tv Kennedy FOX Business November 13, 2017 8:00pm-9:00pm EST
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they will in time. lou: we thank you for being with us. we hope you will be with us tomorrow. good night from new york. kennedy: roy moore fighting for his political survival. president trump meeting with vladimir putin. will that have any effect on the russian investigation? have you heard about the 1-year-old girl suing our nation over drugs? this roy moore situation is a mess. it created a negative tide. it appears he had a few creepy
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flames with teenagers. of course, this raises a few questions, if the allegations are true, how did he ascend through the state's political system unchecked. and why didn't the "post" run the story when he was running in the primary? ed henry said you can't be a victim 40 years later. actually you can. the county chairman says i know 14-year-olds don't make good decisions. yes, that's why adults have supposed to supervise and not molest them. mary was a teenager and joseph was an adult carpenter.
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come on, man, what would jesus do snow probably wouldn't ply his victims with alcohol before he fondled them. anthony worn only sexted a 13-year-old girl. we should fire jeff sessions and let him tumble back to the senate and a new senator can be elected. the president had it right in the first place when he endorsed luther strange it's doubtful he knew the details of moore's lurid past. i'm kennedy.
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roy moore threatening to sue "the washington post" over the report he pursued sexual relationships with teenagers. his campaign released at statement saying judge moore is an innocent man and has never had sexual misconduct with anyone. joining us, judge andrew napolitano. kennedy: what kind of a case does roy moore have? judge napolitano: i think a frivolous one. the standard for someone suing who is a public person, the defamation, the allegation against him was printed with knowledge of falsity by the publishers or with reckless disregard whether it was true or false. if they have four women and they
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are each make similar complaints, and the complaints are rational and credible, they have the right to print this. he cannot bring a successful case for defamation unless he can overcome what's called actual malice. kennedy: it seems like you would have to prove intent. judge napolitano: why should he sue? he should sue for political reasons because it puts "the washington post"'s back to the wall. butted the lawsuit ultimately will be frivolous. kennedy: they only have four weeks until election. let's say moore is elected to the senate. people say we'll just kick him out of office as soon as he gets here. judge napolitano: the short answer is no. can the senate refuse to seat him? the answer no. if they prefuels to seat him -- if they refuse to seat him, they
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are adding another requirement to being elected senator. the only two requirements are age 30 and a resident of the state that elects him. can they expel him for something he did before he was in the senate? answer no. if he wins, they are stuck with him. they can shun him and not give him political assignments. he may vote with the republican majority or vote against them. but there is nothing they can do if the people of alabama send him there. kennedy: does later strange have any hope of becoming a write-in candidate and snatching victory from doug jones the democrat? judge napolitano: you had an incumbent senator who had been elected before, lisa murkowski who ran a write-in campaign and
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she won. luther strange might succeed? dividing the republican vote and succeed in getting doug jones elected to the senate. that's a nightmare for the republicans. then the breakdown is 51-49. chuck schumer is getting closer and closer to bing the majority leader. kennedy: let's say alabama is a forgiving place, and they phil figure if this stuff happened, it happened a long time ago, and for whatever he reason, he gets a majority of votes. judge napolitano: the republicans are worried about their image with women. particularly married women. that's the reason i believe
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mitch mcconnell and the president is saying you better withdraw from the race. this is no longer bannon versus mcconnell. this is republicans worried about women leaving in droves. donald trump won 1% more republican women than hillary clinton did. 1% in the 2016 election virginia. ralph northam won 12% more. republicans, not be perceived to be abandoning this voting bloc. kennedy: there are republicans coming to his defense in the wrong way. judge napolitano: they are saying we like him. we don't care if this happened. is it his duty to disprove this or is it the doubtist accusers
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to prove it. but this is not the coast law. this is the coast public opinion. if the allegation stated publicly, he and the republicans who stood by him will suffer. kennedy: as the ask mother of two girls -- judge napolitano: if your daughter told you someone did there is, you would be at the front lines fighting this. kennedy: if the republicans knew about this and ignored this information when he was fighting luther strange, i think that's unethical. judge napolitano: i don't think "the washington post" is worried about its ethics. kennedy: a major battle growing over tax cuts and it's pitting senate republicans against the
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house gop. the senate started the mark-up process for their tax reform. the senate revealed last week they wanted to completely get rid of those deductions which allow appointment in high-tax blue states to deduct sthairm state and local taxes from their federal taxes. >> i'm convinced this is where we are going to ends up. it's important to make sure people keep more of what they earn. what we are working toward. what we worked so carefully with are lawmakers to make sure we deliver his relief and i'm committed to it. chris: are you saying the house will not accept a total elimination. that won't fly even if the senate passes it. >> that's what i'm saying. kennedy: before he was totally
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for eliminating the salt deductions. orrin hatch introduction an amendment saying the good can come through on this long-held promise. let me bring in my silver tongued party panel. his it to it every day. former new york congresswoman and member of the trump for president advisory board ann hayward is here, and matt welch, welcome, everyone. matt, taxes have become a cluster cut. the issue of i would like to you industrials it which i talked about the past few weeks is obviously the inability to cut spending. if you don't cut spending you can't have meansful tax reform and tax cuts in order to pay for those cuts. >> they gave up that fight last month. a lot of people spending the
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lams 7 years, the tea party movement and elsewhere saying this is our number of one issue. you know the political will isn't there when we run all three branches of government. so instead we are going to blow you have the deficit by 1.7 trillion. but it will get bigger than that. each step of the way is going to be lawyered at by people who will be affected by this. this will be whittled down. it's just a matter of how big they will blow you have the deficit. kennedy: nan, you have been part of the process. it looks like you have two warring houses. how do they come together? >> i trust kevin brady. he's an honest broker. kennedy: he flipped on this issue. >> the hidden process challenge
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behind all this is the fact that the senate is trying to pass this bill as it did with healthcare reform through reconciliation. and that means they have a narrow corridor in which they can actually succeed. that's yes, sir they have to discount. as soon as you give dollars back to the citizens. but you can't allow for those things, you can't allow for those phenomenon when you are passing a bill through reconciliation. not you republicans in the house are constrained by what's possible for the senate. they are coming ever closer to accommodating democrats. kennedy: is it really necessary to bring three democratic senators on board or should they try to do this with the house as
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a blueprint? >> they are going be unified in blocking anything. that's their game plan. i don't blame them because we did elect a president. we kind of said we are not worried about legislation. we want this guy because it's a cool thing to do. but i don't think republicans were -- the people all jazzed up about legislation. i don't understand of any this stuff. deductions, local, whatever. it's confusing to me. kennedy: i think that's what they are bank on. like with obamacare if you use a bunch of big words and let people glaze over they will let you do pretty much what you want. >> the house brady is pretending there will be negotiations. there wasn't on the 10-year budget. the husband said, we like tax
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cuts. they will do the same thing here. on way it will pass. if the house passes a bill that pretends it will be in play. kennedy: president trump in a war of words "north korean dictator kim jong-un after the communist regime called president trump an old lunatic. he said why would he call me old when i never call him short and fat. it's unusual for a president to do the same. but this noise ordinary president. but do the insults risks today laight our nuclear standsoff? or is it right to put rocket man in his place.
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>> kim jong-un is good for going for the weak points. inserting the word old in there really got it. kennedy: the word was dotart. >> old isn't that bad faith a thing. but that's what got him mad. call him lunatic, that didn't matter. so now he calls him short and fat. >> in north korea short and fat is the way to be. the president has his own distinctive style which is different from any antecedent. we know that. president trump is actually turning the screws up in terms of sanctions, in terms of military. kennedy: we focus on the digital
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rhetoric. but the president said the weapons you are acquiring are not making you safer. they are putting your regime in danger. every step you take down this dark path increases the peril you face. >> he plays the lunatic twitter crazy person on purpose. north korea is the focus of his foreign policy in many respects. he's trying to act strategically crazy so china and japan and south korea are sufficiently freaked out that they do something for once. kennedy: you are welcome back here. the party panel is returning later in the show. the president says he believes putin is sincere in denying
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russia meddled in the 2016 elections. buck sexton explains after the break. you might take something for your heart... or joints. but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brain-health supplement in drug stores nationwide. prevagen. the name to remember.
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kennedy: president trump stayed on script until after he met with put rsh. he told reporters after the meeting that he believes vladimir putin means it when he says they didn't interfere. >> i any in trump for -- i think mr. trump is intimidated by mr. putin or afraid of what he could do or what might come out as a result of these investigation. it sends a worrisome disturbing signal to our allies and their partners. >> i think it's naive. and perilous to this country to make an assumption that russia is going to behave with the best interests of the world or with
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the united states in mind, they are not. kennedy: there is a question of mueller or any of his top aid knew about the russian involvement. a lot of people are saying including clapper and brennan. >> they are all auditioning for their own show. so these former obama operatives are basically saying the president is being manipulated. what is the proof of this manipulation? >> there is no prove and i would take it a step further. what do they want the president to do? russia, a country that has bind
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economic pressure because of russia's aggressive corn policy actions. russia has been having a tough time. but russia has a lot of nukes particularly in its own backyard. what are we supposed to do. what is trump supposed to do? say you are a jerk and you are ruining our democracy? what is trump supposed to say? kennedy: if you are a negotiator you have to be a better diplomat. i don't care with clapper and brennan have to say what past ps
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number of reasons from uranium one to the dossier to this collusion investigation. therefore everything they do is magnified. and that shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. >> it's not a surprise. but you mentioned something that happened in the previous administration. the obama administration version of how to deal with russia was lose on every issue where we have some opposition with them, the whether it's syria, crimea, ukraine, and never mind the cyber stuff. we didn't get the russians to bend to our will on anything. there was no common ground between obama and russians. i think we could in the middle east. kennedy: north korea and isis are areas where we have to work with russia. but selling the farm is not the way to do it.
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>> to your point about speaking honestly to putin. i would want some sense from the critics about how trump is dealing with putin. what would get them to stop going on cnn and these other channels saying he's in putin's pocket. there is nothing realistic that president trump could do today that would top that story line. russia today has had the last few months register as a foreign agent because it's been running a propaganda operation in the united states in the open for over a decade. kennedy: they are one of the biggest anti-fracking groups in the world. we are just getting warmed up. buck sexton. coming up, fans are turning off the nfl in droves.
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kennedy: nfl ratings have taken a big hit. so nfl commissioner roger goodell is asking for a raise. he want a contract tension that pays him $49 mill a year as well as a lifetime use of a private jet and medical insurance for his family. jerry jones is threatening to sue the league if goodell's voice approved without the approval of the owners. all of this started by colin kaepernick was named citizen of the year. is it time for him to take a knee? brian kilmeade, the author of
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andrew jackson and the miracle of new orleans. old hickory. welcome back, brian. hi, brian. roger goodell wants 39.5 mill a a -- $39.5 million a year. >> it's more successful than any other league, but it's shown a vulnerability no one could have predicted. kennedy: are there big roger goodell fans? he has become a convenient punching bag. >> we have to look beyond the veneer. was it his idea to have helmets that would not offer have much protection? was it his idea to bury the issue of head years in the nfl? no. he inherited the thing. during most of of these
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decisions he was making $17,000 in the front office of the new york jets. what you could say in the off season, taking a knee, it's hurting attendance. people sight as anti-patriotic. but roger goodell cannot declare by the power vested in him. let's say in theory if i was anointing, you have got to do it for the union. if he says i told him to stand up, not my problem. in a way he's taking a bullet for the team. we'll work on this next time up. i hope they stand. kennedy: who pays the salary? >> owners. kennedy: do you think they are happy with attendance and
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ratings? >> i think they were. they promised him, you have a deal. could they go back on it? fine. but they have to make a strong argument. kennedy: should he be replaced? >> on pure dollars and cents he has brought more money into the league. he has amazon games, twitter games. it's not like he's going to the eld school. kennedy: if he's so fantastic why is he such a punching bag? >> it's not main league lacrosse. you have to get a part-time job. every deal indianapolis place was in place before the season. you have two issues. the head injuries, kids aren't playing as much. parents maybe like you are saying not for my kids. >
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kennedy: we are torn between gymnastics and football. >> i was trying to every man conversation. kennedy: attorney general jeff sessions is being sued by a 12-year-old girl who wants to legalize medical marijuana nationwide. the suit could potentially benefit mills of americans who can't legally obtain cannabis to treat their ailments. the party handle returned. so, matt, you have a 12-year-old girl. we see this with children with seizure disorders. there is a particular type of cannabis that helps them. >> the drug war at heart is somebody decided you can't have
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this thing even if you derive some necessity or pleasure from it. it can give you relief you can't get otherwise. we saw this in chris christie had a similar case with a family pleading with him. just sign the bill that's been passed on your desk. no one is using this oil to get high. we are using it to stop seizures. kennedy: you are a physician and usual shake your head in agreement with matt welch. >> this is outrageous. marijuana was not illegal in the united states until the 1930s, actually. and x didn't seem to have a lot of problems revolving around it. i think it should be legalized completely. because we have patients across the country. this little girl is the perfect heart tugging sort of situation that bring attention to the
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injustice of not allowing patients to benefit from this medication. this legitimate medication across the country. kennedy: nan is a doctor. >> this 12-year-old girl, let her have her oil. i don't know why she doesn't go after texas? kennedy: she takes her medicine to texas and crosses state lines, then she has a rico violation. >> general sessions points out he didn't want people dealing marijuana. i thought what do you think we have now. let's collect the sales tax from that. kennedy: that's why colorado
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naysayers are on board. they see the revenue it again rates. and it hasn't become this doomsday health crisis they promised. party panel, thank you so much. matt, nan and tom. single syllable name. that's how we do it on kennedy. bitcoin slowly coming back up after a rough few days in the market. jonathon hoenig gives us a digital currency lesson next. tl money managers are pretty much the same. but while some push high commission investment products, fisher investments avoids them. some advisers have hidden and layered fees. fisher investments never does. and while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better.
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kennedy: bitcoin users have been on a roller-coaster after trading at record highs. the crip to currency lost nearly one third its value in just over four days. word is the currency's developers canceled a scheduled upgrade. but the value of bitcoin jumped back up nearly 15%. that's well and good. but how does bitcoin work and how can we cash in? jonathon, welcome back. >> i have got to say should have, could have, would have.
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one bitcoin is still up 500% this year. as an investment. despite this are you deck st. louis volatility, bitcoin is having a banner year. kennedy: how do you use bitcoin? some people use it like gold. they park their money. it goes up in value. there are others who like to use it like cash. and bitcoin and bitcoin cash are at war with each other. explain how that works? >> there is a bitcoin gold. this is a brave brand-new world. it's like 1999 in terms of tech stops when it comes to crip so currency. they are going to be issue offing etf's on crip to currencies. but it's also a big risk. there is nothing backing bitcoin
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up. it was created out of thin air. kennedy: how does it work? >> it's a limited number of digital bites. that's why it failed as a currency. bitcoin isn't backed by an asset. at this place few places are accepting bitcoin. kennedy: how does it work? what's best day to use bitcoin. let's say people love the idea of the unmediated currency. how do they buy it and how do they use it? >> they buy primarily online. but that's going to change. bitcoin is going mainstream. you will see a lot more products
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that from -- that you can put in your investment account, your trading account that track bitcoin. but the place where it's the most of sought after is where there is no economic freedom like di --like zimbabwe and rus. kennedy: it has powerful forces against it. >> lining evil? you mean government. yes, exactly. government doesn't like the idea of private money. that's wart of what's got bitcoin going. for someone who has done this since the mid 1990s. you have to scratch your head a little bit when people are piling if you an asset in such a short period of time. if bitcoin is going to succeed as a currency it has to maintain
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a stable value. eventually even the tulips markets burn on the grounds. kennedy: coming up. we'll tell you about a legal drag car. the bottom line is, for your goals, this is a strategy i'd recommend. huh. this actually makes sense. now on the next page you'll see a breakdown of costs. what? it's just.... we were going to ask about it but we weren't sure when. so thanks. yeah, that's great. being clear and upfront. multiplied by 14,000 financial advisors, it's a big deal. and it's how edward jones makes sense of investing.
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storm." we begin tonight at chrysler headquarters where they began shipping the first ever street legal drag car. the dodge demoins so fast critics wants it band from the road because it pose a safety threat other drivers. it's the same thing they say about billy joel. that's just for the insurance. there aren't any browns fans watching because monday night, o-1, o-2. kennedy: a fashion companies selling a laundry bag that can be worn as a dress for $700 . people who pay for high fashion are used to getting take to the clearance. but critics say the cost of this dress is more shock than a model eating lunch.
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supplies aren't as limited as yourself awareness. topic number four. city of houston is unwrapping a jaguar this holiday season. but not one of those annoying commercials when people are running count steps to see their new car in a red bow. we are talk about jaguar pups. zookeepers say the adorable cats spent the entire day posing for pictures, laying around, and taking orders from their mother. they are just like the kardashians but smarter. kim kardashian just had a lavish shower for baby number three. that's the baby's name. baby number three. they are so creative.
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topic number five. the holidays are coming and if spending time with your relatives makes want to drink, now is the time to stock your stocking. the refillable christmas flask is what it looks like. a cry for help. unfortunately help ain't coming, but your sister in law is. and she is bringing the same love actually box set she brought the past five years. now you can head over to the fireplace and drink the halls so it won't seem so bad. and taps flask is selling -- santa's flask is selling for $19.99. here is hillary celebrating the one-year anniversary of the election last week. a marine veteran runs 31 mayor
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veterans charities. and he lost both of his legs. he ran 812.62 miles. when you are boo-hooking about get together gym when it's still dark out. and let rob jones inspire you to get your bootie out of bed. he raised $130,000. he earned a turkey and pumpkin pie. congratulations, rob. that's amazing. i still don't want to run another marathon ever. email tomorrow night on the show, lawrence jones, gillian turner
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and gordon chang. a big night awaits. ver heard of. >> he liked to buy unique cars -- kissels, grahams, overlands. he always used to say, "i don't want to meet myself on the road." >> it's a great hobby. keeps you out of the beer joints. >> do you have your foot on the brake, teacher? just in case? >> i haven't jumped out yet. >> these heirs hit a fork in the road... >> so that is a point of contention. do you donate cars here? do you have an auction? >> it's really tough to get every sibling on the same page. >> yeah, i'd say we're no different. >> ...until they hear an emotional voice from the past. >> when we go by his gravesite, he's probably on high spin mode up there. >> it's just money. can't take it with you.
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