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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  November 1, 2017 12:00pm-2:00pm EDT

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>> on one hand they are saying we have to have people well vetted and on the other hand say we will protect ourselves. you don't have to worry about this in the neil: stuart, i've been looking at this. crunching some numbers. this might be the markets overreacting to something. 39.6% rate would stay. if you lift it up to a million dollars, they seem to be factoring that even if you lose your local and state tax deducks and in high states like new york, california, illinois, they seem to be factoring even with that boosting to million dollars, differential paying at lower rate, they see that number when crunched net-net, you are not paying more. i have not crunched but that
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would seem a leap. stuart: not true you in live in california, connecticut, massachusetts, illinois, you would pay more. neil: if you lift it up to a million, from 450. i haven't checked out the math in reverse. that is pitch they make presumably to the president tomorrow. i don't know. seems like an uphill fight. stuart: you have a full news day, haven't you? neil: lots going on. thank you, my friend, very, very much. we're on top of that. what it could mean, to stuart's points, we're off earlier highs concerns that a top rate remains in effect that the rich could end up paying more. when the rich are unhappy they have a way of conveying that. on to more pressing life and death developments, the nypd is looking what happened in lower manhattan and why. says the suspect took from isis, pretty much rules of thumb you do in an attack like this. tracee carrasco with more in
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lower manhattan. what can you tell us? reporter: good afternoon, neil, we wrapped up the up tate from the nypd, the fdny, new york mayor bill de blasio and governor cuomo. calling this an act of a coward. we are learning more of victims. 20 of them in total. six of them died on the scene. two of them were taken to the hospital where they were proannounced dead. five from argentina. two from america, five from belgium. five are still hospitalized. the investigation is still in its infancy stages. right now the attack by 29-year-old sayfullo sayfullo saipov, he said this was a well-thought out attack. >> based on investigation
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overnight, it appears mr. say say positive was planning this over the weeks, did in the name of isis along with items covered at scene with notes that further indicate that. he appears to have followed almost exactly to a t, the instructions that isis has put out in its social media channels before, with instructions to followers how to carry out such an attack. reporter: as far as saipov goes, here is what we know about the suspect, in critical condition, expected to survive after being shot in the abdomen by the police. he was holding fake guns shouting "allahu akbar!," he had to notes written in arabic, pledging loyalty to isis. they are found near and in the truck. he had a number of knives.
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saipov had a florida driver's license. he was living in new jersey. i came to the u.s. legally from uzbekistan in 2010, diversity visa program, that offer as lottery for countries with few immigrants in america. he was uber driver for six months, taking 1400 trips. last night authorities raided saipov's new jersey home, 20 miles away from the scene. they raid ad mosque he attended in patterson as well. that mosque was reportedly under nypd surveillance since 2005, as part of a study of possible locations, quote for budding terrorist conspiracies. that is according to north new here at the scene, investigators have been combing through that rented home depot pickup truck that saipov used to carry out the attack. they have been looking through it all night and all morning.
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meanwhile saipov's white toyota sienna with florida plates was searched by the police in the parking lot of passaic, new jersey home depot where he rented the truck at 2:00 p.m., an hour before the attack. a lot of information still coming in. authorities are trying to sort it out. many questions here but they have interviewed this suspect. that is what we know so far. neil: thank you very much, tracee carrasco in lower manhattan this happens at a time when new yorkers are getting ready for the holidays. the city swells with tourists and some that just come in for christmas shows and the like. could this affect that, and do americans get leery of going into any urban area, this happens in the united states, something we think only happened in places like europe, what have you? let's get the read on this from former chicago superintendent of police, gary mccarthy. gary, how do you play this?
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a lot of people say, i don't know if i want to go into crowded area, particularly new york. what do you do? >> well, first of all we have to live our lives. the first way to stop it, first recognize what the problem is and we in this country don't want to recognize the fact we're at war. you know, years ago i went to israel and i got to tell you there things are completely different. as a matter of fact, it was five years i went and right before i got there, the week before, is when terrorists started running people over at bus stops. the week that i got there, there were already bollards at those bus stops. the way to prevent this through intel and intelligence sharing. it is being reported, i'm not positive what the facts are yet, obviously they will still come out for quite some time. the mosque this man attended was sus spermia couple years ago. the nypd was being attacked with program they were using with the
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program they were using to prevent these incidents from happening. we have to change our mindsets but we also have to live our lives. i was at the world trade center, mayor giuliani said we would live our lives. he came to the bronx and threw out the first pitch. everybody was nervous. we went on. we were not going to show that fear. neil: that is not a bad idea, as you're speaking the president is responding, moving to terminate the diversity immigration lottery following the new york attack this is how saipov got into this country, i should say. president wants to work with congress to terminate the diversity lottery program entirely, brought other people in the united states was point of the contact for 23 others. what do you make of that? >> you know, neil, i'm more focused what it is we can do here rather than preventing people from getting here. there is issue with our borders
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and illegal individual coming in, committing crime, getting deported, coming back. as far as terrorism goes we have to look at it a little bit different. we have to examine everything we can do to prevent these incidents from happening. it will come out it could have been prevented like every other incident. >> we were monitoring this guy for years. monitoring the mosque he attended for years. >> we were being accused profiling too at the same time. neil: right. >> so i hope we become as vigilant in protecting rights of those crime victims as we are individuals who we might want to investigate because they may be involved in some sort of nefarious activities but the one that always comes to mind that san bernardino. when the stories came out neighbors of those two individuals that shot all those folks, saw large amounts of weapons coming in and out of the house, but they didn't report it because they were afraid they would be accused profiling f the
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ira was blowing up buildings in manhattan i expect we would look at the ira. we have to stop accusing ourselves of profiling when we're investigating. neil: all right. well-said, gary mccarthy, former chicago police superintendent. just to bring you up-to-date from the white house. the president is moving to terminate this diversity immigration lottery program following this new york city attack. if we're to believe latest intelligence on sayfullo saipov he came into this country in 2010 through that program. others dispute that. whatever the case, it is reexamined the president wants the whole thing deep-sixed. act for america founder is here with us. what do you know about the program and other material information that the attacker was looking to bring in quite a few others with him after he arrived, up to a couple dozen others? what do you make of that? >> well, this is great news that
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the president is going to move forward to stop this diversity visa program, because the diversity visa program has been a danger to our country for years. even the state department issued a report back in 2007, 10 years ago discussing vulnerability in that program and why it is now a national security threat to the country. when you look at the countries that where people can apply to get this, into this visa lottery, which is 50,000 applicants we accept every year, you have countries like yemen, algeria, syria, lennon, iraq, libya? why do we have any reason, considering the war we're in, against islamic terrorism, we're allowing people from these countries to come to the united states? what also concerned the state department there is no way we can verify the background or reality of the names of the people who are applying. we can not verify their work experience. we can not verify their education.
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it has very low standards. the people who are applying all they need to have a high school diploma and two years experience on whatever job. no professionals. there is no way we can verify anything about their background. neil: so brigitte, what do we do? when we surveil a mosque, as we were doing in this case, what are we doing with that? where does that go outside of, there is trouble here or could be hotbed of activity here? are we hands off, what happens? >> you know what they say, where there is smoke, there is fire. this mosque has been under the surveillance of the fbi since 2005. 12 years so far. so, you know, where there is smoke there is fire. they know there are terrorists and terrorist sympathizers operating out of that mosque. this is why the fbi was monitoring it. let's get real. because of all the leftists and progressives in this country, fighting fbi and filing our
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government from really infiltrating the mosque and getting intelligence, vetting themselves in the mosque, no, we're not supposed to do that, that is not politically correct. now we rely on cameras outside on the street to monitor what is happening in the mosque. that is not intelligence. to get real intelligence, you have to embed in the mosque, understand their teachings, understand backgrounds, become friends with families outside the mosque. i was watching interviews, some people from the mosque, we really don't remember him. nobody has seen him at mosque before. baloney. i come from small middle-eastern community. everybody knows everything about everybody in the community. people no hoe they are but they're not coming forward. neil: brigitte thank you very much terrorism analyst. sadly a lot of things she was forecast having come true. we're monitoring this again what they're looking at here is exactly how it is for years sayfullo saipov did not get
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beyond people's radar even though intelligence officials had him on their radar, and they were quite worried, quite concerned. meanwhile the dow is up 62.5 points. it is bouncing back from some of the lows here. what had them a little jittery the talk, as feared, i should say feared by some, the top rate will remain 39.6%, for billionaires. no way to make that official. that is through the rumor mill. they are in the middle of tradeoffs to, pay for that, to entice democratic votes, what small business tax cuts could go in wheeling and dealing detailed to the president tomorrow morning before this is all officially unveiled, a day later than scheduled, but that 39.6% rate will stay. the one rich community, even allowing for losing state and local tax deductions they will still end up paying about the same because the rate itself
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will move higher to a million and over from roughly 450, to 480,000 right now when it kicks in. hard to say this much is not, everyone is confused. we'll have more after this. paying less for my medicare? i'm open to that. lower premiums? extra benefits? it's open enrollment.
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neil: want to again clarify as we've been saying here that sayfullo saipov, attacker yesterday in new york city, was on federal agents radar for number of years. not only his mosque, he specifically, abc news reporting that he was interviewed back in 2015 by federal agents and department of homeland security investigations unit about possible ties to suspected terrorists but agents at the time didn't have enough evidence to open a case on him. and, law enforcement officials tell abc news at the time, that was that. he fell through the cracks. all right, in the meantime we're keeping track of this back and forth on this tax measure, the announcement delayed until tomorrow. the gop tax bill rollout will begin in ernest then but already some of the whisperings there will be a fourth individual bracket at 39.6%, where the highest level is now. to virginia republican congressman, house freedom caucus member dave brat. what he makes of that?
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congressman? >> neil, in general republicans want rate reductions down across the board. they're haggling how we pass the bill through. we lost a lot of new yorkers and maybe california over the salt piece, state and local tax piece. >> right. >> they're cobbling votes together, so i'm sure they're haggling on that piece. in general we want to give a tax rate cut to everybody, and that is pro-growth. i hate to see that go, but i don't know what the room looks like on the votes. neil: apparently what they're saying, i talked to this one person on, that person could be wrong, seems not as well-connected as you, but a smarty pants in his own right, say if you lifted the top rate to those making a million or more, that would compensate for even those who would lose that local and state tax deduction, that gap between roughly a little under half a million to a million, would compensate for that, whatever the fact is, with rate million and over, remaining at 39.6%.
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i don't know that explains it but what do you make of that? >> yeah. there is something to that argument. we also heard, these are rumors, but they're floating around, that they're going to split up the state and local. neil: right. >> you may keep the local deduction, that is substantial n our area that is 1% on the, on your home. neil: in other words property tax paying on your home versus all the other taxes? >> right. that's right. so that will help, and so we were thinking, it was about 1.5 trillion pay for, right, that that the loss of that deduction would result in. so that, adding the local back in might cost you about 500 billion. and so that is important. because then you can't lower the tax rates as much for the middle class tax cut. so there is a bunch of bumper cars and we're starting to sort that out. neil: congressman, you sound a little disappointed? >> good news the framework is still intact, right? we're talking about 20%
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corporate rate. that may be phased in too. that is part of the new information. neil: we're hearing the same thing, it would be phased in. >> that's right. and then on the s corp side, we're still at 25%. that is still good news. there is probably 30-70 split. your business expenses get lower rate. then compensation, they don't want people gaming it, so that is the 70%. that won't get that rate. that might have to stay at individual rate. but the basic framework is intact. repatriation isn't as large as i thought it was going to be. i had a trillion in mind in real savings. we're hearing 250 billion comes back. that pays for moving toward the territorial system, which is a win. it makes us competitive and levels the playing field fence the rest of the world. neil: what you're saying, congressman, while not exactly your cup of tea, it is better than nothing. >> oh, it is way better than nothing. i'm still fairly optimistic,
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right? i mean -- neil: so as it stands now -- how can you go yea or nay on something you haven't formally seen. >> right. neil: as things stand right now you would not be a no vote. >> no. that's right. i'm a yes. neil: freedom caucus, that you guys all balk in unison here? >> no. on this one they shouldn't be worried about the freedom caucus. this is the salt, even seaboard, high-taxed states. most of the freedom caucus i know is yes. we want to see lower tax rates. we've been bullish since the beginning on this i taught economics 20 years. this is what we're waiting for, the kids i taught for 20 years, we're not doing too well on the spending side of the equation up here. that is the swamp. it is hard to cut any spending. with straight face, only thing i can offer kids. pop the economy. get it moving. you get yourself skilled up. that is on you. i offer you a pop in 10-year window. we get nick growth. you set up you and your new
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family on pro-growth, pro-business trajectory. that is my optimistic hope what we're doing. neil: real quickly, sir, sorry to be remiss, if i didn't mention former speaker john boehner. had a very saltly interview with "politico" he lambasted a lot of conservative renegades. he spared you personally. >> yeah. neil: he thinks some of the rabid on the right are nuts. what do you think of that? >> i like boehner. he is always salty. he is funny. he has funny jokes. so i think he is a little frustrated but on the right this, terminology is so far off. the freedom caucus is the group that votes for the republican creed and votes for republican platform. we're not right. we keep our promises. when you say repeal, look up repeal in webster's, we're going to repeal obamacare. when you are going to lower taxes we're going to lower tax. when you deregulate the economy. you want national defense.
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judeo-christian values, back in your k-12 education that is us. he is talking about inside the beltway. i think we had elections on that. it wasn't just trump. that was bernie through trump the middle class hasn't had wage increase in 30 years. they're ticked off at the swamp. immigration, i heard prior story. no one is listening to the american people on that. that is a huge issue. house and senate still haven't moved anything consequential through on i will migation reform, shutting down the border, making the united states safe. that was a biggie. we need way more action up here. people are not happy. they want to see some moves. neil: congressman, thank you very much for taking the time. >> you bet. neil: sir, very good talking to you, dave brat, of the fine state of virginia. >> great. neil: the president is meeting with his cabinet right now. you know the drill after he does there is usually a spray of that meeting. tape comes out and hear what he is saying apparently talking about the fed choice he will say about tomorrow.
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had kind things to say about janet yellen, present chairman. didn't indicate who that person would be whether it is janet yellen. indications it will be jerome powell, front-runner of the job. we'll hear update about what he had to say about local officials in new york and what they had to say about him politicizing these developments of the terror attack in new york. the back and forth continues. back in a moment.
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neil: all right the president meeting with his cabinet members, the chance to get his thoughts on everything else going on here, as well as what is going on in new york and lower manhattan, the investigation into what prompted all of that, and the back and forth over release of tax cut details tomorrow. let's listen in. >> thank you very much. today we mourn the horrifying terrorist attack in new york city, just blocks away from the site of the world trade center. a man drove a truck into a pedestrian bike path and murdered eight people and injured very, very seriously at least 11 more. all of america is praying and grieving for the families who lost their precious loved ones, horrible act. our hearts break for them. we pledge to renew our resolve in their memory.
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my administration is coordinating closely between federal and local officials to investigate the attack, and so further investigate this animal who did the attacking, and updates will be provided as available. i am today starting the process of terminating the diversity lottery program. i'm going to ask congress to immediately initiate work to get rid of this program, diversity lottery. diversity lottery. sounds nice. it is not nice. it is not good. it hasn't been food. we've been against it. we want to work immediately with congress on the diversity lottery program on terminating
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it, getting rid of it. we want a merit-based program where people come into our country based on merit. we want to get rid of chained migration. this man that came in, or whatever you want to call him, brought in with him other people, and he was, he was the point of contact, the primary point of contact for, and this is preliminarily, 23 people that came in, or potentially came in with him. that is not acceptable. so we want to get rid of chain migration, and which wanted to do that for a long time. and i've been wanting to do it for a long time, and we'll be asking congress to start working on it immediately. there are bills already about ending chain migration. and we have a lot of good bills in there. that they are being stopped by democrats because they're obstructionists and honestly, they don't want to do what is
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right for our country. we need strength, we need resolve. we have to stop it. so we'll get rid of this lottery program as soon as possible. he came in through the diversity program as you know, and we're going to stop that. we're going to, as quickly as possible, get rid of chain migration and go to a merit-based civil. terrorists are constantly seeking to strike our nation and it will require unflynn offing devotion to the law enforcement, homeland security and intelligence professionals to keep america safe. we will take all necessary steps to protect our people, and our communities, and to protect our nation as a whole. we have to get much tougher. we have to get much smarter, and we have to get much less
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politically-correct. we're so politically correct that we're afraid to do anything and that is not only our country, that is other countries too, that are having very similar problems, and we have to get tough, we have to get smart. we have to do what is right to protect our citizens. we will never waiver in the defense of our beloved country, ever. and we'll never, ever, forget the beautiful lives that have been taken from us. that was a horrible event. we have to stop it and we have to stop it cold. we also have to come up with punishment that is far quicker and far greater than the punishment these animals are getting right now. they will go through court for years. at the end they will be, who knows what happens. we need quick justice and we need strong justice.
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much quicker and much stronger than we have right now. because what we have right now is a joke and it's a laughingstock. and no wonder so much of this stuff takes place. and i think i can speak for plenty of other countries too that are in the same situation. so, with that being said, we will be starting our cabinet meeting today. it will be a discussion that will focus on vital issues of tax cuts, and tax reform. it will be the largest tax cuts in the history of our country by far. the house is doing very well. they have taken an extra few hours, which will go in tomorrow, into tomorrow and they will be announcing, and probably be standing with them, we leave as you know for asia. we're leaving on friday morning, so i will be standing with them
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sometime tomorrow, we'll be announcing massive tax cuts and reform. not just tax cuts. it is tax cuts which to me is the most important but it will be tax cuts and reform. we now had two straight quarters of 3% or more economic growth of gdp but our economy and our country can not take off the way it really should, so it is really, really competitive with the rest of the world unless we get the kind of tax cuts for our companies, and our middle class, our workers, unless we get the jobs we need. it can't really take off until we get the tax cuts and reform passed. this week the house ways and means committee will unveil a historic tax plan, that will create new jobs, higher wages, which hasn't happened in many years. now it is starting to happen, i'm happy to tell you, many, many years. people making less money today,
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than they made 20 years ago. you heard it many times before. but it will lead to tremendous prosperity for american families, communities, and also for our job-producing businesses at center of our plan is tax cuts for working americans. we will reduce tax rates, increase the amount of income that is taxed at zero, and increase the child tax credit, which is very person to families. we'll make the tax code simple and fair so the vast majority of americans condition file their taxes on a single sheet of paper. we will be simplifying, it will be called simplification, our tax code. we will restore america's competitive edge by lowering taxes on america's businesses, for the first time in more than 30 years, and it will a historic cut. right now, other countries are
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so far below us, and then when you wonder, see all the companies, leaving one after another, they leave, that is not going to be happening. i must tell you, i have stopped at even before this, but we're going to be stopping it in full. people are coming back. we'll be announcing very shortly possibly, right after i get back, a major company that is moving back into the united states. it will be a major name. people are going to be very surprised, especially the country from which they're leaving will be surprised. under our plan, we'll go from being one of the high-est taxed nations in the world to one of the low evident, meaning more -- lowest, meaning more jobs, more factories, more opportunities right here in america where we want them. we will reduce taxes for businesses of all sizes. i must add that we're also negotiating right now, we have my full team here, tremendously
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different trade deals. our trade deals are horrible. they were made by people that honestly, it's sad, it's very sad for our country. every trade deal we have is disasterous. we're renegotiating our trade deals. if we have support from congress, we will make trade deals that are horror shows in very good and respectable trade deals, and trade deals good for both countries, in fact many countries. very important that we renegotiate our trade deals with mexico as an example. we have a trade deficit of $71 billion. that is nafta. we have trade deficits with china are through the roof. they're so big. and so bad, that it is embarrassing saying what the number is, but you know what the number is, and i don't want to embarass anybody four days before i land in china. but it is horrible.
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and you look all over the world, no matter where we do trade, we have bad trade deals. we're renegotiating those deals as i said during the campaign. that will be a big factor in our growth. finally our plan will bring back trillions of dollars from offshore, trillions. we have, in my estimation, $4 trillion that will come pouring back into our country, that will be put to work, and, will be spent by our companies, that could never get the money back, for many years. interestingly, something, that republicans and democrats agreed on pour years, bring the money back. what is not to agree? bring the money back, they couldn't get it done because there was lack of leadership they couldn't get it done. they all agreed it couldn't be done. they will get it done. so we will bring money back, for rebuilding america. i will be announcing tomorrow the new head of the federal
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reserve. that will take place sometime tomorrow afternoon. you will be notified as to the time. i think you will be extremely impressed by this person. as part of our push to renew our prosperity i also will be making a very historic trip on friday as i said. our visit will take to us japan, south korea, china, vietnam, the philippines. you remember the philippines, last trip made by the president, that turned out to be not so good. never got quite it land. we will host meetings with world leaders across the the indo-pacific region. i look forward to it. we'll meet a lot of presidents and leaders of countries that have been friends and become very good friends of mine. we have great trade relationships other than the fact we are right now being taken advantage of, but i think they will start changing them pretty quickly. key administration officials,
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including secretary mnuchin and gary cohn will be staying back from the trip to asia to remain vigilant and making sure the tax cuts pass. so if i have any problems, i will be blaming mnuchin and cohn. [laughter]. believe me. they will be hearing from my. we are doing very well. the house, i must tell you, coming up with a great plan. and the senate is coming up with a great plan. they will be put together. something will come out of that, that will be think i really, really, something very special. again, we're doing senate, we're doing a house, put together and then we have, our beautiful new tax cuts and reform. i think that it will be very special. i'm also counting on our great vice president, mike pence, and
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rest of my cabinet to continue to push for the tax cuts and reform while i'm away. and, they're going to be all over the country. they will be all over the country working on it, but specifically, they will be working on the members of the house, members of the senate. we think we'll actually get some democrats to join news the senate because frankly, i actually think they will lose their elections, in those communities and those states because the, the people of those states and people of all states need tax cuts. again. we're highest taxed nation, just about in the world. we need tax cuts. so with that, i, we will start our cabinet meeting. we have a wonderful group of people. we have a great cabinet. they're doing an incredible job. i don't think actually they have been given the credit that they deserve, but that doesn't matter quite yet. we'll let you know when it is time to tell you about it. but we have done.
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at the border we have done a fantastic job. we've done great with the military. isis is being designated. they're being decimated. but they quickly move to other places in the world like africa and others, and we're there to meet them. this has never happened. we have done more to annihilate isis than eight years of the previous administration. so we are doing a real job. we're actually making tremendous strides in afghanistan also. i think you see what's happening. you see what's happening. so, we've done a largely, really a job that has been very, very well-respected by many. one of the things that has happened, that nobody is paying attention to, but you will see it this week, our judges, federal judges. not only justice gorsuch, who is a, he is doing fantastically on
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the supreme court but we have many judges that are being approved, at the district level, federal district judges. and court of appeals judges. we'll have at this moment, we'll be up to fairly soon, approval of 145 federal judges. district, and court of appeals, about 17 at this moment. so we will have a big percentage of the court, will be changed by this administration over a very short period of time. i don't believe, other than perhaps when they started the whole process, i don't believe anybody has come close. so we'll have 145, and that number will be increasing with time, 145 district court judges, we'll have 17 court of appeals judges and i must tell you "the wall street journal" gave us great reviews on that, really fantastic reviews.
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i think it is a important element should be pointed out because a lot of people don't know it. so again tomorrow is a big announcement and we'll have another announcement having to do with the tax cuts. that will be out tomorrow, pretty early. and i appreciate it. and i will see many of you on the trip to asia. thank you very much. thank you. >> mr. president, mr. president, do you want the assailant from new york sent to gitmo? >> i would certainly consider that. reporter: are you considering that now, sir? i would certainly consider that, i send him to gitmo. i would certainly consider that. reporter: how did the diversity program fit into his plot? >> they say he came through the program. we'll see. we're looking at it. they say he came in. i don't want, i want -- first, simple, what we're demanding is merit-based immigration. we want people that are going to help our country. we want people that are going to keep our country safe. we don't want lotteries where
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the wrong people are in the lotteries, and guess what, who are the suckers that get those people? we want a merit-based system. and we do not want chain migrations where somebody like him, ultimately will be allowed to bring in, many, many members of his family. thank you very much. reporter: mr. president, do you believe any members about his family represent a threat? do you believe any of his members of his family represent a threat to the country? >> think could. they certainly could. reporter: do you have intelligence to that effect, sir? do you have intelligence to that effect? >> thank you, very much. thank you very much. [shouting questions] >> thanks, everyone. neil: you have been listening to the president there. you hear a lot of talk about this diversity program. it was established some years back to allow more to take advantage of lottery basis, to come into this country, and thinking is that sayfullo
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saipov, the man came through this immigration lottery and was working to get up it to a couple dozen others. we don't know if they were family, friend or others into a mix. the president says that program should end. he says he has isis across the run across the globe. as we know mr. saipov was inspired by isis, taking cues from isis and imitating the playbook of isis. the fact of the matter is, no matter where isis is, whether it is quashed in areas of the middle east, it is very act live and influential, in former attack in manhattan. a former cia analyst is here. what do you think? >> i think you touched on a few good points there, and what is really critical, you heard this out of the press conference with nypd earlier, this individual underwent process of domestic radicalization, he was most likely radicalized, facts are coming out, online, exposed to
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jihadist content on platforms like facebook, twitter, google. interestingly you have those companies on capitol hill this week talking about what is going to be done on problematic content, not just from the russians but extremist actors as well? i think we're seeing sort of the online element of this came into play here. we don't know the specifics. the suspect, the attacker here, is alive. so we're going to get a lot of more information about his radicalization process. that is what makes this case different than some of the previous ones that we've seen, because we actually have the fbi and law enforcement questioning him as we sit here speaking about it. neil: you know, there are a number of reports, include one from abc news, recently as of 2015 saipov was on intelligence radar, homeland security, in fact they talked to him, but there wasn't enough to go much further. i guess it is easy to play monday morning quarterback but
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how many other times does this sort of thing happen, people are slipping through the cracks even as we speak? >> sure, there have been reports that he was on law enforcement's radar. they were aware of him and may have in fact spoke to him. he was not under or is subject of an investigation. so again, without further information, what that suggests to me is perhaps he was, sort of the on the periphery of other investigations of people who were of greater scrutiny and focus. obviously at end of the day it become as resource issue. fbi, nypd, they are the top class what they do but they have the largest numbers of cases that they're looking at. it eights resource issue. one of issues, cracking down on content online is funding for law enforcement to do their job. i will add in this particular case a lot coming out about exposure to content on line and radicalizing quickly. that is something the fbi focused on, this sort of, the time, the flash to bang time,
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time of exposure to this content and time of the act is becoming shorter. my organization, counterextremism project, we've been pressuring tech companies to get the accounts off their platforms, this content off their platform. there is technology able to do it. they can do it. they should be doing more of it. this is something we continue to see. isis wants people in places likes new york city and places like brussels to do low-sophistication attacks. they don't care if the individual has training. they don't care if they're funding attack. they care about getting message on line, getting someone to do something. unfortunately we're seeing impact of that. we saw it yesterday with the tragic event in new york. neil: thank you very much. tara mueller, former cia military analyst. we'll have more. clearly inference here being isis might be on the run globally, but it is not on the run to doing stuff like it pulled off in new york city yesterday. we'll have more after this. [vo] when it comes to investing,
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various income groups, it is dwarfed and doesn't come close to losing state and property taxes that could be lost as a result. charlie gasparino is here. what are you hearing on that front? >> there could be a compromise on that. but you have to pay for the compromise. if you earn $300,000 or less income you get writeoffs for state and local income taxes. a lot of congressional aides i talked about potential compromise. watering down, this will not be popular in a lot of places. on my twitter feed people are going nuts. that is watering down on the small business tax cut, known as subchapter-s corporations. under the plan they want to take it down, they wanted to do the tax reduction from 39.5%, high astride rate, bring it down to 25%. here is what the gop leadership is talking about. getting from gop congressional aides, who are in the meeting,
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discusses this. talking about bringing the rate down to 25% for only 30% of the sort of income of these subchapter s-corps. meaning 70% of their income essentially gets taxed at regular rate at 39%. now there could be a blended rate, something like 30%. but i'm just telling you that, that is not -- neil: not originally as advertised? >> not originally advertised. neil: a lot of watering down going on here. this is about to pay for it, right? >> the way it is told to me from congressional aides, to pay for a potential compromise on the salt deduction, state and local tax deduction, and to pay for the bigger corporate tax cut which they're looking now, obviously to take it down from 35% -- neil: and phase in. >> not phase in. they got a lot of backlash on that. this is key. listen, i think a lot of small businesses -- listen, there is obviously some scandals and some fudging here, what is a pass-through. you don't want to give a tax
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break to law firms. you want real companies that produce things and hire people to get this tax break. neil: right, right. >> if they're going to screw small businesses, for, large corporations, and for the salt deduction, it is going to be a heavy lift. i'm telling you. this is where it gets really interesting. i think one of the problems with the gop tax plan, like, reforming obamacare, is they had a great blueprint outline, and the administration allowed the details like this to get hammered out by congress. that is when you get this sort of crazy stuff. neil: the president has to sign on to this. the last thing they need him going off to asia, i don't like this, this, or this. that could be a nightmare. >> presumably this is being worked out with steve mnuchin and gary cohn. neil: who are staying behind. >> here what i would say. this is fairly big story. watch subchapter s corp.s. a lot of our viewers own these
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small businesses. you may not guest the big as tax cut as advertised. neil: upper income will not get a tax cut. not all. >> i would say this, neil, did nothing on individual side and they did cut corporate taxes and subchapter ss -- >> better than what we got now. >> markets go up big time. neil: even with that the markets are still up right now. >> yep. neil: thank you, buddy. when news breaks, remember he fixes it. if he it breaks. a lot more coming up, more details coming out in tax cut plan. more details about the new york suspect. the one thing about capturing this guy alive, you can talk to him, talk about his isis associations. contrary what the president was saying, isis may be on the run globally, but this guy still well. hi, i'm the internet! you know what's difficult?
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. >> new yorkers and others who utilize our transit system will see a lot more offices, you'll see a lot more uniforms, officers on the trains, officers on the platforms. they should expect more bag checks at more stations. neil: he is right about that, certainly coming into new york, a lot of new yorkers, myself included increase police presence. new york city remains on high alert and the nypd saying it appears that the suspect who has been brought in for questioning and did survive the attack yesterday had been planning this for a number of weeks. connell mcshane with the very, very latest from lower manhattan. what can you tell us?
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>> that's one of the headlines that came out of the briefing we had with police officials a short time ago, this was in the planning for a long time. they're trying to piece together exactly what happened yesterday and why it happened? using a number of investigatory techniques to do so. i want to show a we shot east of here of the scene such as it is today. the home depot rented white flatbed truck is still there, both doors opened after the collision with the school bus after the terror attack, it ended with the hero officer shooting the suspect sayfullo saipov. the truck was rented in jersey, by quarter to 3:00 across the george washington bridge. and 3:04 p.m. drives the flatbed to houston, chambers street, running over people in the way, killing 8. we found out 5 of those people
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were from argentina, 3 from germany. by 3:08, the 911 calls come. in here's what else they found out about this guy once the investigation began. listen. >> recovered in and around the vehicle were multiple knives, the two imitation pistols, one a paint ball gun, the other a crossman pellet gun that appears mr. saipov had been planning this for a number of weeks. he did this in the name of isis and along with the other items recovered at the scene was some notes that further indicate that. he appears to have followed almost exactly to a t the instructions that isis has put out in social media channels before with instructions to followers on how to carry out such an attack. reporter: i think the key
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takeaway from deputy commissioner miller comments it had been planned for weeks and inspired by isis. the obvious questions, who else knew about it? help being given, and we expect more to come. we were reminded a number of times that the investigation is still in early stages. neil: connell, thank you very much. connell mcshane. he indicated florida the diversity immigration lottery program, got into the country that way, and trying to recruit family members and/or friends. the president says enough is enough, it's gotta go. >> i am today starting the process of terminating the diversity lottery program. i'm going to ask congress to immediately initiate work to get rid of this program. neil: to texas republican congressman brian babin.
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congressman, what do you think of this program and whether now is the time to junk it, period? >> it's long past time to junk this program. it was introduced by none other than chuck schumer in 1990. this is political correctness run amok, getting people killed. this program was absurd the day it was passed and signed into law. it's still absurd and more absurd now because of the trojan horse aspect of bringing someone in like this guy who ran over and killed eight people in new york. it's time to go. anybody that puts political correctness and diversity ahead of national security and the safety of american citizens ought be run out of town. we've got get rid of this thing, i'm in full support of president trump for abolishing this idiotic program. neil: senator schumer among those, he tried to scale back the program and some of its
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tendencies to not scrutinize those enough who take advantage of it. furthermore, he said the president is politicizing this tragedy, what do you think? >> i think absolutely. i think that this whole program, i've been talking about the refugee and the immigration policies of this country for the last three years, introduced number of bills to cut them back, keep americans safe and we haven't been able to get them to the floor. we've passed the safe act. we sent it over to the senate, it's sitting there. we've got the filibuster rule which gives chuck schumer an eight vote veto to keep things from happening. the senate is where good bills go to die. our political correctness absolutely is getting people killed and, you know, it's common sense. americans are fed up with this kind of stuff, neil. neil: the congressman was --
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congressman, i should say, senator schumer said he followed the president for politicizing this event. new york governor cuomo has also said that the president in his remarks is potentially fomenting hate. what did you think of their criticism? >> i think that's just pablum. i think it's nonsense. this is not politicized. we got eight dead people, and a number of wounded folks. this is the largest terror attack in new york city since 9/11. the only one politicizing it, i think, are these people. the president, and a number of us here in congress want to keep the american people safe. and that's why we have to -- let's get together, not only an executive order but codify this so that future presidents can't come and undo the stuff that the president is doing, plus we see activist judges who absolutely block what the
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president is trying to do. and you know, again, like politicians who want to have political correctness and diversity rather than national security and safety for americans, i think these judges should be reined in. neil: congressman, i want to get your thoughts, the president mentioned today he has isis on the run and globally and militarily absolutely correct in saying that. but do you think it gives americans a sense of false comfort here because obviously, this attack yesterday was isis inspired. this guy was connected with isis, so that people tend to let down their guard and think all right, if isis is on the run or being decimated globally, we shouldn't worry here? >> we need to worry. you know isis has been defeated on the battlefield, but yet these types of people like this guy who ran over these folks yesterday in new york, they get spun up, they get energized on the computer, on the internet, and so we have to really be on
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the -- on our p's and q's, be on the lookout, be vigilant and watching for these types of people. they're here. we've had out-of-control refugee and immigration policies for years and years, like this foolish visa diversity business lottery. and it is absolutely detrimental to the american people, and we've seen what is going on in western europe, the same thing is happening here, these folks are here, we've got to stop these folks from coming in. we want people who life america to come here. we don't need to have folks coming in just because they're from different countries here and there. we want folks that are going to be good citizens, who will be proud americans and be productive, love america for what it is, the freedoms and liberties that this country stand for and always has for 241 years. neil: congressman, thank you
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very much, good seeing you again. brian babin from the fine state of texas. in the meantime, the suspect as we indicated is out of surgery, expected to survive. that's a rarity in the attacks where normally the assailant is killed. he's alive and well maybe questioned as soon as today. manny, let's say you were the agent who had the opportunity to question him. what would you ask? >> first and foremost, what was his motive? why did he do this? apparently he was radicalized and inspired. that being said, how? was it on the internet? did he travel abroad? was he contacted or was in contact with other known terrorists under investigation. did he receive resources or training or guidance bianybody whether it's inside the u.s. or overseas. and lastly, why did he pick
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this target? why didn't he pick halloween day parade in new york city was huge, target rich environment. why did he pick the bicycle-pedestrian path? did he research it beforehand? how much research went into it? if we could piece this altogether, neil. get the answers to the questions, then we could perhaps have a better profile as to what these lone attackers, how they're getting inspired, radicalized and operate and what motiveates them and build a profile in an effort to thwart the next attack. neil: you know, saipov apparently was interviewed by federal agents at the department of homeland security in 2015. they didn't have enough to go on and pursue much further than that. i don't know what the details are. how does that stuff happen and what are they being looking at
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what they bring someone in for questioning, track down his mosque where, he's worshipping, et cetera? >> there are certain thresholds. there are attorney general guidelines that restrict the investigators to certain protocols. we saw similar incident in the boston bombers where the fbi had interviewed that individual twice, and yet it doesn't rise to the level of a full investigation, and thus he fell through the cracks. this might have been a similar thing. we have to remember that the fbi has close to a thousand open cases. full cases on suspicious terrorist activity in the u.s., and the resources that go to those cases are amazing, both in human resources, electronic resources, et cetera. that being said, they follow through every lead they have, but they are restricted by
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guidelines internally and externally from the attorney general's office as to how to proceed to opening up a full investigation. neil: manny, thank you very much, manny gomez, former fbi agent, very good read of all things terror and nasty. in the meantime, the markets are well off highs. not only on news of additional tax bracket for the upper income but a lot of watered-down deductions and the like that have folks wondering whether this will be all it's cracked up to be, the tax cuts? i should stress, this is conjecture but buying and selling these days, of late, built on pretty much just that. after this. i was playing golf days ago...
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. >> sometime tomorrow we'll be announcing massive tax cuts and reform. not just tax cuts, it's tax cuts, which to me, is the most important, but it will be tax cuts and reform. neil: all right the president talking about tomorrow will be official when the tax plan is detailed for the public. fox business network can confirm there will be a fourth individual rate that stays at 39.6%, we don't know what level it will kick in. we'll told millionaires will be paying at that rate. market are off the highs on all of this. calling for ultimately became
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known as the ronald reagan stock market surge in a wave that few people saw coming will be our special guest on all of this on whether we could be seeing continuation of a wave here or reversing. real clear politics co-founder tom bevin. tom, to you gift on, this and expectations for rate cuts seemed to be getting pared down as we speak, maybe that's the nature of the beast and getting them approved. how do you think all of this is going to go? >> we'll see. tomorrow paul ryan and someone said is spinning the dials. talk about phaseins, all that stuff. despite what trump said it's significantly less than a promise of massive tax reform when all is said and done, the bottom line is the gop knows they're going to have to -- they need to get something done, and they will eventually get something done, i think,
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although it will be by the skin of their teeth and probably with the help of red state democrats in the senate. neil: i don't see, lee, maybe you do, allowing for keeping taxes high on the very rich, any democratic votes for this, certainly in the house, maybe in the senate, so all this going through hopes to try to keep democrats potentially from saying this is a boon to the rich. i don't know if it's going to work, what do you think? >> listen, three or four democrats are rumored to come forward and support tax reform, i think that democrats will be short side not to support it, in the polling that i've done, when you take the plan by itself, democrats are supporting it, especially the pieces about simplicity. they want to see the middle class get a tax break, the idea that $4,000 is something that resonates across voters. the fact that they're not going to -- they are going to tax the extremely wealthy is something
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that the democrats takes a sting out of talking points, so it's liable that the democrats are very, very short-sighted to obstruct here. what grounds could they do it? unless they sound like traditional republicans. i think that they might see some support and if we don't the democrats should be concerned about 2018. american people are saying come on, guys, time to work together. neil: where do you see this going? are there enough votes to support it? the army of republicans say well, it's certainly better than what's out there now. the old something is better than nothing argument and there is a lot of this. >> tax cuts broadly, it's going to be a failure if you see anybody fit in the middle class category get a tax hike, the president tried to hedge out 401(k)s, and a debate
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protecting the middle class's ability to get ahead here. i think ultimately the reason this was delayed is because republicans know that there are uncomfortable planks inside this tax bill right now, and i don't want it to go public just yet. and they should remember there's a lot of bad scoring they trying to stay loyal to, it's notoriously wrong, what they should do is focus on a pro-growth bill and see if they can make up whatever pay fors they need to through excellent growth. neil: tom, dangerous to interpret the market's swings on any one development, part of what they're hearing what might be negotiated or pared down is the fact they don't seem to like, it we were up 100 points and now up 13 or 14. this could change in the next 2 1/2 hours and likely will, but if this is watered down, i'll go back to what i raised in the beginning, isn't that better than what we've got now? and isn't that the argument the republicans are going to keep
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pounding? >> absolutely. i mean i think that's, again, republicans need to show they can govern, that they can get something done, this was one of the major campaign promises, it's a whole loaf, half a loaf, 10% of a loaf. they can say they got something done. look, neil, the markets, consumer confidence is up, job creation is up, there is the dichotomy, the economy seems to be going along just fine and people aren't as concerned with some of the drama that's going on watching the sausage being made in washington. so i think republicans are happy about that, but they do need to get something done to take to the voters in 2018. this has got to be it. they failed on everything else. neil: lee, the president played an important role, going to get all the details tomorrow when the house presents that package to him, what if he doesn't like a couple of features, off on a plane to asiatnext day, then what? >> i'd be surprised if that were to happen. unlike health care, unlike the
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other things, proposals that have been put forth so far, this seems to be being done in the right way. a lot of conversations, republican party seems to be on the same page, talking points are coming out in the right way. seems like they've had a lot of conversation behind closed doors, release a plan today, coming out tomorrow. we're going to have debate in the legislative floor, this is the way things happen. i would be surprised if the president contradicts anyone. and he also in recent statements saying look, while i'm away, pence is moving things forward. i think we're going to hear from pence and pence is someone who has well partnered with the -- with congress so i think we're going to see a successful outcome over the next two days, and promised they're going to get something done by christmas, something we are hopeful we can get a gift in our wallets. neil: or stockings, whatever. thank you very much. we're learning more about the suspected new york city terrorist, did you know he was an uber driver? yeah. after this.
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. reporter: welcome back to cavuto "coast-to-coast," i'm nicole petallides on the floor of the new york stock exchange, on a record-setting day on wall street. we lost a lot of the gains, we saw the dow, nasdaq and s&p hit all-time intra-day highs. the nasdaq and the russell turned negative. the dow holding onto a gain of 31 points had, been up 140. the tech stocks led the way today, we've seen these names be the winner for the year 2017. netflix up almost 60%. tesla up 51% and facebook up 57%. we'll be watching for earnings
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this afternoon for facebook and tesla as well, there are concerns about tesla for the current quarter because of the slowdown in production for the model 3. tesla down 2.7%. facebook up $181.31 and hit an all-time high. apple an all-time high for apple today, has since pulled back. $166.26 at the moment. we'll have all the numbers on "after the bell" and keep a keen eye on facebook and tesla and break the news for you right here on "after the bell." neil? neil: the president is called for merit based immigration system after yesterday's terror attack. the lottery system we've had for some including letting this assailant into the country isn't going to cut it. gerri willis has the latest on that. reporter: lots of debate. diversity lottery and merit based immigration systems are very different as the names imply. the diversity lottery the effort to boost the number of
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people comes in with low levels of immigration. while a merit-based system puts the priority on admitting people with skills or investment dollars. deeper dive, the diversity lottery that allowed new york terror suspect saipov into the u.s. approved by congress in 1990 but didn't go into full effect until 1995. in order to qualify, applicants must have a high school diploma or two years of work experience in an occupation that requires at least two years of training or experience to perform. those who meet eligibility requirements are selected by computer lottery. the program allows 50,000 green cards a year. we already award several merit based visas with degrees from accredited universities, entrepreneurs with substantial investment dollars, highly skilled workers planning on spending up to six years and sponsoring companies. now, president trump had this to say on twitter about his support for merit-based systems. he said we're fighting hard for
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merit based immigration, no more democrat lottery systems, we must get much tougher and smarter. this, senator chuck schumer helping to support problems, we will stop the craziness, he was referring to fox and friends this morning. new york governor andrew cuomo responded to those tweets this way -- >> the president's tweets i think were not helpful, i don't think they were factual. i think they tended to point fingers and politicize the situation. reporter: neil, as i said at the beginning, there's going to be a big debate about this and already under. >> i gerri, thank you very much. and now to the aforementioned tony shaffer, good to have you. >> thank you. neil: a bit of a back-and-forth on this program that got saipov into this country in the first
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place. the president wants it junked right now. where does it stand? how likely is that? and how much did it accommodate and continues to accommodate people who can similarly wish us harm? >> look, chuck schumer was with one of the biggest offenders. he was on a video, vince showed it to me, where he talks about defending the program in 2006 about the diversity in new york, riding around on his own bike, ironically enough. the answer is i think congress is ready to chuck this thing because it is a lottery. and the last eight years to your question about how many people have gotten in, we don't honestly know. the vetting process was absent. they give you a piece of paper, you fill it out, you self-vet and, of course, you're not going admit to having radical views or islamic extremism so it's been feckless, and i think we don't know, other than there are people here like this individual who did the attack
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yesterday that we have to be vigilant of, and everything i'm hearing from the members of congress they are ready to support the president to chuck this and go to a merit-based system. that's the wisest course of action. neil: people like jeff flake part of the original gang of 8. come up with immigration reform that didn't pass the senate, didn't go anywhere in the house and ultimately failed. part of that strategy they say at the time was to junk this entire program. >> they didn't. neil: it doesn't matter now. >> right. neil: so now the question is how do you avoid this in the future, especially given when the president talks of isis on the run globally which it certainly, is that doesn't mean it's influential at recruiting guys like this guy and will continue to? >> look, the first thing is speak truth to power. for goodness say, we have to recognize that there's been flaws in the system, people should admit that, and i'm sorry, chuck schumer is wrong on trying to defend the program. mistake, made.
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and i'm sorry, governor cuomo, i called it last night on the channel, neil, look, i'm told the nypd guys i deal with, he knew at the time. this guy was not a lone wolf and that there was a larger network affiliation with him. the politicians trying to defend a political position rather than accept ground truth and protect the american people is unconscionable. we've got to stop politicizing national security and try to make it into something it is not, and i think the honesty necessary to protect the american people is what's called for here. president trump is trying to push us rightfully in a direction, others are not. neil: we'll watch closely, colonel, thank you very much. >> thank you, neil. neil: think of, this we're in the middle of a serious recession. some say the most serious in the post world war ii period. it's around early 80s and along comes a market forecaster to say i see one of the biggest bull markets in human history about to come.
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they laughed at him. no one laughed afterwards. robert prektor on what he saw then and what he sees now? a market legend here and only here, robert brechter, next. ♪ traders -- they're always looking for advantages. the smart ones look to fidelity to find them. we give you research and data-visualization tools to help identify potential opportunities. so, you can do it this way... or get everything you need to help capture investment ideas and make smarter trading decisions with fidelity for just $4.95 per online u.s. equity trade. fidelity. open an account today. ♪ copdso to breathe better,athe. i go with anoro. ♪go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪go your own way
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"grandma! grandpa!" ♪ thanks mom. here we are. look, right up to here. principal. we can help you plan for that. . neil: all right, we've got the dow up about 27 points, well off earlier highs when it was up triple digits. donald trump's pick for the federal reserve is going to be tomorrow. growing indication he's going to have a busy news day tomorrow, given that announcement, then of course the details on that tax cut plan for the house ways and means committee. how is this all going effect after the markets? to market legend, robert prechter, ahead of the big, big reagan bull market but even ronald reagan didn't see it at the time. mr. prechter did, latest book, the socioeconomic theory for finances, the smarty pants who
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can step back and see all of this. robert, very good to have you. thanks for coming. >> quite a few years since i've been on television. yours has always been a quality show and i appreciate the chance for you to slide in for a couple minutes. neil: are you kidding? the honor is mine, my friend. you see things in waves, i can get into the intricacies here, but the wave we've been on here has been a nine year bull market wave from lows in march of 2009. do you see that wave or whatever you want to call it, continuing? >> well, that's why i decided to take a little risk and come on and talk to you today because my model is the practical way the market moves with waves and patiently watching this development ever since 2009 and especially since the lows of january, february, 2016. that looked like what we call wave four, in other words, one
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more big wave coming, that was 8,000 points ago. over the past few months, past few weeks and especially the past few days, watching the developments, and here we are at a new all-time high, and the s&p 500 has reached the upper end of trend channel going back those eight years, on the erithmatic scale, and, of course, there are technical indicators that are flashing signals as well. neil: all right, signals that tell you this is getting long in the tooth? >> exactly. now one example is the advanced decline ratio, take a 50-day moving average, do you know where it sits right now? kind of surprising, 1.00. in other words, on the average day, the advance decline ratio over the past 50 days has seen as many stocks going down as going up. early on in the rally in 2012, it was much better than that. there's been a slow weakening in the upside push despite the fact as you know you've been
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reporting on it, the dow making new highs day after day and week after week. neil: so this is a rich market by your technical analysis? >> well, it's thinning, it's thinning dramatically. there's another really interesting setup going on. in the 1920s, european stock markets want to out between 1923 and 1928. in january 1929, the british market want to and in september 1929, the u.s. was the lone market sitting by itself. we've got the same thing but on a much bigger scale today. back in 2000 the european stocks want to out. languishing ever since. in 2007 china want to out in the stock market. that's 10 years ago and 17 years ago and here the lone blue chip in the world, the united states stock market at a new all-time high, it's reminiscent of that prior time. neil: which leads which? you're famous for saying markets or economies don't lead
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markets or economies don't lead markets, we're getting signs out of the eurozone that things are slowing. china, economic information that echoes that, so what are we seeing? >> recently reported two quarters above 3% growth in the united states, and people are saying this is a liftoff. but as you pointed out, the economy lags the stock market, the stock market known as leading indicator, always has been, not going to top out when everybody says there's about to be a recession. it tops out when times are good and people are feeling good, and the last issue i just put out of the elliot wave theorists showed 35 charts of sentiment indicators showing either record optimism based on that measure or near record optimism based on that measure. so people say people are worried about politics or worried about north korea, but when you looked at sentiment indicators not only in the stock market but the bond market, you find record complacency or near record complacency everywhere you look. that's a background indicator
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they like to see if i'm going to try to come out and say something about the market. neil: what you're saying, robert, people are ahead of themselves, a little too gidy, not enough bears out there when everyone is so bullish or piling on the market at the same time, that gives you pause. >> it's a little different from 1999, 2,000. neil: right. >> everyone was watching financial television in the taverns and the doctor's offices and buying penny stocks, the public was very excited about things. that's not the case now but a different kind of complacency. what the public is doing to a record degree in the first half of 2017 is to move money out of actively managed funds into the passive index funds, so now convinced that if they put money in index funds, they can retire happy and there will be no problem. back in the early 80s, there was five times as much money invested in money market funds as there was in mutual funds.
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stock funds. today that ratio is flipped. five times as money as stock funds as money market funds. neil: so are we in for a crash? >> i'm not going to -- i don't know exactly how it's going to develop from here, but let's take a look at a long-term indicator, the 200-week moving average of the percentage of bears reported by investor intelligence. that's at a new 50 year low in the percentage of bears. the last time it was a little bit lower than this was 1966. and that's when, as you know, the markets started a 16 year sideways period in nominal terms and during that period in real terms it was going down substantially, more than 70%, the biggest decline since 1929, 32. these extremes mean something. it doesn't necessarily mean i'm going to come on at top of the market even though i think it's a great day to be talking to you, we have new all-time highs
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in the averages and it's a fed day. people aren't paying attention to this, they're paying taejz to the fed meeting, which is nice for me. very meaningful looking out long-term, people say invest for the long-term? well, the negative indicators are saying something about the long-term. you need to be cautious. neil: can you hang there? we're going to pay our bills and address our medium term and the market going. robert prechter, of course, that period he talked about beginning 1966 to 1928, that's how long it took for the dow to first cross and then stay that long over 1,000. the dow briefly touching in at 66. not officially closing over it and staying over it until 1982. a long period, a 16 year morass which the markets essentially did nothing. that was then, what are we looking at now? more with robert prechter, after this.
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. neil: all right, in the more than 35 years i've been fortunate enough to cover the financial community and market geniuses, robert prechter is right up there at the top. that probably embarrasses him because he's a very modest guy. that's a quality that i don't get conflicted by, but he joins us right now, the socioeconomic theory of finance, so many
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best-selling books that make you think and put this in perspective. what makes robert interesting is what's going on right now is he doesn't focus individually at any of the events we obsess like the prospect for tax cuts, how much, how soon, what you have to do to pay for them, like interest rates and where they're immediately going, who's going to head the federal reserve? he steps way, way back from that. robert, you heard the fixation everyone has on the details of a tax plan tomorrow that this president will say is reaganesque, bigger than reagan. in the scheme of things, do they make a difference and will they make a difference to you and your market forecast? >> well, not under socionomic theory. there is always news, is he going to do a tax cut? if so, what is it like? is he going to replace the head of the fed? if so, which person is it going to be? always things to talk about outside the market. i think the market contains its
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own messages and moves on waves of social mood. they affect the overall direction of the economy, the tone of popular culture and ultimately affect politics. he's going to get elected and whether people are fighting wars or generally in a period of peace. around the world, historically speaking it's a very peaceful time, it's a good indication of elevated social mood. neil: jerome powell, the runner-up, not an economist, i might point out who is the lead choice to take janet yellen's place in the fed. does that make any difference to you? >> wouldn't to me, no, because i think the waves of social mood including markets are pushing the fed around more than the fed is pushing the markets around. that certainly was the case in 2008 when they were reacting to the bear market by doing many, many major things, unlimited credit, bailing out people and
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so forth, i think they're at the mercy of the waves as much as anybody else. one thing developing and certainly the fed is grease in the wheels for the credit balloon that has been developing over the past few decades, we currently have record auto debt, record student debt, record business debt, we have record total debt. that in itself doesn't scare me per se because it's been going on for decades. why would it stop now? what's changed in recent years is the quality of the debt. people have more money in junk bond funds in the last five years than they've had ever. percentage of new loans covenant light. highest ever. and my favorite one is that in europe, you can buy junk bonds today do, they yield the big premium over u.s. treasuries? for the first time in history, they have exactly the same yield as u.s. treasuries. european junk bonds, you can
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imagine that? the complacencyy out there is something in many of the measures we haven't seen before. neil: all right, now, maybe owing to both of our ages, i can remember when you and i were first talk so many decades ago, counting the cumulative debt, the federal debt in hundreds of billions of dollars but we've worried about it all this time and people said despite all the hand wringing, we'd survive. what breaks it? what makes that stop happening? >> positive social mood not only helps the stock market grow up and the economy expand but makes debtors and creditors feel optimistic. so the debtors feel they can pay off the debt, the creditors feel the debt paid off. insurance fund have debt i wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole. they're chasing yield and trying to get everything they can out of it. neil: i'm sorry does, that mean if people stop doing that, they turn their nose up and say this isn't worth it and they'll do
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that at the same time, you've got problems. >> bear markets are, as you know, swifter than bull markets, bull markets take a long time to grind up when bear markets hit, they're pretty swift. i think one more indicator if we could squeeze one in before our time is up they think is amazing, you probably reported on this yourself, there's an all-time low in the vix index. neil: that's the volatility index, when people feel sanguine or relieved, not worried, that can be bad, right? >> well, not only is there an all-time low, which is interesting information, but there's also a record bet among large speculators that the vix will continue to go lower. they've got more short futures contracts on the vix than they ever had, and these people are consistently wrong at the major turns. neil: it does keep going lower? this is near an all-time low, it can go lower still.
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>> it has, that's what positive mood has done. question is are we at an extreme? at the same time this is going on, the move index which is the vix for the bond market is also at an all-time low here in 2017. so the entire investment world outside of commodities, the stock people and the bond people are as complacent as they've ever been in history. to me, that is one reason why i felt, all right, it's worth the risk i'm talking to neil cavuto about. neil: what is robert prechter looking at right now? >> i think the market is registering a major peak. now we'll come back in a few years and see if there was anywhere near correct, and i think we're going to enter a bear market that people are going to remember for a long period of time. it's likely to be one that will make its mark on the charts. neil: all right, a bear market is a decline of 20% or so from highs. >> i think it's going to be quite a bit larger than that.
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neil: what is quite a bit larger? what is quite a bit larger? >> i'd really rather not say. i just think if you get yourself safe and get yourself in cash, you won't have to worry about it. neil: more than 20%, more than 20% would be close to 5,000 points from these levels. what are you saying, more than that? >> well, we talked about going back and seeing similarities to 1966 and similarities to 1929. so i think this time it's as important as those two. neil: wow, it means we have a president who often quotes the dow and the market run-up since his election a lot of it buoyed by the promise of tax cuts and regulations. are you saying he will come back to regret doing that? >> exactly. it's a big mistake. it's a bad idea to tie yourself to the dow jones industrial average. it's great when it's going your way. when it goes against you, you have to make excuses. i think he's -- look, every
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politician takes credit for the economy when it's doing well and put the blame on somebody else when it isn't going well. that is one of the things that never has a top or bottom. it's the same trend always. political world is a whole other animal. neil: you said that you should be in cash or move into cash, explain what that means and how a prechter portfolio if you had your druthers would look? >> i would say the safest possible places which would mean short-term treasuries and probably physical cash and put it in the safest institutions you can find in the world and sit back. i mean, it's one thing to lose money when you are wrong, it's another to watch some bull markets go by. i'd rather do that and get out of a risk position in a time like this than say i am going to get a few more percent out of the market. just to contrast with what i'm
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reading in the papers is a lot of linear extrapolation. you remember in 2000 when people saying the dow is going to go to 36,000, 40,000 and 100,000? they completely dwarfed that in recent days, we've heard a million and that's the lowest number. neil: that is warren buffett. of all people, warren buffett. >> yeah. people are comfortable extrapolating a trend in the linear fashion usually they're the most comfortable like the extremes. neil: if we go through a sustained bear market or market goes well off its highs and i think you're being coy here, it will be more than 20% i guess, by your liking, can the federal reserve do anything about that? can authorities do anything about it? >> i don't think so, no. i think they've demonstrated that in 2008, the very first interest rate cut was before the top of the market. neil: okay. >> in 2007. and the market fell anyway, and they lowered down to zero and
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the market fell anyway. in retrospect, they say we did all the things and stopped the market. after a 57% drop, the market would stop naturally. the market is pushing them around and the fed will take a lot of action, i don't think it's going change the trend. neil: robert prechter, the socioeconomic theory of finance, influential figure in market history. on the verge of making market history now. the dow off its highs, up about 20 points, a fed decision, speaking of which with trish regan. >> we're trish: we're moments away from the release of the federal reserve latest policy statements to provide new clues in the health of u.s. economy and timing for the fed's next interest rate hike. i'm trish regan, welcome, everyone to the intelligence report on this very important as the vin toes -- investors
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wait on fed but republican tax cut plan. that is coming out tomorrow. we have all details on it for you. a terrorist in new york city, driving a rental truck into a bike lane killing eight people, leaving 12 injured before being stopped by police. former advisor to president trump, sebastian gorka is here with the intel. before we hear that we go to adam. maintaining target funds rate at 1.25%. there is no hint of an crease in the december meeting. inflation on the 12-month basis is somewhat below 2% in the near term. they have changed the language somewhat on inflation, saying now, quote, that inflation for items other than food and energy, remain soft. soft the new word there. economic conditions will involve a manner warrant gradual increases in the federal funds rate. labor market h


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