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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  December 2, 2017 5:00am-6:00am EST

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i agree, it's a minor matter. lou: ambassador john bolton and michelle malkin among our guests monday. good kennedy: nancy pelosi on hot seat over how she handled sexual harassment on capitol hill. why do lawmakers have their own set of rules, ron desantos is with us. and matt lauer apologized. and is cutting taxes on rich really that bad of an idea, john stossel makes the case, grab your checkbook it's time to cash in. kennedy: a double standard of work with sexual harassment. why can't politics get rid of per -- that caused kathleen rice to take a stand against her own
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party. >> ask any person on street, do you think that action that cbs took with charlie rose of appropriate or anyone else in hollywood, harvey weinstein, they would say yes. why can't we do the same in washington? kennedy: a great question, aimed at nancy pelosi who defended conyers, when she could have asked him to resign, sunday morning. now nancy has so much egg on her face, she could make a giant omelet, so today she asked conyers to step aside. >> allegations against congressman conyers, are serious, disappointing and credible, so sad, brave women who came forward are owed justice, i pray for congressman conyers and his family, i wish them well. how ever congressman conyers should resign.
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>> market forces naturally act on natural predator. to fire them, when evidence stacks up like fire wood, in dc people like al franken are so drunk on power they will never let go, and we're the ones stuck withs hangover. charlie rose goes but roy moore's name stays on the ballot. not too much to ask for standards for cooks who rob us blind for a living, welcome to the show, i am kennedy. kennedy: there have been 17 million dollar in secret payer on the for harassment claims on capitol hill, money is coming from what is a hush fund. now possible solution in official of bipartisan house bill. aims to curb sexual misconduct
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in washington. bill would require disclosure of all settlement paymenting funded by tax payers. against the congress members, and prevent the members from using office budget to ca camouflage payments, joining me now, cosponsor of the bill, desantos, how does this hush fund work? >> there was a fund established in 1995, it was one permanent fund that congress does not have to rethundershowers. it is not -- reauthorize, it not in our annual budget or appropriation bill, it just exists, when there are claims made against members of congress, congres congressionalf and others associated legislative branch, this is a kind of a pot of money where claims can be settled, including
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sexual harassment but not limited to, that you have a situation, incentive provided to members of climate inclined to misbehave are, you're taxpayer will -- your taxpayer will bail you out for your misconduct, and we'll keep is secret. no wonder have you people misbehaving. kennedy: we heard people, that come forward with claims, are sent to harassment training ib stead of having their games investigated. so what does your bill do? >> we have 22 years of payment for various things about 17 million dollars, those should not be secret payments, taxpayer has a right to know how their money being used, my bill require amount, nature of claim, and perpetrator be disclosed to american people, going forward, we're preventing the taxpayer
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from being forced to bailout members of congress for misconduct. kennedy: that is just wrong. and having the ca so taxpayer pt that, that is not appropriate, what happens in dc, i know it happens with ethics charges that used as a political tool. seems easy for a group of democrat to accuse a republican of doing figure untoward then those allegations, unfounded be made public. >> these are for settlement, if they are unfounded, nothing happened then it is not in the record. if there was a settlement made because a member decided, i did not do anything wrong but i want to do this to move on, what is wrong with errorring on side of transparency. he is what happened, it was not
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valid, i didn't want to drag it out. maybe they will know maybe they won't but they should have a right to know. >> yes. kennedy: this was really, it was you know your colleague jackie spear brought this to light last week could correct? >> right for -- this is about two weeks ago. so, very few of us knew about it we were never called on vote on it or conduct oversight, this is something that is front and center, i don't see anyway how congress could continue keeping it a secret, we need to clear out under brush, and sun light. kennedy: you do, and i think that every industry taking a cold hard look at themselves and there practice -- their practicing figuring out how to keep people like this out of power. i am wondering what is mood like on capitol hill. are some of your colleagues nervous they will be next named and possibly asked to resign. >> i think there are some people that are nervous.
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kennedy: who? >> well, i think the american people will fine that out quickly, by most of members are saying, i don't want this hanging over congress ha head, t gets imputedded by public as if ern is guilty, best thing make it public, prevent abuse of tax dollar going forward, and members who are conducting themselves well and working hard their constituents will know that. >> all right, congressman ron desantos. >> thank you. kennedy: disgraced nbc today show matt lauer apologizing amid graphic new details of sexual misconduct, two new accusers, a woman claims in 2001, he invited her to his office, he then locked door could tooked of his clothe -- looks door, tooked off his clothes and had sex with
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her, some time he passed out. then all other allegations. lauer released a statement saying in part, there are no words to express my sorrow, and preregret, for pain that i have caused other by words and actions, to people i have hurd, i am sorry also, i am writing that i realize depth of damage and disappointment i left at home, and at nbc. but then he added it, some of what is being said about me is untrue or mischaracterized but there is enough truth to make me real embarrassed and ashamed. so, is he sorry or just sorry he got caught? let me go to my party panel.
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my friend. camille foster. >> so matt lauer. i read statement, i take no joy in this, but have you it parse words, common thread from charlie rose, is, some is true, i feel bad, but some is not. do you think he feels bad or just feels bad he got caught. >> i have no idea. some -- i can't crawl into his mind. kennedy: crawl away. >> some things are problematic. a woman saying she was knocked out while having what can be described as rape. occur is very problematic, but there is something about this, whole category, flattening of this, where louie ck and harvey weinstein are in same category, this is not same vertical
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access. >> i agree, you have to take allegations separately, they are not same thing, there st an under current. but you have to realize, that you know groping someone in a picture is disgusting but rape is its open level of seriousness. >> a criminal act, you should go to prison. we should investigate this, nottive in for an allegation -- not enough for an allegation. we should not blur the difference. kennedy: talk about nbc and what they knew. i have known about matt lauer, i am last 5 person to know everything, is there anyway, because, this guy so valuable, not only too his show but the network, anyway they did not know. >> there is no chance, imagine how many people it has to go through to get across street to fox, if we know it had to filter through so many people. when you pay a guy $25 million a
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year, you keep tabs on your investment. if people within the building know, no one keeps secret about the boss in any building, if their boss does something silly like wears a we'r weird shirt, e boss has a lock on his door, and is knocking women out there no way that does not travel, i do believe they are defending again possiblegation -- litigation. >> they tried to say it was incomplete. that can't be true, i trust ronan ferril, he did a good job, but he releases this article on harvey weinstein, nbc news compromised their journalistic credible tie by not putting that story out it shines too much light on matt lauer. >> we're talking about they had
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a golden goose, they didn't want him to turn into a turkey, they are protecting their investment. was this an open secret? i heard stories, these places have make-up rooms, a lot is discussed. >> funny you should say that. >> and make-up artists who work from place to place. i agree in terms of half half, and louis c.k. and matt lauer, each case, have you powerful media men with magical formula of success. that is what sets it apart and why they are protected. with golden tough, but they also in all three cases were behaving in sexually assaultive ways. kennedy: a difference between rape and what louis c.k. did and matt lauer accused of doing, and harvey weinstein. i'm going too finish. and they are alleged to have done they are different
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categories. that is what kmele is saying. >> i am saying in all three cases, they are alleged to have exposed themselve to women without women wanting that. >> that is exposure that is one category, and rape is another category. >> louis sexually assaulted himself, for us that disgusting. >> that is called indecent exposure. >> there is such a proliferation of this going on, i think general public just lumped them together, it is they are one issue we'll move on. without actually -- >> to close this out for sake of victims, this is a problem to describe what say rape as sexual misconduct that is happening today, a problem to be a list of creeps. >> it minimizing -- >> i agree.
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kennedy: just shy of murder, and abusing a child secondly is the worst thing you could do to a human being. >> i agree, but what struck me. in a number of these cases in particular those 3 they have exposed themselves to women, we have the issue with halprin exposing himself, performing's sex act on himself in front of someone who is a junior at his company, this not flirting a or handsy in a picture. >> a broward universe of problem that maust be addressed by say creating a new standard. where we just trust people, we don't investigate, we just need accusations and allegations, that is problematic. kennedy: nbc news has every right to say, we heard that allegation from an employee, we're term nighting your contract -- terminating your
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contract. if they have true process, i am find with that. you know, that is what i said in monologue, we don't have that in dc, people have been getting away with god knows what. using taxpayer money. different when we talk about college campus, because there is no due process, you know we're not talking about people in power but piers, and -- peers, and men are accused they are tarred as sexual predators, it may not be case, and power dynamic different and real, and making that much more serious. all right. >> i miss anthony weiner. i think life was so much simpler with just one dirtbag with a phone, do you remember. >> no. >> creep, but in overall scream of things he is a mom and pop. >> all right, well, panel will return, later, but critics of g.o.p. tax plan, say all that republicans care about it gives
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tax breaks to the rich, john stossel up next to explain why tax cuts for wealthy are great for everyone. that is next. patients that i see that complain about dry mouth they feel that they have to drink a lot of water. medications seem to be the number one cause for dry mouth. dry mouth can cause increased cavities, bad breath, oral irritation. i like to recommend biotene. biotene has a full array of products that replenishes the moisture in your mouth. biotene definitely works. it makes patients so much happier. [heartbeat] when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night. hold on dad... liberty did what? yeah, liberty mutual 24-hour roadside assistance
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kennedy: senate budget committee
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sense their tax bill to senate. they try to come through on long held promise, yesterday president tweeted this week, senate can join the house and take a strong stand for middle class family, the backbone of america, giving america's big boost beautiful christmas present. of course, democrats don't see it that way, senate majority leader chuck howard ripped into the plan -- chuck schumer ripped into the plan. >> that is wrongapproach for our economy. it concentrating more of wealth at the very top, just what american people don't want. but, so many of those who fund the republican party do. kennedy: put a sock in it chuck. meum schumer is right, is that a
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bad thing for all americans. kennedy: joining me now, john toestossel. i have been advocates for tax cut in every bracket, that has become harassy. how much does top 1% say. >> 40%. rich people pay more in taxes. if you cut taxes, they will get a bigger cut. that is okay. because by and large rich people do good things. steve jobs for example he was so rich he took 10 billion dollars, that is how much money he had when he died. did he take from us? no apple became worth 80 billion, averages 5 bucks a device. >> apple is worth $800 billion because of his innoing invasiod
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leadership. >> your phone is big. kennedy: i like it that way. >> i paid 800 bucks for new phone. kennedy: did you get x or 8. >> the 8. kennedy: nice. >> i paid that it was worth more than $5 to me, rich people unless they collude with government, bridg bring us good, even donald trump with his real estate, business, business is volunteer. kennedy: why is that such a toxic concept. >> people don't get it. kennedy: this is a simple principle, wealth does not equal evil. both sides in washington, d.c. have inturnallize it that -- internalize it that rich people are bad, there of they must be punished. >> it is intuitive to think of
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life as zero sum game, but not like a bunch of pens, and some rich guy took these, and we have that many left. no, business is voluntary, they had to produce new pens for us. and we all get richer from that. kennedy: and we get pens. there are so many pens, ballpoints and sharpies and scratch and sniff. >> no one unless you collude with government, as do donald tp sometimessal did, everyone wins. >> that is concept that i wish more people would understand, it is okay for other people to do well, if they do well, there is a good chance you doc -- you coo well, what government takes in, it spends. it does not have a mechanism for wealth creation, people do, entrepreneurs do, inventors do, workers do,
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government government does not, that is impediment of wealth creation, wealth creation is not an evil concept, it lifts people out of property -- poverty, and allows people to live longer. >> i wish politician would acknowledge deficit at 1% interest rate maybe now, but they don't want to cut spending on anything. >> kennedy: no, they want a backstop to raise taxes indications revenue does not come in. you will have more money, then give it back to people who earned it. >> with lower spending. kennedy: so -- >> it has to. kennedy: so critical, and i wish, more people were able to articulate those natural messages that you shared tonight john stossel. >> thank you, i do it on my youtube video nows. kennedy: they are fantastic. >> thank you. kennedy: party people. >> coming up roy moore blamed a whole bunch of groups for
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conspiring to destroy his campaign, and they made up all of the sexual assault allegations s s s s copd makes it hard to breathe. so to breathe better, i go with anoro. ♪go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma . it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown copd. anorwon't replace rescue inhars for suddenymptoms and ould not be ed more than once a day. ll your doctor if you have a glaucoma, prostatebladder, or urinary yoe
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kennedy: i got my guess because we are going to talk about the
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alabama senate race that took another bizarre turn as roy moore described who's behind the campaign against him while speaking from the pulpit of an alabama church moore said the bisexual and transgender who want to change our culture they are the ones who make up the claims that he sexually assaulted a number of teenage girls in the 70s. moore one to blame socialists and the washington establishment as well. his speech was interrupted by protesters twice one who asked the entire tang -- time all the girls were lying? moore is two points above democrat doug jones. joining me now cohost juan williams is here. do you think there's something to the story that minority voters will coalesce against roy moore? >> the question is do they turn out and were not just talking black voters in general. we are talking about black men.
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lack women are an energized and engaged in terms of this contest. this offers ample in 2016 black voter turnout was down somewhat and in places like alabama and throughout the south there was a decrease in terms of black voter turnout for the question becomes how does the democratic national convention say energized black voters in the aftermath of a black president. obama was able to draw them out especially black men. kennedy: a lot of people said this the first time i voted for this is with someone who will represent me finally in washington d.c.. it's interesting because doug jones have some bona fides if you will in terms of having prosecuted the people who were responsible for the 63 bombing in birmingham in the 60s that killed the four little girls in church that he is something of a hero to many black voters in alabama. you have john lewis the famous congressman from georgia go down to the campaign with him. the question is can they reach
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out in the last 12 days, the election of december 12 can they reach out in a way that gets black voters going? in terms of black radio black tv they are on the air but it's black men who man who typically say one is that election? kennedy: i met with someone from realclearpolitics the other day and they said you know we were the ones who were telling you how close the presidential race was. there were a lot of polls that had in the bag for hillary and they said if it was nothing else it would be a late night and they had doug jones up just a fraction and now roy moore is up by the same average by two points. a lot of people are saying some voters are needed picking up the phones to talk to pollsters because they are embarrassed to say they are voting for moore so with moore had people not all in the 2% advantage is there anything that can keep him from winning? >> the number one thing is if he is being outspent in terms of
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advertising like 8-1. the money is pouring in for doug jones but he can't speak on his behalf because there would be a backlash potentially from evangelicals from the evangelical white community. so going off and transgender people that somehow they have manufactured along with the elite media these women which i think is just preposterous but it appeals to people who feel you know what the east coast media elite, the "washington post" where the story first ran they have always been, i don't relate to them and president trump has said now well we would rather not have a liberal democrat in that seat. i find it troubling in the sense that for evangelicals to ignore the idea that as an adult male you were somehow involved with a 14-year-old girl. kennedy: and so hyperpartisan that you put politics above all
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else. i agree with you. i share your frustration. i wish there was a strong libertarian running an alabama. but alas here we are and i think it's going going to be a long ad interesting night in december of december 12. juan williams thank you so much. a bunch of victoria's secret angels are in hot water. you don't want to get those links with after controversial backstage video surfaced on line and it's not because they are all topless. according to reports supermodel carlie cross uploaded the video to youtube up some of the girls singing megahit bow deck cielo. most of the models in the room are white and they sang the lyrics with the n word so everybody is flipping out on line. should these models begetting so much hate or just a sandwich? camile i will start with you
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because you are the most racial interesting person working in the world of politics, maybe the western world. let us discuss this. don't you think there's something about participation in music and singing along regardless of what the lyrics are? and aren't people allowed to express themselves in lip-synch and song without being branded racist? >> you know kennedy. >> you need to help them camile. >> these women need my help and i'm going to come to their aid. i don't know about this victoria's secret thing. these are professionals. >> i care about them because they are working hard and context and circumstance and convention all of these things matter. it's clear from the context that these women who no offense have been using the n word to the benefit of it -- it's totally ridiculous we live in a moment where people think it's okay to obliterate context and condemn
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people for using words in context from the hit song, singing the lyrics of a hit song celebrating the hit song that it's been viewed. a plus million times on youtube and is the number one on the billboard charts. no one should be offended by this. if you're offended you are a. if you think they should have their careers ended for an idiotic -- we had this debate when the college sorority guy sang a kanye west song. it's in the leaflet. i have no problem with you saying it unless it's not in the lyrics. kennedy: you are thinking fools rush in. >> the bad boy remix. >> the comedian who got in trouble for this. they were directing it at people people.
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kennedy: i don't think, it's really important i don't think this have the same intent. >> not at all. obviously not. kennedy: we were listening to nwa in two live crew in high school. >> that word comes up when you're singing along you stop a little bit but here's my thing. why are people getting upset with the models and not the rap artist to are putting this in the music. he is wide and white and he uses this language on a regular basis basis. >> he is sworn it off. >> i looked at this and i wonder, i saw what happened backstage at victoria's secret and it was a weird machiavelli and move to post a video to knock out the competition? i don't know.
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kennedy: these guys have to have more time on the runway. >> they could no at the same time nowhere in the world as their white person who would be better off if only they said the n word in public. i go so far out of my way to only use the n word at home. how about you just drop the audio? >> i dream of a world where we can use the same words in the same context and receive the same outcomes. that's dr. king very march on washington at me. >> that's the only way to get past races to get past racism. kennedy: you and i could have a baby. >> i will think about it. let me get past sunday. kennedy: thank you so much. coming up did you book a flight to see your family for the
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flights could be affected. december 17 in january 1, no one is really going anywhere than through joining me to discuss a woman who is always cleared for takeoff, the captain. deidre bolden. >> i'm going to be working for "american idol" ames and december. a quick training course here. kennedy: what happened? they had a la tuna computer systems. kennedy: people putting for time off in the glitch went, sure. >> christmas? everyone goes home happy. here's the problem if you book the flight between december 17 and the end of the year from the following cities boston charlotte washington dallas-fort worth new york miami chicago or philadelphia you might have a problem. kennedy: those are massive. people coming and going by the
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millions. >> here's the official statement from american airlines saying we are working diligently to address the issue expect them to avoid cancellations. do not worry you are going to have a flight canceled. we have reserve pilots. i suppose they are going to break him out of the basement. kennedy: or pull them out of the bar in the middle of the night. >> 150% of their hourly rate. as much as we are allowed to pay them per contract. some of the unions, the pilots unions are saying what does that clause mean? it means if you can pay you well and if you can't pay you won't? this is an open-ended question meaning okay american airlines you said you were going to pay these pilots time and a half but if you somehow have a closet you don't have two pay them than we are not going to allow our
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pilots to show up and fly. kennedy: it's going to become a union issue because american airlines clumsily worded their statement. >> i should not be making light of that but i would be fairly annoyed if i took the time to buy a ticket rankled my family. kennedy: you have little kids running around at airports and bags full of presents and all of a sudden your flight is canceled because the pilot didn't show up up. >> american airlines is trying very hard -- kennedy: that happen before my renewed. american airlines have some kind of a sick cow. >> i've been where there was a pilot that the person had too many hours booked so it's just a smaller version of this and even though the pilot on the ground could lead. kennedy: what are they doing for passengers? >> so far nothing has been announced because american airlines is still going with the theory that they are going to fix fix it fix it so right now .
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kennedy: if you are dramatic person what i would do is book an american airlines flight and hope it's canceled. >> you might also get caught with those pesky timestamps. kennedy: curses. deirdre bolton thank you so much much. she's the smartest person in the building. two daredevils have managed to do the impossible. they didn't get hillary to -- about the election but they did land their glider inside the moving plane. wewewewewe my experience with usaa has been excellent. they always refer to me as master sergeant. they really appreciate the military family, and it really shows. we've got auto insurance, homeowners insurance.
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test. test. test. test. test. test. shows who you voted. those who drive the pickup are more likely to vote for trump and van drivers voted for hillary and those who la tuna cars were more likely to vote for bernie sanders. this is topical storm. topic number one. we begin tonight with a beautiful swiss alps where nobody is discussing the -- that
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are flying around because we are too busy talking about the wingsuit flying around. these two daredevils were attempting to land inside of the moving plane after leaving off a 13,000-foot mountain. they pulled it off for everyone to see. kind of like louis c.k.. the death defying feat exploder on social media but unfortunately the story does not have a happy ending. due to a scheduling glitch buy american airlines the plane they jumped into had no pilot. they were forced to immediately jump back out and now they are record does not count. oh well, it get them next time. that's all for the title of hillary's next book, what happened? get them next time. topic number two. king tides artifacts are going on tour. mommies are hot and although it's going to cost money to see them organizers have assured us that this is not a pyramid
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scheme. king tides treasures of the pharaoh wlil arrive in los angeles this january and unlik thrams and chargers expected to draw huge crowds. treasures include golden jewelry aborate carvings desk tt allowei to make sure noby walked into his office wle he was hting on the stafford. in addition to ancient artifacts visitors will get to see a massive collection of monies. these two were on loan from a washington exhibit. a couple of california girls. the beach boys saying about them before electricity. topic number three. domino's is launching its very own baby registry because why he spends nine whole months hoping to have a great delivery when
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you could have a mediocre one in 30 minutes. the menu is full of pregnancy themes, deals and in addition to pizza you can send breadsticks and chicken wings because let's face it in a new dad can pass out sigar's at the hospital but it takes a real man to pass out ranch dipping sauce. there's also a post package for mom looking to keep on the baby weight and the company has released this footage from their first delivery. this pizza tasted a little cold. did you fly it here with the windows down? there is no pilot or pepperoni. topic number four. they say you can't teach an old dog new tricks. you can teach them new party games. the owners of spencer the rescue pup said he learned to play jada after watching them play with this when your friends time and time again.
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they sound like a really exciting bunch. spencer's owners were thrilled with his ability to mimic them until he realized he picked up some of their other habits from parties. if this weren't bad enough stents are no longer chases tennis balls because he thinks the alum and not he -- the illuminati through them. the same thing happened to my dog. everything is back to normal. i'm a dog, whoa. topic number five. it is the last day of november which means the holiday season is upon us. time for peace on earth, goodwill and all the hate your dorito crusted thumbs can muster while mashing a keyboard on a phone that's smarter than you are. murray pops off with you were not that bright back in the day and it's still true to this day.
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maria my day was in the 1990s. your day was in the 19 -- 1890s. asks why you pretending to understand current events? because i'm not rather good at history. david sounds off with sometimes you are as subtle as a brick to the face, kennedy. it's better than being more subtle than an anvil to the [bleep]. charlie wants to know remember a long time ago when you were maybe interesting? at least i was interesting a long time ago, charlie. you have always been such a dud. cd tweets you are pretty swell except her you're utterly incorrect opinion of. it's not an opinion and it is not incorrect at all. in fact even science now backs
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me up. scientific proof that dogs are more intelligent than those filthy felines. for singing definitely dry mouth has been a problem for me. i'm also on a lot of medications that dry my mouth. i just drank tons of water all the time. it was never enough. i wasn't sure i was going to be able to continue singing. i saw my dentist. he suggested biotene. it feels refreshing. my mouth felt more lubricated. i use biotene rinse twice a day and then i use the spray throughout the day. it actually saved my career in a way. biotene really did make a difference. [heartbeat] eight hundred dollars when wet switched our auto and home insurance. with liberty, we could afford a real babysitter instead of your brother. hey. oh. that's my robe. is it? you could save seven hundred eighty two dollars when liberty stands with you. liberty mutual insurance.
5:56 am
eras. they're defined by accomplishments. by victories. by those with the resourcefulness, the ingenuity, and the grit to help ensure the next energy to power our dreams, will be american energy.
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we're here early before they wake up. we stay late. we stay informed. we invest in the latest technology. we take the time to train the next generation of doctors and nurses. we work together to make sure we
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heal their bodies and their minds. ♪ we do this not because it's our jobs. but because this is about our veterans'lives. this is our mission. more than 300,000 of us working as one. together with families and loved ones. no matter where they live in this country, we'll be there. we all come together... ...and stand together to serve our veterans. we stand strong. united. stand with us in caring for our veterans. kennedy: have you ever seen a bomb-sniffing? or a seeing eye? does anyone bring a therapy cat
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onto a plain? new research shows that cats are a lot dumber than dogs. animal intelligence concentrated in the cerebral cortex of its neurons. those are the things that shoot around the part of your brain that are responsible for language and book learning. scientist that he be range of animals including dogs and cats and while dogs have 530 million neurons we have 250 million. that's less than half read we have done the math. that means cats are and stinky. if you are adopting a pet for christmas just keep this nugget in mind when considering adding a family member because obviously you want one that is not only loyal and cute but also intuitive and connected and brilliant. it looks like you are getting a dog. by the way no one ever said it's a's life if you live to life you would be and in jail.
6:00 am
thank you for watching the show tonight. follow me on twitter an instagram mechanic nation facebook fbn e-mail kennedy stay >> lou: good evening, everybody. breaking tonight. three more women came forward to accuse morning host and television icon matt lauer of sexual harassment just hours after the nbc news chairman fired him. the decision to fire matt lauer came after one day after a victim allege would sexual behavior on his part. nbc said it was not an isolated incident. and the national spotlight on


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