tv Kennedy FOX Business February 10, 2018 5:00am-6:00am EST
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wonderful weekend. charlie hurt and gregg jarrett are among our guests monday. join [♪] kennedy: throwing money away like there is no tomorrow. how will this impact your future. democrats pressuring the president to release their memo. antonio sabato tells us why he thinks a republican has a chance to win in california. the piglets are headed to the trough. leave it to the dim wits in the senate to spend money without consideration for the consequences. chuck and mitch have put together a spending bill that
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jacks up the government tab by $1 trillion over a few years. a few billion tossed around like confetti at an eagles parade. where are the responsible stewards who rode in on a wave of economic liberty. they are redecorating the bought that will never again house the genie. the only thing that stands in the way is the house freedom caucus who despite their collective missile fetish, they now it's cruel to write checks our country can't cash because the bill will certainly bankrupt future generations. you have a bloated federal
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government that refuses to count calories and get on the treadmill. and oh, fit way, they are spying on you. being the only one who cares about the future is more tiring than listening to nancy pelosi drone on for 7 hours about her grant son's birth -- her grandson's birthday wish. i'm kennedy. the gop is suppose to be the party fiscal responsibility. why is senate majority leader mitch mcconnell pushing a ballooning budget? it's time for brian-omics. brian brenberg is with me now from the king's college. i think it's disconcerting when
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we have mitch mcconnell and chuck schumer arm in arm. >> this is what i hate about so-called bipartisanship. the one thing it always gives you is bigger deficits and bigger debt. at the end of the day both of these guys have the same interests and it's getting re-elected. that's what paul the politicians in this are doing. let's shut it down. we have 2017, 2018 is all about the mid-terms. we'll do what we need to do to get we elected. >> it also sets up future generations of spending. unfortunately, that's what i mean. you let the genie out of the bought, there is no way of getting it back in. people like paul ryan pay lip service to entitlement reform. >> when we hear this talk about the end of austerity for the
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republicans. can you tell me when that started? they took one shot at the one thing they should have been able to do something about, obamacare. they didn't have the guts to do that. forget about medicare and social security. we have $1 trillion deficits next year and as far as the eye can see. going up, $20 trillion in debt. this thing is not sustainable. if you wonder why the stock market is going up and down? investors know there is nobody in washington who give a lick. >> it's a dangerous recipe as you have said in the past. when you cut taxes but increase spending, what happens? >> i have been on the show many times talking about liking the tax reform. but if you do that and don't reform spending, you are creating this massive gap that
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will push up inflation and interest rates. and that under mines all the benefits of the tax cuts. and all you have left .with is a pile of debt. on the one hand we do something good with tax reform. on the other hand we are going to spend our way out of tax reform. kennedy: art laffer who is a supply sider says tax receipts will come in and pay for this stuff. what if it doesn't. >> it will pay for some of it. but i have never been as optimistic as art the point much tax cut is to reduce revenue the government is getting and put it back into the hand of the people who earned it. republicans have zero interest in doing that. if they don't have the interest, no democrats do. nobody in washington, d.c. wants
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to do it. we are putting our foot to the pedal to drive over the fiscal cliff. kennedy: you pointed out, that actually hurts the military. the freedom caucus, they wanted that military spending. they want the long-term spending bill. it does hurt them. >> national defense is a legitimate function of government. you cannot ask the military to not know what kind of revenue they will have year after year. we'll spend more on interest on the national debt and it puts military at risk. the whole point is to allow them to plan in the long term. if you care about national defense you ought to care about the fact we just added $300 billion to $400 billion to the
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national debt. kennedy: congress can't figure out immigration. house majority leader nancy pelosi used an interesting strategy to try to get a deal on daca. she spoke for 8 hours on the house floor about the dreamers story. >> i just got word i have set the record for the longest continuous speech in the house since 1909. kennedy: was this more grandstanding than usual or will her battle and attrition in the house be successful. kristen helping lan leg, and pet
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jess tatar love. >> i would love to see sheets of steel on the house floor. whoever wins the shot dog eating contest. that's the legislation. >> i thought we were going to talk about her heels. it's remarkable she stood in those for 8 hours. and she is 78 years old. i get the dreamers are staying and they are citizens now. chuck abandoned nancy. i wonder what the communication was there. if he said okay i'm not going to be able to get this common the senate. let's see what you can do in the house. kennedy: i think they hate each other so much there will be is so much acrimony, never mind the parties, but they sit and blame each other all day long.
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we should have immigration reform, to nancy's point. >> i probably agree more with nancy pelosi than the republicans. but on a tactical matter this was foolish. it is that when you attach an unrelated matter to a budget deal and threaten to shut down the government, you lose. republicans learned that in 2013 when they shut down the government over obamacare. i'm probably one of the few people who thinks we should reform immigration and was opposed to obama care. i thought it was a bad idea to shut down the government to make your point. all that republicans ended up doing at that time was bhaiking their case harder. kennedy: if nancy had done this at a different time when the
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discussion was about immigration it would have been more effective. >> this does look like much more of a spenders' paradise. and not conservative from a fiscal perspective. why would she drive members of her own party away. so it doesn't make a lot of political sense other and signaling to the base who are pro-daca recipients. jessica: she got stormed by dreamers. and she made it clear, i will go to the mat on this issue. it has become a real lightning bolt on the left when you have 80% agreement on an issue. it's not one people can say we don't agree with. they can say this isn't the right venue. >> that's what republicans did
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with obamacare. obamacare didn't work and got more popular until the government opened it again. kennedy: get ready for more assaults on your civil liberties. i.c.e. considering joining the intel community. they say surveillance powers would help them work on money laundering and cyber terror. they believe their efforts where more likely to gain white house support under president trump. is that what americans need? jessica: garbage, sorry. we have enough problems with cross-agency communication. there is an krmt that i.c.e. is not able to do its job
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effectively without these extra priority. there is just so much nonsense happening weren't intelligence community and lack of trust. why introduce more of a message. it's completely ridiculous. >> it makes me think of the dea work the nsa. >> ice wants access to data that was supposed to be collected only to target foreign terrorists. and they want to use that to go after immigrants and expand their domestic police state. this turns i.c.e. into a spy agency. that's a really bad idea. kennedy: they have their hands full with enough. jessica: i agree, as you red out the report, they think they will have a bert shot of this under president trump than they did under president obama. i wonder why. kennedy: obama ran as a civil
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libertarian and he vastly increased the surveillance. jessica: i'm not disputing that. i'm talking about the kind of raids going on and the change in protocol that you can pick someone up because they are us poactd of a crime instead of actually committing a crime. it seems like a complete cover for wanting to become more powerful and pick up more people. kennedy: you made the point about parallel construction. in the hand of law enforcement. that can be misused. >> it's surveillance data that's secret. and you use it to pursue a case. but when you want to talk to a judge and make it public, you can't say we used this data. so you reconstruct an evidence
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chain. you are juicing the books. this is something. you are lying effectively to judges and the public about how your cases are built. kennedy: hopefully anyone making these decisions is watching right now. the party panel will return later in the show. will president trump leak the democratic -- release the ♪ if you wear a denture, you not only want a clean feeling every day, you want your denture to be stain free. did you know there's a specialty cleanser that's gentle enough for everyday use and cleans better than regular toothpaste? try polident cleanser. it has a four in one cleaning system that kills ten times more odor causing bacteria than regular toothpaste, deep cleans where brushing may miss, helps remove tough stains, and maintains the original color of your dentures
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kennedy: the president is expected to make his decision on whether to block or redact the democratic response to last week's gop memo, putting the ball back into the president's court. republicans claim the democrats add so much secret information that he will have to redact information to make it look like he's hiding things having to do with the russia probe. now the democrats are being outsmarted by republicans saying, we see what you are doing. we are not taking the blame for it.
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isn't this chicanery taking the emphasis away from where it need to be? >> we need more transparency on when and for what reasons our government spies on us. i want as little redacted in those men owes as possible. though i understand sources and method of legitimate espionage need to be protected. but the background all this is the fisa court, the foreign intelligence surveillance act. the use of this act us used to spy -- is used to spy on americans at times. those fisa courts are totally opaque to the rest of us. we are getting a chance to get a peek behind the curtain. i am showing we don't just get a memo from nunes and adam schiff
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and get to see as much as possible the document they are look at. kennedy: we are learning more about the process, how the judges are appointed, i'm wondering how we can figure some of these problems and create more transparency. they tried to do that when they voted to reauthorize section 702 the fisa act. unfortunately that was quashed by people like devin nunes. what can be done so there is senate confirmation for the judges who sit on this secret court? >> the first step is transparency, opening this up to the public. we had wins in this arena. i don't know if you remember the stop online piracy. when a lot of attention was showered on what this did, the powers that you gave government
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and some big businesses the transparency shot it down. if we know what a fisa application looks like, what sort of information can go into it, what the decision making process is, there will and lot of americans surprised at our government's ability to spy on us. that will be the first step in saying what is going to be the oversight. they want secrecy because they want to protect sources and method. and that's understandable. but our democracy. there is only so much secrecy compatible with being a representative democracy. we need to chip away at that secrecy wherever possible. >> under that cloak is where the grievances lie. and when you have entire bodies operating in secrecy and they feel justified in doing that, it's easy to abuse power and
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feel like they are doing nothing wrong. but we don't know how many americans are spied on using those sources and methods. we don't know exactly who gets wrapped up in some of these nets. but the fact we are asking these questions now, we should have been asking them before that 702 vote. but hopefully they will introduce new legislation so we can finally get to the bottom of these processes. >> you have got the rare guys, the rand pauls and justin amashes who will stand up and say this isn't good and needs to be reformed. and nobody his bees to them. it's in those cases where the transparency will get things out. the fact is these people would like to operate without oversight. and congress would like to punt on that oversight. and it's going to take real pressure, small d democratic
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pressure to make congress do its job and provide oversight to make sure the intelligence agencies are doing their jobs within the confines of constitutional limits. kennedy: the unlimited spying doesn't keep us safe. former attorney general eric holder behind he would consider running for president in 2020. is he the candidate democrats want to challenge trump? it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same. but while some push high commission investment products, fisher investments avoids them. some advisers have hidden and layered fees. fisher investments never does. and while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments.
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kennedy: former vice president joe biden feeling pretty optimistic about the democrats chances in 2018. >> we have a real opportunity to take back the house and we have a chance of taking back the senate it's real it's real. kennedy: biden isn't the only former obama lackey feeling optimistic. ' former attorney general eric holder was asked if he would
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consider running and he said, we'll see. let's ask lawrence jones, the new editor-in-chief of campus that's the right step in the direction for freedom for you. i think eric holder was a step in the wrong direction. >> i love a great competition. but the democratic party, they don't get the strategy real well or don't get the american people. i get that they want to fight. new yorker against new yorker. but when it comes to getting those counties that obama won, that trump was able to turn, i don't think eric holder is that guy. kennedy: i don't see him as
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being a revolutionary or visionary. i know there are people who want the recapture president trump's magic which you can argue is once in a generation. and there is sort of these politically transformational figures that are so rare and the news cycle is so fast. they are spinning through potential candidates, and discarding them just as quickly as they find their lust. >> you said something important about obama. he had -- i disagree with his policies, i support him in 2008 when i was a democrat because he was able to connect with me and connect to the same people who voted him into those counties for donald trump. i don't see joe biden as welling a holder being able to connect to the people like that. trump had that ability as well.
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he was able to connect their anger. obama used that hope and change message. i'm not sure what the democratic party has to offer. they need to get one that will specifically connect with the people and instead they are making this election about donald trump. and that won't work for them. >> the country was exhausted from wars on a couple of different front. and you have the economy completely falling apart, the likes of which people haven't seen since the great depression. there was a lot of fear, anxiety and anger which li -- which ledo someone who seemed to have a lot of answers like president obama. you will have to have a candidate of ideas. i think joe biden has more like built than eric holder. but i don't think joe biden has
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the magic built. >> they need new people. they need fresh blood, kennedy. kennedy: are you talking about the kind nancy pelosi drinks in the morning from infants? >> right. we need fresh blood out there. i like a good competition. and right now it seems like they are not concerned about the economy or the issues that affect the american people. the only issue they care about is daca, and those people can't vote. kennedy: not yet. but some day. lawrence jones thank you so much. first jim carrey quit being funny. now he's quitting facebook. he wrote a lengthy post saying i'm dumping my facebook stock and quitting my page because
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they profited from cushion interference in our elections and they are still not doing enough to stop it. there is no way to know what success it had on facebook users. what is going to happen now? people unfriending facebook or going to see another jim carrey movie? the party panel is back. facebook isn't why hillary clinton lost the election. jim carrey lost his mind. jessica: i don't have a facebook account so i don't know what this would mean to me if i were to defriend them. i think it's important to talk about what social media companies can do. i love some jim carrey movies
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deeply. "the mask" and "dumb and dumber." "liar liar." kennedy: "cable guy." >> the cable guy is who is dumping facebook. that's what's going on here. the idea that you would dump facebook because of russian interference in the election is the dumbest reasons to quit facebook. there are good reasons to quit facebook. you don't need that's baby pictures. it's a huge time suck. but it's not and uniquely influential vehicle for for russian influence. how much in a way that affected the outkovment election is really -- i don't think there is any evidence -- >> it could have been right
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after. kennedy: limits move on. it ties into the the same conversation about joe biden with having no new candidates or new ideas. >> maybe he should run for president in 2020. >> i think he's completely legitimate in doing this. i support his right to do it. but what i want to highlight about this conversation, social media is so integrated into every part of our lives, and the metrics by which businesses, corporate influencers measure any influence they have that him defriending facebook and encourage o other people to do o won't gain traction. it shows how the much influence and power facebook has. it's far beyond politics.
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we can never flush ourselves out of it. if. kennedy: i want to thank you, party panel. this was a great way toned our week. liberal california is moving even further left with more progressive candidates. antonio sabato, jr. is running for congress as a california for congress as a california republican and he (whispering) with the capital one venture card, you'll earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, every day. not just airline purchases. think about all the double miles you could be earning. (yelling) holy moly, that's a lot of miles! shh-h-h-h! ( ♪ ) shh! what's in your wallet? man: shh-h-h!
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today, the new new york is ready for take-off. we're invested in creating the world's first state-of-the-art drone testing facility in central new york and the mohawk valley, which marks the start of our nation's first 50-mile unmanned flight corridor. and allows us to attract the world's top drone talent. all across new york state, we're building the new new york. to grow your business with us in new york state, visit
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kennedy: california is a hotbed for liberal politics and sharks. but it could move even further to the left. the races for governor and offices statewide are mostly being filled with democrats with many of the candidates being younger and more liberal. the political debate is being pushed further left without any sign of a republican renaissance to serve as a check on spending and social policy ambitions. joining me, antonio sabato, jr. i love california. i lived there and been part of the california dream for a long long time. but there is so much that is messed up. what is first on your list to tackle there? >> i would say regulations would be the first thing.
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we need less regulations. that state is regulated from left to right it's overwhelming it's again any business whatsoever it's bad for my community. i'm pro veterans and pro second amendment and lowering taxes and making it easier for people to move in there and stay there. we in the last 10 years lost a million workers and business owners who will never come back. kennedy: you have states like texas making a big play for california businesses. the same with nevada. saying we are and much friendlier tax state and it's easier to start a business here. >> they have to pay for $26 billion in illegal immigration. it's costing a lot of money for california. they are using taxpayer money and that's unfair and i want to change that. kennedy: ventura county is a great county. i actually live in ventura
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county. my oh point has never lived there. kennedy: it used to be a republican district, but as democrats have been in control of the state, they predicted so much of the state. >> it's about the voters. here is an grown earlier on "the view." >> it was never an insult. change his name to obama because he followed that religion when he was growing up. once you are in that religion, you stay for the rest of your life. kennedy: joy behar's head explode. kennedy: there is so much to tackle with president obama and his legacy, why go after the muslim thing. >> i talked to a liberal media outlet and they distort and change things around.
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my grandmother escaped the holocaust and her brother died. they are saying i compare that to me being black listed in hollywood. what i'm saying is the russians invaded the czech republic. that's not comparing the two. you can't be a republican, you can't be pro trump in hollywood on a movie set because you will be fired. so i'm against that. we are a free country and we have to fight for what we believe. we might have political differences, but this is getting out of harden. you can't speak your mind about anything. kennedy: i understand that. and i'm all for free speech. but there are trump supporters who take exception saying this was the president's position 20 years ago and this is what he says today. president obama says, i'm a
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christian. can't you grants him that? each course. he was president for 8 years, i support any president. whether you believe me or not, i support the president. if he succeeds, the country succeeds. >> i want the country to succeed and i want the great state of california to succeed. >> so do i. a lot of people don't know -- >> it's passion and love and a good spirit oap open rap that brings families together that the whole family can watch it what's we need in this country. kennedy: some of the social conservatives in your district feel like you have been too loosey goosy with some of your floalts past. >> i have been an actor for 3. >> years. i have chosen roles to push myself as an actor. i'm not ashamed of the things i have done. but i have got on my side.
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i'm a good person and i love this country. they want to compare that with what i'm doing now, so be it. at the end of the day hopefully the people get to know me, i have a big heart and i care about this country. and i'm going to win. kennedy: antonio sabato, jr. >> go to kennedy: the philadelphia eagles held oh, manatees. aka "the sea cow"" oh! there's one. manatees in novelty ts?
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the post office made an early delivery. the cow wasn't shocked by his electric fence. so he got out, stole the mail and ran off with it sparking the twitter hashtag, release the letter, don't be adam schiff. the cow is facing five years. but he inspired a netflix spinoff called orange is the new black angus. it's got more hefers than the original. topic number two. an indiana town wants young drivers to stop speeding. so the koppeds didn't increase fines or boost patrols. they put emojis on signs. digital driver feedback with a
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smiley face if you are doing the speed limit and a frowny face with you are doing a justin bieber. biebs got caught doing 101 in a 75. let's just say her name rhymes with kenner. i was born in the hoosier state. w. well, maybe not born, but my mom did abandon me a dairy queen bathroom a few hours later. let's head down to tulsa, oklahoma where two postal workers have fled guilty of stealing marijuana out of packages. the good news is the judge is
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going to sentence them to time served for working in the post office. postal police were tipped off that the mayor was stealing weed with the help of eric miller. who goes by the name chuck the sniffer. cops western shocked. because a name like chuck the sniffer led them to believe cocaine would be involved. a search warrant led police to 70 pound of weed inside campbell's home and she had self pound mailed to her. but a cow stole it out of the mailbox before cops could get it. he was last seen playing call of duty with his friend. he left to get tacos and has not been heard from since. topic number 4. the city of philadelphia held a
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parade for the eagles and schools were closed so kid could learn valuable lessons like how to topple light poles and how to punch a police horse. over 2 million fans lined the parade route. but the nfl is reviewing the footage to see fit was actually a catch. the parade ended on the same art museum steps that rocky balboa asend thed. which is the perfect tribute to a team of underdogs and the fans who pun' people. topic number 5. i get so much hate mail from all of you that the post master general and i are on a first-name basis. we even started a badminton league. this is viewer mail.
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randy let's her rip with i get baloney from two places, the deli and from you, kennedy. kevin write, i just painted the living room and i will be sitting here watching the paint dry. it will be more entertaining. kennedy: go huff some paint thinners, kevin. charlie has a problem with my take on the super bowl. you are position and prejudicial anti-patriot/anti-brady comment were not appreciated by millions of the faithful patriot/brady nation. i had dennis miller on earlier. and ruth said my head just
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explode. dennis mirl on with kennedy? that's it. nothing is left. shane locks the door with what brand of hatred described as libertarianism will you be sponsoring tonight? kennedy: hater-ade. want to know a way to get your mind off the party bickering in washington? the winter olympics. the "nightcap" is next. mvo: we had support from the interfaith groups, the synagogue, the churches. ♪ when disaster strikes to one, we all get together and support each other. that's the nature of humanity. ♪ i'll stand by you. ♪ i'll stand by you. ♪ and i'll never desert you.
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♪and the world will live as one♪ ken report winter olympics officially kick off with tomorrow night's opening air moby and the world will come together in the shadow of nuclear insanity. opening ceremony is suppose to be minus 8 degrees. russia is band from competing. their athletes were able to hack their way in and compete as individual entities. lindsey vonn is healthy and is skiing great. she could be this years alberto
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tonga. and adam ripen has frozen out vice president pence saying he does not want to meet with him during the game. i was lucky enough to be part of the first broadcast team in 1988 when snowboard racing debuted at the nagano games. and this time it won't be just shaun white. chloe kip is going for u.s. gold. kyle mac is expecting great things. good luck team u.s.a. hopefully the world survivors the temper tantrums of the freak next door and make us proud of you, you athletic corn dogs. you can follow us on facebook,
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twitter and instagram. email i still like. good-bye. arles: thank you both y much. now here's lou. good evening, happy friday. i'm david asman in for lou dobbs. republicans are ramping up efforts to expose corruption at the fbi and justice department. devin nunez requesting transcript bs about what the obama era said to the fisa court to spy on the trump campaign. among our gusts tonight, congressman andy biggs who say that the fbi and justice department willfully abused their power. also tonight, we're awaiting the release of the democratic memo rebutting allegations that the obama justice department and the fbi abuse
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