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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  January 16, 2018 4:00am-5:00am EST

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charles: thank you very much, here is lou dobbs. lou: good evening, president trump arriving back in washington. for a pivotal week. lawmakers have only 4 days to avoid a government shut down. republican leader want to pass a short-term spending bill to keep government running. but some dems threaten to with hole their vote because of daca. amnesty for illegal immigrants, we take up the battle over spending and daca, with dr. gorka here. and also an illegal immigrant facing felony terrorist charges after threatening to shoot and kill passengers on a greyhound bus, the 33-year-old claimed he
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had a gun before leading police on a chase from wisconsin to illinois. highe was said to have been deported to mexico 5 times. >> and an accidental ballistic missile alert triggered in hawaii, the unidentified employee has been reissuin reasd pending an investigation. the fcc investigating, critics want to know why agency responsible in hawaii took 40 minute to recall the, all right, when police knew within 5 minutes. that significantthat -- it was . top story, a deal on daca, is unlike loy at best, likely dead. obstructionist dems threatening to shut down federal government if they don't get amnesty for
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millions of illegal immigrants. president trump just blasted senator dick durbin on failed negotiations tweeting this -- president insists his words were mischaracterized in ran oval office meeting last week, two republican senators, backing him up. >> i am telling you, he did not use that word, this is say gross misrepresentation, how many times did you want me to say that. >> i did not hear what senator durbin said, he has a history of misquoting what happens in white house meetings though. lou: president trump insists he is willing and able to make a
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deal but insists on funding first on the border wall. >> i don't think that democrats' to make a deal, they talk about daca, they don't want to help the people, they don't want security at the border. they have people pouring in. they don't want to stop drugs. and that i want to take money from our military, which we cannot do. lou: joining us fox news national security strategist and fox news contributor dr. gorka, this is quite a remarkable moment, daca appears dead, durbin trying it drive a stake through the heart of the idea now. these like minded open borders amest in -- pro amnesty senators is a negotiating group is pure farce. >> yes. but it is indicative of what
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left has created, remember that speech to a group of bankers that hillary clinton gave as presidential candidate. that was leaked to press, remember, she said, her dream is to have a borderless hemisphere, no border from canada to south america, that is about what the left i--that is about what the s arguing for. this is not about american interest, it is about lying, this is at best elastic. even president obama had to go on record when dick durbin said things about then speaker of the house john boehner, and white house had to deny that president obama said anything of the sort, whether he is tracking about left or right or a democrat or a republican president, it is all about the narrative, all about
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the fight, all about the interest of americans. lou: and flake calling basically saying that the president was like stalin in the way in which he is behaving. senator flake is done. >> senator flake. lou: he continues to run his mouth, he is absolute attack dog against the trump administration. >> senator flake should be ashamed of himself. my parents lived under a stalinist a regime, my father was arrested torture the and put in prison, this man has no moral compass left, senator flake has insulted all those people who died or suffered under true stalinist regime, a parody of a politician now. lou: what is this deal between mormons and president trump?
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not only jeff flake, basely going after him. but also mitt romney today, let's put up the full screen of what he said today. this is a man who has not even yet announced heed is running in utah for senate, property of aspiring up grand nation of origin is as irrelevant as their race -- i mean, that is pure nonsense. is he attacks the president. the part at end, he what to quote dr. king. >> yes, i don't think that this is about the church of the ladder day saints, i think this is about people who are politically irrelevant. and who want to be relevant, and are desperate, let he tell mitt
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romney something, all men are created equal, in the i thinkagf god but not all nations are equal that is where we have people risks their lives on hand made rafts to come to america, america is greatest nation on god's earth, some other countries are hell holes. lou: hell holes, i believe is lindsey graham who referred to some countries that way. what did going on? you have a bunch of prigs, and prudes, talking like they are from what? 18th or 17th century england instead of americans, they are hardly plain spokane. and efusive in their hate for this president, when it is going to end, they start by talking about collusion, calling him
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every find of name, that has been disproved. 6 1/2 years of investigation, committees fbi, special counsel, they have not found anything, then they start to talk about he is crazy. then they watch him out smafort everyonsmarteveryone in the roor immigration, orchestrating a discussion, and hoping for a deal on dhaka. now -- daca, now they call him new names. do they really think that american people are so stupid. that everyone that left and dems called this president and establishment of both party has been proved untrue, false as they could be over course of last more than a year? two and a half years. >> look false prudery of left media, what they say off camera, they are toilet mouthed
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individuals, the idea they would use this against the president, when it never happened. it is just about attacking a man who they don't understand, they don't understand where american people voted for that man, they know that donald trump understands some countries are hell holes, most americans agree with him, that is why they live here in america and understand that america to be shining light on the hill. what will happen? russia collusion dilution is left pizza gate. an absurd fares it has come back topite them on their rear endss -- who is in trouble with russia, it is hillary and obama administration, now we will find out, thanks to brave people like devon nunez who is actually gave the order to target americans on the trump campaign including future president, with false information from a fakes do why
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are -- dossier provided in part by russian actors this scandal will be one of the biggest, when we get to the bottom. owho favthat order in the obama white house. lou: at some point -- never result in a responsibility, or a regular of any kind or consequence for those who are accused of whether it is benghazi, "fast and furious" or it is irs. whether it is in point of fact, the russians we're told from a third party, not from fbi, hacked the dnc servers, we don't have trade forward evidence from any one of these investigator committees or agencies or departments, and that is an
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affront to all americans, it should be. >> but lou we have things leak your show -- like your show, sean hannity, sarah carter, john salomon. at end of the day i have great faith all americans will find out how much the rot at the heart of the state of denmark, at the end of the day someone will pay a legal penalty it might be at very highest level of obama administration. lou: well, i would say, if those agency have not figured out what american people have based on evidence then we're in sorry shape. i hope you are right. dr. going t going to going to w. >> thank you. >> president trump said that daca talk probably dead, because the democrats don't care about american border security. >> we're ready willing and able
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to make a deal on daca, but i don't think that the democrats want to make a deal. the democrats are the ones that are not making a deal. >> we take it up with ed rollins and michael goodwin. congress barreling toward a possible government shut down friday, the dems threatening to vote against the funding bill, they want daca. amnesty, a free pass. we take up the chances of a shut down near next, stay with us, down near next, stay with us, we'll be rig ooooooh snap!! every truck guy has their own way of conveying powerful. yeeaaahhh boy. kind of looks like a monster coming to eat ya. holy smokes. that is awesome. strong. you got the basic, and you got the beefy. i just think it looks mean. incredible. no way. start your year off strong a new chevy truck. get a total value of over $9,600 on this silverado all star when you finance with gm financial.
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lou: shocking new revelation about anti-trump dossier and surveillance of trump officials, devon nunez telling colleagues, he has seen evidence showing clear use of government surveillance by fbi and government department officials, he will push for all members of congress to view those documents this week. new trouble for clinton, a grand jury bringing first indictment in uranium one scandal. former head of a maryland transportation company faces 11 counts of money laundering and
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bribery. attorney general sessions last monitoredderred department of -s department of justice to reopen the investigation of the deal that ended up with russia gaining 20% control of u.s. uranium. "wall street journal" reporting that u.s. counterterrorism officials have warned jared kushner early last year that wendy murdoch, a chinese-american businesswoman. formally married to rupert murdoch could use her close friendship with hear kushner and his wife is ivanka trump to her advantage with the chinese government. joining us, ed rollins.
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chairman of great america pack and "new york post" columnist michael goodwin, both fox news contributors, the uranium indictment is a big story. >> if this is a direct result of jeff sessions ordering it be reopened, i think then this is just the beginning. there was so much about this that just smelled holy hell, and yet, it was all covered up, hushed up. there were smaller indictments separated from this investigation. as though they were not relevant to theti the bigger issue. lou: a big ballyhoo. this is a big deal, it looks like there is a turn by justice department. >> this is san opportunity for
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jeff session to get some of his reputation back that he lost over the last year, this should be front and center, it should be what he focusing on, this one of the great injustices to this country. we need to pe persecute too fullest. lou: i want to return to president's remarks using colorful language to describe some countries, you in columns saying that president's remark helps dems in their goal of ending his presidency. i don't see it that way. help me there. i see is all of a sudden people are looking at haiti, trying to figure out why 9 billion dollar went and finding out truth of matt ser that clintons with a lot of help from obama administration sucked up a lot of that aid money for the haitian people. >> it may be, but i think that
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the way i'm looking at the 2018 midterms, is that every day now, everything that president says or does will either help or hurt him in midterms, i think we probably disagree on this i believe that democrats -- >> one of those nights. >> if democrats take the house, they will try to bring impeachment proceedings right away, from him to really accomplishing what he set out to acomelish, he needs to keep a republican congress through first term. lou: everything that dems have said have been a damn lie since the beginning, talk about the president, his character, his business, he was fantasizing his billions, and he didn't pay taxes, he was in the collusion with russia. we have spent 6 1/2 years of investigative time, without a irky on theiy onevidence. then talk about he is crazy, and
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out of touch. and the next thing we see is an hour broadcast from white house, he is commanding that bipartisan meeting as if he was kay conductor with a symphony. and now suddenly he doesn't know how to speak properly? the heck with that. if i may say, in his honor, the hell with that, the american people once were a blain plain n people, honest and direct, when they get a president who is doing so, speaking plainly, directly, truthfully, you tell me because off national media goes all wobbley he is suddenly getting impeached. have we lost our minds in this country. >> i think to extent he gets things done like the tax bill, and deregulation. >> 8 trillion.
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>> they are all things that will keep republicans in control of congress. lou: wait, wait. you tell me that fact that this man has accomplished so much, unprecedented number of achiever ams for any president. in modern history, that it might stave him off from being impeached. for what would he be impeached, he is a great president, we can't stand that any more? is this a result of clinton and bush and obama we can't have a man who knows or woman, who knows what the hell they are doing? >> i think that hatred for donald trump is off the charts, in more than half of country's population. i believe that polls are right about -- lou: i don't believe a single one of those polls. >> i know. the polls were right in 2016, general elect had hillary
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clinton winning by 3. she did. and "new york times" had hillary clinton at 95% -- on election night. >> higher. >> yeah. that was their prediction. >> let me say, this distraction that occurs, this president has to talk about what he has done, you talk about it a few other shows talk about it but american public, they are not getting the message they should be. lou: tell them to electric at their -- look at their 401(k). >> i know that, not everyone does that. let me finish, every time you get off track on the distracttion this president needs to quit, he is not say i'm not a racist, he should say i'm a leader, here is yo how i am leading, failure of this white house has been communication, he has to carry the ball, and they
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don't have their people in place yet. >> okay. so, meanwhile, economy is growing 4%. foreign policy -- >> he should be 55% in polls. lou: words matter, i have words, you have to let me finish. >> no. it is your show. your show. we're for trump. lou: then like it. >> why is national mea media and political establishment scared to death saying he is accomplishing great things for every american. this racist as ignorant durbin said, did he forget this president is responsible for driving plaqudrive black unemplo slowest level since numbers were
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kept. >> those are things he should talk about. >> how about his friends take a note. >> i think -- if you give us a chance we would argue your point. lou: i'm going to have to. >> take a deep breath. take a moment there. >> can you speed up. >> that is it, i want to say one thing. >> in if those polls show him at 55 percent that would be terrific, on basis of the accomplishments, if they don't, whyen tdon't they. lou: i think half because it is not their idea logical bent, we are talking fake polls, there are a handful that of worth a damn, and you know that. >> ed rollins, you, am i wrong or right? >> i agree. lou: then we'll stop right
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there. >> and another thing. >> thank you. vote in our poll. do you believe mitt romney is best qualified person in utah to be next u.s. senator? sure you do. love, kisses. mitt romney, cast your vote on twitter at lou dobbs, follow leo twitter, like my on facebook. up next, growing outrage over illinois sanctuary state policy. that after chicago illegal immigrant threatened to kill all of the passengers on a gra greyd bus, he had been deported 5 times, and apparently none of them took, we will have a full report here next. my "business" was going nowhere... so i built this kickin' new website with godaddy. building a website in under an hour is easy! 68% of people... ...who have built their website using gocentral, did it in... ...under an hour, and you can too. type in your business or idea.
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♪you know it's true ♪everything i do ♪i do it for you ♪yeah, i would fight for you♪ ♪i'd lie for you ♪walk the wire for you ♪yeah, i'd die for you ♪you know it's true ♪everything i do ♪i do it for you lou: an illegal immigrant who threatened to kill passengers on
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board a greyhound bus is behind bars tonight. reporter: a greyhound bus ride took a horrible turn when an illegal immigrant started pacing back and forth threatening to kill passengers. >> it felt like a terrorist situation because you have on a bus and the guy said he had a gun. reporter: two passengers called 911 from the moving bus. border patrol and customs said he has been apprehend and ordered for deportation five times. when squad cared tried to pull the bus over, the driver did not stop. they sit out two separate spike strips to stop the bus.
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police eventually got the bus to stop. vargas was ordered off at gunpoint and was arrested. police did not find a gun and fortunately no one was hurt. the suspect lives in illinois which the governor declared a sanctuary state last summer. the law denies the ability for the federal government to detain the suspects. tonight the suspect is locked up in an illinois jail without bond. lou: we are coming right back. there is a lot more straight ahead. stay with us.
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rino lindsey graham is blasting president trump because he allegedly used profanity. but authorities say he's being hypocritical. >> in 2013 lindsey graham said the same thing president trump did but he used the term hell hole. and this pup is giving parkour athletes a run for their money. he's back showing off his athletic
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lou: senator lindsey graham claim he called out president trump when he used strong language. but it turns out he made similar comments with the cameras rolling on capitol hill. >> the tale of two borders. why is one a problem and one is not? because canada is a place where people like to stay. they like canada, we like canada. we love to have them visit. they wan want to go home because it's a nice place. people coming across other borders live in hell holes.
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and what he can't have everyone who is living in hell holes to come here. lou: that many exactly where most of those immigrants are coming from. deirdre bolton and niger innis. despite what he said, it sounded like lindsey graham should be giving the president a hug because they are in aagreement. deirdre: i think what is a shame is i feel like tuesday there was this moment of potential true bipartisanship, working together, we had the president calling republicans and democrats into the same room, inviting the cameras for almost an office and having everything be clear and transparent.
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granted he likes peck cal, he knows tv and he knows the media. lou: another way of saying that, no one has a god-given right to both american people to death, even if they are president. deirdre: the line on daca has always been, congress, give me something. do your job then give me something. lou: he went farther than any president has, including president trump in point of fact. instead he gets dick durbin and lindsey graham pewing their usual partisan bile. >> it's very, very sad. you have a washington that essentially has three factions. the democrats, i call them the
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socialists, and you have got republicans that are loyal to president trump. then you have got never trump republicans. lindsey seems to bounce between the two parties depending on the day and depending on the issue. the president wanted a deal, but he's not going to placate the american people and not accommodate the interests first and foremost of the american people. you know, unlike most of these talking head, i actually know daca recipients. i communicated with one last week. a lot of of them are good kids and we should do what we can to keep them in the country legally. lou: so why not those people who have a good record. why don't we have them checked out. move forward and let them apply for citizenship and all things in due time?
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but not move anyone to the front of the line. deirdre: that's a sound argument. you have families filling out the paperwork, going to the embassy. lou: by the anies. >> they are following the rules. lou: what indication do we have as american citizens but to obey law and make certain there is an orderly immigration system. i don't think there is any way to argue this, that is merit based and insists on those -- >> a merit-based argument is crystal clear. as far as the kid go, i feel like when they got here they were children. >> yes, he your point is? >> it was not their choice to skip in the line. it was not their choice to drag across the border. it's a complicated issue.
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lou: if you want to reach out in a humanitarian way, those kids 24-26, depending on the numbers you use, why not have them here. they don't need mommy and daddy. and 2/3 of all migration the last 20 years has been chain migration. >> and they don't need an entitlement mentality thrust upon them. they do not need to be made to believe that becoming an american citizen is an entitlement. it is not. it's a favorite american people are potentially granting to these recipients. think about the damage we are doing to the countries from which necessity come. why in the world we would not be doing more to build up those countries and eliminate the
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poverty that is so great in so many places. the money shipped to mexico in drug money and remit tenses, and -- in remittances and trade deficits, they should have sparkling cities throughout mexico and in poverty. it's the inverse. please roll the video, we'll keep a pause. we are welcoming back jumpy. that's my favorite dog except for the dogs that live in my house. actually they run the house. the border collie is known as a parkour pup. he scales walls, leaps obstacles. i swear there is nothing this pup can't do. wonder dog. i love we call him wonder dog.
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up next, rinos mitt romney and jeff flake violating reagan commandment. they are not only anti-trumpers, they are inex applicationably grumpy, nasty anti-trump percent. charlie hurt joins us next. a new jersey family discover i a painting in their basement was a long lost recommend grant. liberty mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe. yeah, my dad says our insurance doesn't have that. what?! you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. liberty mutual insurance. ...from godaddy! in fact, 68% of people who have built their...
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lou: ask "strange inheritance"" returns tonight at 9:00 p.m. joining us, the host of "training inheritance." you have got everything from six guns to recommend brand. tell us what happened? jamie: we always leave these shoots and say you can't make it up. we find it unbelievable people have these treasures. they write us, we show up, and
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we get to tell great historical stories about their families. we have had bloody civil war sleeves that turned out to be general picket's. now we have a rembrandt from new jersey brothers. they thought they would get $500 and it sells for over a million dollars. went to a lot of roadside attractions that families inherited. sometimes it's a benefit, sometimes it's a burden. we have a family tomorrow night. the most of prom prehencive byron collection you can manage. a master engraver what he didn't buy or find, he made with perfection.
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an amazing gun smith. lou: thank you, jamie. jamie: thank you. good to see you. lou: it begins tonight at 9:00 p.m. on fox business. jamie, thanks for being with us. up next, president trump warns dems against trying to shut down the government. president trump: i don't know if there will be a shutdown. if it is our military gets hit very badly. we cannot let our military be hurt. lou: charlie hurt joins us after the break.
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jackie: as an 18 year old, i let my mistakes kind of take over my life. i was point-five credits away from completing high school and i didn't do it. angela: i got pregnant and i was the main one working so, i did what i had to do to survive. jocelyn: sentía que la escuela no era para mí. karim: most of my family they never graduated high school or even let alone go to college so i'm trying to break that barrier. jackie: my family never stopped pushing for me to be better because they knew what i could become and who i could become as a person. karim: everyday after work i went straight to school, studied hard, and it paid off. jocelyn: sentía como que si quiero cambiar el mundo
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lou: we decided to settle everything last week. so we asked the question, do you believe the president was being hateful and racist or descriptive in his remarks about hate ian africa. 86% said he was being discryptive. bill clinton says he's personally insulted by claims the clinton foundation paid for his daughter's wedding. the allegations per supported by
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leaked emails of a top children town suede complaining the spending. he doesn't explain the emails or his paydays as a part-time chancellor of a for-profit university. i don't mean anything personal, mr. president, not at all. joining me now, charlie hurt, great to see you. does it feel good to be out of the swamp? charlie: it does. but it could be a little warmer. i was in florida yesterday and it was 70 degrees. lou: it's great to hear the president bill clinton say he's personally insulted by the suggestion there was excess on part of the clinton family, the
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clinton foundation whatsoever. charlie: you have to look at how quickly their coffers dried up the second hillary clinton didn't win the presidency. if anybody had any question about how much that operation was a pay-to-play * operation, just look at that. lou: the first indictment in the uranium one deal. even the democrats are starting to get a little nervous here. of all the charges the dems have tried to throw up against the wall of the president trump, done of it is sticking and it's bounding quickly back to them. charlie: they are good at deflecting whatever problem they have on their side, they immediately accuse donald trump a republican. i think the fbi investigation into the clinton foundation and all of that as well as this
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uranium one thing, who knows where all this goes, but it could get very, very, very bad. >> the republicans, lindsey graham and jeff flake, now mitt romney coming up who had his tone strident slightly shrill voice to the public arena. what are the republicans trying to do to themselves and this president? charlie: the entire mainstream media has completely gone bonkers and they are against this president. but the problem is, there are republicans in washington who do pay attention to that media and do tilt at those wind mills. what they don't realize they are aiding and abetting their enemy and hurting the president, but they are hurting themselves, too. if the president and the
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republicans go down, they will go down with it. lou: so many of these rinos and committee chairman for the republican party, they didn't credit president trump when he won in november which helped them to win. now they are not crediting this president -- i get that dems will be trump denierts. the republican party, are you kidding me? they are watching everything he's accomplishing and still don't understand -- he's suicidal or stupid or both. >> i always understood the argument in favor of term limits. these people are riding off into the sunset. i think republicans will
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probably lose a seat in the house in the mid-terms. but eventually they will get back to being normally conservative districts and you will get new blood in those districts and that will be a good thing for republicans. lou: the russia-clinton investigation. are we going to see resolution and closure? the fbi, the department of justice,. charlie: you hear a lot of talk it's coming to a close. i pray we get through it and we hear in the next couple weeks, months, what the resolution is. because this stuff is toxic it's very, very bad for our politics. lou: watching the president trying to bring a bipartisan group together in the white house for an hour on television which he did. he commanded it. and to watch the toxicity as a
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result thanks to durbin and graham and oth train to breaking news this morning. the clock is ticking as lawmakers return to work, which is four days left to return to the budget deal. the president says senator durbin blew it on daca. lauren: president trump is firing back on senator durbin, blasting him for the meeting on daca. [inaudible conversations] at the dallas 26,000. features a 245 points. s&p and nasdaq pointing to a strong opening. lauren: you can see gains across the board at the dax up two thirds of


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