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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  February 7, 2018 9:00am-12:00pm EST

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marines around the world, he wants to spend time with his family on july 4th, not in a parade. dagen: i say to democrats stop talking down the economy and rooting down fall for the markets, bad for them. stuart, over to you. stuart: i will take it, dagen, thank you very much, indeed. it is not over but is it coming down a bit? okay, i'm on dangerous ground, do i understand that but here we go. good morning, everyone, when our team was arriving in the studio earlier this morning looked like the tow was going to be 2 or maybe 300 points as it has for two days. look at it now, we will be down but the swings don't appear to be quite so sharp. again, we don't know how the market is going to close and we may well see the volatility pick up again, but as of now, things are looking a little more shall we say normal. yes, i'm on very dangerous ground. here is what's annoyed a lot of
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people, the computers, the selling stocks, sell programs kick in, stocks go down and the computer orders up a buying spree and the stocks rise and the big guys made the money, the little guy squeezed out and there's nothing you can do about it, you don't have to like it. look past the market and focus on the economy. it's doing very well, how is this for a sign of confidence? more people quit their jobs in december than any time in 16 years, you think when you think -- when you think you can do better elsewhere you quit, that is confidence. stay there, please, all the commitment of the market coming up plus the takedown of steve wynn, mr. las vegas, varney & company about to begin. ♪ ♪ stuart: well, look at this,
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some -- okay, that's futures prices. show me, please, wynn, the stock premarket because it is way up. twelve dollars higher, okay. now steve wynn has quit as ceo of that company in the wake of sexual misconduct claims, emac, he's gone, he never got his day in court. >> accusation to conviction, the evidence weighed down on wynn. the reason the stock is up, they put in a veteran who ran the operation, mat maddox, that's 70% of the wynn resource cash flow. stuart: can i make a point, he had to go. if he hadn't to go the chinese authorities would have withdrawn license to operate his casinos
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in macau. >> they have been giving them, wynn and other resorts a hard time. stuart: they would have used that as excuse. now he's gone. liz: he blames it on nasty court fight with his ex-wife. stuart: that is a nasty fight. let's get back to markets, i want to bring in liz peek, program trading has clearly played a role and i don't like it, what do you say. >> it doesn't matter if you don't like it. stuart: exactly. >> that was the conclusion that they reached was that basically the programs had kicked in, the fundamental traders were not selling in the huge decline. i would put forth a theory which i really can't delineate but seems to me that after years of
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very low volatility the programs had very little margin for error, if something went slightly awry of what they have seen in the last years, my guess that's what caused real acceleration in selling. in other words, they have not been primed for this kind of market that we are now looking at. stuart: you can't -- >> by the way, you know it's true because they are coming out today and saying, it wasn't us. my guess is it was them. stuart: i went out on a limb on the top of the show and i said i think things are calming down. i am out in a limb, do you agree with me? >> i lot of people went back to books and started looking at the economy, s&p earnings are doing incredibly well, 20% in first quarter or there abouts, this commentary that multiples are very high which janet yellen have talked about and other people have too, basically earnings erode the high premiums and by the way it was based on low yield, i don't think
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valuations are way out of line, they are lofty but not excessive, i mean, we have seen what is it now 6 or 8%, i think that's maybe room for another percent down which will be a perfectly normal correction and a normal event every year on average we have a 5 to 15% correction in the market. this is not that shocking. stuart: you have profits up 20% in the first quarter year over year. >> exactly. that begins to take the valuation issue, yes. stuart: i think it does. theme parks with nice profits and more star wars movies coming. the stock is up. disney says it's going charge 4.99 a month for espn streaming, i think that's a big deal because that's a fairly cheep streaming service. snap, never understood it, acceleration in growth of active users for the first time as public company, it's up 22%.
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again, i don't understand it. i will be quiet. chipotle is giving out bonuses, how about that because of the tax cuts, what are they doing, emac? >> look at the benefits they are giving to hourly workers, up to a thousand bonuses to 70,000 workers, they paid parental leave for hourly workers, life insurance benefits, short-term disability benefits, they are giving back a third. chipotle has extraordinarily effective tax rate of 36%. responding to tax cuts, they said it's because of tax cuts, 331 companies now are giving back the tax cuts to workers in some -- stuart: the stock price was up -- did i say up $27, down $27. good pr move but the stock takes a hit. now this, the labor department says more people quit their jobs
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in december than at any other time in 16 years. more than 3 million workers quit in december, fox news contributor james freeman, wall street journal editorial guy is with us now. >> yes, sir. stuart: i see that as a good sign. >> it is a good sign when people have the confidence and new opportunities to go get another job, this is on a percentage basis it's not huge, this is a number we are going to keep watching and see if the trend continues but basically about 3 million quitting each month at the end of 2016 and over 3.2 in the end of december 2017. so it is a nice trend upward, it's not huge yet but as you say, very, very encouraging if you see people ready to chase the new opportunity. similarly we have been watching the labor force participation rate wondering if more people are going to come back into the economy who are maybe discouraged and this is another one of those readings to watch,
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seems to be showing people more optimistic about the economy. stuart: we have reported breathlessly earlier this week that the atlanta said we are going to grow 5.4% annual rate, now they revised it to a 4% growth rate. i don't like the sound of that. >> well, it's still pretty great. they downgraded from spectacular to really awesome. i mean, we love to be getting 4%, haven't done that in a long time, didn't do it certainly over a year for over a decade but i think that atlanta fed measurement is volatile because each time a new economic report comes out they plug it into model and bounces around and it kind of overstated the fourth quarter, but, look, it's still a very positive report at 4% and they're not the only ones. you saw the ism reports on both manufacturing, nonmanufacturing, lots of new orders in january and, i think, the tax cut in
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december probably had something to do with it. stuart: economy is growing nicely? >> i would say nicely. stuart: kim jong un sending younger sister to so -- olympics. >> she's under restrictions to travel as is the airline but north korean airline that she would likely take, that he would give her a pass. youngers sister of kim jong un, she's also, by the way, head of north korea's propaganda. stuart: oh, is she? ashley: yeah, an attempt to weaken some of the sanctions and try to pull south korea and washington apart, others say that the nounsment -- announcement after president trump said his daughter ivanka was going.
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they are open to talks with north korea. depending on how you view this, hey, at least there's a possibility that talks could begin, others say don't be fooled, this is north korea playing games again. stuart: i wonder what little sister would do if they deflected. ashley: embarrassing. stuart: the sister would be withdrawn. check the futures, we are calming down, we are down what 82 points on the dow industrials, earlier this morning down 2 or 300, now down 82. calming down. i will take it. another amtrak accident and a high-speed train from dc to new york broke apart at 125 miles an hour with no injuries, fourth major accident since december. now this, the woman who won more
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than 500 million says she will not claim price unless she can remain anonymous, she's suing for the right to remain private. what on earth would judge napolitano have to say about that? we are going to ask him. president trump has message for democrats, get on board with immigration reform plan or face a government shutdown. you'll hear what he has to say after this. liberty mutual insur.
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that's it. i'm calling kohler about their walk-in bath. nah. not gonna happen. my name is ken. how may i help you? hi, i'm calling about kohler's walk-in bath. excellent! happy to help. huh? hold one moment please... [ finger snaps ] hmm. the kohler walk-in bath features an extra-wide opening and a low step-in at three inches, which is 25 to 60% lower than some leading competitors. the bath fills and drains quickly, while the heated seat soothes your back, neck and shoulders. kohler is an expert in bathing, so you can count on a deep soaking experience. are you seeing this? the kohler walk-in bath comes with
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fully adjustable hydrotherapy jets and our exclusive bubblemassage. everything is installed in as little as a day by a kohler-certified installer. and it's made by kohler- america's leading plumbing brand. we need this bath. yes. yes you do. a kohler walk-in bath provides independence with peace of mind. call and ask about saving $1000 on your walk-in bath, or visit for more info.
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stuart: the once deported illegal immigrant accused of killing indianapolis colts linebacker edwin john snon wreck now facing federal immigration charges. what else? ashley: yeah, the more you dig into the story, 37-year-old manuel zavala, a man from guatemala, arrested in 2006 and deported back to home country in 2007. he was back in 2009. arrested again, sent back, came back, this guy has gone back and
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forth and tragically suspected of drunk driving when he killed 26-year-old colts linebacker ed jackson and a friend of jackson, so two people killed and now as you say federal immigration charges are coming. the question is how on earth was he able to so easily get arrested, come back, back and forth across the border. stuart: dare i say, build the wall in ashley: yes. >> how many times one illegal came back. ashley: exactly. stuart: showdown on capitol hill over immigration reform. president trump says he'd welcome a government shutdown if democrats won't agree to tightening the laws, roll tape. >> i would shut it down over the issue, i can't speak for everybody at the table, but i will tell you, i will shut it down over the issue, if we don't straighten out our border, we don't our country. without borders we don't have a country. would i shut it down over this
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issue, yes. stuart: i think the president is dead right, coming in congress man louie gohmert from texas, i think the president is write, build the wall, end chain lottery and then let daca people in but you disagree with me? >> you know dare and well i was excited to have a candidate that wanted to secure the border, build the wall where we need and it is still what we need to do and it's not like the soviets did to keep people in, this will enable us to control our borders and to cut off the 80 billion or so that's feeding the drug cartels that keep méxico corrupt, that keep it from being one of the top economies in the world. that's where we need to go, that's what a good neighbor will do and then you won't have the unnecessary deaths. stuart, when i was -- stuart:
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louie, you are not prepared to give in on the other side of the coin, if you get the wall, you get end of chain, end the lottery, you have to give in on daca. >> that's the concern, though. we have been here before, 1986, if you put legalization at the same time as a promise to secure the border with or without the wall, then you -- we as a nation lose, you will get the legalization, you will get millions more flooding in before the gate is closed, you close the gate and then you work out for those people who are here, i'm prepared to work out for those people that are here once the gate is shut and once we control who comes in, but i had a guy in my court felony court that had 9 prior dwi's, he didn't speak english, how are
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you here, he said that he had been interpreted once and i said, how did you get back, as soon as ice officials drove away, he walked across. i sent him to prison twice because he was back in six months because they got him out of prison, took him there and then he walked right back across. i mean, we have got to shut the door and then we can continue to be the most generous in the nation in the world but we have got to control the border. >> that's the deal that the president has to insist on. shut the door first. >> yeah, i mentioned it to the president a couple of times including the state of the union, don't let anybody talk you into doing legalization or amnesty before the wall is built, he said, i've got it, i've got it, i just love that about the guy.
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and the crazier people think he is, the better he does. i think it's wonderful. stuart: i have to go because the stock market to deal with. you know how it is, we will build the wall and deal with the stock market. >> i do and the stock market will explode once he gets that done too. stuart: that's interesting. louie gohmert on the financials of wall street, sir. >> yeah. stuart: where are we? bottom-right-hand corner, down about 60 points, as i said, maybe things are calming down and i am out on a limb, i've got it. how about this, elon musk spacex successfully launched the largest rocket since 1970's, it carried a tesla roadster, that's a car that will orbit the sun for millions of years. that's a pr stunt and a good one. in those hundreds of millions of years all you'll hear from inside the car david bowie.
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ashley: yes. stuart: hundreds of millions of years. more varney after this.
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>> 3, 2, 1.
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>> it seems surreal to me. you know, i had this image of just giant explosion with a wheel bouncing down the road and tesla logo landing somewhere. [laughter] >> but fortunately that's not what happened. stuart: he's good, he's very entertaining. ceo of spacex, elon musk sounding happy after successful launch after the huge rocket, liz peek is with us so too ash and liz. occurs to me that that was a wonderful pr stunt, 24 hours before he released tesla earnings which may not. >> it's true. if he had bad earnings it would be bad for him to criticize at this point. this is visionary, it's exciting, inspirational, very few things that all americans could get excited about, surely privatization over space program, the possibility we will go to mars, that we will go to
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the moon and take our teslas with us, what can be more wonderful? ashley: stunt to cover the earnings and that's why he was reliving his nightmare scenario because of the wheels bouncing down the road before earnings would have been more disaster. stuart: i should give him more credit than i do. >> elon musk owns 54% of spacex and controls the voting shares and owns tesla. keep in mind when he talks about companies. this is an awesome accomplishment. stuart: i think we agree on that. we will be down but not much, again, could things be calming down, find out in 4 and a half minute's time after this.
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for all the eyes that get itchy and watery near pollen. there's flonase sensimist. it relieves all your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills don't. and all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. flonase sensimist.
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that's it. i'm calling kohler about their walk-in bath. nah. not gonna happen. my name is ken. how may i help you? hi, i'm calling about kohler's walk-in bath. excellent! happy to help. huh? hold one moment please... [ finger snaps ] hmm. the kohler walk-in bath features an extra-wide opening and a low step-in at three inches, which is 25 to 60% lower than some leading competitors. the bath fills and drains quickly, while the heated seat soothes your back, neck and shoulders.
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kohler is an expert in bathing, so you can count on a deep soaking experience. are you seeing this? the kohler walk-in bath comes with fully adjustable hydrotherapy jets and our exclusive bubblemassage. everything is installed in as little as a day by a kohler-certified installer. and it's made by kohler- america's leading plumbing brand. we need this bath. yes. yes you do. a kohler walk-in bath provides independence with peace of mind. call and ask about saving $1000 on your walk-in bath, or visit for more info. stuart: well, let me recap yesterday before we start today. we were up 567 points on the dow jones average moving up to 24,900. most of the action, the upside action came in the last hour of trading as charles payne accurately forecasted on the program yesterday.
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watch the last hour. that's where the trades kick in. last hour we moved up sharply. right, ten seconds to go before we open this market. we are expecting, i can't believe it but we are expecting it to be fairly flat. i said we are calming down, am i right? bang, 9:30 here we go. we are running, we are down 28, 35 points, 50 points, 51 points. don't prove me wrong. oh, dear. down 111. 125, 127 points down. 24,785. that's still a little calmer. ashley: in today's environment that's calm. stuart: thank you very much, indeed. i do see a sea of red among dow 30, i only have three dow winners and one unchanged so far. 30 seconding in, we are down 108 points, got it. 4% drop for the dow.
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the s&p is down .2%. that's a quarter percent drop. again, that's calming down a bit and look at the nasdaq, it too is down .2%, again, this is not the kind of wild swings that we have been seeing over the last couple of days, i'm out on a limb by saying we are calming down but looks like we are just a little certainly in the very early going. now, the big techs, did they recover fully from recent losses, the answer is no, down this morning, facebook lower, microsoft lower, alphabet and apple all down, am done, though, eking out a small gain up a buck at 14.44. talk about calming down. i think this is a calming influence. the yield on the 10-year treasury is 2.79%. very little changed and right in between the extreme of 285 and 270 that we've seen in the last two days. ashley and liz are both here, of
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course, shargalani and keith fitzgerald, all right, keith, a lot of people were holding off, the little guy didn't want to get in, are you still holding off or dip in and buy? >> i'm going to dip in very cautiously, things on microsoft, for example, alibaba out of china, here is why, though, these things rarely happen in isolation, stuart, they have to flow back back and forth, the market is going to go through a period of adjustment but it is coming down, the ripples are getting smaller, -- stuart: you're backing away, you're not buying or selling anything, how about today, are you buying anything or selling anything? >> i'm not doing either today, i'm looking to buy. this kind of volatility, specially what we saw yesterday,
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basically 5,000 points worth of move dow up and down, at the end of 2.3 gain, only because there weren't any sellers towards the end of the day and buyers bid everything up in computer basis. however, this morning i'm a little bit happy that we are not down, the fact that we are trying to struggle to get back to positive side and i think that's good, that goes well, i am not buying, i think we have a leg to go lower. this volatility doesn't end in a day but i am going to be buying stuff lower. i like facebook lower, i like disney lower. stuart: always saying buy this thing because it's going up somewhere, the first time when i've ever heard you hold off for a three-day period but you've done it. that's a headline, son. moving on the disney theme parks doing very well, thank you very much, disney will charge 4.99 a
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month for espn streaming, by the way, they hired the guys who did game of thrones, is that right, game of thrones to make more star wars movies, disney back up to $107 per share. you like it, keith? >> you know, i still don't like disney as long as they've got espn hanging around streaming or no streaming. a, i don't want politics and b, i think it's albatraz around their neck. ashley: 4.99, not bad. stuart: check the big board, like i said, calming down, checked the big board two minutes ago and we were down 40. look at that, we are down 39. am i right or am i right? thank you very much. [laughter] stuart: more people are using snap and the market loves it, it's up 25%. seventeen dollars a share. better profit at humana, that's
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down sharply, six bucks lower, that's two and a half percent. lower sales, toy maker, nonetheless it's up nearly a buck, a buck 17, up at 95 bucks a share. how about chipotle? fascinating, fewer visitors to restaurants and has announced that it's giving bonuses. liz, first of all bonuses. >> up to a thousand to 71,000 hourly and full-time workers, we don't know the details about that, look at the benefits they are giving, hourly workers as well, training, paid parental leave, maternity benefits, life insurance, short-term disability and the life. the foot traffic is down this quarter and they said it will continue to go down through the middle of the year. stuart: when you throw out a lot of money to employees it's good pr but the stock takes a hit,
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$27 lower for chipotle, 276 on chipotle. let's go to wynn, that stock is up, steve wynn has quit in the wake of sexual misconduct claims, the stock is up 13 bucks now that he has quit. liz, i say he had to quit otherwise the chinese government would have taken licenses. >> 17 billion-dollar empire, however, three quarters to have wynn empire, revenues come from macau, china watchdogs expressed serious concern about these allegations, have been neating with the wynn officials over this and this comes at a time, stuart, when the lucrative gaming licenses are up for renewal in macau, macau very important to wynn empire, so much so that they put matthew maddox in macau as new head of the company. stuart: sounds good, he's gone, got it. wall street journal reports that
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goldman sachss in talks that maybe offering financing for people who buy iphones. ashley: exploring the possibilities. they are not close as that suggests, if you buy a thousand dollar iphone 10 or iphone x, you could take out a loan from goldman sachs is the plan being discussed instead of charging to high-end -- high interest rate credit cards. also good for goldman because they could end up with a lot more customers. stuart: you don't buy a phone these days for a thousand bucks, you lease it. jim carrey is selling facebook stock because the company profited from russian interference during the election. what do you make of this and the impact on the stock? >> i don't make it deal, i do
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like facebook, i like to buy facebook, it has further to go on the downside because of market volatility, about 170 i'm going to buy with both hands, right now i'm waiting to see if it dips lower, i don't think the carrey comments will do anything in the long run. >> the company is still growing up, a lot of revenue yet to be even harvested. jim carrey's are hypocrisy. if you really want to put your money where your mouth is. then we will talk. stuart: the dow has completely turned around, we are up 77 points. 24,990. we are in the cusp of going to 25,000 again, calming down, maybe. the labor department says more people quit their jobs in december than at any other time in the past 16 years, 3.2 million quit their job just in the month of december.
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i say that's a positive sign, keith, because you don't quit unless you know exactly where you're going. >> i would agree with you, stuart, and what that says to me is that there is some fluidity for lack of a better term, i would be interested where they went and whether they changed fields and whether they quit because there was something better on the other side of the fence, if you can put the data points together, i think it's a compelling picture. stuart: ten minutes into the trading session, i have to say good-bye to shah and keith, look at, this we are up 100 points. when our team walked in this morning, you know, 4:00 o'clock, 5:00 o'clock in the morning we were down 30. liz: right. stuart: opened 40, 50, something like that. now we are up 71, 75, there's volatility but no where near as extreme as it was. president trump wants a military parade and according to some sources in the pentagon he might just get one.
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could be a big show of force against north korea maybe, general keane reacts to that one in our next hour and send it to charles grassley, he wants the department of justice to -- the investigation into the british spy who compiled the trump dossier, the russian dossier, question, would that discredit the entire russia investigation? we will ask senator grassley directly after this. you know what they say about the early bird...
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triple-digit gain today. i want to go to new york stock exchange, nicole. things settled down. nicole: certainly a sense of calm since we have seen, the volatility, it's been crazy around here and today we already seen over in change line, yesterday 100 times back and forth, we were down 179 and finished up 579. everybody is ready about anything. we didn't actually reach lows but the feeling is that 75% is probably a won off and it's probably in but no one really knows the truth. there's certainly a sense of cautiousness here today but the fear index that surged at 50, it's 24, a little less nervousness. lastly i will say, we finished higher yesterday and that was on heavy volume and that
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5.79 billion shares and that's the heaviest volume and that's a good sign. stuart: nicole, thank you very much, indeed. things are calming down. senator charles grassley is with us, republican from iowa, mr. senator, i have no problem with shutting the government if it means we can get the wall built, end chain migration and yes, let the daca people in, i have no problem with that, sir, do you? >> we ought to be able to do both, not shutdown the government, in other words, the government is to serve the people of the united states and when it's shut down, some people don't get served or national defense may be in jeopardy or law enforcement and on the other hand the president is absolutely right, when he has taken a major step that even a lot of
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conservatives would disagree with the president of going to one and -- not students, people that are here as undocumented immigrants because their parents brought them here one in eight tenths million, everybody in the immigration community ought to be applauding it particularly when there's a path to citizenship after 10 or 12 years and then the wall and then doing away with chain migration so we get more people here based upon how they help the economy, we can do all of those at one time and the president ought to be applauded for going the extra mile and irritating a lot of people that supported but it seems to be the right thing to do when kids were brought here by the parents and maybe technically violating the law and as practical matter the parents are the ones that violated the law. stuart: senator, i want to cut to the chase on the memo, it's
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very confusing picture but you wanted to british agent behind the trump russia ros -- dossier, does it discredit? >> i think i can speak this a little bit more now that the fbi has done some of the redaction, i still can't give you the total thing because we are asking the fbi to investigate, did he lie, there are inconsistency, either he lied in london or he lied to the fbi or the point was that if that did happen, this swus something -- was something that the fisa judges should know before they issued a warrant to track american citizens. so we don't have the answer yet, i can't give you a firm answer because i don't know and it's up
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to the fbi to draw these conclusions, but the referral was because senator graham and i have suspicions that he may have lied just like flynn lied and lying to the fbi is a crime and if it's a crime against flynn, it ought to be crime against steel. stuart: i have it. i think i'm following this. it's a very complicated thing. i want to switch gears for a moment. we have the epa chief mr. pruitt on the show talking about the recent bankruptcy of the pennsylvania oil refiner, mr., senator, you disagree with him about why the refinery was closed, can you give us more on that? >> absolutely, first of all, he's saying that there ought to be changes, back in november 2017 his own agency decided that there didn't need to be any changes because the way the market is working perfectly. what's wrong with the eaght
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oldest refinery in america is that they can't compete. they used to get oil fairly cheap by north dakota. north dakota has a pipeline they can send oil through to other further refining and it's not going to philadelphia. that's one example. the other example is that this refinery sold last fall and they could have gone into refining and -- and mixing ethanol with petroleum as the law requires an they decided not to do it and those companies that have decided to mix ethanol with petroleum are operating very equitably and efficiently under this system. so there's a lot of bad management decisions made by pes refinery. stuart: and you are the senator from iowa and iowa is a big corn producer which makes ethanol, i
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think, that the case, sir. >> it is, creates 43,000 jobs in iowa, don't forget that it's good for the environment, it's good for agriculture, it's good for national defense and it's good for good-paying jobs in rural america. stuart: mr. senator, thank you so much for joining us. we appreciate it. >> good to be with you. stuart: we have volatility but no where near extreme as it was, we were up 100 points. i guess that's volatile but not quite as bad. even split, 50/50 between winners and losers. the winner of 588 million-dollar powerball jackpot suing for the right to remain anonymous, she does not want her name made public and she won't claim her prize until her privacy is assured. does she have a case? judge napolitano next on that.
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stuart: it's not that bad. things are calming down. we are at 25,009, a gain of almost 100 points. not that much volatility and now this, a multimillion dollar loto winner sues for the right to
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remain anonymous. judge napolitano going down market with the story. [laughter] >> because we are in the midst of a blizzard in new york city. we have to talk about something happy. stuart: this person bought this ticket and the rules of the game in new hampshire are that you're publicized, if you win, your name is out there. >> this is not just any ticket, half a billion dollars. this is big money even by varney standards. [laughter] >> new hampshire law says if you sign the ticket with your name, if you bought it in your name and signed it in your name it's public knowledge, new hampshire has a provision, i don't know anybody that would do this. when you buy the ticket, you don't think you are going to win. you buy it with a trust and register and the lottery people don't know and the public doesn't know. i don't know of anybody who took advantage of that. stuart: never. wait a second, i think it's a lady. >> it is a lady. stuart: i think -- >> she's a prominent figure in
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new hampshire society, she doesn't say politics, and wants to keep life as it is, people's lives changed to the bad side. stuart: she has a case. request i go public with half a billion dollars i could get shot, that's a pretty good case to make, protect me. >> she's basically asking new hampshire state judge to invalidate the statute. to prevent the state from revealing who she is. i think she's going to lose. my heart is with her but i'm not a new hampshire judge and they have their own reasons for their own taut. i think she's going to lose. stuart: she says she will not claim prize. >> wouldn't she be crazy to turn down half a billion. what would you say to her stuart: you're so financially oriented. >> wait a minute, you're telling her that she's doing the right
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thing. you're telling her to turn down half a billion dollars because she doesn't want to reveal name? stuart: no. [laughter] stuart: i am telling her extract a promise if you can get it and push it all the way down the line because in her circumstance -- >> new hampshire is not a big state, one of the wealthiest women in the state. stuart: even if she takes the prize, even if she manages, people will still know. >> what do you do with it, you can't put it in the shoe box. something will reveal it. stuart: put it in swiss bank. [laughter] stuart: judge, thank you, sir, we will see you at the 11:00. the media and the democrats try to pin the market selloff on president trump. shows in their coverage and questions at white house press briefing shows that too, monica and newt gringrich, all of them in the next hour.
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tree into renewed the media was politically biased against present and charm. now we know how far they are going to play with the facts. 1100-point drop for the dow industrials. yes, it was a shock, especially the one hour. where the dow lost a thousand points in one hour. the network evening news broadcast played it big. abc, cbs and nbc combined him a devoted 10 minutes to the story. they stated the facts of this à la and then came the spin. they associated the sell off what the president. he's taking credit for the huge rally, so they reasoned he must take responsibility for the selloff. the next day when the dow rebounded come in the coverage was cut in half, combine to five minutes and they did not call it the trunk rebound. remember, this is the way tens of millions of people get their
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news. what they were left with was a negative view of the trump economy. there must be something wrong. in fact, it was the success of the trump economy which had started the selling. wages rising to the best rating year could reduce inflation, interest rates went up and that is often bad news for stocks. got it. america did not hear that message and that is really bad for the country. it's been this way since donald trump was elected. the stock market is not over 80 record highs. everybody's pension fund was going up nicely. good news indeed. the broadcast network ignored a. new highs not reported. it's going to be this way for another three years. the media detest this president. what a shame they played with the facts, spin everything anti-trump. maybe that is why people with new trump tweets and that drives the elite media absolutely
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crazy. the second hour of "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ stuart: what selloff? we are up 140 points, 25,055 as well we are. it has not been that volatile. about 25,000. i'll take it. the big tech names coming year ago. most of them are down. rotation out of tech and into something else. facebook markets have come out for bed from apple down. amazon up another $14 at $1457 a share. the stock of wynn resorts up 12. we will have more on that in a moment. disney theme parks doing well. more "star wars" movies coming and they are going to charge for
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99 a month for espn streaming. the market kind of likes it up 70 cents 106 on disney. trunk, a publishing company selling "the l.a. times" and the san diego union tribune for $500 million. the stock is up 18%. back to the markets. this firm hedge fund billionaire remember, the guy who called the crash of 87. he now says the markets are in dangerous financial bubble. that's what he says. john layfield, delete the report by joins us now. is this a dangerous financial bubble or what? >> i have the utmost respect. he changed the world with philanthropy around the world in new york city. aside from the 87 crash he also was head on the japanese crisis in the 99 internet bubble. he has an incredible track record. they think is right about the premise on this fiscal
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irresponsibility which i think everybody agrees with. running 5% annual deficit towards gdp during good times. his point is imagine what it's going to be during bad times. this is a time bomb coming. inflation talking about one of the biggest problems in the market if it benefits itself it's six to 18 months. he's right about the premise. not sure about the bubble, but the bubble is developing. stuart: hold on a second. president trump has just weeded about the markets. ashley: i do. it says in the old days in quotation marks, when good news is reported the stock market would go out. today was good news as reported the stock market goes down. big mistake says the president and we have so much good, great news about the economy. the reason the market goes down when we get good news is the fear that it will continue to raise interest rates in the fear of inflation.
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so yes, he is right. good news is bad news. that is the scenario we are in. it is a compliment if you like to the economy, but the market doesn't like high interest rates. liz: it's a big mistake and that's what he means by big mistake. stuart: the selloff is a big mistake. transfer the market shouldn't go down when we get good news for the economy. stuart: john, back to you in just a moment. back to my editorial top of the hour talking about media coverage of the selloff. the media tried to pin it on the president. they virtually called it the trump selloff. this from the white house news conference yesterday. roll tape. >> what is the president make of the stock market calling today and does he have any regrets taking responsibility or credit for the stock market rise? >> the economy is incredibly strong right now. the president's focus continues to be on the long-term economics
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which are very strong in this country. we are infinitely better off today than where we were before the president took office. >> does he have any thoughts when the stock market goes? the president taking credit for booming economy? absolutely not. stuart: they really don't like him, do they? monica crowley, this isn't going to change in america is being badly misinformed by the media appear you say why. >> absolutely. the media sphere and of course they hate the president do they want to undermine him at every turn but on the specifics on the market, their view was mr. president you live by the market, die by the market. when it goes down were going to nail you on that which is grossly unfair because they don't report the record high. we've all known for decades that they are very left leaning and incredibly biased.
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what is different this time, stuart, in the trump era is the level of intensity and activism on the part of the mainstream media. they loathe him, his politics, personally, they loathe his personal wealth in fact. they hate the fact he is a successful businessman. they hate him in every possible way so they will never report the good and they will always support the negative. stuart: it's never going to change. >> the president should understand that and i think he does indeed luxuriate than that fact. stuart: i don't have the numbers, the people are turning off this endless negative view of the president and discrediting the media. i don't know what the fallout from that will be. >> i don't think they much care for matt. this president is so dangerous to america in american society and democracy that he has to be undermined if not straight out removed in by all means necessary day in the media feel
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it is their responsibility to make that happen. stuart: what if they got against a booming economy? what is wrong with that? >> their mentality, the democrats mentality, the state of the union when the president was putting out all the strong economic numbers, what is good for america is clearly bad for them and because so many people in the media vote democrat on the last time and they agree with that mentality so they will not report positive news. stuart: another three years of the doorway. maybe more people will watch us. >> they understand the president plays their game better than they do in that drives them crazy. they don't understand with every hit they are helping him. stuart: monica, thank you indeed. i want to get to the wynn story. the stock is up today on the news that steve one has resigned as chairman and ceo of the wynn
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resorts. see the wynn is mr. las vegas. he basically built it and now he's out. john layfield, no choice was fair? if you stayed, the government of china may well take his license away from him and that would murder the company. >> correct. mr. wynn has denied these allegations. they are certainly is true, horrific. i owned someone up until the news broke and i sold it the second the news came out. if you have a company named after the ceo, he-man riskier is beyond what i want to put in as far as risk is fine the company. 70% of the revenue comes from the cal. wynn without wynn is not something i want to bet on. stuart: how about snap? is it finally i buy? >> note. it's a great company, but a 72%
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revenue gain. $285 million in revenue, lost 350 million. even with a huge revenue gain, they are still not covering half of their costs out there. twitter will always have a problem in a niche audience but i don't think they can compete with instagram and facebook. stuart: you bashed a good, john. >> a great company. i don't think it's going to make money. stuart: show me the money and i'll buy the stock. how about this. a lamborghini lodged under a trailer in los angeles. the driver was arrested. he was drunk, not injured to the car sells for $235,000 with a top speed of 235 miles an hour. it is as you can see total. president trump says he would love to see a shutdown if there's no deal and immigration. does newt gingrich agree? we will ask him later this hour. first come the california democrat joins us. i have plenty to ask him why his
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state wants to give drivers licenses to illegals and register them to vote. this is the second hour of "varney & company." ♪
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stuart: look at this. no volatility here. note up in straight down. we've gone pretty much straight up. the market open for 45 minutes and five minutes earlier at 243 points. ashley: started 100 points down. stuart: that is true. hasbro on your screen right now. toymaker actually selling fewer "star wars" toys. however, the stock is up six bucks. that is 6%, $100 a share. we cover california all the
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time. one story really sticks out to me. some democrats in california want to give drivers like this to illegals and automatically register them to vote. joining us now is john garamendi, democrat -- i apologize there. >> i do have a problem with what you just said. it's absolutely not true. you are a fox business. you know how employment ends. tell the truth until the facts because you can manipulate the stock market. stuart: where my going wrong? >> don't manipulate the political market with facts that are absolutely incorrect. in california, we do allow, correctly so, people here illegally to get a drivers license because we know they have to pass a test about the laws of the road. that is a good thing. it reduces accidents. now, they cannot register to vote. a different system for
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registering to vote for those who are citizens versus those who get a drivers license that are not citizens, legal or illegal. do not manipulate the political market. stuart: my mistake. if i made a mistake, let me sort this out. illegals in california can get a drivers license. but to register to vote, you can't do that. if you're an illegal you can't register to vote automatically. stuart: i had it wrong. you are telling me an illegal with a drivers license cannot vote. >> that is correct. they cannot register to vote. they cannot vote. stuart: we have several people on the show from california who say yes they can. >> well, they were not the secretary of state, not the department of motor vehicles and certainly not the governor and folks who wrote the law.
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the department of motor vehicles as well as secretary of state in the registrars in the various county know the law. it is not the case. we want them to have a drivers license because they have to pass a drivers test. you don't want people on the road who have no life and, no evidence that they understand the laws. we are looking at safety. i've been on insurance committee before this went into effect in the reality was what had illegals in california, undocumented and they didn't have his drivers license and it was an ongoing problem in safety and insurance. by having a drivers license, the 900,000 or so actually have pass the driving test, pass the written as well as the oral and behind the wheel test. they are legal, but they cannot register to vote. stuart: are you in favor of eventually allowing them to vote? >> no, absolutely not.
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stuart: would love to have them vote. >> no, voting is for citizens. that day. stuart: there are no democrats who want illegals with her drivers license to vote? none? >> there a democrat across the country. i'm not going to be crawled them, but i will speak directly for those in elected office here as well as the california cop at all. if you are not a citizen, you are not voting. stuart: your party, democrats generally, not you, but democrats generally want to pin some of the blame for themselves in the early part of this week on president trump. they want to pin it on him. they went after treasury secretary stephen mnuchin at a hearing on capitol hill yesterday. listen to this. >> it looks like markets are plunging even further today. are you concerned about this
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recent market rout, the recent market turmoil? does this have financial stability implications the administration is playing credit or they could claim credit when the markets go down? stuart: you disagree with that don't you? you don't want your party to have a go on the basis of a one-day selloff? >> claiming credit, you only want to claim credit when it's good. you want somebody else to take credit when it's bad. got the game that's as old as life even between husbands and wives. the reality of the market goes up and down. i don't know anybody has figured out why there is such a sellout. perhaps a blue market. i don't know. my business is not to figure out where the markets are going. you have people on your show and folks on wall street making a gazillion dollars trying to sort it all out. the reality is nobody wants to take blame for the bad. they only want credit for the
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good. stuart: congressman, back to the motor voter registration. i want to see the whole script. this is how it's being reported. the california motor voter act in april will send information about drivers to state voter rolls unless the license holder opts out or is not eligible. the automatic registration component has concerned about potential fraud or illegals voting. >> well come you got to go back to the start of the program. that is how you get your license. in getting a license, you have to show your identity. you have to show you have a birth certificate or some other identity and you have to prove for voter registration purposes and not that you are a citizen. for those that are illegal they can't prove it so there's a separate file for those folks.
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that file, that information is not sent forward to the secretary of state -- excuse me, a secretary of state who then analyzes data. the information then goes back to the county were an additional verification takes place. it is a complex system. it is a motor voter is saying. it is a good way to get citizens involved in voting. but it begins at the initial process of getting a license. if you cannot prove your citizenship come you get a license, but you do not get the voter registration system. stuart: we will sort it out and we thank you for your input. >> absolutely. thank you for the opportunity to clarify. stuart: thank you. we appreciate it. there will be more "varney" after this.
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stuart: leader kim jong un sending his sister to the olympics. what else is going on? ashley: don't know much about it. the youngest sister of kim jong un baby blue she also studied in switzerland. she's the director of the central. what is she going to do there? this announcement came not long after president trump said his daughter ivanka with the relationships between north and south korea may be. vice president mike and said i'm going to talk to north korea if they want to talk. others are more cynical. i can't think why. put it this way. technically, she covered her sister is not allowed to fly in the airline she would take is
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sanctioned as well. technicality, but maybe an opportunity by north korea to say we are willing to talk. others say it's just a ploy. stuart: february 9th they start. check out this. video of the tesla roadster and its passenger. a man i can become a star man. liz: bang bang. stuart: space at launch. a roadster, a real car roadster with three cameras. a pretty good spot. the rocket overshot its rocket instead of orbiting mars that plan, the roadster will now orbit the sun. train for tesla earnings are coming out. stuart: more "varney" after this. ♪ 's
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i love you. ♪ stuart: she loves the. the young man that i was dancing to that. check the big board. what happened to volatility? stayed up. not exactly volatile. stay there up a solid gain about 25,000. i believe we've got the latest numbers on how much oil we've used our god is courage. ashley: the crude stocks are up 1.9 million barrels. not as big as we thought it would be. oil prices down more than 3% last week. still coming down. stuart: there you have it. john hofmeister is with us, the former shell oil president.
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i want to talk to you about venezuela. they might consider banning imports of oil from venezuela. the place is virtually collapsed in terms of oil production anyway and nothing happens to the price worldwide. what is going on? >> well, i don't think it's enough coming out of venezuela to effect the price when we have such strength and good export coming out of the united states. i agree with secretary tillerson. if you don't throw a hard all and hit mr. maduro right between the teeth, he's not going to listen. diplomatic much means nothing to him and it's time for a bit of hardball diplomacy if we want anything to change. i live in houston. thousands and thousands of venezuelans crying real tears over the condition of their country under this area and his predecessor. it doesn't have to be this way.
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venezuela has the natural wealth to be a wonderful country where democracy could work in people could prosper, but these crooks are not letting that happen. stuart: you've got to explain the world market to me. looks like we've got pretty much an economic boom and all the major countries whether china, america, europe. things are going well in the economy and yet the price of oil has come down from 66-$63 a barrel. explain this. >> there's not a shortage of oil at the moment. i think we are headed towards higher prices eventually, whether that is this year or next year. don't know for sure. remember, stuart, we have not put capital investment in major-league terms into the future of oil production for going on for years now from 2014 until today we've been cutting back on capital spending a novel
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catch up with us. in 2017 and 26 income of amount of newly discovered oil is the lowest it's been in three or four decades. that is going to catch up with us and it will catch the world sure because all of the global growth and you're right, it is growing is increasing demand for oil. stuart: american crackers are king of the hill. they can produce a lot more oil relatively quickly. they can take care of any shortage of the global market very easily. >> in the short term, yes. remember, i'm a big fan of tracking, don't get me wrong. you have to keep drilling, drilling to keep it at higher levels. the decline rate is so high in the shale formations. it is not a simple process. you've got to drill and drill and drill them from the backs of the 2015-2016, lott didn't make
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any money. they were running negative cash. you have to be real careful not to run out of money. stuart: we understand that the price of oil will go up in the longer-term. next year at the end of this year. thanks for joining us. we'll see you again soon. check the markets after two days of wild swings, we have those on the hedge fund billionaire. he's the man who made his name and made his fortune because he correctly called the crash of 1987. the markets are in a dangerous financial bubble. dr barton chief technical strategist joins us now. financial bubble, we are in a period you say what? >> far be it from me to disagree with the great traitor like paul tudor jones, but i don't think
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we've seen bubble statistics yet, stuart. we've had a long run. i'd like to say the market crawls up the stairs and jumps out the window which is the correction we've had over the past few days. i just don't see my analytic things that they bubble. stuart: do you think things are calming down? today we get up and down 100 points but quickly moved to the plus now up 140. things are calming. >> it does. three hours early on not one still doing well now. yesterday morning after watching the show when what the market was doing. i put on some more exposure just threw some exchange traded funds because i think what we saw monday was thought i would like to collect capitulation bottom
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which means we have 1600 in the dow moved down for no good reason other than they were already selling every bounce back and have a lower open on tuesday and we are rising up again today. i think we have reached it. the short-term -- seeing the short-term bottom stability and we have a good chance to rebound from here. >> a lot of viewers would like to hear that reassured. i want to talk to you about elon musk space. they successfully launched the giant rocket. that was a really good pr move. you put a roadster in to space. elon musk made the most of it. this afternoon we get tesla's economic financial report. do you think the launch was a distraction from tesla's earnings? >> a pretty savvy observation there. i'm not expecting to see good things this afternoon although it's trading up this morning.
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the number that sticks in my mind went elon musk first announced and went forward with the model three program, the less expensive car, $35,000 car. i look over and said i'll take the underrun in a production number he gives us. ashley wisely didn't take my bet. in the fourth quarter of last year, the number we need to know which 3%. that is how many cars they made relative to their forecasts. they only made 2425 model three is here they are way behind, burning cash of $1 billion per quarter and this could be reflected poorly in these earnings this afternoon. stuart: may be. the stock is to the upside reaching 340. we will follow it. thanks for joining us. see you again soon. president trump reportedly
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impressed with the bastille day parade in france. he visited there last year. now he wants to organize a military parade in washington. general jack keane joins us. you like this idea of a big military operation -- a big parade in d.c. you like the idea? >> the american military is a reflection of the american people. not very show a combat uniforms are practical. we spent most of our time training for war and fighting for words around world. they spend more time on the parade field than they do fighting anybody. that's kind of what the president got exposed to. i grabbed a hold of him a little bit. stuart: you don't really want to see a big military parade in d.c.? >> here's what i think will happen. the commander-in-chief wants to have a military parade, the pentagon is not going to say no
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to him. they probably won't do it on the scale the french will do. we have done national military parades in the past, but they really are the exception. after world war i understandable, world war ii, quite understandable, desert storm. we do military views because we have certain ceremonies from time to time. we invite the local communities. but big parades, if we cannot than a parade we would be in our fatigues or battle dress uniform is supposed to be spent the uniforms and all the swords and favors these guys have. stuart: would be a good counter to north korea. it would show kim jong un a we've got. >> we could never do what he's got the 600,000 people standing at attention and every little instrumenting toy he owns his own parade there. stuart: why are you so
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contemptuous? our guys fight real wars, the rush is arrayed around. >> it's not that we don't know how to parade. we do. it's not what we do. we fight the nation's wars, protect the american people. we don't have fancy uniforms. we are a reflection of the american people. very pragmatic. stuart: what you make of kim jong un's younger sister are going to attend the games. maybe we will talk to the north korea officials and secretary of state tillerson has said something similar. what do you make of this around the winter olympics? >> she's going obviously in reaction to the president's daughter attending. listen, if we talk, that is fine. talking is better than shooting. i know for a fact just having talking to guys in the white house last night, that we are very clear eyed about what is
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happening with north korea. we know for a fact that they are promoting these discussions because of goodwill is going to get something out of that. he's trying to drive a wedge between us and the south koreans and japanese and that is not going to happen. what is likely to happen is we will return for military exercises after the olympics are over. he will probably fire another ballistic test missile a number of weeks from now and we will hunker down and make certain that we will shut this guy down economically. we've just got to do that. there's a back door they are in north korea where he's getting supplies from ships in synfuel. we should blockade it with our navy and shut them down 100%. stuart: by the way, if you want a good military parade, go to prince harry's wedding and you will see them march on land. the birds do military parades
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very well. >> they can fight, too though. stuart: thank you, general. we appreciate it. thanks for joining us. yeah, good talking. stuart: president trump will unveil his infrastructure plane on monday. australia's ambassador to our country has been instrumental in developing a plan. we will tell you what he is up to in the next hour. trump says he would love to see a shut down of aggression is not taken care of. what will newt gingrich say about that? well, he is up next. ♪ has exposure to energy infrastructure mlps? think again. it's time to shake up your lineup. the alerian mlp etf can diversify your equity portfolio and add potential income. bring amlp into the game.
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before investing, consider the fund's investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses. read the prospectus carefully at
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ashley: in the last hour, senator charles grassley tells us why he thinks the fbi needs to take a closer look at christopher steel in the antitrust dossier. roll tape. >> we are asking the fbi to investigate, did he lie? there were inconsistencies good one of two things. either he lied in london where he lied to the fbi or if that did happen, and this is something they should know before they issued to track american citizens. we don't have the answer because
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i don't know is that to the fbi to draw these conclusions, but the referral was because senator graham and i have suspicions that he may have lied.
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stuart: we like to cover up the markets and covering up gold right now $1324 per ounce despite all the turmoil is down five bucks today. where we are now, goldman sachs.
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amazon $1400 per share up again today. i think nine days out of 10 if amazon goes up. what a stock, what a company. ashley: unmade dowd is -- a down day for them. stuart: this is good. goldman sachs hoping to hit it big with apple customers offering finance options for apple gadgets. i could buy an iphone, but i would get a loan. an iphone taxes 1000 bucks. the idea is goldman sachs would provide the loan as opposed to high interest rates, but it could include other devices. apple does have its own finance team, but analysts say this is a
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win-win because apple could sell 1000 bucks if it's available. and could play new customers. stuart: it makes sense. nice for business for goldman sachs. stuart: speaking of apple, they may offer rebates to purchase fresh iphone batteries. ashley: the thing is there are those that could turn in their batteries and get a discount on the replacement battery, the congress said wait a minute, what about the people who bought the new one but the regular full price. should make it a rebate? apple says we are working on it and we will be making an announcement in the near future. in other words, basically throttling iphone to preserve the battery life on older phones without people knowing about it. they are saying some people went
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and replaced the battery. they should get a rebate as well. stuart: apple said they had a good earnings report was about 176, 177. never got back there. now it is down by 1760. never got back to the all-time high. some of the other tech stocks did for example amazon. we have been telling you that newt gingrich was going to be joining us this hour. unfortunately due to a scheduling conflict, will no longer be with us today. we are working getting him back with us tomorrow or later if this week. stay here, please. there will be more "varney" after this. ♪ achoo! (snap)
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he wants to show putin affected the election and face the election on facebook held them and therefore got rid. liz: he sent a follow-up note to "fortune" magazine about the story. he is saying there needs to be more oversight at the social platform about what information is even allowed on more oversight about what information is allowed there. should be capitalism without a conscience, he's questioning that. stuart: i'll turn that around and say facebook has astronomical power to show two
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billion people what they can read. what news they get. >> of course. stuart: the politics of the gatekeeper with astronomical power. i'm not sure that's really good. >> and not paying for the content they're taking from other media outlets. >> this story is your story about chipotle. they're handing out bonuses. who to and how much? >> up to $1,000 tax cut bonuses to 70,000 workers on top of hourly workers on top of it. including benefits. this is fast food chains giving out compensation benefit, meaning disability insurance, life insurance, parental and maternity leave, that's the real story. people talk about wage growth, composition is the bigger picture and 331 companies giving back tax cut bonuses. stuart: makes employees happy and not the shareholders and investors happy because it's taking a huge hit today. >> down 31 bucks. stuart: less foot traffic into
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the restaurants. >> and at an expense jo right, you're giving out a great deal over a long period of time. >> giving tax cuts, chipotle is, they pay effective 36% rate. they're saving a lot of the money. giving a third to the workers and two thirds on cutbacks. the food-borne illness is a cut, it's going to go down by the middle of the year. stuart: it is down now for sure. a high for the dow up 257. two wild days of the market. let's not lose sight of the economy. pretty strong. we'll have on that on the top of the next hour. hi, i'm the internet! you know what's difficult?
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armless bowling. ahhhhhhhh! you know what's easy? building your website with godaddy.
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get your domain today and get a free trial of gocentral. build a better website in under an hour. . stuart: in all the breathless stock market coverage, let's not lose sight of the economy. don't let anxiety over your 401(k) obscure the remarkable news that is fueling your 401(k) stellar performance.
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the trump economy continues to do very well, better in fact than at any time in recent years. 10:00 tuesday morning, we reported a surge in the vast service sector of the economy. positive news. but it was almost lost in the wild swings in the stock market. another day of 1,000 point moves for the dow, that was news. unfortunately, it crowded out the more important developments of the economy's performance. more good news this morning, in december, a 16-year high and the number of people quitting their jobs. sounds bad, doesn't it? it's not. when you leave voluntarily you are confident can you get another job elsewhere. quitting means confidence. that is good news. add that, the fastest rising wages in years, the best economic growth rate in years. the lowest unemployment rate in decades and the millions who have received a bonus. plus the 100 million who got a bigger paycheck because of tax
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cuts. we're getting distracted by a move in the dow. from late january's high of 26,6 to yesterday's close of 24,9, that is not overwhelming meltdown by any means but the drama of the sell-off has been a distraction, not good. as wall street types like to say, the fundamentals are sound. translation -- the economy is doing very well. remember that, please. the third hour of "varney & co." is about to begin. it is happening this hour. the president will meet with the new health and human services secretary alex aczar. if the president makes a statement, we'll bring it to you pronto. the big board around the high of the days, up 250 almost, and a sea of green, 26 are up, 4
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are down. joining us now jonathan hoenig with capitalist pig hedge fund. jonathan, you know, i got this sense that things are calming down a bit. i know we're up 250. but that's different from the up and down on this. do you get the same sense? >> stuart, it's great to be with you by the way. sometimes between you and ashley, like coming on the bbc, i'm delighted to be with you. [laughter] >> and to talk about the dow jones. 200 points in the dow isn't what it used to be, that's the function of the market being at 2500. the old saying is elephants are dangs, when elephants are dancing, mice get trampled. now is not the time to think to make major investment decisions, big investment decisions. for most people this is to sit on one's hands. >> have we hit a short-term bottom like on monday or early tuesday morning, did we hit a
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bottom and bounce from there? >> the old saying stuart, and i'm full of them, one sparrow does not make a spring, meaning beer going to need to see a trend here, and i'm not a cassandra, but thus far i'm not seeing it. stock prices themselves, 52-week lows than 52-week highs, that could change. there's no question that the trend at least short term is down, and what worries me to your point isn't so much the economy, the economy is doing fine, the average investor has a lot of debt and exposure to the stock market. for most people's situations, now is the time for prudence rather than a lot of added risk. stuart: i hear you, jonathan. we're up nearly 300 points, bear that in mind at this point. >> of course. [laughter >> i want to talk about steve wynn, she mr. las vegas. the man who built las vegas frankly. he's out, as you know, as ceo of wynn resorts, accused of sexual misconduct. jonathan, i don't think there was any choice here, i think he had to leavings if he didn't,
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the chinese authorities would deny him license to run his casinos in macau, what do you say? >> yes, for one thing, stuart, it's a great example when it comes to steve wynn, money can't buy taste, but investors have some, and they're voting with dollars here in the fact he's removed from wynn seen is a positive for the stock. so unlike in the government in the private sector, problems like this tend to get taken care of quite quickly. this is a positive for wynn shareholders given this move. stuart: jonathan, here ends your short performance on the bbc. thank you for joining us, we think you're all right. [ laughter ] >> get a british accent next time. you will get longer time. [ laughter ] president trump says he will be in favor of shutting down the government in order to get a deal on immigration, blake burman is at the white house, what's the latest on this, blake? reporter: not necessarily walking this back. that the point, they do not feel there is going to be a
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government shutdown. there are a lot of different tracks running parallel to each other in washington. here's the leif the land. keep your eye on the senate within the short period, mitch mcconnell and chuck schumer set to take to the senate floor to talk about the potential of a deal that would raise the budget caps, raise the ability to spend over the next two years, that runs parallel with the cr that needs to be passed to keep the government open. nancy pelosi just said that she cannot support it, and that is a big deal because in order for that to get support in the house likely democrats are going to need to come on board. the house yesterday sent its own bill to the senate to open the government by tomorrow night. that doesn't have support in the senate. you got a lot of different things converging right now if it seems like a mess this morning, welcome to washington, i guess, stuart. stuart: i think i'm right in saying the possible shutdown
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friday night is about military spending versus social spending and not the president's idea of a shutdown about immigration, am i right? they're separate here. reporter: right, that's why i was curious when the president threw it out yesterday. time line is get past thursday night and take on immigration, he brought immigration back into the picture but the plan is to get through tomorrow, get something passed and deal with the daca immigration issue. stuart: blake, thank you very much, sir, clearly explaining, we like that. i want to bring in rnc spokesperson caylee mcinerney. right off the get-go, i'm in favor of shutting down the government, if that's what it takes, not with the spending issue but the immigration issue. if that's what it takes to get a wall and chain and end the lottery, in return the daca people can stay, it's a great deal and worth shutting the government to get it. what say you? >> what the president was saying yesterday is clear, he wants both.
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he wants the immigration deal,s it as crucially important sitting at the roundtable speaking about ms-13, wants that immigration deal. it was a threat to democrats. you got blamed for the last government shutdown, don't get blamed for this again, come to the center, negotiate on immigration, i thought it was brilliant on the part of the president. stuart: got it. the democrats going right after democrat joe manchin. there's a new ad, i'm sure you've seen, it for the benefit of our viewers, roll that tape. >> people in the mountain state, you deserve to know. when it came to cutting your taxes, joe voted no. joe voted no to give working families more of your hard-earned money. joe voted no on tax cuts for job creators and on expanding the child tax credit giving you your first $24,000 in income tax free, joe voted no.
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when the time came to repeal and replace the disaster of obamacare, joe voted no. stuart: whoa! you guys are going right after those senate democrats from trump winning states. that's a hard ball strategy you've got there. >> absolutely, because two-faced joe always votes no, votes against the citizens of west virginia. votes against tax cuts. we know just the state employees in west virginia are going to gain $50 million. joe votes no against them. votes no against planned parenthood despite standing with a sign that says defund planned parenthood. he is all over the map. he's your typical stale politician. washington sucks, in his words, because of stale politicians like joe manchin. stuart: did you just call him two-faced joe? >> two-faced joe. exactly, that's what we're calling him at the rnc.
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stuart: i'm backing off on that one. democrats in missouri won a statehouse seat in a state that voted heavily for president trump. that's an ugly symbol for the gop in the midterms? >> we won three of the four state senate seats up for election last night there. we know turnout was extremely low. only 3,000 individuals voted in that race. 20% of the eligible voting population, we'll have double that in the midterms, and i'm excited to report to you about tax cuts and messaging, internal polling at the rnc shows doubling in support for the tax plan in the states we're working on. stuart: very good to see you. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: i want to show you the big board. bitcoin showed 8,000 bucks this morning. look at the big board. that's the high of the day. and this is not a volatile market today. it's not.
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it's up. it's straight up. there is not been a big sell-off at any point except at the opening bell down 100. now up 327 points, 25,239. we're about a thousand points away, 1200 point away from the all-time high. >> almost like a week of volatility. >> volatility in slow motion. stuart: bitcoin on the screens, $8,220 per coin. not sure what to read into that except to say bitcoin was at 20,000 in december. snap, more people are using it, investors love that. the thing is up nearly 40%. $5 higher at 19 bucks. now this. the top democrat on the house intelligence committee adam schiff reportedly pranked by russian radio hosts. they promised compromising pictures of the president. we've got the sound. you're going to hear it all. we also know that president trump unveil his infrastructure plan monday and may turn to the
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man on your screen, that gentleman, he is an australian, the australian ambassador to the united states. well known for delivering one of the largest federal infrastructure packages in the history of australia. he's going to join us. what's he offering america? and, of course, the biggest story we cover, your money. the third hour of "varney & co." just getting started. the dow is up 300.
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. stuart: i think some of us here got the alert. the national weather service says a glitch caused a tsunami warning to be sent out to millions of people on the eastern seaboard on their phones. also the gulf of mexico and the caribbean as well. now the weather channel says its users also saw the bogus warning on mobile apple website. you saw it? >> i did. stuart: in new york? a tsunami. disturbing.
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>> it is not real. stuart: no, thank you very much. now get this, the top democrat on the house intelligence committee reportedly pranked by russian radio hosts, posing as ukrainian politician who promised to provide compromising images of president trump. listen to this. >> she got compromising matter on trump after their short relations. >> okay. >> and what's the nature of the compromise? >> well, there were pictures of naked trump. >> okay. and so putin was made aware of the availability of the compromising material? >> yes, of course. >> okay, well, thank you very much. we'll be back in touch with you through our staff to make arrangements to obtain these materials for our committee and for the fbi and i appreciate your reaching out to us. stuart: not sure what to make of that. joining us is congressman jim jordan, republican of ohio. what do you make of it, congressman? >> not certain what to make of
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it either. look, probably a prank and a spoof, and i'm much more interested in what we know took place, stuart, which is namely this dossier was taken to a secret court to get a secret warrant to spy on a fellow american citizen and didn't tell the court who paid for the dossier, didn't tell the court about christopher steele and terminated his relationship with him because he broke fundamental trust but they still used his work product. they were getting the warrant it spy on someone associated with the trump campaign. stuart: i think our audience, a lot of people are confused about the ins and outs, the names, the places, who said what to whom? would you bring it altogether please and explain where you are with the republican memo, the democrat memo, the forthcoming state department memo. boil it down, where are we? >> simple way to understand it. through one guy peter strzok who run the investigation, ran the investigation, we know the
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fix was in based on the text messages between strzok and page, it's no big deal lynch recused herself from make the decision because we know she's not going to bring charges. the fix was in on the clinton investigation, the same key people open and ran and started the russia investigation. peter strzok is the guy who opened that investigation. so that's the key guy, and then when they start that investigation to spy on a fellow american citizen they used the work product of christopher steele who was paid by fusion, paid by the law firm who was paid by the clinton campaign and the democrat national committee that's what we need to know and a text message out today from september 2nd. july 5th, they closed the clinton investigation, not going to bring charges against her. end of july, open the russia investigation, peter strzok opens that investigation, september 2nd, there's a text message between page and strzok
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where page says the potus wants to know everything we're doing. interesting, the president of the united states, president obama wants to know everything we're doing? interesting. september 2nd, 4 1/2 weeks after they opened the trump-russia investigation. the best way to understand this is through the individual peter strzok, former deputy head of counterintelligence now demote from that position at the fbi. stuart: by the way, president trump i believe it, just tweeted about this calling the latest text that you mentioned, jim, it's a bombshell. that's what he just said, i believe. >> i think the timing certainly makes it significant and makes it so we need to investigate this further. july 5th, 2016, clinton said no charges brought. comey does a big press conference. end of july 2016 peter strzok opens russia investigation. september 2nd, 2016, president of the united states wants to know what we're doing. stuart: that is big, i believe. jim jordan, thanks for putting
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it together. i continued now. good stuff. >> thank you. stuart: taylor swift, you know her, investing heavily in new york real estate. she reportedly spent 50 million bucks buying multiple apartments on one block in manhattan. she owns at least four properties in the tribeca area of new york city. she's buying. take a look at the price of gold. look at that price, please. $1324.40 an ounce, that is less than the one share price of amazon. one share in amazon will be $1455 a pop. interesting comparison. >> yes. stuart: how about this one? inside look at apple's new $5 billion headquarter building in cupertino, california. not open to the public but employees are posting pictures on instagram. the new hq will eventually hold 12,000 employees. a giant ring-shaped building surrounded by a very large park. it looks really nice.
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elon musk spacex launched a rocket into space, it's the falcon heavy. it blasted off from the same launch pad used by nasa nearly 50 years ago to send men to the moon. this rocket lifted a red sports car into space. i call that a pr stunt. two boosters came back to earth and landed upright at cape canaveral as they're supposed to. that's a success. a third booster crashed into the atlantic. >> who agreed to drive the car, that's a brave job. stuart: david bowie. his music will play inside that car forever. more "varney" after this.
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. stuart: this may cause a chuckle. in scotland, a stuffed animal caused a standoff with police. one man thought he saw a tiger on his farm, he called the police. officers arrived, quickly surrounded the tiger with guns drawn. it took 45 minutes to realize the tiger was a stuffed toy. the man does not know how the toy tiger got there. discovered a group of planets outside the milky way,
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first time planets found outside our galaxy. scientists used a discovery called microlensing. these new planets are a long way away, 3.8 billion light-years away. boston, one restaurant offering more than food for valentine's day. the restaurant's name is pauly's. for 3,000 bucks you can order a burger with engagement ring in the bun. framed with diamonds and 14-karat gold band, every woman who goes to eat there on valentine's day thinks she will be engaged. i believe. white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders sticking it to the democrats asking them do they hate the president more than they love their country? you will hear it next. the markets close to the hive the day. up well over 300 points, well over 25,200. no volatility today. back in a moment.
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. stuart: yes, it's happening this hour. president trump meets the new health and human services secretary alex azar, if the president makes a statement, you will hear it first.
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look at that big board, we were up 300 a moment ago, up nicely, 270 points higher. and that's above the 25,000 level. come on in, keith lerner with suntrust advisory services. is it over? two days of up and down, up and down and today pretty much straight up. is it over? >> hey, stuart, i think we made a climactic low and near-term about to see a lot of back and forth. ultimately we think after several weeks or a month of back and forth we ultimately think the market will start to move higher again, that's typically what we seen historically after the short-term moves that we've seen over the last few days. stuart: let me repeat, that keith, you're saying when the market was plunging, not the final hour when it was going straight up, the first few hours of trading, that's when we hit a low and we're bouncing off that low and not go back below that low. is that what you're saying? >> well, what i'm saying is this. when we've seen this historically, you get a
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retracement like today. not unusual to retest the low from yesterday or go slightly below that. but at the end of the day, we think markets won't go much below yesterday and telling our clients yesterday, we thought yesterday's pullback was opportunity for investors. stuart: okay, you're not worried about a new bear market? not worried about a recession. none of those concerns are on your radar, correct? >> we said risks look low to us. the u.s. economy is accelerating, we think we're going to see the best growth of this recovery, and as far as the stock market. people have to get used to normal volatility. we just went before this recent correction, 400 days without a 5% correction, that was the longest streak in history. so what we think we saw the last couple days is a normal correction coming into this month, we saw big gains in january, saw complacency in the market and had an excuse to sell off. we think the market has legs
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higher. stuart: interested in that. i'm sorry about the thing in your ear which may be giving you trouble, ifb, stands for interrupt and feedback, how producers and directors make jokes while i'm on the air. sorry about that! keith, see you soon. >> thanks for having me. stuart: sure thing. i'm staying on the markets. i want to talk about program trading. look who's here? jordan belfour, a way of the wolf. he wrote that book, you were in the movie, right? >> a small cameo. stuart: look, program trading, it's not a scam, but it squeezes out the little guy. the big guys can do what they like with the programs but the little guy is squeezed out. it's not a scam, is it? >> what it does, it condenses what would happen naturally and the average investor, mom and pop, that's looking to time the market that closely is probably going to end up losing money anyway. try to avoid those
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instantaneously big runs and rundowns and focus longer term, fundamentals, it's dangerous. let the program trades do what they're going to do and look beyond that in terms of time horizon. stuart: did you come across program trades in your day? >> it was 87 when the market crashed. malfunctioning of portfolio insurance. stuart: you can't stop it. no more program trades. >> what they do is again, and i think on some level what happened over the last few days is a normal thing that had to happen. as the last guest said, absolutely right, 400 days of straight up, nothing goes up like that. and volatility was unnaturally low, should have been higher. this is a wake-up call to people that there's always volatility, volatility is almost an asset class at this point, it's all okay and the market still looks good. stuart: i'm smiling because you can't get wall street out of your system. you are thinking wall street terms. >> every time i think about, it
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they drag me back in. [ laughter ] >> talk to me about bitcoin. hold on. you got it right. in december you were on the show, you said don't touch bitcoin with a 10 foot pole, not exactly a ponzi scheme -- >> it's a combination, someone from the settlement bank said it great. combination of bubble of ponzi scheme and economic disaster and i believe it's all those things times ten. i've come to realize there's a religious fervor among the kids that are investing in it. it's dangerous because they're so uninformed and a lot of my fans, i put out a warning last week, 14,000, i said guys, i think you should get out. i never trade this stuff ever. i don't make money when it goes up. honestly, i have kids, my own children are millennials. what's happening is dangerous. they're going to get destroyed. i really think and believe that bitcoin is going to zero along with the rest of the cryptocurrencies, and a new generation that come in backed by governments that are actually regulated that will
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actually end up having a meaningful economy. it's very dangerous. only starting to see the depths of the fraud involved in the exchanges. listen, $542 million hack? honestly. i wouldn't be surprised if you found, that insider job covering up the fact that nothing was there. it's like die hard. like die hard, 1984 when they stole $600 million. stuart: i want you to tell us how you really feel. [ laughter ] >> half the people in the studio have bitcoin, the millennials, and you've annoyed them. >> i'm getting hate mail from them. you know what? if 20% sell and get out. in the end they're going to thank me. that's all i care about. stuart: thank you for being on the show again. >> my pleasure. stuart: next case, back to politics, bread and butter of the program. white house press secretary sarah sanders talking about the democrats' personal dislike for
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the president. whoa, roll that and watch it. >> democrats are going to have to make a decision some point really soon do, they hate this president more than they love this country? and i hope the answer to that is no. stuart: laying it out there. charles hurt is with us, washington times political columnist. okay. what do you make of that? >> i don't know why she's trying to help out the democrats, this is working out terrific for republicans. stuart: what way is she helping democrats? >> by telling them what they need to do to get straight. they are going walk off the edge of the planet because of exactly that. that hatred of donald trump, and it is blinding them. we saw it during the state of the union but more importantly, see it in the russia investigation. we've seen it in all aspects of political life right now. they are so blinded by hatred of this president that they have no message. what message do they have? no message, and never reconnect with those working-class voters that donald trump stole from them in 2016 to win the
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election, they'll never reconnect with them as long as all they have is this hatred. stuart: okay, another sarah huckabee sanders sound bite, she responded to the president and the stock market, roll that tape, please? >> what does the treasurer make of the stock market volatility yesterday and today, and does he have regrets about taking responsibility or credit for the stock market drive? >> the economy is really strong right now. the president's focus is on the long-term economic fundamentals which, like i just said are very strong in this country. we're infinitely better off today than we were before the president took office. stuart: does he have second thoughts about taking credit for when the stock market goes? . >> the president has second thoughts about taking credit for a booming economy? absolutely not. stuart: tried to pin a one-day sell-off on the president after a 15 month run-up of historic proportions. >> not just the democrats blinded by the hatred of donald trump, it's the press, and they
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want to blame everything on him, and they want to take away everything, you know, everything good that he touts. they want to take that away from him. and sarah sanders, it's a legitimate point. what he has done that the market has liked is -- are the fundamental changes that he's made, whether it's the tax bill or cutting regulation. stuart: it's personal too, isn't it? >> yes. and in a way they detest regular americans like him who aren't the sophisticates who went to ivy league colleges and all this stuff. stuart: reminds me growing up in england as a lowly middle class guy being looked down on by the elite. >> here's the thing, the media is going after trump for take credit for the stock market gains, his policies, right? and obama did it. they're not calling out the fact obama did it starting in 2012. obama talked and bragged and boasted about the stock market run-up in his 2013, 2014 and 2015 state of the union addresses. he did it a dozen times.
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he was never questioned like that as they're questioning president trump. >> but you do hear the press talking about the previous run-up that we've had. well, this is all leftover. >> yes, and never called it the trump rally. >> never. stuart: wouldn't dream of doing it. i'm out of time, charles. i feel terrible. give the man more time. >> in person. stuart: thank you. in california, lot more people buying electric car but not enough charging stations for them. the number of electric vehicle registrations up 29% last year, drivers complain the charging stations are few and far between. so the state is offering subsidies to companies that build new charging stations. that is california. here are the big tech names, check them all the time. amazon is on pace to surpass microsoft in terms of market value. both neck-and-neck at around $700 billion in value each. how about that? look at boeing, it has more
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than doubled. 8 bucks higher, 349. general electric, we want to check that. it's still there. it's down to $15 a share today. lowest since heaven knows when? okay, next case, president trump going to unveil infrastructure plan monday. he may turn to the man on your screen, australia's ambassador to america. why is australia's ambassador involved in fixes our infrastructure? i will doubtless ask him. he's on the show. next. today we're out here with some big news. jardiance is the only type 2 diabetes pill proven to both significantly reduce the chance of dying from a cardiovascular event in adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease... ...and lower your a1c. wow. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing.
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saving you up to 30%! you'll be bathing in savings! tripadvisor. check the latest reviews and lowest prices. . reporter: i'm nicole petallides with the fox business brief. close look at apple as people hold in many ways and funds. the stock is down 1% at $161.39. a stock that moved around from 156 to 168 this week. news is about the batteries. what happened, right? the controversy after slowing down the older iphones. pushed people to buy batteries for phones. now they lowered the price from $79 down to $29 and there's talk, they sent a letter to the senate commerce committee, they are considering giving rebates to those who paid full price for the batteries since they lowered it 50 bucks. talk that goldman sachs and apple are working together to
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help you to finance to buy the iphone x which is a thousand bucks. no news on that either.
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. stuart: it is official. los angeles has the worst traffic in the world, bar none. a report puts l.a. in the top spot for the sixth year in a row. it's reported that people spent 102 hours stuck in traffic.
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is that per year or per week or per month? i don't know. >> per day, probably. stuart: new york came in third. drivers spent a mere 91 hours in traffic. the president's infrastructure plan is due for public release on monday. we're told the administration is turning to our next guest for help. joe hakki is australia's ambassador to the united states and with me now. why are you involved, mr. ambassador? >> thank you, stuart. stuart: welcome, by the way. >> i'm not the fault of all knowledge, put the qualifier in. we had a lot of experience in delivering new infrastructure in australia. today sydney has the most number of trains of any city in the world and the most number of tunnel digging machines in any city in the world and it's not an accident. it takes a lot of planning, need to have a lot of tools in the toolbox and the president is getting on with it here. that's welcomed. stuart: the question is who pays? we understand that president
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trump wants 200 billion of taxpayer money put in, and the rest comes from some kind of private money. is that how you did it in australia? >> it is. that's because governments run out of money. and you haven't got money to build everything that is needed. if the united states which has the biggest infrastructure gap in the world of any major he and in the world, the u.s. gap is the biggest. if it does not get on with building infrastructure now, it's going to cost jobs and cost economic growth. stuart: final construction, and i put my money into the infrastructure plan, how do i get my money out? do we have toll roads? how do we do it? some cases you need to have user pays as you do health system, education system, every part of life, feeding the family. this is kind of surprising, already 80% of tollways in america are owned by
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governments. every airport in america is owned by government. virtually every airport, yet you've got airlines owned by the private sector. people pay to get on a plane if they don't want to pay to go to the airport. either way, people pay, either pay through higher taxes or pay through the charges when they use the facility. and the net result is, if you want the infrastructure, if you want the water, if you want the electricity, if you want to get rid of the traffic jams, someone has to pay and ultimately you pay to the government who pays or you pay directly to the provider. stuart: how do you do it in australia? who paid? >> combination, sometimes governments earned a lot of assets that they weren't properly managing. we leased assets to the private sector and got the money from the leasing back into new infrastructure, it was called asset recycling. what it means is that the government can free up the capital that it's got tied up in certain assets that aren't doing well and use that money for new infrastructure.
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what happened was in australia, the washington equivalent provide an incentive for the local council, the local state to lease out an asset and redeploy the money from that into new infrastructure. when you provide them with the incentive, it creates a momentum and, of course, they're also the people that provide the permits, the environmental permits, the development permits. stuart: did you meet with president trump? >> i've met president trump -- stuart: did you outline the plan you used in australia, you told him about? >> we've spoken to everyone about it. stuart: what was the reception? >> very interested. because they know, just to put clarity around it, stuart. this is really important. president is talking about a trillion dollars of infrastructure, maybe 1.5 trillion. stuart: yep. >> if america doesn't build $4.5 trillion of infrastructure within seven years, its economy is going to go backwards and lose millions of jobs.
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so you have no choice. you have a gun to your head in this instance, you have to build the infrastructure. the private sector is awash with money. government isn't, as we're seeing playing down in washington now. utilize that private sector money and deliver the infrastructure which grows the economy. stuart: you think we can get our broken political system to agree to that? well -- stuart: here's your chance. >> try be to be diplomatic here. politics is really hard today. i had 20 years of it in australia and around the world. i know it's hard. but if you deliver real outcome, people deliver for you. stuart: joe hockey, australia's ambassador to america. welcome. >> thank you. stuart: if you're not careful, i will slip into australian accent. thank you, sir, thank you. theme parks did very well for disney, helped boost profit there, and there are more "star wars" movies coming, and most important, disney's going to
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charge $4.99 a month for espn streaming, interesting source of future income. stocks up a bit, 106 on disney. chipotle giving bonuses because of president trump's tax cuts. restaurant traffic is down and the stock is taking a hit. when you throw out all that money and the restaurant traffic is down, down goes the stock. 10%. the once-deported illegal immigrant accused of killing edwin jackson in a drunk driving wreck facing federal immigration charges. napolitano, the judge on that in a moment. but, of course, we've got to check the markets for you. look at that big board go. this has not been a volatile session. it's been straight up. 257 higher. 25,170. we'll be back. copd makes it hard to breathe.
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. stuart: the illegal immigrant charged in the death of colts linebacker edwin jackson is facing federal immigration charges. it's reported that the suspect was deported several times in the last year. judge napolitano is with us
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now. so what do you make of all of this? >> i make that there are a lot more than we know about. we know about this one because the victim was a public person and because the political forces that are addressing immigration would like to use this as an example to advance their cause. i don't want to minimize what happened. a human being died because of the criminal behavior of another person. now this is injected into the politics. probably would be better for law enforcement if he were charged in an indiana state court with death by auto that would result in incarceration for a number of years and released immediately to the feds and prosecuted for the immigration violation. if they do the immigration one first, they're going to throw a monkey wrench into things. they're doing that, i think, because washington has asked them to. stuart: of course, the case is being used politically to advance the interests of one side in the immigration debate. >> yes. stuart: i don't have a problem with that, when i see this
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horrific thing happening, it should be publicized. >> no one would complain about the publicity but the victims, the family of this football mrarld be better served if it were a normal criminal prosecution for the act that caused his death. let him serve full time in jail and deal with the immigration issue, but no, immigration is front and center now because of things happening a thousand miles from where the crime occurred. stuart: i want to ask you a broad question about immigration, i've not asked you before. if we get the wall end and chain migration and end the lottery system, do you think it's legit, to allow the dreamers to have a pathway to citizenship, i do. >> one of the few things i fully agreed with president obama on, the compassionate treatment of the dreamers. i'm not in favor of the wall but in favor of a type of package that will end the debate, and saving these young people who came as babies is the right thing to do.
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some of them are so fully americanized that deporting them would be horrific for their lives. stuart: and we're not going to deport them. >> i hope not. stuart: not going to happen. judge, see you tomorrow, i'm sure. there will be more "varney" after this. (siren wailing) (barry murrey) when you have a really traumatic injury, we have a short amount of time to get our patient to the hospital with good results. we call that the golden hour. evaluating patients remotely is where i think we have a potential to make a difference. (barry murrey) we would save a lot of lives if we could bring the doctor to the patient. verizon is racing to build the first and most powerful 5g network that will enable things like precision robotic surgery from thousands of miles away. as we get faster wireless connections,
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it'll be possible to be able to operate on a patient in a way that was just not possible before. when i move my hand, the robot on the other side will mimic the movement, with almost no delay. who knew a scalpel could work thousands of miles away? . . . .
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stuart: the stock market has been open for roughly an hour, two hours 1/2. look at this. this is intraday chart. that plots the movement of the dow during the course of trading today. that is not volatility. that is pretty much straight up. okay, a little bit of wobbliness at the top there. you still, look where we are now. we're up 31points. no volatility. so, is it over? liz: i don't know if we're over, we only lost a month's worth of stock gains. we are back to where we were in early january. ashley: in any other normal time
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that would be volatile. volatility in slow-mo. is it over? stuart: nothing like on monday and tuesday. today a very different kettle of fish. we're up to 326 points. high of the day. neil, it is yours. brian: thank you very, very much is this the pause that refreshe. most the foreign markets are back. it is hard as hell. treasury yields are holding back where they thought they would be at 2.80. no run to the exits for stocks. we're trying to break this down, get awe sense where this money goes. copper has been allure. plat tum has been allure. nothing to numbers to speak where all the money went. we get confirm


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