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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  November 21, 2017 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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reversal it has underperformed year-to-date. i look for underperformance going into 2018. liz: mark, you get to view the quad-fecta we didn't mention apple. very much a driver here. closing up 2%. have a great afternoon. see you tomorrow. [closing bell rings. david: a record day on wall street. the dow ending the day at new closing high. s&p, nasdaq, russell 2000 all joining in celebration with their highs. i'm david asman. glad you could join us. melissa: i'm melissa francis this is after the bell. more on the big market movers but first here is what else we're covering in this very busy hour ahead. brand new reaction from the president on the roy moore scandal. president trump has stayed relatively quiet specially for him on the controversy until now. what the president is saying this hour. plus millions of your tax dollars spent on secret payouts. the powerful new allegations against the top democrat on the house judiciary committee.
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the how john conyers is responding to claims that he used taxpayer money to settle a complaint oversexual misconduct. >> internal revenue scandal. new fallout after the irs targeted members of the tea party. why lois lerner doesn't want you to see her testimony. david: even though it affects us? right. david: that we can all agree on, a great news day for you if you have any stocks at all, or 401(k) in stocks, you're making money today. the dow ending the day with 60th record close under president trump. nicole petallides on floor of new york stock exchange. some of this enthusiasm scares people. boy, oh, boy, seems like there is no top to this market. >> that's right. you can't stop it. for the most part we've seen gain after gains, thousands of points since the election in november. today we move up 160 points. we have a record all-time high, for the dow jones industrial average and also the others as we noted. nasdaq, s&p and russell.
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there was a lot of obviously, we came in with a positive stone tone on the goldman sachs note this morning titled, rationale exuberance. it was talking about bullishness, tax reform and global economy and profit growth. that gave as you boost. technology doing really well. taking a look at dow binners, apple and microsoft were among the best performers. apple up 1.8%. visa, home depot rounded out the top. home depot, new high. only a few laggards to speak of. goldman, ge, walmart. for the most part everything in the green. telecom was picking up the rear. even that was just barely into the green. big picture, now is the day they're getting into investments because the tick has run up. vix, fear index. 9.72. it was under 10. that is very telling as well,
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with a lack of fear in the markets, feeling pretty optimistic. back to you. david: let's be happy about making money today. nicole i like it. good stuff. melissa. melissa: is this winning a cause for celebration or does it make you a little bit nervous? i don't want to say that but i'm just saying. let's bring in jason rotman, lido isle investors and james freeman, "wall street journal," a fox news contributor. james? >> yes. melissa: some people are nervous. market is on a tear. economy is better. now the tax plan eventually coming out. economy gets even better. you see a piece of art go for 450 million they thought would go for 150 million. it is sort of like everybody is having a giant party and when he have one is thinking the same thing, some people get a little bit nervous. what do you think? >> i mean there are reasons to be nervous. his story major intrading 20, 25
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times earnings. you would like to buy them on lower level. good side as he was saying there, s&p and dow are not more expensive relative to earnings than they were a year ago because we've seen that nice profit growth. now you have got maybe in our third quarter of three plus percent growth in the united states. if you want to think about what's, what you should be nervous about, to me, more than u.s. equities i would say, look at government bond market. why is portugal, why is italy paying less to borrow than the united states? if you want to look for a bubble, probably government bonds. melissa: okay. that is interesting. jason, you know, i mean you add to all that, goldman saks predict we'll see economic growth and surprise to the upside over the next year. you mean, you know how great economists are at forecasting stuff. >> yeah. you know i think that's a little, you know a little extra as they say to call for another,
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300 point s&p rally the next 12 months. i think a lot of the tax implications of a lower corporate tax rate, a lot of repatriation figures are baked into the market, however, with that being said, the closer we get to actually seeing even a piece of that trillion dollar pie that is held in ireland, as soon as we get to see some of that actually coming back with a 10% rate that will fuel morallying honestly. i really don't think we're done at this point. melissa: okay. i like that. david: well, jason, essentially what you're saying that the markets are telling us that we'll get tax reform done this year, right? >> i think that is highly accurate and i also agree with the other guest if the viewer wants to look at something to be concerned about, really measure what is going on, they have to look at the 10-year note interest rate. that is benign. that opens the door for more upside in the stock market. david: let's get deep into politics for just a moment, for about 30 seconds, james.
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there are about five or eight senators, gop senators who have problems. they're not on the tax cut train yet. what will it take to get them on board? >> i don't think you will take much. i don't think you're hearing nos. you hear people want to vote for this. the outlines are generally good. maybe they need to tweak good for businesses not organized c-corporations to please ron johnson. talk to senator collins from maine, show her all the people in the state paying obamacare tax don't want to pay it. david: by the way, will the obamacare repeal stay in the tax bill? >> i think it probably stayses in but, okay. >> even if it doesn't, you're still talking about a great pro-growth reform. you have still got the great corporate rate, trillion 1/2 dollars in tax cuts. so i think they want to say yes. i think they will find a way. melissa: okay. president trump just moments ago commenting on potential at&t time warner merger just hours after federal communications mission announced plans to
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repeal obama-era rules that insured equal access to the internet. go straight to adam shapiro for a break down on all this adam. reporter: we'll start first with the at&t comments from the president, the purchase of time warner because the president has had his issues, shall we say with, cnn there is the issue would time warner sell cnn to sell this deal. here is what the president said. >> personally i always felt that is deal not good for the country. i think your pricing is going up. i don't think it is a good deal for the country. i will not get involved in litigation. reporter: it has ramifications for potential other deals. there is the news that charlie gasparino has been talking about, our parent company possibly selling some entertainment assets to disney, to comcast. so a lot in play there. of course net neutrality. i want to show you video of ajit pai, the fcc chairman because he is going to release tomorrow a draft of essentially an order that would reverse the net neutrality order put in place under president obama and fcc in
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2015. and essentially take us back to just before 2015 when there was at that wide open internet. we'll get into some changes, after you hear what ajit pai will say on this he is on kennedydy, the program on the fox business network later tonight -- "kennedy." >> the reason we sate there wasn't a market failure. not that the internet was broken in 2015 and we were living in digital dispope yaw. we want startups for the future to invest and innovate on the web. best way to do that, to insure everybody has the freedom to pursue a business plan that will serve consumers well. reporter: senator chuck schumer from new york is criticizing the fcc plan. they will vote on it by december 14th. quote, just as our free highway system helped build jobs in america in the 20th century, net newt truly will help build jobs in the 21st century.
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to take a step back hurts our economy, our job growth and middle class and working people. it is disaster. think of i-95 on the east coast. you can actually pay a little bit more if you want to be in an express lane and bypass the traffic. this would allow internet service proud veers, verizon, comcast, at&t, name your pick, possibly charge for faster content, however there will be a public disclosure requirement under the rules that they're proposing. you would have to disclose if you're blocking content, throttling content, prioritizing affiliations -- melissa: no one would read that. >> verizon has fios. if you are paid prioritization if someone paying to you prioritize the speed which content flows. with that i will wrap because they're telling me to shut june adam, thank you. david: on same day, the administration is freeing up companies the justice department wants to shut down cable companies from distributing content by killing
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at&t-time warner deal. jason how can you support one and deny the other? >> yeah. no, i was actually listening to the speech that the at&t ceo was giving yesterday and it got me fired up. he had so many amazing points, namely that at&t, all they have is 25 million subscribers to their tv and video. he is saying we're behind. throw us a bone here. netflix 100 million. facebook, google reaches billions of people now. they're trying to play catch-up. for the department of justice to attack this merger literally does not make sense. i do think there are some political undertones. i think that is almost obvious. i don't agree. i think the merger should be able to go through. david: james, very strange thing people looking from the outside at this denial that the justice department has toward the at&t deal is that the people who were spearheading problems with the deal, the people who were really came out against it in force, were the democrats, people, looking at letter signed by
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al franken, elizabeth warren, bernie sanders and others. here is what it said. i will quote from the letter as largest pay tv provider in the nation, at&t's merger with time warner would create a megamedia con come -- conglomerate to favor its own content over other entertainment companies. that is to say government bureaucratses say though know what is best for the free market as the market does. >> this is mind-boggling our friend mentioned there is all this competition coming from these technology companies and you go through the suit, like they all don't exist. this really is has nothing to do with any precedents before this. president was call cnn fake news. now he is telling us essentially that this is part of a bundle that we all can't live without. it is really ridiculous. david: jason, the idea that
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politicians know what the future of technology is before the free market does is crazy. every time they try to get ahead of the market, the politicians and regulators fail to do so. >> yeah. i mean by nature you know, what makes this country and this system so amazing is that it fosters the visionary and creative forward thinking spirit of the entrepreneur. politics, politicians, typically tend to not be ahead of the curve. so i don't, again it is blatantly bizarre this case we're even talking about it. i actually don't understand what is going on. david: jason, james, good to see you both. thank you, gentlemen. melissa: president just leaving the white house for the thanksgiving holiday but making major headlines before air force one takes off. president trump's new response to the roy moore controversy next. neil: growing allegations of sexual misconduct in our nation's capitol and everywhere else frankly. the claims against one of the most powerful democrats in
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congress. how taxpayer money was reportedly used to settle a complaint with a former staffer. ♪ nts to stay in her house. i don't know even where to start with that. first, let's take a look at your financial plan and see what we can do. ok, so we've got... we'll listen. we'll talk. we'll plan. baird. i enjoy the fresher things in life.o. fresh towels. fresh soaps. and of course, tripadvisor's freshest, lowest... ...prices. so if you're anything like me...'ll want to check tripadvisor. we now instantly compare prices... ...from over 200 booking sites... find you the lowest price...
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david: putt trump is currently en route to mar-a-lago. but he made comments on roy floor before leaving. reporter: president had been silent on roy moore since he landed back tuesday night from the 12-day trip to the indo-pacific region. the president could have walked up to marine one, boarded for trip to florida for thanksgiving day holiday and stayed silent. instead he walked over to the media where he knew question, number, one, two, three, four, five, roy moore and it was just that. the president barraged with questions. the president repeatedly
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highlighted roy moore's defense. >> well he denies it. look he denies this. if you look at what, what is really going on, you look at all the things that have happened over the last 48 hours, he totally denies it. he says it didn't happen. and you know, you have to listen to him also. you are talking about, he said 40 years ago this did not happen. so -- reporter: he did not say i support or i endorse roy moore. it was basically one step short of that. moore, of course, as we know is accused of sexual assault and pursuing children and teenagers when he was in his 30s. with president trump reiterating moore's denial repeatedly, i counted up to 10 different times, the president was asked, what his message would be to women? >> women are very special. i think it's a very special time because a lot of things that are coming out. i think that is good for our society. i think it is very, very good
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for women. and i'm very happy a lot of these things are coming out. reporter: separately president trump was also asked about the department of justice's decision to try to block the at&t-time warner merger. president trump says he feels it's a deal not good for the country. david, he claims that pricing would go up. david, back to you. david: blake burman, thank you very much. here is gianno called well, republican strategist and christie setzer democratic strategist, new heights communications president. good to see you both. we have a president who campaigned in the past, he campaigned for moore's opponent in the primary, luther strange. his daughter came out essentially backed accusers of roy moore. now he says it is, what he appears to be saying, paraphrasing him here, is it is better to have roy moore with all of his problems than it is to have a liberal democrat which you say what? >> president trump, on this
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issue, roy moore, all these different folks have come out and said that these allegations are true. of course he has the right to defend himself. i think at this particular point in time, president trump really needs to stay out of it. the commentary which we just heard, the president say, well he said he didn't do it, he said he didn't do it. president trump needs to focus on tax reform. what this becomes is big distraction for not just his, roy moore's candidacy, but for the administration as well. we shouldn't be here having this kind of discussion right now with a candidate who really shouldn't have been, in my opinion, shouldn't have been the one who won the primary but here we are. david: the people decided who won the primary. >> that's true. that's true. that is fair enough. that is fair enough but at same time, when you got a candidate like this, we have seen this happen before, i can go back to 200 had, home state of illinois, when barack obama was running against a republican, supposed to be a republican seat, allegations came out and that
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guy clearly lost. that is what happened. david: christie, bring in to what is happening in alabama, what is going on, what is happening in the country, because you have al franken with this awful photograph of him grabbing a woman's breast, a sleeping woman's breast, that will be shown time and time again. whenever there is a campaign that has anything to do with women, whatsoever, how can democrats if roy moore makes it to the senate, how can democrats criticize him with al franken in the senate. >> i think that is absurd. i'm sorry, there is, very large distinction, let's say between crass, boarish behavior on the part of -- david: grabbing a sleeping woman's breast? >> a child molester. david: wait a minute. excuse me christie, on one hand you have a -- >> no, i'm sorry there is gradation. david: you have charges 40 years old. there is a problem there with charges that are that old as president just talked about. >> i'm sorry, there aren't. when you have had extremely
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reputable sources including people at the time, more than 30 woman corroborate what has been said here, more than seven woman who have come forward to say. david: what do you do with al franken, christie? >> look. i think his behavior is bad. certainly there is some -- david: does he stay in the senate, yes or no. >> i think he should. david: wow. >> oh, no, christie, come on. >> are you rile live dealing me there is no difference between actual child molestation? >> that is strongest level of -- >> and a bad photo. david: excuse me, christie. >> i just that is the strongest level of hip hypocrisy. i just said president trump should stay out of it. and you should literally be saying al franken should step down too. otherwise you are argument is null and void. how can you be accepting of sexual harrassment for one individual but where there is al oh that is horrible. he shouldn't be in there. >> do you want to talk about what i think. >> i'm completely shocked by
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you. david: go ahead, christie. >> as woman, women deal with a lot on everyday basis. we deal with boarish disgusting comments from our bosses, from our friends, from men on streets, whatever right. so we have the ability to distinguish between something actually a crime, like luring a 14-year-old into your car -- david: those are the charges, corrects. those are the charges. >> that is the charge. david: versus a photograph of a man grabbing a woman's breast. >> grabbing her -- david: that is extraordinary photograph. let me finally end on something -- >> i am in no way. i want to be clear. i am in no way defending -- david: both of you just one second there. is one thing upon which i think everybody would agree. taxpayer money should not be used to cover up the sins of congresspeople. do we all agree on that. >> yes. conyers should resign. >> we agree, don't we, christie. >> conyers should resign and so should donald trump. david: very interesting.
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>> i would hope you would say al franken too. melissa: hewlett-packard ceo meg whitman stepping down effective february 1st, 2018. whitman will be remain on the board of directors. she will be replaced by the current president of hp. shares falling after hours on this news. david: wow, 7% down. i'll say. sealing her statement forever, the former irs director at center of tea party scandal doesn't want her testimony to see the light of day. melissa: new consequences for north korea. how the commander-in-chief putting pressure on the rogue regime. gordon chang, author of, "nuclear showdown," is here to respond.
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sanctions are chinese companies signaling a new step in the international crisis. here is gordon chang, author of "nuclear showdown, north korea takes on the world." gordon you looked at sanctions on the, as u.s. continues to take action, to disrupt north korea's illicit funding of its unlawful nuclear ballistic missile program, what do you make of that? what is different about going after these individuals? >> what is important here is that the treasury department is starting to implement president trump's september 21 executive order which is sweeping t was so sweeping, there was a lot of concern that treasury actually didn't have the people to enforce this. what we're seeing right now, is the enforcement. there will be a number of announcements in next couple weeks with more individuals shipping companies, entities, vessels being sanctioned. that is a very good thing. we're starting to see, these are starting to have an effect that north korea is starting to run out of cash, which is really
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good news. melissa: right that is how he stays in power. he buys his political influences by giving gifts to people. if he doesn't have the money. he doesn't care about staring his people, he needs to have to be able to give gifts to his people to stay in power. correct me if i'm wrong, not sanctioning people doing business with north korea but people doing business with people doing business with north korea which is necessary, that is one degree of separation or removal, allowed them to continue to operate? >> yes. what is really important to go through the chains. there are a number of chains north korea established where they get goods, they do all sorts of things. some of these now are involved in china. we saw that with chinese individual and chinese entities being sanctioned. we'll see this throughout the world as the treasury department goes through country by country, by country, sanctioning individuals. melissa: blows my mind we're coming up on the olympics and it is supposed to happen in south
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korea. seems like that is a huge invitation for disaster, for some sort of you know show of force? >> yeah. we've got to remember, yesterday president trump designated north korea as a state sponsor of terrorism, putting them back on the state department's list. well, they got on the list in the first place because they blew up an airliner a year before the 1988 summer olympics which was south korea's coming out party. this was a lot of north korean terrorism leading up to the games. everyone is concerned that the north koreans will do the same thing. of sure south korea, united states, really vigilant but nonetheless the north koreans can use violence to upset status quos they don't like and they don't like this particular situation right now. melissa: what do you think happens with this? >> well, i think that probably the games will go on. because there is a lot of momentum to do that. but i'm not so sure that too many people are going to go there. right now at 41% of their target in terms of number of visitors. they will probably make that up
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as we get closer to the games but this is sort of a games, maybe more athletes than people in the stands and on the sidelines. melissa: or athletes may not go. they have been training for so long. you have that one peak year, maybe. very interesting. gordon, thank you. appreciate it. david? david: we have some more breaking news. stories just keep on coming. john lassiter, disney animation, taking leave of absence in pixar, in them mow sent to staffers, lassiter was taking six-month sabbatical, admitting to missteps and apologizing, quote, to anyone who has ever been on the receiving end of an unwanted hug or any other gesture they felt crossed the line in any way, shape or form. end quote. melissa: presidential pardon for two guys named wishbone and drumstick. these lucky birds getting special honor at the white house
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just days before thanksgiving. david: charges rocking the nation's capitol. why the longest serving member of the house of representatives is under fire. latest response from democrat john conyers coming next. you'll get clear, actionable alerts about potential investment opportunities in real time. fidelity. open an account today.
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allow you to take advantage of growth opportunities. with a level of protection in down markets. so you can head into retirement with confidence. brighthouse financial established by metlife. melissa: breaking nice. cbs news fiving charlie rose. comes less than 24 hours after a bombshell report from "the washington post" which accused the veteran journalist of making unwanted sexual
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advances towards at least eight women, pardon me. pbs ending its partnership with rose. david: meanwhile sexual misconduct on capitol hill. house minority leader nancy pelosi now calling for an ethics investigation into her democrat colleague john conyers. the congressman allegedly using taxpayer dollars to settle a 2015 complaint from a former staffer who said she was fired after refusing his sexual advances. according to a new buzzfeed report, conyers denies the allegations of sexual misconduct but does admit to the settlements. here with the latest, our own gerri willis. hi, gerri. >> this is pretty convoluted one. michigan representative john conyers is a democrat and the longest-serving member of the house of representatives settled a wrongful dismissal complaint in 2015 with a former employee who alleged she was fired because she would not quote, succumb to his sexual advances. conyers denying story of former employee as well as reports that
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he repeatedly made sexual advances to female staff, request for sexual acts and touching them inappropriately in public. alleging that public dollars were used to transport women that conyers had relationships with with. the story first detailed by buzzfeed is being widely reported. the news comes on heels of revelation that secretive congressional office called the office of compliance settled 264 cases on behalf of legislative arm of our government totaling 17,240,000 over the a pan of 20 years. the settlements were paid with taxpayer dollars though the information has not been made public about who benefit from the the settlements or when. it is not sure whether the conyers 2015 settlement of $27,000 actually came from the office of compliance or whether he paid from his own pocket. however for his part conyers had this to say, quote, my office resolved the allegations with express denial of liability in order to save all involved from
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the rigors of protracted litigation. the resolution was not for millions of dollars but for an amount that equated to a reasonable severance payment. last week, representative representative jackie speiers exposed to the public forever first time. that two sitting members benefited from largess. one legislator was democrat, the other a republican. we can't confirm at this time whether conyers is the democrat she was referring to but it certainly raises that question. david: unbelievable. there is a fund for sexual misbehavior inside the beltway. >> secret. david: we pay for and it is secret. gerri willis thank you. melissa. melissa: here to weigh in on all that, noelle nikpour, republican fund-raiser. talk about the slush fund. interviewed a number of lawmakers who said they had no idea this existed. do you believe that? >> i do believe it because i think it is called a shush fund
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for a reason. i think if you weren't, ones that knew about it, melissa are probably the ones that engaged in bad activity that you know knew about the fund or knew it existed because this is not a normal, this isn't normal and i think that i'm glad that we've shown a light on it, this thing shouldn't be happening and it is taxpayer dollars. melissa: yeah. >> this should have been a personal settlement. melissa: no the taxpayer dollar part and all of us paying for their behaviors and no reason they shouldn't do it, if the victims are silent, they get paid with taxpayer dollars, there is no cost to the lawmaker. hardly surprising this is going on in washington but let me ask you before we run out of time, what do you think about the president weighing in on roy moore? did you hear that sound and what do you think about his position? >> i did and he kept saying that they are allegations which you know, if you want to be technical they are allegations. but the other thing that he said, you know, women are
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special. that's true too. women are special. these are allegations. you know, i think it's a difficult place no matter what to be put in when you have a gop member, you have got all these allegations coming forward. some of them are just, all of them are bad. but you have got, he is the nominee and it doesn't look like they're going to do anything with a write-in. he probably stands a good chance to get it. we'll have him. his whole senatorial deal will be overshadowed by this sexual case, versus, you know policy. melissa: let me be the devil's advocate for a moment here. this is not my position at all. >> sure. melissa: is it really going to overshadow his entire time when everyone, everywhere is being accused? i mean maybe that is the math that is going on behind the scenes, that is certainly what people are going to accuse the president of, saying, you wanted the vote. you don't want someone in charge who is totally against your policies. so, you know, maybe you just
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look the other way on this stuff because you wanted the vote and he have one is being accused of everything anyway? >> no. i think that they're going, there will be pressure from the right and the left to, you know, in order to do something about roy moore especially. especially this case. because this has been front and center in the news. these victims, the alleged victims, they're not going away. this isn't going to go away if he wins the senate. would i like to see the victory party, which senators from the gop will actually going to embrace him? melissa: yeah. no, i mean it will be very interesting to watch. especially going forward, as more and more people, seems like we read a new headline every minute. real quick. has it affected fund-raising at all, this sort of climate, noelle? >> absolutely. look, if you were to raise money nationally on a national scale for roy moore, i think it would come to a complete halt. melissa: oh, yeah. >> what big megadonors want the name on that list. melissa: in general, in general for the rnc.
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is everybody sitting on their money right now? are they still donating? has it put a chill on the whole environment? >> there is two things, two ways to look at it. they have had record high fund-raising with the rnc. but with that said, let me tell you steve wynn is the finance chairman this is billionaire. very influential, very well-respected man calling a lot of donors off his rolodex, a lot of people nationwide republican donors asking them to chip in. you have a unique with situation with steve wynn at the helm being finance director. it's a little different. look at dnc. they have not been able to pull their fund-raising at all but they don't have anybody like that. melissa: noelle, nikpour. thank you. david: standing up for al franken, three dozen women who worked with the senator on set of "saturday night live" are pledging support for the politician. they slammed franken's bay i don't remember towards leeann
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tweeden they know him as devoted family man and. lorraine newman and jane curtain are coming to his defense. melissa: more pictures where he did the same gag with other people have surfaced. sick of overcrowded grocery stores. jeff flock on latest delivery trend just in time for thanksgiving. ♪ his advisor ran the numbers and showed that he wouldn't be able to retire until he was 68. the client realized, "i need to get back into the markets- i need to get back on track with my plan." the financial advisor was able to work with this client. he's now on track to retire when he's 65. having someone coach you through it is really the value of a financial advisor.
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melissa: you haven't finished your grocery shopping list for thanksgiving. you may not have to even leave your house to stock your kitchen. some major grocers are giving shoppers the option to order the food from local stores to get it delivered that day. jeff flock is live in rolling meadows, illinois, to see how it is done. jeff, i did this today myself. reporter: you did? melissa: yeah. reporter: how did it turn out. did you get what you needed?
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melissa: i haven't gotten home yet to check but i have done it before. reporter: you're not alone. this is spreading. you're looking professional at work right there. this is tina. she is move so fast dutch can not keep up with her. i have to put my shoes on to run with her. this is an app called shipt. don't forget the t. s him ipt. it partners with grocery stores. it is uber for grocery delivery. you do this in your spare time. you have kids up the ears and you're busy. >> yes, absolutely. i enjoy doing this. the schedule allows flexibility. the environment is really an all together community environment with shipt. reporter: like what you do. some people like to shop for a living anyway. look at the numbers, melissa. it is a fairly small piece of the pie, the delivery piece of grocery, about 3.4%. it es growing, if stores do it
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for a while, they find market share increases. people like it. they buy all sorts of stuff. they trust you essentially, tina, right to, buy, like you have got their beans here. some people would want to pick out their own beans or right, or broccoli what is that? >> that is organic kale. reporter: organic kale. they trust you to bring them the right stuff. >> we take pride knowing what to pick and the freshest produce for our members. reporter: what have you got now? turkeys. that is fitting. leave you, perhaps, melissa with turkeys. you talk about amazon. this is lurking out there you know what, amazon people click on it a lot, they don't buy a lot of grocery on amazon. more of these sorts of platforms like p-pod and this one here, that people feel comfortable ordering a whole pile of whatever they need to buy, including at thanksgiving, a nice butterball. there you go, melissa.
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melissa: thanks so much, jeff. he says nobody is buying from amazon. i have done that. and i didn't get everything that i ordered. i tried it twice. it didn't work. now i found somebody reliable. a local thing like he said. now i do it all the time. dead on. david: they will fick it out. meanwhile trying to keep her testimony quiet after targeting tea party groups, lois lerner, remember her? she is pushing to keep her testimony under wraps. mark meckler, tea party patriots cofounder, he was caught up in the lawsuit. he joins us on the fallout of this coming next. ♪ do you have something for him? >>check this out. td ameritrade aggregates thousands of earnings estimates into a single data point. that way you can keep your eyes on the big picture. >>huh. feel better? >>much better. yeah, me too. wow, you really did a number on this thing. >>sorry about that. that's alright. i got a box of 'em. thousands of opinions. one estimate. the earnings tool
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david: no government institution in the u.s. is more clearly owned by you, the taxpayer, than the irs. moist of us actually write checks directly to the irs every april. so don't taxpayers deserve to see what former irs official
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lois lerner told a court about how and why she targeted tea party organizations because of their political beliefs? our next guest certainly thinks so. he is mark meckler, a tea party founder, who was in lois lerner's bureaucratic cross-hairs at one point. he joins us now. mark, great to see you. it was all white-washed by the obama administration but this new administration and the justice department and the irs all agreed that they did target tea party organizations like yours. the irs was forced to pay a fine. but now lois lerner is not saying anything. can she keep that testimony quite net. >> she filed a motion to try to keep that testimony quiet. the height of irony, after years of harassing and abusing tea party folks, she doesn't want what she actually did to become to be known because she is afraid she might be harassed. i don't believe in harrassment or abusing irs officials or
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anybody else but the irony is thick here, david. david: here specifically what she says. she and ollie paz, who was her assistant at irs, say public dissemination of their deposition testimony would expose them and tear families to harrassment and a credible risk of violence and physical harm. they went beyond that they actually spoke of you, referring to them as thugs at one point saying that is the proof that if their testimony was exposed they would be subject to physical harm. >> yeah. well indeed i called them thugs. they behaved like criminal thugs, not like government public servants. i think it was a deserved comment but reality was this, they don't want people to know because what they did is so bad. they must have said something on the record in those depositions that will make people angry and they're trying to keep that secret and that is outrageous. david: do you have any information about what it is she or her assistant said? >> we don't have any specific
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information but we know from the litigation, we know it from attorney general sessions said when he announced the settlement that the irs did indeed target. she was personally responsible for targeting. failed to inform her superiors. that is relatively inflammatory stuff if she is scared being known about it general public. david: it wasn't just the obama administration that sort of white-washed what she did the republicans had a chance to do more digging what she did and what she said before president trump was elected, right? >> i absolutely agree with that. congress in my opinion, this issue has been entirely useless. they provide continuing oversight of irs. the best disinfectant is daylight. congress didn't shine daylight on this. we have a white-washed ticta report with democrats. nobody did their job exposing this scandal. david: mark, we have a lot of organizations in the public. we have all kinds of departments, department of
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agriculture, irs, the irs is only institution we all write checks to once a year. we own the irs. we own her testimony, don't we? >> we should. it outrageous, over $4 million spent on this litigation. every step of the way the doj and the irs dragged their feet in the litigation. they don't want the american people to know what they did. they don't believe they served public. they believe they rule over the public. we're fighting for dissemination of this information because the american people need to know if we will prevent it from happening again. david: mark meckler, great stuff, mark. i hope you get the testimony. we all deserve what she had to say, because it involves all of us. mark meckler, great stuff, thank you. melissa: there will be two list turkeys to eat this thanksgiving. the vip guests at white house today are strutting their stuff at a chance for freedom. ♪ ♪
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trump: drumstick and his friend wishbone will live out their days at gobbler's rest. as many of you know, i have been very active in overturning a number of executive actions by my pere predecessor. however, i've been informed by the white house council's office that tater and tot's pardons cannot under any circumstances be provoked. >> keeping traditions live. pardoning two birds. wishbone and drumstick who will live the best of their days free of thanksgiving menu. >> going to be joining tater and tot as we hear from the two turkeys who were pardoned by president obama last year. it wasn't much action. >> let me give you the qualifications in case you wonder how they get pardoned. based on showmanship,
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character, do they have a good strut, pitch, gate, which is their balance, and do they have good posture? david: well, they had very good behavior. they didn't put up a fuss at all. melissa: they definitely deserve it. >> cbs suspending host charlie rose after eight women coming forward. >> let me be very clear. there is no excuse for this alleged behavior. >> these male feminists, suddenly we find they're the victimizers. >> charlie does not get a pass here. >> the inappropriate conduct in the workplace, the lack of respect, the diminishment of women. >> i cannot stop thinking about the anguish of these women, what happened to their dignity, what their to their bodies, what happened maybe to even their careers. >> it's been a fraud for the women who have been used


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