tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business February 9, 2018 4:00am-5:00am EST
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nge outmaneuvered. comcast business outmaneuver. now the man himself is next, lou dobbs. liz: good evening, everybody. i'm david asman in for lou dobbs well, explosive new details in the uranium one clinton corruption scandal, an fbi informant telling congress that russian operatives paid out millions to buy influence with the obama administration and the clintons. our special guest tonight congressman jim jordan whose calling for a second special counsel to investigate actions by hillary clinton. also we are now five hours away from the second government shutdown of the year, senate leaders had struck a deal to keep the government funded past midnight but fiscal conservative in the house and senate are protesting spending hikes in the bill. we have a live report in moments and we take up the political
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fallout had with one of the best political analysts in the business ed rollins and former aid to president trump, sebastian gorka and another blood bath on wall street the dow plunging more than a thousand points closing in correction territory on ris ing concerns about inflation and rising bond yields. we'll take all of that up here tonight. our top story, new developments in the uranium one pay-to-play scandal. an fbi informant telling congress that russia hired an american lobbying firm to funnel millions to the clinton global initiative in an effort to win influence with the clintons. fox news chief intelligence correspondent has our report. >> fox news confirms that an fbi informant whose not gone public spent four hours wednesday answering questions from staffer s on the senate judiciary as well as house oversight and intelligence committees and their focus is an obama administration deal that allowed a russian nuclear energy agency
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to gain a controlling stake in uranium one a canadian-based company with mining interest in the western u.s.. >> in early 2010 that fix was in it was a shoe in. >> the fbi informant's lower says the russians laid the ground work after bill clinton, a wealthy canadian philanthropist and investor in uranium one went to kazakhstan in 2006 and in a statement he said he later sold his stake before the deal went threw and 18 months before hillary clinton became secretary of state. by 2010, he insists the russians made their move. >> when hillary clinton became secretary of state, that is when the russians just really went to town and said hay, we can go in there with our influence with the clintons and we're going to get this uranium one business done. >> as secretary of state, clinton did not have the final say. the deal considered by the committee on foreign investment in the united states required approval from nine different
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agencies but critics point to a $500,000 speaking fee for bill clinton, and multi-million dollar donations to the clinton foundation as payback for facilitating the deal. hillary clinton denied the allegations in a radio interview with wabc. >> i had nothing to do with the decision. it was delegated to somebody else in the state department and nine people had to agree and they all agreed from all the different agencies in our government and then two republican governors had to agree. her office went further in a statement calling story a sick are the informant insure aid and along with the fbi text messages and republican drafted surveillance memo a trifecta of gop manufactured scandals, designed to distract from the president's problems and threat he poses. >> a senior democrat says the fbi brief lawmakers said he lost confidence in the fbi informant and his credibility and republicans say they report to the ongoing justice department investigation into the clinton foundation and pay-to-play
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allegations. david? david: katherine herridge, thank you very much. well, congressional leaders are scrambling to whip up support for a bipartisan budget deal to avert a government shutdown now just hours away. fiscal hawks have slammed the measure because it would send the annual deficit soaring beyond $1 trillion. fox news chief congressional correspondent mike emmanuel is live on capitol hill with our report. >> have this much of an increase in spending and almost nothing in the way of pay, it's for me very problematic. >> very dishartened by this disagreement. i like bipartisanship, but it seems the only thing we can do in a bipartisan way is bust the budget caps and spend more money >> deficit hawks express their disgust, the two year budget package includes $165 billion more in spending on the military >> any problems? >> democrats demanded $131 billion more nearly dollar
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for dollar in domestic spending and it raises the debt ceiling through march 2019. he is concerned about spending in washington. he's expressed that for years. let me just say off the bat we do support the two year spending bill that is being discussed and voted on in the house and senate you know, it lists the caps on defense spending. >> the package includes $90 billion in disaster relief money for hurricane victims in texas, florida and puerto rico. and money for wildfire victims in california. senate leaders focused on getting it done. >> i'm confident no senator on either side of the aisle believes this is a perfect bill but i'm also confident this is our best chance to begin rebuilding our military and make progress on issues directly affecting the american people. >> a leading senate democrat called this two year budget a breakthrough. >> for too long, this grid locked congress has letter .ed from one continuing resolution, that's a temporary spending bill to another. that's prevented us from working
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together to craft appropriations bills that save taxpayer's money on the house side democratic leader nancy pelosi actually negotiated the agreement but spoke out against it because a deal for the so-called dreamers is not included. >> put it all out there, let the house work its will, but don't say to the house that we remove your dignity, as your role in this important an issue that is being discussed throughout the country. >> needing democrat votes speaker paul ryan tried to reassure pelosi's members. >> to anyone who doubts my intention to solve this problem and bring up a daca and immigration reform bill do not. we will bring a solution to the floor one the president will sign and we must pass this budget agreement first so we can get on to that. >> mistakes are very high as lawmakers stumble we could be heading for a second partial government shutdown of 2018 and it's only february, kentucky senator rand paul is on the senate floor making his case about wasteful government spending, perhaps after he feels like he's fully made his point
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we may get to voting on the senate floor. david? david: mike is it just a matter of making points or is he actually pulling people over to his side? >> that's a great question. at this point, we believe in the senate he's just making a point and that ultimately they should have the votes to get it across the finish line in the senate. the wildcard is the house where you've got the democrats who are very upset about the immigration aspect, not being included in this bill and then you've got fiscal conservatives who are worried about these deficits exploding and so it may have a bigger impact on the house side of the capitol, so we'll just have to wait and see. david: strange political bed fellows both against it for different reasons, mike thank you very much. >> thank you. david: joining me now is ed rollins former political director of the reagan white house and fbusiness political analyst we'll deal with the budget but first this uranium one deal. the story never ends. remember it was the president who said he thought this would be eventually the biggest scandal in political history in america if it panned out and it
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looks like it's panning out. >> well it should be the biggest scandal. we took 20% of our uranium one of the most valuable assets that we had and allowed it to be sold to the russians, and our defense there is that i wasn't in the meeting or someone else stood in for me. she should have been in the meeting. she should have been the one killing it, but the clinton foundation had millions and millions and millions of dollars from people that were affiliated with this group that bought it. the president clinton was paid $500,000 to go make a speech and many others. the whole clinton foundation even though it did some good work, the vast majority of it was how do you buy access to the future, for a past president and future president which she was portrayed as. >> dean: now we have the latest information which is that a russian, a russian interest connected to putin paid a pr firm. that pr firm then paid money to the clinton foundation. that looks like money laundering to me. they don't want a direct payment from the russians to the clinton
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foundation so they use this pr firm in the middle. by the way the pr firm denies that they said said it was a coincidence they gave money to the clinton foundation. >> well they were hired to sell this plan and obviously they did a pretty effective job but the critical thing is with the american interest which they is the secretary of state and her department was supposed to look out for the american interest. it's not in the american interest and rush to have 20% of the u.s. uranium. david: now we're going to get the democratic memo on the whole fisa scandal. it's apparently going to try to make the case that the trump dossier is still to be believed even though we now know that sid plume en all among others was feeding dirt in that. we've got to mention by the way we talked about sid a little last night. this is a guy who beat up not only on monica lewinski, but all of the women blaming bill clinton that poor guy who had to suffer and endure all these false charges, according to the
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democratic party, sid blumenthal was the hit guy. he's still been the hit guy a journalist at one point in his life very anti-republican and very anti-bush hired by the clintons very pro-hillary and bill hired in the white house, hired post-white house and most important thing is ram emmanuel was a chief of staff a tough hard ball political guy would not allow sid blumenthal to be hired by hillary in the state department and the president's people thought he was too notorious and she hired him at the clinton foundation and the clinton foundation paid him 10,000 a month. david: and he was feeding the trump dossier and the democratic memo was coming out to defend the trump dossier. he's still on one of the clinton affiliate payroll and his job is to go out and be the hatchet man david: ed rollins good to see you my friend. we're coming right back with a lot more please stay with us. >> an fbi informant breaking his silence testifying that the
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russians paid millions to influence the clintons on the uranium one deal. >> the clinton foundation got $145 million from the people who gained when their stock rose after the uranium one purchase went through. i think that it takes some looking into. we take up clinton corruption with ambassador john bolton. a.nuclear north korea showing off its military might as tensions rise ahead of the winter olympics. those details and more straight ahead. hi, i'm the internet! you know what's difficult?
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david: north korea holding a massive military parade on the eve of the winter olympics in south korea the parade honoring the founding of the korean people's army normally held in april. experts say it appeared smaller than in recent years, north korea of course is participating in the olympics and kim jong-un 's sister has traveled to south korea. she will meet with the south korean president this weekend. joining me now is former u.s. am bass door to the united nation john bolton, now a senior fellow at the american enterprise institute and a fox business contributor, ambassador good to see you. >> good to be with you. david: i want to talk about the fisa scandal if i could first because you and one of yours working for the government actually had to approve of a fisa warrant. could you ever imagine signing
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off on a fisa warrant that used as part of its evidence information that was gathered from a political party can including people like sid blumen thal? is it conceivable to you that anything line that would ever have been approved? >> well, certainly not without complete and full disclosure to the fisa court. the applications that i signed off on back in the day i was acting attorney general were largely intercepts and the sort of things that you would get from the intelligence community that is to say from our people working their sources, human and otherwise. this is something completely different and basically the question before the house and the senate now is whether the fbi committed a form of fraud. clearly, they did not reveal and not just the first application but several applications relying
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on steele exactly where the information came from who was paying for it and so on and so forth. it's true that they referred to the political nature of steele's work but you can commit fraud in several different ways. you can omit to state a material factor you can misrepresent a material fact, so they didn't omit it entirely, but i think it's clear this is a misrepresentation and if i were the fisa court and perhaps if i were chief justice john roberts who names judges to the fisa court, i would want to know what was going on here. david: but if you were signing your name to this document, this application for a fisa warrant as you had to at various times and as rod rosenstein did in at least one of these cases isn't it incumbent upon you to check thank you these things and make sure it all checks out and look at the original sources for this information. >> well, a lot of people in the department of justice and the
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fbi are doing that. i'd tell you these applications at least back in the day when i sign them are thick documents. they aren't only the application s they're the backup material and as they say at that point the attorney general had to sign or the acting attorney general which is how i got to do it and i took it very seriously and as i say there was nothing in the supporting materials or the basis for the application that touched at all on political matters. that to me is what makes this so extraordinary so when you put the nunes memo together with the grassley/graham criminal referral to the fbi you've got two pieces of a buzzell that's still incomplete but what they've said is very serious. that's why this is something that really calls into question the integrity of the judiciary because if they can't rely on the department of justice to tell them the whole truth and remember that's what we're talking about not a little piece of the truth, the whole truth, then it's going to undermine
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confidence in the fbi, the justice department, our intelligence agencies generally that's a very serious matter. david: you know, you were usually a man of few words you get right to the point but you have actually talked through our time we were going to talk about north and south korea but believe me i was much more interested in what you had to say about the fisa warrant thank you very much for being with us ambassador john bolton, good to see you. thank you carve id. david: be sure to vote in tonights poll do you believe robert mueller should shift his focus to the clinton uranium one deal if he really wants to find evidence of any russian collusion. cast your vote on twitter at lou dobbs and follow lieu on twitter at lou dobbs, like him on facebook and follow him on instagram at lou dobbs tonight. on wall street, stocks closing sharply lower and another volatile trading session the dow plunging 1033 points this is the second biggest point drop in history, the first was on monday the s & p down a hundred and the
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nasdac dropping 275 points. volume on the big board heavy at 5.2 billion shares, the dow and the s & p closing the session in correction territory down more than 10% from recent highs that were set last month. stocks plunging on rising rates with a yield on the 10 year climbing near a four year high closing in at 2.85%. asian markets by the way now opening and they're sharply lower, down about 3% at this hour, and a reminder to listen to lou's reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. coming up next, clinton corruption is exposed, new testimony detailing how moscow paid millions to the clinton global initiative to win influence over the obama administration. we'll take it all up with congressman jim jordan coming next. so from the two trucks over here...
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i want you to pick a new truck for your mom or dad, knowing that they could possibly pass it down to you one day. oh. cool. but before you decide, you should know that chevy silverados are the most dependable, longest lasting full-size pickups on the road. which means that ford f-150s are not. (giggles) which truck would you pick? the chevy. there you go. boom. that was obvious. plus it looks cooler. no doubt about it. now they know what to get me.
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david: breaking news we're learning that the top democrat in the senate's russia investigation tried to gain access to the author of the discredited trump dossier former british spy crist steele through a lobbyist representing a russian oligarch, you can't make this up fox news obtaining shocking new messages between senator mark warner and lobbyist adam waldman. in march of last year warner texted "we have so much to discuss you need to be careful but we can help our country." waldman, whose firm has ties to hillary clinton as well as the russian oligarch texted back to warner "i'm in it and a week later warner texted about
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meeting with steele. "we want to do this right, private in london don't want to send letter yet because if we can't get agreement, we would rather not have a paper trail." now, an aid to warner admits the texts don't look great out of context but he does say the senator kept the republican chair of the intel committee richard burr apprized of his efforts to interview steele, and the full committee has been aware of the warner text since last september and joining me is congressman jim jordan who serve ass a member of the house judiciary and oversight committee and a member of the in influential house freedom caucus but first of all congressman what do you make of all of this? >> well if senator warner wants to work in a bipartisan way, then why does he want to travel to london privately, just meet with the lobbyists, with steele himself no one else in the meeting and why didn't he want a paper trail so he can say it's all bipartisan and the senate intelligence committee is working together but my first reaction is that's probably not
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how bipartisanship is supposed to work if you only meet with this guy you and the lobbyist and christopher steele, remember the guy who wrote the dossier he just wants to meet with him privately and is willing to travel to london to make all that happen. david: and why on earth would you go through a lobbyist whose working with a russian oligarch? he supposedly was going to get information connecting donald trump to the russians and he does it by contacting a lobbyist whose working for the russians. it boggles the mind. >> the irony is not lost, right? so again, i think it raises all kinds of concerns. it's why we have an investigation and frankly, i don't like second special counsel but it's why we need a second special counsel and we've called for it months to go to look into the uranium issue, to this issue, you have to have it unfortunately it needs to happen as soon as possible i think, but to get to the bottom of all these questions that have been raised here in the last several
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months. david: let's talk about uranium one because once again there is so much more evidence of kicks between the clintons and russia than there is between trump and russia. trump occasionally the paths of some of trump's people intersect with russians but only in a coincidental way whereas uranium one is something where there was a direct attempt to corner hillary clinton, when she was secretary of state, to give all kinds of gifts to the clinton foundation and other interests of hillary clinton, whether it was her husband bill or the clinton foundation and now, we find out that the russians were giving money to a pr firm which in turn was giving money to the clinton foundation and that looks to me like money laundering. >> yeah, again, there's a story every daybreaking about what the clintons were involved with. it's why we need to look at all these issues. we actually talked with a whistleblower a couple days ago and heard some of this from him directly, so we'll see how this
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all shakes out but it's just one more issue that i think warrants the naming of a second special counsel to look into everything that we have learned again as i said in the last several months. david: are you now working with senators in particular lindsay graham and senator grassley who put together this criminal referral that mentions that sid blumenthal, of all people who worked for the clintons for years for decades that he might have been putting stuff into the trump dossier? >> well the story just a couple days ago it was a foreign source giving information to a clinton friend who gave information to the state department who gave it to steele. now think about this so first of all the clinton campaign hires christopher steele to put together the dossier. then they were also telling what to put in it. i mean that's how the clintons operate so this to me is just again, a big concern what senator grassley and senator graham are doing as well as senator johnson in getting text messages has been a real help to
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all of us on the house side as well to get to the bottom of these key concerns. david: you know congressman, there was collusion. there was russian collusion, but it wasn't among the republicans to get donald trump into the white house, it seems much more the other way around. david to date not one bit of evidence to show any type of coordination between the trump campaign and russia to influence the election but we know for sure as sure as you and i were talking that the clinton came pain paid the law firm who paid fusion who paid christopher steele who worked with russians to do what? influence the election. that we know for certain and now , we hear more and more things about the uranium one deal about this relationship with maybe sid blumenthal, but again all working with russians to impact the election. david: congressman i just got to ask. again, why isn't mr. mueller looking into this? his perview is supposed to be looking at russia influence in the election campaign. there certainly was on the other
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side on the side of russians working with members of the clinton foundation and the clinton campaign. i mean, why isn't he looking at that or could he be and maybe we don't know about it? >> it could be that. he could be looking at them we don't know what exactly he's doing in his investigation, what i do think needs to happen is as i said before a second special counsel needs to be named. i think mueller is compromised on some of this stuff specifically the uranium one issue because he was fbi so i think he's compromised. i see no remedy but a second special counsel. david: we are coming back with much more, stay with us. deep state defending dems still pushing for release of their intel memo. we'll take up the flaws in their rebuttal with dr. sebastian gorka. a true ski legend doesn't wait for winter. we'll show you his incredible run without any snow on the
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fbi deputy director an drew mccabe, andrew strong will be, lisa page. james rybicki, and and bruce ohr and his wife nellie. gop members of the house intel committee plan to erect a physical barrier separating them from staffers. staffers. dr. gorka, about that story of another resignation involving justice and fbi directors. this is draining the swamp, is it not? >> it seems to be a
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self-drainage, that may be the case. the stunning thing is these events are occurring just as we have the declassification of the two memos from the house and senate which represent the beginnings of you be covering the malfeasance, and corruption inside the highest levels of the fbi and dodge. who knows who else will be forced to leave that position or will be fired. david: you still have your connects inside the beltway. you probably heard something about what's in the democratic memo. what i'm hearing is it tries to bolster the trump dossier, going back and saying the republicans have done nothing to discredit the trump dossier. is that what you are hearing? with all the new information we are getting. what a bunch of slime went into the making of it, it seems extraordinary they would go to
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great lengths to try to defend it. >> i'm also hearing they are deliberately object if you skatin --deliberately owfuscatie it look as if the president and administration having to some side. but this document has been slapped together literally in a matter of days as opposed to the grassley and nunes memorandum which were the product of months and months of work. and more than self months in the case the grassley memo, of the memo being sent to the various authorities before it arrived at the president to make sure nothing is endangered by the release of this memo. it's theatrics, the politics
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desperately clutching at straws. >> this is a document getting virtually no attention by the mainstream media. while it is true that both the criminal referral and the republican memo were chock full of if we didn't have before, and information that proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the trump dossier did have a lot to do with the fisa warrant. it's getting scant attention by the mainstream media. i'm wondering how much we are talking about does filter through to the american public. >> i published a piece on the hill comparing watergate to the fisagate. let's boil it down. not a lot of americans read senate or house memoranda or criminal reestles.
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let's put it on a bumper sticker. in america we don't have the secret service to spy on americans secretly. we have the fisa court. in that court you have to prove as d to j and fbi that you have reasonable evidence that an american is spying on america with taken outside agency or a terrorist group. the grassley memo shows the fbi and the doj hid the nature the does are and had hid the fact that steele had proved to be unreliable. the doj * hid it. which means we have sponsored
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spying in america. david: there was a time when i remember quite well the democrats claimed they were bothered by that and creating mek numbers to prevent our intelligence services from spying on americans. now apparently they don't care. >> this is the massive europey. for the last 60 years since watergate and the pentagon papers. since bradley manning. the left always said what, disclose all of it. we can't trust the fbi. the default setting has been release, release, release. which is it, a crimes only committed by republican administration? david: thank you very much for coming in. do you believe robert mueller should immediately shift his folk touts clinton uranium one
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deal if he wants to find evidence of russian collusion? cast your vote on twitter @loudobbs. this professional skier doesn't need snow for his extraordinary adventure. watch as he races down grassy fields in france. he has a spectacular run with an incredible jump, a high-flying one over a tractor. coming up next, the spending bill stalling in the senate as the government closes in on a partial-shutdown. ♪ (nadia white) the moment a fish is pulled out from the water, it's a race against time. and keeping it in the right conditions is the best way to get that fish to your plate safely. (dane chauvel) sometimes the product arrives, and the cold chain has been interrupted,
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and we need to be able to identify where in the cold chain that occurred. (tom villa) we took our world class network, and we developed devices to track environmental conditions. this device allows people to understand what's happening with the location, but also if it's too hot, if it's too cold, if it's been dropped... it's completely unique. (dennis woloshuck) if you have a sensor that can keep track of your product, it keeps everybody kind of honest that way. who knew a tiny sensor could help keep the food chain safe? ♪
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david: niger, i have got to say that executive branch of the trump administration is paring down to the most of serious group of business people and military leaders i have seen in my lifetime. would you agree? >> i would agree starting with secretary telly. the president realized these are serious times. i'm so pleads that my friend dr. alvita king just became part of the administration. i'm thrilled. it sounds like the white house is stepping up their a-game. david: i did not mean to promote
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omarosa. she was not in the cabinet. but there is a sense of seriousness at the task at hand i have never seen before and a streamline process to the way it's doing its business that's also very i am pressive. >> i'm glad media is starting to take notice. it's as if the trump administration has totally found its bearings. not that they weren't good from the get-go. but they were the outsiders and the media was happy to take note of every sidestep they did to find their bearings. but think found their bearings. our economy is evidence of that. our market in general is evidence of that. and i think our overall the
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mood. it's of what this administration delivered. they are right in their element. this president knows what he's doing. david: you juxtapose that with what we almost had in this country which was another clinton administration. the clinton administration garbage coming out to haunt us. what happened with the uranium one deal and what happened with the clinton advisors in the fisa warrant process. something that should be sacred. there should be nothing in there but pure information. it was the worst kind of political garbage that went into the making of that. what a bullet we dodged. >> i say this to my democrat friend and even more so my never trump friend who are really some of them dear friends. i say can you imagine what this
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administration would be doing? think about this. if hillary clinton in that clinton campaign and that regime could spy on a billionaire presidential candidate that had a chance of becoming president of the united states. what do you think about rank and file average americans? the civil liberties questions raised -- in fact they are not questions,er in answers, and they are profound and quite scary. so thank you, lord, and thank you, donald trump for winning this election. david: gina i'll have to bring you back to give you a rain check. we have so many break news stories, we have too end this segment. but thank you, it's good to see you both. president trump embracing religion and patriotism at this morning's national prayer
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david: in our online poll we asked you, do with you believe leaving peter strzok and lisa page in their jobs is a threat to national security and 95% of you said yes. >> when americans are able to live by their convictions to speak openly of their faith and teach their children what is right, our families thrive, our communities flourish, and our nation can achieve anything at all. david: on you next guest attended this morning's national fair breakfast with president trump. pass for robert jeffress, great
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to see you. i understand you had breakfast with the president, and you had dinner with him. what can you tell bus your conversations with him. >> let me say with a fantastic job the president did this morning. talking about the importance of faith in american lives. i couldn't help but contrast we did this morning to what his predecessor did at the prayer breakfast when he criticized christians in their fight against isis and said the christians need to get off their high horses. contrast that to president trump. i think he will be remembered as the most of faith-friendly president in history. think about the irony of this. a secular businessman from new york is more pro-life, more no religious liberty than any
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democrat or republican that has been in the oval office. david: that has been an evolutionary process. this is not a president who had a strict pastor-like existence in the past. i grew up in new york. i know what kind of life he led. there was a time when he was pro-choice, and now he's pro-choice. >> like ronald reagan. i think like all of us, all of us are works in progress. he cited a verse, we are god's workmanship. god is work on all of us. but it's so encouraging to see this president embrace those important values. he's a tremendous leader. i have been with the president many times and he has privately asked me to pray. last night in our dinner he asked me to begin in prayer. at the western wall last year,
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jerusalem he tweeted a picture of himself and tweet he tweeted out the phrase, "i'm praying for god's wisdom." it gives me comfort to know we have a great american president who is not too proud to ask for god's help. david: there is no way of knowing for sure. when he is with you he says he would like to you pray with him. do you think he does that in private? do you think he asks for god's in private prayer? >> i believe he does. i believe he's one smart guy. this president is the most of intelligence human being i have ever been around. you cannot believe the depth of the questions he asks, and his intelligence. and i think he is smart enough to know this job he inherited is too big for anybody to do on their own. a smart person is one who seeks help from god. so i think he's a wise man and
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intelligent man and that's why he calls upon god for help. david: did you ever think in your wildest imagination that you a texas baptist preacher would be good friends and supporter of a high-flying new yorker? >> it's one of the great blessings in my life. i count him as a great friend. the way we got to know each other is he saw me on fox. at his last dish he said i saw pastor jeffress on tv and he said i may not be a perfect christian, but i'm a great leader who can turn this country around. that's exactly what i said. think about what he has done in this first year of office. i think the second year will be even better. david: pastor robert jeffress, always great to see you. just for your optimism and
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goodwill. you really pass on the energy. that's it for us tonight. thank you for joining us. matt schlapp and fred fleitz are among our guests t live picture of capitol hill. there's nancy pelosi in washington. white house is debating a controversial two-year budget plan that would raise the deficit, a vote is expected at any minute. lauren: in the markets we had another 1,000 plus point drop yesterday officially right now the dow jones industrial average and s&p 500 are in correction territory. that means they are down 10% from their january highs. taking a look at futures at this second dow is up 110. nasdaq higher
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