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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  December 16, 2017 8:00am-9:00am EST

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we'd love to hear it! send me an e-mail, or go to our website, >> i'm bob massi. for 32 years, i've been practicing law and living in las vegas. i help people with all sorts of real-estate problems, from trying to save their homes to closing major deals. 8 years ago, 6,000 people a month moved here looking for employment and affordable homes. little did anyone know that we would become ground zero for the american real-estate crisis. now, it's a different story. the american dream is back. but even today, i still get over 300 e-mails a week from people. they just want to know how to navigate the new landscape so they can live the american dream. we're gonna meet real people who face the same problems as millions across america, and we'll dive deep into a city on the rebound, because las vegas
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was a microcosm of america, and now vegas is back. [ woman vocalizing ] 5.5 million people bought a home last year in america, and more than 2 million of them share one critical thing in common -- they have never done it before. so how do you take on something so huge if you've never done it before? well, we decided to tag along as a first-time homebuyer went shopping. this is gino. he's a pilot looking for a three-bedroom starter home near a major airport. kathryn is his realtor. she'll be helping him every step of the way. representing the seller is geoff. kathryn's already shown him two homes. next up is a three-bedroom, 1,900 square-foot home in henderson, nevada. >> gino, the home we're gonna look at now is a home that was built in 2000. it's right around the square
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footage that you were looking for -- three-bedroom, two-story home. i think you'll really like the backyard, as well, so should we go take a look inside? >> all right, let's go. >> great. ♪ >> come on in. >> thank you. >> the nice thing about this house, which is somewhat unusual, is we have a downstairs master, so it gives you the functionality of a one-story for ease of livability, but you have the use and space of a two-story. [ tires screeching ] >> hold on. back up a minute. before you even step foot in the house, there's some critical things you got to know. number one -- always really understand your finances. outside of getting married, well, buying a home -- it's the biggest commitment you're ever going to make. many first-time buyers calculate what their mortgage payment would be, but there's a lot more to just knowing what your mortgage payment's going to be. >> their taxes, their homeowners' association, their energy bill -- they need to be really comfortable with that amount, and so a good agent will
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sit down with them and make sure that they fully understand all of the costs. >> that brings us to step two -- you got to get the right realtor, somebody that understands the area, exactly what your needs are. >> the biggest thing in buying a house is making sure that your agent's in it for you as the buyer and not for the deal. >> your realtor -- they're gonna be the guide. they're gonna take you through this entire process from beginning to end. >> how long have they been in business? that would be one of the questions i would ask. how many homes have they actually sold? >> the third thing to do before stepping inside any type of home is find the mortgage lender that you're gonna be able to work with. >> you want to make sure that your lender has their act together and really has you pre-approved, not pre-qualified. they've look at your bank statements, tax returns -- all your income and assets. >> otherwise, what happens? well, you find yourself that dream home, comes time to closing -- lender doesn't approve it, derails the entire deal. okay, now we're ready to go house shopping.
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the important thing now is to know exactly what are your priorities. >> as a pilot, i'm gonna be gone a lot, so i'm looking for a safe area, an efficient area, some place close to the airport. >> this is a home you're gonna live in for a long time. make sure you find out certain things -- what's the crime rate in the area? have there been a lot of foreclosures? what's the history of the values in the area where you intend to buy? >> what are the h.o.a. monthly dues on this? >> the monthly dues on this are $25 a month, so really affordable. that's gonna be mostly a landscape association, so they're not gonna be super hard on you. >> this is critical. if there's a homeowners association, you need find out exactly what the monthly dues are, any assessments, the rules and regulations, and how they enforce them, because they are basically your government in the area where you live. >> so upstairs, we've got your loft that we talked about earlier, secondary bathroom here, which is a full bath -- tub/shower combo. this bedroom, actually, is great 'cause it's got a huge closet.
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let's go down to the backyard, and i'll show you what we've got down there. >> excellent. >> so what do you think so far, gino? >> um, so far, so good, actually. it's got everything i'm looking for -- size, functionality. the only thing that i would, i guess, worry about, is stuff like the roofing. when's the last time it was done, or are we up-to-date on the water heater, the appliances? >> one of the things that we're gonna do, gino, is when we find the right house for you, we're gonna have the home professionally inspected by a licensed and bonded company. >> the home inspection is so critical to understand what you're buying. every home you buy is as-is, the good and the bad. >> i guess, we'll just work on financing and -- >> i'll let you two get back to the office for the offer. >> great. thank you so much, geoff, for showing us the home. >> it was great to meet you. >> i appreciate it. >> good to see both of you. how are you doing? >> good to see you. >> you know, i was wondering -- what's the like, maybe the four or five top things that you want to discuss with a first-time buyer of a home? >> buying a home for the first
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time can sometimes be a bumpy ride. we want to make sure that the financing is in order, that they're comfortable with the financial commitment that they're making, also that the home suits their needs. >> how important is it for the homeowner to understand what we call the cc&rs -- the make-up of the homeowners association, if there's a management company? >> one of the advantages of what we call cc&rs is that it's gonna maintain and help you maintain your property value so that there's a continuity to the neighborhood. your next-door neighbor isn't gonna paint their house purple with pink spots. >> one of the things that i've seen happen over the years that becomes very controversial is the rnest money deposit, which is sort the good faith moy, no, that youut down, saying, "i belve i want to buy this home," subject to thconditions with the home. it's a common problem sometimes, though, isn't it, where the earnest money goes hard and they can't get it back. >> you're absolutely right.
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as a broker, it's probably the most disputed item that i've seen in my career. also you have what's called a due diligence period, which is typically anywhere from 10 to 15 days. >> this is your time to make sure there's no hidden surprises waiting for you. all the more reason -- have that home inspection. >> if we decide to make an offer, we'll receive what's called a seller's real property disclosure report. it's gonna disclose any information as far as the condition of the home. >> unfortunately, you don't get to pick your seller, so the truth and the veracity and the integrity of that seller on that disclosure statement is as good as the person that discloses it. gino, thank you for your time. >> appreciate it. >> kathryn, you're the best. >> as always, a pleasure, bob. >> my pleasure. thank you. up next, i'll introduce you to dennis and judy. like many americans, well, they got into trouble when the economy took a nosedive. >> the values -- they turned completely upside down, and then my son was unable to make the payments.
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>> he's very good about managing the money and everything, and i just could see his pain, you know? >> sure. >> it was not good. >> and then it even forced me to get a second job. >> in order to maintain the payments. >> i worked seven days a week for three years. >> but this is a story about perseverance and creativity just like america, and the light at the end of their tunnel just might be a lesson for all of us. [ woman vocalizing ] copd makes it hard to breathe. so to breathe better, i go with anoro. ♪go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma . it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd.
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♪ >> welcome back. i'm bob massi, the property man. i'm gonna introduce you to dennis and judy. in 2006, they moved to las vegas with their adult son right before the real-estate market crashed. >> we all lived together, and then it was kind of crowded, so i said to judy, i says, "you know, there are condos that are for sale right now -- one bedrooms." we figured we were gonna put my son in that condo. >> vegas is still booming. i mean, everything -- the prices are -- you're paying premium. >> oh, yeah, definitely. >> no question about it. >> definitely. >> so, you know, around 2008,
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2009, things started getting bad. >> the values -- they turned completely upside down, and then my son was unable to make the payments. >> so at that point, then, you're making a condo payment, what you're living in, and you're making your son's condo payment. >> correct. >> right. >> so when the prices started bottoming out, did you start contacting the lenders yourself to see if they would help you out? >> well, they just didn't cooperate. >> now, i'm assuming that you had to turn over a lot of your financial information. >> oh, definitely. >> what type of things did they want? >> pay stubs, bank account statements, checking account statements, any investments we might have had. >> but when push came to shove, the banks were just not interested in doing much about loan modifications. >> one of the things that a lot of homeowners experienced in dealing with the banks and trying to work something out is a never-ending updating process. often the banks would ask for financials or your last two pay stubs or your most recent tax returns. >> you are going through these
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call centers and getting a different representative every time you call in, and you're not getting anyone that has any knowledge about that particular file or about that client or borrower. >> and then, if nothing happened internally within their department in 30 days' time, they were again asking for the same information, and you had to provide it again. >> how did that make you feel, turning all that very proprietary, personal information over to give to a lender? >> violated. i felt violated. >> you were keeping current on your payments. >> oh, yeah. definitely, yeah. >> how important was keeping your credit good? >> oh, very important, because we've had it for so long good, we didn't want it to go bad, you know? i mean, you work so hard and so long for that, especially him. he's very good about managing the money and everything, and i just could see his pain, you know? >> sure. >> it was not good. >> and then it even forced me to get a second job. >> in order to maintain the payments. >> i worked seven days a weeks for three years.
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>> these are people that had always made every single payment on time, never missed a bill, had perfect credit, had worked their whole lives to really do the right thing and to maintain that, and the banks basically said, "well, if you're still making your payments, we're really not gonna look at you." >> you're good citizens. you've always paid your bills. you had good credit. how did it make you feel as a relation to the lenders, particularly hearing on the news how they're getting billions of dollars of our tax dollars? >> that's what bothered me. that's what made me feel violated, because they were getting all this money and they weren't giving it out. they weren't helping anybody. >> weren't helping the american people. >> right. >> they turned to their mortgage broker for help. >> dan was a mortgage broker, and he worked with the frank napoli group. >> it was truly heartbreaking at times to sit across from someone who was in a situation where all they wanted was a piece of the american pie, you know? they wanted to own their home -- the american dream. they wanted to own a home. they went out, they found what they wanted, they signed up for a mortgage, they paid whatever they had to pay for the house
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because the prices were so over-inflated at the time, and they worked so hard to try to keep their property, and it just got to a point where they just couldn't do it anymore. >> the decision was i want to short-sell the two condos. i can't do it anymore. >> short sale basically meant, by definition, that you owed "x" amount of dollars. >> correct. >> the value of the home was much less. >> right. >> and you're basically going to the lenders and you're saying, "i want to bring a buyer in to buy it for the present value." >> right. >> you tried to short-sell. any luck? >> at the beginning, no. it took a while because what happened was the institutions -- they were waiting for appraisals to come in, and they didn't like the appraisals they were getting, so they were sitting on it and not selling it. they just hung out for more. they wanted more, more, more. >> as they struggled to stay current on the two underwater condos, ironically, the huge drop in real-estate prices meant that they could afford to buy and live in a new home. you were able to qualify, though, working two jobs, retirement, i'm sure, from your job back east. >> correct. >> even though you had these other condominiums.
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okay. so you get into this home. you're making all the payments. at some point, you then made a decision. it probably was very difficult for you. >> we took over this home, then it forced me to work even more because now i had to pay for this home and work with the other two condos, and i couldn't do it. i mean, i was getting older and i said to judy, "i can't do this. i'm not 30 years old anymore." >> yeah. >> i'm pushing 60. >> yeah. >> i can't do it. >> so they told the lenders that if the short sales wouldn't work, well, they could just have the underwater condos back. what you basically were in is what we called a few years ago, was a strategic foreclosure. >> mm-hmm. >> how did that make you feel? >> horrible. >> terrible, because i know incurred the debt. i'm not a person to say, "okay, i incurred the debt -- screw it. i'm not gonna pay it." i did feel bad. i really felt terrible. >> eventually, the bank agreed to short sales. >> we were just so far under that we had to file a chapter 13
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bankruptcy. >> which is basically what they call a wage earner's reorganization. >> correct, so we're paying the creditors back at full, less the interest. >> over a five-year period? >> mm-hmm, yeah. >> if there were no other options left, bankruptcy tended to be your hail mary to get you out of that debt, and not everybody -- it wasn't a great situation or a resolution for everyone. >> now, chapter 7 bankruptcy is a liquidation. all the debts are wiped out. chapter 13, on the other hand, is a method of paying your debts back over time. >> it's 100% paid back. what they're letting you go for is this interest, 'cause they freeze everything at that point and it's a full payback of what you owe. >> and it basically -- it made you feel better because you're responsible citizens. >> right, right. >> so why was a bankruptcy needed? because short sales could still leave money that is owed. even if the banks agree to write off the debt, which they don't always do, the i.r.s. will then
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treat it as taxable income if it is not a primary residence. >> we're responsible for the difference of what the short sale is, and we couldn't -- >> you mean the deficiency of what was owed? >> and we wouldn't be able to pay that. the i.r.s. would come for the deficiency, and we couldn't pay that. >> so that's why we were told we had to put the condos into the bankruptcy. >> if you owed $100 on the condo, and it was worth $50, and you sold it for the $50, the difference -- the i.r.s. would send you a 1099 saying you have to pay income on that -- income tax on that. so that's what you threw into the chapter 13 bankruptcy. >> right. >> and so now, at this point in time, tell us about your present situation. >> the two condos are sold. we're in a home that we like. it still requires me to work two jobs to keep it up, you know? i have to keep it up. judy's working a lot of hours. >> yeah. >> but we're happy where we are, and it's what we had to do. >> well, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. >> the short sales and bankruptcies allowed dennis and judy to get back on their feet. now they are rebuilding their
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lives and paying off all of their debt. dennis and judy really thought out their strategy, and they used some really great real-estate professionals. and they did everything right. bankruptcies and short sales -- well, they're the last resort, and they're great options. and they can be very valuable. i have some great tips on how to do it right at... up next, we'll review what we learned today in the massi memo. [ woman vocalizing ] is this a phone?
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see how much you can save. choose by the gig or unlimited. xfinity mobile. a new kind of network designed to save you money. call, visit, or go to ♪ >> welcome back. i'm bob massi, the property man. and it's time now for the massi memo. remember first-time homebuyer gino? well, he didn't end up buying that home, but he did decide to buy another one that kathryn showed him. you know, we covered a lot today from first-time homebuyers to those struggling to pay the
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bills. the lesson -- you got to protect yourself, and how do you do it? do your homework. today, we met a couple who really struggled to pay their bills when things went bad. but guess what. they did their homework, and they successfully, actually, did a tricky bankruptcy and two short sales. remember this -- bankruptcy should only be used as your last resort, and i call it hitting the restart button. the most common is a chapter 7. simply put, your liabilities are discharged, and you can rebuild your life. it may not be the best way for you to go all the time, so listen -- get a competent bankruptcy attorney, and they will help you decide what's best for you. up next, the property man -- well, i'm heading down south to florida. we have some fascinating property stories and information from the sunshine state, so stick around and see this sneak peek. we're coming right back. [ woman vocalizing ] [lance] monica, it is absolute chaos out here!
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gale force winds, accumulations up to 8 inches... ...don't know if you can hear me, but [monica] what's he doing? [lance] can we get a shot of this cold front, right here. winter has arrived. whooo! hahaha [vo] progress is an unstoppable force. brace yourself for the season of audi sales event. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event.
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♪ >> welcome back. i'm bob massi, the property man. well, i've shown you vegas, and now the property man is heading to florida -- tampa, orlando, palm beach, miami, and many stops in between. here's a sneak peek at what's coming up in season 2. what if you could build the ideal community from scratch? well, it's happening right now on a massive scale. >> lake nona is 11 square miles of an integrated, highly collaborative community. >> they've got schools and hospitals and neighborhoods and universities and recreation. >> with a foundation of
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technology running through it. >> an entire city built from the ground up with the goal of improving how we live, and it's working. i'll take you behind the gates of some of florida's most exclusive luxury homes... >> welcome to one of the most pristine and private lakes on the lake butler chain. >> ...where cameras have not been allowed until now. >> ordinarily, we don't allow cameras in here to film these magnificent homes, but you're in for a special treat. >> florida is one of the many states that just seems to constantly take a beating from mother nature. but i've got the ways to keep your family safe. >> these rooms are engineered for 250 mile-per-hour winds. if the whole house collapsed around it, it is an entity unto itself. >> legendary coach lou holtz and his wife -- lucky to be alive after their home burns to the ground. >> this happens every day. i've been doing this 35 years. this is a very common occurrence. >> it's taken a month to don in
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the difficult task we had ahead of us. >> where do you even begin after such a devastating event? i'll tell you. america's changing, and that includes where people live and how they get around. >> a new generation of workers -- the millennial generation all want to be close to where they work and close to where they want to play, close to where they want to shop. >> transit-oriented development could reshape how you live, work, and play, and sooner than you might think. all that plus how to sell your timeshare, how to shop for a home, the best landscaping tips, and much more. i'm gonna sit down with regular americans and help them through the same problems faced by millions -- foreclosure, divorce issues, h.o.a. battles, and on and on. there is lots to cover when season 2 of "the property man" starts this december. be sure to send me your questions or property stories at...
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and check out our website at... i'm bob massi. i'll see you next week. [ woman vocalizing ] >> i'm bob massi. for 34 years, i've been practicing law and living in las vegas, the center of the recent real-estate crisis. lives were destroyed from coast to coast as the economy tanked. now, well, it's a different story. the american dream is back. and nowhere is that more clear than the sunshine state of florida. so we headed from the strip to the beach to showyouhow to live the american dream. i'm gonna meet real people who are facing serious problems, take you behind the gates of properties you have to see to believe and give you the tips that everyone needs to navigate the new landscape. because information is power. and the property man has got you covered. [ woman vocalizing ] thanks for joining us.
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i'm bob massi. in just a few minutes, i'm going to show you how crowdfunding is changing the game for people who want to flip and fix properties. but first, the one topic i seem to get the most e-mails about -- time-shares and what you do once you no longer want to use them. >> the majority of time-shares in the u.s. are perpetually deeded, which means for life. but that also means your kids' life. if you're done using it, you can't just stop paying for it. you have to find a legitimate way out of the time-share. >> as many people have found, selling your time-share, it's not easy. and there are a lot of scam artists out there. the better business bureau has listed the time-share resale market as one of the top 10 scams in the country. at magical realty in orlando, time-share resells is all they do. and they've seen every scam in the book. >> if anybody's trying to charge you more than $100 to advertise your time-share,
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already it's a huge red flag. there's a lot of companies that they'll ask for $600, $800, $1,000, $2,000 to advertise your time-share. waste of money. >> marketing companies will take your money to list your time-share on their website, where it will sit forever. or worse, some other scammer will see the listing and call you pretending they have a buyer. >> they'll tell you, "i have a buyer for your time-share for $27,000. all you have to do is pay an upfront title fee or an upfront closing cost." >> "send me $1,000 for taxes or appraisals." >> and as soon as you pay them that money, guess what. there never was a buyer. >> send them $1,000 and never hear from them again. >> the bottom line, bob, all of these cases -- if something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. >> always beware of any telemarketer who calls out of the blue saying your property is in a hot area or they have a buyer who's interested. >> if you get cold-called, that's a pretty good indication that it's a scam. the scam artists will just buy a list of time-share owners
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and just dial all day long. >> in vacation states like florida and nevada, state officials spend a lot of time prosecuting time-share fraud. >> we've passed the time-share accountability resale act. we have put out of business approximately 41 fraudulent businesses. >> you're not saying time-shares are bad. you're just saying beware when you get a time-share. >> bob, we actually worked with the time-share industry to pass this legislation. we brought them in and they were thrilled because we're helping all of our great, legitimate time-shares. >> do not allow someone to pressure you into anything. take your time and investigate any company you're going to work with. >> magical realty or licensed timeshare resale brokers association has a list of approved brokers that can help people sell their time-shares. these are realtors that only specialize in time-shares. >> check with the better business bureau and the state attorney general's office, again, for the state the company is listed in.
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>> timeshare specialists is a full time-share company that takes time-shares through liquidation. >> a lot of our options are guaranteed. if we take on your ownership, you won't ever pay another fee. >> the sad reality is that the resale value of a time-share is not going to be anything close to what you paid for it. >> if a person selling a time-share tells you it's a great investment, that's a huge red flag. >> the majority of time-shares resold on the resale market have a resale value of less than 10% of what the developer charges for them. >> sadly, sometimes a time-share is in such low demand that it's nearly worthless. >> unfortunately, there are some that we are unable to sell as well. >> if it's something i might not be able to sell for them, i tell them, "look, have you spoken to friends and family about giving it to them as a gift? have you thought about contacting the developer?" >> try calling the resort or developer to see if they would accept a quit claim deed to take the property back.
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>> some developers will actually take it back. all you have to do is, like, pay them the closing costs of like $400 and you're done with it. there are people who say, "can you sell my time-share for me?" their time-share might only sell for $1,000 but they still owe $20,000 on a loan. that's where they might consider googling and contacting cancellation attorneys that all they do is they get people out of the time-share. they get the developer to forgive the debt, and it just goes away. it doesn't affect their credit. those attorneys are a little pricy, but they do work. >> if worst comes to worst, guys, you could always just stop paying. >> i don't recommend doing this, but another option that some people have done is just walked away from their time-shares. >> but, just like with a house, your credit could be damaged. you need to get advice about that before you do it. >> walking away is really hurting the industry because what that causes to happen is the resorts have to go through a foreclosure process. it increases the maintanence fees for the remaining owners at the resort. >> time-shares are great, but it only works for people who actually use them.
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>> time-shares get a bad rap in the press, which is unfortunate. but the majority of people who own time-shares are very happy with them. at some point you'll need an end game on how to get rid of it. >> i've got lots more information on unloading time-shares on our website -- and we've got even more tips coming up at the end of the show in the massi memo. but up next -- i've told you about crowdfunding and the impact it's having on real estate. now flippers are using it to buy, fix, and flip properties. we'll meet some next. [ woman vocalizing ] ♪ (news anchor) downtown traffic is still bad. expect massive delays. (radio channel changing) (news anchor 2) all lanes on highway 50 remain closed at this hour. (news anchor 3) the stats are in and this city leads
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with some of the worst traffic, with the average driver sitting in gridlock the equivalent of three days a year. for every hour that you're idling in your car, you're sending about half a gallon of gasoline up in the air. that amounts, over the course of the week, to about 10 pounds of carbon dioxide. growth is good, but when it starts impacting our quality of air and quality of life, that's a problem. so forward-thinking cities like sacramento are investing in streets that are smarter and greener. the solution was right under our feet. asphalt. or to be more precise, intelligent asphalt. by embedding sensors into the pavement, as well as installing cameras on traffic lights, we will be able to study and analyze the flow of traffic. then, we will take all of that data and we use it to optimize the timing of lights, so that traffic flows easier and travel times are shorter. and sacramento is just the beginning. with advances in cameras, sensors,
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and network speeds, we have the ability to make cities smarter, and happier. what excites me about this technology is that we're using some of the most cutting-edge machine-learning, and ai, to help solve the most fundamental challenges that cities face around the world. who knew asphalt could help save the environment? (lani) and the possibilities are endless.
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>> welcome back. i'm bob massi, the property man. >> we're gonna remove casing. we're gonna do all new lighting, new tub, new flooring, and new paint. >> doug lyon flips houses. he's buys distressed properties,
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fixes them up, sells them for a profit. >> what this was was an open doorway, and it was a lot of wasted space. so what we found is one way to add value is literally by adding bedrooms and bathrooms. >> sayam ibrahim does the same thing, and they're good at it. >> we look for undervalued properties, right? so we're looking for properties selling at a discount, properties in need of repair. >> properties that need somebody to come in, rehab them. not only bring up the value in this property, but we help the property values in the neighborhoods. >> but like most flippers, they had trouble getting loans from banks. >> we don't have steady income, steady paychecks every other week. also, a lot of these properties we're buying require a lot of repairs -- new roof, might need windows -- and traditional banks won't finance those. >> this is a tough business. it's a dollars and cents. you purchase a property for so much. you have realtor costs, closing costs, title companies, insurance, and you have the rehab budget. and you have to still make a profit. >> so they turn to crowdfunding. we've talked before in this
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program about real-estate crowdfunding websites, where investors, they pool their money together to fund projects. >> we raise capital from the crowd. we raise capital from thousands of unrelated investors. and we can do it online. >> we allow investors to come online and buy shares of real-estate properties. and it's as simple as buying stocks or bonds on the internet. >> we have capital like a bank, but we don't operate like a bank. >> the crowdfunding explosion had a major impact on flippers, whose lack of a steady, consistent income makes them not very good candidates for traditional loans. >> they might be doing two, three, maybe even 10 projects a year. but they want to level up. they want to take their business to the next level. but they can't get funding or they're getting charged really high rates on the other side. >> on the investor side, for most projects, you still have to be "accredited." what that means -- you have to have a lot of money. >> accredited investors who have a net worth over
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$1 million or an annual income above $250,000. >> but for borrowers, anyone can participate. >> you don't have to be the person with $1 million in the bank to borrow from us. >> it gets the little guy in the game now to be able to invest in projects like this. we can come in, take a distressed property, fix it up, put somebody else in this home that will be here for the next 30, 40, 50 years, raise their family and kids. >> i'm really proud, actually, of the fact that we're lending to a lot of people doing amazing work in local communities and creating jobs and just really making a huge difference in their area. and hopefully with our help, they can get to the point where their next project is gonna be a retail center or some large, multi-family. we really get excited when our borrowers succeed. >> anyone can fill out a quick application, have their project vetted, and request funding. >> we've built technology
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to allow them to do their entire application process online. they can get a term sheet or a letter of intent directly from us on the internet without ever talking to someone. we're gonna make sure that we have an appraisal. we're gonna go and make sure we have a physical inspection of the property so that we know what we're lending against. and the technology allows us to auto-trigger those vendors around the country and really speed up the process. >> what the sites do is they evaluate both the borrower and the project to ensure the investors won't lose any money. >> we go through a very stringent process to make sure myself, as the developer on the deal, that we are solid. >> these platforms like ours, we're very careful about who we lend money to. we do a lot of background checks. one of the things about technology and the data is that we have access to it and we use it. so we're making a full 360-degree determination of whether that borrower can get it done, whether they're fraudulent or not.
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>> we'll present them with the deal. they go and they get a broker to give them an estimate of what the value's gonna be with the property being repaired based on my rehab plan. >> we always ask for skin in the game. so that's a risk mitigant for our investors. so we always make sure that they have at least 20% down. >> the crowdfunding site realty mogul lists many fix-and-flip projects available for investors to fund. potential investors can review the project online before deciding to put their money behind it. the technology has completely transformed how these guys do business. and it seems to be having a major impact. >> what crowdfunding has allowed us to do is literally do deals that we would have never had an opportunity to look at. >> sayam is a repeat borrower at and when he first came to us, he had done a handful of fix-and-flips. but he was cash-constrained. he couldn't invest in any more properties. and he couldn't expand his own business because he just didn't have enough money. so we lent to him on the first project. and we were watching his progress every single month.
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and after we'd done our first transaction, we got really comfortable that he was a professional. he could balance doing multiple transactions at once. >> the investors that invest in crowdfunding platforms, they get paid on a monthly basis, all right? then they get their principal back when the property's sold or refinanced. >> if it's my job to raise capital, it's no longer their job to raise capital. they don't have to worry about it anymore, and they can really focus on what they love to do, what they're really good at doing, finding the properties and fixing them up. >> not only that, but the money we're putting into these homes is all spent locally. so we're actually impacting the local economy, vendors, trades, workers, as you can see. we're paying a lot of people's bills while we're raising the values. >> it's really impressive to see what happens to homes and the pride of home ownership when these flippers go in and work their magic. >> still to come when "the property man" continues -- i'll take you on a trip to italy without ever leaving the sunshine state,
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inside this unbelievable property, up next. [ woman vocalizing ] copd makes it hard to breathe. so to breathe better, i go with anoro. ♪go your own way copd tries to say, "go this way." i say, "i'll go my own way" with anoro. ♪go your own way once-daily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that work together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. anoro is not for asthma . it contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. the risk is unknown in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder,
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>> welcome back. i'm bob massi. i'm going to take you inside another truly unique property located within the isleworth luxury community. if you're talking about luxury real estate in central florida, well, chances are you're talking to mark hayes. mark hayes is the president of isleworth and stockworth realty. ♪ you know, each one you go through, they all have their unique features. >> this is what we call an iconic residence in isleworth. what you're gonna have here is a
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tuscan estate with materials from all over the world. when you stand in front of this home, you can obviously see the amazing detail that went into the stonework, the faux painting, the windows, the lines, the roof, the landscaping. >> it is reminiscent of an old italian villa and sits on the banks of hourglass lake. >> this floor was brought in from the vatican. >> i'm gonna around that, buddy. >> actually, also, before we go in there, look up at the ceilings. >> yeah. >> how many foyers do you see that in at? >> yeah. it's just -- again, the detail all around the pillars. beautiful cross over here. when you first enter the home, you are really struck by the central living space. the great room reflects a truly elegant yet functional space for the entire family. and you can't help but find yourself staring at the ceilings. hand-painted and sandblasted cypress planks and beams are anchored by iron ties
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for a truly original look. it's amazing. >> every room the attention to detail. the columns. >> the large fireplace mantel and flanking columns are hand-carved of mexican limestone marble. to get to the master suite, you have to pass through an ornately designed iron gate. this is a different entrance to a master bedroom, isn't it? >> you don't normally see mid-century iron gates. >> that's really good. ♪ >> wow. >> and just look at the hand-painted wall. look at the attention to detail. >> you know, it's interesting because when you see these kinds of homes -- and there's not many like them, by the way... >> no. >> can't even imagine the amount of time it took to get the perfect home that they were looking for. we take it for granted because we're seeing it after the fact. >> right, right. >> but the thought that went into it. >> well, this family looked
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for the perfect plot of land -- you know, where it faced with the sun and with the water. >> this magnificent home has five bedrooms, six bathrooms, and more than 9,800 square feet. >> these coffers are inspired from a chateau in versailles. just... >> and look at the tapestry on the wall. >> again, just very european-inspired, old world. >> what really blows you away is that every detail on this property is handcrafted and inspired by something from around the world. >> how often do you see seasonal closets? spring, summer, winter and fall. it's just, you know -- hand-painted closets. again, look at the stonework. >> yeah. >> just very thoughtful. ♪ >> the home comes with a detached guest house that is nicer than most people's homes, a half basketball court,
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and 20-foot-deep lap pool with a diving board. so let's take a walk outside from this room here. >> oh, bob, you're in for a treat. this house has a lot of outdoor living space. as you can see, very spacious. the outdoor patio goes all the way across. >> a lot of boating out here? >> boating, yes. but i will tell you this particular lake is filled with prime bass. >> out back, on the banks of the hourglass lake, well, you're gonna find an english garden, pool and a sitting area. >> just look at the landscape, ♪ and again, all european-inspired. >> what a beautiful, beautiful setting. up next, the massi memo, with more information on unloading time-shares that you can't afford to miss. [ woman vocalizing ] here's to the heroes -- america's small business owners.
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and here's to the heroes behind the heroes, who use their expertise to keep those businesses covered. and here's to the heroes behind the heroes behind the heroes, who brought us delicious gyros. actually, the gyro hero owns vero's gyros, so he should have been with those first heroes. ha ha! that's better. so, to recap -- small business owners are heroes, and our heroes help heroes be heroes when they're not eating gyros delivered by -- ah, you know what i mean.
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the mountain like i used to. i even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. but whatever trail i take, i go for my best. so if there's something better than warfarin, i'll go for that too. eliquis. eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus had less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis had both. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve
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or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... ...and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i'm still going for my best. and for eliquis ask your doctor about eliquis. ♪ >> time now for the massi memo. we talked earlier about how to sell or get rid of your time-share without getting ripped off. the truth is it's just not easy. there are lots of scammers out there hoping to trick you into paying them upfront fees to basically do nothing at all but rip you off. never pay an upfront fee to anyone. and don't talk to anyone who contacts you about time-share resales. you should be contactingthem, not the other way around. and before you contact them, do some research on the person and
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company you're gonna contact. beware of time-share-listing services. these companies will charge you money to list your time-share for sale on their website. then what happens? nothing. it sits there and your money goes away. or worse, other companies will see the listing and call you pretending they have a buyer who wants it right away. you just have to pay some fees up front. run away right now. so how do you do it the right way? only deal with a licensed real-estate broker. you can check the website -- that is -- to see if they hold a valid real-estate license. check the better business bureau for their state and the state the time-share is located in. you might even want to check with the attorney general's office for that state as well. now, you could go to licensedtimeshareresalebrokers .org to find which brokers specialize in these listings, because time-share really is a specialty.
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but again, don't pay anything up front for a time-share, just like you wouldn't when you're selling your home. i have to tell you this, folks. you will probably not like hearing what your time-share is worth on the resale market, because time-shares can be great if you're gonna use them. but they are not an investment. some have a decent amount of value and some don't. an honest broker will let you know the truth. if your time-share has little value, you can try contacting the developer or the resort. tell them that you no longer can afford the payments and you want to transfer the property back to them. and sometimes they'll go for this, and most of the time, they probably won't. but it never hurts to try. here's a sad story -- dependent upon your time-share, you may have to spend some money to literally get rid of it. just be sure you're spending it wisely and not getting ripped off. that's it for today. there's much more info on our website at and be sure to send me your
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questions or property stories at i'm bob massi. i'll see you next week. [ woman vocalizing ] you. that is dead. thank you, pastor. thanks for being with us. >> from fox business headquarters in new york city, the new "wall street week." tranter welcome to the program that analyzes and helps position you for the week ahead. i maria bartiromo. we have a big program for you today and this weekend are interested observer editor jan grant is my special guest. later in the program, bitcoin billionaire investor will join the program to explain bitcoin to us in this incredible news. a look at the headlines from wall street to main street. house and senate republicans spending the early part of the week working out differences between the two


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