tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business December 12, 2017 4:00am-5:00am EST
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question for senate republicans. [♪] lou: good evening. breaking tonight, a botched terrorist attack in the heart of new york city. police say a 27-year-old bangladeshi national set off a pipe bomb strapped to his body. the bomb went off as a result. five others were injured in the explosion. none of the injuries are life-threatening. a busy subway passage between times square and the port authority. bust attack wouldn't have occurred at all if trump had
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supported obama's policies of chain migration. firefighters working to keep up with wildfires exploding in the state. it's the fifth largest fire in the state's history. alabama voters go to the polls to choose their next senator, republican judge roy moore locked in a tight race with democrat doug jones as liberal outside groups are pumping millions of dollars into the state in an effort to turn the senate seat blue for the first time since 1992. the deep state exposed. a senior justice department official demoted last week for concealing his meetings with the firm behind the anti-trump dossier had even closer ties to the smear merchant fusion gps
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than previously reported. a terrorist attack striking new york city for the second time in as many months. a 27-year-old bangladeshi national close the location in the subway because of its christmas-themed posters. but according to the white house suspect would have never been in the country if president trump's immigration policies had been in place. rick leventhal has our report. rick: a massive police response on the streets of new york city on a terror attack which allow d
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would not have been allowed to come into the country. reporter: the former cab driver told authorities the attack was retaliation for attacks overseas. >> a thorough background investigation by the joint terrorist task force. reporter: he's now in custody in the hospital after suffering burns to his hand and arms. >> this is new york, the reality is that we are a target by many who would like to make a statement against democracy, against freedom. we are the statue of liberty in our harbor, and that makes us an international target. reporter: president trump
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released a statement saying america must fix its lax immigration system that allows too many unvetted people to enter our country. concern is the next time we may not be this lucky. lou: our first guess says it's time to take the land off law enforcement and let cops be cops. former nypd officer, a former secret service agent, dan bongino. when you say take the cuffs off, what do you mean exactly? >> unfortunately when you talk to a lot of police contacts whether the nypd or federal enforcement level. there are obstacles put in front of them when the cases involved
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involve mosques. i understand there are political sensitivities. but they should not override the need of a police department or federal law enforcement to keep the american people safe. we have to let cops be cops. when you go out and investigate the russian mob. you go to communities where russians tend to congregate. it's not anti-russian. it's common sense. i am not suggesting blanket surveillance. we are saying the obstacles put in front of them due to these political sensitivities are contributing to a dangerous environment. lou: president trump made it clear he thinks we have to go to a merit-based enforcement system so law enforcement don't have to
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worry about this at all. permitting people to come into this country under a lottery as did the previous terrorist who killed 8 people in new york. or the chain migration? at the time he was a 20-year-old brother who has been brought in for a sister of the person who got the first visa. it's madness. >> it's suicidal. this is insane. the fbi, there are people in the fbi and the dhs who said on the record hult pell times that the vetting process for people overseas is not adequate. i'm not suggesting we should stop immigration from overseas, but maybe stopping immigration from countries where there isn't an adequate vetting system. this person was from bangladesh. do you think they are checking
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the library card for some of these folks? on the chain migration thing, this is another crazy policy that leads to an exponentially growing number of people who have a claim on american citizenship because they know someone in the country. that's not a way to run the immigration policy. it's a way to decimate your labor pool and create a dangerous situation. >> during the 201 campaign president trump was the only candidate talking about ending chain migration and going to meritocracy. he was hooted down by the national left-wing media and also of course his opponents the race because they weren't p.c. -- he wasn't being p.c. paralyzed as they were. >> he won an electoral college landslide. if hillary clinton was running
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for governor of california and new york she did a great job. other than that the rest of the country voted clearly and resoundingly for donald trump. and what was the issue he ran on? immigration, build the wall. i sarcastic all say to people in some limited circles we call that a clue. but outside the amtrak corridor, maybe california, they don't get it. when does the mayor a first policy start again? we have been compassionate to the world for a long time. we have taken in millions of people. there is nothing wrong with that. there is nothing agai -- there s nothing xenophobic about that. lou:x whether it's the border wall or a diversity lotto, if
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you will, and simply suggesting to people if you are related to someone like a -- like a second cousin, come to america. dan bongino, thank you. we are coming right back. there is a lot more. stay with us. president trump backing republican candidate judge roy moore to push his america first agenda in the u.s. senate. president trump: we can't afford to have a liberal democrat who is completely controlled by nancy pelosi and chuck schumer. get out and vote for roy moore. lou: just hours to go before alabama's pivotal senate race. the wildfires raging in
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lou: more evidence of out of control conflicts of interest at the justice department. lings between a senior justice department official and the smear group responsible for the discredited trump dossier. james rosen has the shocking report. james: new disclosures confirm to fox news show that the link between fusion gps, the firm behind that anti-trump dossier ran deeper than previously known. fox news was the first to tell you about the abrumentd demotion of bruce ohr who was stripped of
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the title deputy attorney general amid an ongoing investigation into his contact with the two leading figures in the controversy over the dossier. doj officials told officials ohr had withheld from his superiors. ohr met last year with christopher steele, the former british spy who authored the dossier and glenn simpson the town der of gps. the opposition research firm that was paid by the hillary clinton campaign and the dnc. now fox news confirmed that nellie ohr, the wife of bruise ohr worked for fusion gps. a timeline that places her on the company payroll around the time the dossier was funneled to the fbi and perhaps into the
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election. devin nunes told fox news they are looking into all facets of the connections between the department of justice and fusion gfs, including mr. ohr. they had no comment about the fact that mrs. ohr worked for fusion gps last year. lou: joining me the former republican congressman jason chaffetz. great to see you. let's start with this. how in the world does the justice department not know where spouses of top officials work and what their connections are to highly active smear mesh chants like gps or fusion gps?
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>> i don't believe they are so naive. i think they know this and i think they have begin the for some time. the deep state is alive and well in the department of justice and there is a reason why in nunes is the chairman of the intel zmirt he in the -- intel committee have been given the stiff arm. they wanted the details see they would interview people in person. there is a reason why for months they were given the stiff arm. i think they actually did know. lou: if that is the case, robert mueller should turn his direction directly to the democratic party, the dnc and the hillary clinton campaign and those as you put it, the deep staters within the justice department, more likely what they are are left-wing partisans
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trying to subvert a president. >> where is attorney general sessions in all of this? the obama administration has some deep-seeded people put into place. but it's president trump's justice department it's not good enough for the fbi director to go before the committee of jurisdiction as he did last week, the judiciary committee saying that's better in another setting. those people all have security clearance. it's a committee of jurisdiction. and for four or five hours the fbi director saw neefl and talked -- saw no evil and didn't talk about evil. lou: the days of the obama administration, i couldn't imagine his answers being one
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iota different. >> i wish chairman goodlatte made him sit there and answer the question. if they need to goin executive session because there is something classified, do it. the fbi director tried to get away with it saying we can't show you that because it's classified. every member of the committee has a classified clearance. intel is taking the lead on this. i believe in devin anyone's, i believe in trey gowdy, mike conway is in the thick of this thing. i think they are making some progress. lou: devin nunes is obviously making progress because his investigators on the house intelligence committee have produced real results. i can't say that about any other committee over the course of the
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obama administration that produced concrete results that resulted in consequence. >> i was chairman of a committee for a while. en i served when darrel darrella was the chairman. what does the department of justice do? they say we reached a settlement, they apologize, but the there is no consequence. nobody in hands cuffs. nobody held accountable. we can go from fast and furious to the irs. to uranium one. how many do we have to list out. you can't finds anybody who is held accountable to the government. lou: your best counsel to the president. >> it's your departments of justice. you are the only constitutionally elected officer
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who has control over there. i don't buy into the democrats about obstruction of justice. let lady justice operate with a blinds fold. but you better clear the deck. you have people in there who are not calling balls and strikes. bring it to a grand jury and let citizens look at the evidence and make a decision. that's the way our system is supposed to work. the fbi is not supposed to put the brakes on it before it gets to a grand jury. take the evidence and let them make a decision and try prosecuting somebody. lou: what happened if jeff sessions actually does his job. his disappearance makes me think either they have have an enormous file on him in the deep state that is prohibiting him from serving the president he
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signed up to serve in the nation he signed up. he has to see how deep the crisis is and how profound the moment is for him to get to work and really assure that justice is done here. i have never seen anything as corrupt as one special counsel, that of robert mueller. person after person with conflicts of interest. and jeff sessions throws his hands in the air and recuses himself over russian coalition. every piece of evidence found at this point by the fbi, all the committees has shown collusion but it's collusion between the democrats and the russians, not republicans. >> i have sat with the attorney general sessions in person and i talked to him on the phone. i don't think the attorney general is up to the job. it's sad, base think he has a
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storied history. but the moment he got there he had to recuse himself. he's nowhere to be found. and i think you will see congress the next couple weeks including next week ratchet it up. i don't think they are living up to their job in administering justice. i'm not saying it has to go the republicans way. lou: why shouldn't it go the republicans' way? we elected a republic candle president. why aren't the leaders of the senate and the house standing shoulder to showed early with the president? they could bring this thing to a conclusion. >> i don't know, lou. and i think you are on top of it and you are expressing a lot of concerns that most of americans look at this are seeing from coast to coast. it's just like when balls and strikes are called. puff 10,000 attorneys.
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but some how mueller's team is hawk full of don't dwroorts democratic party. i don't understand that and it continues. there are a lot of good, hard working patriotic people at the doj. do you have to have this clown car where the wife of the counsel investigating works form the company being investigated? lou: every single connection so far has been between the democratic apparatus, the democratic party, the dnc, and russia. this is astounding. and you can't get the national left-wing media to focus on it. they keep on supporting in complicity with the deep state
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and the democratic party. jason chaffetz, it's great to have you here. come back soon. be sure to vote ifr in our poll tonight. do you believe it's time for congress to tends chain migration? cast your vote on twitter. on wall street, another record-breaking performance for stocks. the dow gairning 57 points. the nasdaq up 35, volume on the big board over 3 billion shares traded. robert schiller is joining other economists to call bitcoin a bubble it appears that no bubble in economic history has been more obvious than this one. a reminder to listen to my reports coast to coast on the salem radio network.
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lou: it's election eve in alabama and a fox news poll has doug jones leading rye moore by 10 points. but that's poll seems to be the outlier. real clear politics has moore leading by 2 points. >> these allegations are false. i did not date underaged women and i did not molest anyone. reporter: a fox news poll shows 39% of likely alabama voters
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believe the allegations against moore compared to 33% who think they are untrue and 27% who are unsure. >> i am undecided. probably leaning to vote for roy moore. but i'm concerned about the allegations. >> when broken down by gender women favor jones by 20 points. president trump: get out and vote for roy moore. his vote is our republican senate and it's needed. we need moore to help us with the republican senate. reporter: alabama's senior senator richard. shelby: says he agrees with the president's desire to keep the
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senate in gop hands. >> i couldn't vote for roy moore. the state of alabama deserves better. reporter: in a series of four tweets in response to the pipe bomb in new york city. he says this incident undercores the threats our nation faces from those who want nothing more than to destroy what we hold dear. lou: we are coming right back. there is much more ahead. stay with us. robert mueller's partisanship is no secret now. his prosecutors expose his pro clinton hacks. we take up the deep state and the dem's desperate efforts to delegitimize the president of the united states.
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[♪] lou: russian president vladimir putin ordered his country's forces to begin withdrawing from syria. he says the two-year campaign to destroy the islamic state has been completed. the pentagon remains sceptical and issued this statement. russian comments about removal of their forces do not usually corresponds with actual troop reductions. it looks lake everybody won in syria except those killed and maimed and five million refugees. what is going on? >> after all these years of warfare and tens of thousands in syria, half a million syrians were killed. the united states was part of
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the defeat of isis in most of of eastern syria. as the pentagon has mentioned, the russians not really withdrawing. what they are saying for themselves to be able to redeploy. the question is who won on the ground in syria. my answer is iran. its allies. its hezbollah. they took most of of the line. we still have our allies on the ground. but we'll have to see the final outcome. lou: syria an important part of the caliphate blown to bits by u.s. forces and russians as well over the course of the last two years. where are we headed now? all the discussion about syrian refugees, all the discussions about people who have have been dislocated by this war. why isn't the youths, why isn't russia doing something?
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>> first of all, the five current members of the security council can issue a resolution that call on all syrian refugees, turkey, lebanon, jordan, to go back to secure the area. i'm puzzled this is not happening. if we have most of of the syrian refugees go back home, then you can begin with a political solution. not before that. >> the political solution is backed by fierce military power on the part of the united states. let's go to this terrorist attack that was botched by a 27-year-old bangladeshi national who entered this country through klain migration. the president of the -- by chang chain migration. the president has been working
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to end chain migration to a merit-based system. look at this, 90-3 million green cards issued on the basis of family ties have entered the country in the past 11 years. that's extraordinary. chain migration, there is precious little vetting. the people being brought in using chain migration are largely unskilled, uneducated. how did we ever let this move to this level, to these depths? >> what a subject. i am an immigrant, i was an immigrant 27 years ago. the chain migration system is unfair other migrants who could help this nation more.
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but what is important about this issue is the jihadists are using chain migration to bring more jihadists. in congress and public opinion should we use chain migration is one subject. but other subject is vetting. until now we don't have a good system of vetting. the reason in my view is historic. 8 or 9 years ago, any system that would let us vet has been abolished. lou: president barack obama unleashed the migration of these folks into this country, did so purposely. look at the numbers. bangladeshi nationals. more than 140,000, 141,500 beank
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bangladeshi nationals have entered this country. do you know how many are in this country according to the census bureau? bureau? 180,000. if you are times the number are here due to family ties rather than who came in on immigration. it's deeply concerning if not down right frightening. >> immigration migration reform has to be done, but has to be done quickly. it's not just an issue of immigration which should be fair
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and natural and normal. but because of jihadi threats that make it more oppressive. lou: be sure to vote in our poll tonight. cast your vote on twitter @loudobbs and please roll the video and watch as this wing suiter flies through the skies in chile to a target below. the target in the form of a chilan flag. that's some kinds of flying. wildfires rage over southern california. 200,000 acres devastated. we'll have the latest on the firefighters' efforts to control the fires
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in the state's history. adam housley is in carpinteria with 0 you are report. -- with our report. reporter: the fires stretching 1150 miles from santa barbara to near san diego. the firestorm tearing through everything in its path. >> the embers are coming. the empty field caught on fire. there is a propane explosion. >> as people were trying to evacuate the fire was being and by santa ana winds and people could not get out of their homes fast enough. reporter: neither could these horses. a scene of horror and panic at this horse training facility. the flames moved faster than the animals could and more than two
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dozen didn't make it. >> when a santa ana winds come in there is no stopping them. reporter: president trump declaring a major disaster in the state. with another 2 some,000-plus threatened. 200,000 people have evacuated. the biggest plays, the tom always fire in ventura county is in its fifth day with 90,000 people still under hands tory evacuation orders. >> the magnitude of the winds and fire storms and how fast things change, you have to be alert. >> while the winds are expected to die down over the weekends. it doesn't necessarily make things easy for firefighters. >> the senate weakening will move a different direction it will be train driven.
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the crews are going to have to be very careful. reporter: the weather is cooperating. no winds at all today. the fire still marches down the hills in carpinteria chewing up everything in its site. but so far no homes have been lost today. lou: up next president trump urging alabama voters to get out and vote. judge roy moore was at the army-navy game. we'll take that up and a lot more with michael goodwin right after the break. stay with us.
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lou: in our online poll we asked do you believe the dems and the deep state allies are starting to see their smear campaign tactics back fire *? 82% of you have said yes. joining me, michael goodwin, great to see you, michael. let's start with fake news. cnn in particular. i believe it was seeing things really register right now. we saw legal at the pulse --
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"the washington post." it's ridiculous to put up a photo neat had to know was a sham. and then took it down quickly when was called on it, then acts as though the president is being too rough on him saying he should be fired or resign. >> this goes back to the campaign. stop donald trump from being president, that's what we saw it was the collapse of standards during the 2016 campaign and it continued now. they are still part of the get trump media. they are part of the attempt to bring him down. lou: they lost that ability in my humble opinion. >> but they haven't given up. lou: every one of them should be ashamed of themselves.
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the fact that they are political activists work on behalf of the dems and the deep state, and their owners, is really remarkable. >> but we have never seen anything like it in modern times. american journalism came a long way from modern times when parties sponsored newspapers. we regressed to where we were 75-100 years ago. i think it exer-er baits all -- i think it exacerbates the situation and teaches people to hate the other side. lou: roy moore going to the army-navy game. all the fake news about where is he, he disappeared. >> what it proves over and over
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again, if you don't do things exactly the way the democratic media want you to do it, somehow you are odd. you are off key. all the predictions that hillary clinton would be president proved to be wrong. but they are still singing the same tune. if you don't see it our way and draw our conclusions, you are wrong. the parochialism -- lou: i think the american people are saying to hell with it. you can go through the list of the broadcast networks. they become so stupid. i don't know whether to be appalled by their incompetence or partisanship that they tried to disguise not so cleverly. let's try the cabinet defines. nikki haley effectively going
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after the president on sexual harassment and james mattis saying go ahead and bring in transgenders to the military without apparently consulting the white house. i should say in all fairness without consulting with the court. >> are they going to appeal? mattis seems to be accepting these court ruling. but that's where we should be hearing from the justice department. lou: do you think a marine general would have a sense of a chain of command? >> i am sure. but i'll bet haley wishes she had that one pass back. lou: that's it for us tonight. we thank you for being with us. ambassador john bolton and charlie hurt among or guests.
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good night from new york. [♪] >> he intentionally detonated the device. >> your face policy in place, the attacker would not have been allowed to come in the country. train to terror in new york. donald trump's immigration policy would have prevented the attacks. >> finally to the voters heading to the polls in just a few hours. choose a new center pin the controversial republican were more in democratic doug jones. train to tech and energy stocks in the dow to record high. the fed's two-day meeting starts today. futures
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