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tv   Bulls Bears  FOX Business  December 24, 2017 6:00am-6:31am EST

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thanks for watching "strange inheritance." and remember -- you can't take it with you. >> as we proceed to the holiday, they're telling us this is our christmas present, and do you know what they're doing with it? it's going to be christmas hangover debt and they're putting it on the credit card and adding $2.3 trillion to the federal debt. merry christmas. >> [applause] dagen: democrats saying the republicans christmas gift to america will only run up america 's debt. we'll get to that lawmaker's fuzzy mess in a second but first look at this. the actual cost of those tax cuts is 1.5 trillion bucks. that's what critics say they're worrying about. but they're not worrying about this, our deficits are set to rise by 10 trillion bucks without doing anything at all.
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is that the real worry hi everybody i'm dagen mcdowell, this is bulls & bears. the bulls and baser this week gary b. smith, jonas max ferris, john layfield and chuck rocha. welcome to everybody. gary b., are these democrats worrying about the wrong thing? >> well they're worried about 1.5 trillion to the deficit which i disagree with but here is the problem. the debt is forecasted to be over the next few years $88 trillion. it's inescapable and here is why $0.92 of every dollar the government takes in they spend on entitlement programs, social security medicare and medicaid plus interest, do you know what those are forecast to increase over the next few years social security 62% medicare 73% medicaid 45%, dagen? the problem is not tax cuts. it's not tax revenues. the problem that we have this
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big entitlement program moving through, increasing increasing over the next 10 years, if you include state and local spending , the government total federal state and local will spend half of everything we produce. that's the problem. >> dean: i'd like to see those democrats stepping up and talking about cutting spending. >> well i'm glad to see democrat s who are concerned about deficits and concerned about the national debt. you know this shouldn't be a partisan issue and i hope that republicans will take the mantel of fiscal conservatism on in 2018 and that they will address many of our entitlement problems , our spending problems because we have a national debt and we have deficits year-over-year over year not because americans are taxed too little but because washington spends too much and i think the american people understand that, so cutting spending has to be a priority. dagen: well john where were the democrats a year ago worrying about that 10 trillion and additional deficits over a
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decade? >> they were nowhere. they were nowhere since 2000 when the debt doubled under president bush and doubling under president obama and as the great philosopher ricky bobby once said with all due respect the only thing that is bipartisan in d.c. is in competence and there's no nice way to say this. this dog and pony show is nothing but a bait and switch. we're talking about having $32 trillion in a federal deficit in 10 years and all they're arguing about is this $1.5 trillion if it is 1.5 trillion, some say one, this dynamic scoring is fuzzy at best you're ignoring 96% of the debt that is going going to be out there. this is simply covering up years and years of mismanagement of this country's finances and understand this. $32 trillion if you have a normal interest rate we're going to pay $1.6 trillion in only 10 years on debt interest alone. think about what that could go into for schools we'll have no
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money for anything but entitle ments and deficit spending nothing else. dagen: well check i want to bring up your brethren from the top of this segment. i'm not sure how he gets to that north of $2 trillion. maybe he's factoring in some of these tax cuts don't expire but that ain't how the law is written. >> well you know what's interesting in washington d.c., if you've got a lobbyist or a team of lobbyists this tax bill is pretty good for you because your lobbyists have been working hard for you. back to gary b.'s point about the debt i've spent this whole week in south florida and the rates on those have gone up because the national parks don't have no money but we have enough money to give all these tax cuts to these corporations. now if it stimulates the economy i'll be the first one to jump on the stool and talk about it as a small businessman but i think we can walk and chew gum at the same time and we should be doing things that helps everybody instead of just a few. dagen: jonas, here is one thing. we will never close the annual budget deficit unless we grow
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revenue and grow the economy faster than its been growing over the last decade. revenues only been growing the last two years when the deficit has grown at 1%. it should be growing at 3-5% during an expansion. this is how we get there. this tax reform. >> i will say first of all i'd like to congratulate chuck on his new show animal planet everybody liked that. >> [laughter] >> going to be amazing. >> i'd also like to say look i'm for this corporate tax cut but bottom line is it's a 15% move in the wrong direction on the deficit. yes we needed a corporate tax rate similar to other countries for cop pet eever reasons but it's only half the game. these other countries have other taxes to make up for lower corporate taxes. germany is running a surplus and we're going in the hole because we're not in a recession we should be doing the same thing. it's not because they have low corporate taxes but because they have a near 20% value-added tax and we'll have to have the taxes on the other side of these other countries if we have a corporate tax rate similar to other
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countries that's what we move into next in addition to cutting entitlements as well in good times. dagen: gary b., this is what jon as is saying we need more taxes to give all that money to the government because they can't cut anything and even mitch mcconnell said after this tax bill was passed, gary b., mitch said i'm not touching social security and medicare next year. >> it's ludacris. i guess if you have the feeling that like i'm sure chuck does that the government should be momma bear and we give our money and they take care of us then maybe we should give all or 100% of what we make to the government because they know best but the problem here is, chuck, even if we gave, even if i was taxed at 100% and everyone else has, it still wouldn't fix the problem. you talk about helping everyone out there. what are you talking about helping the people that already don't pay any federal income tax they already get help through child assistance, through tax
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credits through social security through medicare through medicaid and stuff like that. we're talking about people that actually pay taxes, but the problem is it's not taxes. you have this thing called social security that was not started out to be a person's sole income but slowly along the way we've allowed the government through default as john would say through being numskulls to be mother and papa bear and take care of everyone. that has to stop and if it doesn't in we're happy with that then you have to be content with being that way. dagen: if you even say medicare you've got them running against you in the midterm election. medicare the hospital fund runs out of money in about 11 years and benefits automatically get cut to $0.88 on the dollar why isn't somebody standing on the floor of the house screaming to high heaven about that? >> you don't see republicans talking about this deficit but i guarantee you the political
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consultant in six months we'll be talking about the same thing gary b. is talking about and talk about it being on social security medicare because a lot of working folks who paid payroll taxes like my father rely on social security. we made a promise to these people sure let's run it more efficiently. i'm not saying we should be papa bear, i know a lot about bears because i run a wildlife show but the things we should be doing is taking care of those people we made a promise to. dagen: john final word to you. >> look i like chuck is talking about wildlife is pretty much chuck's normal lifestyle not necessarily bears, but the problem we have is not revenue. we're at 19% of revenue for revenue coming into the treasury for gdp. that is about all the economy can take. we went to 3.2 trillion under president obama and we're still running a $800 billion deficit. you had add 100% value-added text these people in congress cannot balance a checkbook and the more money they get they
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spend twice this much. we're looking at $32 trillion in 10 years . this tax bill whether it's paid for or not is a fraction of that problem and a small fraction less than 4%. dagen: if you earned it, it's your money it ain't the governments. thank you, guys and gals. cavuto on business about 20 minutes from now neil what have you got? neil: hi dagen it's alive. it's alive. you've heard about it right democrats saying the gop created a big old financial monster with his tax plan but some companies are confident it could bring us all back to life and president trump is saying you don't back us up, we don't open up our wallet. a key vote this week might have some u.n. members cutoff for good. we'll see you soon. dagen: thank you neil. we can't wait. but up here first, president says he's not firing special council robert mueller, so why do some of the mainstream media keep insisting he might?
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launch. i'm leland vittert now back to
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bulls & bears. dagen: president trump and the white house keep saying it. special council robert mueller isn't getting fired, so why does the media keep harping on it? john you say you know why. >> i do. it's because they didn't get what they wanted look many people were predicting indictments for president trump. they they're predicting evidence of collusion with russia with president trump. there's been zero evidence so far. they're mad about that president trump has come out and called them fake news and it turns out that all they were predicting was indeed not true and they're mad about the fact they don't have something to report. there's been more evidence of secretary clinton with russia than there has of president trump and it's just simply the media got it wrong just like they got the polls wrong for president trump in the last elections. dagen: hadley, but lawmakers too keep bringing it up senator mark warner brought it up,
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congressman wrote a letter saying we're going to have to come back to washington if president trump fires mueller over the christmas holiday. >> yeah, talking about something saying something over and over again doesn't make it true but it does make it seem more important to members of the public who are listening and in media we learned there are various ways to bias a story. you can choose different words or have a different tone but you also show your media bias or bias as a lawmaker by choosing which stories to highlight and which ones to put on the front page and i'm afraid really what's behind this ultimately is the fact that many in the media don't want to talk about the fact that many corporations raise wages this week, offered christmas bonuses because the tax reform is going to be very successful in helping the american middle income workers and i don't think they want to talk about president trump's successful first year in office and his deregulation agenda so why not continue to talk about mueller and speculate there. dagen: chuck why do they keep bringing it up the possibility that trump will fire mueller, no
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i'm not no i'm not. >> we all work in this business a little bit i work in this business and we know that's good for ratings. it's good for their audience and they are talking about things that bring it back to john's point so when they are out there talkin it's one of the ugly things about wasngton d.c.s we're so hyperpartisan on the far right or far left with the media. if something h ge on here let's he a full invtigationat m. weave a free and open media and we should be tking about what matters andhisay matte it may not but let's do it in a truthful way. dagen: gary b., is it just to go to the president quite frankly? >> absolutely. chuck said we have a free and open media. we don't. we have a media that is actively rooting against trump. do you know why they keep bringing up he's going to fire mueller? they want him to fail. they want trump to fail desperately. they still cannot get over that he won.
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they still cannot get over being smarty pants or proved wrong in every poll. they want him to fail. do you know why? so the washington post can run a headline that says president trump fires only man that could bring him to justice. i guarantee that's what they're after. they're rooting for the demise of him and rooting in effect for the demise of america. i think it's despicable. they're anything but partisan that changed years ago. dagen: jonas, talking about mueller possibly getting fired it distracts from what we found out about some individuals working on this on the mueller investigation, and strzok with the fbi agent and nasty trump messages he was sending, andrew mccabe deputy head of the fbi couldn't give straight answers when he talked to congress behind closed doors earlier this week. this distracts from all of that. >> because there's enough real news and real reporting to be done on the story that you don't get to just do what you want to
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happen or what sounds like is going to happen. the whole thing vaguely reminds me of the article about obama not being born in america. it's like that's what it's doing the same thing to criticize the other side of doing as far as is trump going to have a massacre like nixon and everybody the same media that thinks they can do that says he watches tv all saturday night so he won't do both so it's not going to happen so it's not real articles or real research just reproducing stories. it's kind of lousy journalism. dagen: but gary b., i go back to this. it's not just the media this is being fed by democrats in the senate and in the house and that makes it that much more despicable. >> well, and add in not only media but the entertainment industry. now you have the matt damon of the world chiming in so now it appears on entertainment news, washington post, new york times, cbs, across-the-board. you have trouble reading these days a pro-trump article unless
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it's on fox news for that matter or the fox news website. dagen: and thank you gary b. for that. thanks guys and gals. trish what do you have coming up >> trish: dagen a new report says the russia investigation could dragon for another year. would that be a drag on the president's economic agenda for the entire year? we're going to talk about that plus maximum range over the minimum wage. 19 states getting set to raise their minimum pay and there are worries these hikes could force jobs to take a hike in 2018. cashing in, i'll see you at 11: 30. dagen: thanks, trish we'll be watching but up here, next forget the kids acting out, ivanka trump surprise visit to a public school causes some parents to act out. are they teaching all kids the wrong lesson?
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dagen: first daughter ivanka trump visiting a connecticut school this week with the ceo of ibm both successful women were promoting career education. the kids were said to be excited but some parents not so much. one even keeping their child at home for the day, hadley, you say that's not a good lesson to teach our kids. >> oh, it's a terrible lesson and sets a terrible example. we need to reclaim the art all of us as americans of agreeing to disagree when someone is saying something that you disagree with and by the way i don't think ivanka trump was particularly political or her speech was particularly political but let's say it was. someone is saying something that you disagree with the answer is not to plug up your ears and refuse to listen but to have an
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exchange of ideas, learn from one another, try to understand one another better, this is the opposite of what we should be teaching school age children. we can't expect them to grow up and be college students and have an open mind. dagen: gary b.? >> well look, you know i grew up in the time when i was in elementary school at john f. kennedy was president can you imagine, i don't remember the political part of my parents but in john f. kennedy came or robert kennedy or any of the kennedy kids came to our school my god it would have been thrill ing because it was the president of the united states, or the president's family. i agree with hadley 100%. as far as the college kids i'm afraid that ship has already sailed. my daughter is fairly liberal. i'm sure that if trump or his family came she might have walked out, maybe that's bad parenting and i think maybe that's the case here in this nor walk school bad parenting. >> michelle obama had the same
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problem and she was talking about food. do you know what? ivanka trump is not steve bannon and even if seen bannon was speaking at your stool are you supposed to expose your kids to different viewpoints doesn't mean they're being brain washed in one hour from one person. just let it happen, that's what school is all about it's not a big deal. ivanka trump is not the enemy and neither was michelle obama. dagen: chuck people need to get over themselves. i wait for gary b. to be like when i was a kid and this guy showed up at my school, i'm joking sorry gary b. these people have the right to do whatever they want to do with their kids. that's the greatest thing you can control, the only control you have over their kids is when they are little so you can explain to them whatever you want to explain to them that you own them for just a little bitten joy that. the boys are coming this weekend for christmas and i can't wait. dagen: [laughter] john? >> gary b. is right . the outrage is wrong here. you're mad because your guy didn't get elected president so you pull your kid out of school?
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forget the fact that america now the latest research is 38 out of 71 developed countries in math and science our education system has great teachers but overall is failing our kids and you're mad about the president's daughter visiting your school. give me a break. dagen: the left preaching tolerance, but showing in tolerance thanks guys. thanks hadley and chuck for joining us. happy holidays, tis the season for sneezing but maybe not for long one of our stock docks has a remedy to keep your nose from turning red while filling your wallet with a lot of green.
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dagen: predictions, gary b. go. dagen bitcoin is hot but the real game changer is artificial intelligence. google up 50% next two years. dagen: john? >> with 2 million users i think facebook gets in a big way stock is up 20% in a year.
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>> flu vaccine, proctor and gamble up 15% in a year. dagen: you need more john help me help me. merry christmas. neil is now. >> they're taking great credit for this accomplishment. well i call it a pure victory because it's a frankenstein. >> anybody familiar with frankenstein knows it was a creation a monster created. do you know the ending of the mary shelley's story? the monster comes back to destroy. neil: all right well democrats like nancy pelosi want you to think that the new tax cut will strangle the economy, but are we


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