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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  December 29, 2017 12:00pm-2:00pm EST

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[laughter] the socks were standing up, i'm like, oh, man. no, those are the socks! a wheelbarrow. thank you at home for watching. here's the man himself, dave asman. david: all your socks look like boots, you're such a big guy! [laughter] welcome to "cavuto coast to coast," i'm david asman in for neil cavuto. many media outlets ignoring or criticizing trump's 2017 accomplishments. some of the big ones include that big stock market going way, way up, tax reform right at the end of the year, the fight against isis and, of course, deregulation. to our panel for theç hour, "wl street journal" editorial board member mary kissell and host deneen borelli. happy new year to you both. >> good to be here. david: let's start with the economic accomplishments, and we have tax cuts, of course.
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the deregulation, just that -- i think that has more to do with the market going up than anticipation of the tax cuts. 22 regulations go away for every new regulation coming on. that has, that has really greased the skids for a lot of businesses in this country. >> no, you're absolutely right. and the momentum has been building before the tax cuts even went through, david and mary. so, and americans are watching. you mentioned the media earlier as well and how they're not really reporting on the president's accomplishments. if you are one of those workers who got a year-end bonus of $1,000 -- david: right. >> -- of a number of companies that have provided bonuses, whether you're a republican or a democrat you're going to be taking a second look at what your representative is doing or not doing in terms of what's bestç for americans and what's best for the country. david: by the way, one thing else that has been overlooked by the mainstream media is the importance of not only neil gore such on the -- neil gorsuch on
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the sprout, that was donald trump's pick, but also dozens of other judges who are beginning to be deciding very important cases involving businesses, and most of them are pro-free market. >> and that is very significant, to get the right judges in position, in place. because long term, i mean, we're talking long term as well, not just short term. so that is very important. and i think president trump has done an amazing job on a number of levels from justices on courts to reforming our taxes and regulation reform as well. and the market is responding. david: right. and then you have energy, by the way, the extraordinary release of just monumental release of fossil fuels that i think is going to be good in the long term for the country. mary, we also have a lot of foreign policyç accomplishment, and not many -- even trump supporters didn't expect as many, i think, foreign policy ¿v w righte. away with the biggest trip, the first trip
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the president took to saudi arabia. he put together the sunni coalition against terrorism which could really pay off, could be very important and, of course, he also has slunk isis down -- shrunk isis down to about 2% of what it was at one so there are tremendous foreign policy accomplishments that have been performed over the past year. >> yeah. david, i think foreign policy has been the biggest surprise of this presidency because, let's face it, donald trump did not spend decades thinking about america's role in the world. and much of what he said on that campaign raised a lot of fears that he would be justç?r as isolationist, a retreater from the world like president obama was. but what we found out is that it's been just the opposite. and, david, i think one of his main accomplishments here has been to be a realist, to educate the american people about the threats that they face in the world. you know, we make fun of him calling kim jong un little rocket man,ç but you know what? when was the last time the american people talked about north korea and the weapons of
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mass destruction in north korea and the threat that they pose? not just now to the west coast of america and even maybe the east coast given the missile technology, but also to our friends and allies in asia. david: and he is also putting on notice some ofnb our allies who haven't been acting like allies, particularly those people at the united nations, also our nato allies. he forced some of those countries to put up some more money with regard to their own military -- >> that's a bit of a negative spin, to say that he's putting them on notice. i'd say they're really rebuilding the alliances that were neglected over the past eight years. look at the quadrilateral security dialogue that they restarted in asia, look at the attention to nato, look at the rebuilding of relationships among our sunni allies in the middle east. that's very positive. but one more thing i want to make sure we talk about is how president trump has not just dealt with places like north korea,ñtr very thorny problems, trying to get china to act. may or may not work. but how he's dealt with places r)q afghanistan. he didn't pull os4qy
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he went on national television and said, you know, during the campaign i said i'd pull out, now i've been in office for a long time, that was a bad idea. the iran nuclear deal, also a very nuanced approach. so big surprise -- david: couple of other things in terms of security at home. he has stood up for local police enforcement in a way that clearly the previous administration did not. the previous administration was buying into a lotñ of the anti-cop rhetoric suggesting that the few bad apples that are highlighted in the media were more representative than perhaps they really were. he'sñ&r pulled the federal government back in terms of allowing local communities to instead we're having the feds come in who very often didn't know the proper way the behave in that community. that's been very successful, no? >> it has been, and there's also been a drop in the murder rates of our law enforcement as well. so that is key. and it's great for our men and women in blue to know that the president has their back.
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that he supports them. previous administration, that was not the message that was sent. so police officers, our border security, you mentioned security, there's also the focus on the ms-13 gang -- david: right. >> -- members. not that far from here, long island, there's a really big problem there. and americans are afraid. they're afraid to even go out on their own streets because of fear of being killed and murdered by these gang members. so the president has made a big effort, a big message when he was running and then especially now because we are seeing results. david: by the way, there's one with other thing before we get to the markets which we're going to do quickly. the dow is down 15, by the way. we also have a return of a lot of hostages that have been held abroad. now, this is -- some people say it's just symbolic, it only adds up to about a dozen people, but the idea that every american wherever you are in the world deserves protection from the u.s. government is a very important point that we, again, did not see highlighted by the previous administration. >> yeah, that's true, david.
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but there are still a lot of americans being held abroad -- david: but this administration in just the past year, w¥"tqi (n we did in the previous seven. that's pretty significant. >> that's true. and as far as we know, we didn't pay a ransom for them -- david: good point. >> -- like the obama administration did for the hostages held in iran. david: dow 25k, doesn't look like we're going to get it today, but it is still a record year. to market watcher david nelson on what we can expect next year. david, first of all, what's happening today? >> it's a pretty quiet day in the market, not surprising. maybe there's some people taking some losses. they still have one last day to do it, today's the day. this type of -- this time of year most everybody on wall street, most everybody in my industry except possibly me are actually away for the holidays. david: so how can you beat a market that's done as well as this market did in 2017? is. >> it's going to be pretty hard, and you're asking me almost the impossible. making predictions is probably the most dangerous thing i can
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david: which is why we have you on! [laughter] >> i'm going to try to make a go of it. look, i'm going to piggyback on whatç mary and deneen were talking about. the tax overhaul, that's a signature achievement here, and that adds up to maybe $150 in s&p earnings next year. that's going to beño'5% growth. and for the first time in nearly decades, david, we're going to actually have a tax code that doesn't encourage u.s. corporations to leave the country. so that's a real plus. you've already seen the dividends pay off, you'll see it in january and beyond. a lot of companies are raising wages at the low end of the scale, and you're getting cyclical companies actually increasing guidance. that's the plus side for the equation for me, this tax reform package. david: how much money do you think is going to come back because of tax changes? >> you know, it's all over the place. we know there's possibly $2-$3 trillion overseas. i would expect initially maybe $400 billion. that's probably a good benchmark
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to use going forward. david: and what do you think the companies are going to do with the cash? >> in the past, they've made the mistake of buying back their stock. i don't think that game is going to play well anymore. i think a lot of ceos, look at jeff immelt, he's been buying backç stock, he's gone. if you don't grow the top line in 2018, you're likely to be shown the exit. david: you know, i agree with you. on the other hand, we have looked at those figures. i very rarely give credit to chuck schumer, but i'm going to do so now. [laughter] he put out a list of companies that did do stock buybacks in december. that was one of the biggest months of stock buybacks ever in anticipation of the tax changes, so it does look like there are significant stock buy backs going on right now because of taxes. >> there'll always be stock buybacks, and there's always going to be the exception to the rule. apple would be one. there's no much they could deploy that much capital. but remember, buying back stock does nothing to the growth of earnings, it only grows earnings
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per share. you're going to have to grow the top line, and i frankly think we're at the beginning of a cap-ex cycle where companies are going to reinvest in the company and reinvest in america.ñtr david: i'm going the ask you very simply, 25% rise in the dow this year, what's it going to be at the end of next year? i know you hate thav@uq i'm going to ask you to do it. >> i really hate that. if i have to put a number on it, maybe 8-10% between now and next year. david: soundsñ re. great to see you, my friend. thank you very much for being here. and the other big story today, more record-setting cold. some parts of northern minnesota getting into the -40s this week. and the new year's eve ball drop in new york could be one of the coldest on weather, senior meteorologist mark mancuso with the very latest. i think the record, mark, was 1917 or to something like that in terms of the lowest for new year's eve in new york. it was -17. i don't think we're going to get that cold, are we? >> well, we're going to get pretty cold for the next few
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days, waves of cold continue to come on in, and it's widespread too. take a look at this graphic right here. whoa. that is one big chunk of cold air here, coldest of the season, subzero temperatures for some. and, ofñ%i course, limit your te outdoors. i've got a hat to put on here, and why am i wearing this hat? take a look at this. i'm kind of feeling grinch-like. yeah, that'sç right. this is weather that's mean, it's nasty, and here i am just waving away. a few little termites in my smile here. [laughter] a little skiff of snow. you know what? this colder air comes in, a blanket of white. so we're going to lay down this blanket of white not only in the midwest, but here in the east. so won't be as cold tomorrow, but there'll be a little snow. and then here it is. mr. freeze. mr. icicle, mr. ten below. remember him from those
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christmas stories? well, mr. freeze is going to be with us here right through the weekend, through the holiday here, through the new year. look at it. into the northeastern united states. what's it look like? well, it looks pretty cold here. saturday a little bit of snow in the air, a coating perhaps, an inch or two. that's laying down the carpet so sunday it gets colder. look atthese temperatures. we'll be close to record low maximums during the day. and, of course, we know what happens sunday night, we're going to watch the ball drop. temperature around 11 at midnight, those real-feels -5. can you imagine being out in this cold for an extended period of time? i can't imagine it. we're not alone here in new york city though. look at these temperatures, these real-feels. chicago's going to feel like -8. chicago is minnesota 8 below but
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dallas 11 above. for texas standards, that's pretty rough stuff. so we're looking at a rough end of year here. and it's dangerous too. david: all right. mark, i've got to say, you're a lot more entertaining than joe. we'll have him on anytime, but he doesn't put on one of those crazy hats or go out on a water jet ski. thank you for being here, mark. good to see you. have a wonderful new year's eve. >> you too. and remember that snuggle factor? it's going to be high. david: the snuggle factor, i advantages to this cold weather. thank you very much. meanwhile, the media ignoring many of trump's accomplishments now, but is the president right in predicting positive coverage? ahead, why he says the media could actually help him win in there's more after this. ♪ ♪ life happens.
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♪ ♪ david: well, it's not quite
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2018, but next year'sírñ agendas already getting in focus. president trump gearing up for a big powwow with paul ryan and mitch mcconnell in the new year. blake burman with the very latest. what i want to know, blake, you're in d.c. where it's, like, 10 degrees. why aren't you down in florida with the president? >> reporter: i'll be there next week on vacation, so even better, how about that, huh? david: okay, good. >> we are in the briefing room, it's 72 in here, so we're fine. looking forward, though, to 2018, david. the work's going to start next week for president trump as he's going to be bringing paul ryan, mitch mcconnell down to camp david to, on the one hand, or the of take their temperature on where things stand with this infrastructure rollout, but also to try to hash out some of the details. i'm told by officials here at the white house yo you're liking to see will be aç rollout of infrastructure principles leading up to the president's state of the union address. the political reality with this is though republicans are going to need at least nine democrats in the senate the come on board because reconciliation is not
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going to be an option with this one. the president is striking a bipartisan tone or at least talking about it. for example, in his interview that he)ut with "the new york times" yesterday, he said the following, quoting here: i actually think we can get as many democratic votes as we have republicans. then he went on took explain himself saying we have spent as much as of about a month agoñ $7 trillion in the middle east, and the middle east is worse than it was 17 years ago. $7 trillion, and if you want $12 to fix up a road or a highway, you can't get it. i want a trillion dollar infrastructure bill at least. before the president left to go thinks infrastructure will be easier to do than both health care and taxes. >> infrastructure is by far the easiest. people want it, republicans and democrats. we'reç going to have tremendous democrat support on infrastructure, as you know. i could have started with infrastructure, i actually wanted to save the easy one for the one down the road. so we'll be having that done
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pretty quickly. >> reporter: immigration will also be a big topic in 2018, and the president laid down the marker this morning in a tweet saying, and i quote: the democrats have been told and fully understand there can be no daca without the desperately-needed wall at the southern border and an end to the horrible chain migration and ridiculous lottery system of immigra/k etc. we must protect our country at all costs. what the president wants here, david, is funding for the border wall in exchange for an agreement on daca, the dreamers, the children who were brought to this country as kids illegally by their parents. that daca fix though needs to happenxd by early march. so something on that front, as they are going to try to be to rolling out infrastructure as well, immigration will be on the forefront as well in the beginning part of 2018. also keep in mind when they come back here, they've got to fund the government before january 19th, david. david: well, andç what you been talking about so far is just all about spending; spending more money on the wall, more money on infrastructure. i mean, that's kind of where
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they're going right now in terms of expanding the government rather than shrinking it in 2018, no? >> reporter: or and keep in mind on infrastructure the president wants $200 billion in direct spending and trying to leverage $800 billion elsewhere through incentives, public/privatefá partnerships. he wants $200 billion. the democrats want more than that in direct spending and that, at least on infrastructure, is where part of the political fight will rest. david: that's why he said it's going to be -- when he said it's going to be easy, it kind of worried me. i want it to be as hard to the spend our money as possible. blake, great toí$7 see you. enjoy your vie case, appreciate it -- vacation, appreciate it. will the media help donald trump win re-election? the president told "the new york times," and i'm quoting: another reason i'm going to win another four years is because newspapers, television, all forms of media will tank ifrwñ m not there, because without me their ratings are going"ujq tubes. so they basically have to let me
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win. back with mary kissel -- [laughter] and deneen borelli. mary, go to town on this one. >> yeah, i'm not sure that's the case there, david. but look, it's kind of a man bites dog story, isn't it? the fact that the media doesn't like donald trump, and trump feeds off of it. this is a dynamic that we've seen since the time that he announced for president. i mean, look, if you relied on the media for your electoral victories, you'd never have another republican in office again because this is an old story. david: right. >> the media always hates the republican candidates. it's been true for eons. david: there is something about  under their skin. there is a hatred that i haven't seen since richard nixon, and it may even surpass the hatred that they had for him. >> well, he is living rent-free in the liberal media's head, for sure. they are always watching to see what he's going to say, what in the morning. president trump tweeted this. but, listen, they have certainld benefited with president trump
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inç office because of their ratings or whatever -- david: no question. >> but they are the liberal media. they are not going to change their ideology. they're not going to change or, they're way too rigid. and it's one big club. they all say and write the same thing. it's all group think. so they have it out for this president. and, listen, 63% of trump supporters think the media is the enemy. you have 44% of trump supporters think the media makes up fake news. so they're not going to support the president. david: right. what do you think the president is really trying to do here? because some people say that sometimes his outrageous tweets are to distract people from what he really wants to do, sometimes they say he's just trying to get under people's skin. >> well, david, it's probably all of the above, right? trump has demonstrated the power of social media. that's a good thing. trump has asked people to question some of the assertions that they're reading on the, quote-unquote, news pages of places like "the new york times." that's not a bad thing.
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i'm just waiting for one of these major media outlets that is not ourç newspaper, "the wal street journal," that everyone should subscribe to out there and read the editorial page, i'm waiting for one of these big, major media outlets to discover that nuanced, neutral reporting will also attract people. there is a niche there that is not being filled or, rather, only being filled with a publication like the "wall street journal." david: something happened towards the end of the year which is particularly after the tax bill passed, some news outlets actually gave president trump credit which was -- >> just a little. david: just a little bit, but it was the beginning. i'm wondering if maybe that undermines some of the support that they're been receiving because they're so vehemently anti-trump sometimes to the point of putting out fake news and stuff that has to to be retracted which we saw several instances of. are they going to wake up to the reality that there's some things
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trump deserves credit for, or do they go back to their old position of saying he's just the worst that there's ever been? >> i can think of a few media outlets that did exactly what you said, butç they got pummel. they were so critiqued and criticized from their base, from their subscribers. david: so the minute they said something positive about donald trump, people were canceling subscriptions. >> right. and with the fake news, listen, there's no accountability. people are not losing their jobs over fake news or just flat out lying about the president, his family or his administration. there's no accountability. so they don't really care about the ratings or how much money they're making. david: well, some being suspended, mary -- >> not fired. david: not fired, but, i mean, there are some contractions or corrections that have been made. >> we don't need them to be fired because this is a free market. if you don't like what "the new york times" is writing, you don't subscribe to them. >> well, true, but if you're in the corporate world, you do something wrong, you are out the door. i get your point, let the free
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market decide. david: particularly if the free market is giving some of these publications more subscriptions. >> yeah, like the wall street journal. did i mention "the wall street journal"? david: several times, mary, probably not enough for the fulç hour. >> the media is supposed to be the neutral arbiter of fact. and the more that the media goes after this minutiae of the trump administration rather than stepping back and writing about the big themes that they should be caring about, well, you know what? they're going to lose credibility, their brands are going to be diminished, people are going to look elsewhere for news and information. that's just the heart of it. whether it's in print media, they'll go to places like "the wall street journal" or they'll go to podcasts where they can get longer form journalism from people who they trust who are branded. that's what's going to happen. i think there's a big opportunity here on the media market. david: ladies, thank you very much. well, coming up, new year's eve security prep is underway. how do you protect over a million people who are going out in the streets despite the cold to see the festivities?
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also, house intel chief devin nuñes blasting the justice department for stonewalling congress. this feud is heating up. we're going to give you an update right after this. ♪ from the very beginning ...
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♪ ♪ david: the security presence now that is unprecedented, cities like new york, las vegas, they're beefing up security, but how do we protect millions? to former secret service agent dan bongino, great to see you, my friend. first of all, the cold. it certainly doesn't make it easier for the poor cops on the beat. i mean, they're out there for hours on end, and, you know, you've got to be wearing a lot of layers to keep warm. >> yeah. you know, david, when i talk about threats to big crowds like this, i always talk about the big six, right? tactical threats, medical emergencies, chem-bio, airborne, fire, geologic type stuff, but
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medical emergencies encompasses the cold threat. not only do you have the cops freezing their butts off out there, it's almost hard to think straight. i remember at barack obama's initial inauguration in a thin wool suit freezing for close to 20 hours. it's hard to think straight, but you also have medical assets that are going to be tied up with people who just get a chill and potentially get hype thermic. yeah, this is going to to be a tough one for the nypd this year. david: you stayed through the whole inauguration without wearing any thermal underwear? come on! >> no, i had a long wool coat and those ear things that go around the back of your head. and even worse, david, i had leather-soled shoes, and you know how they are -- david: i do. >> they basically transmit the cold into your feet. you're almost better off barefoot. david: it's the opposite of a hand warmer. let me ask you about manhattan specifically, that's where the biggest crowd is going to be. we are an island here, and some
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people say it's very dangerous because you've got nowhere to go if something bad happens. but i've talked to police who tell me in some ways that's a good thing, because it isolates the group that you have to keep an eye on. what do you think? >> yeah. i mean, the way to secure this, ingress and egress is always a big deal. when i say that, i mean ways in and ways out. not just for the bad guy, because remember, if you can isolate the entry points and exit points to an event, you can also screen who comes in and out. and, obviously, being on an island you can look at the bridges, you can look at the tunnels, you can put up this radiological screeners and see who's coming in and out, if they're trying to bring in some hazardous substance. but it also matters for evacuation purposes. i'm sure you remember well, david, the blackouts and 9/11. i mean, everybody remembers new yorkers are generally a pretty panic-free group, thankfully. i lived up there. and the evacuation, given the horrific circumstances that went on, was relatively panic-free. i mean, people weren't exactly
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trampling each other to get out of there. yeah, manhattan does present some problems, but again, ingress and egress benefits them as well because you put up all these detectors for chemical weapons and radiological type stuff. talf david going back to 9/11, actually, it was a primary day, there was supposed to be a primary and there wasn't, of course, because of what happened. but it represented the end of the giuliani era. he had sent eight years whipping this city into shape, bringing crime down to levels we never thought was possible, cleaning up times square and forging this incredible relationship between the mayor's office and the police. and then after 9/11 that good work was combined with what g.w. bush did in terms of bringing the feds in to helping to protect new york. so new york really, if i have to think of one place in the country that's better protected despite terrorism here over the past year, it is new york. there's this great combination of good police work with extraordinary federal help, right? >> absolutely.
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and let me just lay a layer to that. it's not just with the fbi post-9/11. these guys at nypd intel that deal with counterterror, david, they know these guys. someone asked me they said, well, you know, what happens? does the fbi pop into the intel division? no, these guys have known each other for years. they're already working similar by yachtically. also the nypd is so good and they've done this so often, you have things every year like the united nations general assembly where we knew exactly who to call. you call this lieutenant, i even remember his name. you called him right away, he gave you the assets. these are already pre-established relationships in this city. so an event like on times square where you're already working with secret service and fbi, i can't tell you enough how these pre-existing relationships and this social network of law enforcement gets the job done geometrically fasterren than having to do like the first date, hello, in law enforcement. hey, nice to meet you, i'm
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officer jones. all of that's already done in new york city. david: you know, i really thank god for the work you did, but for the work the regular cops do on the beat. they really are extraordinary people. dan, thank you very much. have a happy new year, okay? >> yes, sir. happy new year to you as well. david: thank you. apple admitting it purposely slowed battery life. lawsuits are piling up and executives could even face jail time. we'll explain after this. ♪ ♪ think your large cap equity fund has exposure to energy infrastructure mlps? think again. it's time to shake up your lineup. the alerian mlp etf can diversify your equity portfolio and add potential income. bring amlp into the game. before investing, consider the fund's investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses. read the prospectus carefully at
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david: sorry for slowdowns, that's aboe best that apple can do at apologizing and offering a solution for slowing down iphones, but many say that doesn't go far enough. hillary vaughn has the latest. hillary, a lot of people saying it should go a lot further than that, right? >> reporter: yeah, a lot further. and this could have huge implications for them, david. further down the line. to be clear, apple isn't apologizing for a hardware flaw
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or glitch, they're saying sorry for a decision they made to tamper with users' devices without even telling them about it. apple saying in their apology statement, quote: we know that some of you feel apple has let you down. we apologize. first and foremost, we have never and would never do anything to intentionally shorten the life of any apple product or degrade the user experience to drive customer upgrades. so now apple is trying to make it right birdies counting battery replacements. for the next 12 months, it will swap out batteries for just $29, that's $50 cheaper than before. they're also launching a new feature that will allow you to monitor the health of your iphone battery. but batterygate, as they're calling it, is far from over. at least nine lawsuits have been filed in new york, illinois and here in california where a class action suit is requesting almost $1 trillion in damages. this scandal is rippling across the globe with south korea, israel and now france also
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looking into the issue. in france it's illegal to degrade old products to push users to buy your new ones, and it's not just fines, but jail time that's on the table here. guilty parties under the french law can face up to two years in prison, although it's typically applied to french manufacturers, they could decide to make an exception here and go all the way with apple. but while apple is saying they're sorry, they aren't saying they're guilty even though they did keep customers with questions about their slow phones in the dark. they say they didn't do it to deceive them and push them to buy their new phones. david? david: yeah, i don't hike what apple did, but on the other hand, doing business in france -- i think it's illegal to make money period in france. [laughter] so it's hard, that's hard to do any kind of business with them. all right. thank you very much, hillary, appreciate it. devin nuñes blasting the justice department and the fbi for failing to produce documents related to the anti-trump
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dossier. nuñes says congress is being stonewalled. reaction now from republican chris stewart. congressman, what do you think they're trying to hide? >> oh, my gosh, you know, that's the great question. and the fact is, is they have been, you know, way, way less than forthcoming. let me just back up a little bit to remind the american people that the central issue -- i was in moscow the summer before the election. i came home and i said hundreds of times they're going to mess with our election. they're going to mess. and people would ask me, well, who do they want to win? they don't care, they just want to break down faith in democracy, break down faith in our institutions, in the democratic process, and that's very clear. but they could have only been able to do that if in some cases we helped them. and, unfortunately, many of us are seeing senior people in the fbi and the department of justice played into their hands and were actually, i think, conspiratorial and accomplices in this. it's something we've really just got to understand -- david: well, what we're seeing, congressman, is there were at
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least four people that have been highlighted, and i'm sure there are more than that as well. but there's bruce orr and his wife, by the way, who were in the justice department. he was very high up in justice. and he was pushing the trump dossier. his wife, of course, worked for the organization that produced it. andrew mccabe, the assistant fbi director. it was clear that he had been at least talking to people like peter strzok who mentioned some of their conversations with his girlfriend at the fbi, suggesting that perhaps they have some insurance policy. and then even james baker, although he's denied it now, the former general counsel for the fbi. i mean, he was apparently pushing the trump dossier too. so there did seem, i mean, conspiracy's a very specific, tough word. it has certain legal connotations. do you think it's too early to use that word? >> i don't know that it is, actually. and i want to know and we want to insist on department of justice being more forthcoming in this information that they
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have continued to withhold from us. and something else you said. the dossier, for example. look, anyone who reads that, it's absolutely hogwash. and yet the fbi continues to stand behind it. i talked with mr. mccabe, the deputy director of the fbi, last week. i asked him, you know, do you stand by this document, and we know that it's not true. and his answer to that is just stunning. and for the american people to have, as you said, these four senior people -- and, by the way, the fbi and the doj, full of great people who are trying to do their job and serve the american people. daf david sure. >> and they're not left-leaning organizations. why is it that these individuals who have such strong and powerful feelings about their own politics, how is it that they were given these positions of responsibility? david: well, congressman, let me just ask one question though that really has been bothering a lot of people, whether this dossier -- which you described was very flawed in all kinds of ways -- whether it was used in
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order to obtain a fisa warrant that was then used to spy on the trump campaign by either the fbi or maybe working with the dnc. the president himself, as i understand it -- correct me if i'm wrong -- has the power and authority to release documents related to a fisa warrant. couldn't he open the books on that and give us a view? >> yeah, i think he could. technically, he could. legally, he could. but i think politically it's difficult. but i would encourage him too. frankly, the house intel committee and the congress itself is going to undertake our own endeavor to release that information. and it should be released. i mean, once again, if a dossier was used, something that is, its veracity is just unquestionably hogwash. and if that thing was used to initiate an investigation not on just some random person, but on the individual who was the candidate for the major political party. the political party that many of these individuals have expressed very clearly they did not
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support. they considered him loathsome, in their words. david: let me go back to my panel. forgive me, congressman. i just want to ask mary why do you think the president doesn't release information related to whether this was a fisa -- there was a fisa warrant based on the dossier? >> christopher wray testified in front of congress and refused to answer questions that legally he should -- [audio difficulty] a whole lot of question marks. who compiled -- we know that was fusion gps, but who took that dossier to the fbi? who in the fbi took it to the fisa court and vouched for it? who was listened to? why is it that hillary clinton's aides were given different treatment at the fbi than michael flynn was given? a lot of question marks here. david, the fbi can clear this up very quickly by simply coming clean. hopefully, we're going to see that next year. david: congressman, i don't assume you were satisfied with system of the answers you got
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from mr. mccabe. what about specifically the ones where he wouldn't explain certain things about where the information went, whether or not the fbi paid mr. steele or anybody at fusion related to the trump dossier, etc. >> so all those questions we need to ask. we need to tell the american people. we know the answer to those questions. let me just illustrate with one example. again and again tell me anything within this dossier that you no know is true, and he could not answer that question, or he refused. that is an indication of how they have been stonewalling and obstructing, and we're going to get to the bottom of this. david: i think he answered one of those questions. he said the only thing he could verify was that carter page was in russia, that was it. >> yeah, that's exactly right. david: he wasn't more specific than that. >> and it wasn't that they haven't tried to verify the contents of the dossier, it's that there's nothing in it that's true. day david we've got to leave it at that. congressman stewart, thank you very much. >> thank you. david: so is the president about
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david: more uncertainty over the iran . new reports saying the u.s. and israel are developing a plan to counter iran in the middle east. this amid talk that president
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trump could kill the iran deal next month. to former senior adviser to the senate foreign relations committee, georgia meal jaffer. this story about the u.s. and israel working together, i know it came out from a local israeli publication, but how did it get out? was it intentionally leaked or what? >> well, it's a great question. i mean, you never know how these stories get out, but it's clear that the u.s. and israel coming together to confront a very real threat the united states in the middle east, iran. it's involved in yemen, they're involved in syria and, frankly, doing pretty well in yemen and syria count cannerring our interests. we need to continue to work with the israelis to fight the iranian trend in the middle east. david: and yet meantime, we still have the iranian deal intact. why? >> it's a great question you know, the president could stop instituting the waivers he's kept in place since the obama administration for the last year. i think he's under a lot of pressure to keep the deal alive, but he has the authority to do
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it, and he could get rid of it between january 12th and january 17th. david: but meanwhile, we have all these stories coming out not only about problems with the deal and the breaking of u.n. sanctions by iran, but also this story about how the deal was procured by the obama administration. one of the things they did, of course, was pull rug out from under a criminal investigation of hezbollah which essentially is owned and operated by iranian government, and this was a billion dollar criminal enterprise that was allowed to pass just because the obama administration wanted the iran deal. >> well, look, hezbollah's a terrorist group, obviously, they've been long sanctioned by the united states. the idea that we would ease off on those things is very troubling. but look, the administration was looking for a foreign policy victory, the obama administration was. they think they got it with the iran deal. i think the iran deal's a terrible deal, to be honest with you. it allowed iran to continue its efforts with nuclear weapons primarily through a line to
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conduct advanced centrifuge research, and they're still doing ballistic missile tests, so that's a real problem. the deal has serious flaws in it. this is not a deal that could work. david: well, and starting with the way it was birthed, deneen. the hezbollah story got a lot of attention last week, not so much this week. i think it's a very significant story, that the way we got the iran deal was by pulling the rug out from a huge law enforcement option to operation. >> it's huge, david. not only that, the obama administration, they lied to the media, they lied to americans. you had ben rhodes who was reporting to president obama at the time, he, you know, ran away with this narrative with the media, and he bragged about it, that they had this little window to negotiate this deal with the so-called moderate leader of the country, and he had the audacity to brag about it. i mean, they were just -- it's really breathtaking, what has happened. david: mary, we only have 30 seconds, but do you think that
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is going to happen this 2018, an end to the iran deal? >> i think president trump is right to identify iran as the main problem in the middle east. the problem with ditching the iran deal is that it may lead to nuclear proliferation throughout the middle east that's not in u.s. interests. i think that's why you saw the president, under u.s. law separately from the iran deal, express his displeasure. the iran deal is not the only way that you can pressure tehran. i expect a comprehensive approach. david: mary, thank you, deneen, good to see you. jamil, thank you very much. the dow nearing 25k. if you missed out on this year's rally, we'll break down how you may still be able to jump in, exactly how, after this. ♪
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dave: i am in for neil cavuto. millions dealing with bone chilling temperatures, satellite images showing the great lakes are freezing over. chicago could see a new record low on new year's eve, new york city where we can see the coldest new year's eve in 100 years and that has donald trump tweeting, quote, perhaps we could use a little of that good old global warming that our country but not other countries was going to pay trillions of dollars to protect against, bundle up. the epa transition team member, where is the global warming?
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>> it is usually hiding, the dog ate it, you see all sorts of papers, lurking menacingly with sinister outlook somewhere but tends to be hiding particularly at times like this when you have to remember for decades this movement, has insisted the snowfalls a thing of the past, mild winter is here to stay, winter is gone, children won't know what snow is so this is high-quality trolling of a group that is easily agitated to say actually although they say every hot day prove their prophesying, the weather -- dave: i want to jump on that and what the president tweeted out, did create a flurry of responses from politicians and media personalities saying you have to get serious about climate change, we will send you, never use the word global warming anymore and that is
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because we have more days like this. >> the sky remains where we left it for decades they switched and we are told things they insisted were things of the past are in fact consistent with what we would expect and incoherent inconsistency is consistent with what we would expect from this movement, you open by pointing out this is bone chilling cold, deadly cold and we need to point out the president could spare a tweet for people who will not make it through this period. we have seen us electricity rates skyrocket, the man who caused its phrase, it was the point, president obama initiated the global warming agenda, no one claims it would impact climate, donald trump is off on that, it made us more vulnerable but didn't affect the climate, seniors and the poor are dying in an epidemic across these policies, this agenda has metastasized and more people will not make it through this cold spell because
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of the choice between eating and eating and it often and in hypothermia for our most vulnerable would it is fun to troll this movement, this called in many ways it is also extraordinarily serious, you can't let this drive policy and it has, we have seen it begin here even though donald trump stopped some of the most damaging global warming rules and rolling them back some of them worked, they caused rates to start skyrocketing, it has terrible human consequences. dave: one for you and others of the epa transition team is extraordinary about is deregulating the fossil energy production in this country and that is going to be tremendous for the companies involved but hopefully for americans as well so the argument from the other side is those are the fossil fuels creating these extraordinary weather conditions so any kind of crazy weather we have whether it is cold or hot or heavy hurricanes or whatever it is because of
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what you guys did in unleashing fossil fuels. >> we can always go back when they move the goalposts, remember all the things they said would be the case have proved to be improper prophesying, they are incorrect so they changed the metric and now whatever happens is proof of their theory, the fact is nothing ever proposed would detectably impact climate change as a policy, nothing president obama did would affect the climate, nothing donald trump rolled back or stopped or arrested would impact the climate so when they say that there is accurate when they say when we said no more snow we meant lots of snow, when we said normal winter we went very cold winter -- dave: a changes according to the weather as a matter of fact, thank you for coming and, happy new year. the dow ending 2017 very close to 25,000. can a rally continue in 2018? market watcher gary cal palm,
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the answer is not today. >> happy new year to you. i love being on tv, you are magnificent at what you do, congratulations. dave: these are life pictures, donald trump, local coast guardsmen getting a free day at the international golf club, listen in. [applause] [inaudible conversations]
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>> wants to play golf. >> this is the president in his home country, west palm beach on his own golf course, let's listen. >> the coast guard, i don't mind waiting. i just want to thank you. a lot of you -- this is for you guys, what a couple people like to play golf? i had 50 people raise their hand, 75 people showed up. close support, and the best
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player is. maybe it is there. make the determination who the best player is. i know you are not -- a little coast guard challenge so enjoy the course, one of the great courses of the world as you know, the 17th hole, all of you are watching my shop. a triple bogey. i know you 8, an honor to have you. the job you did in florida, the job they did in texas, 16,000 people, it is unheard of. the coast guard has said that
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and i didn't know i would be flooded. that is okay. let me know who won. stuff to work for. thank you, everybody, thank you very much. dave: the president treating us coast guard members at a free day in west palm beach, they did play an instrumental role in saving lives in puerto rico after that devastating hurricane, the president said 16,000 lives were saved because of the work these and other coast guard members did in pulling people out of the drink, tremendous tremendous effort by the coast guard. sorry to interrupt, i would only interrupt you for the president of the united states. >> it is tough to follow that. how do you follow 2017? will 2018 come anywhere near?
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>> if it does it would be remarkable not just in price 2017 but no drawdowns whatsoever. normally there is an arab and flow where you go up 8%, drop 3%, go up again, drop 4%, we didn't have any. that is where my biggest worry comes from in 2018 that since we were up 6600 points with an area drop since the election, we are due for 5% to 10% which would be as normal as normal can be and set stage for higher prices. and wouldn't be the end of the world, the pause that refresheses. dave: to lose 5% won't be great. what would be the trigger to cause something like that? >> maybe that one extra rate hike might be a spike in rates, geopolitical, that north korea,
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who knows what it could be and sometimes you don't need a trigger, sometimes supply is too much and brightest to come down. there's a good chance of that happening, and the market acts just fine. dave: great to see you, thank you, happy new year to you. wall street journal's dan henninger along with panel for the hour. good to see you all. let's talk about taxes. for all the problems with the tax code, prepayment problems, other high tax states, small businesses having trouble figuring out what kind of code, it means more money is going to be in the private sector which is the most productive sector for it to be in, has got to be good for the economy. >> the real economy out there,
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corporate rates, 21%, a huge cut, immediate expensing of capital investments and that is going to serve as a propellant to what we have been seeing in the real economy. consumer confidence, 17 year high, a 17 year low, manufacturing, and a lot of strong activity in the real economy and the tax-cut can only push that forward into 2018. there is a lot of argument, critics that you don't need a tax-cut unless the economy is weak like in 1980, 1981, you don't need it when the economy is strong. what they are underestimating is the economy has really changed a lot mainly because of technology, businesses are very sophisticated in how they run their businesses. the last eight years a lot of antibusiness activity by the obama administration. all the deregulation we have seen this year in addition to
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the tax cut is releasing this new technologically driven economy not just in the united states but around the world, even japan is growing. dave: i don't want to talk about problems with the tax-cut the talking to small business people, accountants that work with small business people, a lot of them are throwing up their hands, they can't figure out how the new code is going to work because it is not more simple at least for them. >> the postcard thing didn't turn out to be much of anything and it never does, no one ever thought it would, their too many interests out there to make that happen. politicians love there to be complications in the tax code to grant favors and so do accountant so that is true and it was rushed, it was last-minute, literally the last minute, close to the last day of september that people knew what was going to be in it. we are still here in new york trying to figure out if we are paying more or less but the caveat is debt, historically,
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conservatives talk a lot about this from 2009-2014 and stopped, a big debt burden could be a dampening effect on the economy. dave: for a lot of people the reagan tax cuts were perfection. a lot of conservatives point to that is the perfect world but i remember in 1981 when there were a lot of problems with that, the first tax-cut reagan put in took 19 months to kick into power and as a result we ended up with a terrible recession. the top rate only came down 50%. it wasn't until the 86 tax cuts that it came down to 28% so there were problems with reagan, usually the first shot at tax reform if the president is committed to it needs some improvement after a bit. >> whenever you pass any legislation there's going to be people that are unhappy with the no matter what it is
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because of it held some people it will not help other people but this property tax thing is going to be an ongoing debate, some people are still confused, there might be some litigation over it as well. i don't think it will be something that is over right away. dave: we have been getting complaints from members of congress that we are on the fence. marco rubio was complaining about some of the problems with the tax code and suggesting those companies that bring their money back and as much as $2 trillion abroad that could come back might actually just be putting it in stock buybacks. what do you think? >> he has been a critic of the tax bill, he is positioning himself as a social conservative, that is his choice, but what he is talking about our fortune 500 type companies, big corporations and maybe some of them will do stock buybacks and payback dividends but the real economies and simply run by the largest corporations but
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thousands and thousands, millions of incorporated company that the middle and lowest level is where the real job creation comes and i don't think they will be behaving as marco rubio is suggesting. they are looking to expand their businesses as i have been suggesting because they know how to do it and they have the confidence to do it if they know the government is going to jump in and intrude with regulation. they will move forward. the bulk of this tax-cut is going to be invested in the real economy. dave: the panel is staying with us, did the media prematurely predict an end to the gop? signs republicans are heading into 2018 with a little more unity than people thought right after this.
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dave: donald trump hosting paul ryan and mitch mcconnell at camp david for a strategy session. is the gop a little more unified heading into 2018? noel, hard to predict this because just when you think they are coming together
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another trump tweet or hear about something mitch mcconnell said and it falls apart again. >> the tax reform bill passed through which shows unity among the republican party which was on a rocky start because we couldn't get unity in the beginning and down the line for 2018, the optics of unity. and if so the bigger picture when it comes to the donors funding these races and if there wasn't unity there wasn't an appearance of unity donors might be not willing to fund a lot of the 2018 race and that has been released. dave: what specifically happens next, and ryan mcconnell and entitlement reform, fixing welfare etc. or whether you are going to focus on the
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infrastructure plan. mister mcconnell once infrastructure. mister ryan once welfare reform in the president is going with mitch mcconnell so there is a split there. >> my gut feeling on this, i had some back conversations yesterday on this, it will be infrastructure because donald trump said he wanted. mitch mcconnell's wife, the transportation secretary, this is bipartisan support. americans are tired of feuding among the parties, this is the one key where we can get bipartisan support and with that said, ryan should have come out of the bag in the first place instead of healthcare and should have introduced infrastructure so a lot of people are irritated he didn't come out of the bag with it. the second time around, we have a chance to get something
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through with bipartisan support. dave: you might not choose infrastructure entitlement reform because there is a lot of entitlement reform you can do without congress. waste and fraud according to gao report, if the president talks about deregulation without congress, did most of that, he could deal with waste and fraud out of a lot of entitlement whether it is medicare, medicaid might be worse and that and that would save billions of dollars and put a win in his corner. >> i would love to see him do that but he is gung ho for infrastructure which i understand, the kind of thing he used to do, get a new job, missed your old job, and your old job and new job but i would hope there is not unity in the gop for this infrastructure bill because i thought the gop or they say sometimes they are supposed to be the fiscally conservative party, talking about $1 trillion with no talking about how to get that
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money. i would hope for my fiscally conservative soul ic a little infighting when it comes to spending that kind of money. dave: a lot of conservatives focus on spending money in 2018 instead of saving money through entitlement reform. a lot of conservatives will be picked up. there are a lot of free marketeers, members of the freedom caucus etc. who won't like that. >> they made this bed by voting for taxable. the precursor was an agreement by the gop including written by bob corker to increase the deficit by $1.5 trillion over a decade, to increase spending. if increase the deficit up to $666 billion in the first we 9-month of trump so it is building, it will be a spending spree. there might be some people claiming to be upset, trump wants to work on infrastructure, daca and obamacare reform. dave: he works hard, he is up early in the morning, goes to bed late and i, he could do both, he could do the daca
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thing, the infrastructure thing and fix our public service sector which is out of control. just one figure i read today on a terrific piece how he himself, the president could fix a lot of the problems we have with federal workers, 29,852 federal employees make more than $190,000 a year, more than all 50 governors in the united states, almost 30,000 federal employees for all the governors. >> that is a fantastic point, and a good article by the way. look at job creation, look how many jobs in the private sector, not government jobs, how many jobs in the private sector, look at the markets, how they are reacting to what he has been doing. i do agree he could work on all these issues, obviously he is up at 3 am tweeting things and very involved and passionate about it and lives to work and living to do his job and that
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is what you will see, you will see stride, got his feet wet, he knows how to navigate through political waters as a businessman, so now he has the rhythm and 2018 i look for him to get really serious about navigating through other bills and getting it passed. dave: let's hope government doesn't get bigger, it should be getting a little smaller. thank you very much. dangerously low temperatures outside and an unprecedented security presence should america just pop the champagne at home this year, lay out the threats to this new year's eve right after this.
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dave: this bitter cold could be hitting your wallet. natural gas prices are soaring over the last two days by 10% so watch out. with more on the cold and how
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long it will last, the weather center, you have gotten those wonderful umbrellas but don't know if you have a hand warmer you are developing to deal with the cold. >> thank you for that. the hand warmers -- you will need it because the cold is here and it is here for a good while, probably not out of here until january 8th or ninth, second week in january, that said we are not in full confidence of that but you get the idea 10 or 11 days of really cold temperatures, this right here is the cold air, denver 58 towards rapid city, temperatures in the single digits. very short distance, all that cold air spilling down on the eastern side of the rockies, negative 20 in fargo, the next cold air batch that will come in behind another clipper system so more snow across minnesota, iowa, illinois,
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chicago, lake effect snow continuing here, more throughout the weekend and across the west some people like to ski, california, a rough season. if you want to ski, quickly check out idaho, montana, wyoming, virginia, a ton of snow, one of the bright spots of what is going on. look across the mid-atlantic to the northeast. that clipper system brings snow to dc, tomorrow a quick shot, two or three or snowstorm, no major accumulation but it is true that even colder air across the east coast and it does that in time for new year's eve. we are talking 10 ° as the ball drops and it will feel like negative 2 so a very rough one. the next couple days, high temperature, actual air temperature negative 18 °, sunday very cold, cold across the south, 19 in new york city for the high that day, monday
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another cold one. a little bit of a reprieve in the northern plains, tuesday around 13 ° which will probably feel pretty good. dave: when you have to say up around 13 degrees, we know how cold it is. give me a percentage of that hand warmer idea. meanwhile unprecedented security presence hoping to ease safety concerns at times square. you are one of those people who will be out on new year's eve. >> reporter: i will be out here with over 1 million people. 10 ° in times square, the second coldest new year's eve in new york city history, beating a record in 1962 at 11 ° so be that record. the mayor spoke about the cold weather yesterday. >> i admire people who want to stand for many hours in the cold, takes a special
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personality but they will be safe as you hear from preparations but if you are going to venture out bundle up, where long underwear, ring hand warmers, all those basics, take the weather very seriously. >> once these folks are out here they are stuck, there are 10, 12, sometimes more hours trying to get a prime position, no bathroom, no alcohol, no heat lamps. it is up to them. we spoke to some tourists, talked about whether they plan on braving the elements sunday night. >> i don't think it is safe to be out in this temperature but hopefully they will put warming stations up. >> you will be packed with so many people, like all those penguins, all that heat mass going. i don't think it will be that bad. >> that his wife won't be here.
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>> reporter: earlier there was a confetti test, three tons of confetti will fall at midnight, 25 million pieces, thousands of them have well wishes written on those pieces of confetti as he promises to be the most this event has ever seen. paperweight dog sniffing bombs, every single person coming to times square will be checked twice, police officers in every hotel overlooking times square, and very much, increased heavily armed weapons teams, stay warm and safe. dave: i love the wishful thinking of that woman, putting of warming stations and then the guy talking about the penguins, that is all i can say. my heart is with you. good luck to you. between bitter cold and security threats, maybe americans are better off staying at home where it is
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warm and safe. met welch with us new year's eve. i don't wish to be in her position. you must of been out in the cold, how do you do it? police out there for hours on end? and keep it warm. >> a lieutenant in the nypd, many details down to times square, the bowtie area where streets crisscross, a contingent of sniper teams, officers with long guns. dave: how do you stay warm? >> the warm bodies pressed next to one another. >> these people out there for hours and hours start lining
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up, 12:00 in the afternoon, when you get into those industry and pens you can't move. if you have to go to the bathroom. dave: we were talking about how after 9/11 was a special relationship new york had with the fed's, keeping new yorkers safe, so glad that happened, awful terrorist attacks here but there have been many more that have been prevented, that we never heard about so i imagine the feds are working closely with the cops. >> the nypd and federal law enforcement agencies coexist for the security in new york city, this has been going on for a while and preceded 9/11, we ramp up fortifications going forward. take into consideration the attacks on the west side highway and the one in the subway. the nypd, no credible threat in play, a video came up a couple
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weeks ago. and that hasn't been confirmed, but goes back to the fortification of nypd, for this particular event, we have 1 million plus people in a small area so we need to have optimal visual fortification and goes back to officers with heavy weapons, long guns, snipers, etc.. this is a safe and secure. dave: you put your life on the line for new york, in the commerce would you advise people to stay home on new year's eve? the cold and danger? >> i would stay home based on the weather but in terms of safety perspective, we provide optimum safety for pedestrians that watch the ball drop. dave: how will you stay warm? >> i am going to do it and be
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very cold. i hate cold. dave: dangerous stuff, hypothermia weather. >> i have done new year's eve for fox news the past two years, everyone should stay home and watch beginning at 8:00, strapped hand warmers to my entire body. my entire body. dave: ever do that? >> i was running around so much on new year's eve working as a lieutenant, it is going 12 ° or something to that effect. i have been out there when it was cold but you don't seal it. >> not -- dave: are you and i going to be doing that? >> takes a toll on you. >> all due respect these plans
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don't sounds credible because none of this involves a flask and warming liquids. dave: think of keeping your insides warm? >> don't i should be drunk on new year's eve. dave: is america partying too hard? a new warning about alcohol consumption this new year's. weight till you hear what is normal and stocks about to close at record highs but not all green on wall street, we will breakdown what companies, investors are not betting on right after this.
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i just finished months of chemo. but i don't want to talk about months. i want to talk about years. treatments have gotten better, so... i'm hoping for good years ahead. that's thanks to research funded by the american cancer society. the same folks giving me free rides to treatments, insurance advice, and a place to stay during chemo. i need that stuff like you don't know. and now that you do, please give at dave: it has been a record year for stocks but not all s&p sectors are up, gerri willis live from the stock exchange with poor. who are the losers? >> we are used to talking about amazon, apple, tech names but wasn't always despite the fact the dow finished 25% up.
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we see some downside here. to come down 5.1% as a sector, at&t down 8% alone this year. verizon finishing fled. a lot of debt, a lot of price cutting, competition for prices and also oil sector, energy stocks not doing well at all, down 3.42%. look at halliburton down to 10%, schlumberger down 10% is a real pain as you see the glass in oil prices, the amount of oil in the marketplace slowly going away leading to confirming oil prices but there are losers you have to pick and choose despite an incredibly positive year for stocks and we are watching this through the close to see if the dow can build on this movement and what else we might see. dave: 34 negative right now.
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thank you very much, donald trump telling the new york times he is going to win in 2020 because the media needs him, the turning point charlie kirk, there are two points here, what he is saying and why he is saying it, from what he is saying any truth to it? >> i think so. he will have a wonderful 2018, look at the tax-cut, that was just past, we will see an explosion of economic growth but people vastly underestimate this president and he is settling in the last couple months with these massive decisions and look at his approval rating exactly where it was for barack obama at the same time after his first year. when people see more money in their pockets and more economic success you will see the president's popularity improve even more. dave: we may never know the answer but why do you think he is saying this? does he does like to play with
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the media? >> that is part of it. he likes to punch back to a media that has been extremely unfair to him the last 9 months and i like to say if we had a democrat president that achieved what donald trump has been able to do this past year whether it is the stock market gains, unemployment, 1.5 million jobs created they would say that was historic, instead all these other media networks are you about his russia and all this other stuff. he likes to punch back against the media that has been very unfair to him and finding ways to go around and circumvent traditional media channels and go to the american people. dave: this is a big president, physically big, big and everything he says, everything he does is big and therefore an ideal president to cover from whatever perspective you are whether you are anti-trump, pro-trump or right down the middle. >> everyone who covers news, every network 12 on news, viewership, audience going up, their becoming nervous wrecks in the process and some are freaking out because he calls them fake news all the time.
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there is no honeymoon with the press and this president because he wouldn't want that was the only thing republicans have in common with each other is not international trade or a lot of things that used to be republican but they all hate the media. the president will be bopping the media in the nose every single week and you know that is true and the media will return fire since next year the biggest political story is going to be the russia investigation and they don't agree on that. dave: he talks about fake news all the time but does he need the media? they are a great punchingbag for him, it does give him a sort of unity with his base when he talks about the fake media and how much they hate him, is it because of that deplorable comment that the media did what hillary did is link donald trump in with all of his supporters as deplorables? >> the deplorable comment might be why he won or another major
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reason because people who supported him don't like being called something like that because they support donald trump at the media, they need each other, feed off of each other, this will go on forever, the word favor was interesting. there's going to be no honeymoon. he has accomplished something and rather than covering how the economy is doing well people are covering on cnn, how much diet coke he drinks and stuff like that but that is the covering him, all trump all the time. if you want to be on any of these networks he could at any time and you saw how much press he got in the last election, he didn't have to spend money on advertising because he was on every channel all the time. dave: nobody knows advertising or branding better than donald trump, his whole life talking about the value of that word trump and whatever the word trump is exposed whether it is negative purposes by the mainstream media or what it is good for the brand itself, for donald trump.
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>> he will have -- going into 2020, give a lot of credit he was able to rebrand what traditionally would have been a failed messaging strategy the last tax plan. mitch mcconnell wanted to collect tax reform, we were, tax cuts, that actually sounds a lot better and he is a master, brilliant at branding and able to get short soundbites, make america great again or we are going to get the wallet it will go 10 feet tall and built a brand in 2017, you have seen the media have to cover it and it is 24/7 on every were, not always positive, covering stuff that is not good with what he is doing but the results speak for themselves and it will be decisive in the next -- dave: as long as they spell the name right as long as you get the name out and spell it right you are doing well. appreciate it. netflix stocks soaring 50%,
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dave: many in the entertainment business screaming over streaming, movie theater attendance has hit a 22 year low for 2017, traditional pay-tv providers lost 2.6 million people and virtual distributors are gaining $1.7 million subscriber base so where does this go in the new year? kim, is the movie theater experience itself dying? >> i don't think so. when there is a good movie people see it. look at star wars bringing the us the mystic box office, the third time in history that is happening and thanks to star wars we close with over $500 million so that is a good when movies like wonder woman,
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people season, beauty and the beast, people season, the 10th version of pirates of the caribbean, people don't go. dave: i am a film buff and i used to love going to movie theaters, i don't enjoy it that much anywhere. i'm more aware of people kicking me in the back, people spilling popcorn on me and tall people, basketball players who sit in front of me when i have a great view, because i'm so accustomed to watching movies at home i'm more upset by bad things happening at the theater. >> when there is a good movie you want to rush to the theater for opening we can come you don't want to wait for the come out on netflix and theaters are bringing in reclining seats, not just popcorn anymore. dave: titanic, star wars, yes, but -- >> lady bird, you'll wait and see. something that was a brilliant film like hidden figures, just as easily watch at home as in the movie theater. >> even if a movie was about me, especially for me, dedicated to me, i would not go to the movie theater ever.
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you eat too much popcorn, you are sick two days. you can't stop, it will make me sick. there are new subscription services, you pay $10 a month subscription service and go to a limited movies. why would you do something like my own personal version of hell? >> another form of entertainment, many about to pop champagne for new year's but are you drinking too much? and reports as americans are consuming 13 alcoholic drinks a week on average. >> more than that because everyone lies to the doctor. it is less than two. >> a bottle of wine during the weekend. >> you can get drinks at movie theaters too so that is the experience you are talking
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about. >> we hear warnings about drinking and doing other bad stuff. i don't people pay attention anymore because so many of those predictions turn out to be wrong, salt is good for you when you, bad another. >> having a drink is a nice time. that is an example of what can be a nice time so people are likely to listen, having 13 drinks a week is not going to hurt you, everyone can calm down. >> there are always studies, have a glass of wine a day, don't come have chocolate every day, coffee every day which is a commissioned by starbucks for sure. if you are doing it every single week and never don't drink that would be a problem but if that is a week you have that is fine. dave: not going to drink on air but are very you pop a bottle. >> it is new year's eve. >> drinking may actually be a good way to warm up. freezing cold weather in times square. we will give you more details after this.
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♪ david: it is the last day of the trading year. here's the charts people are keeping in mind. now as you look at the dow and s&p look at the fact that the dow did considerably better than s&p. that is because it has all the blue chip stocks in there. may give you some ideas about where to park your money. it does better when the market is booming and it's a good place
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to keep your money when the market is going south as well. looks like generally the speaking the dow is better than s&p. guess where i have my money? in the s&p. go figure. spell it out on after the bell at 4:00 p.m. meanwhile here is trish regan. trish: happy new year. david: happy new year to you. trish: thank you so much. this is the last trading day of 2017. we've seen a record-setting-year on wall street. record after record after record. all because you have a new president with a very pro-growth agenda and wall street likes it. the dow up more than 25% on the year as it marchs towards 25,000. i am trish regan. welcome, everyone to "the intelligence report." president trump sitting down for impromptu interview in the dining room of his west palm beach golf club, blasting that the investigation puts country in bad position. he believes special counsel robert mueller will treat him fairly but when will this


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