tv Kennedy FOX Business January 9, 2018 12:00am-1:00am EST
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of disaster here. byron, we are out of time. byron: thank you, lou. lou: that's it for us. thanks for bitititititititititi. good night from new york. kennedy: the trump administration back on the offensive over the explosive book "fire and fury." and why is everybody squawking about the 25th amendment. robert mueller looking to interview the president himself. is oprah winfrey gearing up for a 2020 run? show time. the new trump book is here. the presidential panty bundler has more fire and fury than a batch of men voids. the ultimate goal is taking count president.
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don't take my word for it. here is the author in his own words on bbc radio. >> the story i told seems to present the presidency in such a way that says he can't do his job. the emperor has no clothes and suddenly everywhere people are going, oh, my god, it's true, he has no clothes. that's the background to the perception and understanding that will finally end this. that we'll end this presidency. kennedy: at least he's not hiding his intentions. so if he's meant to pull back the curtain revealing a fast food ingesting mental midget, how will he bring down the president with the 25th amendment. >> it's not unreasonable to say this is 25th amendment stuff. >> anybody say that to nut west
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wing? >> they would say we are not -- sort of -- we are not at the 25th amendment yet. or they would -- >> alarming. >> this is alarming in every way. kennedy: what on god's green and warming earth is the 25th amendment, this poison pill that steve bannon said has a one-third chance of ending the presidency? it's an incapacitated president. a gunshot. a series of impulsive tweet. it requires a no confidence vote from the vice president and 2/3 of congress has to vote to give him the boot in the end. at this point, regardless of
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your personal feeling or newly solidified perception, it ain't happening. thank got judge is here. let's get into it. i'm kennedy. is all this 25th amendment talk premature? how exactly does it work? we'll ask judge andrew napolitano. you have been very busy work on the story. >> the 25th amendment was ratified in 1967, four years after the kennedy assassination when there was a fear and concern, suppose he had survived and was brain damaged, who would be the president? would it be mrs. kennedy? mrs. wilson was effectively the president after woodrow wilson
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had a stroke 2/3 of the way through his second term. and he couldn't communicate. so the idea they came up with if the vice president and a majority of the cabinet, 9 human beings, decide the president is incapacitated, he's incapacitated for 21 days and out of the white house. think of this. 9 people to nullify the wishes of 60 million. a lot of people have argued, i among them, this is the basis for a lawful coup. the takeover of the government by non-democratic means. it's in the constitution. it's the law of the land. of course, it's never been used. if the president signs a petition i am today pass 8. then it go to the congress and
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it would take 2/3 of both houses to keep him out permanently. kennedy: what are the chances of that happening? >> it's extremely narrow. the whole thing is extremely narrow with him. there is no definition of incapacity. we know what they were talking about because we have historical record from 1967. i don't know that it was the type of things that are arctic late, even if you take them as being truthful, and some people are challenging them, in michael wolff's book. even if everything in the book is true, does this rise to the level of constitutional level. you want hip out because you don't like what he eats and the way he sound and what he says about himself or do you think
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he's incapable of being the president of the united states. it's dangerous that we are having this conversation. this is not the cloak room of the democrats in the house where there is extreme hatred for the president. these are the people he hired to work for him. if they are talking about the 25th amendment this is dangerous stuff and we are in dangerous times. kennedy: what do we .now? >> i don't know what advice to give hip. the advice i have been giving him is not to be interviewed by the fbi. i know we are switching gears. no serious criminal defense lawyer would ever, ever, put as many evers as you want, let his client be interviewed by the people prosecuting him. kennedy: alan dershowitz said the same thing. >> not only is he the president
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web's an extremely strong willed individual who probably said to his lawyers, get me a meeting with mueller and i'll talk him out of this. mr. president, they won't. they are looking to set a trap for you as they did with general flynn and papadopoulos and martha stewart. kennedy: i think that's exactly what they are going to do. i'll talk with buck sexton about that later. i want to get back to this 25th amendment issue. it goes to show the politicization and separation and the foment and desire to undo the results of an election that half of the country feels was unjust. is there anything the president can do at this point to just simply govern, to simply lead. >> give hip cell phone to general kelly, that might help. and talk about the economy.
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i happen to think we are heading toward a bubble. but right now it's roaring and people are going back to work and staying in their jobs. kennedy: you can't have this kind of spending and tax cuts and expect to sustain the growth. they have to cut spending if they are going to have meaningful long-term. >> you are preach together concerted on that. if you serve four years and i believe he will. $25 trillion in debt. $1 trillion a year in debt service. what is $1 trillion a year? 40% of federal tax revenue going to pay interest on the debt. at some point people will stop paying taxes because they are not getting anything for it. have you warped up yet from new year's eve? kennedy: the fallout from "fire
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and fury" continues to reverberate across washington and it's swallowing up everybody whole. steve bannon said his support for the president is unwavering and his son don, jr. is a good man. team trump went on the offensive looking to change the narrative after 5 days of bad press. boy, did they come out swinging. >> what i can tell you unequivocally is that the allegations and insinuations in this book which are a pure work of fiction are nothing but a pile of trash through and through. we are keeping america safe and president trump is completely capable of work alongside of us and leading us in that effort. >> one thing about this book, having been a governor and now an ambassador. i'm always amazed at the length
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people will go to to lie for money and for power. kennedy: will the white house come out on top pore will "fire and fury" as the author claims bring down the presidency. kirsten haglund is here along with "reason" magazine editor jessica tarlov is here. i read a good portion of the book over the weekend. it was really entertaining, fascinating, by hypocritical of michael wolf. at one point he said in chapter three, you have got a dual die major and both sides are wrong. on one side you have the people who try to execution everything the president says. then you have the chuck toddes of the world who act so shocked
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at everything he does and they are so sanctimonious that they are knee capping themselves and not capable of doing credible journalism. jessica: i agree michael wolff is making things more complicated. kennedy: why can't he just, a journalist? jessica: because he's michael wolff. if some of the stuff coming out is true. but it was a lot of talk about president obama's hair and whether mitch mcconnell had a haircut. we know this is the leakiest white house in history. and the outer circle is not interested in the president's behavior. kennedy: my problem with michael
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wolf is some of the press he has done since he has written the book, i don't think he helped himself. he made declarations that everyone in the white house feels the president is a child and incapacitated and incapable of fully executing the job. all it takes is one black swan to profit universal wrong that all swans are white. he also said i never print at correction in my life. part of verification business is you are going to make errors and be quick to correct them. people combing through the book found a lot. they were portrayed as going to brunch at the four seasons. it's a difficult thing to talk about because there is a spirit, a portrait of kind of a truthiness about it that rings true. i think it rings true enough that it causes the trump
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administration to scramble. it caused th -- caused the riff between bannon and trump. but to say every single person around the president thinks he's unfit to be present. but if it's 50% true or 73% true. if there is a large percentage of the people he selected think's a toddler. kennedy: why are you working there? >> maybe because you don't want the country to go to hell. kennedy: the president and the administration spent a lot of time and energy filing lawsuits and cease and desist orders. do you think they are wasting time and money doing senate. >> yes. there is nothing new in this
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book that a lot of trump critics weren't saying anyway. kennedy: michael wolf said maybe the emperor doesn't have clothes. you have half the country since june of 2015 saying donald trump is naked. kirsten: the time that has been given to this. they are always putting out fires instead of governing. a lot of the administration is look like they are coming off hysterical looking like they are trying to respond rather than moving forward with a message. it's unnecessary. we know the trump base supports him. who is their audience when they are trying to push back. it's a waste of time and an insult to the american people. kennedy: you don't need the spend this kind of time and suck
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up that amount of oxygen when you could be talking about the economy and immigration and infrastructure. the party panel is going to return a little bit later in the show. president trump's legal team says he's willing to be ingtd viewed by robert mueller, but does that mean a face-to-face sit-down? how will that work out? i will ask buck sexton next. it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same. but while some push high commission investment products, fisher investments avoids them. some advisers have hidden and layered fees. fisher investments never does. and while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better.
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maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management. no one burns on heartburn. my watch! try alka seltzer ultra strength heartburn relief chews. with more acid-fighting power than tums chewy bites. mmmmm...amazing. i have heartburn. ultra strength from alka seltzer. enjoy the relief.
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kennedy: should president trump be worried about the russia investigation? according to president, nope? president trump: there has been no collusion. there has been no crime. but we have been very open. we could have been very closed and it would take years. but when you have done nothing wrong, be open and honest. honestly, it's very, very bad for our country. kennedy: sources telling fox news the president's legal team is considering letting him be interviewed by robert mueller. another option an affidavit signed by the president stating his position on the case. there has been no request by the
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special counsel's office to interview the president. is the president trying to stay ahead of the game? let me bring in buck sexton. welcome back. >> what's up? kennedy: let's discuss the president. should he sit down face to face with robert mueller and his investigation team? >> i don't think so. i would be deeply concerned about this. trump is a salesman. he's also prone to a bit of exaggeration and perhaps even lapses in his factual accuracy at times. when you are speaking to somebody like mueller over the course of a federal investigation any such slams could be grounds for a criminal prosecution. i would not want to put trump in a position where a seasoned
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investigator like to mueller is sitting him down trying to sift through things. even if as i firmly believe there was no russia-trump collusion that was illegal. we could have a situation similar to papadopoulos tore michael flynn. kennedy: a piece of information the president might have forgotten. he answers in the negative and they now it's affirmative, what happens then? >> with scooter libby people have this impression that's wrong that he outed somebody from the agency it's not true. he was prosecuted for lying and obstruction. he didn't out anybody it wasn't scooter libby that did that. when you seat possibility of the president of the united states -- he was a senior guy on the vice president's staff. the possibility of the president being in that situation would tear country up. you cannot think that anybody who voted for trump would be
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okay with even the possibility of a prosecution for a process crime for investigation that half the country is like what the heck is going on with this. people talking about a constitutional crisis? there is your constitutional crisis. kennedy: it would be problematic for people who voted for him or people who are sceptical of the entire process. i think you are right. what's the worst thing that can happen if he does sit down with mueller's team? soot worst thing that can happen is he gets caught in a perjury trap. because then you will have all these people with the rule of law, the rule of law. and others saying this an investigation that has run amok and it looks like this was the plan all along. for some on the left, be honest about the fact that process crimes, they are perfectly happy if they nail one trump person
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after another. and going to things that have nothing to do with russia collusion. they they just want to get people. kennedy: you don't want that page to flip and have it be your turn when it's your guys with their heads on plates. >> where we are heading is the whole political process is being overtaken by one series of cress gaitions and the politicization of differences -- the criminalization of political differentials, it's not the way it should be. it's an arms race. only penal that benefit are the lawyers. kennedy: how does it end? pew mean the mueller probe or trump testifying in front of
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mueller. in the end noise russia collusion. they will have to extend the investigation long enough and if we finds out the fusion gps does years was the beginnings of this whole thing. and there will be process things along the way. kennedy: i want to freeze this portion of the interview and bury it in a time capsule. >> we'll look super smart. kennedy: they will stretch it out, run out the clock and we'll have minor process crimes. buck sexton, thank you very much. president trump called the iran nuclear deal the worst deal ever. ever. bliberty mutual saved us almost eight hundred dollars when we switched our auto and home insurance. with liberty, we could afford
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a real babysitter instead of your brother. hey. oh. that's my robe. is it? you could save seven hundred eighty two dollars when liberty stands with you. liberty mutual insurance. every truck guy has their own way of conveying powerful. yeeaaahhh boy. kind of looks like a monster coming to eat ya. holy smokes. that is awesome. strong. you got the basic, and you got the beefy. i just think it looks mean. incredible. no way. start your year off strong a new chevy truck. get a total value of over $9,600 on this silverado all star when you finance with gm financial. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. (snap) achoo! (snap) achoo! achoo! (snap) (snap) achoo! achoo! feel a cold coming on? zicam cold remedy nasal swabs shorten colds with a snap, and reduce symptom severity by 45%. shorten your cold with a snap, with zicam.
12:28 am using gocentral, did it in under an hour, and you can too. build a better website - in under an hour. with gocentral from godaddy. kennedy: president trump likes the iranian nuclear deal as much as a cat likes taking a bath. but his top advisors are urging him to keep getting soaked because cost of pulling out would be greater than staying in. under terms of the deal, the
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president must periodically agree to wave economic sanctions providing iran is compliant with the overall agreement. critics argue they have been anything but compliant with the ruling mullahs wasting money on their nuclear arms agreement. will they regret it even more if they stay? joining me, lieutenant colonel ralph peters. >> it's always a treat to speak with you. kennedy: the world is such a confusing place. iran seems they could be on the precipice of something great with unemployed frustrated citizens trying to take to the streets. they have been thwarted and sometimes executed by members of the revolutionary guard. what are we to do?
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>> the first thing is not to walk away and unilaterally reject the nuke deal. and the reason i say that is not because it's a good deal, it's terrible, it's lousy. but because this is a threesome. it's not just us and iran. the europeans are in this. obama -- obama and kerry gave the iranians a little dolly. and if we take their little dolly away and we'll be blamed for taking the little dolly. there are better ways to deal with iran. let this rotten deal stand. there are many ways we can work around it with sanctions. the economic-driven protests.
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cindy lauper was right. money changes everything. we can you double the sanctions through their u.n. resolution forbidding the intercontinental ballistic missiles. kennedy: sanctions are hurting the lower and middle class. you are seeing i different briefed people rising up. there is massive unemployment. inflation is absolutely out of control there. and, you know, those are conditions ripe for disaster. but it seems like the thee krattic mullahs and revolutionary guard don't mind. they will take all the money and put it in the military insulating themselves. peasants be damned. >> past a point they have to placate the people to a degree.
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f even if we are the people imposing the sanctions and hurting the factory. when pane american factory closes because of chinese chicanery, people don't go top beijing and shoot them. they shoot the boss. the thethe theocratic governmeny took one lesson from the fall of the shah. he fell because he would not kill enough of his own people to stay in power. the lesson the mullahs and red guards took from that is kill as many as it takes. iran's theocracy i think will go down. but none of us know when. i started out as a soviet
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analyst. we knew the soviet union was doomed, but we couldn't put a time limit on it. this could happen fast or the mullahs could be there for a decade or two. think globally. hit iran on multiple fronts including hitting the revolutionary guard in yemen and elsewhere. kennedy: good news for you liberty lovers. there is growing backlash against attorney general jeff sessions and his decision to crack down on the weed industry. and there are also some warnings that his plan could backfire on him. last week sessions rescinding a bill that allows each state to regulate its own cannabis laws. but the cannabis industry is
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enormous. killing the weed business could have macist amounts of funding cut off to some states and that could spark a major states rights battle leading to the overturn of the government's right to regulate cannabis. the party panel returns. matt, i think this fight is bigger than jeff sessions realizes. he equates smoking marijuana with using opioids. and he likes to put the two crises together. and he wants to kickstart the war on drugs. where is this surprising pushback coming from? >> everyone. senator corey gardner, it's coming from republican congressmen in north dakota and
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iowa. 61% of the entire country wants to legalize marijuana. the trend lines are like this. so it's really heartening that someone who is an unconstructed drug lawyer, even in his rescission of the previous obama-era prioritization of how to prosecute people. he didn't tell prosecutors you have got to prosecute more. he said i'm going to leave it up to the prosecutors. kennedy: people say if you want to change the law, jeff sessis is just doing his job. erere a lotf law on the books. kirsten: is there is completely
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unfit to be attorney general. not only is he in hot water with donald trump. he's completely out of touch with the american people. he's trying to bring back a decade old war that has caused mass incarceration rates as well as drug problems. he's completely lost it. and for those weed discrepancy kicks, i would say this is the best way to legalize. when it's legalized, you control who produces it and distributes it and uses it. jessica: it's a great framing of who donald trump the candidate was versus the republican party. he's not a republican. i know states rights is a
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typical republican issue. the party is far to the right of him. jeff sessions is a glaring example of that. let us do what we want with our private life. kennedy: that was about medical marijuana. >> democrats should make this front and center. they are too gutless to do this. legalize weed. run on it. it's very popular. kennedy: obama didn't put those words into action. thank you so much. great to see you all. last night's golden globe award were politically charged. did they also launch oprah's 2020 bid for the white house? mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow. but after an electrical fire from faulty wiring, mary's vintage clothing and designer shoe collection were ruined.
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kennedy: last night the golden globes were all about the #metoo movement. it was a former afternoon talk show host who delivered the most of politically charged message of the night. >> i interviewed and portrayed people who have been through some of the ugliest things life can throw aught. but the one quality they share is the ability to maintain hope for a brighter morning. even during our darkest nights.
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so i want all the girls watching here now to know that a new day is on the horizon. kennedy: that speech kicked off a new wave of rumors that oprah may be running for president. howard kurtz, host of "media buzz," welcome back. it's interesting. i see a lot of parallels between oprah winfrey and donald trump. i'm not sure she would accept them. but you have someone who essentially had a full domain over their own empire for a long time. these are self-made people. incredibly wealthy people with the common touch and surprisingly reach across barriers. what the president has found it' not all that fun being president. the job is hard. oprah winfrey loves being loved. do you think she wants to be
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president when half the people would hate her. lou >> an who knows what she thinksn this. she says she is not going to run. she has certain superficial qualities and she is a rich celebrity. but in the end it's not going to happen. kennedy: i any the rise of donald trump gives people like mark zuckerberg, mark cuban and oprah winfrey an entre into politics that they wouldn't have thought possible. even though i don't like unorthodoxed candidates that don't adhere to party orthodoxy, she has been such a powerful
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spokesperson for women of many years, last night she came off anti-men. hugh howie: certainly it's questionable after the trump presidency whether the country would want another person without political experience. kennedy: it makes you wonder how much of the pendulum will swing in 2020. i think part of that, we have to keep our eyes on what happens in the mid terms. what was some of the fallout from last night. were you surprised it wasn't even more political? >> i wasn't surprised seth myers took a couple shots at president trump. but compared to last year's, trump wasn't mentioned by name have much because hollywood had to deal with this big elephant in the room of sexual
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harassment. i'm glad that was the focus because it's been a rough year with a lot of people's careers ruined. so imglad it was more aimed at that than the president. kennedy: i was not surprised by that. most of of the attendees wore black. but there were a few who didn't. i understand why they didn't. because they will never get in "u" weekly for any other reason? have they gotten a lot of pushback? >> it's an easy way to make a statement without having to dive into the controversy. so there is safety in numbers. you were more noticeable if you weren't wearing black. but for the people watching at home, it was kind of boring because we watch for the outfits. right? kennedy: i was wearing charcoal. any dog can fetch your slippers,
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including my dog lenny. but it takes a real dog to fetch a sleigh and ride it down the it's time for sleep number's 'lowest prices of the season' on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. does your bed do that? right now our queen c4 mattress is only $1199, save $400. ends soon. visit for a store near you.
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elvis presley a happy birthday who is celebrating his 83rd trip around the sun. $people think it king is dead. but they are the same yeah hoos who think the world is round. this is the "topical storm." topic number one. we begin on the new york city subway where no one was wearing black last night or anything else for that matter. this is the 16th annual pantless subway city ride. it gives thrill seekers a chance to ride the subway the same way anthony weiner does. it's promoted by a female improv group. when you go pantless on a 17
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degree day there is pound to be some shabe -- to be mr. some sh. in sioux city, iowa, a 3-year-old australian shepherd. i love you. you sled like a champion the lazy way. 2 million people have watched the video. locals have called it the most of exciting thing to happen in sioux city since their highest rated restaurant, little ceasars started delivering. topic number three. everybody aims to do better in the new year. but a florida man got a jump-start on new year's eve to
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report on himself driving on the wrong side of the road. winter haven police released a transcript of the call. it shows operators urging him to pull over and wait for cops which he refused to do because he knew it would take forever. it was new year's eve and police were too busy. he was found on the median of the road a few hours later an has since lost his license. luckily he can still take the train to work. hello, 911. i would like the report myself riding on the train with no pants. that was my call yesterday. the transcript will be out next
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week. topic number four. the theme at golden globes was women's empowerment. so naturally they invited tanya harding which sent a powerful message to little girls everywhere. if at first you don't succeed, have someone assault your competitor, then make an adult film about it a few years later. >> tanya harding is here today. i would like to thank her for sharing her story with steven and allowing them to tell all sides of the story. alas, we'll never know. we can tell you that tonya was a big hit after the parties and afterwards she went out cluck because old habits diehard. topic number five.
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david letterman's netflix show launches this week. its first guest will be former president barack obama. given dave's history with interns, you would think he would have booked bill clinton. they are expected to rehash the stories 8-year stretch where dave brought count house with his jokes and the president brought down the country with his economic policies. while dave may have his top-10 list, barack has his even hilarious lines like if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. here is a clip of the first stupid pet trick from the first season. here he goes, bye. if you ask me. secret should have been invited to the golden globes. if we learned anything this year
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it's that hollywood is good at keeping secrets. it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same. but while some push high commission investment products, fisher investments avoids them. some advisers have hidden and layered fees. fisher investments never does. and while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management. when a achoo!alls... ...answer it. with zicam cold remedy. it shortens colds, so you get better, faster. colds are gonna call. answer them with zicam! zicam. get your better back.
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every truck guy has their own way of conveying powerful. yeeaaahhh boy. kind of looks like a monster coming to eat ya. holy smokes. that is awesome. strong. you got the basic, and you got the beefy. i just think it looks mean. incredible. no way. start your year off strong a new chevy truck. get a total value of over $9,600 on this silverado all star when you finance with gm financial. find new roads at your local chevy dealer. (whispering) with the capital one venture card, you'll earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, every day. not just airline purchases. (yelling) holy moly, that's a lot of miles! shh-h-h-h! what's in your wallet? man: shh-h-h! kennedy: if you want to know the key to living a lightning and happy life, don't ask some
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millennial. leave it to a woman in her tenth decade, betty white turns 96. she had a priceless response when asked how she had such a long life and career. she said vodka and hot dogs. god, i love her. i hope bourbon and bay coins a secret salve. if so, i will live forever. see said the veal key is finding the funny side or the up side. she says i get bored with people who always complain about this or that. it's a simple life, not a perfect one. thank you so much for watching the show. follow me on twitter and
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instagram. email tomorrow night on the show congressman thomas massie, bike maker and tom shillue. (male announcer) right now, it's all new. a paid presentation from meaningful beauty by cindy crawford. (female announcer) with special appearances from some of your tv favorites sharing their number one skin saving secrets. (male announcer) plus, a stunning before and after story from today's special guest, lori loughlin. (female announcer) at age 52, the star of full house and much more says her skin seems to be looking not older but younger thanks to friend and supermodel cindy crawford. (lori) i really do feel like my skin has been restored and i've traveled back in time. (male announcer) could it be the fountain of youth we've been waiting for? stay tuned to find out.
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