tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business January 6, 2018 1:00am-2:00am EST
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there's also plenty more information and videos on our website, [ woman vocalizing ] of you. i appreciate it. happy new year. lou dpobs i dobbs is next right. ♪ lou: good evening, everybody. vindication tonight for republican efforts to purge corrupt top officials of the department of justice. fox news has confirmed the fbi and federal prosecutors are investigating allegations of pay to play corruption at the clinton foundation. specifically investigators are looking into whether foundation donors were illegally given preference and access to hillary clinton while she was secretary of state. tonight i'll talk with one of the republican lawmakers who has been calling for months for a second special counsel to investigate the clinton scandals. congressman matt gates joins us
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also tonight, two republican senators calling for the fbi to pursue a criminal investigation of christopher steele. he's the author of the democratic funded and discredited trump dossier. senators chuck grassley and lindsey graham say they have evidence that steele lied to the fbi and president trump tonight at camp david for two days of meetings with republican leaders. they'll be mapping out their 2018 strategy and talking over their political priorities for the year. we'll take up those presumed strategies and likely priorities with commentator and best selling author and coulter. our top story to night, the justice department launching a number of investigations into clinton corruption today, we learned its targeting the money machine that is the clinton foundation. earlier this week details emerged that the justice
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department was finally investigating the clinton e-mail scandal as well, whether clinton broke laws when she transmitted classified information from her unsecured personal and private e-mail server. her utter disregard for national security exemplified in this week's stunning revelation, namely 18 classified e-mails found on a laptop belonging to her aide houmaed a deen an humar estranged husband. last month the department of justice began questioning fbi agents about the uranium one deal as well. details surfacing today about details that the clinton foundation used pay to play politics while she was secretary of state. sources tell fox news that the investigation has been yurpd going for months led by the u.s. attorney's office and the fbi in little rock, arkansas. at issue, whether the clinton foundation violated tax law and
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promised favors in exchange for donation to the foundation. now we already know the clinton foundation received 145 million dollars in donations from a number of people connected to the uranium one deal which ended up -- resulted in russia receiving 20% of all u.s. uranium reserves. $145 million and 20% of strategically important uranium that belonging to the united states. and no one investigated it at the time. the department of justice alleging that the clinton corruption had been investigated but it hasn't. the division of justice also mired in scandal amid allegations of collusion and coverups as well. congressional investigators say they've uncovered evidence the fbi failed to follow its own
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rules while investigating the clinton e-mails. bypassing its own field offices to put the probe in the hands of deep state leadership in d.c. meanwhile, the former fbi director in charge of that botched e-mail investigation is accused by the senate judiciary committee chairman chuck grassley, of leaking classified documents to a columbia university professor. house intelligence committee chair devin nunes able to break through fbi stone walling gaining access to documents related to the russia investigation that he first asked for back in august of last year. congressman nunez is trying to determine whether the bureau used the discredited trump dossier to begin its investigation of the president. and speaking of the dossier, it's not been a good week for the authors of that smear effort. a federal court ruling the cofounders of fusion gps will have to hand over banks r records to congress giving
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lawmakers a chance to follow the money behind the document. and just hours ago senators sens grassley and graham asking the department of justice to open an investigation of christopher steele, the british spy who supplied the phony so-called intelligence that went into the dossier which was fabricated. our first guest says congress has an obligation to expose the deep state's corruption of russian collusion and the democratic participation in the effort. joining me tonight, congressman matt gates. he serves on a number of committee. congressman, great toy se to se. this has been an incredible week. let's start with the most recent development and that is the referral by sphwhairt grassley, the chair of the judiciary committee and lindsey graham for criminal investigation by the
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justice department. your reaction. >> bravo to senators grassley and graham for highlighting the real crimes by the real criminals in this case. the only evidence we have of collusion with the russian federation is the evidence that the democratic national committee paid the fusion gps company to go pay russians to tell lies about the newly elected president of the united states. and it is about darn time we made that the central focus of our collusion inquiries and i'm glad to see that senators grassley and graham understand the importance of the collusion between russians and democrats and that we're about to root that out in the future, lou. lou: and the how judiciary committee on what you said. why isn't there a turn there as well. devin nunes in my judgment is a hero. he is the only one in his committee to produce evidence of the -- first of all, it's excale president and any of the nonsense about collusion. but is also driving knowledge
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about what really was going on here and it's, i think at this stage it is a straightforward obvious attempt to subvert the president of the united states duly elected even before he got to the oval office. >> well, you're absolutely right. it's like the deep state got together to orchestrate a palace coup over our president. and chairman devin new nez has s been a fighter. without him we wouldn't know about the text messages when peter struck and lisa paige. in the house judiciary committee, i'm proud of our work. we had an interview of andrew mccabe under oath, sworn testimony and within hours of him giving that testimony he announced his retirement. i think one of the reasons may be the inconsistencies of his very testimony. we've got a series of investigations closing in on hillary clinton like a noose. lou: you know, congressman, this has to frustrate you as much as
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it does any one of us in this country right now, concerned citizens. we have some people running the fbi and the department of justice who frankly look like they're the ones who should be behind bars. and we hear about people retiring suddenly. in the case of mccabe. others are being reassigned. but no one is being told you're fired, you're losing your benefits, taxpayer funded benefits. and by the way, we're also going to send you to jail. this is disgusting conduct. i mean, and by the way, part of my disgust in all of this is that it goes on and on, the investigations where they're in the house or senate committees, whether the investigations from the fbi which is obviously at the top rancid with corruption or the department of justice where the former president and an attorney general decide an investigation is really a matter in the fbi director at the time
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james comey says yes, ma'am, it is now a matter and she was very pleased, i'm sure, the quick response of the highly, highly principal james comey. but the rest of the country is sick to their guts that this is our government. >> you're absolutely right. the key difference about the way the investigations are being conducted in the past and the way they appear to be conducted currently, in the past you had james comey and a group of people doing hillary clinton's bidding. drawing the investigation away from the local field offices so they could prebake the outcome and clear hillary clinton of wrongdoing even though there real liz was wrongdoing. in this case you've got the little rock field office doing the investigative work, working up the case. there is a key distinction that should give us trust. lou: and you're right to highlight that and we should give great credit to the u.s. attorney, to the fbi in little rock for taking -- that field
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office taking on the issue that should have been under investigation from the moment that the issue wa was raised. instead we had top officials in washington all part of the d.c. swamp. people talk about the swamp in that town, congressman. but to see how pervasive the corruption is and the conspiracy against this government and the subversion of this president, it's overwhelming. >> when we can't live in a swamp where the biggest alligator is the department of justice or the fbi. we've got to ensure that the government works for us and works for democracy and the rule of law. here you had people literally plotting and planning in the event that donald trump were elected president to undermine and disrupt his presidency and that's why this criminal referral regarding the fusion gps dossier is so important. lou: we have to go. but i'm going to leave this with a question and we can, we can answer it over the weeks to come. but why in the world, if there
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was such concern about russian meddling in our election, why is it that the president of the united states at the time, that is president obama, didn't demand access to those dnc servers, didn't demand a response from vladimir putin and the russians and why wasn't he talking to the american people about what ha him ostensibly upt at vladimir putin's interference. there are a lot of questions still to be answered. are we going to get to resolution in this new year, congressman, as we wrap it up? >> we absolutely have to. and when you look at the magnitude of the allegations against hillary clinton, right now we don't have a circumstance where we'll have people at the highest levels of the government clearing the way for us. and if we're vil jant a vil vig.
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lou: congressman matt gates, things for being with us and coupe up the good work. we're coming right back with much much more. stay with us. it only gets, well, more complicated and even better. now hope for peace on the peninsula, north and south korea agreeing to their first official talks in more than two years. but what is the north up to? we take it all up with ambassador john bolton and president trump taking steps to build the wall. the administration seeking $18 billion to expand parts of the wall along the southern border. we'll take up the president's america first immigration policy with anne coulter here next. when a cold calls... achoo! ...answer it. with zicam cold remedy. it shortens colds, so you get better, faster. colds are gonna call. answer them with zicam!
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and it's connected technology that's moving companies forward fast. e-commerce. real time inventory. virtual changing rooms. that's why retailers rely on comcast business to deliver consistent network speed across multiple locations. every corporate office, warehouse and store near or far covered. leaving every competitor, threat and challenge outmaneuvered. comcast business outmaneuver. lou: a new push for peace on the korean peninsula. north and south korea announcing that they've agreed to hold diplomatic talks beginning this upcoming tuesday. the first meeting of its kind many more than two years. on the agenda we'll told the upcoming winter olympics and ways in which to improve overall time. tens of thousand pro-government demonstrators pouring into the streets of tehran to counter the antigovernment protests over the
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course of the past week and a half. and in new york city, the u.n. security council holding an emergency meeting to discuss the ongoing turmoil. u.s. delegates calling on the iranian regime, as we look at these pictures of the streets of tehran, to respect the rights of people to peacefully protest. this is quite, quite something to behold. and joining us now to assess it all, john bolton, now a senior fellow at the american enterprise institute, fox business contributor. great to have you with us, ambassador. let's start with the context of these de demonstrations. we're looking at pro-government demonstrations the ayatollahs have said they're going to be very very strict in their response to the antigovernment demonstrators. what do you make of it and how important a moment is this? where is it headed? john: i think these
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demonstrations we've seen over the past seven or eight days is a dagger pointed at the heart of the regime. it shows ow unpopular it is across the country. these are different demonstrations than the 2009 protests -- lou: how so? john: well these demonstrations are calling for an end of the regime. back in 2009 they were just complaining about garage lent elections, not calling for the supreme leader himself to be ouster. we don't know what will happened with this particular outburst but i think they've crossed a line here that shows as vulnerable the regime is. we've got the revolutionary guards poised if need be. there have been reports that some troops have been pulled back from syria. whatever happens at the conclusion or whether these demonstrations continue, it's really opened a new chapter. i think the president has been right on target in supporting them publicly.
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lou: while the former obama officials, national security officials asking everyone to be very quiet while the demonstrations took place, a shameful response on the part of those people led by former national security adviser susan rice. let's turn to north korea, the play to bring peace to the peninsula. and apparently the ploy is working. john: well i think what the north koreans are doing is trying to take advantage of a very weak south korean administration, trying to drive a wedge between them and the united states. because i think they take president trump's threat to use military force seriously. so i think this -- this is a ploy to get these discussions going with respect to the olympics because the argument would be certain lu you can't do anything while negotiations are under way. we've seen this before np in 2000 and 2004, in the olympic games those years, north and south korea yan athletes marched
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together as one team. it was propaganda but that's what they did then. with the olympics in korea itself, this would be a big opportunity for kim jong-un. but i attribute part of this to the trump pressure. they're nervous enough that they want to buy time to finish their work on the nuclear program. lou: what can the trump administration do? what should be the policy response in this midst of this in. john: the president was right at the september speech to the u.n. general assembly when he said denuclei disaition is the only way forward, the north is never going to give up its nuclear weapons voluntarily. we've seen that over 25 years. the president has tried to put pressure on china. we're down to unattractive options but it's important that the president make the case that a north korea with nuclear weapons is a threat to the united states, japan, others in the region and a threat globally because they will sell any of
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this technology to other sparring nuclear powers. lou: very quickly because we're over time as usually, ambassador, it's your fault, not mine, i assure you. the idea that north korea will be watching a constriction by china of its trade, again eliminating exports of oil, steel, manufacturing to korea, will it happen? john: china is playing a double game again. we've seen roforts of it already. a lot of people are busting the sanctions including russia and i'm sure iran. i think that's 25 years of failed policy. lou: should there be a boycott on embargo? john: we're running out of time just given north korea's technological process. lou: and james clapper, the
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former dni under president obama saying the trump white house should just get used to the idea of a nuclear north korea. has he lost his mind? john: look. he and susan rice are singing off of the same page. they failed utterly in their efforts and now they're saying that we have to sup the result of their failure. i think it demonstrates they weren't that concerned about north korea with nuclear weapons or -- lou: or much of anything else. john: or other threats to the united states precisely. lou: didn't seem concerned at all. once again you've taken us over time and we want to thank you for doing so. be sure to vote in our poll tonight. do you have any confidence the justice department can credibly investigate clinton corruption before purging the deep state upper management of the doj and fbi? we'd like to hear from you. cast your vote on twitter. follow me on twitter, like me on facebook and instagram. well, lou dobbs tonight. wall street, another record breaking day for stocks.
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winning never gets old. the dow surging 221 points, the s&p up 19, nasdaq jane 59. volume on the big board 3.2 billion shares. in this trading week the dough and s&p posted gains of more than 2%. the nasdaq up more than 3%. the race is under way. and the economy rounding out 2017 with another almost 150 thou jobs in december t. unemployment holding at 4.1%. that is the lowest unemployment rate since 2000. a reminder. listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. up next, good news from the fbi for a change. a new investigation into pay for play allegations against the clinton foundation. that and a few other subjects, well, we'll take that up in my commentary here next. stay with us.
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lou: a lot of developments this week in two cases that the fbi and obama's justice department tried to bury and the clintons tried to run from. and one development in the democratic national committee and clinton campaign financing of the anti-trump dossier. all the developments are substantive and mean that there is now a chance, are you ready, a chance that justice will win out. after an appallingly long period of stone walling and brinksmanship, the fbi and justice department have finally agreed to congressional oversight. isn't that nice of them. and why are we putting up with their arrogance. they decided to meet the demands of the oversight dme, the house intelligence committee and its chairman devin nunes to have access to all docks and witnesses in the anti-trump dossier investigation. and today senate judiciary
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chairman chuck grassley referred the author of the trump dossier to the justice department for criminal investigation because he's a lying, whatever. former mi-6, smear merchant. the fbi is investigating now as well the clinton foundation and pay for play corruption which they should have been doing years ago. this as the justice department is reportedly reopening its investigation of the clinton e-mail scandal. all in addition to the opening of an investigation into the uranium one scandal. let's pause here just for a moment. the scandal is this. the clinton foundation received $145 million and the secretary of state and the other members and the president of the united states, barack obama, permitted the russians to get 20% of our uranium reserves. does that sound like a strategic issue for national security? you're right.
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and not one of them objected. and while these developments are certainly welcome, i doubt many of us will get overheated about the prospects of resolution anytime soon. in my opinion, success in bringing the principles of these scandals to justice depends on how soon the trump administration can lean up the corrupt officials who inhabit the highest levels of our justice department and fbi. the deep state and the deeply entrenched obama dem leftovers are still running many of the nation's top law enforcement and national security units and organizations within the fbi and justice department in particular. agencies rife with conflicts and political corruption, including the office of the special counsel. and those officials need to be rooted out and rooted out soon so the cases can be quickly solved rather than perpetuated.
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that will be a new concept at the justice department if it can only be introduced by the trump administration. the corrupt officials of what has become the administrative state that now frustrates the honorable and committed public servants of justice and the fbi, they deserve far better. certainly we do, the american citizens. the quotation of the evening now from albert ion stein and he said this. the world is a dangerous place to live. not because of the people who are evil. but because of the people who don't do anything about it. and for a decade, perhaps longer, we've had a lot of people who's done nothing about the evil that has seized the swamp. we're coming right back. stay with us. president trump and republican leaders meeting at camp david. they're talking taxes, infrastructure, national security, the budget and even more. >> we have a lot of things to work on, a lot of things to accomplish. and we are making america great
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meeting with gop leaders to talk about the 2018 agenda and their policy priorities. joining me now, ed rol rollins, former white house political director under ronald reagan and fox business contributor. great to see you. >> thank you. my pleasure. lou: this is an extraordinary opening of developments here. suddenly the clintons have been recognized as possibly being felons in waiting. >> well want as i've said to you before, the problem with washington, d.c. is they were an convinced that he was going to be the president so everybody tiptoed around them when they should have been investigating them. for the last year for whatever reason they've gone after trump and to a certain extent is because trump never took charge of the justice department. now we need to fix it. the public has a right to know what was going on and where the real corruption is. lou: i have to say, the idea of what's going on here is far more, though, than simply waiting for her majesty to
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assume the presidency. it is also clearly an organized effort on the part of the previous president, the organizing for america, 30,000 strong, a president who is going to continue to work against the republican president, who was elected to succeed him. it's never been done in our history and everyone in the national media seems to be quite content to just let it occur. >> they're letting it occur because they don't like trump. lou: the hell with them. >> i agree. that's what america democracy is about. the amazing thing he' done is he's repealed off of the crap that obama put in, all of the executive orders. you see the business community, the market, you see the job numbers. lou: economic growth. >> growth. it's because they were repressed by the executive orders of the obama administration. lou: just his attitude in general. >> that's the thing that's worked so well so far.
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lou: i can't begin to comprehend why so much pruption that is so obvious at the top of the fbi, the department of justice has not resulted many more people stepping forward made up of fine men and women serving the country. they've got to be sick to their stomach seeing james comey and the corrupt hacks serving in important decisions within the department of justice and the fbi, taking money. it's just disgusting. >> well, look, the fact that comey was leaking documents. he set the special prosecutor up. he basically admitted that he basically sent a document to his pal, a college professor, to call for a special prosecutor. how outrageous is that. as far as i'm concerned he is totally -- lou: just on the face of that we whoont are the leaders of the republican party saying this special counsel ends now. it was a fraud to begin with.
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it is a greater fraud now because we know there's no evidence against president trump or any of his organizations? >> well as we have said repeatedly on this show, the justice department does not have leadership. and the reality is that the president has to -- lou: i'm talking about speaker ryan. majority leader mcconnell. why not say that's it. you're done. >> they should and the reality is they don't want to do that. they don't want to slap the hands of their own members and they should. lou: slp the hands of their own members? >> they're getting the limelight and not doing anything. the importance of the meeting at camp david this weekend is they better come down with the mountain with the agenda. here's what we want to do, here's what we want to do together and here are the priorities for this election year which is very key. lou: should amnesty be on it and where is the damn wall. >> amnesty can't be on it if you want the wall. you basically have to have the border secure the president wants to secure
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the border by putting up a wall. if he doesn't get that, he should not sign off on anything else. lou: well and you know that chuck sheum ser going to insist that we'll give you some funding for the wall, we'll talk about it as a virtual wall, high-technology and yes, we'll appropriate the money over in the house and everything will be fine. and you'll never see the damn wall. >> well someone other than the president has to take this up with the congress and make the champion of it and make sure it happens. someone in the appropriation committees. lou: who in the congress right now has the strength, the power and the credibility to do it? >> the two people you mentioned in leadership aren't going to do it. someone has to decide this is my priority. used to be a congressman from san diego. lou: duncan hunter. >> did an effective job of building a wall, stopped illegal immigration in san diego. lou: but they still owe him 700 miles of fence. >> they do.
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lou: and it says must build the wall in the legislation. a bunch of lying snakes. i have to believe every day that president trump goes to work, there's one part of him that may not enjoy this job and that is having to deal with all of these snakes. >> he's learning it's a lot more complicated than he thought and he doesn't care. he's going to get it done. lou: he's getting it done. great to have you here. have a great weekend. please roll the video now and watch as these athletes use their board. we're talking a drainage ditch. it's not really a ditch. it's more of a slide. the group is planning on going to the snowy slopes but they couldn't resist the fun and spontaneous detour. that looks like a heck of a lot of fun. that's even straight enough i might make it to the bottom. i wouldn't be on the board but at least i would make it to the bottom. up next, new investigations targeting bill and hillary clinton over pay to play allegations at the clinton foundation.
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i know. you're like me. you're thinking yeah, we've known that for years. what's the deal? we'll pick up the renewed effort to root out the corrupt clintons next and later, ann ann coulter s us to take up the latest battle over immigration, border security and yes, the wall. those are prototypes of the wall. pick your favorite. we're going to give prizes. stay with us. we'll be right back. ooooooh snap!! every truck guy has their own way of conveying powerful. yeeaaahhh boy. kind of looks like a monster coming to eat ya. holy smokes. that is awesome. strong. you got the basic, and you got the beefy. i just think it looks mean. incredible. no way. start your year off strong a new chevy truck. get a total value of over $9,600 on this silverado all star when you finance with gm financial. find new roads at your local chevy dealer.
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lou: joining us tonight, matt slap, chairman of the american conservative union, great american. good to have you with us. happy new year. and what in the world -- did steve bannon just do the president a great service by clearing the decks of himself? >> you know, that could be the case, lou. i'm still in a little bit of shock. i'll admit to you, this whole thing happened -- i'm thunderstruck that you would let an author into the west wing for this period of time and give him this access. lou: he was across the street as i understand it. they actually denied him access. >> let's just say this. he got to talk to too many people on too many occasions towards an effort that was never
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going to do any good for the president. when you're a presidential staffer as i have been, you spend your time in the white house help pg the president and his agenda. you're not there for yourself. lou: vi to say, i've never seen more rat skunks in any administration than i saw in the early days of this one. >> i agree. lou: there were people there that fought him and they were cowardly. let me put it that way. >> they were not -- lou: and they talked behind his back. some of the sielest people vilee imaginable. >> and they weren't -- many of them weren't good at their jobs. they're incompetent and not helping the president. on the agenda front, the president got a lot done. it was a fantastic year but i wish we could have gotten started sooner with confidence. i give general kelly credit for cleaning it up. lou: you've got to. and the president, obviously he had had a belly full.
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rebecca mercer making a statement saying i support th president trump and the platform upon which he was elected. my family and i have not communicated with steve bannon in many months and provided no financial support to his political agenda nor do we support his recent actions and statements. that comes from, you know, the folks who were his principle backers. one of the president's principle backers. and everybody is now focused -- i guess there's a clarity that results and that is on the president and his policies and not those who want to somehow delude themselves into thinking they're this president's equal intellectually in terms of wit or political savvy or connection with the american people. they're damn fools if they even remotely think that. >> i've had this question on
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rival networks. they say where are the conservatives going to go. are they going to go with bannon or trump. that's not even a question that needs to be answered. lou: they love that. >> the conservative movement in this country is head over heels happy with what donald trump is doing as president and that relationship grows stronger. lou: i'm going to disagree with you. i don't think it's a conservative movement at all. it's a trump movement. it's populous in nature but it is a broad appeal on the part of this president that makes him successful and i truly believe this is a trump movement and it is very powerful. and with every achievement it gets only stronger. >> i think that's right. and the thing is what he did to the coalition pulled together to win this election, he's giving hope to a lot of people who believe this country was on a hopelessly left wing path. and now they look at the country saying look, we can save it. we can make things here. we can grow and create jobs.
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lou: the damn liberals and the rhinos had the question about it. working men and women, the middle class in this country know where america is. it's where america resides. and without this president they are the ones who would be at the back of the line. and that would have been a damn shame. you know, we end almost every evening it seems saying thank you president trump, because otherwise this country would be in quite a different place going quite a different direction. >> amen, lou. i'm with you 100%. people with this silly book and everything else, people saying the president this, the president that. i think that donald trump is the exact right leader we need at this frightening time to make sure that america still leads. because if america doesn't lead, the globe is in a dangerous place. lou: we don't have to worry about that hypothetical. we got a leader. >> thank you. take care. lou: up next, americans siding with the president on those nfl
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it does not take an extraordinary person to make a difference. it's just a matter of what kind of difference we choose to make. you know we do what we do on the field but we have a duty off the field as well. it doesn't take much to make a big impact. just having a positive attitude or helping someone every now and then makes more of a difference than i think any of us realize. to learn more about starting an action team visit our website. anyone can really make a difference. lou: in our online poll last night we asked do you believe daca and amnesty should be the first prior fi for congress and the white house in this new year. 72% of you said no. and that leaves us worrying about 28%.
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but there kra you are. joining me now conservative commentator, best selling author ann coulter. her most recent book "in trump we trust." great to have you with us. you came up with a line that i absolutely love. you said you wouldn't support amnesty until there's a wall built and hell freezes over. how do you think the president is feeling about it? do you think you're channeling him right now. ann: i hope so. what i can't understand are the republicans. i mean trump is doing a lot better than the rest of them, but it's the strangest thing. trump just won on deporting illegals and building a wall. why is the first thing we have to concentrate on granting amnesty to illegal aliens. and i might add the least attractive illegal aliens. i deport the dreamers before
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the ms13 members. the dreamers are all over congress, the streets, tv, demanding, demanding that we grant -- how dare you wait before excusing our law breaking. i want those guys first, then we'll get the felons and the hardworking illegal aliens doing the gardening and so on. everybody kind of likes them. they're so friendly, such hard workers. but the dreamers number one. lou: the interesting thing is i don't hear anyone using numbers. and if we're going to create amnesty, there should be a number of slots. we're told there are 800,000 dreamers. the first thing they would do write down the 800,000 limit, that's it, done, deal and you're already on a registry and we know the talk about the deadlines in march and all of this that is nonsense because those folks who have signed up for daca, 300,000 of them don't have to worry about the expiration of that two-year
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reprieve until november. so there's all of that time for a considered honest debate in congress, which is where the president wants the issue resolved, to talk about what is the effect of the decision. what is the economic and social and national -- ann: right. first of all -- lou: we should see that debate on some issue, shouldn't we? ann: numbers on the entire immigration issue would be fantastic. how many immigrants, legal, illegal are in prison and for what crimes. how many illegal immigrants are even in this country as i point out. there are at least 30 million. lou: was thatted that adios am? ann: that fabulous best selling book. it's probably 50, 60 million illegals. but as for specifically congress saying no only 800,000 no more. first again i re register my
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objection to discussing this. why are we all, okay, the first thing the republican congress is going to do is bernie sanders idea for free college tuition and in exchange could we cut these little regulations. why are we discussing this? okay. let's discuss it. even if congress were to limit it as you say to 800,000, i promise you, lou dobbs, any amnesty, it could be only for nuclear scientists, that is an amnesty for everyone. why? because that's what happened in 1986. 20 years later they were still processing illegals applying for amnesty. it goes to the courts, it goes to the ninth circuit, it goes to hawaii judges, it goes to the ins mostly run by former employees. there is no way the most limited aamnesty will be limited. it can be red-headed nuclear scientists. it is amnesty for the entire
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world. lou: and the reality is that the president has it exactly right. no more lottery vi visas. no more immigration policies that didn't put the interest of the united states first. a mayor tookcy, that's what we are, that's what our borders should reflect. ann: a funny thing is democrats won't even accept anything. they just want pure amnesty for again the worst illegals, the dreamers. they won't even agree to an end to chain migration. so i mean -- lou: we've got to deal with this. we have got a lot of republicans who are dirt dumb and they really don't understand. they're in a negotiation and have been since 2006. ann coulter understands all of that. and we commend her to you for your reading pleasure as well as viewing and watching pleasure. thanks for being with us.
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ann: thanks, lou. lou: joining us monday, congressman mark meadows among our guests. until then have a great weekend. >> a booze-born idea... >> he said, "i'm thinking i might buy myself a b-17 and put it over a gas station." >> sell burgers and fuel. >> people were lined up for blocks to get in. 30,000 gallons a day. >> decades later, a dad's dying wish. >> art wanted us to restore it to flying condition. >> a family's flight of fancy... >> they're foolish to be trying this. >> ...that's totally the bomb. [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ] [ bird caws ] >> i'm jamie colby, today
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