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tv   FBN AM  FOX Business  December 22, 2017 5:00am-6:00am EST

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chris bedford, mark simone, good to see you. that will do it for us. thanks for joining us. steve forbes and ed rollins are >> another win for the president. the government avoiding a shutdown. what's next on the trump agenda? >> watch the go. stocks got a lift from the tax victory. good news, u.s. stock market futures poised to move higher at the open, about tenth of a percent. s&p and nasdaq doing well too. lauren: european investors are focused on spain where proindependance parties win in the catalonia region. will spain break apart. >> in china, the shanghai composite drifted lower. that's what we are looking at
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here. lauren: one day after am admitted, yeah, we slowed down phones on purpose, the lawsuits pile on, fbn:am starts right now >> 5:01 a.m. in new york. friday december the 22nd, three days until christmas. good morning, i'm gerri willis. lauren: there's time left. what did you call this weekend? >> it's daddy weekend because the men wait till the last minute. lauren: christmas morning, they go shopping. congress avoiding government shutdown last night. >> the yeas are 66, the nays are 32, motion to concur is agreed to. lauren: senate approved a temporary spending bill last night to keep the federal government running through
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january 19th, hours earlier the house passed the bill, 231 to 188. >> this legislation has provision to turn off automatic spending cuts to many federal spending programs including medicare but lawmakers will face huge challenges when they return next month. capitol hill unfinished, includes a lot of things, federal budget, children's health insurance called chip and daca program. lauren: a lot to get to. the government shutdown everted. merry christmas, everybody, but what's next in republican strategists chris joins us. good morning, merry christmas. >> good morning, merry christmas. lauren: he just got tax reform done, do you think typically infrastructure spending fix the
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airports, fix roads, do you think there's bipartisan appetite after tax cuts? >> of course -- lauren: the sigh. >> of course, democrats are going to be combative. there's no support for them to support the administration or president, they will do anything they potentially they can and closer and closer to midterms, they are going to do anything to cause extension and division. with that being said, it is a bipartisan issue. president trump talked during the campaign over 1 trillion-dollar package and wanted to offer incentives and programs to local money -- municipalities can compete. it's vitally important. look at our airports versus other airports, look at bridges and roads, things collapsing. i have been -- essential you have across the nation on a consistent basis, i mean, we don't have necessarily the best
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infrastructure of america. >> we know that this is the president who trying and often does fulfill promises, maybe they'll get something done on infrastructure. i would like the potholes fixed. lauren: entitlement reform, this is a different and much more controversial issue. i want your input. mitch mcconnell he's unlikely 2018 with midterms being close and being divisive to tackle entitlements, however, gary cohn thought welfare reform would be bipartisan. where do we stand on this, where do you think the administration stands in. >> i certainly look that they look at mick mulvaney and steve mnuchin. these are important issues and i can tell you this, president trump tweeting out himself saying that he wants to eradicate free-loaders and certainly times for welfare reform. we need to ensure that we are
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giving people fair opportunity and people that deserve to be on welfare, let's help supplement, mitigate they need. however, many people on welfare that also take advantage of the system and frankly it's causing taxpayers, causing all of us millions of dollars. we need to ensure that stops happening. let it be for the right reasons and not because you were using as crutch to not being off or career welfare recipient. lauren: well said, chris, speaking of assistance, chip, offer health insurance whose office don't get medicaid but don't get insurance through employers. there's no funding for it right now, where do we stand on that? >> i think that's a complicated issue. children are very important and it's something that should be a priority. it's a very complex subject, but
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unfortunately when you have bipartisan -- when you try to have bipartisan issues and unfortunately you politics, these types of things get in the way and they try to leverage other things to not be able to get things done. health care is an important especially young people, children and kid, something that should be at the top of the agenda, president trump stating that repealing and replacing obamacare is now, of course, a top agenda, he put an executive order in october since the senate and house failed to actually get legislation through as a whole. he put executive order in october to try to move forward with this agenda. lauren: senators collins and alexander are working something. we are out of time. i did want to talk about immigration reform. obviously that's controversial, we will leave that for another day. >> familiar game during nfl games is signing off. tracee carrasco joins more on
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that, tracee. tracee: papa john himself is stepping down as chief executive this after controversial comments he made about the national anthem protest. criticized the nfl which papa johns is a a responsible for not resolving the issue. the quality of the chain pizza. others including white supremacist. will remain as chairman in the company. >> apple admit he slowed iphones, what's going on? tracee: proposed class action, breech of contract suit was filed through consumers saying
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they never consent today allowed apple to slower iphones and the plaintiffs are demanding a jury trial after apple admit what had many of us have long suspected, iphones slowed as they age but this isn't reflection to have anal, apple said the slowing was deliberate and after effective software design to have blackouts, designed to avoid unexpected shutdowns on old phones and this in, tush, slow them down. >> the current operating system they have, i've had to update 5 million times, it's like the dais of update are even on. lauren: what number are we on? tracee: i have an iphone 6, it's slow and slowing down. lauren: i know what someone is getting for christmas. tracee: that's what i need. >> even if your iphone slows, you can take a cool feature from apple maps, something they have
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to crow about. tracee: apple maps app has a useful feature to help you navigate through airport, the hours of operation for restaurants and you can find out what's near other gates as well and as you start walking the information, adapt visually to new locations, the map shows you how to get to security checkpoints and baggage claims, this is great because i don't know how many times i've looked for a starbucks, something to get to eat and you don't know what's around you. >> this is the only feature that people like in apple now. it's not an app anybody has really liked. tracee: google map doesn't have something like this yet. lauren: yet. >> absolutely, merry christmas. >> thank you, merry christmas. >> coming out, major story out of spain, is spain about to break apart in companies compete
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forking the chance to build president trump's border wall with méxico, they are now facing boycotts from democrats. live to los angeles for that story. you're watching fbn:am. i am totally blind. and non-24 can make me show up too early... or too late. or make me feel like i'm not really "there."
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lauren: good morning, let's get you caught up on what's happening now. the independence drive in catalonia region is live and well, voters handing proindependance parties a majority. the victory major setback for spain and prime minister mariano rahoy who was hope to go put an end, that did not happen. making a surprise visit to afghanistan thanking them for service ahead of christmas, the trip was kept secret until after we arrived yesterday. the taliban on the offensive and victory is closer than ever before, something they needed to hear. meanwhile president trump paying attention to wounded veterans, hailing the service members as
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one of the bravest people anywhere in the world. trump awarded a recently injured soldier a purple heart. boeing confirming, yeah, takeover talks with brazilian aircraft maker, the two have discussed a deal that would value significantly above its market value of around $4 billion. deal would hand boeing the largest maker of regional jets that serve smaller airlines and that's what's happening now, gerri. >> companies attempting to bring president trump's border wall to life, some resistance, democratic cities banning together in an effort to stop the president's promise from becoming a reality. anita live in los angeles with more, good morning, anita. >> good morning, gerri, good to see you. companies competing for the chance to work on the multibillion dollar project like you said are now facing a wave of boycotts from local
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democratic lawmakers. coordinated efforts being launched in california, arizona, illinois, new york and rhode island that would prevents cities and towns from doing business all to delay construction of the controversial wall. berkeley city council in california, most recent one to approve one of the ordinances major jesse calling the border wall, highly impractical response to america's broken immigration system and a symbol of hatred that will only further demonize the people of mexican and latin american decent. the associated general contractors for america tell fox news it has asked attorney general jeff sessions to sue states trying to deny contractors work who are involved in the border wall. spokesman brian says, quote, given the fact that this administration has been aggressively pursuing sanctuary cities, this seems like an easy slam dunk.
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nearly 100 companies interested in bidding on the project are based in california which identifies as the sanctuary state. president trump plans a trip to san diego to review prototypes in person. >> a great wall, we put up six different varieties of wall, we have some wonderful prototypes that have been put up and i play be going there shortly to look at them in final form. >> and despite the president's ambitious timetable for construction, it remains unclear when the wall might actually go up. gerri, back to you. >> the border debate will not go away. thanks for that report. lauren: all right, coming up a boy sings christmas carols in the store and that video goes viral. watch. [music]
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lauren: beautiful voicened how is the weather looking for santa claus and reindeers? janice dean when she comes in with weekend forecast. let's take a look at the markets, dow futures higher by 26 points. gain ifs for second day in a row. we will be right back.
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lauren: cuteness alert. pet groomer in england getting a lot of love after posting
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four-legged nativity scene. dogs wearing towels and blanket. puppy jesus. rags to riches. shared thousands and thousands of times. woof. >> that's what i say, amazing. lauren: i feel bad for the dogs in a way. >> it's a little anti-- am i not being fun here? some people look at that and say, that's a bad taste. lauren: others think it's cute. let us know what you think. >> yeah. be sure to text us or send us e-mail or something. it's going to be cold this christmas. lauren: how cold, white christmas also? fox news senior meteorologist
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janice dean. [laughter] janice: bad taste, gerri? [laughter] lauren: i said in the piece that you were going to be in a get-up. >> a lot of people know that i am truly mrs. claus. the cold is coming for christmas. get prepared. these are actual temperatures, 18 in minneapolis, warm ahead of the front, 50's tomorrow in new york city and then it's going to come crashing down. so traveling across the midwest, great lakes as well as the southern planes, it's going to be messy today and tomorrow, the two of the biggest travel days of the year, so you can see things starting to ramp up, look at the forecast radar and temperatures, new england, northeast will get snow and then all rain and all rain event tomorrow along the coast,
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interior sections, that's where you will see the snow and, of course, the busiest people and travel all along the east coast, so saturday will be the delay day for sure, so here are your travel delays, mississippi, valley, southern plains, parts of ohio valley and northeast, you have to be prepared. you will hear the phrases like pack your patience at the airports because it's going to be difficult today and tomorrow. central u.s. looks good but it's all happening along the east coast, just be aware especially if you're traveling saturday. all right, current snow cover across the u.s., definitely a lot of snow over great and northwest, the rockies and northern planes, great lakes, parts of northeast but we will see a white christmas? there is the potential for a white christmas for areas south of the great lakes, certainly across appalacias.
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certainly cold enough for snow, ladies, sunday 42, monday 38, the cold air express is on its way for the new year. merry christmas. lauren: janice, thank you for everything and i will see you in 2018. janice: sounds good. hope santa is good to you. >> she makes them look good. >> she's amazing, despite the cold weather a man in massachusetts is warming hearts in massachusetts store with carols, take a listen. [music] ♪ ♪ >> wow. that's impressive. imagine picking up the oranges in the grocery store and hearing
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that. impressive vocal stylings of gillian, employee at the grocery store who moved to the u.s. from brazil to pursue singing career. the owners of the store up loaded to facebook and since received 77,000 views, this could really kick-start his career. lauren: he's trying to get a good gig in the grocery store to pay bills. >> social media is miraculous. lauren: i'm feeling lucky for him. hope for tax cuts and that hope translate into bigger spending, also goldman sachs diving head first into bitcoin, setting up a bitcoin trading, does that mean crypto currency is leg it? we are going to ask that question, dow up 24 points, nasdaq up 6, winning week for stocks, we will be right back. (siren blaring)
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we would save a lot of lives if we could bring the doctor to the patient. verizon is racing to build the first and most powerful 5g network that will enable breakthrough innovations to take place. as we get faster and faster wireless connections, it'll be possible to bring those capabilities to more remote sites, and be able to operate on a patient in a way that was just not possible before. when you think about underserved areas, you tend to think of remote locations. but the reality is, an underserved area is anywhere where the person that you need, who has the expertise for the problem that you have, is nowhere near you. low latency is crucial for things like surgery, because the response time has to be immediate, it has to be real. i could put on vr goggles like these, and when i move my hand, the robot on the other side will mimic the movement, with almost no delay. who knew a scalpel could work thousands of miles away?
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(dr. vasquez) it's going to be life-changing, and life-saving.
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lauren: breaking news overnight. another win for president trump, the government avoiding a shutdown christmas week, at least for now. >> stocks got a lift from tax reform victory, the dow up 55 points and on track for its fifth straight weekly gain. u.s. stock market futures poised to open higher by 27 points. lauren: in europe all eyes are on spain where proindependance parties win in catalonia, the question for reactors how do you react if spain falls apart? >> in china the shanghai composite went lower. take a look at that. lauren: gerri is calling daddy-shopping weekend and i agree. some retailers are there for all
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the men who like doing last-minute shopping, we will tell you all about that as fbn:am continues right now. >> it's 5:30 in new york on friday december 22nd, come on and join us, just three days until christmas. good morning, i'm gerri willis. lauren: good morning, i'm lauren simonetti. i do have to apologize, it is daddy-shopping weekend but i have things to do too. >> you always forget something, right? lauren: i know. recycle gifts from last year. [laughter] lauren: we have to be serious though even though it's christmas weekend and the breaking news is pretty serious because it's good, congress avoiding government shutdown. >> the yeas are 66 and the nays are 32. the motion to concur is agreed to. lauren: senate approving temporary spending bill last
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night to keep the federal government running just through january 19th, earlier yesterday the house passed the bill 231 to 188. >> legislation has provision to turn off automatic spending cuts to many programs including medicare, but lawmakers will face huge challenges when they get back next month in january, capitol hill's unfinished business includes the federal budget, health insurance chip, daca program and disaster relief package. lots going on. lauren: that's a lot to get to. well, another ceo of a major company is stepping down. >> tracee carrasco joins us with more on that and other headlines, good morning, tracee. tracee: this one is somewhat unexpected, google parent eric smith will be stepping down. he will be transitions to a role aztec nicole adviser and continue to serve on alphabet's board, google didn't give a reason why the change but the wall street journal report that is this transition had been in
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the talks for about a year. lauren: there is reports that mr. scmit like it is ladies, so some people are questioning the timing and sudden announcement. >> lots of reporting actually. not just rumors. tracee: yeah. >> what's going on with that story, obviously, but remember when he was first brought in, they wanted an adult in the room. he had worked in the software company for a long time and big name for himself and now you think was he really the adult in the room with the kinds of rumors. you don't know, tracee, what about bitcoin? tracee: investment from goldman sachs, handle digital currencies by the middle of 2018, somewhat giving wall street a little bit of, making this more legitimate,
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i guess. as far as bitcoin, here is the wild run that it has been on, bitcoin traded at nearly 20,000 last friday and nearly doubled its value three weeks ago when it had yet to pass the 10,000-dollar threshold. right now hoovering around 13,300, plunging about 13% this morning. lauren: it's certainly volatile and to think we started when bitcoin was under a thousand dollars. >> it's not an investment, it's a bubble, that's what i say. lauren: this weekend -- you get your last-minute gifts and some stores -- i was going to call it daddy-shopping weekend but i could just see getting hate mail. what are shoppers doing to help the procrastinators out? >> well, tomorrow is called super saturday, this is expected to be the the busiest shopping day of the year, 126 million people will be out there shopping, so there are some stores that are going to be opened 24 hours to help you out, you have kohl's, they are open
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now through christmas eve, 6:00 p.m., fifth year in a row that they have done this for the last-minute procrastinators, shopping spree this morning at 6:00 a.m., they'll be open 9:00 p.m. on christmas eve, there's still a lot of time. lauren: let me tell you, i have been trying to get so much done this week. the parking lots -- you can't get a space, aren't you suppose to be shopping online? >> i think it's a good sign of what's happening here. tracee, thank you for the report. appreciate it. as tax reform boosting consumer spending in this holiday shopping season, pwc partner mitch roschelle joins me now. thanks for coming on board this early, appreciate it. >> good morning, gerri. >> you see the forecast for fabulous shopping season, 4%, 5%, 6% and so on, is tax reform
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actually going to push back higher? >> i think all the optimism going into the prospects of tax reform has been getting consumer quite enthusiastic, you look at the consumer confidence number that came out last month, it was way higher, retail sales have been trending higher, unemployment is low, so we have all of the economic tail winds pushing into the holiday season and announcement of tax reform. that's a great momentum and we are seeing consumers speak with pocketbooks. >> absolutely, home sales are up, you say optimism is up. by almost every measure it seems that consumers are on a roll, what exactly are they going get out of tax reform because the republicans like to say everybody gets a tax break, what do you see? >> well, you know, the number that's been kicked around is 80% of the filers are going to get some sort of break, if you look at the child care credit, they are doubling the standard
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deduction, the fact that mortgage interest is still deductible and the 750,000-dollar limit there just remember that's three times the median house price in this country and the property tax deduction isn't what people would want it to be but at least it's something -- 10,000, that's for the average filer in this country. that's still nets them something more than they would have had without tax reform, so i think as they start to unpack what's going on there, they're enthusiastic about it as well. >> you know, i'm used to people being sort of negative on the expectations for holiday spending and last year was only up about 3.5% and wasn't great, i'm starting to be a believer in the forecast this year, how do you think it's shaping up? >> this year could be a record. right now the way it's trending, it's closing in on 6% year over year which has roughly doubled, gerri, of last year and all of that is because of what we talked about earlier, all the
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tail winds, what's interesting is when, i see you have the graphic up there. the big day isn't actually super saturday, it's actually today, rather, and the reason is because online play such a vital role in holiday shopping and there's so many free shipping deals, if you want free shipping and it's two day, you to buy it today because you are not going to have it by christmas eve, today and tomorrow are really going to catapult holiday sales over threshold and could be as high as 6% by some to have analysts forecasts out there. >> the break out on e-commerce sales, 18 to 21% growth, that's phenomenal, do you see resurgence on brick and mortar sales, lauren was saying she shouldn't get into a parking lot trying to get to a real-life store. >> the closer you get the christmas eve, the more you see traffic in retailers. i was, you know, fortunate,
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unfortunate enough to be walking through the mall last weekend and it was packed. a lot of that is the experiencial part of retail. people still want to sort of be mixing it up and be there, but this year we are seeing sort of a resurgence in retail because, i think, the retailers themselves are slowly but surely figuring out what they need to do inside the store to keep themselves relevant, relative to online competitors. >> they are fighting back, that's what's going on. mitch, great to see you. merry christmas. >> you too. lauren: a lot of people get nervous that if they buy something online, it won't arrive on time. your insurance policy is sometimes the store. that could be happening too. coming up, the united nations rebukes the u.s. over president trump's israel policy but un ambassador nikki haley is fighting back in a big way and it is one of the busiest weekends for holiday travel if
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you are flying somewhere, we are going to show you the mess that you will have to deal with at the airports in just a bit. ♪ traders -- they're always looking for advantages. the smart ones look to fidelity to find them. we give you research and data-visualization tools to help identify potential opportunities. so, you can do it this way... or get everything you need to help capture investment ideas and make smarter trading decisions with fidelity for just $4.95 per online u.s. equity trade. fidelity. open an account today.
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>> welcome back, let's get you caught up on what's happening now. the united nations general assembly is denouncing the united states for recognizing jerusalem as israel's capital and pledge to go move embassy there. members voting overwhelmingly for a resolution rebuking president trump even though the president would reduce foreign aid to countries voting in favor of the resolution. and president trump's deputy chief of staff is quitting, the white house says rick will step down early next year to pursue private-sector work. here is the latest high-profile this week. and forbes apologizing, after new york times investigation
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outline allegations and now running a video denouncing harassment and discrimination at all of its plants. lauren, an amazing story that people had to put up with there but it's all changing. lauren: all changing in the board room, the manufacturing plants. 2018 is going to be a new year. well, christmas weekend finally here, millions of americans on the move, triple a says the busiest two-day travel period of the holiday season. todd pirro, good thing your family is in connecticut because you will avoid that mess, right, todd? >> family in jersey, family in connecticut and new york state. i'm staying local. you know that we love to fill these with clichés as a reporter. lauren: pack your patience. >> no, i'm not there yet. this is the calm before the storm. you like that? but this is expected to be part of the busiest 48-hour period of
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the holiday season, more will travel this year than ever before, again, in the history of mankind. aaa expects 170 million americans to be traveling, 6 and a half million that will be traveling. for you drivers, worst time to hit the roads, triple a say ifs you can avoid that time you should at airports like here in newark even though there's no specific terrorism threat, expect to see increase security, bomb-sniffing dogs and heavily armed officers, be prepared to remove any devices larger than cell phone from carry-ons when you go through security, keep in mind, some airports will have new automated screening equipment to help speed up the process, but, of course, we want you to leave time for extra security and say it with me, lauren simonetti, lack your patience. back to you. lauren: i never pack my patience, just so you know, but i have another two words for
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you, precheck. >> yes. precheck, but you know, it's becoming one of those things, i travel a lot for the fox news channel, "fox & friends", precheck is becoming worst than regular line, why did i pay $100 over five years to wait in line. lauren: don't they know who you are? put you right at the top of the line. >> what was that? lauren: don't they know who you are? >> exactly, you know me, the newest person to the fox news channel, meaning i am the completely least important person we have on payroll. lauren: that sometimes helps. todd, thank you. >> merry christmas. i didn't get a chance to see glow the make-up room. merry christmas. lauren: missed you there. >> you too, i don't know. >> we are makeup buddies. >> coming up in sports, new york
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nicks topped the boston celtics with the help of michael beasley's top hands. remembering dick linberg, you're watching fbn:am. building a website in under an hour is easy with gocentral... ...from godaddy! in fact, 68% of people who have built their... using gocentral, did it in under an hour, and you can too. build a better website - in under an hour. with gocentral from godaddy.
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>> listen to this, caldwell of los angeles lakers is playing basketball and serving a jail term at the same time. he was sentenced to 25 days in jail for violating his parole over the summer, he fail today
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submit to drug and alcohol test imposed after driving under the influence arrest, welk, back in march, under work release program called well pope can leave the jail facility for practice, he's not allowed to leave california which would result in missed games in houston, minneapolis but will be back at tonight's game in oakland. lauren: is that fair? >> very buzz -- bizarre. lauren: we have learned of passing of broadcast legend. >> another loss of 2017. jared: oh, my, those are the words. 82 year's old, rarely flashy, always classy and hard to think of another sports caster as beloved and broadcaster too. ucla basketball behind the microphones for 8 national
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championships, he covered the grand slam tennis event 28 times, covered ten super bowls, eight ncaa championships including with sports including san diego padres in baseball. that ended last year where we got to hear his signature call one last time. >> i'm going say it anyway, oh, my. here is a throw. and he is out of there. oh, my. oh, my. jared: oh, my, worked for nbc, espn, 13 sports emmys, lifetime achievement emmy. family expect him to arrive in boston on a flight last night but he didn't show up. he was found dead at home in la hoya, california with bags packed. thank you for the memories and,
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of course, the inspiration. lauren: that was beautiful, jared. >> those voices are so important, right? you come accustom to those voices. jared: sometimes they go toward the flash, i was mentioning to lauren, he would be the voice in my heard where i would think would dick enberg do this, i'm not going to do that, from a level of class and respect. a tremendous loss, we lost great ones this year, bob wolf. the national football league sends strong message to its teams who are not careful about sending possibly players back on the field. fined seattle seahawks a hundred thousand dollars because the team allowed russell wilson to allow to come back after evaluating after concussion. 28 of 32 in the second half.
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nicks beat the celtics, fifth game in six games to new york. twelfth in a row on home court. good news, the college football ball games are getting closer, first we had 47-point margin victory. last night it was only 28. st. petersburg, florida to win big this week. florida international, 28-3, we have two more college ball games coming up tonight and then, of course, it really gets excited, vince mchamon sold a hundred million dollars of shares in world wrestling entertainment. note that is the sale was primarily to find a separate entity from the company alpha entertainment llc which
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mr. mchamon established including professional football, do you remember back in 2001 vince mchamon created xfl, only lasted one year but maybe he wants to get back to football. lasted about as long as a cup of coffee. lauren: a lot of people from different parts are looking into football right now. jared: yes, yes. very interesting the carolina panthers, this week where we have seen started with jerry richardson is going to sell the team and then rapper diddy wants in, he says i want colin kaepernick to be quarterback. now kaepernick wants in as well. steph curry from the golden state warriors. >> maybe the company will give us a thousand dollar bonus. retirement. jared: you guys don't realize that it's christmas in a few days, it's june. lauren: you're the grinch.
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>> so much to do. we have to go. jared max, thank you. merry christmas. catch jared sports reports fox news headline 24/7, siriusxm 115. lauren: major story out of spain after proindependence party wins vote, what happens to the future of the country? ♪ [vo] progress is an unstoppable force.
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the season of audi sales event is here. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event.
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lauren: stunning vote in spain overnight, proindependance parties win a majority of seats in catalonia, this is a blow to madrid and riva gold from the wall street journal joins us now. riva, you can't see gerri but she's in the christmas spirit. >> i have a hat. lauren: what's going on in spain? are they feeling festive after blow in recent blowing? >> well, it depends where you sit on the political spectrum, last night's outcome was repuke to the prime minister in spain, made a bit of a gamble calling for an election so quickly and seems as though cataláns have voted again for putting three
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separatist parties in the majority. they will have to work together and not justifying your out leadership but figure out how they're actually going to tackling the question of independence. even though we got an outcome on the vote, we don't know what the new government is going to look like, who is going to be leading and how they will be pursuing these kinds of questions with madrid. >> more complicated than ever, right, because there are multiple party that is want to stand up and take up the cause, correct? >> exactly. one wants to do unilateral bid for independence where two others are softening stance and pushing something more like negotiations with the central government or push for legal referendum, so not only do they have to deal with some leaders currently being in exile, they've also have to sort it out between themselves, from a market perspective, it's adding more uncertainty and pressure on
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spanish stocks in the euro this morning. lauren: absolutely. riva gold, thank you so much. happy holidays. >> happy holidays. >> time to send it to dagen mcdowell over at mornings with maria. do you like my hat? >> of course, gerri. [laughter] dagen: i might be a scrounge sometimes of the year but not this time of the year. he's wearing a mets kind of christmas sweater, if you can imagine. lauren: there he is. [laughter] dagen: i have no idea. now you know who is on the show, good morning, i'm dagen mcdowell in for maria bartiromo, it's friday december 22nd, top stories at 6:00 a.m. eastern. ready for the president's signature, the commander in chief may sign historic tax bill into law later


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