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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  December 14, 2017 12:00am-1:00am EST

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dinner. >> why don't we do that? lou: thank you very much. charlie hurt and molly hemingway among our guests tomorrow. we thank you for being with us. good night from♪ ♪ . >> tonight a political earthquake in alabama. what does it mean for republicans in 2018? plus is the mueller team bias against the president? we've got the simplicity new text messages at the center of the controversy. and how could today's new gop tax plan affect you and your family? brian crunches the numbers in your favor. grab a pencil because it is time to sharpen up. >> roy moore may have lost a sure thing senate seat in last night's special election. but steve bannon is the biggest loser in an attempt to reshape the republican party in his unhealthy image. bannon instead subjected alabama to his personal mitch mcconnell vendetta with disastrous results. the whole thing was confusing from the start.
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bannon back-to-back candidate with crazy quotes riddling years of questionable behavior. and even without the allegations, his slavery alone were enough to energize a previously apathetic black base. trump backed a garden variety republican luther strange who assailed the certain victory on a uneventful night but alabamaians are no longer swayed by the president's polarizing poll. democrats are trying to figure out how to bottle this magic as the president said last night a win's a win. but there's no such thing as a doug jones democrat. he's polite but neither revolutionary. and he won a grudge vote under the worst circumstances that was in no way a positive referendum for his party. if democrats want to replicate this madness. all they have to do is run against accused child molesters who say racist and homophobic things for decades. it's hard to picture any
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states where party leaders will clamor for bannon's personal acts to be crammed down their throats on bad candidates who suck resources, money, and enthusiasm from an alder-fractured base. bannon is as humble and sane as roy moore, so i'm sure like the good judge, he'll concede this victory and they can ride horses together in the political sunset. or more likely, and this was just the second act of an ongoing disaster that may never end. good news for us, though. glad you're here. i'm kennedy. ♪ ♪ >> the alabama race means the majority will shrink just two votes. 51-49. that means two things. the president and the gop are going to have a harder time to pass their agenda, and they're
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that much closer to potentially losing their majority in 2018. is there any way to put a positive spin on this for republicans? joining me now, fox news politics editor chris is here. were you surprised by the outcome last night? >> no. because we're awesome at predicting things. >> that's true. fox news, really the only organization that had -- it was a ten-point win. >> well, now -- >> that was predicted in fox news polling. >> in the poll in advance -- and we have the best polling guys in the business. >> amen. >> that a ten-point lead with ten points undecided. and, by the way, the fox news owner analysis revealed to us that basically more moore got all the late deciders. that the undecided broke for moore, as you might expect in large numbers they couldn't bring themself to say before. in the end, jones wins. but we on election night were the first to call it. we called it first. we called it -- actually sounded like like an elephant seal. not a horn. though, i'm pro elephant seal. we called it first.
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we called it rightest. we were the best. >> bannon obviously not happy with the results and so many people from many sides are piling on bannon today. how does he pay a political price? what does that look like? >> he is beyond the paying of political prices because his brand is chaos. he and his accolades embrace the concept that the rest of the republican party feel to them as evidence. >> losing? >> yeah. his brand is that if only we will find the purest form of populism. the pure populism that is out there that is angry, that is antiestablishment, that is all of those things. then victory can be had. but i would just put it in this perspective. alabama doesn't really matter. alabama only is the story of what happens when you nominate bad candidates. don't nominate bad candidates, then you win most of the
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time. whatever the political geography of the state is. >> but that could be problematic for other states where steve bannon is planning on primarying republicans and maybe some leaders. they're, like, yeah, we don't want alabama redux. >> well, that is true. and this will cut his credibility with those people thinking about, well, let's entertain his idea. let's play along with this guy. >> then we do need a bigger slate of candidates. >> here's the point. after the loss in virginia. after the skunking in virginia, there's only one thing that republicans can take from a larger perspective. and i should point out. they don't have to drag roy moore around. >> that's got to be a huge leap to mitch mcconnell who didn't want to have to get his entire caucus together to try to figure out what to do short -- >> and he could have cost him three or four seats in races around the country in 2018 because the republican majority in the senate isn't
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really at risk. but at the same time, you don't want to take anything for granted. that having been said, the problem for the republicans more than anything else, democrats are coming out. we saw it in virginia. we saw it in alabama. special circumstances in alabama. but the democratic base is ready to go vote. they are fired up. the republican base is having an angry discussion with itself about is it bannon, is it mcconnell? they're shorting out. >> is it trump? does the president pay a price for another political loss? >> i tell you what. steve bannon should have gotten out of the way of donald trump in the alabama primary. trump wanted luther strange. bannon said, no, it must be roy moore. only roy moore can be the one and trump was right. bannon was wrong. the question now is -- especially if it looks like as is likely mitch mcconnell is going to find a way to get trump's contacts cut through. if that happens, does this further in your trump to bannon's idea of the constant wore within the republican
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party? does this make trump say no more? >> i think so because the president really likes winning and if he's -- if they're playing pin the tail on the republican, he doesn't want to swap flies with a losing tail. >> no. never swat flies. >> thank you for having me. >> all right. after the results came in, thanked voters in alabama. but roy moore said not so fast. here they are. >> this vote, i've said it before. alabama has been at crossroads. we have been at crossroads in the past. and, unfortunately, we have taken the wrong thwart. tonight, ladies and gentlemen, you took the right road. >> god is always in control. you know, part of the things -- part of the problem with this campaign is we've been painted in unfavorable
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and unfaithful light. >> well, roy says he wants a recount. a judge in alabama says roy would have to pay for it. regardless, was this a referendum on trump or bannon? or simply an election involving a terrible candidate? let me go to my moon-struck party panel. tonight magazine editor in chief. scott martin also a fox news contributor and former cia operative and president of llc mike baker back in command. welcome back to the show, everyone. so let's talk about this a little bit. this was supposed to be a slam dunk for republicans. no matter who won the special election runoff between luther strange and roy moore. they were going to cruise to a certain victory. >> well, i'll walk that back a little bit. it was going to be a cruise if
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luther strange had been the candidate. he would have easily won in double digits. as soon as roy moore entered the picture and his character started to be questioned and these allegations came out. the idea that we would have a race like this with this character and steve bannon was out there shielding for him. i mean, look. the president -- president trump was behind luther strange at the outset. he actually voiced roy moore's name, i believe, eight days before the election. so i think on the 4th of december is when he actually came out and said something involving roy more. he shouldn't have been to the party at all. . >> but he figured if he won, if roy moore won, if he was the last standing bell, then he would owe the president a huge -- that's exactly right. so the president could have called that in for any major vote and any time roy moore
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was on the fence, the president would have said you know what? i dragged your caucus over the finish line. >> was it working for the president? >> no. because had the guy been a great president anyway? 78 i, that's the thing that you have to look at. because the dude's, like -- let's face it. roy moore is like an outdoor cat. ahe'll do whatever he wants. he's a beast. >> does he have ticks? >> i guess. you imagine the fights with mitch mcconnell? it's not like he exactly would have gone the way of the president. probably nonendorsement of the president's agenda if you pair it with what happened in virginia a month ago. >> i don't think if it's a bull dodge it's not a referendum for the democrats. it's not a referendum against the president. this is -- what is it? >> the idea that people are now going to say and someone will say it. they will say it again that this is a mandate. this shows that america stands against trumpism or something,
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and it doesn't show anything. it was a very, very -- >> or the tax bill. >> or maybe the tax bill. no one knows. it was a very, very close race. it was turned by, you know, a small number of people who happened to show up versus not show up. many elections including, by the way, most of the presidential elections. >> so people are saying, like, because black voters showed up, we can get them to show up again. >> nope. >> no, that was my favorite part democrats do this so well. they slice and dice in demographics. they use them when they don't need them. they don't care about them any other time. so after the election results came in,. >> such opportunitsts. >> i don't think it would be great to have in the senate but at the same time, the virginia election and also the alabama election i think are both weird, unique cases we do not yet know whether america wants more trumpism or less. >> that's interesting. so every time one of these happens, both sides rush to
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read the tea leaves. i just don't think there's anything necessarily substantial or positive here. it's just weird. she's right. now, in the meantime, there is major new controversy today about the mueller probe and the antitrump bias of one of now former member of the investigation team. fox news obtained a number of text messages between peter and his misterrous. after mueller learned of his bias. back during the 2016 campaign, he sent text messages such as god, trump is a lonesome human to which his lover replied, yes, he many win. and wrote god, hillary should win 100 million to zero. and in addition he sent one reading f trump. and here's where it gets interesting. during the 2016 interview with
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hillary clinton before fbi director james comey called her actions extremely careless without recommending criminal charges. so the optics, especially for the credibility of the mueller investigation not so good here. but will it think the probe? i want to ask about text messages and whether or not that's fair game. but i want to know from you. having been in the cia, having been in one of these institutions, is it compromised? >> there's two takes on this. one is you could look at this and interpret it as my god, how could these two people involves an investigation that's supposed to be unbias be splaying such partisanship. the other take so that you could look at this and say struck is simply as a dude agreeing with this girl with whom he's trying to get into her pants. >> he actually has some influence and control over the outcome of the investigation.
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>> and you look at the counsel and see the bias on that. and this is what we're getting as an american taxpayer is a bias outcome. and whether it's this one or ones in the past, these have all been slanted certain ways. and it's just now thanks to this guy's idiotcy. >> 10,000 of them. 10,000 texts. >> yeah. kennedy: maybe mike is right. maybe it's his hot loins. but do they assume are private, casual conversations and is nothing in that realm sacred? >> right. so obviously if anybody take a look at my text messages, they would immediately realize that i have tons of bias. luckily, i'm an opinion journalist. so that cat is out of the bag. but it's not actually -- it was a press release; right? it was private text messages to deny that there are people on all of these teams.
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on every single one of these investigative teams that have biases is to live in a fantasy world. the question is to control them to create incentives and institutions around those and to balance them. >> yeah. but are they capable of doing that? because one of the architects that he sent to his lover was i want to believe the path you through out for consideration in the office that there's no way he gets elected, but i'm afraid we can't take that risk. and that's where there's a difference between f trump and someone saying something like that where he feels that it's incumbent upon him to influence the outcome of the election so we're not subjected to someone that he finds. >> that sounds like hot loin. >> it could be hot loin. but i think you're absolutely right, and i'm glad you pointed out that particular text because it goes from just opinion. this deep bias for one candidate saying we have to protect the country from this. so we have to therefore do something about it sale say
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this if i could. the current and former agents in the bureau the people out there in the street actually do the work; right? not the senior people sitting in headquarters. kennedy: and they're hard working. >> and i've seen them. they just do the job. but the senior side of things, this is an unusual development. this level of bias. >> it ruins it. >> yes, i hear a slippery slope. we have to cool the loins just a little bit. the panel -- i get so emotional. loins hot and cool. the party panel is going to return in just a little bit. first up, however, republicans are putting the finishing touches on their tax reform push. they could be considering percentages on individual and corporate rates to help solve their plan. what does that mean for you (vo) take home something in a helzberg diamonds box
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kennedy: look at that. sipes. it looks like americans will get a tax reform christmas present. announcing that they have agreed in principle on tax reform. some of the reported changes are that the top individual tax rate will come down to 37%. the corporate tax rate is going to go up from 20% where they have negotiated to 21%. still a lot lower. the president spoke at a luncheon with gop members of the congressional conference
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working on the plan. >> i appreciate you being here today. i want to thank the incredible members of the house and senate who have been working so hard who are very, very close to a historic legislative victory. the likes of which rarely have this seen. kennedy: and, of course, chuck schumer was just thrilled. >> it's hard to think they could make this tax proposal even worse for the middle class than the last one. and their illlogic is amazing. they reduce rates further on the rich. kennedy: so is the gop going to figure this all out? brian is back. welcome back. >> good to be here. kennedy: so who wins? >> well, look, it's so interesting to hear chuck schumer talk about this. you heard nancy pelosi. the armageddon.
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kennedy: armageddon-like. >> come on. the truth is the vast majority of middle class americans are going to get a tax cut under this thing and corporations and small businesses are going to get a tax code that will allow them to be competitive as a result of this tax reform, which is good for workers. kennedy: ron johnson and -- >> yes. even the pastors. it's going to be worked around a little bit in the latest conference committee bill. but they're still going to get a 20% deduction of their income coming off the top and with the lower rate of 37%, that helps a lot of these small businesses as well. so could it be better for them? yeah. could it be better for corporations? yeah. could it be better for the middle class? but compared to where we are and the impossible, it's a good thing for those three categories of people. kennedy: so you talk about handouts for holdouts. >> yeah. >> and that's always the big concern is people love the attention of being the only person, like, i don't know. susan. what will senator collins do here. >> well, that's what happens. it shifts from talking about
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economic to talking about politics. it's supposed to be a 20% corporate tax rate. now it's going to be 21%. why? because you're going to get some more handouts to those holdouts. it might be a higher child tax credit. it could be giving back some of the salt deduction repeal. i think you're going to see some play there. so at this point, it's all horse trading. the bill probably on the margin gets a little bit worse because of that. but, again, you have to take it in relation to where we are now. and where we are now we have a completely uncompetitive global corporate tax rate. that has to change. that's good for workers, and we should be -- >> what do we see first? what is the first manifestation of this bill in a positive sense? >> the first manifestation is going to be lower withholding next year for middle class people when their taxes go down. >> and how will that show itself? >> you probably -- people are going to probably see on average something like $1,000 to $2,000 tax cut next year. i'm talking about middle class american. that's a short-term. in fact, you hear the president talking about the corporate tax rates bringing incomes up by, like, $4,000. i think that's a little bit aggressive. that's a longer term thing
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over the course of a decade you might see that. short-term, though, it's going to be a little bit more money in your pocket because the tax is going to be a little bit less. and i don't think that's a good thing. kennedy: go buy a lot more stuff. >> and, by the way, the fed increased their economic growth rate from 2.1 to 2.5%, that's a big deal. even the fed is saying we're going to see more growth as a result of this. kennedy: that is an early christmas present in indeed. god, i hope so. coming up, president trump's twitter attack. his cause on what might be the most unbias newspaper in the country to write a scathing op-ed on the president. guy benson has reaction. next hi. i'm the one clocking in when you're clocking out.
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>> you said going after president trump, papers of editorial board took the president to task over tweets that he sent. some critics have insinuated even when he was talking about democratic senator kiersten, saying he would trade sexual favors for campaign donations. the tweet read quote lightweight senator someone who would come to my office quote begging for campaign contributions not so long ago and would do anything for them. is now in the ring fighting against trump. very disloyal to bill and crooked. used. the folks of usa today not writing. their editorial board writing a president who would all but
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call senator a who are is not fit to clean the toilets in the barack obama presidential library or to shine the shoes of george w. bush. that's a quote because former president bush doesn't wear shoes. now, such a scathing attack from a normally normal newspaper. fox news contributor guy benson. welcome back to the show. >> merry christmas to you. kennedy: merry christmas to you and your entire family. gracious bunch of people from who you spring. your very fair assessment of the president. you've been tough when it was wandered and also praised him when he has made the right decision. so how far off was he in this tweet with kiersten and how far off was usa today in their response? >> you know, i don't think that this tweet was out of the ordinary for him, and i don't think that people are reading into this properly to suggest that this was sexist or sexual, i think that's a leap that i'm not willing to take.
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because if you go back and look at previous tweets talking about politicians being beholden to donors, he used very similar formulations about ted cruz, about jeb bush, about male republicans. in this case, it's a female democrat and people are saying, oh, well, it must be a reference to wh whoring herself out. literally. kennedy: the usa today used that term and senator elizabeth warren used the term slut shaming in response to the tweet. >> yeah. and i think usa today. there are plenty of things to actually get really upset about that trump does and trump says, and i think he crosses the line frequently or far too frequently for my taste. this, to me, was them dialing it up to 11 over something that really didn't merit a response like that. and another thing i saw on twitter a few lefties objecting, and i actually sort of agree with them. the denigration of hard-working people who clean
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bathrooms and shine shoes saying, oh, those are lowly people, trump's not even worthy being them. that rubbed me the wrong way too. a few so you're notes from usa today. cud thank you so much. >> thanks, kennedy cud the bitcoin, investors are warning about volatile assets. so naturally with all of that is said said, people are reportedly mortgaging their homes to buy it. according to the north american securities administration, a growing number of people are refinancing homes and racking up credit card debt to buy a piece of the crypto currency that recently past the $17,000 mark after starting at less than 1,000 bucks this year. but are these modern day gold rushers going to be remembered as this week's savvy investors or next week's punch line in a bread line? party panel is back. katherine, scott martin, and mike baker. so, katherine, let's discuss
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this a little bit because the potential for bitcoin is exciting. it is unknown. >> yes. kennedy: however, is leveraging your entire life and your lifesavings to jump on the bitcoin bandwagon maybe not the best idea ever. >> it is maybe not the best idea ever. look, bitcoin is a super exciting technology. i'm all about it. i think, you know, just say the word block chain, and it now solves all problems in the world. that's how it works. however, don't mortgage your home. don't mortgage your home. that would be a bad idea. don't more than likely your home. listeners, viewers, don't mortgage your home. >> should you run up your credit card debt? >> it's extremely volatile. it's essentially speculation at this point. i think ultimately the technology is incredibly powerful. however, unless you are the sort of person who has -- i don't know. six or seven homes, do not mortgage any of your homes for this. doubly so because we're about to work out a tax reform bill which may or may not cut back the mortgage interest rate.
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>> it's not going to be good for interest rate. but why not running up credit card debt and buying bitcoin with it? has not solved any problems, so that's still in the workout. and i'm one to love volatile assets. but even bitcoin for me, too much. because here's the thing. block chain cryptos are here to stay. but i'm worrying that there are other ones out there. kennedy: there are other cryptocurrencies. people think it's just bitcoin because that's the one we hear about. >> the cme in chicago is listing the future this weekend. that giving rise. it's going out of style. it's giving rise to the fact that bitcoin seems to be the leader, but it's not going to be the leader tomorrow. kennedy: and it's also hackable, and we've seen some curious people in curious places investing in it, which could be driving up the price right now. >> that's true. and, by the way, as you're waving your arms, i just point out can i get a close-up on
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the largest cuff links known to man? i have a couple of bit coins in each of them. nobody should take financial advice from me. i'll be the first to say that. but i have been involved in investigating a lot of frauds, a lot of scams, a lot of schemes, and i think frankly -- i may be wrong. i happen to be wrong, and i hope a lot of people make lots of money. but right now looks like, smells like a combination of a ponzi, a fraud, and a bubble. kennedy: what? spoken like a statist. >> and the fact that 80% or so of all global volume is done by individuals sitting in china and vietnam and japan and south korea. look, all i'm saying is that this bubble -- i know it's very popular. kennedy: a lot of eating, sadly. >> i know cryptocurrency is
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very popular and if you're saying negative about it, it's not hip. but the vast majority of people that are investing in this right now have very little financial literacy. am i wrong about that? kennedy: yeah, but they're rich. i rather be rich. >> i mean, never underestimate the power of government to screw up a good thing. so it's a powerful technology, and there are a lot of people that are made nervous by it, including by people at this table. kennedy: policy making. that's good policy. all right. i want to thank you. what a night. hump night. thank you. you're welcome. coming up, china sent fighter jets and surveillance planes over taiwan. that might not sound like a big deal. but did you know that a chinese attack on taiwan could start a war with us? oh, mercy. brian is here to explain. why this is so important and may be inevitable. he's coming u whoooo. looking for a hotel that fits... ...your budget? tripadvisor now searches over...
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and at $4.95, you can trade with a clear advantage. fidelity, where smarter investors will always be. kennedy: the chinese government regularly calls taiwan the most sensitive and important issue with the united states. and now they're raising the stakes even higher. and it could have major ramifications for our military. and here's why. on monday, china's military sent fighter jets and bombers to patrol taiwan and a senior chinese diplomat around that beijing would invade the self-governed island if any u.s. warships made port visits
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there. the white house is legally obligated by taiwan relations act, the tra as you know to respond to any chinese use of force against taiwan and while the agreement is not as binding the defense treaty, makes it clear that washington is likely to intervene if china invades. so why is china pushing our buttons? and will this lead to our president pushing a button? oh, dear god. joining me now, kfim radio host and the combat veteran brian suits. welcome back. >> hey, thanks for having me. kennedy: let's discuss this a little bit. does china want a hot war with the united states? >> no. but they do want to remind us that they get a say in what happens in asia because lately, the united states has been kind of running the table on leading the agenda in north korea and the chinese are reminding us, you know, hey, we get a say on some other contentious issues. because specifically, what has set them off is that congress authorized the u.s. navy to make port calls in taiwan. and that hasn't happened in a long time. the chinese have said, oh, --
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the chinese diplomats in dc last week said you do that -- the day you visit the port city in taiwan is the day that the people -- by 1948, it's a different china. now, they do believe militarily that they could do it. they don't want to. it would cost billions. kennedy: well, not to mention how much it would cost their military isn't as beefy as ours. but also, it would launch right into a really disgusting trade war that, you know, china would certainly be on the losing side of that. that's a big win for us. but it's probably what they don't want. what i'm wondering here is there's some agreement that we have with beijing about taiwan in regards to north korea. so do you think that the leaders of our respective countries got together and
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said. okay. listen. china, you have to take care of north korea. this could end the world. fine, we'll do it. but just leave us alone with taiwan. >> it wouldn't surprise me if there was a liqui. but the high profile nature of what the chinese did. saying on the one hand on the back line, you want us to use whatever influence we have with the dprk. yet, you're not even negotiating our claim that taiwan is a break away province. and so that's what they really want is they do want an agreement that the u.s. stays out of it so that in 20 years, china probably absorbs taiwan with the consent of the taiwanese people. kennedy: i think that's a very likely scenario. i think you have an incredible grasp on global affairs that is unparalleled in my universe. but i think china is going to wait for things to heat up with north korea.
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and while we're busy lobbying. >> that wouldn't surprise me if i have that plan. because china right now takes an assessment of this white house, and they say america is tactical distracted in the middle east and north korea. they are also, by the way, strategically distracted. and right when we thought -- kennedy: thanks, twitter. >> yeah. you talk about a guy who didn't want to show his hand or telegraph his punches. you just have to follow the twitter feed. so the chinese know that we are strategically distracted. and they're looking at this saying how can we work this in our advantage? >> yeah. it's never been stronger. the conditions have never been better, you know? we need to start considering this. because there's a consideration with the chinese military who have grown up with a more modernized chinese military. they don't remember the days of the human waves and the technological backwardness in 1979 invading vietnam. kennedy: they don't even know
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the 1979 of the year. that's how young they are. coming up, emergency state your name and address hospital. will it be covered or will he plunge into bankruptcy? i've got the answer for the elves gofundme. that's their page. here's to the heroes -- america's small business owners. and here's to the heroes behind the heroes, who use their expertise to keep those businesses covered. and here's to the heroes behind the heroes behind the heroes, who brought us delicious gyros. actually, the gyro hero owns vero's gyros, so he should have been with those first heroes. ha ha! that's better. so, to recap -- small business owners are heroes, and our heroes help heroes be heroes when they're not eating gyros delivered by -- ah, you know what i mean.
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kennedy: on this day in 1979, the treasury department released the susan b anthony dollar. it was worth 77 cents. this is the topical storm. susan, you big protrude. topic number one. we begin tonight in studio city, california where the locals are glad that santa only visits once a year because he takes stuff. this burglar has hit several homes since november, often dressed in full santa regalia. he frequently targets cash, jewelry, and a stunning amount of milk and cookies. police released the surveillance video. the cops had set up a hotline for tips, and they have released this photo of a vehicle that's been spotted near several o of the break-ins. snow in studio city? very sad. topic number two.
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last week a brewery in brooklyn honored beyoncé with a beer. this time she offered her a letter called cease and desist. turns out that they aren't in love that the beer can features the same pink font as the album color. to halt and destroy the cans but the band mates are asking if they can have the cans and return them for the 5-cent deposit. of course, this is the only set back. the microbrewery has endured of late. just last night, they were forced to cancel their roy moore beer after he lost the special election. it's just as well because if roy won, he would have spent all of his time in dc on the national mall. i don't know. topic number three. alec baldwin is in talks to turn his book about donald
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trump into a one-man show. in this case the term one man play is being used to describe the cowed size, hey, honey, that you know three-minute snl sketch that's never funny? what if they stretched it to three hours and charged us 300 bucks a piece to watch it? hard pass. liberal activist lauren michaels to produce the show which will undoubtedly lead because these two men are beating a dead horse. despite my skepticism, some broadway insiders say there could be a market. alex portrayal of the president is a cranky unlikable boob. good luck, alec. you've got some very, very, very big pants to fill. quite big. not a lot of self-discipline there. topic number four.
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tom brady launching a mobile app that will give you life-style advice for those moments when you're feeling deflated. the press release is believed to be the first time anyone has ever used the words tom brady and mobile in the same sentence. for 199 bucks a year, the tb12 tells you things like how much sleep to get for peak performance and how much water to drink to avoid dehydration. and, of course, how to charge gullible football fans for advice they can get for free on google. talk about a trick play. in tom's defense, he needs the money to buy his soul back from the devil. and he's not the only qb hawking advice. buccaneers qb jam i say winston is launching a cooking app filled with the best ways to prepare crab legs. but you have to hurry because buccaneers merchandise is only available during the regular
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season. topic number five. finally, we don't normally cover serious subjects in this segment. but we're happy to report that an elf on the shelf is recovering from emergency surgery after getting mauled by a florida-family's dog. the 7-year-old girl awoke to find the german shepherd eat sam i's face because it's florida. luckily, her mom worked at the arnold palmer's children hospital and brought them to the doctor. they used special gloves that would not take away his elf powers. it's ideal good story. but, unfortunately, because it's sam's obamacare policy, he was hit with an 8,000 feet for visiting an out of network physician. police believe he's working with this man to get his money back. oh, yeah, that's how they do it. sam better hope he doesn't get caught. a guy that skinny could never
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survive in prison. it's okay. okay. fine. coming up, lots of people dream of living the life of a rock star. but few, including amtrak founding member actually have. he joins me to share some hi. i'm the one clocking in when you're clocking out. sensing your every move and automatically adjusting to help you stay effortlessly comfortable. i can even help with a silent night. does your bed do that? i don't actually talk but i can tell you how you slept. i'm the new sleep number 360 smart bed.
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kennedy: it's still my favorite song. i don't feel bad about it. from backstage to hotel rooms to the tour bus and onto the next town. when you're a rock star, the party never seems to end. anthrax founding member scotty an in over 30 years on stage, he's pretty much done it all. he shares some of his craziest and best stories in his brand-new book access all areas. stories from a hard rock life. scotty an is here. cofounder and guitarist from anthrax. hello, friend. >> hi. >> what is it about nine inch nails and food? because i saw something very similar with chocolate putting backstage. >> yeah. i don't know and act has been fruit bowl. >> you know, i was wondering that night i guess to back it up a little bit. i get asked all the time what's the craziest thing you've ever seen on tour. it's probably the most-asked question. and i always just go blank like men in black just flashed
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me with the thing and i can't remember anything. and then at some point i was, like, you know what it was? it was probably that night at nine inch nails when i witnessed a an an anime contest. kennedy: your writing is fantastic, and you really do have to bring people into each moment. >> i tried my hardest for my writing to be dynamic and visual and bring people in with me as gross as it would be sometimes. kennedy: but that's life, and you're honest. and you can't sugar coat it. sometimes it's honest, sometimes it's crazy, and sometimes it's down right sad. you were talking about hot pants and daisy dukes and then you realized it's gone. chris and chester. >> lots of people. yeah. but, you know, i actually find the story quite sad and drives me kind of nuts. not because he's gone. because my hero was wearing daisy dukes.
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and it's still an image that's burned into my brain that i can never unsee. kennedy: no. even with the mourning of his passing. >> yeah. but when you read the story, the way he shuts me down when i finally had the (bleep) to actually confront him about his fashion choice saying i'm going to be a bro and tell my bro, hey, man, you probably shouldn't. you know, it's not cool. and when i asked him about his shorts, he shuts me down so hard, there was no argument. and i realized he was right. kennedy: he was right. he's a legend. my dog's named after him. and scott was a close second. >> scott. i could see how -- yeah, i see how -- i would have gone with lemy as well. kennedy: come back any time. >> i will. kennedy: come back tomorrow. >> i won't be here. kennedy: thank you so much for
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following me. e-mail me. tomorrow night chris wallis, tim carney, and marie harp and guest host judge andrew napolitano. i will not see you then, but i ador - [voiceover] the following is a paid advertisement for credit secrets, sponsored by info up, llc. the product endorsers who appear have been compensated for their travel and lodging costs. all of the endorsers are actual enthusiastic and successful users of the credit secrets program. (warm music) - hi, i'm larry king. you know, you could be, through no fault of your own, one of the tens of millions of people in our country with a lower credit score than you deserve. without even being late with one payment.


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