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tv   Bulls Bears  FOX Business  December 31, 2017 2:00am-2:31am EST

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♪ ♪ ♪ >> as the new year approaches, the market is rocking. holiday sales soaring and president trump is promising we haven't seen anything yet. as tax cuts get ready to kick in, will the markets keep kicking up? happy new year everyone. this is bulls and bears. the bulls and bears this week, welcome to all of you. happy new year. you think 2018 will be a great
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year? >> i do. first of all, trish, welcome to our little family here. >> it's a pleasure to be in for dakin. she is getting some much-deserved time off. >> i think 2018 will be a fantastic year. here's why. we are ready saga glimmer of the gdp finally back over 3% for the quarter. now you ask why is 2018 going to be great? businesses want to cut expenses and want the red tape cut. while we have? will have lower corporate taxes, trump has done a maybe even better job than one of my heroes ronald reagan on cutting the red tape in washington. i think we have a smooth runway for 2018. there will be a few bumps along the way, but right now i think we're set up better than we been set up since the early '90s for a super economy. >> we love hearing that. we all want good things for this economy and the market.
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john, do you think it's in the cards? >> i agree. take bank earnings for example. banks have been up about 7% since the tax cuts look like they were to be formalized. earnings revisions say they will go up 20%. you haven't seen those come to fruition yet and you haven't seen those put into the market yet so i think there is another bit of a leg up. i think most are not into the earnings coming forward but i think you'll see a leg up from that and in addition, jana yellen said there was not a recession on the horizon for the next stable future of two or three years. unless you have something at a flash point, hotplate like north korea or a sunni versus shiite war in the arab world, i think we are going to be in for the trend continuing credit don't think it goes up as much as this past year but it goes up. >> i can remember back before the bubble hit in 2000,
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feeling very nervous ahead of that. and then again in 2008, i think i was scared from 2004 on with that one. so, i have a tendency to feel these things and when i keep thinking is interesting about now is i don't feel as worried , and believe me, i'm looking. i am looking for warning signs. do you think this year will be a good one? >> i think were all looking for warning signs and i agree with gary b and john. 2018 will be a great year. we've seen glimmers of this for the past year. the dow has been trending up over the past 13 consecutive months, but i also think there's going to be a slight correction, anywhere from 5 - 10% because it can't continue to keep chugging along like it is forever, but i think things are going great. i think 2018 will be a great year. >> why not? light is there has to be a 5 - 10% correction? >> you know what, we will
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see. the nasdaq is up 29% year-over-year. doubt jones 25% year-over-year. i'm interested to see whether we will see more retail investment in the coming year. tax cuts, more money in their pocket, will we go back to the levels of 2008 and 2009 and get things back in the stock market that they can see incredible gains. >> mom-and-pop, i would think there's a lot of money on the sidelines because there's a lot of people who really have it bought into the growth story. not just paul durbin who basically sat on election night that the market was plummeting and it would never recover from the depths that it would reach. there's a lot of people out there that have been waiting for an opportunity and this is now it. >> there's been a little bit of a zero-sum game where people were anti- trump, they are taking money out of the market.
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i don't know if it's a wash of retail investors. it's a little concerning that it's a little too good. were in this really strong economy. the strongest we've had in many years and now are doing tax cuts. that's a little strange. is it going to cause inflation? is the federal reserve going to cause rates to go up? it wouldn't take a lot of interest rate increased with the amount of debt for for it to cost more than the benefit. i'm a little bit worried that the good times might create bad times. i'm more worried about the unknown bubble that everyone is piling money in or rates or something that we don't expect that doesn't look like a bubble. that's dangerous in itself. >> we've got lots more to talk about. caputo on business in about 20 minutes from now. charles pain is in for neil caputo. >> as new york city gets ready to drop the ball, president
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trump is getting ready to drop a 1 trillion-dollar in the structure bill. they say not so fast. what about the national debt. and a new law suit regarding the iphones. >> this is not just new york. some cities are spending more and keep you [music]
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[music] [music] ♪yea, you can be the greatest ♪you can be the best ♪you can be the king kong
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♪bangin on your chest ♪you can beat the world you can beat the war♪ ♪you can talk to god while bangin on his door♪ ♪you can throw your hands up you can beat the clock♪ ♪you can move a mountain you can break rocks♪ ♪you can be a master don't wait for luck♪ ♪dedicate yourself and you can find yourself♪ ♪standin in the hall of fame ♪and the world's gonna know your name♪
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pennsylvania, new york and so much of the country will be a very cold new year's eve. now back to bulls and bears.
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>> police are ramping up security has millions prepared to ring in the new year, following a wave of deadly attacks against civilians in 2017. cities nationwide are hiking security measures and costs for tomorrow's new year's eve celebration. it seems to me, we should be willing to sort of spend whatever we need to spend to keep americans safe. where do you come out on the. >> i think we are going think we should. i was just in mumbai india and it's a prototype of what you are going to see in vegas on the strip and hotels in different places around the have a broad aience that
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comes through that you have t eck. you walk in, you have security there every time you walk through the front door but it seamless. they've done it so long. i think people are willing to pay a little more but that's the world we are in. to keep us safe, i think it's worth it. >> danielle, i think about how life is in a place like israel where they are confronting these threats on a daily basis and they learn to deal with that. that said, israel is a much smaller country. the united states, much larger, it would be much more challenging for us to live there, to live our lives that way, but is that what will come to? >> you make a really great point. the issue with terrorism is that it is so quickly able to change tactics. they can change what they do and how they do it very quickly. i would say being in new york city in times square on new year's eve is probably one of the safest places to be. i think we need to think that the soft targets. we also need to spend money not only on protecting the homeland but also on trying to defeat isis where it is,
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wearing about humanitarian crisis and other things that are causing migration. we are starting to see islamic terrorism take hold in places where there feeling like they are not being taken care of by the global community. >> she's making good point that they will go after the soft targets but they know there will be a time of security there in new york city on new year's eve so they may choose something that's less obvious. but once again, maybe he gets back to how we have to start living our lives, as much as we hate it, rather differently. >> unfortunately, there are going to be risks anytime you have a big gathering, but i don't think resources of the problem. they are going to go above and beyond when it comes to resources. i think what it really comes down to see something say something. you look at the san bernardino shooting, there was a neighbor who saw or heard something but they were afraid to come forward for fear of being called a racist. there's also companies being proactive, disney hotels are
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now implementing a policy for hotel staff to go into rooms at least once a day. clearly there are initiatives that are being put into place to keep americans safe. >> you are not an important one. see something, say something. we are in this environment now that is so increasingly polarized in the left hates the right and the right things the left is unfair, you know, i think some americans worry that if they report something, if they see something and they say something, they are indeed at risk of being labeled islamic phobic. >> look, i agree with you trish, i think anytime to matter what you do, when you step out the front door, you are at a lot more risk than you were even five or ten years ago, but i will disagree in all sound very coldhearted with some of my fellow panelists here, the resources are not unlimited. take the car industry for example. they could make a car were no
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matter what happened, no matter what kind of accident you got in, you walked away one 100% safe. they can make time square almost one 100%, they could line it with tanks and make everything a person entering go through a metal detector. they don't do that because there are costs and trade-offs. we can't just spend infinity amount protecting everyone. in this case, the city of new york makes millions of dollars from tourists coming in. they have to weigh the cost benefit. how much is it worth for them to make sure that people come back for the 2019 new year's and prevent terrorism for there's a trade-off if they're having a super bowl for the super bowl organizers need to think ahead. they just can't spend infinity and they can spend zero printer has to be a trade-off there. >> jonas, your thoughts? >> and between gary, we don't have mexico and canada lobbying missiles into our country.
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you have to spend an economic amount. this is a libertarian country. apple wouldn't spend as much as we do to protect the store. they would just get insurance and take the occasional bombing. you have to make people feel comfortable and at the end of the day you can spend unlimited money to knock out that 99.9% chance of an attack. >> that's something the thing about as we go into this holiday. thank you so much. cashin and coming up. >> we are digging deep and present trump's first year in office. what he did right in 2017 and what he needs to do in 2018 to make the economy great again. plus, things are getting harry after an interview with harry. did the former president just take a shot at the current president? in an interview that airs overseas, that controversy when we see you at 1130. >> thank you. we will be watching.
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first, as if this market run-up isn't enough to g
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it would be important for millennial's to be gainfully employed and to learn about economics and investing and what it means, what interest rates mean, and not to incur a lot of student debt or credit card debt. >> danielle, is it that
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millennial have lived through some pretty tough times? they have come of age in a very difficult economic environment and they have twice. is that part of this? >> i think it is into your point, the millennial's have an average of about $41000 in student debt and are making about 30,000 dollars but it's not a lot of money and they don't have a lot of disposable income to invest. they also tend to buy than retail, things like houses or stock. there's also an economic effect. >> you mention that student loans are problem. gary b, that something we need to address. you get kids taking on all this money, they can never repay it. do you like what you are hearing from presid%i?ñ?ñ?nt tp where he is focusing on
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>> i like it a lot. i have two millennial's, both with graduate degrees who have had to reinvent themselves. here's the thing about as the prices rise more millennial's will start to discover the stock market. >> i've got an 8-year-old daughter who saves like you wouldn't believe. she saves every single penny and never wants to spend any. >> she is talking to me about maybe could she buy a share [laughter] i said you have to go to mattel for that.ápñ?ñ?ñ this was encouraging to me. i wonder if it's having something to do with generational swings or what her mother does for a living
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generation. >> no, there's not. the greatest generation got a gun and were told to storm normally. they want a selfies stick and a safe place but there's not enough time to deal with what's wrong with millennial's. >> i wasn't talking about job millennial's, i was talking about the generation after millennial's. >> i don't know what happened to the millennial's. i really don't. i think too much coddling is not a good thing. anyway, let's hope for the best.7gémmmet)d]g3xñcuq3tñu5xpg us. i know you have a little one. coming up next, have you ever wondered how her good our guys really are at picking stocks? we will take a look at their best and worst from 2017. they will give you their pick to make 2018 a big year to remembe remember.
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it never gets old. alright everyone, 2 truths 1 lie. i was going to be on the real world, i play the oboe, and i saved a kid's life. you definitely never saved a kid's life. i'm serious, last summer i donated bone marrow to a kid who had leukemia. saving a life, the truth is, it's easier than you think. learn how at who knew we were living with a hero? a hero who plays the oboe. (laughter)
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the best and worst calls in 2017 and how you can still prophet from them. right now, in the scoreboard, take a look. >> we do the bad and the good here on bowls and bears. saving the best for last and starting with the best of the
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worst. you said take a bite out of mark. >> , keep it because a 4% dividend is too tempting. it will save you in a down market. >> that's fair. that's go to number two. john, you said that general things. since september it's down 30%. and what you think now. >> i'm still a fan of general electric. i think they've done a great job in their poster child for repatriation. i think it's a leader in the dow in 2018. >> drumroll please for 2018. by that bath and beyond, but it's down 44% since last february. what you do now? you buy, sell or hold.vñ?ñ? >> i must've missed the whole online retail thing. i would get rid of it.
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these big-box retailers are >> i think there's been some better retail sales numbers but not this one. >> not this one. >> he is back. he said back in may, and it's up 42%. do you still like it? >> i'm investing in actual [laughter] >> okay, take those profits. %qñ?ñ?ñalmost a year ago you tht home depotñsñ?ñ? would be pretty amazing!añ?ñ?.wñ?ñ? and well, ye right. it's up 42%. you keeping this one? >> absolutely. one of the best stocks i've the tax policy, because they have so much of their earnings in the united states
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will be a huge benefit for home depot. i think it goes up further. >> let's go to number one in 2017, gary b, last january you predicted caterpillar would dig up some green and while you know it, people lññ?ñ?. >> i would continue to hold and maybe buy a little bit more because the flip side of my previous prediction, you can't move earth online. that's why i like caterpillar for growing economy. >> well it may benefit from a new tax plan and less relation. it's good to see you all. at 2018. these protections. gary's productions. >> , go with my old reliable for the past three years, amazon keeps killing it, up 40% this year. >> cvs. i own it. i think with whether or not the deal goes through or not
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it's one of the bestáxb >> vanguard telecom, i think it will be the big win with the tax cut. >> thanks so much for joining us. goodhahahahahahahahahahahahahah. charles payne is in for >> as the ball drops on the new year, america is about to drop a trillion dollars on if the structure. i'm charles payne in for neil cavuto. the trump administration is preparing a new infrastructure deal for 2018. officials are working on a $1 trillion plan to be unveiled in january. ben stein says slow down. with over $20 trillion in is hererñ?ñ?ñ. charlie and adam are off this week. then, your thoughts. >> i think we can spend a trillion dollars if we only spend a million dollars. week, but we have to do it, we


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