tv FBN AM FOX Business December 4, 2017 5:00am-6:00am EST
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the american republic wants tax reform. >> lou: it was a tough day for the deep state and dems, particularly chuck and >> we passed the largest tax cut in the history of our country and many other things with it. >> we could have become the president's desk within 10 days. >> the process of a product no one can be proud of the never one should be ashamed of. cheryl: breaking this morning congress averting a government shutdown in beginning the process of combining different tax bills. [inaudible conversations] the most turbulent day of the entire bill and a false report about the president former security adviser michael flynn for a short time they did recover in right now dow futures higher by 183 points.
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cheryl: stocks open higher in europe on the back of a big extra for a vote in the senate that happened friday. european markets pointing to a higher open. trip and half%. cost it one to 2%. cheryl: done deal, cbs by aetna for $65 billion. "fbn:am" beginning right now. lauren: good morning. 5:01 a.m. right now. thanks for joining us. and lauren simonetti. cheryl: good morning. i'm cheryl casone. a late-night decision to get the tax reform bill in the senate done and done. lauren: the wee hours of the morning saturday morning. that's when we begin with this
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morning. the senate approving the tax reform bill. the real work begins to iron out differences at the house version. congress returning to work a day early to get the so-called reconciliation process underway. gop lawmakers to send a final compromise bill to president trump by christmas. thank you, mr. june 22 republican congress members to get the next. >> they still need to be made in confidence to get these things done. big difference inside the republican bill eliminates the mandate of upon the care. it takes up on the care from being a mandatory program to a voluntary program. >> i got a commitment that we are going to passed two bills, including the alexander valley for anyone that i sponsored that will help sponsor the individual mandate repeal by lowering premium and i also got an
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ironclad commitment that we are not going to see the medicare medicaid program as a result of the bill. cheryl: senate democrats voted against the tax reform bill. not much of a surprise. a worker was doing only republican senator to vote against the bill. trent think i was in much of with bob corker being the sole day. short-term spending bill to avoid a shot gun. the legislation would keep open and running. mitch mcconnell criticizing a threat that democrats to oppose the measure unless a deal is reached to protect the children of undocumented immigrants. >> i don't think the democrats abuse my to shut down the government of a nonemergency delicate a nonemergency delicacy tress anytime between now and march. a very untenable position. we need to make sure that health
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insurance program which is expiring his panel before the end of the year. there will not be a government shutdown. we will see. president trump to react to form a national security some medical funds plea deal. the price of 1990 instructed former fbi director james committed back off a superb o'flynn. he treated kerry never treated kerry never ask him kerry never ask him in a staff investigating flynn. just for fake news covering another: they lie. on friday, flynn pleaded guilty to cooperate with special counsel robert mueller's investigation. >> abc news has suspended chief investigative reporter brian ross for incorrectly reporting flynn would testify trump had directed him to make contact with russian officials when trump was a candidate for president. it supposedly happened during the transition.
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trim to could congratulate the receiver the news. people who lost money when the stock market went down 350 points based on the dishonest reporting of brian ross of abc news suspended to consider hiring a lawyer is suing abc for the damages for bad reporting has caused many millions of dollars. for more novice, emily campagna. coumadin. let's first start and go back to plan and him cut in a plea with the government. do you think this is actually a good thing to put this behind things in the rearview mirror for president trump were detained because of the allegations things will be worse for the president? >> we have not seen the last of it by any stretch of the imagination, but unfortunately
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the continual tweets about the situation or rendering him a little bit vulnerable. we have seen many courts incorporate his tweets as documents as part of their discovery in part of the world in terms of their analysis of cases including this immigration law. moving forward it would behoove him to say last because the more that he says, the more that is open for interpretation and analysis as the investigation continues. >> a lot of the liberal media has picked up on the fact president chavez said he fired him for lying to the vice president. again now as his lawyer saying he wrote that it is already come out and said i didn't mean to make news here and that this is an overreaction basically. >> exactly. that is part of what is so murky here that courts have held months ago that treats a part of the official white house records
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that have been interpreted as being part of the intents are indicative of such. now he's saying it wasn't me sending the lower courts to interpret that and how is the law to interpret that? we're in a really novel area difficult for everyone to interpret or we are not going to know more about it and about it until or unless it develops further. cheryl: seems to me the phrase obstruction of justice gives parents a elusive and that's a difficult thing to prove. so far the investigation has been appointed to obstruction of justice especially not by president trump. >> obstruction of justice is incredibly difficult to prove. the courts have held you need a significant amount of evidence to prove any kind of areas so one been a cover-up specific intent and another being unique in actual demonstrable form of behavior or comment to rise to that level and commentary at
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this point doesn't rise to it. you really have to deal destruction of evidence in the ninth circuit who they often disagree with ipad and fbi proceeding is not the investigation to cover. so when we have senators like dianne feinstein with obstruction of justice i take issue with that because it's simply not enough at this point. >> saying we are investigating this, we can investigate anything whether there is anything they does the treaty we need to get to. thank you very much. >> a joke at the officially inked. cheryl: tracee carrasco joins us with that and some other news. transfer good morning. the biggest pharmacy chain agreed to buy at night, number three insurance company for $69 billion. in addition to huge revenue that
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could drive oil prices from pharmaceutical companies and force other drug chains to look for merger partners. it will come under scrutiny from the doj or the federal trade commission as amazon has been moving to get a sign it may be entering the retail pharmacy business. speaking of acquisitions, what is going on at disney in 21st century fox? >> tax around between disney and 21st century fox as he said to buy some of the assets including the 20th century fox movie studio along with u.s. cable now works at "the wall street journal" reporting what i can assume the whole 391st century fox expect to make a decision by years end on on whether to pursue a deal comcast and verizon and sony reportedly interested 21st century fox.
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>> keeping a strong at the box office over the weekend. tracee: cocoa coming in first place when he met the box office again. >> we're the only family in mexico who hates music in my families find it back, but need? >> be back by lunch. >> i'm not like the rest of my family. tracee: bringing back $26 million. finish second with 26 points $6 million in third place. continue to do well with $1,255,000,000 rounding out the top five. daddy's home with 7.5 million of course coming out on december 15, "star wars" the last jedi. box office sales for the year have been down compared to last year. it's been a rough go.
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cheryl: streaming, and that's the thing. people are building home theaters. they'd rather stay home. thank you very much. a lot more congress returning to washington a day early. how often do you hear that? gop leaders to hammer out their differences over tax cuts. two different bills so take a look at the reconciliation process. despite warnings from north korea, the u.s. and south korea but the big issue of air power after. you are watching "fbn:am."
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cheryl: welcome back pitcher caught up on what's happening now. president trump to any new tattoo announced several changes. these two reduce the size of the monument by 85% and shrink the grand staircase. the router with much of the land of the energy production. condemning south korea for launching military drills today. south korea and the u.s. beginning the vigil into a brick after north korea said it tested
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most advanced missile. the latest generation stealth fighters at the f-22 mef 35. north korea called the exercises of provocation. north korea's as conductor james levine after three men came forward with accusations he sexually abused them decades ago when they were teenagers. stopping the former music thursday engagement than investigating these allegations which go back to the 1960s. lauren, that's what's happening now. train to congress working on putting the changes on tax reform plus the deadline to avert a shutdown by the end of the week. lawmakers can get all this data may bring a democratic strategist and john c. wright and strategist chris and i went to discuss. good morning. happy monday. i'll begin with you. do you see any irreconcilable differences between house and senate gop plan for tax reform?
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>> i wouldn't call this tax reform. it's a tax scam. this simply rearranges the cards of the deck of and middle-class working families in the country who feel that the papers there's a major difference between the deal with interest law deductions, the health care mandate repealed and the estate tax cut my number of major differences in the bill. i suspect they will probably work it out. the real winners in a tax scam proposal will be their in the real losers will be the have-nots. even simple. [inaudible conversations] mitch mcconnell would not then he said the average annual of the tax savings of $2200. so there is money for middle-class families to benefit here. you brought up the corporate tax rate than i want to ask you about this, chris. per minute in the house and senate plans. individual rates sunset in a
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couple years in the senate plan. listen to that democratic senator mark warner has to say about that. >> why not put a required meaning that these companies would invest the money in trading their workforce, giving them the skills they need to compete and we will see that the vast majority of these funds come back abuse for shareware buyback and dividends. >> is that a good workaround? >> the point of this tax reform is to -- predicated on boosting economic growth in more money to do things. training would be one of those functions. they would be looking to conduct training. i'm usually not made to this in my home state senator that early, but not a bad idea. i believe the senate version of the tax plan going into 2026. the house when his permanent, but those are the differences
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married each other to make getting those identical, the coming for a 35% corporate rate down to 20 with economic growth in the bill is a tax cut of tax cut of 1.4 trillion. we've got to get the economy going is that the gop is trying to do. >> chris, let me ask you this. this bill is going to go up $1.5 trillion. people literally could die because of their appeal of the health care mandate. the tutsis in the details of the plan could the message the gop is trying to send with a tax proposal is middle-class mate second class in some regard. >> of the tax schemes look at the puppies benefiting the most. >> that makes it right? >> connecticut democrat benefits come only pay $187 million k. right of the union policies.
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>> chris, that is so hypocritical. they will grow up national debt by $1.5 trillion. people in real life will feel this generations to come from your kids, my kids coming and grandkids. >> and slows the growth consistently. small business is getting hammered. provided relief to grow jobs. those are the job creators. complex bill. the last-minute thing nobody likes. obama carries passing at the last minute. transfer the deficit has grown anyway. perhaps david. perhaps they have a chance of seeing economic growth which quite frankly we've been lacking until recently. will it shut down by the end of the week if there is no deal to protect the dreamers, the children brought here by illegal immigrants and were brought here for 20 years? >> i know fall at the round, i
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don't foresee a government shut down, but who knows. trying to predict what will happen in congress is that trying to predict what was going to happen yesterday with the college football playoff system. who knows. the republican party has this at their feet in their feet and they have some strong decisions whether they will shut down the government for the american people are work across the aisle to get something done in the name of doing the right thing. cheryl: after rock because the clock is ticking but you heard that he doesn't think the government shuts down. >> good to be with you. train to a big night for astronomers and science geeks everywhere. this is called a superman. while stargazers around the world, we've got more pictures for you and a starting luck from a star weather forecast for the meteorologist janice dean is here. you are watching "fbn:am."
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♪ (news anchor) downtown traffic is still bad. expect massive delays. (radio channel changing) (news anchor 2) all lanes on highway 50 remain closed at this hour. (news anchor 3) the stats are in and this city leads with some of the worst traffic, with the average driver sitting in gridlock the equivalent of three days a year. for every hour that you're idling in your car, you're sending about half a gallon of gasoline up in the air. that amounts, over the course of the week, to about 10 pounds of carbon dioxide.
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growth is good, but when it starts impacting our quality of air and quality of life, that's a problem. so forward-thinking cities like sacramento are investing in streets that are smarter and greener. the solution was right under our feet. asphalt. or to be more precise, intelligent asphalt. by embedding sensors into the pavement, as well as installing cameras on traffic lights, we will be able to study and analyze the flow of traffic. then, we will take all of that data and we use it to optimize the timing of lights, so that traffic flows easier and travel times are shorter. and sacramento is just the beginning. with advances in cameras, sensors, and network speeds, we have the ability to make cities smarter, and happier. what excites me about this technology is that we're using some of the most cutting-edge machine-learning, and ai, to help solve the most fundamental challenges that cities face around the world.
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lauren: if you looked at the sky when i then noticed the moon was bigger and brighter than usual, you saw the first and last up by the 2017. stunning images taken from around the world as they pass by in the closest orbit to earth. look at that one of the statue of liberty. that is gorgeous. separate is 14% larger and brighter than average. if you missed it, do not worry it is kicking off a trio of wondering fans but to more one january 1st and the other january 31st.
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mark the calendar. if you live here on the east coast come and get for some beautiful weather this week. lauren: not so much if you live in the midwest. janice dean is here with the forecasts. >> happy monday. changes are coming. hopefully put this christmas decorations up. 41 in new york. the cold air moving in across the rockies. into enter minnesota and the redhaired. and it will bring the seasons so far.
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in the ohio river valley. 43 friday. the folder is here in friday night cheryl: janice dean, thank you. lauren: potential nightmare averted. cutting a deal that could have affected your christmas plans and it is national cookie day. cinnabon is on our ticket with a cinnamon bun cookie. you know what else is big? 210 points to the upside after the wee hours of the morning.
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the >> we passed the largest tax cuts in the history of our country and many other things along with it. >> we could have this on the president to ask what the next 10 days. >> the process in the product no one can be proud of the number one should be ashamed of. >> congress returning to work today to avert a potential government shut down and to begin the process of combining the different tax bills. the false report about michael flynn in the markets for the first time.
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look at this, but i was pointing higher by 203 points right now. in europe, higher in the back of u.s. tax reform votes. the ftse is at 59 points in london. trade to japan's nikkei index up half a percent. kospi up 1.2%. what to do if you notice over the weekend your iphone we booted and rebooted and rebooted. cheryl: it's broken. lauren: but don't return it just yet. "fbn:am" continues right now. cheryl: 5:31 a.m. in new york. monday, december 4th bedroom cheryl casone. cheryl: and lauren simonetti. first trading day of the year? trade to dallas friday. pitchers have really taken off.
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markets leading tax reform. lauren: her to disprove that. cheryl: i'm kidding about the iphone. it's not broken. we will get a story a little bit. do what a freak anyone out this early in the morning. a lot still needs to happen in washington now that the senate has approved the tax reform bill. the work begins to iron out the differences between the two versions. congress has returned to work to get the reconciliation process underway in turn two bills into one bill in the middle have a final vote. gop lawmakers opened the bill for a bill by christmas. now looking ahead to what the next steps will be. >> absolutely there are some changes that still need to be made a conference to work these things out. the big differences are to eliminate the mandate of obamacare. it takes obamacare from being a mandatory program to a voluntary
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program. >> i got a commitment that we will pass to those in the one i sponsored demo pass the printing job i learned premiums and an ironclad commitment we will not have the medicare program as a result of the bill. >> senate democrats voted against tax reform bill. top quark are the only republican senator to oppose it. >> he's been very vocal about that. maybe what should go where should stay. the national taxpayers union is joining us now. good morning. let's start with the key issues that have been some of the most hotly debated topics. first the issue of amt. they are basically the house
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bill, but their son that that still kind of survived. amt seems to me if you don't fully repeal the delegates and business owners very angry with. >> the difference between the senate and house bill is in the senate bill you have repeal for corporate and individuals. it is essentially a tax code that requires income earners to calculate their taxes twice and take the higher tax burden. obviously burden placed on others that frankly is not high-growth. the difference between the house and senate bill, the couple remained but in principle house and senate still look to two main goals to deliver middle-class tax relief competitive in the united states. both would accomplish
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cheryl: that's cheryl: that is all well and good, but some things have been hotly debated. the house bill caps at $500,000 at the senate cap $7 million. that's fine for someone who lives in a low tax state for kentucky or mississippi. there's been a big argument that this is going to cause people to flee these higher tax
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but she can't pay them time and a half and save christmas. so apple is fixing the glitch over the weekend. trade for the ios 11.1. to. if you're using a system over the weekend and your phone reboot over and over again condescending reoccurring notification alerts, apple has issued a software update for this. they did that on saturday, but if you are still having problems, some things you can do, you can go to notification. repeat this step for each app, which could be annoying but the ios 11-point to software update. after updating, turn on for each
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out. but if your phone is rebooting over no real do this. lauren: with ios 11 there's more glitches than usual. turning into a name. lauren: i was overly excited earlier. the cinnabon, which doesn't really sell cookies come than they are today. they are offering something called these cookies in the bites. they are basically come in there screen. that is a chocolate chip cookie -- i'm sorry, covering the many cinnabon. so there you go. giving away free milk with us today for national cookie day. had to a mall food court near you because these aren't available for a long time and
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have a bit good. cheryl: lauren didn't tell you she actually baked cookies yesterday. did you happen to bring indian? >> no. i'm sorry. tracee: we still love you. cheryl: a lot more coming up. friday you saw the wildest trading day of the year so far. talk about a crazy move in the market. features now pointing to a really strong open. 200 points plus in the premarket. the final week of the year. the supreme court with arguments that could lead to legalizing and every state. you are watching "fbn:am."
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i'm a small business, but i have... big dreams... and big plans. so how do i make the efforts of 8 employees... feel like 50? how can i share new plans virtually? how can i download an e-file? virtual tours? zip-file? really big files? in seconds, not minutes... just like that. like everything... the answer is simple. i'll do what i've always done... dream more, dream faster, and above all... now, i'll dream gig. now more businesses, in more places, can afford to dream gig.
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cheryl: good morning. let's get you caught up on what's happening now. despite default to them further $70 million study last month asking for $94 billion in federally to pay for the recovery. the governor worked harder for the bonuses were included in the budget approved for the summer. killed by a tiger shark while scuba diving coaster maker.
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officials say regina bhandari suffered fatal bites to both relics thursday while she was diving with the group near cocoa styling. funding a case could open up sports betting. a federal law with states authorizing sports gambling. 18 states supporting new jersey a morning, that is what is happening now. time to place your bet. >> you in the stock market, friday was the most turbulent trading day. we saw 400 points from top to bottom on the dow print this morning the direction is clearly a beard futures flying over 200 points after the senate passes a tax reform bill friday night. owner of the stocks in the playlist certified financial planner and cofounder of capital management join us now to discuss. ladies first.
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melissa obviously investors want to see tax reform. >> just come and they definitely do. you could call this the tax reform rally, almost like tax reform fever. if you look from the last nine days of trading up through friday come in the markets had a 3% move up almost vertical. as we open you eyes this morning, we'll probably rally again today. >> use out what happened to the market. the nosedive that happened on friday in the brian ross reported, which was ultimately a fake report about the trend campaign trying to influence the election, can the russian narrative effect the sustainability of this rally? >> know it cannot. too many good things about the fundamentals, consumer confidence. the tax break is an additional boost that will only make things even better. it's only been priced in a little bit and is starting to work its way and if we do get
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it. it's going to be some short-term things. those will be noise that take them down. we haven't had a correction in a while. so that might even be healthy. that's all that kind of information would do. you can get away from the fundamentals are the fact the fundamentals are sound and are getting better with increased earnings outlooks. train to buyer investors rotating out on friday? we did have a turbulent day for facebook, netflix are down 4%. would you think of the rotation? >> i don't think it's a big deal overall. we don't know what will happen at the tax plan. trying to pass it before the end of 2017, but a big or how the stocks of america will take effect with profits now because people are a zealous profit-taking was taken thursday and friday.
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bottom line is they've got to pass this plan not only by the end of the year to continue to rally to 2018, but i think they have to have the differentiation between the house plan in the senate plan to think that will make a big difference is we're as people take profits. you might have a christmas rally come you might not appear the next two weeks will be significant for the market. one quick thing and that will agree with me because of what he says. something called the wealth effect where people see their stop portfolios rising even though they haven't taken the profits out yet. that's what you see an increase in holiday spending. lauren: more on the christmas tree? i agree. lauren, a lot of this is the fact tech is up 37% year to date. there is going to be profited
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even though most people will be until the new tax year and get some profits for the capital gains. you do have some rotation here which are warming up about 13%. we be happy with a double-digit return. some of the sectors and areas you see rotation out. still a very reasonable percentage of the s&p unlike in the year 2001 it was very oversize inside the s&p and nasdaq. things are looking better all around. obvious winners of the tax reform bill. the same number $66 million from overseas investors coming to the u.s. stock market this year alone. we have to leave it there. love the perspective. thanks for joining us bright and early. >> coming up, football cinderella story until this. the major upset does the seattle
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seahawks face down. a dirty hit by the new england patriots may lead to a suspension. the former home of the lions supposed to be going a bit kingston go according to plan. you are watching "fbn:am." building a website in under an hour is easy with gocentral... ...from godaddy! in fact, 68% of people who have built their... using gocentral, did it in under an hour, and you can too. build a better website - in under an hour. with gocentral from godaddy.
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no more the detroit lions used to play as hundreds of people watched and waited from the smoke cleared at the stadium still standing. the steel beams that were supposed to collapse were going to keep trying until the stadium finally comes down. >> perry said old structures are built marsala bleep. looks like an honest attempt. we will keep you posted. >> a lot of action must name it the west coast for the seattle seahawks group they took down the philadelphia eagles. russell wilson with three tvs. the new york giants for the very first time. did not seem to hope against the oakland raiders. final score 24-17.
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then i could do could be fired as early as today over the botched roster move. an incredible late in the game. didn't like a penalty in the end zone so he took the flag into the stands. just pull away at the end of may when 38-31. >> doing good patriots coming under fire after the late hit against the buffalo bills quarterback. krukowski apologized after the game. >> i was just really frustrated at the moment. emotions and frustrations that i just want to apologize. >> had to go through compression
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protocol. he was penalized, but not ejected for the hate. patriots ended up playing for 20 points. tiger woods finishing up the comeback attempt at the hero world challenge. the world number one shot four under par with a solid outing of his unfinished for ninth place out of 18 players. rickie fowler ended up going home with the title. nashville predators fan for the team forward pic here, hygiene and engagement ring underscores before handing it off to the bride-to-be after the initial shock of the moment. enthusiastic yes to the proposal. he was just icing on the wedding cake. graduations to them. overseas investors rushing to put their money into the u.s. stock market in a big way. all of those details from london in just a bit.
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alerts -- wouldn't you like one from the market when it might be time to buy or sell? with fidelity's real-time analytics, you'll get clear, actionable alerts about potential investment opportunities in real time. fidelity. open an account today. fidelity. ♪ (news anchor) downtown traffic is still bad. expect massive delays. (radio channel changing) (news anchor 2) all lanes on highway 50 remain closed at this hour. (news anchor 3) the stats are in and this city leads with some of the worst traffic, with the average driver sitting in gridlock the equivalent of three days a year. for every hour that you're idling in your car, you're sending about half a gallon of gasoline up in the air. that amounts, over the course of the week,
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to about 10 pounds of carbon dioxide. growth is good, but when it starts impacting our quality of air and quality of life, that's a problem. so forward-thinking cities like sacramento are investing in streets that are smarter and greener. the solution was right under our feet. asphalt. or to be more precise, intelligent asphalt. by embedding sensors into the pavement, as well as installing cameras on traffic lights, we will be able to study and analyze the flow of traffic. then, we will take all of that data and we use it to optimize the timing of lights, so that traffic flows easier and travel times are shorter. and sacramento is just the beginning. with advances in cameras, sensors, and network speeds, we have the ability to make cities smarter, and happier. what excites me about this technology is that we're using some of the most cutting-edge machine-learning, and ai,
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to help solve the most fundamental challenges that cities face around the world. who knew asphalt could help save the environment? (lani) and the possibilities are endless. lauren: we see from investors continue to pour money in to the market. a $4 billion this year. river gold from "the wall street journal" joins us now to explain what exactly. good morning.
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investors a lot are invested in u.s. stocks this year than they have been about five years. a lot of the reasons they are similar to why u.s. investors are buying strong earnings, signs that growth is steady and may also have a lot of kind of tech stocks and more defensive sectors that foreign investors kind of like to protect themselves if there is a global downturn and the u.s. tends to be a little bit safer. sometimes can be a little bit worrisome because foreign investors tend to buy before markets have fallen in the past. he could also be assigned the fundamentals look really, really good in the u.s. true to also riva, bitcoin has been making major moves, but no one has been using bitcoin. a big piece in the journal about this. >> that is the paradox is that its clients a much in value that no one wants to use it as a currency because do you want to
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spend a few bitcoin and a burger and find out that was actually a $500 gamble that i just spent. the more it grows up, the more people worry about it, which is what the british are going to be doing. >> thank you this morning. sending it over to maria bartiromo. >> happy monday to you. thanks for joining us. i maria bartiromo. monday, december 4th. top stories on the east coast. largest deal of the year. required at any $69 billion deal. this is now confirmed, valued at $207 a share. game changer for the entire industry, one caught a natural evolution. the massive deal just adding the implications. wall street to capitol hill, lawmakers on both the house and the senate looking to come together today as the senate passed the bill early saturday
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