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tv   FBN AM  FOX Business  January 10, 2018 5:00am-6:00am EST

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i believe the president knows that and he will fulfill his campaign promise. lou: thanks for being with us. >> they should be a bipartisan bill, a bill of love. >> on a merit-based immigration system to make sure we can succeed and be fair to the 11 million. spamming the together a combination of the future of daca as well as border security. >> president trump holding a bipartisan meeting on immigration reform right in front of the cameras. the federal judge feels the presidents of major setback. lauren: another day of records for the dow, nasdaq and the s&p 500 led by bank and health care stocks. some decline this morning. dow futures down 39.
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cheryl: keeping an eye on the 10 year treasury up to .5%. lauren: check out european investment. stocks open lower on inflation worries in the bond market. cheryl: lower in japan and south korea. lauren: a very kodak moment creating new business plan that has nothing to do with cameras. "fbn:am" starts right now. train 25:01 a.m. in new york and went taken at january 10th. i'm cheryl casone appeared lauren: and lauren simonetti. thank you for joining us. cheryl: an entire meeting on the white house and television. i don't think we've ever seen that before. lauren: that is her breaking news overnight.
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temporarily halting president trump's decision to an daca, trying to give a lifeline to dreamers when the state of california and other plaintiffs asked the judge to block the trump administration from rolling back the odometer program other lawsuits play out in court from the justice department did issue a statement saying today's router doesn't change the department of justice position on the facts. daca was implemented unilaterally after congress declined to extend these benefits to the same group of illegal aliens. cheryl: that was the topic at the white house hours after the president did something. he held a bipartisan meeting on immigration law cameras rolled. republican senator lindsey graham treating the most fascinating meeting had been involved with in 20 plus years in politics. lauren: plate or at the white house with the details. >> president trump is hopeful for a daca fakes come a solution
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for the 700,000 or so dreamers. in an hour-long meeting tuesday, most of it before the cameras, the president said the porter ball must be a part of the deal. the white house says a closed-door session of high-priority areas. order security, chain migration and daca at the white house called that is part 1 of talk. the president says the comprehensive at take shape in part 2. their concern is the daca fakes before the march this protection fire in the presidents other priority they say are troublesome. >> there are some things you propose are very controversial and an impediment to agree on. >> u.s. attendance said they can agree. >> rightist campaign said there
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would be a while among the southern border paid for by mexico. now it's been described as a wall system as is asking congress for the money. the president going as far as saying he was in the bipartisan group in the room to america's solutions for the dreamers. >> my positions will be with the people in the room come up with. i'm very much reliant with the people in this room. the people on both sides have respect for the people on both sides and what i prove will be much reliant on what the people in this room come to me with. reporter: the president endorsed bringing back your marketing of muslim hostility in washington d.c. in may to dealmaking. i asked the white house press secretary sarah sanders if there were concerns that would lead to runaway spending and she said the president would want to see controls. back to you in new york. lauren: a lot of lawmakers do not want to return and earmarks. the president will be joined
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press conference this afternoon. we'll carry it live at 3:20 p.m. eastern. on fox business. train to unless they miss the 80s. the trump administration has decided not to allow oil drilling off the coast of florida after an appeal from works copies made, ryan zinke he said in a statement, i support the governor's decision to forward is unique in its coast are heavily reliant on tourism as an academic driver. governor scott pomona several republicans who oppose the plan the plan to expand -- or drilling around the united states is expected, by the way, to run for senate. lauren: steve bennett stepping down as deputy chairman of prey partners sealing his fate with the controversial michael wolff book "fire and fury." he caught a campaign meeting with russians at trump tower treasonous and unpatriotic.
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they cost into the support of bob mercer who is a major part art investor. cheryl: apple facing new questions about its battery slowdown question here and abroad. republican senator john thune wrote a letter to tim cook asking him if he is considering giving customers rebates and the consumer protection agency said it's open for potential deception. apple has acknowledged the software performance and iphone since batteries age to prevent those devices from power enough. that is apple story anyways. if you look at technology blogs, consumers believe is to motivate you to buy a new iphone. lauren: which i tend to believe. microsoft is warning the software updates meant to protect you from viruses may be slowing down your computer as a
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result. cheryl: tracee carrasco has that with other headlines. >> these are the software updates disclosed last week with the required updates after they were reported on advanced microprocessor chips. others microsoft users might experience the slowdown. we expect most users do notice a decrease in system performance in computers writing windows eight and seven insistence on intel central processing unit two through 25th in before. cheryl: let's talk about kodak on a surprise announcement that has nothing to do. >> this is pretty surprising, pretty shocking. kodak said it would be getting into digital currency with plans to launch an initial coin offering. kodak claim has been a platform that will help photographers license their work and track the
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unlicensed use of their images. the technology behind bitcoin it to keep a digital ledger the photograph. preventing in the tech industry, but she encrypt or currency or hot buzzwords, but for photographers have long struggled to assert credit over their word untried work and how what we're for photographers who struggle to -- i put the archaic at $290. the stock soared another 46% in after-hours trading. however it's still down for the year. cheryl: they needed something could kodak has been traveling for years. triggered the 130-year-old company. they are changed at the times. i think it's brilliant. we are talking about a dog walking cop that has exposed
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addresses where people live. >> is his theory story. they inadvertently exposed webpages showing customer information including addresses and lockbox codes that could have helped these break into homes. it is an obscure page and password-protected. it isn't clear how long they were accessible but they are taken down late last week. it isn't clear how much of that was seen. the company says there's no signs of company company information was accessed by hackers or these were that many customers homes were broken into. cheryl: you are the dog owner. knowing what you know about the security breach, which you use this app? >> i wouldn't. i would not because of that and also -- his name is duke. try to look at his little --
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duke likes to dress up, guys. his halloween costume. duke scott walker. i would not use it because you have security issues. some of these apps you don't know who it will be good for me personally i have a walker, but it is the same every day. i know him, we built him, we built a relationship. he's been walking duke for several years now. i would prefer to go that route rather than a nap. cheryl: especially as security issues. >> yes, someone coming into your home. cheryl: nice job dressing duke up for halloween. >> he hated it but i loved it. cheryl: thanks, tracee. we've got a illegal war erupting over the russian dossier. president trump's lawyer firing off a defamation lawsuit over buzz feed.
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first, he was fired in rain, now california facing tragedy for mudslides. >> gymnasts come that were both asleep and i just said there is not in the driveway, mud in the driveway. cheryl: we will be right back. you are watching "fbn:am." ♪ joined the call. hey bill, we're just- phone: hi guys, bill here. do we have julia on the line too? 'k, well we'll just- phone: hey sorry. i had you muted. well yea let's just- phone: so what i was thinking- ok well we'll- phone: yeah- let's just go ahead- phone: oh alright- the award-winning geico app.
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download it today.
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cheryl: welcome back. let's get you caught up on what's happening now. president trump's attorney filing a defamation suit against buzz feed. his reputation is damaged an essay published in untried dossier that led to the connection between the trump campaign in russia. also suing fusion gps that produced the report. former sheriff arpaio running for u.s. senate as arizona. became a national hero in anti-immigration for the aggressive efforts to round up undocumented immigrants bear. his phrase led to a federal conviction for president trump pardoned him last year. he will be running in jeff flake's vacated seat through the caribbean has been shaken with the strongest earthquake state in modern time. it struck about 25 miles off the coast of honduras last night.
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there are no reports on land the tsunami advisories have been issued in several countries in that region. >> another natural disaster in the state of california month after wildfires like the part of the state heavy rains have now triggered deadly mudslides leaving third and people dead. many more may seem. there's a frantic frantic hunt for survivors intensifies as rescuers searched through chest high mud. >> it sounded like a freight train coming down the hill. the whole house was shaking. lauren: dramatic video of the heroic rescue. check this out, pulling a family of five including a newborn, 3-year-old and two dogs to safety. cheryl: fox senior meteorologist janice dean.
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good morning. the pictures in california stunning. >> unfortunately, all the water had no place to go because the soil won't allow it unfortunately, the rain has moved on but of course the damage has been done and the possibility for much like the debris flow will continue for the next several days in this area, even though the rain has moved on. some areas isolated amounts of an inch to an inch and a half especially around l.a. area, which is where we had those deadly wildfires this year. we will be watching situations are at the next couple days and into the weekend. a new storm will move into the northwest but it won't reach as far south as central or southern california, but we are going to get quite a bit of snow across the northwest in some of the energy from what we saw in the northern california with an across the central u.s. bringing
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a wintry mix over the northern plains, central planning stories the midwest watching the system as well. ladies, back to you. cheryl: coming up, decided it all, the biggest elect tonic show in the world, las vegas and cbs happening right now. helicopters to help you with your morning commute. >> it takes forever to get there. but the helicopter there's no reason it should take longer than 10 minutes. cheryl: sinus up, right line? lauren: can we get to work that way? cheryl: if you like donuts, you are in luck. we'll tell you about their expansion plan. you are watching "fbn:am". ♪ ♪
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(nadia white) the moment a fish is pulled out from the water, it's a race against time. and keeping it in the right conditions is the best way to get that fish to your plate safely. (dane chauvel) sometimes the product arrives, and the cold chain has been interrupted, and we need to be able to identify where in the cold chain that occurred. (tom villa) we took our world class network, and we developed devices to track environmental conditions. this device allows people to understand what's happening with the location, but also if it's too hot, if it's too cold, if it's been dropped... it's completely unique. (dennis woloshuck) if you have a sensor that can keep track of your product, it keeps everybody kind of honest that way. who knew a tiny sensor could help keep the food chain safe?
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♪ retail. under pressure like never before. and it's connected technology that's moving companies forward fast. e-commerce. real time inventory. virtual changing rooms. that's why retailers rely on comcast business to deliver consistent network speed across multiple locations. every corporate office, warehouse and store near or far covered. leaving every competitor, threat and challenge outmaneuvered. comcast business outmaneuver.
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cheryl: is a dream world for gadget lovers at the electronic show. they venture capitalists and investors they are on the ground. good morning. cheryl: we want to talk about these volvo copters. we've seen the video, but you've actually seen them. would you think? >> amazing technology. intel used in its keynote address across the stage with the first time the copter flew when copter flew in when they partnered with the german started manufacture of this volvo copters which is powered
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by drones and it really is super exciting because they send others such as hoover elevate are talking about a day that is very close where we will be able to all afford this technology for the price of vancouver acts. cheryl: we heard about the hoover air taxi as well can we show our viewers that. you are venture capitalists. you are looking for things to invest in. is this where your mind is going right now? >> essentially we invest in software. this is a huge hardware component. not me personally, but certainly many investors who were investing in the states right now and it's a lot of debate players such as airbus and boeing. cheryl: that's interesting. let's also talk about the fact you've got these robots. we've heard about i.d., pepper,
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the personal robot. that's another theme this year. >> the team of robotics continues to be hot at ces and a robot that's been around that can read your emotions. there is other robots that have been displayed that can go collecting in the house, act as companions for you. sony has the robotic pet that seems to have very familiar characteristics. >> a lot of talk about smart speakers good reports about having alexa talking at you through the bathroom mirror or your watch, but smart speakers as well seems to be another theme. >> the theme of alexa continues and really the joke is ask alexa anything. they are signs that say we work with alexa.
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but i think it is really the competition between alexa and google assistant. they've both partnered with lots of different device manufacturers like lg and samsung for all different types of devices. refrigerators, televisions so you talk to these devices instead of needing a remote control you'll just stay put on fox or instead of needing a keyboard. speakers and earbuds continue to be a big trend that this year's show and harman actually had something that enables with google assistant. cheryl: it's great to have you live from las vegas in the middle of the night. we appreciate you staying up for getting up early. >> thank you so much for having me. lauren: am having problems with my alexa. she never understands me.
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cheryl: i haven't tried it yet. as big of a geek as i am. lauren: when it works it's pretty cool. but toyota and mazda apparently think so. outrage after an airline smashes a violin worth $200,000. find out what happened after that. we will be right back. ex-ex-ex-boyfriend actually went to law school, so i called him. he didn't call me back! if your ex-ex-ex-boyfriend isn't a lawyer, call legalzoom and we'll connect you with an attorney. legalzoom. where life meets legal. stay at la quinta. where we're changing with stylish make-overs. then at your next meeting, set your seat height to its maximum level. bravo, tall meeting man. start winning today.
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>> they should be a bipartisan bill. a bill of love. >> america's immigration system to make sure we can succeed in the 21st century. >> we put together a combination on the future of daca as well as orders security.
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lauren: president trump holding a bipartisan meeting on immigration reform right in front of the television cameras. this is the federal judge yields the presidente setback. cheryl: in the markets, another day of records but i hope in bank stocks holding to a lower out open. the dow 54 points in the free market. keeping a close eye on the 10 year treasury a to point by 5%. what has the bond markets spooked? stocks opening lower on the same inflation worries happening in the bond market. this is how stock markets up down at the shanghai in china and hang seng in hong kong closed two tenths of 1% higher. cheryl: outrage after one airline smashes it 200,000-dollar violin. "fbn:am" continues right now. ♪
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a couple seconds shy of 5:30 in the morning wednesday, january 10th. thanks for joining us and lauren simonetti. cheryl: good morning. i am cheryl casone. up early in the markets not looking so good. lauren: the day is long. the s&p up every day of this year. cheryl: apple stock up legitimated to go any higher. just kidding. a federal judge has temporarily halted the decision to and daca. the ruling coming after the state of california and other plaintiffs asked the judge to block for rolling back the obama error program that keeps unprotected younger immigrants in this country but they want the losses to play out in court. lauren: all of this after the president held an extraordinary bipartisan meeting on immigration. griff jenkins' lead in washington with those details. this is unprecedented.
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>> it is. hold onto your hat. the department of justice responding this morning and the construction crews working. the gop responding to the judge's ruling temporary blocking to end in march in a statement with the justice's position on the backs. daca was implemented unilaterally after congress declined the same group of illegal immigrationimmigrants as such. unlawful circumvention of congress. they will continue to vigorously defend their decision as president trump led the extraordinary bipartisan meeting of lawmakers that the white house a 55 minute pools bright and it comes ahead of next week spinning deadline. the president working hard in action for compromise. >> i think there needs to be a willingness on both sides.
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what about a clean of daca bill right now with a commitment we go into a comprehensive immigration reform procedure. >> will be daca in phase two which should be comprehensive. the border security first is any part of the deal with four key issues that will likely be phase one of an immigration deal. the border security means of all changes to chain migration and ending the visa lottery system. the president expressed confidence that began saying he thinks lawmakers will find a way to get it done, but just to be sure that president treated a reminder that any part of daca has to include the walls so we are busy, construction crews here, just going to be a busy wednesday. >> it certainly is. say hi. thank you very much.
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continue what we were discussing. former congresswoman and hayward on the race for the independent women's forum and the donald jay trump for president advisory board. also joining us, criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor david brunel. hey, guys. good morning. we had an unprecedented 55 minute pools spray where they spoke to a bipartisan group of lawmakers on how to deal with immigration reform. are you hopeful? >> im. i thought it was a remarkable thing and the former member of congress myself to compel these folks to present some of their positions in front of the cameras where they can't walk them back so to speak was remarkable. they really do have a framework for getting some initial action. the democrats cherish daca
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preceding like an amnesty for the dreamers. they want to take a compassionate approach. coupled with orders security that has gone on in our immigration system. the visa lottery makes no sense. no matching of dedication and to the ideals of this country on chain migration and for achieving compromise and cooperation are not that they should be doing. >> as you said, basically putting his lawmakers in front of the camera on record for what they said. it's interesting, david, and the daca deal the president wants a
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border wall. pity he waffle yesterday when he said it doesn't need to be 2000 miles long. it doesn't have to cover the entire southern border. is that angering some people that want the wall? >> i don't think it's waffling. it's impractical to even have a wall corruptible southern border. to the point that i want to bring about yesterday's meeting president trump came out as heartfelt talking about this bill of love because what this decision does last night after the meeting is take away the leverage that congress had until march to come up with a formal law to address daca. so i'm glad we had that yesterday because it shows he is willing to negotiate. he's willing to come to the table and is going to come up with a permanent fix.
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cheryl: i'll bring up with a quote from the washington post. the government comes out of money january 19 and that is a cruel game studies claim that hundreds of thousands. does not seem extreme when is david brought up is constantly saying this would be a bill with love. >> the "washington post" of course has had a deep bias against the president and it continues. the president is not seeking to use any people as pawns in any kind of today. the fact of the matter is he's trying to protect the best interests compassionately not only of americans, but also young people brought to this country when they had no choice in the matter. we need to address that. we need to have the rule of law. only fair in only right.
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it is also fair to people from outside this country who seek to enter illegally under circumstances of grave risk. let's clarify how you enter this country as a visitor, someone who becomes a citizen. that is fair and just. cheryl: let's do something previous administrations have been unable to do. final point among the top of earmarks in bringing them back. getting some pretty funny responses. claire mccaskill, for instance for mark meadows. do you think earmarks as proposed by donald trump would make passing legislation in dealmaking easier? >> sherwood and this is part of the negotiation. people have to come to the table. very different opinions as to what needs to be done here. the discussion is these earmarks could bring in additional negotiations. lauren: thank you to both of you.
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you guys have a great day. cheryl: major automakers have chosen a spot for a bright new assembly plant. lauren: tracee carrasco joins us with marmont and where it us with more and not to wear it as another headlines make a news this morning. hello. >> at morning. a formal announcement expected later today, the toyota mazda has picked huntsville, alabama as their $1.6 billion auto plant. the plant will employ 4000 people and also produce 300,000 vehicles a year in huntsville and also next to the network fare. lauren: dunkin' donuts, smaller menu but a lot more stores. >> they want to double the amount of stores. they have 9000 now they want to reach 18,000. some of the ways they will do that come in thinking more drivers, also smaller locations
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where customers can pick up the items they've ordered in advance. as you said, and they didn't scale down menu about 10% to offer things that don't take as much time to prepare. this would help them in terms of getting all those locations. cheryl: they've got to get the donuts out as fast as possible. lauren: more drivers. tree and do you do want to get out of the car and he always made coffee. cheryl: outreach over this violin that got smashed. >> it's not a violin. it's a viola da gamba which is slightly smaller than the cello played upright so it's bigger. a woman was traveling from brazil to israel and she said this is a 17th century instrument valued at $200,000 so it's very pricey. she said it was destroyed by a thalia airlines. she wanted to purchase a ticket
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for the instrument to travel on the phone to have its own seat but the flight was full so she had been handed over to have a check in when she did that come and this is what happened. you can see on the screen it was destroyed. they did offer this one in a sea for instrument but she refused. to contradict them stories here. the picture come you see for yourself is pretty bad year. cheryl: either way they destroyed it. that is interesting. lauren: was just thinking, shouldn't it be in a hard protective case? cheryl: yeah, maybe. worth $200,000. lauren: sitting on a giant pile of cash. the question is, what are they going to do with that? our next guest will lay out the case for you. despite satellite lost in space, and spacex now says it ain't our fault.
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what happened? coming up next.
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lauren: welcome back. 5:43. president trump getting credit for north and south korea to talk again the day after senior
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officials from the two koreas men. thanking trump for bringing the north back to the discussion table. moon expressed guarded optimism and called for further dialogue during next month's winter olympics and south korea pyongyang. the administration is hoping japan to boost its military defense against north korea, approving a deal to sell for interceptor missiles for $133 million. the state department said they would support the u.s. defense industry and underscore to improve the defensive allies threatened by north korea. spacex says don't blame us for the loss of an expensive u.s. spy satellites are launched over the weekend. the falcon nine did everything correctly but left the precise cause of the mission unclear. if the rocket did experience a problem that could potentially shut down for up to six months.
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cheryl: they've got answered the question i'm not one. that is the big story. the story right now, besides that the market which looks like the pre-market is trending lower with a couple of big names you know. apple and netflix, as apple looking to buy netflix. melissa, good morning. >> good morning. how are you? happy new year. lauren: will get to what we are seeing in the premarket. first, they came out with a report that there is a 40% chance apple would buy netflix. the price tag 75 billion revenue by 200 million repatriated by apple things to tax reform, and they see this as likely. what is your take on this whole story? >> the question is does netflix want to sell right now? netflix is launching a brand-new show this friday starring david letterman. it's really exciting. netflix has decided to invest
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some serious money in ott content for viewers who don't know what that is, content delivered over the internet and that is where netflix really has more of a niche than apple. i will tell you apple has just cremated 10 shows which is really big nose, too starring reese witherspoon and jennifer aniston. i don't know when that will begin, but it does so. would it be a good acquisition? probably yes. remember, two years ago in 2015 coming netflix stock was up over $700 a share and then they did the stock split. netflix might just write it out. cheryl: you've got to remember that day? if you want to keep running the company to cash out and walk away and buy a private island. i want to move on to what's
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happening in the premarket. right now a look at an escalation of selling off its futures. not that i want to make a big deal about it and the issue at the 10 new treasury. we see a lot of long investors are nervous. but inflation is going to get out of control. the voice when it comes to the bond market for the 10 year period bond bear market confirmed. you know, 25 years long-term trend lines broken in five years treasury. this is the list bond investors listen to. >> i don't think so. i think will probably commit a little bit today. we are dropping out of the free market you are right good if you look worse then since january 2nd, the market has gone almost straight up.
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i don't know why people wouldn't continue to invest and put money in the market because even if it comes in for the next week. that's not a reason to start trending since the open of the market in 2018. give it a break. let it come in a little bit. people take some profits. over 75 yesterday the dow went up 25,000. if you're in it, you were out. >> like i said, not about to sound alarm bells over the dow putting lower by 75 points in the free market. we are doing okay right now with our investments. thank you, melissa. lauren: fresh off a come-from-behind victory over georgia. could next day then be heading to the new york giants? mr. wigglesworth, moonshine and
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players will be taking their debuts on tender. how can you take one of these guys home? ♪
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retail. under pressure like never before. and it's connected technology that's moving companies forward fast. e-commerce. real time inventory. virtual changing rooms. that's why retailers rely on comcast business to deliver consistent network speed across multiple locations. every corporate office, warehouse and store near or far covered. leaving every competitor, threat and challenge outmaneuvered. comcast business outmaneuver.
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lauren: nfl players are choosing to meal during the national anthem will be seen by ever one watching the game. nbc is executive producer says the super bowl broadcast is going to identify the players who are protesting, you give their reasons for kneeling and
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show them i might do in front of an expected audience of 100 million people. obviously during the regular season, many fans were upset and the protests, so gave broadcasters showed them during the season but then reduced coverage later on and now they'll be back for the big game. cheryl: as the protests where frantic. in sports, jon gruden has been welcome back to the oakland raiders. coaching the team before being traded away to the tampa bay buccaneers in 2001. mark davis says it took six years of negotiations to get them back on the sideline. the former players were at the press conference. >> very few people get a chance to go back where it all started. very few people ever get a chance to do what i'm doing. >> the new contract paid them
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$100 million over the next 10 years. lauren: after winning his sixth national championship, alabama head coach could be eyeing a return to the nfl did former arizona cardinals head coach says that the head coaching job for the giant could entice the legendary college coach. >> it would not surprise me. he's got a dynasty right now. another dynamite recruiting class. why he would do it, i don't know, but it would not shock me if he did. >> he made over $11 million this season and is timed with the crimson tide through 2025. trained in the lucky bucks player playing a prank on the ricky open a spread to find the mountain of popcorn. fans call him the greek freak enjoying every moment of the
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prank. he told his teammates that he can't wait for the day that he gets his own ricky. >> the players in the series all dipping their paws in online dating. so it's a partnership with the aspca animal planet. tender users can sway for another favorite stars including mr. wigglesworth and checkers after every puppy bowl dogs of all shapes and sizes are adopted into their new homes. from january 22nd to february 4th, you can scout your pick, even donate within the tender out. it is before the super bowl on february 4th. they always have a big push for kickball. baby that will end up. lauren: so if you don't like football you have something else to watch. coming up, gearing up on whether
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they have to deal with high inflation. a big selloff in the bond market pointing to a big opening today. a live report from london. the
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cheryl: said the yield on the 10 year treasury gained year treasury pending 2.5% yesterday for the first time since last march. brief of gold from "the wall street journal." first off, good to see you back from vacation. >> great to be back. cheryl: bill gross, the bond king said this signals the bond market has been confirmed. would you make of what is happening in bonds right now? >> definitely a lot of talk about whether this is the big selloff, big bear market in bonds. some of that has come from a climb in oil prices, which has pushed up inflation expectations not just this year but over the last month or so and central banks may be slowly winding down policies. the real test is whether we actually see evidence that wages are going to be meaningfully pushing up inflation in the u.s. we will get a test of that on
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friday. friday's inflation reading will be really critical because they haven't had any solace in the bond market before that is corrected when the inflation hasn't followed. cheryl: riva gold, thank you. >> thanks for having me. lauren: welcome back. thanks for watching us on "fbn:am." welcome back to maria bartiromo. pointed maria starts right now. >> happy wednesday. good morning to maria bartiromo. wednesday january 10th. top tories right now 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. a huge win for the united states or toyota and mazda set to invest in america. reportedly planning to build a $126 billion plan in alabama. the victory for president trump resolve the dow jones industrial average closed at another record high yesterday. check this out, the 75th record since the president has taken office. dow industrial 25,003 to five.


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