tv Kennedy FOX Business December 23, 2017 5:00am-6:00am EST
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sentiment and presence on this program, merry christmas to you and your family. >> merry christmas, gregg.ururu. dagen: will the president media critics come around after the president wins big on tax cuts. the president says he won't fire robert mueller. one senator is warning of a constitutional crisis if he does. is hillary clinton really planning to get involved in the 2018 election and why would democrats want her help? all that and more tonight on "kennedy." hell has frozen over and pigs
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are flying. one day after president trump's miss tore i can win on tax reform the normally anti-trump media appears to be reporting on how it could be a success and not an overwhelming failure that could kill everybody on earth. the "new york times" says with tax overhaul trump fulfills a campaign promise. here is how republicans plan to sell it. over on cnn the head snrien reads, is tax reform a new beginning for trump and the gop? the narrative for the last year has been trump's first year has been one giant failure and he doesn't understand government and he's unfit for the oval office. but could the president, victory on tax reform begin to change how the media reports on this president? here to answer that question is
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media reporter for "the hill," joe concha. is this a new beginning for the media? >> it's a one-night stand probably. it's always a tree flex back to the -- it's always a reflex back to the media. there was a great poll that said 46% of americans believe the press is making stuff up about this administration. watergate they were careful, they were sober. they took their time with reporting. now that's not the case. think of what president trump has accomplished, policy. judicial appointments, conservatives on the bench. obamacare mandate gone, tax reform done. isis caliphate shred. 70 stock market highs. jobs at a 17 year low.
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dagen: major regulatory roll back which is one of the reasons the stock market is hitting all time highs and the economy is growing 3%. >> what voters, the issues most of important to them, economy, jobs, immigration, isis, healthcare. let's grade. economy, what do you give him a grade? dagen: right now he gets an "a." >> gdp, consumer confidence. dagen: small business confidence at a record high. >> not part-time jobs but manufacturing jobs. wisconsin, pennsylvania, michigan, they gave him the election. that's why it's important. dagen: he won on the economy. >> and trade. you can make a case for it. jobs like we just talked about. 17-year low in terms of
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unemployment. immigration. border crossings are down and the wall hasn't been built yet. you can give him an incomplete. dagen: that's next. >> isis caliphate. dagen: on the run. >> isis is like a tumor. but for the most of part he said he would blow the hell out of isis and he was successful. healthcare -- dagen: he seems to shoot that in there. everything that the media does -- and i'll throw myself in there in some way, is self-serving. i think with all the fake news and now there is a success and they have been reporting about all of his failures and the things he has done wrong in the last year, that they have to step back and say we need to be straight on reporting about this. we need to focus on this
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accomplishment and walk that line because again their credibility is on the line. that's really what they care about. they don't care about president obama or the success of the economy. -- about president trump. >> i think if they tart to say anything positive about president obama. jimmy fall will be was as extra sized from the hamptons. msnbc and cnn. pew talked about covering of trump. 74% of coverage focuses on trump's character or his personality. only 26 on policy. would would see this first year was probably a success.
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dagen: they do not want him to be a success. even when he is a success they only begrudgingly write by the. this was so big they had to write about it. >> merry christmas. dagen: love the jacket. president trump took a preemptive shot at his critics tweeting the massive tax cuts the media is writing badly about will soon be kicking in and speak for themselves. companies are making big payments to workers. dems want to raise taxes, hate these big cuts. will the critics have egg on their faces if the thanks cuts prove successful? here is the panel, "fox and friends" weekend co-host pete hegseth. comedian jimmy failla and harlan
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hill. >> you didn't say fallon. dagen: that's what joe was talking about. but i always say journalists are like the most of disgusting cocktail of arrogance and insecurity. aren't i wonderful, aren't i wonderful. was i okay, was i okay? did i look okay? all of these media members, they are all in washington, a few in l.a. and new york city. they are not going to say anything about trump because they will get lambasted the next time they go out. >> ultimately they want to be loved and want to be liked, and being liked means trashing trump. the minute you admit one good thing about him you are complicit. in the press conference they said you can't say that to me. i'm a member of the privileged class.
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it's my job to guard this democracy. that's why what he has said has been so effective. dagen: being the president is policy. if you go through what the president has accomplished this year, the average person reading a lot of these websites wouldn't have any idea what has happened. >> in terms of substantive issues voters care about, he's killing it. his tax plan is not only a huge win, but when you it into the context of where we were told we would be. we were told a year ago we would be eating our young. the markets would collapse. it would be red dog. dagen: they are reading talking point almost from nancy pelosi. she called the tax bill armageddon, the end of the world. she is literally calling for applying of locusts.
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spoils on everyone. >> they say he fear mongers. literally the fact that we are even here is a miracle given that net neutrality was going to kill us. obamacare would kill us. dagen: literally members of the media can't figure out why is consumer confidence at a 17-year high. why is the economy growing at north of 3%. why is the stock market at a record high? because you haven't been paying attention the last year. you have been trying to do your own one-man show at the white house press briefing. >> the democrats and mainstream media continue to turn their backs on the working class and turn their back on a tax cut as if it would begin the decline of civilization. we are talking about doubling the child tax credit from $1,000
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to $2,000. we are talk about reducing the corporate tax rate so we are more competitive with our industrialized neighbors. we finally have leadership in the white house that has the guts to stand up and push this through. republicans wouldn't have done it by themselves. dagen: i think the reason a lot of the media tried to talk this down and democrats are trying to come up with even more hyperbole that they have been spewing so far is because they got caught flat footed. they didn't think the republicans could coalesce and push this through. but let's move on -- >> and we crushed isis, too. no big deal. dagen: literally. >> they are only the jv team. dagen: we talked about this that literally now everybody is worried about, what about the vacuum in syria.
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what are we doing about the vacuum in syria now that is rsh is on the run. that's like worrying what if the economy grows too fast. we haven't asked that question literally in a decade. what if inflation takes off. so who are the big winners and losers yesterday with president trump and paul ryan. they are among the winners. chuck schumer and nancy pelosi, armageddon. not so much. but it goes beyond that including a number of republicans who are on the losing team. who thinks republicans were losing too much? >> bob corker, jeff flake. the critiques that this president makes are devastatingly effective like them or not. jeff flake, i hope he recovers as quickly as possible. but john mccain, some of these
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never trumpers in the senate, they didn't want this bill to pass. they disdain trump as much as the democrats. dagen: their -- they got -- >> it's a difficult spot to be put in. if the on thing we have to hang our hat on in 2018 is a tax cut with a republican majority with a republic ghient house, then we have a problem. we can't rest on our laurels. there is a long list of things to accomplish, including obamacare repeal and replacement. there are basic promises that everybody that's currently serving on the hill made to their voters. yes we cut taxes but we should.
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full stop. >> which is good. dagen: a well-known republican was talking to me about the danger that you get drunk on this success as the president and as all those lawmakers. and you think you are going to be able to get one thing after another after another done. weather it's even struck rsh. >> this is where i think trump's pedigree favors him. he fought his own party. this is the ends of scar face where tony montana doesn't die. he's a living tony montana. the fact that he's as battle hardened as he is. he does not get a drink of water without a leak in the press
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aimed at damaging his credibility. he knows what theless piece of letting will be a brawl. everybody in d.c. loves a winner. getting a legislative win like this -- dagen: they like to see others fail. >> he becomes a lot less toxic as an asset because he got this win. you saw "the washington post" today? it will and popular bill when people see what it is. democrats are great at messaging. dagen: why is keeping more of your own damn money a bad thing? >> the democrats love to say they voted against their own interests. the idea of you not wanting to keep more your own money would be voting against your own interests. >> the messaging only gets you
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so far. they mess acknowledged the beginning of obamacare very well. but what happened in 2012, 2013, and 2014. it hurt them in their wallets and at the doctor's office. dagen: money talks. and the messaging walks. blue states, republican or democrat, the state and local tax reduction has been reduced to $10,000. you know what? you are just trying to get hired by a republican blue state. congressmen now, senators, they are the ones who raced our taxes in the first place.
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chuck schumer says firing special counsel robert mueller would spark a constitutional crisis. the president said he's not going to do it. so why is the senate minority leader bringing it up again a it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same. but while some push high commission investment products, fisher investments avoids them. some advisers have hidden and layered fees. fisher investments never does. and while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not,
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fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management. the moment a fish is pulled out from the water, it's a race against time. and keeping it in the right conditions is the best way to get that fish to your plate safely. sometimes the product arrives and the cold chain has been interrupted, and we need to be able to identify where in the cold chain that occurred. we took our world class network and we developed devices to track environmental conditions. this device allows people to understand what's happening with the location, but also if it's too hot, if it's too cold, if it's been dropped... it's completely unique. if you have a sensor that can keep track of your product, it keeps everybody kind of honest that way.
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dagen: a growing number of republicans are calling on president trump to fire special counsel robert mueller. this did not sit well with chuck schumer. >> if the president were to fire special counsel mueller our country would face a constitutional crisis. dagen: the president told reporters he's not going to fire mueller. if the special counsel stays, where does this investigation go since so many questions have been raised about his credibility. there are so many of these democratic lawmakers, schumer, warner, and gutierrez in congress talk about what we are going to do if president trump fires mueller. >> they sounds as if they will
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be disappoints if he doesn't fire robert mueller. the president said that he doesn't intends to do that. and i think that's the street choice. that doesn't solve the problem of the underlying conflicts inside this investigation. let's roll back to what we are talk about. this started in january of this year, 11 months ago when stories started to appear in all the media citing intelligence sources suggesting there was collusion between the trump campaign or president trump and the russians. those stories ran for six months. then we get robert mueller appointed. this story has not advanced have much at all from the original suggestions there was collusion. i think if there were anything more there it would have been leaked to the press by now sort fbi would be talking about it.
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but we have reached a state of gridlock. now questions are being asked about the fbi's role in all this. i think half the american people are saying what's going on here with our major national security institutions like the fbi and the department of justice? dagen: andrew mccabe gave testimony in front of the house intelligence committee. and there were so many inconsistencies that appeared during his testimony. he was asked when he learned that the dossier was funded by the hillary clinton campaign and the democratic national committee. he claimed he couldn't recall. but there were documents with his signature on them acknowledging his knowledge of the financing. i was sitting with maria bartiromo after those emails
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were leaked about trying to establish some connection between then candidate trump and russia. trump russia, trump russia. at the same time this dossier had been put together. this is around the time, i think, that steele had been talking to the fbi about what they uncovered. come to find out bruce ohr who worked in the justice department, his wife helped put this together? there are too many coincidences for at least for there not to be investigated. >> too many unexplained coincidences. the dossier, the christopher steele dossier sits at the middle of this story. it has been reported mr. mccabe was asked about the veracity of the dossier and he defended the fbi's due diligence in investigating. but when he was asked forifics. he d for specifics.
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-- when was asked for specifics. he said carter page met with the russians. well, we know that. how can you do anything other than step away from in mccabe's testimony and say don't you have any more than that? dagen: how does this ends? we have the inspector general putting a report together. michael horowitz, it comes out. will that be the end of this? >> i do not think it would be a good thing if the credibility of the fbi were severely damaged by this investigation. and i think people inside the fbi are worried about that. if that is the case, then i think mr. mueller should wrap this up as quickly as possible for better or worse rather than let it drag on. dagen: it's not donald trump damaging the credibility of the
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fbi it, the actions of some agents and how they were handling themselves. hillary clinton may still play a role in the 2018 mid-terms. i guess her all-time low favor built rating didn't get through to her. a liberal blogger calling a liberal blogger calling republican sometime scott a prop i am totally blind. and non-24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. talk to your doctor, and call 844-214-2424.
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>> this plan delivers for the average single mother a 70% tax cut. for the average family working paycheck to paycheck, look for ways to be hopeful about their future. have scene extra night for dish out at a restaurant. this tax reform package cuts their taxes which nearly 60%. dagen: south carolina senator tim scott was one of several republicans to speak at the tax celebration yesterday. that didn't sit well with "huffington post" blogger. he tweeted this. what a shocker. there is one black person and
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they have him standing next to the mic like a manipulated prop. senator scott responds, probably because i helped write the bill for the past year, have multiple provisions included, got multiple senators on board. but if you would rather just see my skin color, feel free. he later deleted the post. juan williams, you are an historian of the civil rights movement. i always wants to point that out. does that bother you? juan: condi rice, you see the abuse she would take as the national security advisor. ph.d in foreign affairs.
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and yet put down as somehow a oak in the bush white house despite her stature. that to me is just awful. of course there is clarence thomas on the supreme court. people are saying he was put there into they are good marshall's slot base was appointed by george h.w. bush. what about his credentials and qualifications? you may disagree with his politics. but i don't any there is any doubt this man is qualified. but you see this coming from so-called liberals who would think would say they are not vase conscious. dagen: he's referring to senator scott as an object. that's why i found it that much more offensive. but let me back up to what you were saying.
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is it only achievements of blacks in this country who are liberal? those are only worth celebrating? that's what they are saying. a black man is a conservative, then that's not an achievement. that's the implication. juan: there is a lot of mainstream thought, and this is interesting. there is one reaction among whites. white liberals react to black people who don't fit their dogma orthodoxy as somehow outside and to be demind and treated as props for white conservatives. but the other reaction and sometimes you will see in the black community, black people will say you are not down with us, you are not one of us because you have a different perspective and different opinion. in both cases you are seeing to my mind political correct news
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run amok. they are saying you as a black person don't have the freedom to think, to argue, to debate freely. you must fit in a box. if you don't fit in the box, then you are a threat. dagen: it should have changed a lot more than it has the last 10 years. juan: i think it's exacerbated by the trump years. everything is so racially tense and polarized. dagen: that's something going on before him in this country. juan: i agree. but politically partisanship is at a height. i think that's fair to say. i think you look at the nfl and the players kneeling and the black lives matter movement. there is a lot of racial mention the ear beyond donald trump or trump clearly plays in that arena. but i think right now as a
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result, you have the sort of white liberal and black attitude being if you are not with us you are against us, and willing to cast people out. i think what tim scott said was so effective and true. tim scott has been working on this issue and he was helping to bring other people on board. dagen: he apologized, by the wasn't enough. love you much. happy new year. merry christmas. see you soon. is hillary clinton going to campaign for democrats in the 2018 election? god, i hope so, says every republican. a gallup poll shows hillary clinton's favor built rating has dropped 36% with registered voters. but several people think she
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would be an asset in the places she won in 2016. my panel is back. harlan, i know you are hoping she campaigns. but you never know. >> to put this in perspective. gallup has been polling her favor built for 25 years. she is out of political life. you should expect her popularity should rebound. it keeps hitting new lows. the notion she is going to hit the campaign trail and transfer her like built to candidates and that will be a positive thing is laughable. dagen: is there reverse long nick this? president trump campaigned for her. and he had sky high approval ratings. and she lost. if you have a person people don't like with low favor built
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does that make the candidate look better? >> that might be some kind of campaign scheme. unless a guy like president trump is so beloved by the base that it inures to the other candidate. jeb bush as a republican, can i uninvite myself. why would you want hillary clinton? dagen: she can't be quiet. >> my favorite part about this idea is her campaign couldn't get her out to campaign for herself. they couldn't get her out there to campaign in the key states. what makes you think she would
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show up for a congressional race? dagen: the clintons are still money in terms of fundraising. >> democrats have a history of this. they would pull out nancy pelosi to campaign for people. dagen: she raises money. >> there are people in high school nobody likes but they have a car so you hang out with them. dagen: nancy pelosi could be driving like a giant tricked out forward f-150 full of kegs. are we feeling more festive this holiday season? christmas. are you willing to do everything you can to outdo your neighbors? then you are not alone. a new survey by found
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1 in 5 americans are taking their holiday decorations to extreme to one up their friends. and creating the most of obnoxious energy consuming lawn displays. americans are more eager than ever to be the king or queen of the christmas scene. >> you can see staten island from space. that's how lit up it is. you cannot possibly fit one more inflatable aboutup. >> i hate the inflatable blowups. in the morning when they go down it looks like somebody did a drive-by. dagen: i had a neighbor who never removed it. it just laid dead in the yard. spring, summer, fall, then they
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everr they are faded -- then they are faded. >> all this christmas cheer. now people aren't afraid to say merry christmas. dagen: he's known for -- >> we have been dumping on christmas collectively for six years. i think people feel empowered, and it's reflective of a good economy. we are terrible with money. the minute you give us some, we go out and buy stupid stuff. we rumble. dagen: men are more likely to do this than women in terms of competing at christmas. they used to compete over stuff like splitting wood. >> we buy inflatables. >> they are making ones with a
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dagen: elite u.s. special forces are on the ground in yemen reportedly in an evident to clobber isis and al qaeda militants hiding there. that according to "newsweek." this comes after we learn the number of u.s. ground troops in nearby so imlal has nearly doubled. in the past six months the pentagon has helped defeat the islamic state isis in iraq and syria. the pentagon is getting a lot more aggressive. analysts say it's because president trump is letting his generals make the decisions themselves. is it working? let me ask our former green were
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beret. but this is an you be told story. we have been telling it on kennedy. it's incredible the strides we have made. >> yemen is a complicated thing and key terrain it's a very poor country, an old islamic country. but it's right where the gulf aden hits the red sea. i just retired from special forces. i was talking to one of my friends involved in national defense at the pentagon. he was telling me. when donald trump came into office, he basically said to defense secretary mattis to get it done. so mattis has turned to the big
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guys and said i want these guys crushed in six months. that's a huge step. before we were always hampered. i was in the military at the time. the things we had to deal with, the rules of engagement. the hoops we had to jump through to hit a target when we knew it was there. it was soul crushing. now we are more aggressive and it's paying off. dagen: we are talking about the islamic state is on the run. what are we going to do about the power vacuum in syria. if we are asking this question less than a year into this presidency. it's an incredible thing. it's iran and russia trying to fill that vacuum. in syria. the missiles that the rebels in yemen are firing at saudi arabia
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are essentially iranian. >> that's the thing it's a proxy war. yemen is a proxy war. the humanitarian side is really bad. so the ho -- the how ho -- the e backed by putin. we just sold r test. iv test. test. test. dagen: and rescue dogs. grab my horse and give it a big hug. a mississippi man couldn't fix the potholes in his town so he made them festive.
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this the "topical storm." topic number one. we begin tonight in jackson, mississippi where the war on christmas is branching out to the war on potholes. a good samaritan didn't want his fellow motorists to damage their cars. so he put a christmas tree in a giant sinkhole to get their attention. the good news is it worked. the bad news is a bunch of liberal college kids are upset he used the word christmas. topic number two. meghan hah markle sold her toronto homeless than a week after she put it on the market it's said to be a fixer upper like her future husband.
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just kidding. prince harry hasn't had any work done. but he believes in the sale price which was rumored to be $1.4 million. and let's hope it happens soon. i hate to see these two get stressed out during their busy schedule of taking pictures. fan which one of the drugs on kennedy's staff picked this story out? who cares who they she sold her house to. i want to be going to that wedding so bad. topic number three. the last jedi was hoping to scrape up every last dollar at the box office. ticket sales fell by 42% after an opening weekend brought in
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$222 million. it's like twilight with light sabers. movie insiders aren't sure what's responsible for the drop in sales. it can't help that adam driver looks less menacing playing the bad guy. and mark hail, i get that you are mad at president trump. but luke looks like he's mad at his personal train. he looks like the only time he uses the for us when he's ripping open a box of girl scout cookies. topic number four. romans are furious with the city's christmas tree which died and lost its needles two weeks after they put it up. the romans aren't kidding about this tree.
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it also sounds like pinocchio's shady uncle that nobody liked to talk about. that's for another time. fortunately one of the locals found a good use for the tree that makes everybody happy. now they are back to being mad at what really i pirks sses them off, the olive garden. the kardashian has gone to a $100 million tv extension. and they weren't putting up a nativity set because they couldn't finds three wisemen and a virgin. and the hits keep on coming a because khloe kardashian announced she is pregnant with thompson's baby. there is no word on when she is
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we will be able to study and analyze the flow of traffic. then, we will take all of that data and we use it to optimize the timing of lights, so that traffic flows easier and travel times are shorter. and sacramento is just the beginning. with advances in cameras, sensors, and network speeds, we have the ability to make cities smarter, and happier. what excites me about this technology is that we're using some of the most cutting-edge machine-learning, and ai, to help solve the most fundamental challenges that cities face around the world. who knew asphalt could help save the environment? (lani) and the possibilities are endless.
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facebook at kennedy nation. this our final episode before christmas pitch want to wish you and yours a happy holiday. >> lou: gpd evening, everybody. a major victrye for president trump and congressional republican. the house of representative approved the biggest overhaul of the tax code in 30 years and sending it to the president's desk where he is assuredly to sign it. we'll discuss the historic achievement with counsel to the president kelly ann conway. and democratic obstructionist threaten a government shutdown. there is a deadline of friday to pass legislation.
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