tv Kennedy FOX Business January 25, 2018 8:00pm-9:00pm EST
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can't tell you because it's classified. devin nunes came with this way of writing a memo to let everybody bust out of that box. kennedy: president trump says he wants to talk to special counsel mueller under oath. what does that mean for mueller and the investigation? the president saying he's open to a path for citizenship. but how will his base respond? are you ready for a meat tax? no. but that's the latest push from environmentalists. when will they learn meat is delicious. the president held a press conference and was asked if he would testify under oath for special counsel robert mueller.
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this what he said. >> i would love to do that. kennedy: reports from the mueller fair nation is the special counsel is meticulously load and organized with gotcha questions. when you think you wiggled out of a pickle, you are confront with a statement from a work friend and you are hosed. they will questions are awaiting the president and he knows it. but he well comes it. he's insulted at the idea that russia helped him over the presidential hunt. it's insulting to people who voted for him and wouldn't influenced by russian facebook ads. he's willing to put himself at risk to clear his name.
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he says he wants to one-uphill are you again because he was not under oath -- she was not under oath when she sat through the fbi questioning. if the president is going down, he will go down swinging and he's double down. the country doesn't have the nerve top remove someone from solves just because they think he's a jerk. i'm kennedy. the trump interview could reportedly happen in weeks. lit and showdown for the ages. but who has the advantage and how will an interest view of this magnitude go down. former fbi assistant director
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ron hospital today joins me. -- -- ron hofstra joins me. people have said they are meticulous and they are setting perjury traps. is there a difference between the wait president would be intergate or the way people who worked in the white house or campaign are. >> i don't think a huge difference. bob mueller and his team, whether we like their politics or not, these are experienced professionals. they are going to treat the fun it viewee with -- the interviewee with respect for their position. kennedy: however, what are they going for and how do they go about getting it? >> they are going for the truth. kennedy: what do they see as the
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truth? >> they have i would think by now a wealth of information none of us have seen. that is text message exchanges, email exchanges, phone call records, travel records. interviews of others filling in the gaps. we don't have one idea what mike flynn has shared with that, whether he's giving them something that looks like it's indictable today tore giving them nothing at all. but they know that. the president needs to be -- to do two things. one, not overestimate himself, and, two, not under estimate what is in the possession of the interviewers. they are going to be studied up on every piece of this. they will have every tweet, every text, every conversation, and be ready to ask detailed
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questions. the president won't breeze by shard questions. they will circle bark and ask it again. kennedy: i wish they had the same meticulousness with hillary clinton. i think you are right, the pursuit of the truth and justice are paramount. and i don't think we have seen enough of this. i'm curious what exactly they are going for. i'm hearing it's less about what collusion and more about obstruction of justice. if they finds it with the president, can the president be indicted? >> i think that would be extraordinary. if they think the president has committed a crime, they can refer it to congress and recommend an impeachment process. kennedy: what does that look like in congress? does it reach the constitutional threshold of charging a
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president and removing him from office. >> that's a good question. we would have to hear the details. the resumption that jim comey was fired to take a russia investigation off track. my belief is that the president has the absolute authority to fire the director of the fbi for a good reason or mom reason at all sppt question is, can he fire for a bad reason? is there evidence that he fired him for a bad reason? there are interest views, including with lesser holt. it will be incumbent upon mueller. i have to prove your case beyond a reasonable doubt. but here we are talking about the president of the united states. you better talked beyond a reasonable doubt fan noicht up a couple levels to think about
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bringing an indictment for obstruction of justice where the president has the right to term state in jim comey and take other steps lining that. he has the lawful right to do it. kennedy: is removing the president success? is that what success looks like to the special counsel? i guess we'll find out. the inspector general of the department of justice says they have recovered all of the missing texts between peter strzok and lisa page. they sent texts to each other while having an affair. but all this russia stuff is creating a firestorm. >> we have an informant talk about holding secret meetings off site. this is potentially corruption at highest levels of the fbi.
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robert mueller used to run the fbi. he's in no position to do an investigation over this kind of misconduct. kennedy: senate minority leader chuck schumer swung back. >> republican lieders of this body i'm ashamed to say picked up on casual texts sent between two fbi agents to say there is a secret society at the department of justice. i saw a senator propagating this on television. it looked crazy. it looked delusional. it looked paranoid. kennedy: is either side seek answers or the truth? let me go to my armed and dangerous panel. marie harf is here along with
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the host of the anthony cumia show and jamie weinstein. welcome back. let's discuss this. my feeling is we don't know because we haven't seen a lot of this stuff. it's impossible for us to make judgment calls. so right now of course it many politicized. >> why don't we allow the investigations to run their course and see what comes out. i hate to agree with chuck schumer. there are a lot of conspiracy theories circulating. >> two days ago rush limbaugh suggested because of the deep state we have to take in the possibility that cia misled the bush administration about weapons of mass destruction.
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kennedy: rush limbaugh is not allowed teen farm chair civil libertarian. >> people who used to have to want to tap into phones are now reversing their arguments. kennedy: those people still wanted to do that last week when they reauthorized section 702 of the fisa act. >> i love this the investigation of the investigation of the investigations going on. what it's doing, it's getting the people where they don't really carry inmore. we are so shell shocked by all of this. what chuck schumer was saying could have been said by a republican talking about the russian investigation. we are being bludgeoned on a neatly basis by all of this. kennedy: i don't care and i don't believe it.
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my problem is with the politicization. i have a hard time with politicos on one side minimizing something then on other side maximizing some of the same things. >> i have problems with conspiracy theories. they have consequences and they can be dangerous. did you read the book thank you for smoking? the merchants of death. that can lead to a secret society. >> we shouldn't make stuff up. we need the truth. if you are a united states senator that probably shouldn't be your operating agenda, making things up when you don't know. the conspiracy theory has real world consequences.
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we all need to take a breath and let the investigations play out. when ron johnen goes out there for 48 hours, there will be some people who never hear him correct it and there will be people who believe the fbi had a secret society trying to take down donald trump. because it's not true. kennedy: we don't know it's not true. kennedy: release the memo, release the texts. let us see it. >> both sides are going overboard. on the left you have people saying it's already proved collusion. kennedy: and they can't define what collusion is. >> the base is demanding you protect trump on the right. the base on the left is saying if you don't bleach the president should be out of office, don't bother running in 2020 because we don't support
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you. the news industry, every little tidbit, everyone wants a news cycle of the second. so this gets conflated above what it is. and that's what the problem is. kennedy: then we military idea that we are looking for the greater thing. we are look for the truth. if these are rungs on a ladder that get us to the truth, that's good. if there is corruption on the either side you need to get it road out. >> whichever side you are on becomes the new truth. so will we ever find out what really happened in any of these with social media being out there and so many people? there used to be so much conspiracy theorists out there.
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kennedy: the truth is, there is way too much power concentrated in the hands of those in this government who can abuse that power and this not enough accountability. when there is abuse we deserve to find out about it. we have lawmakers on both sides who are no longer principled and don't stand up against what's right and against what's wrong. >> the standard can't be throw a conspiracy theory out. the theory needs on when there is evidence for something then we work to investigate it. what worries me about what ron johnson does, he has more important business to be work on like keeping the government open. >> if it's actually true there were secret societies. this is not something that can be kept secret for too long. kennedy: do you believe him when
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he says he has someone at the fbi? >> now he says he doesn't. he has backtracked four times. kennedy: i think it secret society is a swing joint. >> there are people out there who believe the earth is flat. kennedy: president trump in switzerland where he's pitching his america first policy. but will world leaders and global elites buy what he's selling? smile dad.
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kennedy: president trump in switzerland trying to push his america first agenda to world leaders. but are they going to bite? he's scheduled to attend a reception in his honor and make a speech early tomorrow morning. he will be meeting with ceos and presents. he's expected to defend his isolationist policies to an audience of free traders. yesterday he slapped tariffs on wash machines and solar panels. trump administration officials maintain america first does not mean america alone.
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is it possible to and free trader and present techsist at the same time. with me now associate professor of economics at the kings college brian brenberg. the president is going to an interesting place where you wouldn't assume a populist would go, a gathering of those considered to be globalists. i like to think of them as free traders. >> i like the fact that he's there. these are the folks who like to get together and think they can solve all the world's problems. and the stuff you usually get out of this is higher taxes and more regulations. these are people who think they rule the world. you have somebody walking in saying hey, everybody, what we are doing in our country is work. people want to invest there.
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kennedy: he's the hobo at the country club, which i think is fantastic. and you are right, if he can talk to some of the ceos and show them what companies like apple and amazon are doing, investing bills much dollars and building operations centers and factories and creating more customer service jobs in this country, is it possible they will follow suit? brian: you have two audiences there. the political leaders are never going to make peace with him. they are always going to be thinking of top down solutions. but if you look at what the ceos and business folks the bankers. they are saying we are talking to companies around the world and they are excited about lower taxes and lower regulations. the president will make his
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pitch and be the salesman and they will say that sound good compared to what a lot of the rest of the world is doing. the politicians will never bite. but the business people at davos, he does have their ear, they are listening. kennedy: let's talk about china. what will it take for the president to make some headway with china, especially on intellectual property? i don't think it gets enough coverage. brian: i think that's why you saw the tariffs this past week. i don't think the tariffs are about $big -- about some big systematic thing the president is going to do. but china is a problem. the best thing the united states can do is the indirect thing, and that's to become the best place in the world to invest.
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if you want to do something about china, attract companies to where you are, you are then in a better position to say china, if you don't stop stealing intellectual property, you will pay the price. people are more interested in dealing with a company that respects the rule of law. kennedy: with google and apple, the way they have to compromise themselves and hand over so much to operate in the chinese market. tim cook even said this is what we have been waiting for. we wanted a better environment so we can invest here. make it more attractive. offer the carrot. brian: if i was advising the president, i would be saying give the regulatory cuts more room to breathe here. don't jump right on to the tariff bandwagon. play up the fact that companies
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like what you are doing. workers are getting pay raises. this is good news. let people buy into that and that will put pressure on china. kennedy: there are people on both sides of the aisle who like the prospects for the boosts economy economy because of the tax cuts. who likes the tariffs. brian: tariffs are all about winners over here and losers over here. the winners and losers are in the same economy. the folks in ohio work for whirlpool, but the folks in south carolina work for samsung, now they have a problem. the solar power plants love the tariffs, but the people who install the panels don't like it because sales will go down. tariffs are about robbing peter to pay paul. and peter and paul live in the
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same country. you are not helping people on net. you are when you reduce regulations and taxes. but you aren't when you impose tariffs. don't get in the way of that by throwing all this tariff nonsense in there. that's capturing the headlines instead of tax cuts. kennedy: brian, great to hear your point of view. first they went after your smoke and fifth of vodka. that wasn't good enough. so they want to hit your big gulp. now the tax tyrants want your burgers, steaks and bacon.
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surgery. monday meghan respond. >> i have no regrets about that yes. nor am i in the market for advice from her on what is and is not appropriate. many veterans still call her hanoi jane thanks to her radio broadcast that shamed american troops. kennedy: that didn't go over too well. even former todayer ann curry weighed in. the author of a donald trump, the press, and the war over the truth, "media madness."
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kennedy: when she was at fox what she did best at fox, it's a side of her we haven't seen over at nbc. we have seen a wearerred down inauthentic version of -- a watered down inauthentic version of herself. >> i don't think she is inauthentic, we are seeing a softer side of megyn kelly. she talked openly about having had work done. i thought meghan had had enough. if you are going to keep take pot shots at me i'll remind her that americans with furious with her for disparaging our troops in vietnam. kennedy: i think jane fonda is a
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horrible person. i don't think it was an inappropriate question when jane fonda and robert redford went on that nbc morning talk show. >> maybe it was posed well or not posed well. i think at the age of 80, jane fonda is trying to keep herself in the news. as far as the other pundits on tv taking shots at megyn kelly, some people have a chip on their shoulder because she came from fox news. and she came as a highly paid member of staff. but where she'll win this exchange is with lots of people out there in the country, regular americans who haven't forgotten what jane fonda did. she made a lot of great movies, fine. but if she wants to keep attacking, it's fair game.
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kennedy: she is trying to stay relevant. i think meghan made a big mistake leaving here where she was number one. she was beloved and was in a format that suited her perfectly. i understand she is trying to find some of that pixie dust. i wish the people at nbc felt the same, but they are not protecting her. howard kurtz, thanks so much. hey, you, put that burger down, drop that chicken wing and don't think about taking another bite of that hot dog unless you are rich. animal groups are pushing for a tax on all meat products in the u.s. they feel meat consumption and production should be regulated for its public health concerns and alleged effects on climate change. the the average american consumes more than 200 pound of
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meat last year. experts say meat consumption is only expected to rise in the future. so will the tax ever pass? the party panel is back. marie, i will start with you. there are a lot of people who know you lean left and they assume you are probably going to embrace the damn hip yet is at peta and push this meat tax. >> no, i'm from ohio. there are a lot of beef farmers in ohio. i think the left has gone a little far. kennedy: i agree. i can't stand the social engineering through government coercion and it hurts poor people. >> isn't vegan stuff really expensive? i don't want to sound sexist. but it's tearible to go out on a date with a girl who is a vegan and you open the menu and she
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says i have nothing to eat here, the menu is terrible. the government will try to tax everything anyway. it's a horrible idea. kennedy: there is no legislation pending. but there is a war and food and what we put in our bodies. the more we've pay for healthcare the more you will see proponents of this sort of change to regulate people's behavior. >> the good news is there won't be an actual tax on beef. the federal government won't tax beef like it won't tax smiles or watching the super bowl. moment any party decides to tax beef is the moment they lose the election. kennedy: we want beef wrapped in bacon. eat stuff in moderation. that's the best thing you can do. society is change. people know what kale is. >> i think president trump showed when he got his health
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test you can eat as much beef as you want and be healthy. kennedy: big mac, filet of fish and kfc. thank you all for being here. coming up. senator orrin hatch introducing a bill that will double amount of visas given to high-skilled workers from overseas. something the president argued takes jobs from americans. does it really? traffic on the ponte vecchio on a monday. always late. oh! my wallet! un momento. card lock from capital one. instantly lock your card. in case your card goes... arrivederci. mona! that smile.
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kennedy: there has been a new twist in the dreamer drama. the president saying he may renew daca if congress doesn't act and couple with a deal before it returns out. but there is a big immigration story getting buried by daca. it involves something called the genius visa. orrin hatch introduction a bipartisan bill that would double the cap only high-skilled visas. the tech world argues the legislation is necessary to keep companies competitive. and the president says it's a cheap label program that takes
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people's jobs. dr. michio kaku, welcome back. we are usually talk about rockets and robots and the future and physics. but now we are talking about immigration. this an issue you are really passionate about. >> it's a brain drain visa. they are the -- we are the envy of the world. we suck up alled the geniouses of the woornld send them to silicon valley. do you know silicon valley is 150 per there are foreign born? it's a symbol of american mastery of technology. we don't want to kill the goose that it laid the golden egg. kennedy: what are some of the loopholes that some who have written this legislation are concerned about.
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>> because it's based on a lottery. certain brokers flood the h-1b application on the days they are due. kennedy: there are 89,000 and they are going to boost it to 195,000. >> we don't want one country to hog all the visas because they flood system. they game system that way. this bill puts priority on real high-tech workers, not just people with a bachelor's degree and barely got out of college but are applying. we have to make sure we don't kill the goose that laid the golden egg. kennedy: there are people who say when you receive a ph.d in math and science in this country, they should stamp' citizenship papers to city the
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because you have earned your way into the united states. do you agree with that? >> these are job generating people. they create new industries. we are not talking about taking a job away from an american. we are talk about somebody who creates the next generation of the iphones. kennedy: right now we are educating a lot of people and they go back to their country and prosper there. what we want to do is attract the smartest people on earth. they can start businesses and employ people and improve the stem flap this country. there is something called the super blue blood moon coming next week. >> we are talking about three events coming at the same time. see clips of the moonl birth, it will turn copper red.
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it will be closest to the earth. up to 15% larger than normal. then it will be blue in the sense it will be a:full moon. the fact that it will be the closest, the fullest and red means it's an event that happened in 866. it won't happen again for 20 years. don't expect fireworks. some people will say i was so disappointed and i didn't see fireworks up there. but you will see something that's very rare it takes place on a scale of once every two decades. the moon turned reddish, it's larger than normal, and it's full. kennedy: coming you have, a song that will go straight to number one sat guantanamo bay. -- at guantanamo bay. ♪
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let your inner light loose with one a day women's. ♪ a complete multivitamin specially formulated with key nutrients plus vitamin d for bone health support. your one a day is showing. (nadia white) the moment a fish is pulled out from the water, it's a race against time. and keeping it in the right conditions is the best way to get that fish to your plate safely. (dane chauvel) sometimes the product arrives, and the cold chain has been interrupted, and we need to be able to identify where in the cold chain that occurred. (tom villa) we took our world class network, and we developed devices to track environmental conditions. this device allows people to understand what's happening with the location,
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the "topical storm." we begin in the music world where sting and shaggy collaborated on the album of the year. and that year is 1996. the song is exactly wait sounds like. a bad idea. [♪] the press said the collaboration came about after the two of them got together to write music about their mutual love of jamaica. meaning they were really high and bored. and it seemed like a good idea. i don't know what it is about people who only go by one name. but they are all a bunch of morons. topic number two.
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south carolina police are looking for a taco belem ployee who allegedly threw a burrito at his manager because she made him work the morning shift. but pretty soon he will be studying in the prison library because he got so worked up when he saw the schedule he picked up a burrito and flung it at his manager that it cause it to explode and covered her in a hot substance they claim is cheese. police issued a warrant for his arrest. and taco bell has offered grow counseling to the customers who saw the inside of the burrito.
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in las vegas, an anonymous main bet $2 million on the philadelphia eagles to win the super bowl. it's the same group that bet hillary clinton would win the white house. the mad money was bet at the mgm late wednesday afternoon by a man in an eagles jersey. as an eagles taken's not into horse racing. he's into horse punching. i don't think the eagles have a prayer. but you never know. because bill belichik said they looked great in practice this week. yep, cheers. topic number four. don't bet the farm on oprah winning the white house. she said just as i predicted.
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she is not running. that's too bad because gail would have made a great running mate. oprah has been polling well and definitely would have had the back of the auto industry. but she told "instyle" mall sheen she doesn't have the dna for the job. with oprah out. the human ken doll will be running. so get your game face on rodrigo. it's in the drawer with the other faces. topic number five. in the olden days figures like susan b anthony and harriet tugman had to check their twitter feed by candlelight. i can see the full spectacle of
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your hatred under studio lights. this is viewer mail. chris asked who voted for the clown to lead the show. chris, you just got interested in politics. kennedy is horrific. i think you forgot the "w" in front of horrific. i am calling for a total boycott of kennedy. why? ding dong? will thinks, you sounds like a first grader? really, everyone in the grange hall thought your mom sounded like a dying seal when she was in the coat room. albert says you are three cans short of a six pack. you know what that means? the six pack is half full and the 8 pack is under here.
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tomorrow marks the special anniversary for us here on the "kennedy" show. i'll tell you about it in "the nightcap" next. alerts -- wouldn't you like one from the market when it might be time to buy or sell? with fidelity's real-time analytics, you'll get clear, actionable alerts about potential investment opportunities in real time. fidelity. open an account today. fidelity. ...from godaddy! in fact, 68% of people who have built their... using gocentral, did it in under an hour, and you can too. build a better website - in under an hour. with gocentral from godaddy. like you do sometimes, grandpa? and puffed... well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe.
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kennedy: there is cause for celebration and i would like to take a minute to thank all of you who support the show night in and night out. tomorrow marks the 3 in year anniversary of you are debut. like you, i am surprised and delighted every day when they let me back in the building. the people who bust their a in s-s to put it together and those of you who consume it are the finest maniacs on the planet. here is an example of what we have been doing for three years. >> i had a 4-month-old kitchen. >> we always tell the truth and we play straight baseball. kennedy: you have been playing a totally different sport. thanks for coming.
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>> thanks for 30 seconds of it. kennedy: it was more than that. i'll stand up so you can see this beautiful garment she put on. there is the portrait. you can see it behind us in the giant monitor. if you were so brave and so subversive and committed to your movement which i don't think you are, i think a great deal of cowardice runs through you. >> i love this show be you get it real. jimmy failla says we are the team no one wants to play and probably the best cable news show on the planet. i take out the probably, it makes it sound too wishy washy. thank you so much for watching tonight and every night. you can follow me on twitter and
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instagram on kennedynation. email i will be on the "outnumbered" couch tomorrow at noon eastern, 9:00 a.m. in the west. picture. >> i always thought, why did we have a painting like that in our dining room? >> it stirs up the sale of the century. >> $750. do have $750 right her. >> oh, my god. i'm thinking, what is this? >> are you thinking that thele g a mistake, or they know something that you don't? >> they know something that i don't.'ll take you $300,000. >> it was a complete shock. >> $830,000. >> he said, "amy, it was a rembrandt." >> not so fast. >> so, it is possible that this thing turns out not to be? >> totally. [ applause ] [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder ru
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