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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  February 12, 2018 8:00pm-9:00pm EST

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york. [♪] kennedy: president trump gibbs his big push to rebuild america's roads and bridges. but will the american government be forced to pay for it. why is the media fall foliage over kim jong-un's sister at the winter olympics? you thought healthcare and endless wars were expensive. we haven't even touched bridges and dams. the president is focused on infrastructure spending. he sent out this tweet. this will be a big week on infrastructure after so stupidly
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spending $7 trillion in the middle east, it is time to start investing in our country. however, a $1 trillion plus infrastructure plan doesn't exactly combat ballooning deficits. the president is right we must engage the private sector to get those costs down. but when government is involved, even when money is block granted to the states, it's never private enough. he says the permitting process will be shortened from 10 years to two or even one. but still, way too expensive. say it with me. the states and companies are forced to pony up for these big plans, the money will come from higher taxes which is a death sentence from states like
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california and new jersey. states like illinois with so much unfunded pension liability will collapse under the weight of the newly poured concrete if their spread-thin citizens are expected to foot the bill for more bad decisions. without meaningful cuts to entitlements and honest talk about military efficiency it's a certain disaster that will make the economy collapse of faster than a rotting rusty bridge. i'm "kennedy." the president unveiled his infrastructure plan during a meeting with state and local officials earlier today. president trump: $1.5 to $1.7
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trillion investment in infrastructure. we'll have a lot of public-private. it will gets done on time and on budget. it will speeded the approval project from 10 years to two years and maybe even one year. kennedy: does the plan have any chance in congress? ron desantis, welcome to the show. a stated like florida benefits from this. your tax system is structured in such a way that it's still inviting to businesses. it seems like states with favorable tax environments will have better roads because they are doing a better job. >> you are rewarding good behavior. he brought up what he did in new york city with the ice skating rink in the 80s.
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millions of dollars they flushed down the tubes. several years they had no rink that could work. he took it over and in three months he had it done under budget. the reason or infrastructure is bad isn't because we don't spend money on it. we have a are you deck slups bureaucracy and red stipulate and nonstop permitting. kennedy: it shocks people that it takes 10 years to get a permit for something. is it going from agency to agency? >> multiple levels of government. one of the ways he'll reduced the red tape is if you have a state project, you shouldn't have to go through the federal loops as well because that takes time and sometimes years to be able to do. i think getting the structure right is the most of important
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thing. we mutt money in infrastructure. but you don't want to put good money after a bad system. ken there are new jersey fan new york, they have a lot of potholes because there are a lot of up inefficiencies. they will be the first in line to get money for their crumbling roads. but in places like i listed, it is pretty bad it seems like they will get a handout first. >> what i proposed is we do a gas tax. why not allow states to keep a portion of the federal gas tax in their stated. this way, new jersey is using money being generated there. but it's being applied locally.
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not incoming gas tax imloin. when you go to the pump in new york or knowledge there are you are paying gas a tax. i think states should be allowed to keep some of this money. kennedy: the president said the money will come from cuts to existing programs. but no one has betrayed they are leaning in the direction' of military cuts. >> we tried to repeal and replace obama care. unfortunately it crashed and burned in the senate. we are trying to do a welfare reform where able-bodied adults have to find work. if you do that, you will save hundreds of billions of dollars. defense, i supported more money for defense. but you have a bureaucracy in the pentagon that eats up a lot
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of money in inefficiencies. kennedy: you can go to the pentagon and find what is of saving a hundred billion dollars by streamlining some of the programs. it doesn't mean you with hold from soldiers. >> there is dead weight in all of these agencies. the problem is there is not a lot of people in congress who want to do that because it's tough decisions you have to make. kennedy: they have states where there are bases. >> i think you are talking about bureaucracy and red tape, you are talking about procurement. but you are right. there are way wheeze need to do this. the congress tried to pass obamacare. at some point you have got to get something right. you can't just say you spend
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more on everything. kennedy: it almost bankrupt the country. then you will see the military and the economy. and that's a great disservice to ask economy and security. good luck with your florida governor run. the billions being requested for infrastructure is one:small part of the budget proposal. >> take the money democrats want to put to social program and moist to infrastructure and opioid relief so if it does get spent, at least it gets spent to in the right places. kennedy: the plan would also make deep cuts to other parts of government spend. but the only problem is the white house budget proposal is
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totally aspirational it's not binding. and most of of what's in this budget is doa in congress. let me go to my party panel. lisa boolts along with chris baron in the house. and the host of the tom shillue show, tom shillue. are these budgets just a farce? the white house will give a budget to congress. and really not do anything except pass the continuing resolution. tom: it is a farce. this is the weakest area of the trump administration. i'm so charged up. the president has me focused on so many other issues. but when i look bake used to be
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a paul ryan guy. i used to say we are spend too much moony. now i don't care. 5 fallen into the trap. kennedy: i don't think that's something we can aban donnell regardless of who's president. i think we should expect responsible fiscal stewardship. particularly from republicans. but they abandoned that. chris: nobody in the 2016 election was talking about spending. i love president trump but it's not something he focused on from the very beginning. a lot of us wish he would tackle entitlements. on the infrastructure plan which you were talking about before. i have been saying for a long time the president should be tackling infrastructure. lots of free market opportunities for to us show how we can be creative about
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rebuilding our infrastructure are completely missed mere. representative massachusets massie has a great -- representative massie has a great plan to get out of the airports. airline lobbyists don't like the and it's not in the president's plan even thought it wouldn't cost taxpayers a single penny. $1. >> 0 billion and it's left on the table. lisa * these are basically political documents. this is a political documents. of course it shouldn't give you any positive -- it shouldn't make you feel good in a sense because we saw congress increase spending by $300 billion.
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increase without any stipulations attached to it. there is not a lot of hope in that area right now. kennedy: when republicans and democrats get together and spend this kind of money, they feel like it's a blank check. >> the airlines have this great cozy system. the airports are falling apart. the airlines are making money and shoving it in their pockets. kennedy: you walk through the la guardia airport, there are sirens blaring. it was an entire corridor with sirens going off at every gate. then you had buckets lining the hallway because place was leak. it was like being in a horror
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movie. chris: the government standing in the way of the rebuilding airports. we ought to be on a path for privatized airports and privatized air traffic control. that's how we'll have beautiful, big shiny new airports. kennedy: if you injected private capital. the cartel they are running with transportation is laughable. lisa: if you are concerned about spend and cutting our deant deficit, you have -- our debt and deficit. but everyone is terrified to do that heading into the term elections in 2020 as well.
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chris: nobody will touch it because they are afraid of what it will mean. kennedy: last word, tom. tom: cut ply benefits, i'll vote for you. the party panel is returning a little later in the show. next up. president trump refused to release the left's memo. i will ask judge napolitano what to expect next in the memo saga. stay right here. it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same. but while some push high commission investment products, fisher investments avoids them. some advisers have hidden and layered fees.
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kennedy: president trump refused to declassify the democrat memo in the russia probe. he said the dem kreats sent -- the democrats sent a highly classified memo they knew would have to be redacted. it did not sit well with adam schiff. schiff has since stroud work
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with the fbi to redact the necessary information. so is the president right to accuse democrats of setting a trap? let me ask judge andrew napolitano. please shed some light on this. judge napolitano: the president's people could have blacked out the material they didn't want us to see. but then he would be accused of censorship. so he send it back saying here are my objections. get rid of enough to satisfy me. when the republican version came out and the fbi and the doj begged congressman nunes and the white house to redact just three word which revealed a source and method, they refused to do so. the three words were after chris
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steele's name,ing a long time source. what's wrong with that. we have an agreement with the british not to use each other's spies. spies. kennedy: that's problematic. the idea that you are not suppose to be doing something, so don't do it. if you know his work is being paid for by one of the most of politically contentious political races we have, then that shouldn't equal a partnership with the fbi. judge napolitano: i don't know why the fbi bothered presenting that dossier. the fisa standard for surveil yains patently unconstitutional.
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this is the congress attempting to free write the fourth amendment. the constitution says probable cause of crime. fisa says probable cause of communication. why the fbi didn't do it that way i don't know. here is the danger. we are in dangerous waters. for the first time in the modern era after the creation of the characteristics a and the surveillance state. we have seen politicians use their top security clearances to cherry pick information from raw intelligence data and use it for a political narrative. we have seen the republicans do it and we are seeing the
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democrats doing it. if that data is produced, you will see the intelligence community go were sterk because their work -- go berserk because their work has never been subject to scrutiny. kennedy: i think transparency its the best way. judge report intelligence community will not share their secrets with politicians who will reveal it for political gain. kennedy: what's the point of having an intelligence apparatus if they don't share it. judge napolitano: theoretically congress regulates the intelligence community. in reality, it's the other way around. they have so much information on
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congress and their enemies, they know how to get their budgets increased. they voted to expand fisa authority and give more authority to the humidity beings he says are untrustworthy because of the power the intelligence community has which spies on everybody all the time without a warrant. kennedy: i have a natural distrust for politicians like that because you want to have it both ways. at some point something is compromise. but the end result is dire. judge napolitano: the politicians who exposed fisa are fisa's biggest enablers. kennedy: when they find something that rubs them the wrong way, they can't come to us
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kennedy: u.s. olympians have provide you withed us with plenty of moments including two americans winning gold. the first ever medal in luge for the men and the first triple axle for an american woman in olympic history. but the media is fall foliage over kim jong-un's sister. what a joke. was this part of the north korean's plan to draw attention
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away from the brutal regime? >> even jake tapper said if you hate north korean leaders more than american leaders, you don't know history. >> she is the one who runs her brother, kim jong-un the ruler who is responsible for all this. she handles his schedule. and she protects him. also, she is the on person he can talk ton trust because she is family and also she doesn't present a challenge to him because she can't be the ruler, it's up a male-dominated society. she is the perfect bolster for him. that's why his crimes, her crimes. kennedy: we hear about the atrocities for those who survive and see the light of day, the
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stories we hear from those who manage to defect from north korea. this propaganda shellacking is gross to me. >> vice president pence did something very important friday morning. he met escapees from north korea. people who can tell the real stories about way it's like to live in the kim regime. and he visited the memorial of the sailors who were killed when their frigate was torpedoed by north korea. it shows the agrefghts regime against south korea. that counter what kim jong-un was trying to do when she came in and had this big media blitz. kennedy: there are many members of the media who are not learned in history. they make it sounds like this is the first time the north and
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south have hard arm in arm at the olympic games. but the last time it happened north korea blew up a passenger jetliner. >> the kim ruler has not given up his family's core goal which is to take over south korea. kennedy: look at the way they threaten south korea. we are an ocean away. they are right next door. and they threaten them with nuclear annihilation. >> there won't be peace in north asia until the kim regime is gone. ronald reagan told us the nature of regimes matters. it won't be solved until regime is gone.
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kennedy: is it a sign of desperation that they send kim jong-un's sister? is it a sign sanctions are working? >> sanctions are work. we saw that when the defector came across the -- mz. base was in the dmz he was an elite trooper and he had uncooked kernels of corn in his stomach. he was an elite member and they couldn't feed him. kennedy: a report from the cdc reports that at least 63 children have died of influenza this season. but there is good news coming out of japan. they developed a drug that can kill the flu in a day. but even though in gentleman
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paint has been fast tracked. but here in america they don't expect it to be on the market until next year. what will it take for the government to cut the red tape, especially when it will be saving lives. people were opening will wearing masks on the subway. they had an announcement telling people how to cough and sneeze. doing so into a tissue for into their sleeve. tom: that's why i didn't get on the subway this morning. did you ever take that tamiflu. it's fantastic. it's as good as this miracle drug. kennedy: by the takes three days to work and you have to get at the first onset. there is other nano technology that can create instant vaccines, by the has not been brought to market yet.
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the japanese drug is in the late stages of testing. my feeling is, if you are a rational person and you want too try something like this, you can gift a whirl. tom: the fact that in this country, your body, you should have control. we have all these laws saying we have drugs that might be able to save your life but we are not going to let you have them. we decided you are not responsible enough to make that decision. i think it's bull crap. kennedy: this is not experimental. researchers understand how this drug works. but you have people dprieg the flu outside of the typical fringes where people get sick. the very, very young and the very, very old. >> we are seeing a sounding of the alarm with the flu deaths
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and concern surrounding that. there is a reason why president trump talked about this during the state of the union address and the fact that they have expedited the approval process of generic drugs as well as medical devices. that has been a criticism of the fda in the past. and bureaucratic red tape making it impossible for these drugs to make it to the market. >> let him bring the japanese drug here. they can charge $600 for it. let the ritchies try it, then maybe it will get cheaper. kennedy: maybe tanaka can bring it back. my daisht had a bad ear infection and we waited to go to the doctor until the morning because i was terrified to take her to an e.r. because of the
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flu outbreak. chris: it's not just the usual suspects, we are seeing cases of healthy athe dults dying from the flu -- adults dying from the flu. kennedy: lisa boothe, i love everything about you but we are up against a hard break. lisa: embrace it. kennedy: tensions between israel and iran increase with back and forth airstrikes over the weekend. will this escalate into a full-blown war? so graceful. the corkscrew spin, flawless... ...his signature move, the flying dutchman. poetry in motion. and there it is, the "baby bird".
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breathtaking. a sumo wrestler figure skating? surprising. what's not surprising? how much money heather saved by switching to geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. [fbi agent] you're a brave man, your testimony will save lives. mr. stevens? this is your new name. this is your new house. and a perfectly inconspicuous suv. you must become invisible. [hero] i'll take my chances.
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highfalutin'. kennedy: growing tensions between iran and israel result in one of the most of serious confrontations. an iranian drone took off from sir jar and entered into israel's territory where it was shots down. the back and forth continued when israel reintontd a much larger attack in syria strike four targets, four of which were reportedly operated by iran. fesm netanyah net -- fell netand some strong words.
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israel holds iran and its syrian hosts responsible for what happened today. >> i think it's very serious. i think it iranian presence in syria is gravely threatening to israel. the reconfiguration of power after the essential defeat of the isis caliphate eliminating its territory does wiebd the con snrict between the iranian alliance and the saudi-led sunni coalition. the reason why we are worried
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about an iranian presence in syria, iran extended control from its own territory through iraq, then the hezbollah terrorists in lebanon. kennedy: what is an appropriate response from this country on israel's behalf? we don't want to get dwrawn into an -- drawn into as unjess conflict. >> you have to look at what iran is doing in terms of conventional weapons and its alliance with russia and in the context of its development of long-range missiles, it's a consequence of the terrible 2015
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nuclear deal from the obama administration in iran, and the strategy we pursued in the last administration in defeating the caliphate. iran is taking advantage of it. kennedy: they have essentially been running three countries, including their own. where do we go now? you have a conflict going, and i don't know if you would call it a proxy war. it seems like you have both sides who have chosen sir why as its theater. but you also have turkey, and they have been attacking the kurds and using chemical weapons. if you are ski is suppose to be annal -- turkey is supposed to be an ally of ours. this is like three dimensional
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chinese checkers. there are more sides than you can count. the main strategic issue is the dramatic projection of iranian snrent defeat of isis. you have to look at the air defense capabilities across the region. there are multiple threats to peace and security in the middle east. the main threat is iran. the president needs to take on the iran nuclear agreement and abrogate it. secretary tillerson needs to talk about how to ally the threats against the middle east. they are consulting acrossing a range of issues, undoubtly, possibly annexing israeli
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settlements on the west bank is something israel looked at for a long time. i think the white house is worried about its peace plan and the effect on that. events are moving very fast in the middle east. i wouldn't be surprised if there are further developments here. this is a very volatile situation. kennedy: this year's snow shovel races had a high turnout. the "topical storm" is next. this new day. looks nothing like yesterday. roads nowhere to be found. and it's exactly what you're looking for.
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kennedy: a shocking new report in "politico" claims steve bannon was quietly plotting his own white house run. it's shocking because it's the first time anyone used the words steve bannon and running in the same sentence. this is the "topical storm." we begin at the site of the biggest winter sporting event in the world of home improvement. this is the shovel race in new
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mexico where competitors hit speeds of 60 miles per hour. it's plenty fast if you stop short with a metal shovel between your legs. incidentally there was some talk of tanya harding attending his year's winter's games. but she decided to go out clubbing instead. barack obama's presidential portrait was unveiled. and the ceremony went off without a hitch or a cigarette because michelle was there. our 44th president is shown in a fantasyland. people who support his policies are also living in said
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fantasyland. i am just kidding. everybody knows he did a lot for iran. it will hang alongside george w. bush and bill clinton whose photo is not showable on a family network. michelle obama's portrait will be shown alongside other first lady portraits. sadly this isn't the only time hillary found herself on the outside look in at the presidency. what happened? you are so sexist in there. topic number three. let's head down to the brazilian city where the locals played a dirty trick on the tourists. this is the annual mud party which is a lot like carnivale in rio. they believe diving into the mud
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has healing powers. the festival attracted over 10,000 people. i had to cover it because all that mud wrestling takes me back to my college days. i still have mud coming out of places i can't mention here or there. topic number four. it's mugshot monday which i weave into the conversation. in honor of an inmate who was rearrested for smuggling drugs inside her weave. something tells me this is not what the judge meant when he told her to use her head. pennsylvania cops did not find drugs in her real hair when they booked her. but they searcher her weave after finding a note saying she
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was selling drugs inside. brown is facing 18 additional narcotics counts assuming cops can find her because she fled the scene shortly after the bust. there she is riding a snow shovel down a mountain of coke. do you know the street value of that? topic number 5. o.j. simpson has signed on for sasha cohn's next film. he received $20,000 to appear. but once you subtract what he's giving the goldman family, it comes out to $20,000. it will be his first acting role
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since he tried on those gloves in court. it's nice to know at the height of the #metoo movement, hollywood is finally hiring actors who have been a friend to women. once he got his money he left to search for any colmes real killer. coming up. supreme court justice rut ruth r ginsburg says sexism is what doomed her in the 2016 election. gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea
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dew-drenched optimist. that most of people want to see a female president. distrust for hillary clinton is widespread and varied. and she hasn't done herself any favor built favors by harping on and on for the last 15 months. it's embarrassing for her and humiliating for a party who want to move past the past and lean into the future. some people may be old-fashioned and sexist who think women belong in gulags. but those people are your age. thank you for watching the best hour of your day. you can follow on facebook and
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instagram. email stay tuned for two new episodes of "strange inheritance" with jamie colby. down gangsters... >> your uncle met al capone and even spent time with him? >> he lived with him. >> he was like the james bond. he was the serpico. >> ...and helped crack the crime of the century. >> "the kidnapping and murder of charles augustus lindbergh jr." >> wow! >> this will forever change how this story will be viewed. >> but to his family, he's a total mystery. >> a real shadowy figure. >> very shadowy. >> now his heir is on a mission to honor him. >> are you obsessed with this? >> absolutely. >> as we go undercover with the mob. >> you know, i didn't do it. [ cell doors slam ] ♪


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