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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  November 30, 2017 12:00am-1:00am EST

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thought about holding people more accountable. lou: congratulations to congressman ron desantis who made possible. thank you. join us tomorrow. kennedy: a bombshell at nbc. the network firing matt lauer over accusations of sexual misconduct. the congress cleaning up its enact. now the senate and the tax plan. north korea has a missile capable of hitting anywhere in the u.s. is there anything that can be done to stop them? long swirling rumors were met with swift action as nbc announced they are firing "today show" icon matt lauer for sexual misconduct with a coworker. >> as you can imagine, we are
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devastated. we are still processing all of this. we don't know more than what i just shared with you. but we'll be covering this story as reporters and journalists. i am sure we'll be learning more details in the days and weeks to come. how do you reconcile your love for someone with the revelation that necessity behaved badly? i don't have the answer to that. kennedy: i can tell you what we have been through at fox, reconciling the love and gratitude with someone you know with the horrible pain they may have cause others is difficult. she said she commends the bravery of the women who have come forward. the "new york times" and other networks have been working on pieces detailing lauer's exploits. as the world was gleefully
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basking in the down a fall of ailes and others as if their situation was unique the this building, it was happening everywhere. the only certainty is there are other powerful predatory creatures who will join the growing list of cads and they are very, very nervous. i'm kennedy. matt lauer's firing comes one week after cbs canned charlie rose over similar accusations. should networks be doing more to root out this cancer in the first place. nbc fired matt lauer as soon as these allegations hit their human resources department. but as i just said, there were other media outlets includinged
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the "new york times" working on lauer hit pieces. was that strategic on nbc news' part? >> absolutely. they wanted to get out in front of the story and control the narrative. it was 26 hours from the time this female employee went to management and he was fired. charlie rose, it was 24 hours after "the washington post" detailed those allegations. kennedy: and garrison keillor today. it's a mix of people. it's critical to the success of nbc to the news department and the survival and thriving of the broadcast network. what does the departure of matt lauer marine?
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>> it's a big blow to nbc. matt lauer has bent face of nbc since the 90s. he does the olympics. he does thanksgiving day, where in the world is matt lauer. you can't underestimate how big a player he has been. we are in a weird situation where we don't know the details. we know it started with this woman at the 2014 winter olympics. if nbc was willing to let go of such an important player and fired him almost immediately, they must have taken these allegations seriously. kennedy: there is no due process now. you are seeing these organizations act more swiftly than they might have in the past. how much more important is it for a network morning show to survive than someplace like fox
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news where people thought if roger ailes and bill o'reilly were extracted from this organization it would crumble and that's not been the case. what's the contrast there? reporter: nibs not going to crumble and cbs isn't going to crumble. but television is a business based on personalities. the "today show" will get somebody else and the franchise will go on. but i take no joy in this as somebody who knows matt lauer. but the question savannah guthrie asked, a lot of people are struggling with they love, admire some of their friends and co-workers who get into trouble for behavior you can't defend and it creates a sense of anguish. kennedy: it's confusing, there
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is shame involved. all of this is happening culturally so incredibly fast. i'm wondering because the list has grown, are these men employable elsewhere, garrison keillor, matt lauer, bill o'reilly. >> people at that level it's hard to see them coming back to anything like that high-profile job. some of the older ones may choose to retire. after harvey weinstein and kevin spacey, and louis ck, it seems like every industry is grappling with it in a way as where maybe 5, 10, 15 years ago this would have been swept under the rug. kennedy: the one consequence installation the accused have is there is so much company.
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the news cycle moved so fast. it seems like it's grist for the mill. these stories and these actions will be forgotten. reporter: a week ago the "new york times" suspended glenn thrush. but within hours charlie rose got fired and nobody was talking about glenn thrush. if there are creditr credible allegations, i think it's fair to say employers are take this a lot more seriously and moving quickly. it's hard to keep up. kennedy: the spectacular downfall of so many tv personalities. these are people viewers invite into their homes every single day. so what can tv networks and the nation learn from all of this.
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kat timpf back in action and anthony fisher, fan former new york congresswoman and member of the trump for president advisory board nan hayworth. as you point out with matt lauer and nbc news. no denial, no due process, no suspension, just done. >> matt lauer you can say he's probably the biggest of these media figures to fall outside of the fox realm. charlie rose wasn't propping up the cbs morning show. matt lauer was on the "today show" for 21 years. kennedy: it's i man us in with coffee. the way people start their day.
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this is the basis for the rest of the network and gives them so much of their operating budget for sports and entertainment. those are huge showedders to rest upon that are now gone. >> matt lauer has a bit of a reputation for being difficult and a back stabber. he's as difficult as hell. i am not questioning the veracity of these allegations. he hasn't issue sad denial. but he's expensive and difficult and it's easier to get rid of him. kennedy: the question we are always struggling with is what is the appropriate response. so many people, men in particular, a vast majority, they are the ones who felt like this was a perk for a powerful job, to take advantage of people in a vulnerable position.
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but mike pence was swatted down for saying he doesn't go to dinner alone with women. >> that story and the disdain he encountered has played on my minds through these days of the avalanche of accusations including political figures. because people ridiculed the vice president for that policy. but we are entering a new era of caution, and scrutiny, and wariness per force. anybody who has a position of power whether it be a woman or man could be accused of behavior that they either -- kennedy: told school people say this is what you do. if there is someone with a hotel across the hall, whatever the case may be, she is a cookie in my jar. >> i'm not sad about any of this
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at all it's like bye, bye, all of you guys. don't trip on your pants that are around your ankles on your way out. it's making the workplace a safer place for woinl, and men, too. by these powerful people who will use their power to abuse people who don't have any. people are too worried to say anything because no one will believe them. we are moving away from that and that's great. kennedy: in the meantime there are big new developments in the crazy alabama senate race. one of roy moore's accusers writing an open letter. in the lerpt she says what you did to me when i was 14 years old should be rye voling to every person of good morals. now you are attacking my honesty
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and integrity. she claims moore pursued her sexually when she was in her teens. kennedy: steve bannon will campaign with moore next week, according to cnn. will moore pull this election off despite the barrage of allegations against him. i'm not surprised steve bannon is going to alabama. he gets to fight the swamp and the media and ignore the grossest part of the allegations. >> steve bannon is the man who paraded clinton temperatures accusers out during a debate and put them in the front row. it doesn't surprise me before
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it's interesting steve bannon who is a rich guy from the west coast is going to be campaigning in the heartland. kennedy: here is the thing that bums me out about roy moore. we take john conyers' accuser at face value. the women al franken groped. we don't ask for due process. why are roy moore's accusers somehow not believable? is it because republicans don't want to lose the senate? people who will take matt lauer's story of attack me on twitter for saying roy moore is a disgusting sexual predator with a long established pattern of being a total creep. >> for my own part i stated repeatedly that every claim has to be considered fully from both sides of the accusation.
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kennedy: what about john conyers? >> what more do you want? four women with their first and last name. putting their rep taitions on the line. then the stories were put up by more than 30 corroborating sources. i don't know what more if you need. i feel like we are in this position in society when someone comes forward with a credible, well backed up story of child molestation, the first question are going to ask is, the guy who molests her a republican or democrat. kennedy: they become a political pawn. it is unacceptable. if something is unacceptable when the. >> significance party is doing it, it doesn't make it okay for
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roy moore. this victim shaping. i don't like it when nancy pelosi does it and i don't like the when roy moore supporters do it. >> it illustrates the extraordinary challenge we face at the very least going forward. there really is -- you know, a tremendous risk on both sides of any transaction. >> roy moore is getting due process. it's being vetted by virtue of the business he's in. he can't be kicked off the balance will the right now. if he was in any other business he would be kicked out right now. >> i find roy moore unsavory. and all these allegations. kennedy: these are people who like many other victims of sexual abuse, leigh corfman kept it inside to protect her family.
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she voted for trump. >> in fairness, she said she voted for trump. we had a secret ballot. we don't know. >> you would rather believe a conspiracy theory? >> i'm not believing a conspiracy theory. i'm merely pointing out the challenge we have because one can make claims. >> four women. [all talk at once] >> i'm not defending roy moore. all i'm saying is -- we do have cases in which al franken we had a photograph. but he says with regard to other women who came forward and said
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he made me deeply uncomfortable. he groped me. >> if roy moore was in the senate -- >> i'm not fighting for roy moore. kennedy: republicans in the senate pushing their tax reform bill through the end of the week. will the plan make sense for liberty lovers? i'll ask a congressional liberty i'll ask a congressional liberty lover,
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kennedy: the house has passed their tax bill and the senate budget committee sent theirs to the senate floor. important differences remain between the house and senate versions including whether the obamacare mandates repealed and the number of tax brackets and whether personal thanks breaks are eliminated. the congressional budget office leaked a report saying middle
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and lower class americans could be adversely affected. >> some americans are going to be paying more in taxes. why is that okay? >> the process was focusing on the middle class and making sure those were the top priority individuals helped by his tax cut and tax reform package. that's exactly what this does. kennedy: is that really the case? and what should be in the gop's final bill? >> i never said this before and i may never say it again. but i think the senate bill is better than the house bill. there are more tax cuts in it. they beth cut the corporate rates. but by rolling in the obamacare repeal of the individual mandate.
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that's $320 billion of tax cuts we are able to flow through to the regular w2 wage earner. kennedy: tart with the individual mandate and don't stop until the whole place has crumbled to the ground. i mean that metaphorically of course. but delaying the tax cut for a year doesn't make sense. >> that's the worst part of the senate bill. it delays the best part of both bills by a year. but it's an artifact of this senate process called budget reconciliation. they refused to substitute spending here. kennedy: i know you are one person in congress who understands my passion on this issue. bob corker and jeff flake are concerned this tax bill adds to the deficit. but they want a back stop that
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triggers a reraise. why not have a back stop that triggers spending cuts? >> if they put a back stop in there, they might as well trigger to cut spending. they will increase spending three weeks after this tax bill passes. kennedy: that's what they are waiting for. they want people to be so distracted that what's coming down the road is more spending. it's so ridiculous. when they talk about not enough revenue coming in, don't you
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agree the irs takes in plenty of revenue? >> they have got plenty of money. the senators couldn't get together on repealing obamacare. they couldn't even do a skinny repeal. but they hate spending so much that now they are ready to do the skinny repeal because otherwise they have to cut spending to get these thanks cuts in to be a good person. >> trump might get you out of jail. you get a five-finger discount
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if you go to ucla. kennedy: congressman massie, thanks very much for your time. north korea tested a missile that has the power to reach anywhere in the world including the u.s. one senator says the move takes us one step closer to war.
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[♪] kennedy: north korea has a missile that can hit any city in the united states. that's a terrifying analysis after a test launch of an icbm with a range of 8,000 miles which is more than enough to reach new york or washington, d.c. president trump assured us that quote we'll take care of it. south carolina senator lindsey graham said quote we are headed to war if things don't change. is a devastating conflict inevitable? joining me, former characteristics a officer and host of buck sexton. how significant is that considering what north korea has done and tested?
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>> the concern has been as we all know, they will be able to have an icbm new jar tip so they can essentially have a nuclear strike on a i.s. city or any city in the world. all that is left is dealing with the war head and reentry issues. but they basically have got delivery system. they have nuclear weapons, they have the missiles, it's just the question of the specifics. they have been going much more quickly. you can check and see what analysts and various think takes put out there. this is moving more quickly than anticipated. the notion by lindsey graham that we are heading to war i think is wrong.
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there is a few steps and i think even if all the intermediary options we are talking about, china and russia, no matter how much they try, there will be black market activity. the north koreans have essentially been os two sized from the interest fashion -- they have been possibl -- have n ostracized forking a long time. kennedy: they are happy to starve their own people to bolster their nuclear weapons program. there has to be something other than sanctions. >> what ends up happening here. nobody wants to say it.
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we would rather discuss the possibility of a strike. we learn to live to a north korea that gets to a stage of nuclear weapons development that we said was unacceptable. kennedy: let's say we let that happen, what else does north korea want? >> then regime change or regime implosion feel like they are off the table for the foreseeable. kim jong-un has seen what happened in libya and iraq. and if you have nukes you don't go anywhere. kim jong-un knows that. the north korean regime exists for two reasons. to perpetuate itself and take south korea and make it part of north korea. they have no interest in the
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international workers movement. they are not interested in colonizing the rest of the world. who is going to want to invade a country where biological weapons and real nukes. that takes that off the table. kennedy: federal prosecutors are investigating claims the ridesharing company deployed an espionage team to steal trade secrets from its rivals. waymo sued uber claiming the former executive downloaded the technology before leaving. we learned uber tried to cover up that hearing had stolen the accounts of 57 million users on
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top of sexual assault allegations by drivers and in the corporate offices. my party panel is back. nan, corporate espy nawrnlg has existed -- corporate espionage has existed since corporations have existed. things move so quickly, you have to be first to market in order to succeed. >> why would uber be -- they are messing with alphabet? alphabet is the most of powerful. that's the most of powerful information technology company in the world basically. so uber sounds like should we'vy
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screw-ber? >> i shed no tears. they are a bad company toxic inside and out. they changed at game and there are alternatives. there are competitors and in some ways these two goliaths alphabet and uber going after each other created space in the market. >> i don't like iesh. my rating is a 4.2.
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it's really bad. it's ridiculous because i'm a delight. but i can't use them, it's very, very tough because drivers will see the rating and cancel. so i have to use these alternatives. >> i'm using cabs. kennedy: i'm to 5,000 steps every day. through have much. coming up, the old adage goes with wisdom comes age or something. by the appears millennials replease a
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kennedy: the gridlock in washington has shown zero sierns of ending. but what is picking up steam is a third political party. any lynn yalts think there should be a third party. 26% say the two-party system
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works just fine. are millennials right to believe it's time for one more party to step in. and can they pull it off in lawrence jones is a host at the blaze tv and he's a phenomenal human. let's talk about you and your generation. i understand why they would be so disenchanted by the two-party system because it does nothing for them and will not in the future. >> you are right. it's one of the rare times i agree with my if he throw any lynnalls. i have been a democrat and republican and now i'm a libertarian. it seems like the only thing we
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can have dialogue on is change. the two-party system -- i call them the good cop-bad cop. a lot of these people pretend to hate each other. but their kids go to the same school. but they go to the same parties and they have the same interests, and that's to stay in power. kennedy: and spends money. you know chuck schumer and nancy pelosi and the president are on the phone but they are vastly the same on another.
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so they vote in blocks as opposed to voting this ridiculous party line which is a losing strategy. >> it becomes entertainment wwe showdown that we watch every day on tv. but there is no loyalty to an ideology or promoting change. they become just pure entertainment. i think that's why my generation is so frustrated. i have democrat friends and although i disagree with them on policy things, i think they are good human beings. but we can sit down at the table and have adult conversations. i don't think that's happening in the political arena. i don't think we are at a point right now in our constitutional republic where the third party system actually works. i think we can cause change
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within instead of trying to create a different party. kennedy: lawrence jones, peace appreciate your time. kennedy: coming up. the war on christmas take on water. water. we'll head out to the seattttttt no matter how the markets change... water. we'll head out to the seattttttt at t. rowe price... our disciplined approach remains. global markets may be uncertain... but you can feel confident in our investment experience around the world. call us or your advisor... t. rowe price. invest with confidence.
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retail. under pressure like never before. and it's connected technology that's moving companies forward fast. e-commerce. real time inventory. virtual changing rooms. that's why retailers rely on comcast business to deliver consistent network speed across multiple locations. every corporate office, warehouse and store near or far covered. leaving every competitor, threat and challenge outmaneuvered. comcast business outmaneuver.
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kennedy: the new york giants sea nounced that eli planning no longer be their starting quarterback. this turned fans who had no idea the team practiced. we begin at the victoria's secret fashion show where viewers got to preview the hottest new fall fashion. supermodel. it's not whether you get knocked down in life but whether someone broadcasts it to the world to show your humiliation. kennedy: it's not every day a woman gets to feel better about
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herself while watching highlights of the victoria's secret fashion show. but backstage several models were seen throwing out their lunch. topic number two. fashion models aren't the only ones taking a dive. limits add to the seattle aquarium where the rising cost of elf labor caused santa to make a water lands. it's a chance to watch scuba santa swim in a tank of water. ticket sales have been through the roof. and there have been zero shoplifting attempts in the gift
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shop thanks to and today's new security team. you have to remember to move them at night after the kids go home. they move themselves. topic number three. if you work in a restaurant long enough you'll eventually see a low life customer pull the dine and dash. but you a south carolina restaurant caught a guy who pulled the dine and crash. a teenager slammed his pickup truck through the front wall. fortunately everyone was able to get out of the way quickly. the driver turned himself into the cops after seeing the video on the local news. the restaurant owner decide not
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to press charges. the kid is a big fan much south carolina football so the owner decided he suffered enough. topic number four. we have all driven to see a house with an insane christmas light display. some of us even hitch miked because maybe we lost our license after crashing into a mexican restaurant. but the locals don't always appreciate the extra car and foot traffic. if you don't believe me, ask this connecticut man what a bunch of husm bug grinches who started petition to take it down. they are work on a solution. my neighbor started a petition over the summer when my girls opened their tequila stand on
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the front lawn. the only thing we took down were to smooth shots of gold because we are not quitters. you know how refresh that is for runners on a hot day? topic number five. finally the city of ask thedale, arizona knows holiday shopping can be stressful. that's why they opened a butterfly wonderland where people can take off from the hustle and bustle to get swarmed by thousands of insects. the proprietors of the rain fort say it's more relaxing than it sounds. by all accounts the advise tores loving it, too. by staring at these fluttering butterflies can leave you have
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feeling light head. over 5 million people have seen a video of this stunning fall. when you google stunning fall, every story is about matt lauer. we'll tell you who hillary clinton is accusing now of ruining her presidential aspirations. the " " " " " ♪ traders -- they're always looking for advantages. the smart ones look to fidelity to find them. we give you research and data-visualization tools to help identify potential opportunities. so, you can do it this way... or get everything you need to help capture investment ideas
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kennedy: believe it or not don't want to keep talking about her. but like gypsy mobs and black mold, hillary won't go away. in addition to wisconsin voter i.d. laws, facebook ads from russians. bed bugs, and justin verlander. hillary clinton found another entity to blame. fox news. yeah. she pulled the vast right-wing conspiracy anything it out of the bread drawer. remember this one? >> the great story here for anybody willing to find out by the and whereabout it and explain it is the vast right-wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he
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announced for president. kennedy: she says fox news is so effective that if they were around in 1972 her husband wouldn't have become president. hillary says fox news significantly altered people's view ofs about politics as has msnbc. but you don't hear her complaining about sources she agrees with. her excuses are thin and nobody cares. it only mag guys her desperation and irrelevance. thank you for watching the show. please follow me on twitter and instagram. email
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tomorrow on the show, brian brenberg and ron desantis as well as your hate mail. so much to - [announcer] the following is a paid presentation for the gotham steel smokeless grill, brought to you by emson. just look at this mouthwatering steak and succulent barbecued chicken. you love that grilled flavor, but actually grilling can be a hassle. you choke on the smoke and dodge the flames to keep burgers from burning. it's frustrating. and then, you have to deal with the weather. and forget grilling indoors. the smoke could cause a fire drill, until now. introducing the gotham steel smokeless grill, the revolutionary new indoor grilling system that's virtually smoke free. that means you can grill restaurant quality steaks right inside your home, perfectly cooked every time. from barbecued baby back ribs to fresh salmon and veggies, even juicy cheeseburgers, all without the smoke.


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