tv Cavuto Coast to Coast FOX Business January 15, 2018 12:00pm-2:00pm EST
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26,000 on the dow. futures suggest a gain of 140, 150 points. you have got to tune us in tomorrow morning 9:00. the market opens at 9:30. my time's up. neil, it's yours. neil: that is why the markets aren't moving? stuart: they're closed. neil: now i know. stuart: we're moving. neil: thank you, my friend, very, very much. we are looking at a tow not budging. it is so weird. i connected the dots. closed for martin luther king day. we thought as a financial network though your money is at stake. there is a lot going on now with a deadline disappearing fast. we are talking about friday. they have got to come up with some sort of a budget deal. there is no sense of urgency is
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also alarming. when i to up to my boys to make sure they're ready for school to get on the bus and in two minutes. chad pergram on the non-urgency urgency. >> they have to fund the government by 11:59:59 friday night. they did one in september, two in december, this would be the fourth one. otherwise the government shuts down on the one-year ankers versery of president trump's inauguration. it comes down to math. you have a couple of key issues. defense spending. defend hawks want an increase in defense spending. democrats say if you go for that we have to have increase in non-defend spending. daca is the big issue here. republicans don't have the votes to avoid a government shutdown. mac thornberry is the chair of
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the armed services committee. he didn't think there would be the votes to avoid a government shutdown on republican side of the aisle unless they had agreement in place. if they turn to democrats, look at the vote breakdown, pat tiberi, the republican congressman from ohio he resigns 5:00 this afternoon. what that means you're down to a 23 vote margin in the house of representatives where republicans pass bills without needing democrats. anything below that they are in trouble. if they pass a bill in december, avoided a shutdown with just 18. pat tiberi isn't here. trent franks resigned. steve scalise is recuperating from surgery. carlos korbel low, republican from florida would not vote for interim spending bill until they had a daca fix. that is why people are nervous the government could shut down on friday night. neil: if you way the bets, how
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does it look to you? >> it is tough. you dope have a top line on spending. the only way to, they have an agreement in hand and punt to next week. if you veer too far one way or the other that is the problem. remember in greek mythology the two sea monsters. if you sail to close to coribdus they are trying to navigate the strait through them, if they get out too far into the congressional ionian sea, they will face the most malevolent sea creature of all, a government shut down. neil: i thought that was biology. i will be in d.c. with chad on saturday, the day after, could be a quiet day or crazy day. our new live saturday show starts on fox news channel 10:00 a.m. eastern time. we have connell mcshane and
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former congresswoman nan hayworth. will they get a deal? >> they have ever reason to get a deal. they don't want it pinned on them. neil: it would be pinned on them. >> it would be, neil. they are not sufficiently confident of their political prospect this is year to say to hell with it. we'll have a government shutdown. they will cobble out a deal. neil: when democrats say as you reported, connell, someone blink but democrats will use that as a wedge. >> the story with the president and comment last week was such as important story. there are other reasons it is an important story. that might play itself out. neil: did the president say something i missed? >> i think when you were out sick. neil: by the way, gaspo talks like that all the time. >> not about those countries.
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not to defend you, gasparino. neil: about his colleagues. >> i was going to say. >> significant story about leverage. democrats think they have it largely because of that. they may be right. they may be right. neil: we could face another short-term continuing resolution, the fourth one. >> yeah. neil: that's weird. >> yeah. you know, you get that when you have, you know when you have competing interests within parties and you know obviously two parties with vastly different idealogical agendas. >> very close numbers. >> very close numbers. very interesting when you hear about all the republicans retiring. the republicans really do have issue in the house. i talk to house members, oh, it is not going to happen, it is not going it happen. we'll not lose the house this year i don't know. >> it is close. >> look what it means if the republicans lose the house. it means that the fiscal agenda of president trump become as lot more difficult. almost becomes -- neil: do you think that is
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actually happening. >> the republicans losing the house? neil: yeah. >> i don't know. depends who you talk to. neil: the reason i get skeptical, everyone says it is going to happen. >> if we had to bet the farm, yeah, they will retain the house, even if narrowly. neil: there are -- >> you worry about people like ileana ros-lehtinen leaving that will probably to to democrat. darrell issa is leaving his seat. he may run for the adjacent district, interestingly enough. all these chairman, what is happening is, these chairman are being term-limited now. they're reaching limits of chairmanships. it is not so much fun when you're not a chairman. neil: they can't get party luminaries to run in their place. >> that is a problem. remember if republicans lose the house, remember what happens to president trump's physical agenda. shifts from taxes and
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legislation, and gets back to infrastructure. your bugaboo, will there ever be a cap on spending? will we get this ever under control? if you have democrats in the house probably not. you will have trump indulging -- neil: a lot of it with republican. >> trump is an odd guy when it comes to ideology. he -- >> can shape shift. >> he is a shape shifter sometimes he is a dem. sometimes he is a republican. he believes in spending. he advocating almost no spending cuts or, sort of containing of entitlements. so he is a big government republican. neil: what do the markets telling you with the futures here up the way they are? that could change by tomorrow obviously, but they're not worried about -- >> piggybacks on what charlie is saying, almost an incentive for to you tackle spending in some way. that incentive would logically come from financial markets.
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that is one of the places to come from. tough politically to make that argument. even if you're republican, most of their arguments are in favor of spending on certain things. democrats might favor military and infrastructure. if interest rates tell us there is interest here for the stock market rally or spending debate there won't be an issue. >> stocks like inflation to a certain extent. neil: bill miller was talking about if we get over 3% on the 10-year with 2.55 now, this market is up another 30%. >> right. although you start asking yourself how far above 3%? hey, why should i risk my money in stocks? put it away in bond? that is where the markets start to equalize. right now markets are looking at, tax cuts, fiscal policy. that is expansionary, all that is really good for stocks. neil: to connell's point they're not looking or stem to care whether they ever get around to entitlements. >> in election year, neil,
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almost impossible politically to do that. >> is it possible in any year? >> i agree with you. until we have electorate can understand more than the short-term perceived benefit of having money spent on them so to speak -- >> i think that will never happen. >> call for fiscal discipline? >> disciplinary aspect of this will be the markets. if somehow bond market vigilantes rise up and say you know, we're just going -- >> look at the debt. >> we're going to bail out of the u.s. currency. we're going to sell bonds. we demand a lot more for you to borrow. >> maybe we're not at 2 1/2 on 10-year. maybe 3 1/2. not historically but there may be a different level where the conversation changes. it goes back to insenttives t never changes until we get back to that level. >> we could have teaching event
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with a state like illinois deeply, deeply in debt starts defaulting an suffers the consequences. neil: i don't think at that will do it. >> how do we make it tangible for people? >> talking about default. >> i know what you're saying, having trouble funding their obligations and people can say, jeez, that would really be bad. neil: all i know in the latest quarter, fiscal first quarter of this year, we took in a record amount of money and still had 225 billion in deficits. incredle. >> representative democracy like os, i know havingeen a representative, peopl like to have money spent on the they likeo feel their representative or the senator is bringing home the bacon and as lg as they exptec pressures - >> even the immigration debate is that way. a tradeoff for what? more spending on the border wall. >> he is really smart. i heard him say this he said listen, let's get the economy moving 3 1/2%, three, 3 1/2%
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consecutively regularly. then look at entitlement reform. once you get the economy running like that, you get the tax receipts coming in, you start dealing with it. that would be a good solution. now do they have the cajones to do that? who knows. doubtful. neil: all right. if you're like me you've been noticing these markets are not budging. [laughter] futures are up, indicating when they do open officially tomorrow, they are going to be racing north. >> [inaudible]. >> i didn't know the markets were closed today. am a business reporter? neil: that is weird. want to bring gary kaltbaum into this. gary uncanny how we're stuck with the futures up 144. obviously not worried about any of stuff we're raising. are you? >> not yet but we have seen some moves in the last few weeks that make some stocks in the market look like the eiffel tower.
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whenever i see something like that, i get worried about the other side. so i do expect in the next month or so to get a pretty darn good correction. right now we're in good shape. it is very simple. it is easy money. it is the economy and something else going on right now, earnings estimates have been raised 5% for this coming year because of the tax bill. that is potentially a lot of ammo as we move forward. yeah i think we'll get -- neil: ratings now, i read in "barron's" over weekend all the estimates are changed. certainly this is well-telegraphed. so i'm a little surprised they're spending to numbers i thought were baked into the cake a while ago? >> i think they're being careful to make sure the deal got done and what kind of deal got done. neil: maybe you're right. >> let me say this, by no accident the companies with the highest tax rate have had the strongest move over the last month or two. retail, transports.
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absolutely skyrocketing. there is definitely a means to the ends in here. i do think it will last but i think we're getting so overheated here, so frothy here, we'll get a good pullback. tough scare the bulls and the bears. as long as this continues earnings and economy not only accelerating here and around the globe and still ridiculous money going on since '09 i still think the markets should have a pretty decent year. you're talking about the bond market. i'm not so worried. why? if we go to 3% that is still ridiculously low. you still have printed money in europe and japan and negative rates. neil: did anybody see the barack obama interview with david letterman on netflix? >> i saw some of it. neil: it was interesting. taking a bow about the big market recovery. not a word keeping federal reserve interest rates at zero. believe me would get blamed if
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it went the other way. no acknowledgement the federal reserve carried this. if rates go up, how much? >> depends how much. one of the reasons why president trump appointed jerome powell, that he is not kevin warsh. i don't think the fed will do that now. here is the thing, it is never a crisis until it is a crisis. i remember back in 2001, 2002 people talking about real estate bubble and destroying everything. the fed printed so much money, expanded its balance sheet so much, there is notion our currency is debased, that the dollar is not what it once was. neil: david letterman wouldn't ask that question. >> he wouldn't know to ask that question. much of what, you people, gets back to a column i wrote in the post last week about the
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insanity of president obama's economic policies versus the insanity which i think is very sane of president trump's economic policies. president obama really had some hair-brained fiscal policies. >> not even to throw them into the mix. >> fed, only reason, by the way, this was not just the fed lowering the fed fund rate. this is something known quantitative easing which they did about three times. neil: 0%, right? >> negative interest rates. >> went to the marketplace an they bought long-term treasury bond. neil: you can't stress the historic enormity. >> ben bernanke. >> be clear about something here. every time the printing of money stopped, the markets came down. they printed again, the markets started going again. they have eight years of ear0% interest rates, that is my big worry. forget about right now, the central banks around the globe depending which abacus you used,
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15 or $20 trillion. as i said still negative rates. there will be some repercussions one day. i'm not sure what they are. but i have one eye looking out. i must tell you that the strongest areas of the markets around the globe are commodities. worst thing that can possibly happen. inflation is fine. out of control inflation. you want the market to come down look out. neil: alternative universe is watching fox. real universe seems to listen to nfr, but the reality is, that without the federal reserve -- >> absolutely. we were the best house in a bad neighborhood. >> we're the tallest midget in the room. >> exactly. that is why we're still, that's why we're still the reserve currency. neil: real quick. >> that can change. neil: real quick, gary, go ahead. >> let's not forget what all this easy money also enabled, massive amount of debt around
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the globe. government, corporate, and personal debt. it is skyrocketing levels right now. again debt in the long run is usually a bad thing. something to watch. >> i was going to say that president obama who is incredibly immature from fiscal economic standpoint. >> indulgent. >> as crazes is as trump is with these comments, his fiscal policies are so much saner. neil: you have to listen how he dealt with -- >> he sound good. he is full of you know what? >> so indulgent. president obama, i'm sure he is a great dad. great at deadpan humor. great ad deadpan humor, loved that. in terms of running an economy, disasterous. president obama is charming person. >> obama believed -- >> get him out. >> obama believed in more
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>> there was a human error and the state of hawaii did not have safeguards in place to prevent the human error causing a false alert going out. the second problem was that the false alert persisted for 38 minutes. neil: all right. the fcc chair, ajit pai is trying to get to the bottom of that stuff that happened in hawaii. a investigation into the false missile alert created a state-wide panic, everyone on edge what the north koreans are up to. whether this was the moment to make good on a threat to blow up the united states or at least that state. retired four-star general jack keane. general, very good to have you.
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obviously he wants to know how this could have happened. it was an error in retrospect a dumb one. we know the guy behind it was reassigned. how does this stuff even get to happen? >> it is pretty unusual because these are systems that are tested frequently and from what i understand, given the simplicity of their system, no fail-safe, the operator just came on shift had two choices to make, test missile alert, or missile alert. and i hit missile alert, regrettably so as you mentioned in the introduction, it took him 3minutes to correct it, because they have to go into the fema system which is the backbone of this, to correct it. there was nothing automatically that could have canceled that in matter of seconds. i'm sure both of those things are fixed now. i think as regrettable as it is and the stress and strain it caused for our fellow citizens
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outin hawaii, we can take advantage of this to thoroughly check the whole system, the national architecture, its connection to states, just make sure we're very wired. i know the national command authority, president, chief of staff, national security advisor, major department heads were all involved in this as a result of this taking place. neil: how do you think hawaiians reacted remarkably calmly? no by and large, i think americans used common sense. i think that is what buy and large they were doing. take some shelter. if you're outside get inside. if you're inside, get someplace as safely as you can inside. protect your kids. those are normal things adults do under pressure. neil: general what is the rule? people removing manholes, going into sewer systems anything underground, is there rule of thumb just in case?
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>> well, listen, you know, we have long since departed from the nuclear umbrella where we were under this kind of pressure and we used to rehearse. obviously you're dealing with a blast, if you're in the vicinity of the blast the results is obvious. if you're at distance from it, you have to make certain that you're sheltered as best you can, for some length of time, to protect yourself from radiation if you happen to be downwind of it. i think people basically understand this. it is kind of common sense. but this is why the north korean threat is so serious. we can't have this north korean dictator holding the american people at hostage for generations to come because he has got nuclearized icbms that he may or may not use. that is not something that we should tolerate. we have a president who is not going to tolerate it. that is good news. neil: general, good having you
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as always. thank you very much. >> take care, neil. hope you feeling better. neil: thank you very much. i appreciate it. we're live here today. you can see, some are commenting by the sound of things, neil, which wish you weren't but we are. i'm told as well that our rival begins with c, ends with. consider is not live today. but i flipped over there. i honestly couldn't tell. that was just me. i just couldn't tell. but apparently they're not. we'll have more after this.
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i am the least racist person you have ever interviewed. that i can tell you. neil: all right. the president has consistently and non-stop started defending himself against charges now on this martin luther king, jr. day that he is racist. democratic congressman are skipping his state of the union. four plan to do that. radio show host kevin jackson on this narrative. you know what is amazing to me, stacy is, that you have to address a negative, how long have you been beating your wife or when did you stop beating your wife? he comes out the gate with that comment like, are you a racist if what is a guy to do? >> you know, where were these people, neil, when its with president obama and he described libya as an s-show. when president said all the things in private about
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bibi netanyahu. i am for clean language. i wouldn't use it to describe countries of any kind. the truth hurts, doesn't it? these countries are plagued by troubled governments. they don't have good services. they're not clean countries, that they're not free of corruption. that is why their citizens want to come to the united states. i love your analogy, when did you last beat your wife. you can't prove or disprove the negative. what is president trump to do? as a private citizen he funded all of these trips by doctors to haiti to fix cataracts and give people site. he donated, he has done everything he can do besides mary someone of another color to prove that he is not a racist. what else can he do? neil: kevin, wonder what the fallout will be especially now, accelerates to the point, number of prominent democratic congressman much as they did last year in his inauguration, skip in this case his state of the union address. what do you think of that? >> who cares?
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i call them the congressional plaque circus clowns, neil. nobody cares if maxine waters doesn't show up to the event. in fact most americans are happy that she doesn't show up t will clean up the joint as we would probably say in vernacular. look, donald trump doesn't have to defend that he is not a racist. i personally wish he would become more donald trump and sort of take the stance he took with the nfl players, say grow up. you know, he doesn't have to go out and convince people in america that he is not racist. i would say to most black people, look at your housing values? look at your portfolios? look at the job opportunities that you currently now have because of this administration. america is tired of people trying to take blacks out as a subculture and say that donald trump is being somehow divisive or racist and stacy alluded to with the nonsense about crap-hole countries. most americans feel identally the same as donald trump.
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i traveled to many countries in africa, not as much in central america, i'm not surprised what i have seen. i had an office in mexico city, these places are dumps. they are third world armpits. most americans feel this way. for to us soft-shoe this whole issue and let the democrats have a narrative that donald trump is in some way racist. he has done more for historically black colleges and universities than president obama did. he has done more for black business. i could go on, but again it is not, it is not his role to say i will single out blacks to do something specifically for you. he is doing it in the economy. neil: just feed as narrative that gets us way off course here. i'm reminded about democratic congresswoman maxine waters, stacy who said, i quote on appearance on msnbc, why would i take my time to go and sit and listen to a liar? someone who lies in the face of facts. someone who could change their tune day in, day out.
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what does he have to say that i would be interested in? so by definition, republicans who might feel the same way about a democratic president, opt not to attend an event, which hasn't happened. that -- >> that hasn't happened because they would be called racist. they would have vilified them. neil: where do you go with this? >> i can tell you where i went with it. i had to stop for a second think, why now? why is dick durbin saying the president said this now? because the democrats brought in a deal to the president, quote fingers, included, neil, where they actually said to him we'll give you 1.6 on the wall. he needs 1.6. won't give you anything on chain migration, by the way we'll not do anything about your other requests. we want reinstate special status from all the people from the other countries. the president said, get out. what do you do? how do you roll that narrative that you're winning as democrat? you turn to racism. this is their bully pulpit.
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this is their card. they think blacks are inferior. it is not working anymore as kevin just said. all over the country people looking at paychecks expecting them to swell up next month due to the tax cut. record low unemployment for blacks. we're talking about winning. i'm not tired yet. i can't wait for more. happy mlk day. i love to see people in my community, americans working. the rest of this stuff is just them throwing more temper tantrums. you know what i haven't heard, neil? russia. >> tracy just mentioned chain migration. dick durbin said that would be offensive to us. we should be afraid. that is more nonsensical things leftists say. they want to charge us up. the left use black people to become the whipping boys. we're the supposed to be, oh, no, white people, no, you just didn't say that they get us into a frenzy over nothing. and the fact of the matter is -- neil: using exact language, the same term to refer to connections and family ex-pen --
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extensions. go ahead. >> you're more than welcome. i think you just said thank you. neil: i did. i did. wish we had more time. even speechless i can be clueless. thank you, guys. all right. the big push is for driverless cars. now, the big push for those driverless cars is how easily they could be hacked. we're on it after this. you'll get clear, actionable alerts about potential investment opportunities in real time. fidelity. open an account today. fidelity. (snap) achoo! (snap) achoo! achoo! (snap) (snap) achoo! achoo! feel a cold coming on? zicam cold remedy nasal swabs shorten colds with a snap, and reduce symptom severity by 45%. shorten your cold with a snap, with zicam.
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silverado just unveiled. bigger and lighter. because there is aluminum in the panels of the doors, the hood and the tailgate. makes it lighter. that is what forward is doing as well. also unveiled big truck, ram, the 1500, the new one. that unveiled today at the show. and that brings us to the other piece of the stars of the show. ram heavy-duty trucks now made in mexico coming back now to the u.s. and a 2,000-dollar bonus to 60,000 fiat chrysler employees. why? i asked that to sergio marchionne today exclusively on fox business. the ceo of fiat chrysler who says it is all about tax reform. listen. >> tax reform was done in december went a long, long way giving a huge jolt of confidence in this country. reporter: that is why they did the big bonus. talked to jim hackett, the ford ceo. he says they're not doing a
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stand-alone bonus. hehe said they do profit sharing at end of the year. he says if profits increase as a result of tax reform he suspects folk folks will be okay. >> we paid 9,000-dollar bonus to people in profit sharing. any tax improvement goes into profits and dribbed. we'll pay a bonus to you are employees with something we were already counting on doing. reporter: nothing bigger as as a result of the tax bill. >> i wouldn't say that. some of the tax moves are enhancing profits so employees will benefit. there is not a stand-alone distribution t doesn't make sense. reporter: ford by the way and jim hackett unveiling a truck of its own. that is ford ranger. remember that one? i own a 2003 ranger. did away for it for a while. a big seller around the world. they have a special version
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unveiled at the show to be sold at the u.s. i leave you with one sexy one, it is kind of a truck. that is a mercedes. this is the g class. if you're really rich you have one of those. starts at 120 grand, goes up to 240,000. arnold schwarzenegger is on hand for unveiling of the mercedes g class yesterday. i am told they sold more g classes than ever before in history. they are expected to sell even more this year because of good economic news, neil? neil: up to $200,000 for a truck? reporter: it is an suv. it has got leather and corinthian leather, some type of leather i'm not sure. neil: no doubt explains it. thank you, my friend. very good chatting with you, jeff flock. also at the same show they're talking up the driverless vehicles that will be all the rage and we're told sooner than
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you think. there is one problem. hacking those cars, that is apparently among bad guys a big rage. cybersecurity analyst morgan wright. i don't know how i should feel about this, morgan. people are not the best of drivers themselves but at least i feel like i have some control. >> right. neil: if i'm in driverless vehicle maybe not. what do you think? >> all i can hear on my fm radio playing pinball wizard as they go out of control on the beltway. just this last week i had conversations with ceo and president with the intelligent transportation society of america. had discussions with the u.s. department of transportation. biggest thing came out after huge showdown here in washington, d.c., called the transportation research board, thousands of people all oaf the world, cybersecurity in the vehicles. we saw this 3 1/2 years ago, neil. i was talking about it on fox, could your cars be hacked by
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terrorists. got a lot of hate. two defense researchers at darpa drive a jeep off into a ditch. everybody is worried about it. this will be huge an big. i'm not saying prediction, if i were bad guys, look at it, take that 200,000-dollar g class, if i figure out a way to put ransomware on 200,000-dollar vehicle and turn it into a 200,000-dollar brick. you will pay $20,000 to get it back. we need to look at vehicle to vehicle communications. things called dedicated short-range communications. these nodes will be on the highway, allow the cars to operate without bouncing off each other, we'll need intelligent, interactive secure infrastructure for that to happen. who will build the infrastructure, policy, standards to go with it. gm, ford, audi, whoever son the highway, they all play together good. neil: scary stuff. morgan, thank you very, very much. >> you bet, neil. neil: markets still not moving,
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it is because the markets are closed. we have deirdre bolton joining us, tech analyst extraordinaire, shanna glazer. what is interesting, shanna, i will begin with you, end with you, the same stocks we were told would take a breather really have not. what do you make of that? >> i think you're seeing from these stocks, people's excitement and enthusiasm around innovation they announced this year. i think what we're looking at in 2018 potentially stagnation in innovation. like you i'm interested to see if these stocks can continue to rally and improve or if we're going to see a little bit of cooling off coming in 2018. neil: what do you think, deirdre. >> that is a good question. the "fang" stocks, facebook, apple, amazon, google, microsoft, netflix, hitting all-time highs on friday. the question, can they continue? my personal opinion for what it
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is worth? yes. i think a lot of these companies are getting into new markets. the potential foot print of any of them are so big especially amazon. amazon is going to have 500,000 employees by the end of this year. that is second only to walmart. and they're just beginning. they bought whole foods. they got into the food space. they're getting into furniture and office services. a thing i heard from colleague at ces, there are smarter bathrooms. a lot of potential jokes in there, but mirrors tell you, hey, call a dermatologist. something looks -- a lot coming for our health. a lot coming for artificial intelligence. a lot coming from consumer point of view. if you can do augmented reality try out couch in the living room through your phone, why not? neil: shanna, i thought that was built in run up to a lot of these stocks enjoyed? >> i question, with, i agree
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with you on that. usually i play the opposite side but i wonder, no, i think what i'm going to see in 2018 is innovation from some of these smaller companies. and then, and many son potentially purchase,ing a choiring companies for innovation rather than, you know, innovatin from witn and i don't know, im curious how that will play for them in the market too. >> the other macrofactors that exist though, we really have extremely low unemployment, right? we have a accommodative fed. the trump administration give a big tax break, whether you love it or hate it, to corporate america. neil: these guys disproportionally benefit. >> yes. when it comes to bringing back cash overseas. they get a one-time fee 15 1/2%. whatever they earn overseas they will not pay taxes on. that lifts the u.s. to other industrialized nations as far as overseas revenue and how that is
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treated but at the end of the day that is great for these companies. >> what is weird about it, guys, tech companies to me stand out for not returning the largess to either their workers or their customers. maybe that will happen. i'm not, it is still early in the cycle here but i don't hear a lot of bonus checks going out from that sector. maybe their workers don't need it, who knows. but what do you make of that, shanna? >> i, you know, likewise i'm hearing more about these bonus checks and more kind of consumer, your walmarts and folks that are more in retail versus technology. you know, i think that they will, you know, take advantage of the ability to bring back cash. obviously apple is probably going to bring back quite a bit of cash this year. whether or not they deploy it to acquisitions or innovation or hang out to shareholders is yet to be seen. looking at, hopefully in some other areas like drones and
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cryptocurrency, other bigger opportunities for innovation, we'll see similar excitement and therefore a rally around tech in 2018. >> i want to say, shareholders? they couldn't be happier, right? if you own apple, google, amazon, any of these, you're not asking for anything. i'm great. neil: doesn't it concern you, guys, the rally is a rally you, you don't dismiss it, but so disproportionally weighted in these stocks? taken out of equation tonight's rally. >> if they didn't have any areas to grow in, whether that is ai or geographic areas, i might say, you know what? maybe they already sort of did their last trick but there are some areas of growth, particularly with artificial intelligence, maybe a good thing, bad thing, maybe we have privacy concerns, hacking concerns get layered on top of that positive point, they are just cash cows. even sponsored or original content, amazon is paying 4 1/2
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billion dollars on video content just this years. netflix, 7 to 8 billion, they have got the money. they have got the money. would you still recommend them, shannas as a group. >> absolutely. neil: really? >> i think they continue to rally. i'm curious from technology perspective, i'm a technology analyst i'm curious where the next innovation will come from or will there be incremental steps toward innovation we've already heard about, like autonomous vehicles an artificial intelligence? are we really seeing innovation that excites me? that is something i'm unsure of what 2018 holds for those bigger companies. neil: twice, thank you very much. the more immediate worry maybe for a lot of these stocks that have run up like crazy is the government maybe shutting down.
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my name's dustinhey, dustin. grab a seat. woman: okay. moderator: nice to meet you. have you ever had car trouble in a place like this? (roaring of truck) yes and it was like the worst experience of my life. seven lanes of traffic and i was in the second lane. when i get into my car, i want to know that it's going to get me from point a to point b. well, then i have some good news. chevy is the only brand to receive j.d. power dependability awards for cars, trucks and suvs two years in a row. woman: wait! (laughing) i definitely feel like i'm in a dependable vehicle right now. woman 2: i want a chevy now. woman 3: i know!
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neil: all right, the markets are closed today. we are open. it could read the results on friday when the markets are roping, but maybe, maybe washington d.c. will not. all a bad ahead of a get it done sort of agreement of a continuing resolution to make sure that doesn't have been buried good thing are there the next day, saturday for a life premiere of our "cavuto" live show 10:00 a.m. to noon eastern time noon eastern time. a follow-up from whatever happens. adam schapiro with i guess the calm before the storm. reporter: you could call this the calm before the storm. two big issues at play here.
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the funding issue, the deadline friday, january 19, but also the immigration reform issue. democrats holding tight that they want the funding bill to include some kind of daca six for the 800,000 students who came here, the people who came here illegally brought here by their parents. republicans then you have to do the funding bill clean of an immigration reform. where do we stand on all of this? for president trading statement by me last night in florida. i don't think democrats want to make a deal. they talk about daca, but they don't want help. we are ready, willing and able to make a deal, but they don't want to. they don't want security at the border. they do want to stop drugs. they want to take money away from our military, which we cannot do. my standard is very simple. america first and make america great again. the problem for the president within his own party, there are people regardless of immigration are willing to vote for another
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continuing resolution because they want defense spending to be raised and are willing to compromise with democrats about raising domestic spending. when you look at all of this, to add to more of it, rand paul was on "fox and friends" say there could be a solution, but don't hold your breath. >> i think the immigration debate assert a separate hopefully from funding of the government. but that is a question. will the democrats hold up spending over this issue? i've always thought immigration would be settled separate. i still think it would be -- will be and should be. reporter: the fact that republicans want defense increase means you might have to go to democrats if you're paul ryan to get continuing resolution passed and democrats want immigration reform. dick durbin is the senator leading the grocery shin and daca for democrats. he tweeted late yesterday that republicans and democrats negotiated in good faith to get
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what you asked for in front of the country on tuesday. he is referring to president trump. it is time to lead and support the bipartisan deal. washington is on a razor's edge, waiting to see what is going to happen. back to you, neil. neil: they don't seem to be acting like it. thank you very much, adam schapiro. whenever and however we resolve this before friday, hopefully before friday, whether it is a temporary spending measure for continuing resolution, the fact of the matter is that is not an issue of money coming in, all the money going out. because the government collected record income taxes with a $225 billion deficit through the citizens for government mark mackler, national taxpayer fellow maddy back with her. maddie, to you on this, it's incredible, just incredible. when you think?
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>> yeah, neil, the low spending landscape as it exists today. one of the untold republican-led congress is the way congressional republicans republicans absolutely racist and legacy of president obama, nancy pelosi and harry reid. now, a lot of rumor need to make up for here now that we've been able to clear up discretionary spending excesses, we were able to get tax reform done which is a crucial component of it economy churning that allows levels and at their historical level. turning our need to look at what entitlement spending is. the entitlement liability over the next 30 years is very avid and you can't tax your way out of that problem. looking at an $82 trillion deficit, trillion with a t. i was social security and medicare will do to the budget. spending reform on the mandatory side is critically important moving forward. however, we have seen what the president saying that it's not something he is interested in doing. the question will turn to congress on what they have the
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political will to accomplish. tree until you know, i know we discussed as well the idea that no shortage of money is coming in, but this concern, for example on tax cuts. i you pay for the 125 trillion in net revenue lost. and not a peep about the 10 trillion in added spending over that same decade. that says something about the mindset of washington. >> neil comments the mindset of washington, not activists all over the country. they are waiting, now holding their breath, though waiting to see who the run ups in washington d.c. are, the folks who deal with the problem as maddy described them. the fundamental, structural spending problems by the entitlement programs and the bottom line is what can continue on. matt is correct we cannot tax our way out of this. we cannot grow our way out of this and ultimately someone want
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to step up and do something about it or it is going to deal essentially a very serious blow to our economy and standard of living. tree until i don't think it's going to happen in an election year and already it's pretty clear that mitch mcconnell, i can't blame him, the you can make that argument almost any time. >> i certainly think that is true. if congress doesn't have the ability to take on entitlement spending, and a number of entitlement reforms desperately need to be undertaken to get the fiscal house in order. congress is the one that in controls the purse strings. we will continue to see excesses that taxpayers can afford. one thing congress should do is look at unauthorized spending. right now congress continues to allow programs to have money appropriated for them with little to no congressional oversight. some programs have gone for decades without being authorized. cathy mcmorris rogers introduced the unauthorized spending accountability act and that is something congress should take up to have spending under
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control if they are not going to look at the entitlement liabilities that will continue to put pressure on the budget for the next several decades. tree into mark, not to undergo you pointed out a simple resolution. even that becomes a herculean task. >> it is a herculean task and it shouldn't be. this is a place for the american people would largely be an agreement, the idea of washington is the only place is considered a spending cut if you don't grow as fast as you propose. your baseline budgeting is a great way to go. for many years, senator tom coburn produce a waste of demonstrating $400 billion a year in waste, fraud and abuse, duplication. that is not tom's opinion. that's an opinion all. that's omb, office of management and budget for senator langford puts it on a continuing basis. they are not difficult. neil: you would not know that. thank you both very, very much.
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not to more immediate concerns like dr. deal, and other married to a budget agreement, continuing resolution or not. let's just say it's not looking good. would you make of all of this? >> well, we do have a short amount of time of the budget deadline on friday for lawmakers to return to washington and figure out what they are going to do. right now looks as though democrats are determined to withhold their vote for many short-term spending bills over frustrations that they haven't gotten what they wanted in terms of immigration reform and republican who the leadership is still on a retreat today, not even in washington working on a spending bill are pretty frustrated with the president. he opened up to the public to watch. he said he would sign basically an immigration legislation to his desk and now here we are a
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week later still having negotiations over whether or not there will be any legislative fix involved to deferred action for childhood arrivals program with a spending bill, but we are barreling towards a midnight deadline on thursday at which point the government will shut down in right now it looks like no consensus between republicans and democrats over what the solution is going to be. tree into a temporary measure wouldn't be enough to help. >> democrats have said they are not willing to support another short-term extension. i would push the budget deadline back to february 23rd, giving both parties another month, but they said that is basically putting out something the president himself should be a priority and that is dealing with the so-called dreamers. there are republicans who pointed out if democrats want to go to the map for this they will be shutting down the government
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to provide amnesty for the 800,000 daca recipients are not i. not be the best luck in a midterm year, they should be determined whether that is something they are going to risk doing in the next four days. trade today feel the polls, back them up, a lot of positive will for the 800,000 who are here and republicans will look like the bad guys. >> both parties would be at all, but you have to realize that public opinion polls in which most americans say these are immigrants brought here as children who should remain in the country and be protected permanently with legal status are willing to do that until a certain point, until it would impact the paychecks of american citizens and that is what we would get into the weeds with it there is a government shutdown
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that democrats caused withholding their vote. if they are leading american workers, federal government employees to lose paychecks over something i would codify protections for illegal immigrants, that is an optics problem for the democratic party. neil: crazy stuff. gabby, thank you very much. now you know who was responsible for setting up a false missile alert. he was not fired, just reassigned. why?
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>> welcome back to coast to coast. i'm ashley webster. north korea meeting again for the second time in a week, talking about military issues and the missile testing of nuclear testing, but they are talking about the winter olympics. word that perhaps the koreans for the very first time we'll put out a unified team in women's ice hockey. that has to be approved by the olympic commission, but if it is the first time that's ever
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happened. north korea sending a big old orchestra as well as a dance and song grew. talking with missiles at north korea, how about this. the false alert in hawaii over the weekend saturday morning created an absolute panic that lasted dirty eight minutes. the message people got on her cell phone. ballistic missile threat and down to hawaii seek immediate shelter. this is not a drill. an employee sent that out by mistake, but the outcome about was that you can imagine the sheer panic. stories of parents putting their children in bathtubs. university of hawaii across campus to find a building. drivers abandoning cars on highways to find tunnels. the 9-1-1 system in hawaii overwhelmed by 5000 calls. now the investigation of how can something like this happen and why did it take 38 minutes for this is a false alarm message to go out. the fcc, federal communications
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commission setting the rules for wireless communications. ajit pai calling this absolutely unacceptable. homeland security secretary saying americans should not lose faith in their government and as for the worker who did this, that person we don't know, he or she has been temporarily reassigned. you can't get fired and even when you do this, you can't get fired. neil: the only blemish with the mistaken missile launch. thank you. national security expert, i do want to put all the blame on this individual, male or female, but i do wonder what wrote down in the chain of command because i would assume other people how to write off on this. >> first of all, hawaii was very lucky that nobody got hurt. look at those pictures, they are so fortunate there's not a
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tragedy on top of this. general miyake is looking into it and i trust that he will, government software. some people want to see if conspiracy but i have big questions. i know it's a federal holiday, but as soon as they get back i want to see from secretary nielsen at dhs a top to bottom review, sec is great, but let's review those emergency procedures. what does she want us to do if we get an alert like this? the second piece over to the pentagon. how much and write an abstract, general rabin center admiral harris in the pacific, secretary mattis are all of them to come out and tell us what we really have with missile defense. what works, what doesn't? wait know missile defenses were built specifically to take on a north korean rogue threat in hawaii as well protect it. come and tell us what we really
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have. neil: there was a time and i'm probably showing my age where we hid under our desks during these raid drills. we don't do anything like that today. i'm not saying that is the route we've got a go, but if this is such a real and increasing worry, maybe something like it. >> civil defense is a whole separate position in the 60s and 70s and i didn't hide under my desk but i think my husband did. i think we are pretty safe. we have a great layer missile defense, but now is the time for dhs to take the direction report on what happened in hawaii, look at what they need to disseminate out across all 50 states another american territories. we know the emergency alert system has no function before they try to move back in 2005. it got hacked in 2013 and there is a zombie alert broadcast in
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montana. we know it's not perfect but this is serious now. kim did a lot of missile test/year. not to late to stop that capability, but it's time for a government to decide hey, we need to get some answers did we hear people in hawaii asking the hawaii police, where is the bomb shelter, what do we do? that needs to be a larger national conversation we have. what is the threat? what do we do? neil: thank you, rebecca, very, very much. i think you lose the argument when you compare someone to adolf hitler. the second way you lose the argument is when you compare them to joseph stalin. i will explain after this. ogeth. two boyfriends, three jobs... you're like nothing can replace brad.
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a very sort of, listen, an important guy. i think if you look at any of the outside people who help elect donald trump, know anything about the election, you have to say steve bannon was the man. there was a tram campaign 2016 in somewhat disarray. he came in and instilled a bit of confidence and order were they focused. neil: they never give them any credit. charlie: now they don't. on those days he was able to eat the victory on. this guy is not going to go away totally but it will be a problem coming back. we understand quietly plotting his return has told friends creating something like a think tank to promote populist or nationalist ideas on top politics, something where he's not going to get directly involved in specific candidates
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or campaigns, but something worthy ideas will be promoted and will be used as a springboard for people, for candidates to use those ideas. neil: were those ideas repudiated? charlie: i don't think so. those ideas were repudiated through brite bar. he's transitioning out of bright person was not there. here's the interesting thing that he sold people that one possibility is somehow him at some point that he's leaving open the possibility of reentering the news business in some way. that leaves up to the obvious question, would it be breitbart? i can tell you one thing it is possible he could buy a piece of bright bar. he would have to get someone to sell mercer is, their peace. ray burst would go on to peace. neil: were to get the money?
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printer that's the other thing. a lot of this financing has started because the mercer is a disassociate themselves from them post the michael wolff book. that's one of the reasons he's getting bounced from breitbart. he's not quite out yet, by the way. he is transitioning now. one potential person that could finance his efforts and also finance a purchase if he wanted andrew breitbart's widow to say you have a marginally profitable enterprise we are willing to pay $10 million. one person that would do that and this is my speculation. is peter thiel, the internet entrepreneur and billionaire. he's got the money from what i understand they are still close and that could happen. i'm speculating here. you're asking me who they can get money from. they are still pretty close. peter thiel was a loyal guy and pretty close during the campaign. that is the way where he goes --
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not the mercer is. they own a piece of it that they are billionaires. you go to somebody like andrew breitbart's widow and say how much money as this throwing off. not a tremendous amount. i'll give you 10 million right now to buy your piece. and what would he do with it then? you might make it into a tv thing. steve was full of ideas during the campaign of what might happen with bright art post a trump loss. if you know this from the wolff book, yes, from the wolff book they talk about how roger rails, our old boss, with lots of talk about doing a bright bar tv where roger might have played a role. neil: by the way, the point at which donald trump one. now rogers passed away, donald trump one, so that got put aside. now that steve is outcome of
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these are some of the things people around them are talking about. i can tell you this. he's told friends he was talking about a think tank. something to get the populist ideas out there. he's not going to be quiet forever and he's clearly indicated the news business is a future possible endeavor by in breitbart would be what a lot of people start talking about. neil: interesting. thank you, sir. charlie: anytime. neil: republican senator jeff flake is preparing tribes attack on the media. when you go down this avenue, you are losing your audience very quickly. but what do i know? what did you make of that? >> i think it's stunning. if this were anybody else saying this about the president of the united states, and i think he
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would be thrown out of his office on capitol hill by his colleagues. but this is a man, jeff flake, was working overtime to curry favor with the national press corps that despise donald trump and he loves that he says appeared in the infamous words of richard nixon to declare something what i think about jeff flake. in my opinion, jeff flake is an intellectual fraud. he stole the title of conscious conservative, the best-selling polemic in history and made it his own. he is also a political fraud. the man a lot to buy the tea party and immediately stabbed them in the back, which is why he is the most unpopular person in arizona and the reason he is not running for reelection is because he's dave because he is so unpopular which is why the national media loves them because he's going in their
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direction. neil: i think you lose an audience of things at the hitler comparison, stalin comparison. save it for those guys are going to compare hitler to hitler, no one to compare stalin except stalin. so stop it already. >> one must point out that joseph stalin killed 20 million people more than donald trump. must one person pointing out that he is in fact president trump is the opposite of joe stalin or the media are concerned and controlled the media and if anything donald trump doesn't control is the national news media. but it's all an attempt to create a favor whether it's at the "washington post" or cnn or one of them which is look at me, look at me, depression and object called jeff flake. i'll do your bidding, attack him personally and you'll just be reporting the news when you report the attacks have made. neil: among all the republican
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senators voted for this tax package. what did you think of that? >> consider this also. for jeff flake comes to play. jeff flake is so much of an enemy of this president that he went out of his way to confirm he had her donald trump had used the words he had used in jeff flake had used a small group of bipartisan senators who was debating he wasn't even there. so whether it is daca, tax policy or whatnot, jeff flake really isn't a relevant human being. neil: alright come as you are not a fan. where do you think this goes at the session of what the president might have said when they use foul language days ahead of what could be potential government shutdown. where is this thing going? >> let me say something about the foul language in cnn.
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the audience needs to be very clear about this. those of us on your network talking were admonished by producers and our dear not to use that word. cnn has put it on hundreds of times and mentioned that hundreds of times since they been doing it. when they put it on the crawl space, where they've been viewed in every airport in america with a in america they saw it in a doctors office they saw it. in a school, day salé. this is cnn's commitment to a sense of decency. the american public is getting sick and tired. they don't like the fact the president might've said it, but they are sick and tired of people and organizations obsessing it at a time in the national crisis with our economy. neil: remember barack obama referring to a certain storm is here yet and didn't get a fraction of the grief. >> one of my colleagues, craig and mr. has done a little bit of
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history and you can trace the word going back to abraham lincoln. he used it, too. barack obama used money of other terms, too. you didn't see cnn putting it on the screen. one wonders in the cosmic order of things, neil, if you look at that term, he was not, just think about this in an obvious sense, you would referring to the state of the government, the state of the country, not the people living in it. one last point. look anybody in the eye and ask them, have you ever used a phrase such as god? all of us have including the reporters at cnn. >> i'm surprised you've used that language frankly. thank you very much. neil: that's what you've got to do. plausible denial. in the meantime, this idea that there's going to be a big democratic wave at the end of this, what if i told you there
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build a better website - in under an hour. with gocentral from godaddy. neil: with the death toll continues to rise in california as a result of those mudslides, hillary vaughn is in montecito, california with more. >> hi, neil this is the aftermath one week after a wall of mud and stampede of boulders tore through this community to give you a sense of the size, the speed and the strength of the mudslide itself, this used to be a brick wall. it now barely exists. you could see several of these life size feet-wide boulders carried through this community. the mud level rose several feet look at this home behind me. you can see where the mud rose and surged through this home. now these boulders are so massive they took out entire telephone poles. this boulder here, life size, bigger than me taking out portions of homes. across the street here this home
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devastated, portions ripped out. you can see a tree trunk in paling the front entryway of this home. they've been in a process of trying to tear down some of it, salvage some of the remains left behind buried underneath, but only 35% of damage has been assessed yet, neil so we still don't know how devastating this storm surge actually was. we expect the initial numbers to rise. 65 single family homes so far we know have been completely wiped out, nearly 500 others have been significantly damaged, eight businesses have been buried under mud, 20 have major damage. there are still four people un accounted for. the deadly mudslide has killed 20 and injured 28. now the search is still on for missing people and victims that could remain trapped under some of these mounds of mud and debris but right now, these communities are desolate and devastated, it's still dangerous to be here, it's essentially a no go zone and also i want to
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point out this car here is a luxury vehicle we think it may be a jaguar but as you can see completely destroyed and again all this damage done from the powerful mudslides and the boulders that were carried throughout this community. it really shows how dangerous and how strong this storm surge was, neil. neil: just in credible hillary vaughn thank you very very much. all right we're still looking at the long-term impact of that tax cut in this country and whether it will be enough to say republicans, the ceo of fiat chrysler is already prais ing that plan. >> it was done in december went a long long way in giving a huge jolt of confidence to this country and the announcement we made about 2000 per employee and the investment and two and a half house jobs being added over the next 36 months these are things that are hopefully and i'm sure that we are just one of
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many companies that will find and emulate what we've done. neil: all right so good for those companies and the workers, will it be in time and good enough to make a difference at the end of the year in the midterm elections? former bush 43 presidential, democratic strategist. what do you think? >> look, i think, if you listen to the democrats they think it's almost inevitable they take back the house. they say 23 republicans sitting in districts that hillary won and the president's approval rating is only 50% typically loses 36 seats and there's some cause for concern if you look at the state legislative races, virginia 13, oklahoma 46 and there are some warning signs and at the same time what are democrats going to run on in 2018, impeachment, resistance, donald trump is a bad man because he uses naughty words? here is the fact of the matter what we've seen since the tax
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cut since we seen his regulatory rollback which i wish he would get more credit for is we might be seeing quarters of 4% growth. we're seeing a market already getting close to 26 might get to 27,000. we're saying according to treasury maybe 90% of workers in february are going to see more money in their paychecks and if wages are going up, if jobs are going up. neil: ned you'd have to see that and a lot of people would have to see that discernible difference. you're not of the opinion they will, right? >> no i'm not of the opinion it's going to help republicans at all. this will help democrats a great deal. here are a couple reasons why. first of all the middle class tax cuts are designed to sunset in a few years and the democrats have been hitting on that point again and again with their base and not only that but also with families across the country independent-minded and on top of that the democrats have a strong field of candidates running nationwide why they're investing resources in places like orange county in california where we didn't think we would have a shot to win seats and also, because of the ongoing issues
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that the republicans have with latinos, immigrants and people of color, especially with president trump's latest statements about countries in africa and haiti, there's a thing among americans of all backgrounds to get behind candidates who believe in their values. neil: you're seeing it in areas that people didn't expect, this corporate relief and bonuses for people. maybe that wasn't factored in, ned what do you think of that? >> no you're saying i think it's 150 companies i think already neil upwards of 3 billion in bonuses and pay raises. we're just starting to see the beginning impact of some of these tax cuts. i will agree it has to be a noticeable net increase in their paycheck but again, if jobs are going up if wages are going up if the economy is threatening i remember somebody saying in the not too distant past it's about the economy stupid and if the economy is cranking coming into the november 2018 election, i actually think it won't be as bad a year for republicans as people are saying, so we're 10 months away, i think it's
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incumbent, a couple things are incumbent upon republicans. first of all trump has to understand he's the leader of a national party disciplined, focused spreading the message of the tax cuts at the same time of the republicans. >> you can't do that. you simply can't do that. >> get down to the grassroots and make sure they do everything >> if donald trump could be in any single way disciplined about anything he's doing then we would have a different story but you're right about one thing for sure. the fact is that donald trump cannot be disappointed and cannot figure out a message that will unite his party and republicans are exhausted. neil: you could make the argument he got elected president, and defied expectations, so maybe the -- >> i'm glad you brought that up. he may be elected president. hold on i've got a point for you he still got 3 million more votes in 2016. let me finish here. >> it doesn't matter. >> since we have 3 million more votes in the bank than the republicans do in the last
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election and this president has gone from being unpopular to even more unpopular to currently being probably the least popular president this early on into their term that democrats have a very good shot across the country of picking up congressional votes because we're not talking about the electoral college. we're talking about the popular vote. neil: fine. i'm just telling you. >> 3 million votes comes pretty wide. neil: you're fighting an age-old argument right? >> i'm just saying we've got 3 million more votes. at the end of the day, now we have to deal with funds. neil: all i know is expectations never meet reality. expectations never meet reality. >> that's exactly right and especially true about dump. neil: i want to put you down as a maybe on donald trump. >> [laughter] neil: all right guys we have a lot more coming up, including some of these tax changes that are going to be picking in and how it could affect, well, your inheritance.
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>> welcome back to cavuto coast to coast everybody i'm gerri willis. well, online sales rising yet again, this time for amazon that is, whole foods branded items like smokehouse bacon, rice calliflower and shredded parmesan are helping grow its online grocery store delivery business just five months after the online bought the grocery store chain in fact sales of whole foods goods and amazon's fresh online delivery store are up 35% look at that $235 million in the last four months of 2017 that's according to one click retail but that is a fraction of amazon's overall online sales to be sure which total 197 billion last year as you remember that's 44% of all u.s. online sales. amazon share of organic grocery sales also pales in comparison to bigger competitors like
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kroger which is nearing $2 billion per year and albertson's which has about a billion dollars in organic sales but analysts say the hough foods brand is bringing new customers to amazon fresh and expect online grocery store sales to grow dramatically from its current base of just 3% of the $800 billion grocery market and amazon bought whole foods auguss , online delivery and in- store pick up and the announcement sparked a general sell off among larger chain store operators in the category although it was temporary amazon shares meanwhile are up, pretty dramatically or about 27% since the deal with whole foods was closed this summer. neil back to you. neil: not too shabby. gerri, thank you very very much well look who came to stop by in the middle of the talk about big tax changes and whether you should hang on to some of that stuff in your attic or basement the strange inheritance host nothing strange about her except her work ethic, on the road non- stop the past year with some
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great shows ready to launch welcome. >> i wish we would inherit some amazon stack. neil: could you believe that? >> i can't believe it, neil what's going to happen here? can it continue? neil: i have no idea. no idea. i have a strong idea that you've got another hit season. >> thank you. so kind of you to say. we started in season one and you helped get off the ground and i'm really grateful for that and now families have respond responded and send us some of the wildest most historically significant episodes that we could ever imagine so you're right 10 months amount there in the field we visited 38 states. neil: wow. >> met incredible people with amazing stuff and so tonight, we have two new episodes, two more tomorrow night they gave me a two-day premier because one night wasn't enough. neil: but do these folks, you know when you and your production team zero in on those , do they talk about estate taxes?
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do they talk about whether that makes a difference? >> you know, they always laugh when they say oh, yeah, they called. you know, they find out that everything they thought they were getting in their inheritance they don't get to keep so no matter whether the tax rates are beneficial or they change or the cost basis has stepped up or it's not, people should be thinking about this stuff before it's time for them to go and leave things behind. you can give certain things during your lifetime. you can get an appraisal or an evaluation so that your heirs know what you're leaving them specifically. you can leave a will and make sure things go where they want but i find that people don't take it seriously enough and -- neil: maybe they don't know what they're sitting on right? >> well we found for example, tonight three brothers are at young kipper services in new jersey, broomfield, no less and they sent a couple of silver pieces and paintings to auction of moms and there was a roadside new jersey turnpike auction
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house that said good enough and beyond says to them related to the science guy by the way the auction guy and he says yeah, maybe this one not so remarkable painting $500, bidding starts at 500 and the brothers would have been happy, 5,000, 50,000, 500,000 and it sells for over a million dollars john and can't figure out why. he's the auction guy. it's a remdrandt. neil: are you kidding me? >> one painted when remdrandt was 17, and he did -- neil: someone knew it during the bidding? >> someone believed it but it was so dirty, they couldn't find a signature and they never came across it politico examine it but since then its been not only verified but sold to a very famous collector of remdrandt who had three and now four our show we would like to find where the fifth is. i hope people will check their attic, somehow it got to the
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united states bought by the grandfather of these boys meanwhile they don't answer their phone and they have no idea they're millionaires. neil: you're amazing. jamie colby back, strange inheritance this woman doesn't take a break. her staff doesn't take a break. >> this is a break being with you. neil: incredible. i look forward to that. a remdrandt. >> i know it's not ours. neil: not ours. we'll have more after this. i'm a concrete mason. i had severe fatigue, became diagnosed with hodgkin's lymphoma. he was a good candidate for immune therapy, which is allowing his immune system to attack the tumor. learn more at
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♪ neil: fingers crossed on this triple-digit gain in the dow futures holds when it is the real mccoy tomorrow morning. markets undeterred by whatever friction is going on in washington, who cursed, what and when, they're off to the races again right now. trish regan taking you through the next hour. hey, trish. trish: thank you such, neil. president trump reaching across the aisle right now to find a solution to the broken immigration system and daca. but many are balking upset over his immigration comments, accusing him of being a racist. congress has four days to keep our government open and funded. i'm trish regan. welcome to "the intelligence report." president trump bashing democrats putting politics and policies ahead of our national security. the president trying to work on a deal to protect "dreamers," while simultaneously securing ourrd boors but democrats don't want that. that is nonstarter. refusing to vote on
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