tv Bulls Bears FOX Business December 10, 2017 6:00am-6:30am EST
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we'd love to hear it. send me an e-mail or go to our website, >> pete: fox & >> president trump: i can think of no better christmas present for the american people than giving you a massive tax cut. >> [applause] >> president trump: that's what's happening. >> president trump: and your senate and your house hopefully very shortly will have those approvals those hands will go up and you're going to be paying a lot less tax. >> dagen: president trump pulling out all the stops to pump tax cuts. he says they will build america up, but then you have house minority leader nancy pelosi suggesting this is what will happen if republicans get their way. >> nancy: this is armageddon. this is a very big deal, because you know why?
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there's really a very hard way to come back from this. they take us further, more deeply into debt. what can you do but raise taxes? >> dagen: armageddon? really? hi everybody i'm dagen mcdowell. this is bulls & bears. so bulls & bears this week, gary b. smith, jonas max ferris, john layfield along with stacey washington and adrian elrod. welcome to everybody. john? armageddon, really? >> look this political talk has reached a new level of crazy. where was this dooms day prediction when nancy pelosi with the rest of her congressman republicans and democrats watched debt go from 5 trillion in 2000 to over 20 trillion today. where is this dooms day vision that she has when she says that debt is going to be 10 trillion more in the next decade? so we're looking at $31 trillion in debt according to all cbo predictions she's about $1 trillion added on to that so you're ignoring 96% of our
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deficit talking about dooms day predictions with this and look i've looked at the four major tax cuts the last hundred years and closest to this is the 1960s because you had a decent economy like now and then the tax cuts of ken edi carried out by lbj, gdp went to 6% for two straight years and treasury revenue increased, it's showing an ignorance of history or choosing to ignore it i should say. >> dagen: stacey why the scare tactics because the democrats know that this is a win for republicans? >> dagen, this is their play come on. so we're talking about a major overhaul of our tax system and it's a win for the republicans and it's something that the president ran on so he has been running with this, getting it over the finish line, he's got the congress working together for the first time in his entire presidency, and they don't want that. so what are they going to say armageddon. do you know what looks like armageddon if that's what this is? a lot of people out shopping
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happy smiling faces even democrats are enjoying themselves. i was out shopping today lines wrapped around the building the gdp is through the roof, joblessness claims are down, everything is looking rosie so if that's what armageddon looks like bring it on baby i'm loving it. >> dagen: right a plague of locu st, gary b. >> it's going to start raining frogs with consumer confidence, 17 year high, unemployment rates 17 year low, stock market all-time high. you name it, the economy is in f uego. >> absolutely and i think this tax is a tax plan is the way to go. look i think the most unbiased source is the tax foundation. they've run a scenario as best they can because you know obviously the bill is not done but everyone paying federal income tax gets cut and this is not a tax cut for the rich. this is a tax cut that actually the biggest percentage cuts go to moderate income families with
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children, that middle class that everyone talks about. they get the biggest percentage the tax foundation scenario if you're single with two kids earning $50,000 a year, you get a 36% cut. that's fantastic. look, even if pelosi wanted to fix a debt you could raise taxes to 100% and you're not going to pay off the deficit that we have the only way to do that is to cut back on entitlements giving people the money that they earn, giving them back more of it is a great thing. cutting the deficit is a whole other thing that needs to be tackled separately. that's what i'm hoping ryan and mcconnell can tackle next. >> dagen: aid adrienne i know why nancy pelosi is acting like the sky is falling because this republican plan of really sticks it to her constituents and high income earners in blue states by getting rid of the state and local tax deduction, so maybe her donations are going to dry
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up because these people are going to get hit with higher taxes. >> look, you know first of all this bill what we're not talking about here is the fact this bill does raise taxes on over half of the middle class families so that's one issue. secondly, the process for getting this bill passed lacks so much transparency. we now know that lobbyists on case were oftentimes getting copies of the bill as it was changing throughout the course of several days before senate democrats were getting copies of it, so i think a lot of us are still trying to figure out what's actually in this 500 page bill. >> dagen: i'm going to correct you on something. the tax, this issue of taxes going up for half of people that's because these tax cuts expire. we're talking about ten years from now. in fact, every scenario models which gary b. was talking about, every scenario model includes a tax reduction in tax liability,
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so again, that's scare tactics and that's not the whole truth you just told. >> well i don't know these are necessarily scare tactics a lot of people are trying to figure out what's in the content of the bill since it was written so haste ill it and there was a lack of transparency, lack of true committee process throughout the entire process of getting this bill passed. >> dagen: jonas, people get more of their money back. how is the world coming to an end that corporations will be given incentives to create jobs in this country? >> are we talking about the obama stimulus plan with the we don't know what's in it or the healthcare thing or look it's the same arguments other side essentially the same thing in the budget. first of all, pelosi's point that you don't get out of it like you said you get out of it because all these half baked tax plans! expire so it will get out just like the bush tax cuts at some point. that all said the reality is
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look, if you do a tax cut, if it doesn't pay for itself or you do twice as big a tax cut doesn't make any sense right? it pays for some of it with stimulus and when you do a stimulus package and handout money like obamacare stimulus some of that comes back in economic activity when you pay somebody, you get more cars bought but both cause deficits to go up overtime and that is only addressed by major cuts to gary's point. these are both obama stimulus and this tax cut are actually very small in relation to our economy other countries have done bigger things china stimulus during the crash is much bigger relative to ours we have to deal with other issues we're fighting over a relatively small issue here. >> dagen: but john if nancy pelosi is going to scream about the apocalypse she should look back at the last two terms of president obama where the debt doubled and they raised taxes on people and we never even had growth of 3% in any one given
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calendar year. >> we had ten straight years which is a record since we've been measuring gdp of under 3% growth and debt did double under president obama and doubled under president bush too and nancy pelosi said nothing about it and when you pass the healthcare bill, like everyone let's pass it and see what's in it. it's very simple. you have a 20% corporate tax rate. i'm not defending the republican s i think they are just as bad as the democrats. i don't like politicians, i like america that has a brain. i'm in disagreement with washington d.c. but they've done something that will actually stimulate the economy lowering the corporate tax rate. >> dagen: stacey final word? >> look, i encourage everybody to go to tax plan you can type in your own real numbers from last year and you can see what your current tax was, it should match up with your taxes, what your tax will be under the house plan and tax will be under the senate plan. we ran the numbers before they made the changes. we've run the numbers since. my husband and ir saving money and we're not in that lower middle income area we're still going to save money on this plan
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don't believe the hype. it's not true that they've actually come up with something that it's not everything i wanted dagen but it's really great. >> dagen: thank you, guys and gals. cavuto on business in about 20 minutes from now. neil what have you got? >> neil: dagen does waiting until the last minute to do everything really impress your boss? then why does congress think it impresses us? and the money used to settle sexual harassment suits in washington is your money. now one congressman wants to make sure you get it back eventually. we'll see you soon. >> dagen: thanks, neil. we can't wait but up here first some lawmakers accusing the fbi of bias in the hillary clinton and donald trump probe. do we need to investigate copd makes it hard to breathe. so to breathe better, i go with anoro. ♪go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪go your own way once-daily anoro contains
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's team and then gets kicked off for a text message that's anti-trump. >> if that one agent at the center or source is decidedly anti-trump and decidedly pro- clinton that raises real questions. >> dagen: lawmakers grilling fbi director over new claims of political bias against president trump and for hillary clinton. they're demanding an investigation into what they call the bureau's special treatment of clinton during the e-mail probe. stacey? are they on to something here? >> i think they are. what is most striking is the contrast between the way they behaved when they thought they were going after clinton, they gave her the kid glove treatment and didn't put her under oath and all of them were kind of in the tank for her, and what i heard today from representative jordan is that they actually, he was actually able to lay out a timeline where he explained how first you have the dossier,
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right? and it's paid for by the clinton s and then also the dnc. you have the clinton campaign, the dnc paying for the dossier and the dossier goes to the fbi and the fbi repackages the dossier, classifies it and puts it forward for a five application. the five application comes through they start monitoring people in trump world and then they take down mike flynn. it's a dangerous thing to weapon nize an agency of the united states government and it's even more dangerous if it goes unaccounted for o this is a serious issue the clintons should not be above the law. >> dagen: gary b., do we need to investigate the investigators? >> no. i don't think so. you know, ideally we would but you know when stacey was going with all due respect to stacey i think she had a good analysis. i think i'm like most americans my eyes started glazing over. hillary clinton lost. that's her punishment and obviously she's stewing at another level of hell out there because she can't get over it. that's well and good but it's
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like saying washington is a swamp. it's like people were shocked when there was gambling going on in casablanca. yes it's a swamp out there we spent almost $7 million on mueller' investigation of this russia thing. do we need to spend millions more? yes, it's horrible, it's a swamp but hillary lost let's move on. >> dagen: but jonas, if we don't weed out the bias and the conflict which is ever more evident by the day when it comes to the mueller investigation of russian interference in the election, then what is justice in this country? we have to prove to the american people that you can trust the fbi and that trust is evaporat ing. >> well let's separate bias from just the general treatment that rich and famous people get. i mean, look anthony weiner i'm only bringing that up because he's sort of related to this case is probably the only person on the sex offender's list out of all of the many successful rich people in a lot of trouble
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in that department lately because he's not that rich and he's probably one of the worst ones. the point i'm trying to make is you get attention being a celebrity for doing something wrong but you also get treated better than the public. there's some guy in the park who exposed himself gets on that list all these other guys aren't on that list. as far as the fbi being biased left or right, if hillary clinton and her basement had a leak and the epa didn't give her the same treatment as somebody else i could say the organization has a left wing bias pro democrat. i've got a hard time thinking the 23 b i is a fundamentally leaning place where people don't work and i just don't believe that and maybe you'll find that other wise. >> dagen: we're finding out about conflict after conflict we heard the past week there's a woman on the mueller team who worked with wilmer hale, the law firm and she's in the past represented ben roads in the benghazi hearing and she represented the clinton foundation and one lawsuit, she actually even represented former secretary of state hillary clinton and she's on the mueller
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team. >> yeah, look. i get all of that. i disagree with gary b., who won by the way with that casablanca reference to jim and gary b. is right but there's 21 special investigations since the carter administration only twice has the principal person being investigated been indicted and you talk about the fbi being used as a weapon. j. ed war hoover hello, with dr. king, the beatles and albert einstein look this is nothing new. this is politics as usual. we have no real policies getting done. >> dagen: adrienne final word to you but we don't want to repeat the j. edgar hoover. >> we've covered a lot of this and look the fact that republicans continue to try to find ways to discredit robert mueller is hilarious because first of all when he was appointed special council, he was widely praised and by the way he is a republican first of all. secondly, many of us on the clinton campaign, many americans will argue that james comey reopening the investigation 12 days before election day is the
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reason why secretary clinton lost or at least a big part of the reason why she lost so republicans can't have it both ways. you can't sit here and praise james comey one day and discredit him the next in the way he handled the investigation and same thing with robert mueller and one final word i want to throw in is the reason why we know about these text messages is because the inspector general from the department of justice looked into this and robert mueller immediately fired him. >> dagen: well he's not fired. he's just not on the mueller team. he's still employed the fbi in human resources i think. thanks guys and gals. reaction in just over an hour lauren simonetti what do you guys have coming up. >> lauren congress setting up a new shutdown fight in two weeks why something democrats are digging in on is smashing charges of hipocracy plus, a false abc report rattles markets and now the president suggests that investors sue. we will debate it on cashing in i'll see you at 11:30. >> dagen: thanks lauren we'll be watching but up here first
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violent clashes erupting as the white house officially recognizes jerusalem as the capitol of israel and other presidents promise to do the same before the outrage of same before the outrage of pryour insurance company won't replace the full value of your totaled new car. the guy says, "you picked the wrong insurance plan." no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. liberty mutual insurance. my "business" was going nowhere... so i built this kickin' new website with godaddy.
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remain an undivided city accessible to all. as soon as i take office i will begin the process of removing the united states ambassador to the city of israel as chosen as its capitol. >> it will remain the capitol of israel and must remain undivided >> dagen: gary b., why the outrage now? >> two reasons dagen. one, donald trump said it so of course they go the opposite way and two, every one of those past presidents has backtracked on their commitment, tried to pus it foot around make nice to the bully hoping there would be peace, it's not going to happen i hope trump sticks to his word. >> dagen: stacey? >> i'm so glad he did. look i totally support this move it's a departure from the previous president who promised to do it and they got to go at prove they want it. >> dagen: jonas? >> first of all we didn't have a social media outrage machine so things are a little different and as a real estate developer is there a concept of holy land?
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i don't think that's an existing thing and trump also doesn't say one thing to one audience like all these other presidents, he actually will actively say something to annoy one side to make the other side like him more so he doesn't give a vague notion to try to appeal to everybody or when he's abroad say something else so that's trump being trump in some ways. >> dagen: adrienne we have to point out congress recognized jerusalem in 95 so this is more than 20 years in the making. >> but look this is not the right time to do it. the allies made it clear this is not good that we are seeing all of the chaos this is causing and certainly not going to help donald trump's quest to reinstate some sort of peace process in the middle east. >> dagen: john, final word. >> right time look at history. four people were on the planet one killed another. what peace are you talking about what chaos? the middle east has been in turmoil ever since the beginning of time. look trump is just recognized president trump is recognizing the reality on the ground and that's israel considers that
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their capitol and that's right. >> dagen: thank you guys and ladies, stacey and adrienne thank you so much for joining us >> thanks dagen. >> dagen: ho ho no? the ups warning about delivery delays ahead of the holidays but if someone here is right that could mean a merry christmas for your profits. ♪ [vo] progress is an unstoppable force. the season of audi sales event is here. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event.
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whcold you? grab lunch? cold sore. when a cold sore takes over, campho phenique's topical anesthetic plus anti-microbial action soothes pain fast. what's for dinner? meat loaf. campho-phenique on, cold sore pain gone. >> dagen: predictions, gary b., go. >> dagen ups says it's going to be delays with your package and there probably will be but so what who else you going to use? they will fix it get better stock up 20%. >> dagen: john? >> google is in a fight with amazon. i own google it's up 20%. >> dagen: jonas? >> wild swings and a $70 million hack of bitcoin which why you
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have your money in the last legitimate currency euro through the i-shares international treasury. up 10% in a year. >> dagen: john? >> the valuation of bitcoin better to understand jonas. >> dagen: neil now. >> neil: well nothing like waiting until the last minute congress just avoiding a government shutdown this week, and the senate just squeeked a tax plan by last week which has me wondering at least always dangerous what exactly have they been doing all this time? >> would you walk us through a typical day for you? well i generally come in at least 15 minutes late. i use the side door that way lun dberg can't see me and after that i space out for about an hour. >> space out? >> yeah, i just stare at my desk but it looks like i'm working. i
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