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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  December 6, 2017 4:00am-5:00am EST

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the target being prime minister theresa may. lou: good evening. breaking tonight the swamp may be getting a little keeper in washington. either the house speaker nor the senate majority leader is particularly gifted beyond their capacity for deceit. the senate and house quietly altered tax legislation, not america first but illegal immigrants. president trump campaigned against daca. today we learned the tax bill was crafted to give illegal immigrants ability to claim the
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higher tax receipts under tax reform. the senate endorsed daca when they confirmed kirstjen nielsen. she is on record as backing daca. she said we owe it to them. > >> the swamp has no shame and has a high record for themselves. we have some of the best guessers in the country to help us see the unforeseeable. we'll talk about the gutless leadership with 0 you are special guest corey lewandowski and david bossy.
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-- david bossie. senator john conyers is stepping down but he's endorsing his son he take his seat. it apparently works that way in the swamp. conyers mass a new accuser. he apparently saw no reason to slow down ebb when he was in church everybody. southern california firefighters are fighting a wildfire out of control. it scorched 50,000 acres already. winds 60 miles an hour forcing tens of house of ventura county residents to flee their hopes. we'll have the latest from ventura county and those wildfires tonight. the deeply conflicted special counsel and the refusal of the justice department to respond to
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the house intelligence committee's oversight questions. nighter the speaker of the house nor the senate majority leader is speaking publicly about the up pending collision. another stunning development. knew egyptian watch releasing new justice department records showing robert mueller's top deputy andrew wiseman lavishing praise on the deputy attorney generalate as she fought the president's travel ban. she refused to defend president trump's travel ban. wiseman wrote the acting attorney general, quote i am so proud and in awe. thank you so much. all my deepest respects. end quote. the disclosure of another instance of energetic anti-trump
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conduct follows information that peter strzok was reassigned after the summer after writing an anti-trump text with an fbi attorney with whom he was romantically involved. the human resources department of the fbi, strzok has not been fired or as far as we know even reprimanded despite his actions and obvious taint of the entire special counsel investigation. he worked with the investigation ofien michael flynn. mueller's witch hunt totals $7 million over five months. still no evidence of collusion
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or has there been evidence of collusion or obstruction after almost two years of investigation by first the nba, then the congressional committees, then the special counsel. the swamp runeth over. my next guest says the numerous instances of professional misconduct have completely delegitimized the special counsel. joining us tonight is chris farrell, the director investigation and research for judicial watch. this is absolutely stomach turning to watch unfold. strzok not fired or reprimanded, sent to the h.r. department of the fbi. >> arguably he should have been arrested and arraigned. this level of misconduct is not merely bending the rules.
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this is an effort in my opinion at subverting justice. this is beyond a negligence or lack of attention. this is willfully twisting and turning investigation, whether it's the hoik email server or general flynn. this kind of misconduct goes beyond, i made a mistake. it's a deliberate willful act. this is a guy who should be arrested and arraigned. these are crimes. this is not an administrative error or unfortunate mistake. lou: as a top official of the fbi, we also see the top officials of robert mueller's special counsel. andrew wiseman we all knew he was ebb an absolutely committed
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clinton supporter or zealot. whatever you want to call it. but to see the level of his conflict within the special counsel team is appalling. nine of the members of the 17 attorneys in that prosecution -- that investigation and prosecution presumably, are democrats and there is not a single known republican known amongst the other attorneys and prosecutors. >> mueller himself is a self-pro feelsed buddy and fan of comey. comey i has violated the law repeatedly. he's the one who tried to invoke or create the circumstances for mueller to be appointed in the first place. that in and of itself disqualifies mueller. he should have resigned months ago because of this conflict of
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interest. lou: the should haves are mounting up. i don't understand why they are not taking place. we have a justice department, perhaps its leadership is neutralized. i don't know. but i know those who should be performing oversight over the special counsel are quite literally unable to act. the speaker of the house, the senate majority leader, the heads of the judiciary committees of the senate and the house, the intelligence committees. where are they and why aren't they acting when this is in full view of every person who will not avert their eyes. >> when it comes to the department of justice office of inspector general. anyone who is holding out hope that they are going to do something, forget about it. i have firsthand knowledge of that because of a case of gross
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corruption in el paso, texas. we went down with an investigative counsel and two special agents. they did everything they could to turn a blind eye. i offered them two sworn officers to testify. they didn't want to interview them. i had to fly them to washington on judicial watch's dime and present them to the special general to make them take take testimony. lou: there is an inspector don't have state department, the d nirks, the justice department and within the fbi itself. at this point, all we have seen produced by an oig report, if we got to the point after conclusion and did see a report, was neglect. they have been used to divert and it's where truth and
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responsibility and accountability go to die. the fbi itself -- i had to laugh. christopher wray sending out a booster letter, a cheerleading note to 35,000 employees of the fbi to tell them they are wonderful when they, the leaders of that wonderful group of people are absolutely destroying the reputation of the fbi and may have made the fbi and i i are retrievably corrupt organization. >> it's corrosive to the american public's trust in law enforcement. the average person looks at this whole scenario and says obviously laws are for the little people and the fbi and the department justice are out of control. there is no real check. they know they wouldn't be treated that way. that is so corrosive to the whole idea of equal justice underred th --under the law.
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if. no ordinary citizen believes that when they look at the cast of characters involved in this to include exhibit a, hillary clinton. lou: i want to turn quickly to today's events. let's talk about first deutsch bank and reports from a number of news organizations that the special counsel had subpoenaed the financial records of the president of the united states at doimp bank. >> it remains unclear the specifics of the details of that. but if that is -- assuming that's true, but for the sake of argument, if the president in his private capacity as a businessman was running his business or getting financial back or business debt from
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deutsche bank, that's a high recommendation. what it says is the germans were willing to back order hold debt on various real estate projects and that's a high commendation for business. the german deutsche bank is not going to throw their money around recklessly. if it's a fishing expedition on the part of mr. mueller with respect to the president's private business transactions before becoming president, it's odd, and it's counter intie tough. it amounts to zero. and it's not the first time, frankly. lou: as we continue to watch this progress of the special counsel, there is in your mind any hope whatsoever that the people who actually have the power to bring -- to rein in this special counsel who
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obviously is completely and utterly compromised by the political conflicts within his own organization, political conflicts with the president of the united states. there is any hope we'll see true justice and see those individuals, the speaker. the majority leader, and the committee heads, the chairman of the judiciary committees of both houses pull back and say this has got to stop. the deputy attorney general of the justice department, rod rosenstein say enough, this has got to end. let's have a redo or drop this now. >> i have very little faith or confidence in the so-called leadership of the republican party. i don't see that happening from the hill. i see other forces and pressure being brought to bear. i see officials in the law
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enforcement world look at the flynn pleading and noticed there is no conspiracy count. he pled out some false official statement. but there is no conspiracy count. anyone in law enforcement knows that not having a conspiracy count in there tells you there is no crime. there is no other fern with whom he conspired. lou: but nonetheless the beat goes on. >> it's a fatal law. lou: let's hope it results in the abandonment of this fool's mission on the part of the special counsel. we are coming right back. much more straight ahead. it was a busy day. stay with us. more clear conflicts of interest in robert mueller's witch hunt. why aren't republican leaders in the senate and house calling for the special counsel to be shut
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down? why isn't the justice department holding mueller to account. we take that up with former trump campaign officials corey lewandowski and david bossie. and they have a brand-new book with a great idea. "let trump be trump." a state of emergency declared in southern california. 60-mile-an-hour winds and a mass idea wildfire is burning out of control. tens of thousands forced to flee ventura county. we'll have the full report for you and much more straight ahead.
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lou: john conyers says he will sleeve congress, but he wants to keep the seat in the family, which i thought was generous of him. he said in a radio interview that he will resign. he's endorsing his son for the special eviction. at least 7 women said think witnessed conyers behaving in a sexual conduct awful manner. the latest accuser says he was -- inappropriately touching
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her during church. the republican national committee is backing roy moore in the alabama senate race. so far even though they returned to the support of roy moore. their support is a little modest when you have add up the money. the rnc is only giving judge roy moore $50,000 and providing no additional staff. and rin storks senator jeff flake, i'm going to miss him, choosing to back the democrat in the race, doug jones. you have got to admire a man that independent. he cut jones a $1. >$100 check.he said country ove.
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joining us coauthors of the new book "let trump be trump." the two of you should know better than anyone, corey lewandowski and david bossy. let's start with what's going on today. this narrative of collusion seems to be giving way in the left-wing national media and the dems to something about obstruction of justice. >> where is the accountability for an fbi officer who didn't take hillary clinton's statement under oath, month changed the writing of what the narrative should be if she should be prosecuted. who interviewed huma abedin and had to be removed from the special prosecutor's office months ago in secret. lou: in secret by the special counsel who is supposed to
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investigate secret things. mueller is running a keystone special counsel investigation it's a sad, terrible joke on the american people. we are paying $7 million five months in. >> that doesn't include all the congressional committees. that's 7 additionally. we'll be close to $15 million of taxpayer money spent. not one describ -- not one scinf evidence that there is collusion between the trump campaign and the russians. lou: there is a spirited debate. i love the fact that attorneys can't decide whether collusion would be a problem even if there were collusion which there is not. my favorite person of all of this is richard burr of north
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carolina. he and the ranking democrat called the press together, mark warner. telling the press, we have got a big announcement which ended up they are going to expand the investigation after having found nothing. we would like to share with you preliminary findings of their 6-month long investigation. they didn't find anything. and it gets worse and worse. in the campaign, did you ever expect that you would see this kind of a frontal assault on the president of the united states from the dems, from the gop establishment, from the deep state, the intelligence community. one and the same. >> when the president launched the campaign they said it wasn't a real campaign and wouldn't be successful. dianne feinstein, the ranking democrat in the senate judiciary committee says there is no evidence she has seen that there has been cooperation.
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but the democrats say don't quory, we'll keep going forward. the ranging member of the senate intelligence committee hasn't found any evidence of russian collusion. i was there, it doesn't exist. lou: your book, i love the messaging. a lot of people are trying to keep trump from being trump. they walled him off a little bit there. but they are also having some good success. >> the president got elected by being true to himself and who he is. he led a movement to defeat the corrupt hillary clinton campaign. they had 900 people in brooklyn. we had a small dedicated group. and the president understood and had his finger on the pulse of
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the american people. he understood what he needed to do and that's what he has been doing ever since. the people in the deep state, the career politicians in washington on both sides of the aisle don't like him because it's a change agent. lou: daca. the president obviously changed his mind. ryan and mcconnell are pushing through, they want it, sitting by the president's side. you can tell right away he was the man who was used to making that choice and not in the favor of this country. but this is an issue of the country. the wall isn't built, daca is still alive, and both things are foundation promises by this president. >> this president said we'll get
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the wall done. he finally moved forward get something of that work started. lou: we'll extend our conversation with mr. bossie and mr. lewandowski. stocks moved lower on wall street. we didn't know those indexes could go lower. vol on the business board, 3.5 billion shares. we are sitting at 6.5 trillion more than when president trump was elected. listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. the dems, the deep state. more with corey lewandowski and david bossie next. i have got a great idea for the title. let trump be trump. we'll be right
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lou: corey lewandowski and david abouty, talk about -- david bossie talking about their book "let trump be trump." he has the deep state chewing at his ankles, trying to subvert his presidency. there is no two ways about it. what dose need to do. where in the hell are his attorneys and the junkyard dogs that can plant their teeth in some of these folks who don't have proper respect for a sitting president. >> the tax reform package passed by the senate could be a first step. that could be the straw that breaks the congress. lou: where are the junkyard dogs. >> if he does that, he can
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emmore people to get things done. victories beget victories. lou: i don't think this is essential to him at all. it's essential to the salvation of mitch mcconnell and paul ryan. this president already has an economy growing at 3%. if you go through the statistics you see a country glad to wake up in the morning and not hang their heads. >> the mainstream media is never going to give this president the credit he deserves. homeownership the highist's been in two generations. just 20-1, every new regulation, saving taxpayers billions of
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dollars. lou: where are the junkyard dogs. >> you need the guys fighting there every day for the core values because you have to understand washington, d.c. is a swamp. this president wants to bring change to washington. he needs to make sure the people around him are bringing that change. >> he's got two junkyard dogs right here and we are on the outside delivering the good news of everything he has accomplished. this back to "let trump be trump" to remind people the successes he has had and the movement he led that got us here. lou: it looks like it's work well for the country. the book is "let trump be trump." we are coming right back with
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much, much more and yes we'll be talking about this book a lot for weeks and weeks to come. stay with us. we'll be right back. president trump reiterating his full support for republican senate candidate roy moore. president trump: i think he will do real well. we don't want a liberal democrat controlled by nancy pelosi and chuck schumer. we don't want that for alabama. lou: republican establishment just decide they want to win the thing. we take that up with charlie hurt. this 12-year-old boy celebrating his birthday on a boat with his friends when his party has an extra special guest. a surprise visitor. we'll show you the birthday surprise. surprise. ♪
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(news anchor) downtown traffic is still bad. expect massive delays. (radio channel changing) (news anchor 2) all lanes on highway 50 remain closed at this hour. (news anchor 3) the stats are in and this city leads with some of the worst traffic, with the average driver sitting in gridlock the equivalent of three days a year. for every hour that you're idling in your car, you're sending about half a gallon of gasoline up in the air. that amounts, over the course of the week, to about 10 pounds of carbon dioxide. growth is good, but when it starts impacting our quality of air and quality of life, that's a problem. so forward-thinking cities like sacramento are investing in streets that are smarter and greener. the solution was right under our feet. asphalt. or to be more precise, intelligent asphalt. by embedding sensors into the pavement, as well as installing cameras on traffic lights, we will be able to study and analyze the flow of traffic.
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then, we will take all of that data and we use it to optimize the timing of lights, so that traffic flows easier and travel times are shorter. and sacramento is just the beginning. with advances in cameras, sensors, and network speeds, we have the ability to make cities smarter, and happier. what excites me about this technology is that we're using some of the most cutting-edge machine-learning, and ai, to help solve the most fundamental challenges that cities face around the world. who knew asphalt could help save the environment? (lani) and the possibilities are endless.
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lou: congress making stealthy changes to tax reform legislation that will allow -- continue to allow illegal immigrants to claim the child tax credit, a $2,000 benefit under the legislation. filers don't have to list their own social security number to claim the tax credit as long as the child has one. that's quite something. a tax credit that has no relationship to the tax you are
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paying. joining me, charlie hurt. are you astonished that the house and the senate are doing these sort of back door dead of night kind of deals? >> sadly, i'm not in the least bit surprised. it's the way this place has been operating going back decades. the only people up until donald trump's election, the only people who didn't have a warrior on their side lobbying for them in this town, the forgotten people donald trump represented who came out in such force in the last election and put him in the white house. lou: i know the president is struggling with daca, that's clear. and he has flake sitting far too close -- close to him.
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what are your thoughts about daca, the political impact if he does go ahead with this form amnesty. >> as soon as donald trump made the move he made earlier, we suddenly had everybody coming out of the woodwork saying we love the dreamers. -- apparently they were in lock step agreement all these years but they don't do anything. they don't ever do anything. the reason they leave all these problems unsolved because if they involve the problems they don't have something to complain and known -- and moan about. lou: what if they don't built the wall? >> a lot of -- the thing about
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this wall. the wall is like rubbing the dog's nose in the carpet after they mess in the carpet. the wall is rubbing congress's face in the bored reminding them for 30 years they refused to do what they promised voters they have would do which is get control illegal immigration. they are happy toy give everybody amnesty because they love that. they don't want to solve the problem. if they don't -- if they solve the problem they won't have anything to raise money on. it's just grinding the noles of congress and hitting congress with a news tape and saying as a nasty remindser, this is what you failed to do. lou: the country is quite used to being lied to and being
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disappointed. it sphms why president obama seemed the perfect president for 8 years. it was delivering the failure after failure. this president was about hope and real belief that we'll see something different. what we are seeing is a president-elected as a fighter who is being pummeled every day by the left-wing media that is being pummeled by his own party, the establishment, the deep state, the intelligence community. it's all but inexplicable, these people only want it one way and that one way is amnesty, that one way is illegal immigrants. not manufacturing jogs, not 4% economic growth. this is a president who is anti-historical in the sense he is something new and fresh and i
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don't think the country can stand another disappointment the likes of which would result from the wall, amnesty and more of the same. >> look at this decision about moving the capital of israel back to jerusalem where it belongs. their hair is on fire they are in such soak would do this. we have had the immediate problem for 40 years, the larger problem for thousands of years. if doing the same thing doesn't get you anywhere, why not try something different. lou: and succeed. and you just worry that so many of the usual suspects now surrounding his -- surrounding him that he may forget that this
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is a struggle for the soul of the country. charlie hurt, always good to have you with us. be sure to vote in our poll tonight. do you believe the evidence of political bias within special counsel mueller's office has become so sweeping the department of justice and congress have in other ethical choice but to take action? cast your vote on twitter @loudobbs. please roll the video. a 12-year-old boy from iceland enjoying a truly special birthday party thanks to this party crasher. a humpback whale completely breaching the surface to thrill the boy and all of his celebrating friends. happy birthday and good going, whale. wildfires raging in southern california. thousands of people are being forced to evacuate. we'll have a live report for you
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from ventura, california here next. wow, look at that. my "business" was going nowhere... so i built this kickin' new website with godaddy. building a website in under an hour is easy! 68% of people... ...who have built their website using gocentral, did it in... ...under an hour, and you can too. type in your business or idea. pick your favourite design. personalize it with beautiful images.'re done! and now business is booming. harriet, it's a double stitch not a cross stitch! build a better website - in under an hour. free to try. no credit card required. gocentral from godaddy.
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to deliver consistent network speed across multiple locations. every corporate office, warehouse and store near or far covered. leaving every competitor, threat and challenge outmaneuvered. comcast business outmaneuver. lou: a huge wildfire in southern
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california. thousands forced evacuate from ventura, county. firefighters are battling 60-mile-an-hour winds adding to ways already an emergency that is completely out of control. 50,000 acres burning. the fire zero% contained. adam housley is live in ventura with the latest. reporter: the biggest one, you can see the conditions getting consistently worse. similar to what stoked this fire last night. you can see the flames this smoldering home. i can see embers blowing across the street. this is not a good scene. the wind sled down for a while but now it's back. it blows from hillside to
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hillside. you can see the hillside. that's where the fire blew through. hundreds of homes, millions of dollars in damage. this is a large metropolitan * area north of los angeles. you can see they made a stand in this neighborhood. the rest of the street has been preserved so far. we watched three or four homes burn down ourselves earlier today. i saw them spraying down whatever they could to stop the fire. but once one of these em% gets into the attack or one of the air pockets, all it takes is a spark. the firefighters grabbed some of the kids clothes and a christmas three for them and got out just
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a time. lou: is there any sense when it might be controlled? reporter: the santa ana winds blow from the east up to 70 miles per hour. they will continue through thursday and thursday is the worst day according to forecasters. lou: that fire obviously is going to rage for some days now. the white house blasting the left wing national media over reports deutsche bank has been subpoenaed for trump account information. >> no subpoena has been issued for received. we confirmed this with the bank and other sources. this is another example of the media going too far too fast and we don't see it going in that direction.
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lou: in our online poll we asked do you believe peter strzok's activities are the clearest evidence yet that special count mueller designed a team to undermine the president at any cost. 94% of you have say yes. joining me is gregg jarrett.
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this is a man who is central to so many democratic hopes, and he's right at the peak of the special counsel organization. gregg: he's a legal thug and has a long history of hiding evidence and threatening witnesses. he's also as we know an anti-trumper by virtue of an email we discovered by tom fitton and judicial watch. she was out protesting in front of the white house and blanketed her twitter act with virulent anti-trump messages. lou: we no wiseman and rosenstein have conflicts.
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it's nine of the people on his investigative team at the special counsel are democratic donors. and is there not a single republican on record in the entire organization. gregg: wise man should resign immediately or fired immediately. robert mueller's entire team should be replaced. mueller himself should be canned. rod rosenstein should be taken away from anything approaching this special counsel investigation which means jeff sessions, the attorney general should fire them all. lou: jeff sessions has been paralyzed. i think the man is pair lighted at the post he finds himself in. he has done nothing to this point of any moment. this is a major moment. it may be too dig a moment.
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gregg: he recused himself from the trump-russia probe. he can unrecuse himself by getting rid of all these partisans including robert mueller. i'm not saying kill the investigation. i am saying replace these people with fair, objective people. lou: this is something i wouldn't want to argue too vociferously over. the person who should be investigate is barack obama. these interferences occurred under his administration. he did nothing. he did nothing to prosecutor penalize the russians. he put forward sanctions with less than a month left in his presidency. he wouldn't insist the fbi released their servers to the fbi which was filled with his
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supporters and zealots. why would we continue the investigation? gregg: i'm sympathetic to you, but i don't think we want to criminalize the political decisions of a former president. lou: you say they are political. we don't know the motivation. gregg: hillary clinton did commit crimes under the espionage act. if the department of justice put her case in front of a grand jury -- lou: all those immunities given out under obama, did they lapse when president trump took over? gregg: i haven't read the immunity agreements. that was corruption by james
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comey. lou: as always we appreciate your insights. gregg jarrett. that's it for us. tomorrow night ed rollins and ananananan unit we will move the american embassy to the eternal capital of the jewish people's jerusalem. >> this is his son is taken apart diplomatic relationships. [inaudible conversations] middle east shakeup to deliver the campaign promise later today announcing united ditzel recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel. trying to the pullback for stocks continue. the dow fell 104 points yesterday in right now futures are down 66. trade to europe stocks open lower thanks to a selloff in technology. all major indices in the


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