tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business December 23, 2017 6:00am-7:00am EST
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facebook at kennedy nation. this our final episode before christmas pitch want to wish you and yours a happy holiday. >> lou: gpd evening, everybody. a major victrye for president trump and congressional republican. the house of representative approved the biggest overhaul of the tax code in 30 years and sending it to the president's desk where he is assuredly to sign it. we'll discuss the historic achievement with counsel to the president kelly ann conway. and democratic obstructionist threaten a government shutdown. there is a deadline of friday to pass legislation. dozens of democrats are vowing
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to with hold their support unless children of illegal immigrants are protected of deportation. and more evidence of corruption of the highest echlon of the justice department. andrew mccabe playing dumb on who funded the discredited trump dossier despite the reported use of documents much the funding with mccabe's signature on them. we talk to matt gates. our top story president trump declaring victory and celebrating the passage of the tax reform. it's been an amazing experience. i have to tell you. it hasn't been done in 34 years, but really hasn't been done.
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we broke every record. >> lou: the president coming away with a cut in the corporate tax rate from 31 to 21 percent. a cut in the tax rate for and a doubling of the child tax credit and big reduction in taxes for small businesses. tax reform bill and eliminating the tax penalty in the obamacare individual man date. >> it is a lot of fun and win and you work hard and lose is not acceptable. >> lou: it was senate majority leader mitch mcconnell took the opportunity on the south lawn much praising the president. >> it is a year of extraordinary accomplishment for the trump administration. [applause] >> lou: well, orin hatch saying
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without any hesitation that this may be the greatest presidency in history. president trump turning his attention to a deal to keep the government funded. the white house is confident they will get a month long continuing resolution to keep government running until the 90th of january. our first guest here tonight to discuss the president's historic achievement and the tax measure. joining us is kelly ann conway, counsellor to the president. great to have you here and congratulations. it is an extraordinary achievement for the president and administration. >> and the country. the president looks at it as a big win for the country and hard working men and women of the nation. job creator and seekers and job holders and they deserve a break if they will be keeping more
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money. and he established himself as a paycheck president. there was an amazing ceremony and the president and house and senate and republicans in congress and the democrats didn't vote for the tax cut. but people are starting to see the relief in february in their paychecks and april 15th. they know they are facing the irs knowing that the tax code will be different. and filers will have a simpler way of filing the taxes and families will have more money to decide what to do. families making home renovation and giving charities and education. >> lou: & leaving that money in the pocket of the american taxpayer. it is a long time since we've had that opportunity. let's turn to this, what is
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likely to happen? >> because we've had a pretty good indicator all along. from the day the president is elected, we have watched 6 trillion be added to the equities market and seen the economy grow at rates that we were told by the previous administration that were no longer possible and we were talking about an administration that was thrilled to achieve something approaching two percent. already this president and this economy has posted two consective quarters or higher of economic growth and third quarter, and more economic growth and adding to the stimulus of the historic tax cut, it is certainly an intriguing thought to contemn plate what lies ahead for the economy. >> and so many americans see this. they feel tell and see it in the
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401k's and investment they look at stock market numbers and they realize that consumer confidence and stock market itself are just sky rocketing and this is the centerpiece. and you look at the energy and he saw the alaska delegation. >> lou: we'll be here a long time. if you taublg about it. >> kimming off the obamacare man date. >> lou: you are still in campaign mode and we are not even a year through the first. >> lou, it is so disappointing, people wasted a year and nay sayers wasted a year trying to relitigate the congressman. >> the dems on the left look like the no nothings that they are and bitter and ineffectual
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and hapless fools. no way to describe to talk about collusion dmon sense whether it is the fbi and investigating committees in the house or senate. they appear utter. and senator chuck schumer what does he have to show? >> they are holding up, and resist and a shame no democrats support the historic tax package. no one here is compaining or governs. an bar and repealing obama. >> lou: don't apologize for me to campaign. >> i am not apologizing. >> lou: i love the fact that president campaign and he governs and delivers. >> he does. >> lou: and to hell with the
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expectation of the left wing media. >> it goes beyond the left wing media. critics spent the year talking about last year's campaign. look how the market responded and look at what at&t did today. the moment it passed and the president was taken to the south portico. at&t announced they would give 10 1000 to the employees and everyone said we'll go noglobal recession and companies will not do what is right. they have done exactly that and everyone wants to respond and invest in employees. we'll get wealth back to the country and get jobs back. it is it a turning point. top is very exciting and people remember that it was this president's leadership and ability to deliver. not only on the campaign process but the imperative.
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>> lou: the great thing was the smiling faces behind president leader of the free world and two of them belong to paul ryan and mitch mcconnell. they found that they can life in prisonly -- live, lively. and look at the potential of the leadership. and now the fights under way to keep the government running because of the fools who want to shut it down, are you kidding? because they want to fund programs for illegal immigrants? what is going on here? >> it is going to be hard for them to do this in the midst of the historic tax cut. >> lou: how can they say that with a straight face? >> we hope it will not be partisan and petty way of us
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funding our military and programs and obligation. the cr comes next and we are confident that we can keep the government running as you said in your opening statements. i can't imagine a year mark would with petty politicals and collusion and the rest that the losing team will shut down the government. everybody saw what happens when a president of action and resolve and delivery works with members of his party and works with the house and senate. >> lou: the president, his chief of staff john kelly meeting with a group of senators including marginal senators and they hold official status and talking about daca as if they are prepared to extend amnesty to what would be 5 million by
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estimates that might be misreported. >> general kelly is doing an amazing job. >> lou: i think so. it is so stipulated. >> we are working on 2018 in the white house. the president put forth a bold and robust 70 point immigration plan and daca and wall is part of that. >> lou: amnesty is part of that? i am confused. we know one thing from history. every president who talked amnesty before border security lived through the consequences to his regret. surely this administration would not fall for such a thing. >> this is not every president. he is unique. >> lou: i am aware of the order of the presidency. and i am asking you a question. >> which is?
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>> he wouldn't make the mistakes of the past and try to put amnesty ahead of border security? >> no, i will say no to that. this president ran on board security and once the wall is built and more to the point. we have a 70 point plan. >> lou: are you suggesting they didn't. kelly, you are the most -- friend i have in the white house. sometimes you pick fights. >> no. >> lou: which of the part 70 point plan. >> america needs to realize it is border security. >> lou: who prototypes do you favor? >> look i favor buildinged the wall. iceeges and merit base and end of chain migration.
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lou low and every american loves the country. >> the president talked about it in front of the public. and no one chain migration and that ends. it is a big robust plan and 2018 is around the corner. >> lou: i think we have a countdown going right now. thank you so much. >> thank you and merry christmas. >> thank you. stay with us, this is just beginning here. the house intelligence committee issued new subpoenas after intergrating the fbi director andrew mccabe. we'll discuss the mccabe conflicts of interest and the efforts of the deep state to carry out a coup of president trump. and fisherman waiting for hours for the perfect catch and some are at the right place, at the
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mccabe's tell was riddled with contradictions and inconsistencies. that committee will not say who else will be called or issued subpoenas. but mccabe's attorney bruce ohr, may be right at the top of the list. joining me now, republican congressman matt gates was florida who sits on the judiciary and armed services committee. congressman, great to have you with us, and i swear every time we talk, it is it as if we went another dimension in the twilight zone when it comes to trying to get honesty and forth rightness out of the intelligence agencies that are for whom you have oversight on capitol hill. mccabe must be a complete idiot to contradict and be
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inconsistent of what he's been. >> the good news is, that american people know the truth. they know the probe is riddled with the conflict of intchlt the mueller investigation is a kesz pool. and only way to disinfect it is with sunshine. we don't need closed doors. we need the hearings under oath and in the public and so the american people can see whether or not their taxpayer was used to co-mingled with the russian and dig up false information on the president. and the american people need to know if it was dressed up as a dossier to spy on americans and people in the highest level. justice and fbi who harbor a bias against the president and willing to act to discredit the man we elected to lead the country. >> lou: how can anyone not say
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bravo do this, congressman gates. the american people need to know what is going on now. on every level it looks like utter most officials of the fbi and justice department are crooked as they can be. >> i am pretty new to the congress, but i noticed the fbi is dying to get members of congress to share information that is embarrassing to the fbi because we will not be able to talk about it with the american people. i don't think i am worthy of answers that american people were'ren't. and it is l money and their issue when the fbi gives the company with the wife of ohr money to work with the russians. it is entire that the narrative was made up to distract us with the real collusion between the
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democratic party and russian. >> lou: that is precisely what it looks like and looks like in the upper most levels of the fbi and department of justice has been working for somebody else and not the american people. >> that's the very text messages that peter strok was sending to his message. that hillary should win. and he would be the insurance policy and he had a plan and he was praising his mitt tress for hatching the plan innandy's office and andrew mccabe will testify before the judiciary tomorrow and that will be behind closed doors. i call on congressional leadership and colleagues to demand answers not only for us but the american people and drive the reforms to make sure it never happens again.
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we need transparency and over sight and never need to empower a fbi or special counsel to incurate a group of people who have a bias against one person and for another. >> lou: i couldn't agree with you more. street on the poll and do you believe that the desperate dems so hate president trump that they would shut down the epitire government if only they could? cast your vote on lou dobbs and roll the video and watch as an asian carp, woah. never knew it was easy to catch fish. leaping out of the missouri river. and on the misher men an boat. and want it nearly hit the fisherman in the face. that thing would pack a whallop.
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that is no minor fish. we'll be right back. much more ahead. stay with us. loupe lou the president's attorney said special counsel robert mueller illegally obtained thousands of kouments. >> i can't imagine anything is on them frank leap. as we said there is no collusion. >> lou: how much longer should america put up with a biassed and special investigation by a special counsel. we'll take that up. >> and disturbing new revelations about the obama administration. new reports that former president obama gave a helping hand to hesbollah in order to secure a nuclear deal with iran. who was president obama working for? we'll have the full report now next, stay with us.
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>> lou: president trump's attorneys are criticizing special counsel's mueller's tactic and saying they are unethiccal. mueller obtained thousands of emails from a tronzition team. one attorney said those emails were illegally obtained and violated and the fourth amendment protection against unreasonable search and seizure. for now president trump has no intention much firing robert mueller. kevin cork has the report. >> reporter: it was a three word response. >> no, i'm not. >> reporter: president trump's answer to the question of whether he will fire robert mueller came from jackie spear. >> i believe that the president wants all of this shut down and wants to fire special counsel mueller. and the rumor on the hill when i left yesterday was that the president would make a significant speech in the end
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of next week and on december 22nd when we are out of dc, he would fire robert mueller. >> reporter: spears comments echo a off used narrative by the tv. >> is he setting the stage. >> no. >> there's no way. >> there is not from the white house, jud. we have cooperated with the investigation. >> that cooperation is become strained by the revelations that the mueller team used the general service to gain access to e-mail and prosecutors used them to question witnesses in the russian probe and law makers accused the gsan and mueller team of unlawful conduct that undermines the presidential transition act of 1983.
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they used pcb pbt comand privileged communication. special council office said we have obtained in the e-mails in the ongoing course of criminal. we secured the appropriate process. let me tell you what a lawyer said about using the e-mail. there is no expectation of privacy when you use one. still sharing that information with russian investigators without notifying the trump team set off a furious debate in waissue wash over the ethiccal and legal justification of such a move, lou. >> lou: it is interesting that someone would take the word of a gsan attorney and secondly do so to the disadvantage of the
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president of the united states. they were hired of course, by president obama administration. kevin cork, thank you so much. washington times opinion edout are and charlie hurt. great to see you. wouldn't you like to hear the doc interpretation. law? >> they got it completely wrong by claiming that website sdmnt have privacy is completely wrong. there are tens of thousands e-mail addresses in the united states capitol and senate and house and there is a total preassumption of prevs an on all of those unless they get stolen unless congress has information that applies to the everything else in the government. it is bogus.
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>> and i said by the way, tpp, i pit ptt. and my transition team confused i guess. we'll turn to jackie spear. she has inside track on whether or not president trump will fire someone? she and adam shift. i get the feeling they live on the staple block in the same community in california somewhere, don't you? >> yeah, yeah. i think it is so funny when these again i didn'tses who are wrong about everything about donald trump always come out and claim to be an expert in his thinking and know what he will to and have a secret sauce and they couldn't understand anything let alone all of the issues that the guy ran a campaign on and blew the republican and democrats out of the water and ended up winning
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the presidency. i find it amusing when these people come forth and fretend to be a trump whisperer. and they are kind of ridiculous. >> lou: i would find it more amusing if adam shift could aroid looking like a stark raving scared to death deer in the head lights of an oncoming locomotive. he gets excited and then said nothing but cnn nothing and they transscribe his every word. >> you would be terrified, too, if you launched a boomerang special prosecutor after donald trump thinking that is all that would come out of it was collusion with russia and it turns out the only thing that we manage to be able to hear about coming out of the thing is the
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collusion between the bark obama and democrats and the kremlin to deny trump the presidency in the first place. hugh lou who would have dreamed at the onset of all of this that the collusion is between the obama administration, the dnc, and clinton campaign and oh, yes, throw in a fusion gps and their erstwhile smear merchants and add the stir with the kremlin and you have a concoction that they went after? >> you really do. two and half years ago donald trump was saying they would not be sure he would accept the outcome of the election. he of the was hooted off of the stage for saying a ridiculous thing. and here we are now, lou, and all of these things turn out to
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be true. >> lou: and james clapper and john brennan in particular how they are doing. they obviously had in the forefront of their minds is the united states and not a partisan view of president trump, president of the united states? >> they have a lot of allies in the federal bureaucracy and those people are still we know from, to this day, those people are working furiously behind the scenes to thwart the president in terms of his agenda, but also in terms of you know, trying to pin anything on this guy. and i think they will stop at nothing. i think it is it like the night of the living dead with all of the zombie bureaucrats walking around and you can't kill them. >> lou: it will be interesting to see what does bring them to
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a close and end if you will, because mike morel acting cia director first of the intelligence community, you call them zombies, and i will not go that far, he is first to say basically i am sorry and we overreacted and took on donald trump when we shouldn't and treated him harshly and badly and means that the intelligence community is acknowledging at least in part in the person of mike morel unfortunate actions on the part of the ic, to say the very least. >> yeah, it is terrifying. >> lou: charlie, thank you so much. up next, shocking new revelations about the disastrous iran nuclear deal, how president obama sold out u.s. security and permitted bowl pole to secure one of the worst deals in u.s.
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deal. >> today the united states with our ally and partners, has reached historic understanding with iran. >> reporter: at what cost was the nuclear deal with iran reached? the obama administration in an effort to reach the agreement curtail would efforts to interdict cocaine from hesbollah. and it is known that hesbollah was active in the lat inner american drug trade. a dean official told operational casandra to stop the hesbollah drug trade was curtailed. >> for some unknown reason, we seem to have milszed out on one opportunity after another and seem to have forgotten about the importance of disrupting the supply chain. >> when they sought approval for
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significant investigations and prosecutions and arrest and official sanctions, officials delayed or hindered or rejected their request. >> we pull out of the iraq because iranians want us out of there and political president obama has no interest. and from 2009 january to the entire eight years of obama administration hands off going to do with the iranian and their proxies. >> reporter: several officials did not respond to our request for a comment. a spokesman for obama said the administration was hard through sanctions and law enforcement actions. >> reporter: the trump administration reflected sober comments from secretary mattis. everywhere you find turmoil, you find iran's hand in it.
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loupe lou in our on line poll we asked last week do you think we should make the fbi smaller and more transparent rather than couplersome and corrupt. 97 percent of you said yes, i agree with you. joining me now is greg jarret. the special counsel tip toes up throughout the tulip and comes up with transition emails >> there is a reason why americans have no confidence in mueller. he's biassed and the entire investigation is tainted because they realize what is going on here. and mueller approved it as we learned this weekend, he illegally obtained in my judgment documents he was not entitled to and did it without a warrant or subpeona and just by a letter of the gsa>> lou:
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they are helping out the special counsel. >> they had no authority. they are not owners of the records. the owners of the record are the tranition team and by agreement with the outgoing government they are private and secured and supposed to be destroyed. >> lou: the gsa spokesman said if you want this, mr. mueller it is your and don't worry about president trump and his people? >> i think a career service gsa didn't know better and got bamboozled and if you obtain evidence like that, illegally, it is automatically suppressed under the exclusionary rule and if there are privileged document and mueller's team looked at them and they did under the law, they are to be disqualified.
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>> lou: they were basing their questions on them? >> it is surprising because mueller could have gotten a subpeona and warrant and then avoids the appearance of illegality. loupe lou even the privileged. >> the law said you set up a taint third people that segregates. >> wouldn't you know our legal system has something called a taint team. and others argue the mueller team is a tainted team. >> it is a tainted team. missing the ed on that. and they didn't even do that according to the transition team. and if that is true, everybody on the mueller special counsel team saw the document and arguably all should be dismissed. >> lou: will they be so dismissed or will they play fair or is it the the fix in?
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>>ment fix could be in and so many different ways. congressman used to get victim offed and demand answers for mum mueller. >> lou: shouldn't there be a vestige of integrity from the special counsel? shouldn't they say i have a higher duty to the law and i should recognize the conduct and behavior here. and therefore, i will assert my own sense of integrate on this? >> but no, he is an optoor tunist in the moment. >> it suggests a secure bias and a corrupted political agenda out to get the president and all we need to do is look at the fbi's agents e-mail. >> we have plenty of guidance. look at andrew wise man's e-mail. >> and mueller hired. jenny ray who represented hillary clinton, and she's on
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the special counsel team. >> and bruce ohr and his wife. this is the forgive me, the taint team is a huge team and if the justice department leadership and fbi leadership and the special coup. there is no surprise left for any of our viewers. if i say tonight, the taint team is a special counsel and the lettership is the fbi. and they know that. people who are not concerned about it are those who lead the u.s. congress and senate and would have a voice including the special counsel himself who is supposed to be a man much integrate. and i think the addition to congress. the trump transition team can go to a federal judge and say dismiss mueller. >> lou: we are tired of the law.
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>>in am doing it 35 years and i am really tired of the world. >> lou: greg, thank you so much. up next.president takes the tax cut victory lap and the defeated tems cry foul. we'll talk to businessman herman cane right after this. stay with us. fisher investments avoids them. some advisers have hidden and layered fees. fisher investments never does. and while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management. jardiance is the only type 2 diabetes pill proven to both significantly reduce the chance of dying from a cardiovascular event in adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease... ...and lower your a1c.
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described yourself as cautiously optimistic about the passage of the tax legislation. that was at a time when being optimistic there was nothing cautious about it and here we are, it is a reality. >> it is a reality. and i said cautiously optimistic, because remember, it only took one senator on repeal and replace to basically deep-six the whole thing. and with all of the senators in the united states senate, republicans wanting to get a little bit for their state, you couldn't say you were extremely optimistic. but the good news is, all of the hold outs, got something that they wanted without watering down the major poprovisions of the tax reconciliation act of 2017, i am so elated, lou, because i have talked about this
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over ten year and now finally seeing it. >> lou: and now small business. and people talk about small businesses as if it doesn't factor in the employment machine. but small continuous creates 90 percent of the jobs in this economy whether anybody wants to admit it or not. this looks lake like a positive driver for jobria creation as had. your thoughts? >> it is estimated that there are 30 mill yorn pass through peopling and they ail hire people. and it is huge for the credit aegz of businesses and jobs in this country and put that together with the improvements and the top tax rate for the entire cooperation, lou, this is huge. i go back to when i served on the kemp commission for economic
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growth and tax reform. and that was 1996, and today, we finally, we finally have legislation that is dramatic, very dramatic compared to what was done for the last 30 years. this is the win for the american people. not just the congress. and not just the president. >> lou: and you have to love the fact that the president talks about prosperity for all americans and not talking about trickle down economics. but child tax credit and talking about cutting taxes across the board. and people with. narrowest of victories are those folks sitting their at 39 percent >> right, and the people who keep saying, democrats, that is, that this this doesn't help the
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middle-class, they e tain seven brackets. but the first five all go down and unless you are higher than 32 percent. you are going to get reduction in your taxes. excuse me. >> and this is a great deal. >> this is a great day and also set the stage for when we look at combine with what president trump has continue and further reduce regulation. this is on the verge of becomingard in less than a years, mr. trump is putting a very clear standard out there which is america's open for business. and we'll do a the on the of business. we have to give you the last word and take off. >> alm i would say is, the reason the democrats are so much up in arms is because of all of
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the results that this president is producing with his leadership and the positive tone from the top. that's why they are up in arms. >> lou: herman, thank you. thanks for having you with us, good night. >> ...meets a cutting-edge furniture designer. >> there was a lot of synergy when the two of them came together. >> he fills one home with ultra-modern pieces. then another and another. >> they jumped on it. they puked on it, they came in from the swimming pool and sat on it. >> when he's gone, his heirs are in for the surprise of a lifetime. >> and it rachets up, and it rachets up. i'm sitting there next to my son, slapping his leg, going, "matthew! matthew! matthew!" [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ] [ bird caws ]
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