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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  December 19, 2017 12:00am-1:00am EST

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mueller, suppression of evidence. lou: are you tired of the law? gregg: i have been doing it for 35 years, i'm really tired of the law. lou: thankseieieieieieieieieiei. good night from new york. kennedy: robert mueller on the hot seat over accusations he wrongly obtained trump transition team emails. will the finished tax product meet the promises. a secret pentagon program tried to find out if there are flying saucers. how far down the rabbit hole are you you willing to let the unrestrained government probe with the gossip, intrigue and leaks flowing out of the mueller probe? it's easy to lose sight of an
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unconstrained investigation. the special counsel may have inappropriately gathered thousands of emails from the trump transition team. robert mueller has minimal oversight and maximal funding to pilot his death star to take dunn the president. the fear is mueller and his team are disregarding that to silence a new enemy that's cause for concern. if the government is overreaching we have to be mindful of slapping its hand so it doesn't compromise our rights, privacy in if the future. this goes to special counsel and government agencies. did his team break the law and
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compromise national security? in this political blood sport it's too easy to laugh off the confines of the fourth amendment if the first aim is to depose a bu --a bufoon. put up or shut up. if you don't have the goods, lock it up. glad you are here, i'm "kennedy." the president revealed whether he plans to fire robert mueller after a weekend of speculation he could do so before christmas. watch. >> no, i am not, no. kennedy: accusations that mueller wrongfully obtained thousands of emails suggests the president's lawyers could be laying a ground work for a
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strategy to get rid of the special counsel. do they have a case? judge andrew napolitano taking the case. it's disconcerting to hear perhaps there was overreach in obtaining the thousands and thousands of emails. how did robert mueller's team get them in and there is something here that deserves more scrutiny? >> it's disconcerting to hear allegations of overreach when there was none. robert mueller can't subpoena anything. only a grand jury can. a federal prosecutor has to testify under oath why they need what they need. kennedy: some of the tactics used to interrogate people like michael flynn, they don't come from subpoenas. they obtain them through fisa.
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>> not the emails we are talking about. kennedy: the gsa emails we are learning about this weekend are different than the emails obtained by the team to question flynn? >> general flynn was questioned on the basis of transcripts of five conversations he had with ambassador kislyak. really kgb colonel kislyak masquerading as the ambassador. the complaint this weekend is that bob mule per somehow inappropriately obtained documents from the gsa that belonged to the transition team. kennedy: that's a valid question. are these private emails? >> it doesn't matter. it's the duty of the custodian of the documents. doctor, lawyer, banker or gsa,
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to inform the owner of the documents that a subpoena has arrived. that's where the gsa dropped the ball, not bob mueller. it's the duty of the gsa to tell the transition team. we are going to comply in 10 dies, you can go to the judge and challenge it if you want. but when the gsa fails to do that. it would be like the fbi wanted your bank records and your bank failing to give you the opportunity to challenge what was presented. this is not a search warrant where they come and grab immediately. this is a seen a where the custodian of the documents has 10 days to two weeks to gather the documents. kennedy: the trump transition team is saying we were caught flat footed. do they have a claim here or is this just about protecting the president, making an interesting
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story much, much bigger in order to get rid of mueller? is that the ultimate goal? >> i don't know what the goal is. i have never heard of this lawyer. but the trustee of the transition. the transition went out of business the moment donald trump was inaugurated. i think that the writer of the letter -- i don't want to defame him, is unfamiliar with the way criminal procedure works. grand jury subpoenas, custodian of the documents tells the owner of the documents the fbi is here we are going to comply in 10 days unless you get a judge to interfere. that didn't happen. so if the transition has a beef, the beef is with the gsa that failed to tell them flips an underlying story here. bob mueller's team interviewed everybody in the west wing they want to talk to. for sure those people did not snow know at the time of those
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interviews that the interest viewers had seen their emails. were those emails a earning are you trap as i think it interrogation of general flynn was. was the purpose to trap those people to get them to lie to the fbi to squeeze them to give information on the president. kennedy: the other thing that troubles me about this. i have no interest in protecting the president. i think the office of the presidency has grown too fast and powerful. i don't have a problem con strange that and calling truth to power. my problem is you are virallans is being misused and this goes on for so long and takes so much resources and there is no resolution. and it creates such a powerful arm of the government to reach in and get whatever it wants by any means necessary. >> until a certain year, it was the obligation of the government
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to tell you when it was serving the subpoena. custodian of the records didn't have to tell you. in this certain year they changed it so the government didn't have to tell you. ronald reagan made it easier for the feds to prosecute rather than civil liberties to be defended. kennedy: i don't care if i sounds like a broken record. we have to be findsful of our civil liberties. >> of course we've do. don't rely on our prosecutors to be mindsful of our civil liberties. they want to win prosecutions. kennedy: we need to protect our basic natural rights that are eroded. >> every time there is an investigation we are going to investigate the morals of the cops and the prosecutor? nobody will be prosecuted.
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don't expect fbi agents to be choir boys, they are not. if they were choir boys, they wouldn't be fbi agents. kennedy: but we are not all criminals, and that's how we are treated. >> mueller's job is to gather evidence to indicter dispel. in this case his procedure was perfectly according to federal practice today. kennedy: i can't imagine robert mueller says there is nothing to see here. >> they will say have is nothing to see with respect to the president, but we indicted other people. whether there is evidence about the president's involve seattle, who knows. this is normally a process that doesn't take place under a mire crow scope in the veal world when a person isn't indicted, we
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don't even know they were investigated. probably the same thing will happen here. kennedy: i blame kim kardashian. thank you so much, judge. >> i knew her father from the o.j. case. great guy. kennedy: form obama administration attorney general eric holder saying if the president were to fire mueller, the american people should rise. in a tweet he wrote, absolute red line. the firing of mueller or crippling of the special counsel. the people must be seen and
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heard. guy benson is here. former candidate jehmu greene, and a columnist at the daily beast anthony fisher. the legend returns. welcome back, everyone. i don't think you have a lot of people of weren't administration who are desperate to protect the constitution. but having said that, those who are mindful of it shouldn't let go of this moment and what needs protecting. >> both office of the presidency and the office of the special prosecutor need to be held in check. if there is evidence of fourth amendment violations, it should be aired out. if it's true, it's unacceptable. if this is trump's personal attorney. i'm suspicious of the framing of the concern over the 4th
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amendment. either way, even if true, it's delicious considering how much distain the president treated the protection against while he was a candidate. kennedy: it's easy to say like congresswoman jackie speier did, the president is going to fire bob mueller on the 22nd. that kind of goes up doesn't serve us well. but what do you think the reaction would be from the american people, and is it as eric holder said, a red line if mueller is fires? >> there are resistance organizers out there already who have like 100,000 people signed up to be in the streets that day. and, you know, there are rumors on both sides of the aisle.
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i agree with you, it's unnecessary in their big distraction. but we also have a president who is very prone to just making off the cuff decisions. we saw that when he fired the fbi director james comey which led to having a special prosecutor. i don't take trump at his word. kennedy: my issue is, here is the left complaining about the president temperatures theatrics, a valid complaints. but you are going to counter that by having 100,000 people marching in the streets? i don't think that gets anything done. the screaming out for attention is the opposite of rationalism which is what this country so desperately needs. i think both sides are violating the golden rule. do unto others as you would have others do unto you.
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a lot of people are forgetting their party won't always be in power. >> there is no golden rule left in politics. do unto others and screw you is the new goal of american politics. if mueller were to be fired, and i don't think he will. if he did there would be marching in the streets and a heck of a lot of right-leaning people who would be suspicious of that. it would look terrible. if trump has nothing to hide on colluding with the russians. kennedy: even this weekend he says there is together in emails that will show collusion. there was no collusion. i don't think he's going to fire mueller. ben: to make a grimy political point. ultimately you will have these two legal arguments. trump's lawyers versus what we heard from the judge. the american people probably won't care. the democrats ride to do this
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with the dnc emails. if there is something bad in them, whining about how mueller got them won't matter politically. >> that's why they are attempting this preemptive strike. president trump is complaining about people look at his email? it's literally the definition of karma. so it is quite odd to see so much passion around investigating the investigation. and it's kinds of like, not so much interest when it comes to actually the investigation to russian interests force in our election. >> president trump is a person who said slam criminal suspects against police cars, put terrorism suspects. he's never been a fan of due process. kennedy: he was intrigued by the
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idea of civil asset forfeiture. >> to their credit a lot in law enforcement said no that's not what we do. president trump details his national security strategies this afternoon. the plan sounds great. but does it do anything to keep you safer? is this a phone?
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comcast business outmaneuver. kennedy: president trump outlined his national security strategy this afternoon like tightening our borders, strengthening the missile defense system and dealing with rogue regimes like north korea. >> our strategy calls for to us confront, discredit and defeat radical islamic ideology and prevent it from spreading into the united states. kennedy: does it change anything and does it make us safer? kennedy: what is the
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significance of the national security strategy and happening so early in the president's first term. >> we see a difference between this administration and the last one. kennedy: is that the point, to distance himself from previous administrations? >> absolutely. most of of those would be attribute and to the obama administration. the notion of starting with the national security at home versus a multi lateral international u.n.-based national security strategy which i went back and read for giggles obama's 2015 strategy again. and there was a lot of we'll work together in a common sense and work as a collective.
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kennedy: also how both men campaigned. it's almost like yes it is significant because it outlines our national security. but also, it's a way of codifying what they said in speeches. >> obama was the quintessential internationalist ivy league. he was in line with what the faculty lounge would would want. trump is there are good guys and bad guys. we like the good guys, the bad guys we'll tell them to stop, if they don't, we'll punch them in the face. that's pretty much what it is. kennedy: was there anything surprising? >> i think it's a stark contrast on the notion of radical islam. when you go back and the islamic state in control of a huge swath
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of syria. islam only appears one time in president obama's national security speech saying the u.s. is not at war with islam. which nobody thought it was. but it had a clear dlinnation in the speech and document saying this is how we are going to defeat islamic terror and an immigration and ideological component which was completely left out of the previous national security policy. the specifics on what we heard today we'll see. but it's not a wait and see approach from trump. one other thing, the notion of confronting iran and china is a different approach than let's all sit around the table -- sorry, iran and north korea. how can we make nice with iran and north korea. kennedy: president obama said
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the same thing and he would have been applaud for it. >> there are places where you get fuzzy with the differences. you have obama and trump on afghanistan. we do not have a new strategy in afghanistan. and everyone needs to understand that. what are we, 16 years in? it is very sad. and while we are talking about the success against the islamic state -- kennedy: buck sexton, america now. >> it's just the buck sexton show nationally syndicated. check it out. kennedy: republicans on capitol hill are hoping to do a victory dance on thanks reform by the end of the week. the panel returns to discuss some of the specifics after the
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christmas shopping. house and senate republicans agreed on a final bill. it would cut the corporate thanks rate to 21%. allow for local and state deductions up to $10,000 and repeal the individual mandate. here is the rub. the gop has a messaging problem. a poll shows 70% of the people disapprove -- 47% of people disapprove of the bill. guy benson, jehmu greene and anthony fisher. let's talk about trump supporters in new jersey and new york. how are they reacting to the idea they will have higher taxes
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with the salt deductions? >> as someone who grew up in the new york suburbs and did not support the presidency of the donald trump, but was given the argument that he would be good for the middle class in the suburbs. your taxes are going up. kennedy: it did strike a chord with these people. they were marginalized by the establishment. >> now they saw themselves in their own identity politics where they assumed they were paying all the taxes and doing all the work. in the eyes of the president under this tax plan, they are rich. kennedy: we delight in a lower corporate thanks rate. i believe in freedom in all its forms. marry how want, smoke your
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reefer. enjoy your second amendment privileges and at the same time keep your hands off my money. >> i do one of those frequently. merry christmas america. merry christmas americans? not so much. your taxes are going up. kennedy: do you want an 80% corporate thanks rate so corporations go overseas? >> that's not what i said. kennedy: make it all permanent. >> we have ceos saying we are not going to increase wages because of this. then you have a coal field who
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says this devastates us. ben: a majority of ceos said they would expand their businesses because of this. and the overwhelming majority of all taxpayers including middle class families will get a tax cut under this bill. 75% of all taxpayers get a cut. kennedy: why is it unpopular? ben: because propaganda and lying works. democrats every day have been saying this is a middle class hike. and a lot of people, that same monmouth poll showed a majority of americans believe their taxes are going up. when they see their taxes they will learn they have been lied to. kennedy: the pentagon confirmed a "new york times" report that a $22 million program existed that
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was designed to collect and analyze anomalous aerospace threats. and they shared this footage of an unidentified object being chased by two u.s. navy fighter jets off the coast of esteban santiag.the coast of santiago. the pentagon launched this plan with the support of harry reid. the today riern tell jones officer who ran it resigned in october saying the efforts of the program were not being taken seriously enough. the resignation letter was addressed to general mattis. we may have to stop making fun
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of ufo conspiracy theorists for a little while. >> i believe there has got to be some kinds of life beyond this planet. i also think harry reid was probably playing to the home base. area 51 is in nevada. there is a good amount of defense department jobs in nevada. kennedy: bigger threat, robots or aliens. >> i think aliens are our friends. >> i was excited for president trump to walk into the oval office on day one and open up all the information to area 51 and tell us what is happening. and he perverted the office of the presidency in every other way. we need more ufo information.
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guy: the truth is out there and we should all watch x files only on fox. i was instructed to say that earlier by or overlords. if it is back, watch the network. i do like the reid angle to all of this because he's so loathe some in so many bays. he was trying to show there are are two aliens, koch brothers and aliens. kennedy: we need to build an intergalactic wall. >> isn't that what aliens do? harry reid. kennedy: i embrace all of them. i'm a libertarian.
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thank you also much for being here. and thank me for being with you. the left keeps pushing for an increase in the minimum wage. raising the rate to $15 an hour will cost massive jobs in california. nearly a half million of them. will the west coast liberals pay any attention? larry elder joins me it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same. but while some push high commission investment products, fisher investments avoids them. some advisers have hidden and layered fees. fisher investments never does. and while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management.
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kennedy: it's the latest case be careful what you wish for. california is projected to have a statewide minimum wage of $15. if that gres through, californians could lose 400,000 jobs with the current federal minimum wage at $7.50. demanding more than twice that will have the hardest effect on the fast food stwri. will these higher rates hurt people they are trying to protect? joining me now, the sage-south central. larry elder. let's talk about this. these leftist do-gooders always want to use government not to make their lives better but to insure they will get more votes
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by giving people they assume are stupid free handouts and it hurts them most of in the end. >> governor jerry brown said that economically the minimum wage may not make much sense dew did it anyway because it made good political sense. milton freedman said the minimum wage laws were the most anti-black lawing if in the country because they discriminated against people with low skills. jonathon gruber and paul krugman have written scathingly about minimum wage in the past. they talked about the fact that when you artificially increase the cost of labor, you will
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decrease the demands for it. it's economics 101. overwhelminglied the research shows damage -- overwhelm ily the research show damage. even the ones the left claims they care about are the ones who are hurt the most of. kennedy: often these are entry-level jobs. they are going to be harder to get because the wage will be so artificially high. and there will be fewer jobs available to these people. so the people who need those jobs the most of are going to be forced into this ongoing cycle of government dependency. >> there was a study about restaurants in the bay area. for every dollar you spend in the bay area.
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the very people the left claims they care about, blacks, minorities, inner city people, women working part time, they are the ones who get hurt the most of. kennedy: for every 10% increase in the minimum wage this a 5% reduction in jobs. 367 ankennedy: 400 men took parn 367 ankennedy: 400 men took parn the santa speedo swim you can't predict the market. 367 ankennedy: 400 men took parn the santa speedo swim but through good times and bad... t. rowe price... ...we've helped our investors stay confident for over 75 years. call us or your advisor. t. rowe price.
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kennedy: a well-preserved issue of the first issue to feature superman is expected to sell for $1.2 million. experts say the sale would be virgin territory. mostly because the people who hang out at comic book auctions. this is a "topical storm." topic number of one. we begin on japan's airlines where passengers are getting swept away in the holiday spirit. oh, yes.
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oh, mercy. police aren't sure what started the brawl. it took place after the men probably waited for 12 bargd class and were forced to spend six hours in a space that would have been too small for an ewok. what we do know is fighting on an airplane is not a laughing matter in japan. if they are found guilty they will be sentenced to five years of flying spirit airlines. topic number two. let's head up to the new york state capital of albany where the government officials are busy doing the people's business. run, cuomo, run.
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this isn't a real government meeting. it's the 12th annual santa speedo sprint. it helps raise money for h.i.v. research programs. one of the runners had a suspicious package. not true. the race was a smash hit. it raised over $5,000 for charity. the on reason i didn't know is because i see enough half naked men on the subway each morning. the metropolitan * transit authority is selling old relics from the new york city subway system. show her you care with a bloody sock from a wi -- from a wino.
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it worked out to $1. or made a baby on it. if there history is any indicator, your items will not arrive on time. topic number four. first at. it will be auctioned online this wednesday. they chose to hold it online in honor of the eagles who have been holding online all year it's a much better joke if you saw yesterday's game. 500-sl is one of two fiats who
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transported his holiness during his visit. another sold for $82,000. it would have fetched more if it hadn't been keyed by a chick in a mullet. they are hoping to fetch $300,000. they are expecting the top bid to come from out of town because as any eagles fan will tell you. philly never wins. topic number 5. a lot of nfl fans were wondering what the rest were smoking during the patriots-steelers game. it turns out we might know. a 100-foot joint was rolled at a massachusetts marijuana expo. though the game was in pittsburgh. it's math mathically possible
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the guys who rolled it could have made it there in the left lane. we don't believe the refs were smoking pot during the game. but they are going to investigate the ref who made it as well as his seeing eye dog. "star wars" fans flock to theaters nationwide. do libertarians have a special connection to the film saga? we are talking "star wars" and politics. get excited next. whoooo. looking for a hotel that fits...
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kennedy: episode 8, ""star wars": the last jedi" bringing in $220 million. ahead of the move christmas release, 53% of adults said they don't consider "star wars" to be political. but 41% say they are bothered by the series political tone. my next guest has been studying the ties between "star wars" and politics for years.
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hello, young man. so nice to be with you. so let's cut to the chase. people who think this is not a political franchise are full of hot malarkey, are they not? >> they have the right to feel that way, but they are wrong. "star wars" was and will always be political it was the intent of george lucas. the original film that came out in 1977 was meant to be a commentary and the vietnam era and watergate scandal. so when he goes back and tries to tell people it's much deeper than that, it doesn't quite consult. kennedy: there are a lot of libertarians who see themselves on the right side of the force and see themselves as jedi
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masters. does lucas have a dim view of human nature? >> he does have a dim view of human nature and he has argued for the idea of a benevolent dictatorship. if what he just had someone wise and powerful, they will unite everybody and lead us. george lucas himself, that's his view. kennedy: you can see the evidence of plato's republic in that thinking. that was the aim. >> they are telling a timeless story about how republics fall apart. the prequel era took part in the bush era. and a relatively phoney war on terror. now, "star wars" is no less politically charged. they are continuing this legacy
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of making these movies. kennedy: that's the joy as you get to look for it. ways your favorite libertarian sci-fi movie. >> my favorite is "fire fly." that speaks to our ideas. "star wars" whether it was made to be progressive, it's libertarian it's a story about the little guy versus the big guy. kennedy: that's why you are cheering for the rebels. >> everybody wants to be the rebels. kennedy: everybody thinks they are luke skywalker. steven kent, thank you very much. >> it was a pleasure. may the force be with you. kennedy: thank you for watching the show tonight. follow me on facebook, twitter
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and instagram and email me at good night. >> announcer: you want to stay warm when you're feeling chilled, but you don't want to raise your heating bill. so you pile on some blankets and maybe a sweater or two. there's got to be something better you could do. now there's the handy heater, the whole-room space heater that plugs right into the wall and takes up no space at all, but is so powerful, it transforms cold and chilly spaces into warm and cozy places for just pennies a day. powerful enough to fill any room up to 250 square feet with warm, comforting heat. look, this room was a chilly 63 degrees. but with the handy heater, it's a warm and comfortable 72. bathrooms are especially cold. and cold tile is like ice on


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