tv Kennedy FOX Business February 3, 2018 5:00am-6:00am EST
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that's it for us tonight. thank you for joining us. congressman ron desantis and sebastian gorka are among our guests. please join mel please join melissa francis and me on "after the bell. ing week days at 4:00. kennedy: the president signs an order to keep gitmo open indefinitely. is that a good idea? i'll battle it out with john bolton. one state forcing kids to enroll in college. grab a notebook. republicans and democrats think they have the winning issue footer mid-terms, taxes. the president is enjoying a 10-point tax happy poll jump. people are seeing more money in their paychecks starting today.
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and how are democrats going to sell a hot plate of stinky doom when people are getting relief. believe it or not, that's their plan. it's not the environment for democrats to throw the brakes on economic momentum. when the economy tanks after a republican administration, that's when the democrats can offer the salve of socialism to heal their wounds. but when we are on the upswing, the last thing want to hear from nancy pelosi is this. >> we'll have to repeal and replace the bill. kennedy: reef place fit with what? hike the tax rates back up? if the democrats don't have a plan, and throwing water on a birthday cake, they will lose if the indicators remain positive.
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it's the economy, stupid. you don't promise is to repeal something if you don't have a plan, and you don't have a plan, and taxes may be the only thing they get right and the only thing they need to stay in house tour beyond 2018. if they can offer a positive, track tall tax package they would have plenty of takers. until then if the player can people will take the money and run. i'm kennedy. 0 democrats insane to suggest repealing the tax cups right as people are starting to get a bump in their pay zmeks or are they just nuts. this is brian brenberg from the king's college.
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that's their plan, i'm sceptical whether it will work well when the economy is work well for more than a few people. brian: i'm shocked to see this story. i don't think it means they are insane. i think it means they are so out of touch. the idea of the great crumbs and this is nothing for the american people. a $2,000 tax cut. you have to be so elitist to think people aren't going to respond to another $50 every two weeks in their paycheck. that may be news for nancy pelosi and schumer * but it's a big deal for middle america. kennedy: nancy pelosi is worth $100 million. but mike pence made a good point. he said for a lot of people, that's christmas. brian: it's beyond belief to say
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$2,000 for the average family doesn't help them out. it speaks to a larger issue of politicians going to washington, d.c. and getting rich. they stay there forever and lose track of what the average americans need. kennedy: choosing between two bills. brian: or they don't have money set aside if an emergency happens. the vast majority of people of do not. this tax bill helps them run against that. to pick that one to me seems ludicrous. but it's completely out of touch. that's the point republicans will nail on. you didn't learn the lesson in 2016. kennedy: unlike the horrible people who want to see a bad economy.
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what kind of message could democrats sell, an economic message that could get some traction. brian: we'll embrace key components of this tax plan saying we like the fact that you cut tax for individual and corporations. they will probably want to sell a spending message on top of that. we want to help you pay for your college and boost your retirement by shoring up social security. but if i was a democrat i would embrace this plan. it's harder to them to do that now because nobody voted for it. kennedy: and they are handing the president a win. if they could build on the momentum in their own way and carve it out, that would be so many smarter than the zombie resistance. brian: they look so anti-average american, so the anti-paycheck. the problem with democrats. you saw it in the state of the union when the president was
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talking about these issues. they sat there stone cold and checked their teeth. the average american looks at that and says you don't get it. the republicans have scene uphill fight in 2018. but if the democrats go off the economy and taxes, the republicans have a chance to surprise. they are going at the one issue the republicans can make a strong case on. kennedy: they think because the president has lower poll numbers that will affect how people vote. right now that feeling, that optimism might be the biggest driver for this recovery. brian: if you look at the views on taxes. time and again, half the people polled think their taxes are going up this year. that's going to change starting today when they night their paycheck. you will see the polling on taxes change. that will help republicans and that will help the president.
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i don't know how democrats aren't bake that into their plan. kennedy: if they want to run on republican incompetence, they can do that. but they are so out of touch. thank you for being here. speaking of nancy pelosi, the president went after her today for the comment she made three weeks ago. here is a trip down memory lane. >> in terms of the bonus corporate america received versus the crumbs that they are giving to workers to kind of put the schmooze on is so pathetic. kennedy: crumbs. take it away, e there presidente. president trump: that could be deplorable and crumbs. those two words seem to have a resemblance. but she called it crumbs when people are setting $2,000 and
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$3,000 and $1,000. that's not crumbs. that's a lot of money. kennedy: they are both super rich but he's more in touch with reality. let me check in with my party panel, cat sometime * is here along with joe concha and tom shillue. welcome, everyone. let's start with this issue. democrats have been struggling since move trying to find a message. they found resistance wasn't work. they are hoping to get traction with taxes. then nancy pelosi comes out and talks about crumbs. >> it's not going to be a benefit if they are just
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anti-taxes. they want to win a few seats, fluff to get a majority. then they will change one portion of the bill, and then they will start to say, look what we did, then they will try to take credit for all the benefits of the tax plan. make sense? joe: i think so. kennedy: i don't care who gets the credit. i do want people to do well. but it doesn't seem to be a plan flood cohesion or descentsy. joe: what's important in the politic, momentum. monmouth has a poll, 40% of people approve of the tax plan. in december it was 26%. now people seat bonuses and sight in their paycheck. you see at the state of the union, one side the chamber is de resistance.
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and the other side says we'll give it lower taxes, higher wages, isis caliphate destroyed. it sounds like the 2016 elect. kennedy: we won't see the effect of taxes for the next few months and the coming year or two. but the perception that corporations are happy they are paying less money and a lot of the big corporations are giving people bonuses, that's add together boost. cat. kat --kat: when you see nancy pi making these kind of comments. politic is one those things where it doesn't seem to be true the longer you do it the better you get at it. golf is like that. hockey is like that. being a person sometimes like that.
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$1,000 is a lot of money. even in new york where prices are high, that's at least 100 beers. kennedy: one of our producers said he's getting $30 a week. that's some nice beer money for my friend paul. that's a pelosian joke. congress is not you staring down what will likely be another short-term spending bill. the fifth one since september. they have to pass something by a week from today. republicans are on their annual retreat and paul ryan is in a vest. it must be relaxing. members of the freedom caucus
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demanding stricter immigration reform. defense hawks talking about the damage the deal will do to the military. it's going to be a messy week in washington. how will this all shake out? republicans by and large got it right on taxes, but they totally screwed up with the continuing resolutions, stoop gap measures and band-aids. the freedom caucus is powerful enough to tank anything. joe: they will keep fighting and democrats will keep fighting as well. tom: i don't mind the stop gaps. it's a lot of work. maybe it's because i'm in the media business and i like having something to talk about. who cares if our elected representatives have to fight every six weeks.
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that's fine. ken there are programs that need to be funded, they can't do that if they go from c.r. to c.r. tom: okay, i changed my mind. joe: i'm worried we'll get countdown clocks. we were told by feinstein? california that people would die because of the government shutdown. i checked and the number is zero. kennedy: you have people like dianne feinstein and nancy pelosi using word like armageddon to describe a government shutdown and the tax bill. hyperbole. joe: the boy who cried wolf, and no one is listening because these things tend to not come true. i would be surprised if we have another shutdown.
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john stossel made a great point. a shutdown is good in that you see how unnecessary most of government is. kat: i didn't notice the last time it shut down. i miss the good old days when the reason there would be a shutdown it would be spending issue. now the on spending issue is we are not spending enough on the military when i say we are spending way too much on the military. way more than the combination of the countries in number tboon number three. there is no fiscally conservative party anymore. kennedy: there are no cost cutters. if they they would find logic like my dear familiar would. get ready for a fight. we are going to take on
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ambassador john bolton. the ambassador joins me next. hold together. a little to the left. 1, 2, 3, push! easy! easy! easy! (horn honking) alright! alright! we've all got places to go! we've all got places to go! washington crossing the delaware turnpike? surprising. what's not surprising? how much money sean saved by switching to geico. big man with a horn. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. sucthey read more.have one thing in common. how do they find the time? ... with audible. audible has the world's largest selection of audiobooks.
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rating a controversial point he made during the state of the union which had freedom lovers shake their heads. president trump: we can't treat them way we do the ordinary criminal. i signed an order keeping open our very secure detention facilities at guantanamo bay. kennedy: while no new detainees have arrived sat get mow since the -- at did know since the president -- at gitmo since the president took office. john bolton, welcome back. there are a lot of problems with gitmo. it costs $33,000 on average to house a prisoner in the united
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states. $11 million for gitmo. >> i think the number is inflated. but the point of putting terrorists at gitmo was to keep them out of the american criminal justice system. they are in a category that doesn't have a counterpart in domestic civil law. they are enemy come wantants. they are not protected by the geneva convention. the supreme court notwithstanding. you could make their incarceration more like regular american prisoners. kennedy: we are the youths america and we are better than that. >> let's take the geneva convention on its own terms even thought it doesn't apply. you are able to hold enemy con wantants who come into your control for the duration of the war. kennedy: but the war on terror
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could go upon forever. >> i understand that. kennedy: you are talking about only 5% of the people who have been to gitmo, only 41 remain. only 5% were scooped up on the battlefield. the rest when with bought. >> it doesn't bother me in the slightest. they are lucky to be alive. if we left them with some of the war lords they wouldn't alive now. when we captured nazi spies in world war ii who land on the coast of america, they didn't get due process. they were enemy combatants as well. i'm not even sure why we are
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trying some of these people. i would leave them in gitmo until the war is over. the military justice system has gotten itself wrapped around the axle on this. they hand it badly from the beginning. and it shows why the whole notion of treating international terrorism through the law enforcement paradigm is a mistake. kennedy: you said the military commission are wrapped around the axle. , they are cumber stop, joample burdened and time consuming. kennedy: one of the issues that people have raised is if you put these people there, martyrs will blow themselves up and put these community at risk. that hasn't happened. these are terrorists who have been through the court system and achieved due process.
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>> they didn't deserve due process any more than the nazi soldiers captured on the battledfield deserve to be tried. they are elements of the command structure of al qaeda, isis or the taliban. and we'll treat them that fashion. kennedy: who decides that. >> we do. the united states. kennedy: what about someone like el chapo who is responsible for thousands and thousands of murders who has decimated mexico and border states and made the world so much shells safe, now he's going through the american justice system. >> that's because we treat that through the law enforcement paradigm. this is not a law enforcement circumstance. terrorism against the united states is an act of war against innocent american i swrillans. we are entitled to treat it through the war paradigm.
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even taking the geneva conventions which don't apply, they put them in a prison facility and they stay there until the war is over. it's an ideological war being waged against the united states. kennedy: there is no v.j. day with the war on terror. >> the fact that they started it and don't know how to finish it remains their problem not ours. kennedy: we have terrorists in our system. we can accommodate the ones at gawb guantanamo bay without adding more. >> we should add more. kennedy: i do love your passion. >> there is no substitute for victory. kennedy: i think victory is loosely defined in the war on terror. members of the congressional black caucus say president trump
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is stirring up racism in america. that's reason enough for them to renew their efforts to impeach him. what ever happened to bipartisanship. juan williams joins me next. finally. hey ron! they're finally taking down that schwab billboard. oh, not so fast, carl. ♪ oh no. schwab, again? index investing for that low? that's three times less than fidelity... ...and four times less than vanguard. what's next, no minimums? minimums. schwab has lowered the cost of investing again. introducing the lowest cost index funds in the industry with no minimums. i bet they're calling about the schwab news. schwab. a modern approach to wealth management.
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kennedy: i always feel the heat when juan is here. has the president's call for bipartisanship ended before it began. two days after calling for congress to come together, the president tweeted quote, march 5 is fastly approaching and the democrats are doing nothing about daca. start pushing nancy pelosi and the dems to work out a daca fix, now. the congressional black caucus are leading the charge to try to impeach the president. the articles of impeachment do not allege the president committed a crime. democratic congressman al green
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said the president has sown discord among the people of the united states. so what will it take to smoke a peace pipe. i'm not surprised democrats from every caucus in the party are resisting the president. but when the president was talking about two things. one was right to try laws. there were so many democrats sitting down. i was shocked by the fact they weren't supportive of terminal patients getting experimental treatment sooner. and the president talked about record low black unemployment rates and there were stone faces from the cbc. juan: if you are in danger of dying you should be given every opportunity to stay alive.
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we don't want chicanery and false drugs and false hope. so the hope would to be get the government and the bureaucrats out of the way. and now we have so many people who have to goat overseas to try experimental drugs. but for people in the know, in fact what you see is that we have special procedures right now to allow people who are very sick to try experimental drugs. it came across to some, trump is here pumping himself up as the savior of mankind. kennedy: which every president does. juan: the one that caught a lot of attention was the sight of the cbc sitting down when the president said we have historic lows in terms of black unemployment in the country. why would they do that? the answer is that trump was
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taking credit. and what we know is black unemployment has been going down since 2010. so it's declined 9 percentage points since 2010. kennedy: still higher than non-black unemployment. juan: what you get is people saying this guy is taking credit for anything. kennedy: never mind the credit, shouldn't people be happy about the fact within your caucus and communities who are embracing this economy and seeing success? juan: you know what i like about you? i think you are genuine. you are authentic. so for you it would be everybody is here. we have a better situation especially for people who have a hard time. especially young people with unemployment. this is good news. what you have to see, even from
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your perspective, kennedy, in a political context in washington, they spay wait a minute. trump who has not been exactly friendly to the black community is taking credit and saying he's come in like super man and saved the day. they are saying buddy, i'm not buying it. kennedy: i don't care who takes the credit for it. i just want success to continue and the numbers to be as low as possible. are you ready for a story about government overreach? listen to this. a bill being pushed in new next mexico will require all high school students to apply to college. the only gap is if you enroll in a vocational college or the military. but is forcing kids to apply for schedule a way to solve
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anything? kat, i have a feeling i know where you stand on this. i don't think the government should be forcing you into these decisions. kat: you live in a society where you could become very, very rich being a very dumb uneducated youtube celebrity. you should be allowed to do that. but you are being forced to apply by life saddling amounts of debt. lots of times the debt you incur going to college prevent you from doing things' you wanted to do. this is boo-boo boo. kennedy: colleges have to take a look at that. being propped up unnaturally by state coercion doesn't do anything to fix the system.
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maybe they need to look at financing and majors to make college more affordable for people. forcing them into places they don't want to go, it seems like indentured servitude. joe: i can tell you, the university of delaware, $50,000 a year. my brother runs a vocational school. he's got two kids. we are talking half a million dollars to pay for his kid to go to school. i have an app because my kids are 4 and 2. if my daughter goes to georgetown like my wife did, it will cost $500,000 for me to send her. kennedy: you will be drinking
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north korean dirt. you guys are looking at this and saving money. college isn't for everyone. it's sort of a shock for people. your daughters are brilliant and i'm sure they will go to great schools. but the for some people college is not the answer. tom: i didn't know what i wanted to do or where i wanted to apply to school. i worked, i got a job. i saw what the working life was like then i applied to college. that year off was great. for anyone whose children have no guidance. let them go for a while. they will figure it out. you know who should be against this? college admissions officials. why do they want to go through a bunch of applications from people who don't want to go to college. kennedy: i'm sure the residents
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of new mexico are not thrilled about the idea of subsidizing college careers. i want to thank this glorious party panel. coming up, the secretary of homeland security says the super bowl can be a soft target for hard terrorists. what are the fans doing to keep the fans safe? are you heading to minneapolis? mike baker is. he joins me next. so from the two trucks over here...
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♪harder than before kennedy: the super bowl is a level one national security event which is the highest designation in the land. though the department of homeland security hasn't received any serious threats, but how will the authorities keep such a massive soft target safe? with me, former characteristics a operative, mike baker. mike, welcome back. this always interesting. i was just in times square for new year's eve and saw the police presence there which was very effective and very different from years past. obviously with some terror attacks, some foiled, and some
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not as successful as the terrorists would hope near the united states. obviously the threat is more real. how are authorities combining and responding? mike: what you saw in the times square new year's eve. in term of the visible presence, that's the tip of the iceberg when you talk about security for a major event like this. when you designate a select number of events for that. that draws in a variety of government agencies. so you end up with the fbi, the secret service and the fema, the national guard all coordinating with -- all coordinating with local authorities to develop this. the security planning in the sense of methodology doesn't changes inly based on the current level of activity from
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terrorists. the intel drives your deployment of resources. kennedy: if you had a bunch of chatter around minneapolis and people talking about carrying through actual coordinated event, that would be different than the fact that perhaps there have been some people, particularly in new york city on the bike paths on halloween and the terrorist who burned himself with an improvised suicide vest in the subway system. mike: we have a lot chatter in minneapolis. but it's all about how did we end up with this matchup? why aren't the giants in the game? but that's just me. so what you end up with is layers of security. and you get the physical security aspect of it, then you
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have got ways real why it heavy lift. the proactive intel gathering and analysis. you are monitoring existing concerns and suspects. you are gathering whatever you can from chatter, from electronic communications. all this information. wrist's coming from it's being filtered into the command center to look at the existing. the good thing is we have got a lot of experience doing this. kennedy: the massacre in paris, part of the target was a soccer game. but are soft targets and big events like super bowl still the most of attractive for groups like al qaeda and isis? mike: absolutely. they are looking for the biggest
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bang for the buck. i hate to say it that way. but twhament they are looking for. something that will drive public awareness. so any time you have a major public event, which is why you have this national designation. that brings out a lot of of concerns. but once a city gets award something like the super bowl, the planning starts immediately. so if boise, idaho were awarded the super bowl, we would start planning years ahead. kennedy: the super bowl isn't the only marquee event. the puppy bowl this saturday. the puppy bowl this saturday. i'll try to win
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they make the top shelf delicacy which is boone's farm wine. but a sheriff's deputy deserves something drinkable for his strong push to save lives. cops were arresting a suspected drunk driver when a second one would have hit and killed him. he was pushing everyone out of the way. following the near miss, the dog-like deputy arrested an illinois man who was so drunk he claimed joe kennedy gave a good reresponsibility state of the union. he said he knew the substance on his lips was not chapstick. topic number two. the what it is almost over for
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sunday's big game. today the two teams held their final practices. of course, i'm talking about the world famous puppy bowl which is the only game of the year where everyone stand for the national anthem. players are hoping to kick their opponents butt, and snift, too. if you never watched a puppy bowl, it's like watching gronkowski play. the marquee matchup features the eagles and patriots. i analyzed it all and i don't have a bet for you. but i lot of over 52 cars burning in philly. topic number three. there is an old saying that cheaters never win. but the anyone who believes that
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has never seen the patriots. hasbro launched a new cheerlts edition that encourages people to lie and steel to get ahead. hasbro found 50% of people admit to cheating at monopoly. but it was not suppose nod horrify wealth it was meant to be a harsh criticism of income inequality. an issue bernie sanders so eloquently railed against tuesday night before heading home to his third house. topic number four. a new study found a slice of pizza is a healthier breakfast than a bowl of cereal. who new my producers were such health nuts. all this time i thought they
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were only doing it because of their hangovers. a dietician said one slice of pizza contains the same amount of calories as a bowl of serial. and it doesn't contain enough sugar to put a charge rhino into a diabetic coma. but best of all, pizza keeps you full for longer which helps your energy level and keeps your reflexes sharp like this guy. get out of the way, everyone. if he hadn't eaten two slices of pizza in the morning everybody in that video would be road pizza. topic number 5. tomorrow is ground hog day when the fate of the weather is put in the hands of a furry rodent. but today is viewer mail, and
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judge from my inbox. there is way more than six weeks left of hate. connie writes, this show stinks, you overreact to get your point across. kennedy: how could you! neil tweets, how about going back to being a video jock? kennedy: are you 100? they don't have those anymore. and this job pays better. cj locks it up with, you are so funny, but remember, lips aren't everything. how timely. who let the dogs out. san francisco may have its
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convictions, some dating back to 1975. if you got a conviction, it's kaput. we are reviewing 5,000 felony convictions. retroactive forgiveness may catch on like wildfire during the santa anas. this is good news and a good trend. take the criminality out of weed allows law enforcement to go after real criminals and not recreational bong rippers who should not have been targeted in the first place. you can follow me on instagram
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and facebook @kennedynation and email policies. david: good evening, i'm david asman in for lou dobbs. the house intel committee releasing its bombshell memo exposing corruption at the highest levels of the fbi and justice department. the fbi and doj officials relied on the discredited trump dossier to obtain a warrant to spy on the trump campaign. they did not tell the fisa court that the dossier was paid for by hillaryon
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