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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  December 28, 2017 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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>> i have certainly hope so. lauren: that does it for john petrides. record close for the dow. [closing bell rings] s&p and nasdaq higher as well. david asman, lea gabrielle take over. "after the bell" starts right now. lea: more winning on wall street. closing brand new record high for the 71st time this year. most records for the dow any year in history. all major averages ending in the green, on track for the best year since 2013. i'm lea gabrielle in for melissa francis today. david: doesn't seem to stop. no ceiling on this. i'm aid as man. this is "after the bell" -- david asman. immigration, terrorism, unemployment, according to a new poll these are among key issues concerning americans as we head into the new year. we'll tell you what took the top to the and surprising fall of a topic once riding high now, at
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the bottom of the list. also, anti-trump publication, now under pressure from democrats. "vanity fair" apologizing for a video posting mocking hillary clinton. now the president is weighing in on this. wait until you hear what he has to say. winter weather walloping midwest and the east with arctic weather. it will get a lot worse before it gets any better. the latest on this, a lot more coming up this hour. lea: the dow hitting new highs, led my shares of united health and caterpillar and travelers. the ninth month in the green, the longest monthly winning streak since 1959. let's go straight to gerri willis on floor of new york stock exchange. for more what is driving markets today. hey, gerri. >> the dow up wow, you heard cheer behind me at the close. that is a record close, the 71st for this year. also the 71st for trump's administration. behind these gains unitedhealth,
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caterpillar. we're keeping eye on banking stocks. look at this. goldman sachs, bank of america, all these banks doing much, much better. why? because strategists are getting behind the sector saying these stocks will benefit from tax reform, interest rates go up. this is a sector to be in. also doing well today, amazon, up why? because we found out that 45 to 50% of all online sales during the holiday season went to amazon. amazing record. this is up from 38% last year. amazon making gains of 1.5% on the week. now i want to mention to you online sales, up overall as well, up 18%. we're seeing strength in banking, amazon, some of the ones that we've seen strengthen for the entire year. back to you,. lea: thanks, gerry. a new pa poll revealing health
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care is the top issue among americans. 43% say the health care is the issue government should focus on in the new year. the president and administration announcing plans to do just that. blake burman with details from the white house. hi, blake. reporter: what the administration considering rewrites of rules, health care plans would not have to have coverage for requirements of the affordable care act wrapped in it. this could come soon as next month with an executive order from the president. proponents say this leads to plans that are less expensive. however the critics say, elsewhere, the costs end up getting made up this leads to a huge hole in coverage. either way, what is going on now, going forward at least with republicans with this white house is trying to cut around the edges, or somehow cut into the affordable care act. and president continues to tout that he has been able to do it one way at least, with the tax bill, which gets rid of the individual mandate. >> included the repeal of the
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individual mandate where you have the privilege of paying a lot of money so you don't buy health insurance. most people thought should have been unconstitutional but we repealed it. reporter: as the white house looking forward possible health care changes. they have tax reform in the rear view mirror as we know, but irs jumped in yesterday with potentially some news that could affect a whole lot of people all across the country, especially in the high-taxed areas that are trying to prepay their 2018 property tax bill before the 10,000-dollar cap goes in next week. the irs essentially saying if you do not have a 2018 bill now you might not be able to take advantage of this deduction. the tax foundation says there a whole lot of questions to be settled with this one and litigation is potentially in the realm. >> i do think this will be an
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open question and i would expect to see litigation on this subject. unfortunately taxpayers that want certainty by the end of 2017 tax year we will not be able to provide that. reporter: everyone from the irs down says the advice is simple. if you're considering making one of these prepayments the first things you should probably do is call a tax professional. lea? lea: that cpa is your friend is the best friend. reporter: earning money now. lea: they are. david: let's bring in today's panel. todd horowitz host of the bubba trading show and i've been a proud guest and jared levy. senior strategist. i've been supportive of lowering tax rates. that is always a good thing when you give less money to the government. however, this is crazy. i've been getting notes and messages from my own tax accountant, he doesn't know. we're only couple days away from
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this new tax law. nobody seems to know how it works. >> hi, david. funny, i got a call from my accountant, pay your taxes. i paid them. i wonder if i did the right thing and i'm getting stuck. we need to get clarity. one of the problems they really don't have that much clarity on the bill either. that is one of the bigger issues nobody is talking about. we really settled for less. great to have tax cuts. i think we could have done bert and more clarity coming into the new year so everybody knows exactly what they need to do before figuring out what will happen next. david: jared, it's a joke this was advertised first as simplification of the tax code because it is anything but. we'll have a small business rep coming up later. if have your own business, there are 20 different possibilities where you fit in with the tax code. how you deduct a certain proportion of your own income as opposed to business -- it's a mess. >> it gets complicated. you got to learn, what is it
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like 600 plus pages of code. all the tax professionals, by the way i'm getting same calls, my friends, literally on the studio today. hey, should i pay my taxes now? here at the office. talk to someone professional. you're right, david, all of these nuances are not going to just create delay, but it will cost money. it will cost money to the consumer. they may have to pay more. people will be reluctant getting back to investing. people are reluctant to put more money into the markets until they figure out what are the real ramifications of these changes in 2018. that could be a hiccup. david: on other hand, todd, we had a new record high. it floated along until the end of the day, people said, what the heck, if taxes are lower, we'll get in no matter how complex it is. >> david, the markets will go up as long as they go up and we pigeon hold -- david: can i quote you on that? the markets will go up as long as they go up.
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>> that is a great quote. we've been pigeon hold into one asset class, because of fed we're pigeon holed by the fed. unless you want to play with bitcoin and you're gambling. right now we can only trade with equities. every loose dollar somebody has will go to the equity market. that is why the markets continue to go up. i predict we'll have 3% move to the downside in area. whether or not we correct is up in the air, we'll have the panel back in a moment. lea. lea: apple spacing a class-action lawsuit for allegedly slowing down iphones. despite that ceo tim cook and top executives are taking home some big raises. hillary vaughn with more from the l.a. bureau. hillary? >> lea, tim cook ending 2017 with an influx of cash after apple gave him a massive pay
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raise, raised over $100 million in total including a 74% bigger bonus than he got last year. the company also revealed in their regulatory filings the ceo gets to travel by private jet on company dime, even for personal vacation. he gets his own security detail. the new year bringing new problems for the ceo. cook is facing a depressed demand for apple's most expensive new iphone in 2018 tech analysts lowering first quarter sales, apple slashed output by 30 million units. apple's trail of new devices had their worst debut of new phones in the past four years. in 2014 apple's new models ate up 91% of new iphone sales with only 9% of consumers opting to buy older models but this year, apple's 8, 8 plus and 10th anniversary device only dominated 69% of sales with the rest choosing older devices.
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as apple faces fadings hype for their new phones they're facing up with angry iphone users in court after the tech giant admits they have strangled battery life on older device, several class action lawsuits pop up in california, new york and illinois. the suits say apple scammed users thinking they needed to upgrade to a new phone, instead of just replacing the battery but apple is defending the move saying limiting battery life helps old phones live longer which they say helps out icers in the long run. lea? lea: hillary vaughn thank you. let's bring back the panel to react, todd horowitz and jared levy. todd, start with you, tim cook got 47% in raise, with pay and stock bonuses. is this fair? >> it is fair whatever you can get. one thing i know about living in the country, free markets, if they are free, you get what you can get. they gave it to him. obviously sales represented what they wanted to give him even
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with problems with battery in the last quarter. they still gave i am had the money and entitled to every every penny of it? lea: what do you think, todd? >> gerri, the stock is up 49% for the year. investor are reactionary. they're screaming it doesn't, at the point where i am right now everything is okay. i think if the stock starts to falter, if these numbers come in weaker, if the stock backs off to 140, 130 in that realm pressure is on for tim cook. with the stock up 49%, he deserves a 47% raise. as much as i'm not happy it is justified. >> i switched your names by x apologize. going back to todd, i want to ask what is tim cook going to need to do to get going in the new year? talking about lawsuits, issue of slowing iphones and just the hype issue? >> i think they have a problem. i think they're actually falling
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into the problem that microsoft fell into years ago and they're becoming too stagnant. what have they innovated and developed over last 10 years since the iphone. they need to get more into innovation. i think they missed the ball on the apple tv. i think they missed the ball on new, the device from amazon, with the talking, forget what it was called, but whatever. they missed any new innovations. that is a bigger problem for them. that may be the thing that causes them to reinvest themselves a little bit. until they do that they could have problems in the forward. lea: we'll see what is happening in 2018. thank you, todd and jared. david: new u.s. spy satellite images what appears to be china illegally selling oil to north korea. retired navy captain chuck nash on what this means and how the u.s. should respond right now. lea: both republicans and democrats claiming key advantages going into the midterm elections, who has the
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edge now? we'll discuss. david: "vanity fair" apologizing for this video of young people offering new year's resolutions for hillary clinton, to prevent her from running for president ever again. now president trump is responding. >> to disable autofill on your iphone so typing an f doesn't become, form exploratory committee for 2020. ♪ cold with a snap, with zicam.
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david: heading into 2018 what are americans top concerns? health care, immigration -- taxes immigration, environment and education. the bottom line, president trump, unemployment, terrorism at the bottom. here is dan henninger from "wall street journal." he is fox news contributor and noelle nikpour a gop fund-raiser. dan, if the poll was taken after the tax bill reform was signed that taxes would be up there. not that they want higher taxes they want their tax rates to go down but it is a pretty confusing tax code turns out. >> it is pretty confusing but one of the things most people
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thought before the tax bill was passed, that they wouldn't get a tax cut. that 80% of the people will get a tax cut. there is a lot of misinformation, david, i looked at that associated press poll about people's concerns. i have a few concerns about that poll and polling in general these days. if you ask people if the country is going in the right direction the numbers are not that good, but republicans by 80% think going in the right direction. democrats, 8%. the partisan divide in this country is so huge now, it is skewing a lot of data that is coming out of these opinion polls about people's concerns. david: noelle, i think one reason why the opinion polls no matter what they judge opinion about are wrong. they got it so wrong in 2016 for the elections. >> yeah, that's right. >> i agree 100%, i agree with what dan said. i think it is actual big business to not work with the
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other side and to be, you know, to be divided so to speak. i think a lot of people do not put a lot of faith in some of these polls. you go all the way back to the election when they thought hillary clinton had it in the bag and it overwhelmingly went to trump. a lot of people, go back to numbers looking at the cbo scores. numbers, numbers and the american public are not really jiving anymore like they used to. when somebody hears a number, they are skeptical about it. i think that -- david: i do have to credit this poll with, the issues that are closest to people's day-to-day lives, like health care, taxes, education, et cetera, they poll at the top, and ephemeral issues like president trump, go to the bottom five. racism, trump, i mean these are much harder to pin down to actions that happen in day-to-day life. so that part, noelle, i would think would be true.
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>> yes, you're right. what happens in everyday, everyday life? that is health care, health insurance, going to see a doctor, getting sick. that is taxes. now we got that figured out. the thing will be this. a lot of americans are in the dark, because they don't know how the tax plan will affect them. we're hearing all different kinds of stories. democrats are doing scare tactics as we're on health care on the flipside, when obama was president, you had a lot of republicans doing the scare tactics on obamacare. so i a lot of americans, once they get the rythym of something, they don't like change. but once they get the rythym of something, they know how exactly the tax plan will benefit them, i think they will be more inclined to think that america is moving in the right direction. david: let's hope so. meanwhile we move on to another topic. a new poll revealing college educated women prefer democrat-controlled congress over republican-controlled
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congress 62% to 30%. from a nbc news, "wall street journal" poll. with a lot of your concern about polls, i share them, how does the republican party attract more women? >> there is one example in my opinion as national fund-raiser raises money on the gop side. there is one answer, that is to get more like-minded, female candidates, get more women that, that women can identify with. small business owners, women that are leaders in even grassroots positions within the gop party. you have got to get a lot more women that can voice concerns of when, why the women are going over to the democratic side. so you have got to women that have delivering the message that appeal to other women. david: dan, let's get away from polls for a second. one thing about money that is clear. republicans have by six to one
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advantage, a lot more money than the democrats do right now. i am just thinking that that has, says a lot about democrats still distrustful seems to be totally disorganized and ineffective party? >> there is no question about it, david. i think in the last month, the democratic national committee had its first one-month fund-raising month in about nine years, some of the democrats out there are saying the big donors on the democratic side are saying we really see no reason why we should be giving to you. this is a big story, problems democrats having over on their side of the aisle and i think it has a lot to do with the democrats manifest drift to the left. a lot of big donors are i think getting nervous about the progressives taking oaf the party and pushing it into a place where it will be very difficult for them to win elections. david: also just a badly-run-instution, according to donna brazile. even hillary clinton said that. dan, noelle, thank you very
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much. we'll see you back here later in the hour appreciate you coming in. lea? lea: roy moore failing in his attempt this afternoon to delay election certification for doug jones in u.s. senate. alabama district court denied his last-minute lawsuit, disputing this month's special election results where he lost to jones. moore demanding a thorough investigation of potential election fraud was needed. the judge did not agree. doug jones will be sworn in as member of the senate by vice president pence on january third. david: that means 51-49 for republicans versus democrats in the senate. it is freezing going into the new year. you know that it is encroaching on the northeast and midwest. how long will the chilly temperatures continue? we have weather update. caught red-handed, tensions escalated between the u.s. and north korea. why china is being accused of breaking the law it agreed to, helping the rowing regime.
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captain chuck nash here to respond. >> they're feeling a little bit of the sting. they're probably funneling thing to north korea that they shouldn't. they're fighting a proxy war with us through north korea. d, malware attacks... actually, we just handled all the priority threats. you did that? we did that. really. we analyzed millions of articles and reports. we can identify threats 50% faster. you can do that? we can do that. then do that. can we do that? we can do that.
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david: carnage in kabul. multiple bombings rock afghanistan's capital killing at least 41 people, wounding more than 80. isis is claiming responsibility for the attack using one suicide bomber as well as other explosions. the target was a shiite muslim cultural center, as well as sunni agency. isis increasing activity in the war-torn country as it faces defeats elsewhere. lea? lea: defying international law. satellite photos showing chinese ships selling oil to north korea with president trump tweeting, caught red-handed. disappointed china is letting
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oil go to north korea. there will never be a friendly solution to the north korea problem if this continues to happen. we have retired lieutenant colonel chuck nash. >> good to be with you, lea. lea: you see illicit trade. you see coal going through russia. you see ship to ship transfers out at sea. chinese front companies for north korean companies. so what can the president do to put more pressure on countries like china? >> i think it is embarrassing for the chinese, not that really matters all that much. when those kind of regimes, whether you are sanctioned to allow these illicit trade deals to go on or whether just plain smuggling, either way not good when you get caught in black and white. that is exactly what happened. we caught them in full color. that doesn't look good for them and takes away from their prestige. more to the point, what can the president do? maintain course and speed.
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it is up to the north koreans and chinese and russians by pressuring the north koreans to change course. we can not change course. lea: captain nash, i don't think the russians and chinesely don't want that to happen. i think vladmir putin enjoys this and seeing american power diminish. we're trying to press on north korea and north korea continues to do what it wants to do? >> you know what? as long as there are no consequences they will probably think things are status quo just as they have been with previous presidents. i think they're making a grave miscalculation here. what happened is time. in the time from previous administrations how we handled it, look what the north koreans able to do with ballistic missile technology and proven nuclear weapons capability. there will not be a long line of people willing to forgive any president of the united states that allows a nuclear strike on this country, this president knows it. and pretty soon the russians and
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chinese are going to come to the stark reality that military action preemptive, military action is indeed a strong possibility. lea: you bring up preemptive military action and people talk a lot about that. china has a military defense agreement with north korea that goes to 2021, it reups for 20 years then. the issue we'll be moving to strategic deterrents using our nuclear triad to basically try to deter north korea? are we going to have to accept this? >> i think what is going to happen here, if this is allowed to continue, and i hope it doesn't, i hope the chinese and the russians -- the russians already agreed to help mediate this with discussions. lea: but don't you think that is a complete joke? >> no. i think what it is they're stalling for time. okay, they're stalling for time because again this can has been kicked just as far down the road as it can be and the next step is going to be something that takes down that capability,
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whether kinetic or non-kinetic, the united states, we're coming down to a point, you know. we know longer have the maneuvering room side to side. this is coming to a point. that is where the chinese and russians who share a border with north korea have to realize that anything that happens up there in the north is going to directly affect them. lea: maybe some time to really be policing the seas right now. captain chuck nash, nice to see you. thank you. >> my pleasure, lea, california's wine country wants people to know they are open for business after the devastating fires. plus new year's resolutions for hillary clinton didn't go over very well and of course president trump had something to say about this take a listen. >> take up a new hobby in the new year. volunteer work, knitting, improve comedy, literally anything that will keep you from running again. ♪
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lea: wine country hit hard. at least the perception is. napa and sonoma counties only small percentage of area's wineries were damaged or destroyed by wildfires. they want tourists to know they're open for business. fox news's adam housley is in napa with the latest. adam. reporter: seven wildfires roared through california destroying 9,000 structures. the industry is dealing with a possible second blow. here at signorelli winery, we stood here and watched it basically burn to the ground. there is vacant lot, they hope to build in two years. for many in the region their wineries were not affected and many are not coming back in numbers they were. >> we will rebuild and we know it will be a nice building again and we have faith. reporter: there are more than 600 wineries in napa or sonoma county 22 were destroyed so the numbers are cleared. if you drive around napa or
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sonoma you don't know where the fires are. unfortunately the fires destroyed some neighborhoods. many of the neighborhoods are people that worked in the wine industry and need to keep their jobs in order to rebuild. >> most people are very surprised. they're expecting to see charred areas, burned areas and, they are few and far between. reporter: while the news of the last month is about the thomas fire in southern california, the largest in state history in northern california, the october fires are the most destructive. some say that they could be the most destructive in the country's history. the cost here expected to be in the billions. in napa, california, adam housley, fox news. lea: thank you, adam. david: president trump delivered on tax reform. small businesses will get significant benefits new tax code, but, some are still hurting saying they should receive the same kind of tax cuts big corporations were offered, particularly when you consider there are 20 --
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29.6 million businesses in the u.s., defining those with 500 or less employees. we have hector barreto, former administrator of the small business administration. thanks for coming in. >> thank you, david. david: are you at all bitter that the big corporations seemed to get a better deal than the small companies? >> i wouldn't say about iter but we're kind of used to it. we're actually gratified they improved the bill in conference. not what the big guys are getting. as you know, anything that goes to the bottom line, goes right back into our businesses. so we're actually optimistic about next year. david: good, good. that is good to hear. a lot of small businesses are scrambling to deal with the new tax code. it isn't easy. there are so many ways to define yourself as business. you can be a sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability, limited liability company, we have a whole list of them and each one
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i will be treat ad little differently by this new tax code. >> that is absolutely right, david. very important to sit down with the financial advisor, your accountant, maybe you need to change the structure of your business. like you said, most businesses are pass-throughs. they pay taxes at individual rate. when you lower that rate down to 21%, that is almost half of what they were paying. so that is very, very important. but it is always a good time to do forward planning. there are going to be some things that are surprises to people. they will need to get their arms around it. but net-net, they are going to see more going to their bottom line and that is when the engine of america starts growing. so more jobs, more equipment purchases, more inventory, all the stuff we've been waiting for. david: again i love your positive attitude, but, i have to emphasize there are tax accountants that don't know exactly what's going on with this. and they're the ones who are supposed to be advising small businesses. one of them, quoting from one of
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many stories here, i can't believe this is going into effect in two weeks. a different corporate structure might make sense for even of my 800 different clients. you just got two weeks to figure this thing out. do you think the irs is going to give you a break? >> i'm not sure they are not going to give you a break but there are some things you can start doing right now. you can prepay things you know will be paid next year, as long as the check is written by the end of year, but not cashed, you can get credit. you don't have to make contributions to the retirement plan or ira until next april. you have a little bit of tile. a lot of accountants and cpas doing double duty because the phone is ringing off the hook. david: if they thought simplification would be mean fewer accountants they were dead wrong. i'm sure they are quite happy about that. hector, good to see you my friend. >> thank you, david. happy holidays. david: thank you. lea: 384 million bucks. that is the new powerball jackpot growing after no one hit last night's winning numbers.
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the next drawing is saturday. your odds of winning 292 million. david: don't let that stop you. lea: no. you got to play. several people in south carolina actually thought they won their state lottery. that dream was short-lived. because after glitch. a lottery machine generated a over abundance of winning tickets, prompting state officials to suspend the game. they're asking folks with the tickets to hold on to them until they figure out what happened. david: can you imagine? first of all get get a heart attack you won. you get a heart attack they will not pay out. you can't win sometimes. record cold shivering temperatures are going to continue to plunge across the northern half of the country but how long will this cold weather stick around? plus a massive security operation at times square. how the new york city police department is preparing to keep millions of people safe this new year's eve. >> out of an abundance of
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caution however, you will see a stronger police presence out there than we've seen even in recent years. the moment a fish is pulled out from the water, it's a race against time. and keeping it in the right conditions is the best way to get that fish to your plate safely. bacteria can multiply to high enough levels that even cooking it will not destroy all of them. it's definitely the most important thing in my business. how fresh is the fish? where it comes from? how it gets here. the more i know, the better. sometimes the product arrives and the cold chain has been interrupted, and we need to be able to identify where in the cold chain that occurred. we took our world class network and we developed devices
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to track environmental conditions. this device allows people to understand what's happening not only with the location of that asset, but also if it's too hot, if it's too cold, if it's been dropped... it's completely unique. we ship fish, beef, poultry, vaccines, insulin. this is about monitoring and protecting everything we ship. i catch all this amazing, beautiful fish and then once it's out of my hands, i have no control over what happens to it. if you have a sensor that can keep track of your product, it keeps everybody kind of honest that way. it's really all about the network. you are looking at trillions of transactions a year. not too many companies in the world can even scale to that type of volume. who knew a tiny sensor could help keep the food chain safe? food has to be fresh. it's that simple.
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lea: as new york city officials are preparing unprecedented security measures for the big night. fox news's bryan llenas is in chilly times square with the details. hi, brian. reporter: hi, lea.
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look, the nypd said this ultimately will be a secure event, among the safest places in the world. they emphasized there is no specific credible threat against the new year's eve celebration in times square or new york city. >> you will see an increase in heavy weapons, bomb squad personnel, radiological detection teams, our technology to include over 1000 cameras in and around the area of times square for the event. reporter: now that including will also be extra security personnel all of the hotels surrounding times square a response to worst mass shooting in u.s. history in las vegas. there will be multiple checkpoints. hundreds of thousands, over a million people expected to be here tomorrow, braving this frigid bitter cold. they will be lined up here. they have to get checked at least twice. random bag checks. dogs will be sniffing out bombs, trying to stop potential suicide bombers to keep that potential
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threat at bay. we on top of that preparations are continuing. the ball, crystal triangles were added to the ball. numbers were added. we'll have a confetti test tomorrow. in terms of this weather, i'm having a tough time keeping the words together. it will be 11 degrees, colder than it is right now when the ball drops. subzero windchill temperatures. this could be the second coldest new year's eve in the history of this event. first coldest was one degree in 1917. the second was in 1962, when it was just 11 degrees. as far as what people can do, you're on your own. multiple layers what they're telling you to wear. no warmers or lamps. nothing else the city is doing. they have extra ambulances on stand by than they ever had in case of things like hypothermia and frostbite which are very real. some people will be out here for 10 hours trying to get a prime spot to watch the ball drop. i'm only here because i'm getting paiding to do so.
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i would not be out here just to watch the ball drop, guys. lea: i have got to say, all the crowds are there because they want to be there, police, law enforcement, emergency services they're all there to keep everyone safe. i want to say a special thanks to them. special thanks to you, brian, braving the cold for us. thank you. reporter: no problem. david: he will be out there after 1:00 a.m. on new year's eve. lea: he is working hard. david: working very hard. caving to political pressure. "vanity fair" is now backtracking after posting a video that was mocking hillary clinton. why and how president trump is calling out the magazine coming next. cannot live without it.
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happened." what the hell happened? >> disable f app on autofill on the iphone so hitting f doesn't p.m. exploratory committee for to 20. >> take up knitting, improve comedy, literally anything that will keep you running again. >> put away your james comey voodoo doll. we do if you think jails comey cost you the election, maybe he did but a lot of other things. time to move on. lea: apparently not funny what some are saying in response to haven't at this fair's new year's plea to former presidential candidate hillary clinton. the magazine issued a response. it was an attempt at humor and we regret it missed the marks. here to respond so gop fund-raiser, and capri cafaro, former ohio state minority leader for the democratic party. good afternoon, ladies. they say it missed the mark.
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some say it hit the mark, the point is hillary go away. >> it was hilarious. i thought it was funny. a lot of people i talked to funny who were hillary supporters, thought it was absolutely cute. but the bottom line is this, "vanity fair," you remember they did a couple things on trump. they did analysis of his hair. it was not flattering. then they did analysis on his fingers which was not nice. they didn't issue an apology. they didn't have any regret for that one. but i really think that they are, they took a little fun. they how the it was a cute joke. bottom line, i think that they got some complaints or they were afraid that they weren't being too, you know, politically correct enough. and they issued an apology, which i think is just missing the mark. humor is humor. we shouldn't forget about that. lea: capri what do you think about this? should "vanity fair" have apologized? are they simply expressing some hillary clinton exhaustion? >> well, first in regards to
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apology, maybe they're just doing it because they fear some sort of a backlash that may impact their bottom line and people not purchasing their magazine. you know, my personal opinion is, i couldn't care less what a bunch snarky millenials say about anybody in a video. i didn't necessarily take offense to it. lea: well they both are going to count. >> frankly millenials don't like hillary clinton. that is a reality. many supported bernie sanders. i think that there are a number of folks, including myself that voted for hillary clinton have a lot of criticism for the way that she conducted herself in the campaign. the fact that the democratic part overall needs new lip. new leadership. maybe this is humorous nod. "vanity fair," lifestyle outlet i don't put any thing into what they say regarding politics or
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politicians and thousand how they conduct themselves. lea: i want to pull up a tweet from president trump and how he responded to this. haven'tty fair looking like on its last legs are backtracking and apologizing when they hit they took at crooked h. anna win tour, who was all set to be abb to court of st. james and a big fund-raiser for ch, is beside herself in grief and begging forgiveness. haven'tty fair is doing well. we have stats. 1,229,000 for the six months end of june. circulation up from 2014 to 2016. not really fair to say haven't at this fair on its last leg. i want to point that out. noel, what do you think of president trump weighing in on these type of things? >> it is classic trump. this is what trump is. this is who he is. we kind of expect it. you know what, when he doesn't
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like hillary clinton, he ran a hard race against her. and he feels like he was always negatively portrayed in the media every, every chance he got to see what was happening in the media. and when they take a little potshot, a little fun, a humorous attempt to poke at hillary clinton, they quickly go back and backtrack. oh, we're sorry, we're sorry. he saying hey, you know what? give-and-take here. lea: twitter is sort of president trump's own media. let's pull up information on media coverage. pew research did put out information on this for the first 60 days in office, 62% was negative for president trump, compared to only 38% for president obama in 2009. so, capri i want to get your take on this. why do you think this media coverage is so lopsided? does that give president trump a good reason getting in on twitter every chance he gets? >> he sees twitter as way to communicate with the american public in unfiltered manner but
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i think part of the reap why the coverage is a bit lopsided is because of tweets just like the one we talked about in regards to "vanity fair." president trump would do his agenda a much better service if he stayed on message on his twitter feed focusing on economic successes and some of the legislative successes that he has had, regulatory reform and things like that, rather than, you know picking some more personal battles. so the media is not going to ignore this they see this as a interesting, salacious shiny object. they will continue to cover these things as long as president trump continues to tweet in that manner because he is really turned sort of the political conformity and norms in the united states upside down partially because of the way he uses twitter. lea: i think people on both sides of the aisle would agree with that. things are definitely different now. noelle and capri. thank you very much. >> thank you. david: chicago, ground zero for
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the deep freeze slamming nearly half the country. chicago where we find mike tobin, one of the bravest reporters around. you're bundled up but you're a big guy but i can tell you're bundled up. good for you. reporter: bundled up and nice layer of flab that keeps me warm in cold environment much like narwal. look at satellites, like superior, lake erie, headache -- lake huron. the snow is piling from ohio all the way to new york. five feet has been dumped on erie, pennsylvania. even the snowplow got stock, broke out the snow shovels to get the snowplows moving. they have 24 hour shifts keeping up with the snow.
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the cold is beautiful in minnehaha false in minneapolis. some people are climbing up behind the false. it is dangerous. you can slip and fall up there. park rangers say it is also illegal. the bridge got stuck up in green bay, wisconsin. the other thing authorities warming about in this weather frostbite. you don't feel while it sets in under 30 minutes. good shoes, good gloves. david? david: enjoy the weather. that is 14, highest it gets going down to single digits. thanks, mike. reporter: you got it. lea: letting go of your worst memories of the year. how you can say good riddance to bad rubbish saying good-bye to 2017. ♪
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and send it through a giant shredder. lea: i think people are putting that post age card we file our taxes on in the shredder unfortunately. david: unfortunately no postcard this year. risk & rewards starts right now. >> could the middle class tax cuts become permanent? a new challenge from texas republican senator ted cruz to socialistic bernie sanders may give the push some bipartisan support in the new year. we've got more on that in just a bit also democrats are rallying against the rich, but there are, well crickets over liberal billionaire's trump million dollar impeachment push you've seen those adam:s plus apple is giving ceo tim cook a huge multi million dollar pay raise after a rollout delay and what some people might call that cluster sales and tonight a guest who says forget tim cook. what about the employees? where is their thousand dollar bonus? and now that


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