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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  December 17, 2017 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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specialist. because there's more to parkinson's. my visitors should be the ones i want to see. learn more at >> lou: good evening, everybody. you remember the senate seat that was so important just a day ago? it seems that the nation survived the upset and election of the first democratic senator to serve alabama in 25 years and now the swamp moves on and quickly. will the republican leadership deliver on tax reform that is important to the prospects of the midterm elections and will the gop succeed in stopping the dem's effort to stop down the government or will they aid them in the effort? and how about robert mueller and the tell of the effective head
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of the justice department, deputy attorney general rob rosenstein. we take up the deep state's sordid web of corruption with jim jordan and andrew mccarthy tonight. our top story tonight, the justice department's clear political corruption in the highest levels. the question is how far down does it go? the american public is asked to believe that it is answered ignorance in the justice department and not professional incompetence plaguing the doj and fbi. the corruption is too sinister and evident to ignore and the only way to respond to the aspect- trump partis an is to reopen every single operation he has touched. but the nation's attorney
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general doesn't see it that way. rob rosenstein testified before the house judiciary committee and flatly defended the department of justice and he seems convincingly unconcerned that bias and political corruption infested mueller's investigation. presidential election. the newly released text messages from fbi officials. peter strok and lisa page only the latest examples. of course, strok's son obtained a warrant from a court to spy on members. trump campaign. court documents show that the fusion co-founder glenn simpson admitted that a justice's
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department's wife nelly orr was hireed to investigate trump. the top lieutenant andrew weis man praised sally yates when she defied trump on the travel ban and mueller prosecutor represented the clinton foundation and hillary clinton for crying out loud and he worked under the fbi director andrew mccade and mccade's wife pocketed 700000 in campaign money from political groups aligned with clinton including the clinton's biggest money raiser at one time and that is virginia governor terry mccullough. at the same time they were investigating him hill in the e-mail scandal. and at least nine of mueller's 17 attorneys are democratic
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donor, hillary clinton. andment first geflt said the public trust is gone after rosenstein's appearance. he calls for a second special counsel and congressman jim jordan served in the judiciary and member of the house freedom caucus. and congressman, great to have you with us. rob rosenstein, today, i have wanted to ask the question since he talked to you. what was your reaction when you heard him dismiss everything? >> look, you can't make this stuff up. this story gets worse and worse each and every day and the e-mail that catherine highlighted or the text message, she picked the right one. the aspect- trump text is anti- trump. you just went through the list.
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they are anti- trump. but when he said peter said to lisa, we can't let this happen. we can't let donald trump to be president. he's thinking about a plan to stop one party's nomination. and peter strok interviewed cheryl mills and hillary clinton and took the letter of exxoneration to extreme carelessness and ran the russian investigation and interviewed flynn and kicked off for the text messages. i think he's the central mayer here and now a text message between he and linda. we need an shrps policy in case donald trump, we need to stop trump. that's what he was thinking at the highest levels of counter intelligence in the fbi.
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and that's why we need a second special counsel and tis band the mueller team right now. >> lou: robert mueller and deputy attorney general rob rosen stein; everybody sees it and understands. and this is a quote you focused on immediately. because you are not appalled by simply the antitrump. snrngs no, everyone knows it. hugh lou you are appall would of an active effort to prevent the path to presidency. >> that shows intent. and they are trying to stop him and has to do with this dossier. >> lou: i want to believe the path you threw out for consideration innandy's office that is presumed to be andy mccabe numbers two-person for the nba.
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there's no way he can be eshths lengthed. you die before you are 40. and it is clearly intent, and pretuchltive've an illusion of what you are sgdzs of james bond in the fbi. he is a political activist and means to have his way. it is aspect- democratic and american and mueller doesn't call for his resignation and rob rhodesen dht stein doesn't call. he wants to wait for a inspector general. does anybody make a decision in the department of justice? >> this is the concern. peter strok thought he was saving the world. he thinks he's out here doing the wonderful service by going against the guy people are going to elect.
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this is no different than lois lerner who went after conservatives, it is the exact same mind set. he took the dossier, the discredited dossier and "fake news" that the clinton's paid for and i think he dressed it up and presented it to the fiza court. it is about did they pay christopher steel? it is reported they did. and did they take it as real intelligence and take it to the court to get warrants to spy on people. if the answer is yes, it is bad as anything i have seen in government. and if that is yes, peter strok needs to be held accountable? >> lou: you mean deputy to jail?
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>> we haven't -- we need to depose peter strok and answer our questions. we need andrew mccabe and lisa page and this guy you brought up earlier and we'll get the documents and put them on the stand and we'll see if they take the fifth or answer questions. >> lou: i would love to see a grand jury empanelled and tired of accountability that ends up being 2 or 3 paragraphs and i prefer to see jail sentences for violating the trust of the american people and working against the president of the united states. >> i am tired of it and the american people are sick of the double standard. a different standard for the fbi than the folks in the district of hole he?
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it is not supposed to work that way. >> lou: you have asked the questions for a long time. there is a quiet chill that seems to be the only interest that officials are capable when you ask. did you pay for the dossier and think of the consequences of what you are doing? and they don't answer. there is silence and the chill in the air is the answer that is on and it is not pleasant for the american people when we get answers. >> i am afraid it is yes. and if this woulded, the fbi had a concerted effort to deputy after one party's nominee. and if that happens and it points to that is more than likely to have taken place.
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that is sad for our country and i think it did, all of the evidence points to that. >> lou: congressman jim jordan, terrific job on the committee and thank you for being here tonight. >> thank you. >> lou: we'll be back. there is a lot more. deputy general rob rosenstein ignoring clear conflicts of interest and defending robert mueller's witch hunt against president trump. >> have you seen? >> no. >> and we take up the need for a second special counsel to investigate the department of justice and fbi leadership with andrew mccarthy. >> and the deep state exposed and gps admitted it hired nelly
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>> lou: joining me now former federal prosecutor andrew mccarthy. a great american and great to have you here. >> thanks, loyou. >> lou: an extraordinary
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performance by rob rosenstein. i can't believe how many times i heard i can't answer that question and we are waiting on the inspector general's report. he seemed to know in addition to the attorney general that is merely presiding. >> certain leap the way the special council investigation came to be, was an instance of him being passive in what his duty was and that was to set perimeters around the investigation. and two things i came away with from the tell today, are the idea that a justice department inspector general investigation which is fairly narrow and compared to a regular investigation is not supposed to be a substitute or a proxy in any anyway for congress to get
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answers to important answers on behalf of the people they represent. the second thing is the precious reliance on regulations about whether people can give political contributions. look, i was a prosecutor and opiniona opinionated. and it usually doesn't make and difference. and in most cases regulations make sense. but there is always an independent association of impriority and if you know it is political and partisan, you should stay out of it. and if you don't have the sense to stay out of it, they shouldn't recruit you in the first place. >> lou: thousands of attorneys and prosecutors, why not choose one that was not so fraught with
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burdens of partis an. >> mueller himself came from the outside. plenty of people like me, i am not volunteering. plenty of people served in the justice department and know how to do this and get it up and running quickly. he didn't need to take the people he took and it is it a bigger problem from the obama justice department. because what ought to be investigated here is whether want obama administration put the law enforcement on to government in the service of hillary clinton's political campaign. that's the big question. >> lou: is there any doubt? >> the degree to which it happened and when they had good reasons for the investigations they did. i don't get in front of everything we know. i do know we spent a lot of time talking about collusion with russia and trump with little or
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no evidence. literally no evidence by the fbi and no evidence of any one in five investigations. >> and to his credit, mueller has released three set of charges to fair. and there is nothing about russia or collusion. >> lou: that was supposed to be what deputy attorney general rosen stein was empowering the panel to do. >> there is it very little result to collusion between trump and russia and no intention paid to the question whether the government's investigative law enforcement and intelligence arms were put in the service of a partis an political campaign, which it
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appears to me there is immense evidence that that happened. >> lou: there is so much evidence, as a matter of fact, that i think it is jim jordan, congressman jordan has said, there should be an absolute second counsel. i have reservations. i am not sure it is the correct answer, but even the request said, we have an immense problem of corruption in the top of the fbi and the department of justice, that we need to fix it. that means to me, people need to be fired. they need to be some of them going to jail. because what we are witnessing is awful conduct on the part of men and women who are supposed to be behaving to the highest standards. >> it needs to be scrubbed. i am not crazy about the
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institution of the special counsel. i think there is a better way to do it. get a strong u.s. attorney in the and someone outside of virginia and washington who can look at this thing and look at the conduct of our law enforcement and intelligence agencies through the 2016 campaign. >> lou: what if i said to you. i don't need the investigation. i have the admission of bruce ohr and the compliceit of his wife, nelly ohr working for fusion gps and working extensively of the cian on u.s. soil for what purpose we are told, russia. that doesn't make a lot of the sense. a desk is a dangerous place in which to view the world. one would think that her
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approximately interest are more u.s. oriented. and the number of times we hear the oig referred to by the man running the fbi, what are the possibility that the oig is told to pick up this corrupt investigation and take it on yourself now? is that possibly what we are looking at here? >> i don't think we should assume that the ig is going to do anything but play it straight. and if he doesn't we'll find out about it. it warrants a wider investigation. i must say the person who could make it happen is president trump. he could compel his agencies to cooperate. >> that is frayed with many cons that would unfairly and unduly return to him. >> can't be worse than this?
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>> lou: it is worth seeing where we go with the special counsel and then you take the justice department and take those sob's and introduce them to consequences for their nefarious activities. is that unfair? >> no, we have a simple question. what happened to the dossier and fizan application. did they misuse it. >> lou: the department of justice official whose wife works for fusion gps and works on that dossier and specific interest is russia and andrew wood, the ambassador, it is collusion. it is their collusion. andrew mccarthy thank you so
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>> lou: deputy attorney general rob rosenstein rejected that political donations to democrats by members of the special counsel robert mueller's team showed they are biassed in any way against president trump. >> i am not aware of impriority. we have rules and subject to oversight. and i am not aware of the violation by the special counsel employees. >> you don't think it is an paern. >> appearance is in the eye of the beholder. >> lou: congressman smith must be pondering the answer eye of the beholder? >> an embarrassing performance by demmembers of the house judiciary committee as they question deputy attorney general rob rosenstein.
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>> let me show you have hads here. it says that the trump accusers want a day in court. the department of justice, what intentions to do you have to allow women who accuse the president of sexual misconduct intend to do. >> i have no position on that one, congresswoman. if they file a lawsuit. >> you are the number two top law enforcement officer in the nation. let me ask you, if a person on the train went and kissed a woman, is that a crime? >> if it is a federal train it might be a crime. >> they didn't say anything about donald trump that the majority of americans were not thinking at the same time. >> put up a tweet from donald trump on november 3rdrd.
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3:57, god knows what he was doing at that time other than tweeting. it says that everybody, put that tweet up. >> lou: a lot more, straight ahead, stay with us. >> republicans demand answers from the department of justice about clear aspect- trump and bias on the staff of the mueller special counsel. allen gersowitz. joining us here next. and a dare devil walking to the next level. you have to muster your courage for this insane student. we'll have the remarkable video
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>> lou: the only sitting cabinet member to be held in contempt of congress is trying to play like he landed on moral high grand. i am talking about eric holder who would not appoint a special counsel to investigate the obama administration. speaking on behalf of the vast majority of the american people, wow -- that is a pretty amazing statement. apparently president obama was
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not the only nar sissist in the joint. and any attempt to remove bob mueller will not be tolerated. these are bs attacks on him/his staff that are blatantly political- 69ed to hide the real wrongdoing. country not party. wow. joining me now is attorney allen gersoswitz and author of trumped up. and how political differences endangers democracy. great to have you with us, professor. >> thank you. your assessment much that little tweet from eric holder? >> i think most americans don't want to see the justice system infected with bias or perceptions of bias. and this is not whether a person is democrat or republican.
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i am a liberal democrat and voted for and contributed to hillary clinton and i think i can be fair because i never expressed politically any views of hatred toward donald trump or anyone else who is investigated. when you have people tweeting and sending e-mails and expressing hatred and prejudice against the potential subject of the investigation, you have a real problem about the perception of bias and mueller has to to something about that. and i suggested he bring on his team a consultant on ethics. mike mcukasy would be a perfect choice and someone who has the respect of everyone and let them go through the investigators and prosecutors and see if there is a bias among any of the people who remain on the task force or
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in the prosecution, and we have to at least going forward make sure the investigation is caesar's wife. when you go after the oval ofls you have to be not giving the other side weapons and ammunition to attack the integrity of the prosecution and mueller gave that. >> lou: i think that is terrific. i would hope that in the justice department including the attorney general and deputy attorney general who said to mueller, you just violated everiethic standard when you took nine out of 17 spots in the largest special counsel team and turn today over to anti- trump pro hillary activity for crying out loud. if we have have a lawyerly
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solution. but i prefer a managerial leadership result. which is, you obviously peter strok wrote 10000 emails to your mistress in which you intend to subvert the president and republic and maybe there is a reprisal for misconduct. >> for me his biggest sin he is have recused himself. he knew about the messages before anyone else. the law prohibits picking people on an ofgz based on party investigation that is not enough. >> lou: professor, if i may infer, the law prohibits using common sense and common decency to assure impartiality and that
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cannot be right. >> it doesn't allow you to ask. >> lou: i am not going to ask. but i can tell. >> it does allow you to see whether they expressed hatred or animosity. justice ruth gins berg. and she said donald trump is a faker and renounced to sit on cases involving the president. when you are in positions to affect people's lives as a justice, fbi agent or prosecutor, you have to be beyond reproach and show the world that you are unbiassed and prepared to go after the person you voted for or support the person you voted against. the messages create the impression among some people the fbi agent that perception was not there.
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>> lou: not only that fbi agency, but number two in the agency itself. andrew mccabe and his wife, the beneficiary of the political largess and terry mccullough of virginia one of the biggest fundraisers for hillary clinton. and the list goes on and on. and there is no exception or fbi agent or team member of the mueller special counsel that is republican? >> we don't know that. >> we do know that. let me be clear. i do know that at this point, we do know there are nine out of 17 who are democratic donors. and five of them are donors to hillary clinton. and we know that there is no apparent republican on there. we have combbed, the national media combed to find them.
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and they are unavailable to us. >> lou, i may be embarrassed by the answer. i like hillary clinton and a dopor. and i voted for her. and if i had been asked to serve if i were younger to serve on this investigative group and i think i would have and i think i would have been fair and never have sent messages like that and i wouldn't hold those views and i don't think that just being a supporter of hillary clinton makes you unfit to sit on investigative group. i agree with you, that everybody on the group. > lou: it if it is it politically charged and political moments this is not a good time to be a partis an. >> look, i don't think it should be partis an. and a justice who was appointed in the supreme court never voted because he department want to be
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partison. prosecutors have to stop being partisan. and that is the key. >> lou: i wished that judgment had been never be a partisan because he was. and not many people, allen, have the ability to rise above themselves. we have to go. your last word. >> i said that maddis an wrote. if men were afrmgles we wouldn't need to have law. we know they are biassed but the essence of a fair prosecutor to make sure they are not manifest or infiltrate the decision. >> lou: how much law i need. i want sob's in the top of the fib sxib justice department prosecuted. >> i don't think we should use the criminal justice system to settle political score.
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>> they are breaking the law allen. that is not abstract. i have to go. >> it is not a criminal question. okay, we disagree. >> lou: i think immeasurably. be sure to vote in the poll tonight. do you believe that corrupt courses in the doj and fbi should face jail time. roll the video. it is exciting. video time and here we go. this looks like 1930, doesn't it. watch as the heat lite stands on board of the plane and before he walks with the wing and high above california. this could except for the video and spear dht man. this could have been shot 100 years ago. >> and watch as a dirt biker
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does a back flip. canned that is impressive. you know, i wouldn't take the bike deal. i wouldn't take the plane deal. that is a stunt i wouldn't do. and remove runway. and the plane troubling over 200 miles per hour. and i don't want to think of that propeller at all. >> corrupt and stay with us. i don't want to sound paranoid, but d'ya think our recent online sales success seems a little... strange? na. ever since we switched to fedex ground business has been great. they're affordable and fast... maybe "too affordable and fast." what if... "people" aren't buying these books online, but "they" are buying them to protect their secrets?!?!
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>> president trump today touting progress on tax reform as congress moves to the votes next week. the president said congress will get there as a pair of senators with hold support over a child tax credit and they want more of it. mike emmanuel has our report. >> i am excited. >> but late today rubio said not so fast on the issue of the child tax credit. >> unless they figure out how to
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act on the 1100 figure i will not. >> and mike lee pushed for more with rubio. and a senate democrat saluted the effort. >> it is good that the debate is about enhancing the tax credit. our side would go higher than rubio. >> negotiators expect to roll out tax reform tomorrow. and key points, 37 percent is the top individual rate to help people in high taxicates. corporate dropped to 21 percent in 2018. and state and local toll salt topped at 10000 and maintain deduction for high out of pocket medical expenses. and ryan asked why it is more polling. >> look at the polling with ronald reagan's signature tax
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reform. a month before it passed, 18 percent of the people polled thought they would benefit for it. this is the nature of the debate on things this big like tax reform. >> reporter: the associated press reports it would help cooperations and democrats jumped on it. >> it is daylight robbery and the gop protection is more cowardly outrageous and dishonest. >> and the tax reform battle comes from reports that ryan told those close to him he will retire after the 2018 mid- term elections and there is buzz on the hill that ryan could leave sooner. >> he brushed off the questions about his future. >> tax reform would be a dream come true for speaker ryan. it is not likely to get better
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at that moment, lou. >> lou: joining us for the seniority editor molly hemmingway. and editorial director of the daily caller, vince, it is great to see you here. molly, start with you, i love the fact that corker kemp supported tax reform even though he could handle it perfectly fine as president obama doubled the national debt. he doesn't want to give a dime back to the american people of their money. how do you explain it? >> being concerned about the debt is very important. it is a convenient. >> lou: how the hell didn't they do it in the obama years. >> republicans need to demonstrate they can govern and stou many people in the caucus are motivated to show failure as
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opposed to a success here. and there is no reason they shouldn't come together and work together. not just corker, but rubio holding up over the child tax credit. >> and michael lee holding up god knows why? >> they like the idea of giving money back to people who don't pay taxes. and that incent tichize child bearing and that is good thing, but what you are not supposed to like. >> the nature of politics in general, you will not get everything youment. it is not a dictatorship or a ruled by one person. it is it a collabrative process and it is clearly going. >> lou: it is going down, vince. >> it is called for mmgzs to defend. it is it a narrow, narrow keyhole to get it through. everybody has to give up a little bit.
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>> in our on line poll, we asked dew believe by defending robert mueller and fbi investigators deputy general rob rosenstein demonstrated a lack of awareness of the depth of corruption that ensnared the upper echlons and bureau of the department of j. 86 percent of you responded affirmative. back with you is molly hemmingway and vince collinnaz. it is stunning thing that mueller would have andrew wiseman and nine democrats on his team and also be ignoring so much obvious evidence that says there is no collusion. >> right. it is not just all of these people that are compromised and sended notes to sally yates or partying with hillary clinton and show text that show
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hostility to the president and language of trying to have an insurance policy. but the top official. his wife was working with fusion gps and also in the context of a year in the russian investigation, we have no evidence that the trump campaign illegally colluded with russia. if it is not that, why did we spend our time on this? are we jub sected to a information campaign that has no impact. >> lou: it is not by the russia in terms of evidence, but the justice department itself. >> yeah, i am confused by peter strab. he was removed related to text messages. that is lower on the scale than a bunch donated to the democrats that seems like a positive action in terms of being.
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> lou: vince, the collusion thing started because they are worried that general flynn might be vulnerable to the russians but not concerned about the 10000 emails in the top counter intelligence aenl sending 10000 emails to his loecher? >> right, and a real curiousity and the justice department doesn't know one of the top officials was having secret conversations with the wife of the fusion gps. and how did they not be these things. rob rosenstein and bob mueller don't understand that the public's faith in the institutions is shaken and that is not good for the people to have that little faith right now. >> lou: and the american people, it took us this long to get the awareness that the fbi and
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justice department at the top is corrupt as hell. molly and vince, thank you both for being with us. we thank you for being with us, good night from new york. >> welcome to the journal editorial report, republicans reached a deal on tax reform setting the stage for a vote in congress this week. it would cut the corporate tax rate to 21% beginning in january down from 35% when the top individual rate would drop to 37% from 39.6. in a last minute tweet to bring marco rubio on board expanding access to the child tax credit for low and middle income families, donald trump gave


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