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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  December 2, 2017 10:00am-11:00am EST

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crown? it starts june 14 in moscow. it ends july 15 in moscow. 64 matches. 11 host cities, but only one >> lou: good evening, everybody. breaking tonight. three more women came forward to accuse morning host and television icon matt lauer of sexual harassment just hours after the nbc news chairman fired him. the decision to fire matt lauer came after one day after a victim allege would sexual behavior on his part. nbc said it was not an isolated incident. and the national spotlight on
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sexual harassment and increasing pressure on congress to hold congressmen and senators accountable for that behavior. congressman ron desantos to expose taxpayer sexually funded settlements and seek restitution of taxpayer money and elim altogether congressional slush funneleds and also tonight, an fbi informant set to testify with crooked hillary connection with russian bribery and money laundering and racketeering all in support of russian national strategic objectives including the uranium and web influence and business and politics and
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all the while the obama administration did nothing to frustrate the russian targets. the top sfoer store tonight, firing of today show host matt lauer. there was a wave of allegations against hollywood and media personality and political figures as well. on capitol hill, there is feckless attempts to deem with incidents of sexual harassment that have been swept under the carpet for decades and no accountability and taxpayers footing the pill for slush funds. secret slush funneleds. and to tell you how awful and stupid the people are that create the funds they have a class for sexual harassment training for same people who are
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writing the laws on sexual harassment. senator al franken who issued a public apology for groping women and congressman conyers using public money to resolve sexual harassment allegations. despite that the congressman has not made a decision on whether to seek reelection. and raul geralda using money to pay off a former top staffer who accused him of being drunk and creating a hostile work place including paul rhine and mitch mcconnell to act. ryan addressed the ofls of the slush funneleds 17 million which was used to settle sexual harassment. and ryan refused to say whether
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congress should make the member's names public. >> we don't know the name and we don't have the information and that's why he is reviewing the entire process. we are waiting for the committee to review the entire process to see how it needs to be addressed. we will make a comprehensive review. we do not get these names. >> lou: speaker ryan loves that word. comprehens itch. what is needed is the names on names that were used to settle the claims. straightforward. just complete and straightforward and honest and transparent like a good government should. one piece of legislation that addresses the problem introduced
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by congressman ron desant us that would make all of the names public and prohibit the use of taxpayer dollars to settle the claims against a law maker and congressam stapher and require law makers to reimburse taxpayers and it would be dubbed the conyers' rule. joining me now is the law maker who introduced the bill. congressman ron desantos on the oversight and freedom caucus and congressman, first of all, you are good as your word and you said you would be introducing the legislation this week and you have done so. and i think that the american people, let alone the constituents are grateful to you for doing so.
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good to have you with us. >> good to be here. lou. we have the issue with matt lauer and celebrities and in the congress right now, you have a system set up which tells potentially perpratters if you harass someone the taxpayers will pay and clean it up and keep it secret. what kind much behavior are you trying to promote there? we need to expose people who violated taxpayer trust by using their dollars to shield dpis misconduct. and the thing is, lou, it is a big bipartisan bill. people on both sides. aisle are fed up with this. i don't think we'll have the leadership say we'll have to hold a hearing.
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no, we need exposure now. loupe lou you hrmd the speaker to say there neileds to be a comprehensive solution and careful accounting to reveal those names and amounts of money that were paid out. taxpayer money and the speaker acted with indifference as to the course he wants to follow and you are putting forward legislation that is specific and direct and will correct the problem. has he given you assurance to put energy behind the legislation. >> he has not. we were working on the language, you know, thanksgiving was hard to do it and when we got back, we have 26 co-sponsors in five hours today. we just dropped the bill today, and i am definitely going to talk with him about it. the public clearly wants this done. i am actually optimistic that we
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will be able to do it. lou, you have a right as a taxpayer to know how the money is spent. the government can't just have secrets pots of money to toll out. >> lou: did you know secret slush funds were available to you? >> no. here's the reason why. it doesn't come up in our budget or the appropriation bills. they do one law and say there is a pot of money and when you need it go for it. you can't defund it because the money exist outside of the process. no accountability or over sight and we have to eliminate all of the secret funds for a variety of reasons. we talked about the mueller investigation. he's using one of these permanent funds to fund the
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investigation. they are not -- >> lou: the justice department is supposed to be the responsible department with oversight of the special counsel. >> they are, they are. >> lou: if they are not providing the money they are not. >> he has his own pot of money and that means that the congress, we can't just defund it in a normal appropriation's bill. there is a problem with the slush funds generally. i asked my staff to research all slush funds across the government so we can provide that information and close these funds down. the only money government should spend is what we are voting on in the appropriation's proelsz and transimportant and you don't have to worry about the secret hush funds.
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>> lou: you are correct. the american taxpayer are uninformed. in had no idea that is the way the special counsel is funded and the slush funds were in existence and used energetic atly and hiding from the taxpayer the responsibility. >> and then the conyers' rule, where he used his office budget and the settlement payment isap employee salary. and look at how he used his office. he paid for for four month's employment. that was hiding the settlement and that is separate and apart from the slush funds. >> lou: it is stunning to think that speaker rhine and majority
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leader mcconnell have not learned taken step and instead of a class on sexual harassment, i mean, are you kidding me, how dumb do they think the american people are? they have gotten away with it until this point. i believe the american people are too smart to be treated that way and we need leaders who treat us with respect we sdefb and make the government transparent >> it would be wrong for the leader to protect members who have settlement; what you are doing is harming all. members that are acting honestly. and the public said we think it stinks. the way to defend members is insist on transparency and the
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bums can go away with the buffalo and the others can drain the swamp. we know it needs to be drained. >> lou: i imagine the first 15 minutes of the class that the leadership would have you attend, all of the members of congress and senate would be 18 minutes on slush funds and the importance of the sustainability to want office you are elected to. it is outrageous what they are doing here. the american people will not be patient. this is legislation that should be passed by the president before christmas break. >> yeah, i hope so. people want it. and every indication from the white house, the president is supportive. i the like to brief him on it. and i would love to get president trump's support. that would make all of the difference and put the house in a position where we have to act,
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because the president is pushing for it and the public wants it. >> lou: the house has acted and doing so, rather, some what quicker than i thought they would and the senate as well. looks like we may have tax reform after all. congressman, we are out of time and thank you for doing what you are doing. >> thank you for supporting the effort. >> lou: congressman desantos, thank you. north korea firing a missile and president trump vowing to take care of the situation. >> very serious approach and we take it seriously. >> lou: what does it take for the rogue regime to stop its actions. and a major victory for the president. a federal judge ruling against
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a obama left over engaged in the president's rightful executive power. we take up the court battle of the rightful leadership of the the rightful leadership of the consumer financial
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>> lou: breaking news, the accused mastermind of the benghazi terrorist attack cleared murder charge and convicted of terrorism, and the federal jury in dick deck found kaitala guilty of only four of the 18 counts he was charged. that means he will not face the death penalty and instead as much as 45 years in prison. just hours before kim jong-un launched the ballistic inner- continental missile hillary clinton was advising president trump to soften up on north korea. clinton call would for an end to bluster and taunts of north korea and the little fella to whom the president often refers. this is the same clinton who fame would to reign in north korea's nuclear ambition as
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secretary of state. extraordinary, criticizing the policy of the united states in a foreign capital. obama starting a five day trip and going to france, china and india and where he was met with the chinese president and indian prime min ichter. obama's trip comes two weeks after president trump met with the chinese president. he did the same thing shallowing him and following him after his first foreign trip after he became president. joining us is john bolton and good to see you, starting with north korea. north korea now establishing they have a delivery system in this icbm for the first time,
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reaching 2800 miles up in to space. they are now armed and fully dangerous to every part of the united states. what is your reaction. >> what i was surprise. i shouldn't say surprised by how president trump's critics say this development has meant his policy is created. that is not the way i see it. the president inherited. >> lou: i don't want any misunderstanding. his critics are cowards who famed to do their duty to reign in the kim family as they kept moving forward with nuclear ambition. >> that's right, he inherited the difficult problem and he's in the first phase of a rational
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program on north korea. if sanctions are going to work they take time. >> lou: we don't have time. i have estimates of time much delivery from the system from south korea and their intelligence at the end of this year and not next year. and the pace with which we are watching the ballistic missiles launched and the performance of those missiles. i don't doubt it what so ever. i can't make a judgment of the expectativeness of the nuclear war heads that they are developing, but the delivery system is moving a pace. >> i think you are right. i don't think sanctions are going to work. i think the president will transition to a different approach and ratchet up military pressure on north korea and possibly shooting down missile and military embargo and it has
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to be done carefully and he's tried to get nations in the region behind the united states. >> lou: he has the support of europe and continue that. he seems from time to time that he has the support of president shi. it is uncertain and vague and not a open effort with russia and china and europe and united states. we are not talking about hypotheticals, this is a clear and present threat to the security of the united states and frankly every country in the world. >> i think that is right. i think there is progress with china. china shut off the main road to north korea and cut off flights between air china and north
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korea. they are significant steps. i don't think sanctions will work but we have to go down the road before we ratchet up military pressure. >> lou: i would say depending on the time table and the reality of the delivery of the potentially, the reality of a nuclear war head-on one. icbmshgs's against the united states or allies. and president trump is playing shadow to president trump in/beijing and so is former president obama follow as he did president trump on his iteninary in may. at what point does the president have to pick up the phone and consider it an unfriendly act if you continue to give audience to these folks who are obviously
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subversive of american interest? >> it is right. it is shame excel if the republicans had done it to president obama the new york times would have a front page headline and condemn him. it is outrageous. >> lou: what should he do. >> he is seen signal to foreign leaders that it is an unfriendly act. and the president has to be more outspoken about the activities with obama and hillary clinton. >> lou: and the objectionable in their absurdity as individuals and obviously that hold the government in trivial regard. i would love to see the president bring all. u.s. martials andus sport're sort them out of the washington. >> this is the swamp. >> lou:
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>> lou: an obama appointed inspect or general is speaking out about the investigation into hillary clinton's e-mails saying democratic officials tried to hinder that investigation and threaten the him with full arm retaliation. fox news intelligence corspendent catherine herridge with the report. >> reporter: with two deck aemds of government service charles mccull loug was put in the position. >> people talked about how wonderful i was independent. that was tested in 2015 after the intelligence agency found classified information in the clinton spread.
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he went to clap ever upon. >> he said it was reckless and mentioned something about the campaign would have heart burn. >> reporter: did you tell brennan there was classified information? >> he. well briefed on it. >> reporter: the files on classified information kick started the fib fin probe and a senior state department official allege wouldly pressed the fbi to down grade the investigation as part of a quid pro quo. >> reporter: is that how the government is supposed to act? >> no classification is not northbound. >> reporter: emails from wikileaks said they shared information to target mcculla. >> there was a coordinated strategy. in fact i not only think it. i think it very, very much so.
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>> reporter: a former clinton campaign spokesman did not dispute the claim and tried to cast doubt on mcculla's credibility. they had serious concerns about the clinton review and wanted mcculla to respond and it was a stand off six weeks before the investigation. >> i told the staffer i will resign tonight and not resons. senator feinstein's office did not respound. senator feinstein said she had no idea what he was talking about. lou? >> lou: up next, an fbi informant has evidence of russian kick backs and racket ears and money laundering connected with hillary clinton
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and the obama administration. that's next. stay with us. we'll be right back.
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>> lou: fbi inform anlt william camp william cent six years undercover to look at russian and the uranium market and hillary clinton and he was not allowed to talk about it when president trump ordered the
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justice department to lift a gag order against him. here to tell us what he can before he goes before congress. campbell's attorney. victoria previously worked in the reagan justice department and a good american. >> good to be here, lou. >> lou: let's start with the frustrating delay if i may put it that way, that congress is experiencing and we are following this important case and story, why has there been such a delay, the justice department at the president's order lifted the gag order, correct? >> that's correct. >> lou: why is he not talking to congress? >> he has to talk to me first,
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lou. preparing a major witness under ordinary standard is a task for a lawyer. i have to go from not knowing any the case and to knowing everything about the case. six years and over 5000 documents is a lot to digest. and then you have to get the witness and the facts are organized in his mind so that he is efficiently answer questionless. we have an extra challenge. mr. campbell was diagnosed with leukemia in october 16th and this was the second chancer diagnosis and he thought he would die. he did not want to go to the grave knowing the story and having it told. >> lou: we hold irregardless was
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circumstances that mr. campbell has a speedy and successful recovery in that disease. what is the realistic time to imagine that he would be able to speak to congress directly and personally. >> this is where we are. fortunatelily he was through with the chemotherapy treatments and he's now on chemotherapy pills and dill baiting and he is not able to work for long hours but he got doctor's permission to come to washington and i worked with him and went over day and i am just about ready to put fantasticsing touches in a ten page statement to him and give it to change grassly and they can get an idea of what to ask him about. i have to provide them manage that is detailed enough so they
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know how to ask questions. >> lou: frustrated with the justice department and fbi on a host of the issues. this is a republican administration with's republican justice department and new leadership in the fbi. and i have the feeling it is the same group of people who were there eight years under president obama, am i misreading the situation? >> it is amazing to me. it is my old home. i thought i understood it and i thought under president obama, okay, i know who's leading it. but the stone walling here is perplexing to me and they haven't gotten out their message as to why some of it is going on. i just don't know. >> lou: it is not helpful and not respectful of the american public's right to know.
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and to the degree we all want to know what is going on. and you talked to mr. campbell. give us a sense of how your judgment and how important what he has to say and documents are to put before the congress and what you expect in terms of impact? >> two things were going on, and that was the russians and putin wants to gain global control of the uranium industry. mr. campbell provided documents and memos and all kinds of information to the fbi counter intelligence. and the other thing how corrupt the russian nuclear energy was. the companies are all related and might have different names but they report up the ladder to putin. but knowing that the companies are corrupt and putin wanted to
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corner the market on uranium and our government knowing this for over a year decided it would be a good idea to sell to a corrupt russian company that had 20 percent of our uraniums boggles the mind. >> lou: it boggles the mind and makes it appear clearly as i researched the case and looking at what the agencies that make it up and departments, it was i guess, the only way to say it. they have an easy pass to the result that obvious leap the president of the united states wanted and the secretary of state or vladimar putin. if there is a clear case of collusion between the russian and u.s. government it is that case. >> remember this was 2009 and
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2010 and we inspector reset and with president obama who thought if he was nice to people they would be nice back. he would change the world and putin would be his puppet and it didn't work out that way. >> lou: not much of his express would opinions about foreign policy did work out, did they? victoria, great to have you with us. and we thank you and hope that mr. campbell is on the way to successful. >> we do and say your prayers for him. >> lou: absolutely and we look forward to his appearance and yours. we'll be right back. stay with us. up next a house democrat is $55,000 of taxpayer money to pay off a former staffer that threatened to sue and it is a different fund. it turns out there is more than one different slush fund on
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>> lou: we really didn't need this. another example much taxpayers footing the bill for congressional misconduct and even crimes. new reports that a democrat
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congressman from arizona negotiated a 50,000 severance package with a top aide who claimed that the congressman was often drunk and created a hostile work place. using the money and operating budget. doesn't he lookup standing? he has the vest and sage look to him. not the fella that would spend taxpayer from another fund. greg jarret we have a lot to cover. starting with this congressman and money we are learning more than i imagined. >> i guess you don't. it is it all in secret. >> lou: why hasn't someone asked
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speaker ryan how many more. >> only congress can create the slush fund money hush fund. it is high time congress changed the law as to themselves. they need new standards and update the code of conduct to the 21st century. >> lou: what about the low lives over in the consumer financial protection bureau. this stuff by cardray and english who was install would by the new acting director in one day. his last day and go to a federal court, why didn't that judge throw them both in gile for being frivolous and subversive. >> i am with you on that and here's why.
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cordray knew it was illegal. he isap experienced lawyer. experienced lawyer. i correct myself. lou corrects me all of the time off camera just so you know. he knew. >> lou: you want to go through the list? it is it a long list. >> he knew what he was doing is illegal. it was a silly stupid lawsuit and the stunt she pulled and we talked about it last night. the president has the authority and cordra doesn't. >> lou: i would have preferred he somehow bring in the u.s. martials to esdort them out of court. the deep state and obama hold overs, they think they are in a stage play of some kind. >> the judge could have done it. if you abuse the court process, you could be held in contempt in
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court. bring the toothbrush and you will spend the night and a few night. i would have loved to see the judge exercise that rule. >> lou: we ought to get hold of the judge and saying opportunity missed. but thanks for that decision. this guy decided it straight up and he handled it quickly and did. and my compliments to the judge. >> i first year law student would have known. >> lou: i think of the cases that drag on for month and first year law students didn't work it out. and turning to the benghazi suspect. cleared of murder but committed terrorism? if you commit terrorism and killed people as he did, how could you not be found guilty of murder?
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>> the problem is u.s. 18c 1111. felony murder. specifies certain felonies. it is automatic murder. it doesn't include terrorism. it has robbery and extortion and burglary and arson and doesn't have terrorism and needs to be updated to include that. this was a win for the government and american people. he will spend the rest of his life behind bars and in am confident the sentences will be running consectively. >> lou: we'll follow it and add it to the list. we opened our doors with 70 mega-watts, 35 mules, and an ice plant. but we brought power to the people- redefining what that meant from one era to the next. over 90 years later, we continue to build as america's 3rd largest investor in infrastructure. we don't just help power the american dream...
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>> lou: things are not going the dem's way and the list of offensives against decency are getting longer. new reports that congressman al green who slept with a former staffer who said he was a drug addict and sued her when she threatened to go public and claiming sexual assault. that happened years ago. and they put out a statement they are consenting friends and regret the dmormer claimingly. things are elevating in the
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swamp. it is a place of remarkable virtue? and a third woman came forward to claim sexual harassment from congressman conyers and said he touched her inappropriately and made unwanted sexual advances toward her. joining me is ed rollins. chairman of the great america pact. you spent a lot of time in government and washington d.c. this can't get much more sordid? >> there are no rules. you are elected to concerning and you are 16 years of age and 30 years of age to be a senator and 35 as a congressman and then the ethic's committee does not function. it doesn't nothing. and the reality is the american
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public has work place type rheums. >> lou: these people are violating rheums of decency. >> and then dealing it out. >> lou: they need rules for that. >> you shouldn't elect them and the reality is, most laws passed by the law makers is always a line to go in every bill. except they have objection for themselves. >> lou: i have to interrupt you here. you have a speaker and majority leader in the senate and speaker in the house who are not saying a word as we watch a federal judge have to knock down an attempt to subvert the government and put in this leand raenglish at the consumer financial protection bureau. it is outrageous. and there is quiet coming from the republican leadership
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instead of a show and demonstration of solidarity. >> it is an agency they created in congress and fund and they are doing what you are saying and they won't though. there is a requirement not to criticize a fellow member and now they have a bunch of them are out there pnlly exposed because of society. >> lou: they are trying to subvert the president of the united states, ed. >> i understand that. it's not going to happen. the president will not let it happen. the judge acted in the behalf. law and constitution. and certain extent law mainingers have to live it up. >> lou: talk about chuck and nancy. >> we have to? >> lou: yes, they are appalling. withdrawing from a meeting with the united states. and the government could be shut
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down unless they make an agreement. and they are behaving like juveniles. >> and the president said what they stand for. they don't want a agreement and want to raise taxes and he basically stated in the facts and they should have defended themselves and they couldn't. it is all drama. >> lou: tax reform comes out of committee today and ready for a vote. and will mitch mcconnell deliver a vote that sends this legislation to the conference or house. >> i don't know whether the mcconnell. he turned johnson around and doing everything he can to make this work. if mcconnell doesn't get it through, it is it their fault and you can't say the president didn't do what he is have done. the president has done everything. and the end of the day, 1 or 2 members who don't kim tax reform they will pay a heavy price.
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the american republic wants tax reform. >> lou: it was a tough day for the deep state and dems, particularly chuck and >> a daughter inherits a mysterious diary from her father, an artist who survived the holocaust. >> he had to live so that he could show the scenes that he witnessed. >> his words become her quest. >> i made a promise to my father that i would show his artwork to the world. >> these pages, her road map. >> here is a man who went through so much horror. >> but can she recover what the nazis stole from him? >> what do you think went on in that room? ♪ i'm jamie colby, and, today, i'm in rockland county, new york, an hour north of new york city. i am meeting a viewer who wrote


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