech, then by accepting the money, they have agreed to the same standards which is you can't ban speech because of content. ashley: right. >> so i don't know if that's ooh the case with the school that tried to ban him.
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but it is difficult to win these cases if they do sue. the best thing he can do is to come on programs like this -- ashley: and debate. >> right. so the public sees what is happening and parents see what is happening to their tuition dollars. ashley: very quickly, i want to get to this one. president trump decertifying the iran deal. he has every right to do that, right? >> he does under the iran deal itself. normally a president cannot universally pull us out of a treaty. this is not a treaty. ashley: no, it's not. >> this is a deal that barack obama and john kerry negotiated in such a way that the president can decertify it. it is unclear what decertification means. ashley: right. >> it must mean that in his opinion iran is not complying with the deal own though the other seven members of the deal have said it is complying. it's not just the u.s.. where this goes, it's in congress' hands. ashley: we'll see. you've covered, like, five or six topics today. >> pleasure to do it.
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don't tell varney. ashley: i won't tell him. it's our secret. [laughter] judge, thank you very much. now this, in response to a question about harvey weinstein, hillary clinton says, quote, well, we have a sexual assaulter in the white house, unquote. her foundation, by the way, no, not going to return harvey weinstein's $250,000 in donations. ann coulter, i have a feeling she's going to have plenty to say about that, and she's coming up next. don't go away, alabama coulter -- ann coulter will be right here. and here she comes. ♪ ♪ "volatile markets." something we all think about as we head into retirement. it's why brighthouse financial is committed to help protect what you've earned and ensure it lasts. introducing shield annuities, a line of products that allow you to take advantage of growth opportunities. while maintaining a level of protection in down markets. so you can head into retirement with confidence. talk with your advisor about shield annuities
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from brighthouse financial established by metlife.
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>> i'm nicole petallides with yourx business brief. a look at tesla, stock is to the downside. there have been report that is the company has fired upwards of 400 workers, maybe 400-700 workers according to the report. one worker actually telling the company, telling mercury news that he was tapped on the shoulder and 60 others in the factory were fired. taking a look also at the production. the company missed on their third quarter production of the model 3 sedan, pumping out only 260. meanwhile, they have a waiting list of about 450,000. it also missed targets of about 1500 at that time. big picture though the stock has been a real winner, and also the workers that have been fired reportedly included engineers, factory workers and managers. elon musk saying the factory output will increase about half
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get your first prescription free at >> this kind of behavior cannot be tolerated anywhere whether it's in entertainment, politics -- after all, we have someone admitting to being a sexual assault iser in the oval office. ashley: talking about her husband? no. that was hillary clinton talking to the bbc. we've also learned that the clinton foundation will be keeping mr. weinstein's
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donations. they've spent it, she says. can't make it up. joining me now, ann coulter, author of "in trump we trust." and, you know, she's the gift that keeps on giving really in many ways. [laughter] we say that donald trump is because he creates so much news, but how can she with a straight face -- i don't care if it's to the bbc across the pond. [laughter] the hi hypocrisy, it's just ins. >> they're not that good on follow-up. ashley: no. i wish andrew maher, he could have just gone to town on that. he let her get away with it. >> they're all saying that. tina brown, who was weinstein's enabler for years -- ashley: yep. >> -- her big article was basically an attack on trump. this is every liberal when he or she hears about a liberal sexual assault iser instantly thinks of a right-wing sexual assault -- ashley: that's the first reaction. >> i think it's worth pointing out even though i hate to get waylaid since you ought to be talking about the liberal sexual
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assaulter and his massive army of pimps and madames, and that's basically what the media and hollywood was for harvey weinstein, there's no admission of sexual assault. they can't -- i mean, i could win that case on summary judgment. trump was describing people like harvey weinstein saying when you're a star, they let you do anything. they let you and then the famous line that leads to the -- if he says they let you, it's by definition not an assault. ashley: right. what about the foundation? everyone's been, you know, the toxic money that harvey weinstein provided. the clinton foundation -- >> right. ashley: you can't have that back, because we've already spent it. >> well, they're all doing that contrary to what the -- chuck schumer is giving the money back. don't believe the headlines, they're not giving any of the money back. they're giving it to other liberal groups who will then fund their campaigns like planned parenthood. that's not giving it back.
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it's just giving it to somebody else to fund your campaign. one other thing, if this were a right-wig, could never get this far with anyone slightly conservative, and there is no evidence of donald trump sexually assaulting anyone, just a little footnote there, every republican in the country would be asking about it. remember with todd akin has a stupid comment, and it was stupid, and then he, unfortunately, did not withdraw and let someone else run or have the good grace to die in a hunting accident -- [laughter] so every republican, people who have never met him, they're running as republicans in small districts, you know, a thousand miles away. so what do you think about todd akin? ashley: yeah. >> no democrat will be asked about harvey weinstein when their entire careers, hollywood democrat, they're all tied up together. it really is appalling. ashley: let's get back to what's going on at the white house. the president meeting with his full cabinet, and then mitch mcconnell's coming over for a friendly little lunch. how does that conversation go?
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>> well, i think -- ashley: come on, mitch, get your act together because, you know, time's a-wasting? >> i think if trump were smart, he would make two points. the old republican platform didn't win, couldn't have won. it was my new republican platform of protecting the working class, manufacturing jobs, obviously immigration and the wall, that's what won. did you see what happened in the election last year? so those are -- ashley: but mcconnelling still doesn't want to believe that, i don't think. >> i don't understand that. i thought if trump -- and he did -- was elected -- [laughter] i think we all remember that -- ashley: yes. >> -- they'd be, you know, sending in truckloads of depends to congress they'd be so terrified of how they've got withen it completely wrong -- gotten it completely wrong, and this crazy reality tv star comes along and sweeps the primaries, sweeps the general election against a former secretary of state and former united states senator, you would think that would wake them up. trump should remind them of that. these are my priorities, refer
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to my campaign. point two, he ought to flatter, and a genuine flattery of mitch mcconnell. the good thing about mcconnell is he is, he isn't dumb. he knows how to get stuff done. i mean, it was under mitch mcconnell that he arranged for not one republican to vote for obamacare. and that's including mccain and collins and a lot of turncoats. that was fantastic. ashley: but the senate's becoming an elephant's graveyard for legislation. >> you need to get this done, and if i can have footnotes on point two, number one, 51 votes to pass legislation. the constitution is clear about when you need a supermajority and just passing a law is not one of those reasons. ashley: stay right there. we're not letting you out of the studio. happening right now, president trump holding a cabinet meeting, and we're getting some headlines. trump saying he's looking to reduce government spending heading into the next budget season. that's a no-brain, right? he says looking at welfare reform ideas, okay. we're also expecting on-camera
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statements from the president's meeting and, of course, we'll bring them to you. let's go straight to the break, and then we'll be back. ann, you're staying right there. i told you, we're not letting you out. we just heard from briscoe cane, kicked off campus from texas southern university, you've had those problems, haven't you? i want to get your take on free speech after the break. don't go away. ♪ ♪
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ashley: ann coulter's still with us. we just heard from briscoe cain who was blocked from speaking at texas southern university. in fact, he was chased off stage by an unruly mob, and you are no stranger to this. we could do this daily. what the heck is going on? what are they so afraid of? what about the conservative voice rattles people so much? >> i don't care about that. ashley: but it's becoming a real problem. >> yeah, it is. ashley: to talk. >> i think it does have to do with my sponsors backing away at the last minute and not allowing us to push for a court order for me to speak at berkeley. you can't let fascist mobs win, and they won. and we were about to win in the
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courts. the courts -- this isn't an obscure issue that hasn't been decided by the supreme court before. and, by the way, berkeley was negotiating. they called a lawyer for my sponsors, young americas foundation, and said what do we need to do to make this right, and the answer is provide a safe place for ann coulter to speak. but at the last minute, my sponsor said, no, no, we're nervous, we're afraid. they wouldn't take my phone calls, so there wasn't much i could do. but i think you can't let these things go unanswered, and i think i'm going to have to speak at berkeley at some point perhaps with a different sponsor. ashley: fight the good fight. ann and herb, we are getting system headlines out from the white house. we knew we would. president trump says he's looking at welfare reform, also says the total termination of the iran nuclear deal is a very real possibility. quickly, ann, on welfare reform. long overi due. >> everything's easier with immigration reform. you take 30 million people off
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the welfare rolls. he's getting to all of the issues, these are the older republican issues. yeah, it's important, tax cults are great. get to the stuff you ran on. nothing is going to work until he goes back to his campaign promises. ashley: on iran, herb, if nothing else saying a week deal with weak oversight just isn't going to work. >> the 159-page document which i've read a couple of times -- ashley: you need to get out more, herb. >> it's written in a sub youngtive text. things that do not have to happen. as a consequence, this is a deal that really has no validity to it. not validity on our side or for the iranians either. ashley: what a big surprise. >> the one thing that is necessary for americans to understand, if we did nothing, the iranians would have nuclear weapons in five years, ten years or maybe a year if they cheat. ashley: thank you soft. we're already out of time. more "varney" after this. ♪ ♪
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don't get mad (bell mnemonic) get e*trade and get invested ashley: market up 37 points. the march to it 3-k goes on. neil cavuto, take it away. neil: thank you, my friend. president having a meeting in the white house. pow-wow with senator mitch mcconnell first direct one-on-one since the dust-up whether the senate majority leader was doing enough to help with the republican agenda, ie the trump agenda. there could be a i stress, a budget that could clear the way for tax cuts. you have to have that in place before you pursue it. the 1 1/2 trillion dollars here over 10 years and cost of the tax cuts now is substantially more than that a lot of details have to be sorted out. blake


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