tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business February 13, 2018 7:00pm-8:00pm EST
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president trump and his administration have been incredibly tough with russia. in trying to deter russia in various regions of the world. what we don't want is a war with russia. charles: thank you very much thank you at home. now, lou. oodz evenin good evening. christopher wray dismissing. mr. wray telling congress he's not seen any fights and encouraging the fbi agents to ignore the noise on social media and tv. we'll discuss wray's distorted view of reality with dr. sebastian gork ka. tonight, more evidence that special counsel robert mueller's team, a partisan hack. the latest addition of his team, a left wing activist. a full report coming up. president trump pressuring democrat to act now on daca and
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immigration. >> this week i know you're working very hard on daca. everybody in the room wants daca. let's see if we can get that done and it would be a great achievement. we've been talking about it for many years and if we could do it would be a great achievement. >> a congresswoman says border security must come before any daca fix. she joins us. christopher wray's stunning claim of no political bias at the agency. for months now the fbi has been open to scandal, scandaled over the discredited trump dossier, scandal over the texts and corruption investigation. buchristopher wray denies he's seen any evidences of bias. katherine her ridge has our report. >> i'm confronted with integrity and professionalism and grit. >> a forceful event from the fbi
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from the director fbi who was asked about president trump's characterization of wray's bureau. >> do you think the fbi's reputation is in any way in tatters and are you confident in in our agents? >> i'm a big believer that the fbi speaks through its work, through the cases, through the victims it protects. >> the annual intelligence hearing often dominated by terrorism got into the russia investigation and the political fallout on the house republican staff memo that alleges abuses by the fbi and the department of justice during the between election. >> we have now and continue to have great concerns about the accuracy of the memorandum because of omissions. we provided thousands of documents that were very sensitive and lots and lots of briefings. and it's very hard for anybody to distill all that down to three and a half pages. >> but there were no hard questions from the panel on the democrats' counter memo that
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needs heavy redactions. the nation's intelligence chief said there's universal agreement. >> there should be no doubt that russia perceived that its past efforts is successful and views the 2018 midterm elections a pooh tenl target. >> while vladimir putin's government is laying the ground work to disrupt the midterms, wray said they're working with homeland security. >> with the fbi and dhs, recently, for example, scheduled meetings with state election officials. there are ways that people are creative and forward leaning to educate the state. >> the american people are smart people. they realize that there's people attempting to manipulate them domestically and foreign. >> with no clear punishment for russia, one senator called for greater involvement from the top. >> i just wish you all could persuade the president as a mat are of national security to separate the two issues.
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the collusion issue is over here, unresolved. we cannot confront this threat, this is a serious one with a whole of government response when the leader of the government continues to deny that it exists. >> during the three and a half hour session, other headlines unfolded on north korea. >> kim jong-un is not hearing the full story, that is that those around him aren't suggesting to him the tenuous nature of his position both internationally and domestically. >> on china. >> i'm not sure in this history of this nation we've faced a competitor and potential adversary of the scale, scope and capacity. the nation's intelligence chief testified it's unsustainable and poses a national security threat. >> pretty interesting stuff. thank you very much. turning back to mr. wrie r wray's testimony, our first guest says there must be consequences for the fbi's
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misconduct and its clear political motion. joining me now, chris farrell. thanks for being here. >> sure sphwhr wha. >> what did you think as you listened to that today and heard christopher wray say no bias. >> he's engaged in damage control. he's got an agency that at the rank open file level are great agents doing tremendous work that we should be proud of. but there's a element at headquarters, beyond dispute, mccabe, strzok, page, bruce orr circle, the secret society let's call them, as they refer to themselves, they're utterly corrupt. and we have their texas messages and other evidence that documentdocuments it. the dreblghter is attempting to preserve the integrity of the organization or the institution. >> and i understand that.
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>> but there are such incredible fundamental corruption problems in washington, d.c., it's got to be answered, got to be addressed. >> i wish someone would have pushed him a little harder on that. i hear what you're saying, it's part of being proud of our country and institutions and the fbi, certainly a lot of great people working there that are working really hard and don't carry around this sort of political bias with them. but clearly a lot of them did. and do. and you know, as you point out, you have only to look to the texts. well you have only to look at how james comey treated that entire clinton investigation and then later was leaking through a friend to the "the new york times." the whole thing has been, shall we say, chris, extraordinarily disappointing and it makes me think that unfortunately we have played right into vladimir
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putin's hands thanks to mismanagement at the fbi and some political hacks on the left. >> you're right. putin is laughing at us. this is an enormous and very elaborate russian active measures campaign that includes information operations propaganda, deception, all of these elements that they've been running against us frankly since the days of the soviet union. and they crave, they love this confusion, this distraction, the finger pointing, the fact that they're able to manipulate these political operatives as a part of this sort of professional political class in washington, whether you want to call it the deep state or any other name, that's what they are. and when they're given that much power and authority and you have characters like mccabe, strzok, page, orr, all operating together, look for collusion, stop right there. >> that's my concerns. and keep in mind, you got this
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agent, former british spy, christopher steele who i think may have just been fed a bunch of lies by the russians deliberately to try and send us off on this wild goose chase. >> exactly. >> and we fell for it. >> that's the active measures campaign i was talking about. it's deception, it's information operations, it's propaganda, it's political prof occasions. it's all of these things. frankly they do it masterfully. and unfortunately political opportunityists jump in and they're useful idiots. dupes who are used. and they can rationalize or use some effort to try to put a smiley face on it but the fact that they've been used and manipulated. and what suffers is an institution bake the fbi, like i said before, rank open file guys who are great, they're personal friends of mine and professional colleagues. but they're still being used and
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manipulated and the rughtses benefit. we run around in circles. the mueller investigation is a joke. >> i don't know why they can't find anyone in d.c. who hasn't given donation to hillary clinton, president obama and other democrats. >> and no one yet has been able to articulate what the criminal predicate is. what is the underlying crime that mueller is investigating. no one can tell me what it is. >> collusion, right? collusion. whatever that is. well, thank you, chris. it's goods to see you. i'll say, you know, look, our government may have fallen for this and what the russians have attempted here but the american people will not. we're too smart for that. we see right through it. good to see you, chris. stepping up pressure, president trump telling democrats it's the last chance. the senate struggles to move
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forward. mike emanuel has our report. >> that expires beginning march 5th. so we know we have a deadline. the president has offered a generous proposal. >> republicans favor a plan offered by these six gop senators, the legislative version of president trump's blueprint which resolves daca, strengthens border security, eliminate visa lottery and ends extended family chain migration. >> there's no reason why reasonable people in congress can't get behind this. >> the day of voting 97-1, the top leaders could not agree on how to begin. >> let's get this debate started on the right foot. i object to the leader's request. >> that led some republicans to conclude that democrats don't want a solution. today the majority leader said he wants to get something done this week. >> there's no reason, no reason not to come together and get a
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solution this week. this has been going on endlessly. they shut down the noft government over this. >> the democrats blamed the white house. >> on september 5th of last year it was the president who ended up ending the daca program effective march 5th of this year and challenging congress to respond. >> the senate democratic leader said cooperation would be necessary. >> i think the sooner the better. and if we can come up with a bipartisan compromise that looks like it's right in the ballpark of 60, let's go. >> but a key conservative says the president's proposal is a best and final offer. >> it's the president's framework bill or nothing. they do in fact want to uphold the promiseses that they made, the democrats made to protect these young illegal immigrants. >> the calendar is backing a factor with congress due to be out next week and some concerned if lawmakers leave this could all fall apart and they haven't even started on the bill. >> thank you so much. we're coming right back with a
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whole lot more stay with us. fbi director christopher wray in the hot seat as he defends the agency against allegations of political corruption. >> so you haven't seen any evidence of some sort of political bias in the agency? >> no. >> we'll take up the growing concerns about the fbi and doj with dr. sebastian gorka. and new evidence of bias in the mueller witch hunt with another attorney tied to democrats revealed. those details and more when we return. tomorrow, it's a day filled with promise and new beginnings, challenges and opportunities. at ameriprise financial, we can't predict what tomorrow will bring. but our comprehensive approach to financial planning can help make sure you're prepared for what's expected and even what's not.
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trish: another liberal political hack uncovered on special counsel robert mueller's team. the daily caller reporting mr. mueller last year hired attorney aaron va linsky who wrote for the huffington post for five years and donated to democrats in connecticut. that leaves nine out of the 16 attorneys on mueller's team made donations to democrats. most giving money to either the campaign or barack obama or hillary clinton. joining me right now, dr. sebastian gorka. dr. gorka, here they are
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donating to the democrats i'd like to believe that some people in government, in an organization like the fbi do not have political biases but it's right out there for everyone to see. they're making the donations. >> i love your diplomacy and tact. the left-leaning huffington post, the most rabid left wing rag out there. remember, on the day of the election said hillary had a lower than 97% chance of winning. trish: "the new york times" said that too. >> they gave her 92. i've worked with the fbi. i spent five years. my company had the only contract teaching counter terrorism courses across america for five years before i came to the white house. i met hundreds and hundreds of agents and analysts. and i'm just wondering out of
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the thousands of possible people that robert mueller could have hired, how did he get this mix? if i want to investigate anything in washington, you want to not just be seen to be impartial -- you don't want to simply be impartial, you want to look impartial as well. you'd go out to a field office in a san antonio, idaho, bring those who can't be tainted left or right and build your team. how did robert mueller stack the deck with hard core democrats. it means the credibility of any investigation is shot before they begin. trish: look, i've asked this question to which i've been told that's pretty much all you get for attorneys in d.c. they're all democrats. but yes make an important point. and i was watching that today. when you heard christopher wray, he was asked point blank do you think there's any bias at the
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fbi. to which he sat there with a straight face and said absolutely not. i mean at least admit to lisa page and peter strzok texts showed evidence of bias. >> if there's no bias, if i had been in that room on capitol hill, i would have immediately said. if there's no bias, why did you fire your deputy within hours of reading the nunes memo. right? trish: well put. well put. >> because he wasn't, he wasn't fired for hankie pinky with his paramore. he was fired because his name is on that memo as somebody who breached the rules of perjury and disclosure and everything else required. when you acquire a fisa secret warrant to surreal americans. i've heard wray is hiding in his office most of the time. he didn't want the job. he's doing -- i think one of
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your guests said it. damage control. the seventh floor is corrupt. there's one or two people left, i know them personally. but the seventh floor of the fbi became a political weapon of the obama administration. that's why we've had eight people, trish, eight people from the fbi and the doj who have been fired or retired early in the last two months. trish: smaller government. i knew i liked new hampshire for a reason. thank you, sebastian gorka. good to see you. everyone, be sure to vote in tonight's poll. do you believe if christopher wray is blind to the corruption at the fbi he cannot be trusted to fix it? cast your vote on twitter. and a reminder, you can follow lou on twitter, you can like him on facebook, fall low him on instagram on wall street stocks rebounding from losses earlier to finish higher for the third straight session. the dow gang 39 points, s&p up
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7. volume on the big board 3.4 shares. a record number of business owners saying it's a good time to expand their businesses thanks in large part to the president's tax reform. a reminder, listen to lou's report three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. next, fbi director christopher wray breaking with the white house saying he sees no political bias at the agency. we're going to take that one up with political analyst ed rollins right after the break. liberty mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night. hold on dad... liberty did what? yeah, liberty mutual 24-hour roadside assistance
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trish: the white house standing by the way it handled domestic abuse allegations against form ir staff secretary rob porter. sarah sanders acknowledging that the fbi provide the personnel security office with information on porter last year only learning of the full extent of the allegations last week. >> the white house security office staffed by career officials received information last year on what they consider to be the final investigation report in november. but they have not made a final recommendation for adjudication to the white house because the process was still ongoing when rob porter resign. trish: joining me u no now, ed rollins, fox business political. this sounds like a side show. ed: it is. they had the information early on, kelly, was not political
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sensitive. but the president could have anybody he wanted. if he wanted to base this as an exemption, i could put them in there. could do that. he didn't do that. porter is now gone. they found things that are not right in his background and he's gone. trish: he's gone. and the one thing i wish the president had been more forceful on is saying that's never tolerated, will never be tolerated. you do not hit a woman period. and move on. ed: and abuse is a very serious problem in america today. the bottom line, it's never gone to the president. trish: i agree. let's get over to christopher wray. i do want to play the sound because i find it so e kreeshes that he sat there and said no, there's no political bias whatsoever at the fbi. i mean, in light of everything that we've learned, how could he say that with a straight face?
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ed: he shouldn't be able to say it. he's a product of the political system. he was a republican under president bush, he wouldn't have got that john if he wasn't republican. he was governor christie's lawyer during bridge-gate. he needs to understand that there are partisans and what you try to do is make it as clear as possible and mueller took all of the partisans to be on his team. trish: i mean, to have that many people who have donated to democratic causes -- ed: i would predict the 10,000 lawyers in the justice department, 9,990 of them with democrats. so at the end of the day, you try to make sure they function in a way that they're treating the president and this investigation fairly. trish: because, as i was saying in the beginning of the show, hasn't vladimir putin won this round? if his goal was to cause uncertainty, if his goal was to have some americans doubt sort
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of the ability of our democracy to perform at its best and to be fair, and he's succeeded because he, i think, had a bunch of lies sent to this christopher steele who then took it as gospel, put out his piece of propaganda research. ed: don't forget sydney blumenthal put his good house seal on it. it was a clinton document. a document to opposition research. someone in the fbi should have said when they brought it there, who paid for it, how did you get this document. you didn't do this as a volunteer to mr. steele. they took it, ran with it and went to the fisa court. i promise you if i was the judge in that fisa court i would kick tail in that department of justice. you are supposed to give me credible evidence and you didn't
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do it. trish: do you think stuff like that has happened before and we just didn't know about it. ed: i've been around 50 years. i know it's happened before. russians have always played around in our elections but never in a significant way. we want to make sure they don't do it again. trish: ed rollins, thank you very much. we're coming back with a whole lot more. stay with us. obstructionist dems trying to block border security in favor of amnesty for illegal dreamers. next, discussing the ongoing immigration debate. lucky three kids get a surprise splash feet away from their boat. who came to play with them? we'll show you this incredible video next. we'll be right back. manatees in novelty ts?
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tish i'm trish reagan in for lou dobbss. cracking down on illegal immigration as the sanctuary state attempts to defy our country's immigration laws. we went on a sweep with i.c.e. agents in los angeles and he has our report. >> we've identified an active address. >> 5:30 in the morning, san fernando valley, i.c.e. has 100 agents owl across los angeles, target is criminal aliens, those with a standing deportation order from a judge. a judge ordered this man,
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deported in 1996. two years ago he was convicted of lewd acts with a minor. you've been here since 1996 and you're telling me you don't speak english. he served 28 day days in jail bt the county refused to hand him over for deportation forcing i.c.e. to find him here. >> we're enforcing the laws as they're written. someone in this country illegally has violated the laws. >> this is the latest scharpt in the escalating fight between the state of california and the federal government which says it will enforce the law, sanctuary state or not. >> california better hold on tight. they're about to get a lot more special agents. >> no ban, no wall, sanctuary for all! >> california became the state's firsz sanctuarstateeast first s. >> we've heard that i.c.e. is going to target communities like
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oakland that are standing up for our families. >> local politicians claim the sanctuary law brings comfort to families living in fear. >> i'm disappointed. i thought i was protected but i'm not. everybody is vulnerable. >> married 28 years with two american born sons, this man from honduras thought i.c.e. would overlook his conviction on food stamp fraud. he was wrong. >> if you have a criminal background involvement with the police and you're not a citizen, you're going to get picked up. >> what we're saying is we're going to protect the communities, the communities that we live in, the communities that we serve regardless of what california politicians say. >> over a three-day period i.c.e. arrested 150 criminal aliens or those already ordered deported. fox news. president trump warning congress that time is running out to make a deal on immigration. the president tweeting this morning, and i quote, negotiations on daca have begun. republicans want to make a deal and democrats say they want to
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make a deal. wouldn't it be great if we could finally, after so many years, solve the daca puzzle. this will be our last chance. there never be another opportunity. march 5th. joining me now, congresswoman martha mcsally, running for arizona's open senate seat to replace outgoing senator jeff flake. good to see you, representative. >> thank for having me on. trish: you're seeing all kinds of problems on the immigration front in your neck of the woods. >> yeah. trish: what do you think of this plan the president is putting forward? it means a lot of people would have a shot at citizenship. are you okay with that? >> well, first of all, i'm wondering what is going on in the senate. they tend to move a little slower than us. the democrats were willing to shut down the government over this unrelates issue saying it was urgent and now they're using stall tactics and not even bringing up the amendments that they supposedly wanted to offer
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and now they've gone home for the night. sounds like they need a female fighter pilot over there to get running on some of these issues. trish: you're running for that spot. i mean, what i keep hearing from democrats anyways, we're fine with the law. we've made our peace with the wall. what we're not okay with is ending chain migration or ending the lottery system. and i'm thinking, my goodness, he's offering a lot. a lot of members of his base i don't think like the idea that he's saying okay, you're here illegally and we'll make you legal. so that's a pretty big thing to be offering up to the other side and the democrats are turning away from that? >> well i think -- again, i appreciate the president's leadership on this issue. he's willing to solve it but also make sure that he's addressing the highest priorities of the american people, which is solving a failed previous border security strategy and not having the
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resources to include a border wall technology and agents that we need to secure the border so communities like mine have safe and secure. but the criminals are continuing on through cities across america, the opioid ep dem epid. he's saying we're going to end chain migration and the lottery. it's putting the democrats on their heel. i don't know what's in their hearts. they were exposed when he put it out there that they don't want to solve the problem. where are their plans? where are their amendments? we're wasting precious time. for our part in the house, we're moving forward. we have a bill that we've worked on for five months, gang traction on it. it addresses all of the president's priorities plus some other things that are important to us on sanctuary cities, kate's law and other things and we're whipping that bill this week, trying to see where our
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vote count is. i think it's very high. we're talking to members. had a number of listening sessions. and we're willing to come up with a solution, meet the democrats at the negotiating table but it has to be with the highest priority, border security, ending chain migration, visa lottery, closing the loopholes that the criminals are taking advantage of. trish: it's common sense. >> it is. trish: do they not want this to happen because then it's a win for the president and the r7s? >> that's what it seems. look at his proposal. it was extremely generous and their responses were unbelievable. it seemed like he put them on their heels and they really were exposed for the fact that they really don't want to solve this problem and they want to turn it into electoral victories. he's coming to the table. trish: you know, and sadly, there's some element to this. think almost want to see the
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deportations. they like the visual was they motivates the base to get out and vote against the president. that's all they have to get people's emotions going, right? if the economy is doing well and we're safe. >> i think on many issues they're going to have to decide whether they hate this president more than they love this country. and in many of their responses, whether you saw it at the state of the union address, whether they were celebrating that the stock market was going down for a few days after the amazing increases that we've had, they're cheering for his failure, which is so distorted and it's why they're out of touch and why they keep losing elections because they don't have an alternative vision. and in this case they're trying to play to the base and the extreme on the left about this issue so they're riled up for electoral successes. i would encouraging anybody who is watching, who is a daca recipient, they do not have your back. if they say they want to solve the issue and the president offers something generous like this and they're turning away
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from it, who is trying to solve this problem. it's president trump, not the democratic lerdz. trish: well put. congresswoman martha mcsally thank you very much. do you believe that christopher wray is blind to the corruption at the fbi he cannot be trusted to fix it? you can cost your vote on twitter. roll this video. this is great. massive humpback whale in this video emerges from the depth of the sea off the coast of california. there were tourists nearby on a boat and they were able to get up close to view this spectacular sight. it's amazing, i actually was off swimming on the coast of the dominican republic with humpback whales. it was the scariest thing but the most amazing thing perhaps i've ever done. really incredible. coming up next, intelligence chief dan coats warning that the
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u.s. is nearing decision time on nuclear north korea. john bolton is here, and going to join me next with i the thret analysis. stay with us. nothing relieves more symptoms than alka seltzer plus maximum strength liquid gels. (whispering) with the capital one venture card, you'll earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, every day. not just airline purchases. think about all the double miles you could be earning. (yelling) holy moly, that's a lot of miles! shh-h-h-h! ( ♪ ) shh! what's in your wallet? man: shh-h-h! but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient shh! originally discovered... in jellyfish.
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police h be charge for bribery and fraud in two separate corruption cases. netanyahu repeatedly denied wrongdoing and today made it clear he would not step down. the pentagon defending an air strike last week that reportedly killed dozens of russian mercenaries. more than 100 fighters were killed when they attacked a base. the pentagon said the strike was self-defense. joining me right now, john bolton, former u.s. ambassador to the united nations and now a senor fellow at the american enterprise institute and a fox business contributor. what's your reaction to the russian mercenaries and their deaths? >> well i think whenever american forces associated with the syrian rebels come under threat, we're entirety -- it's entirely proper for us to engage in self-defense if there were russian mercenaries there, that's their problem. we know that president trump
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spoke with president putin in the past several days, i'm sure that was one of the subjects they covered. it's a dangerous situation in that region because this is a multi-sided conflict. and i think it's a reflection that we don't have -- really still don't have a strategy to deal with a post isis, syria iraq. it's dangerous when iran sends drones into israel to attack them and israel retaliates. i think there's more to come here. it's not going to get more peaceful in the near future. trish: let's turn to north korea. i don't know if you've caught the olympic coverage but the media certainly has. many members of the american media just swooning over kim jong-un's younger sister who is head of the propaganda department there in north korea and has been responsible for numerous executions. yet that didn't bother the media, john bolton. they were hailing her as some
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north korean version of ivanka trump saying how she's putting a whole new face on the regime. what did you think when you heard that, sir? >> well i think a lot of the american media has an historical attention span of fruit flies. the fact they didn't talk about what else this lady does for her day job, head of the propaganda and the awj gaition part of the communist party in north korea. they act like her appearance in south korea is some great new development. in fact the two korean teams have marched together in three prior olympics. she extends an invitation to the south korean president to go north. that's also happened before. abts absolutely none of that history had an effect on north korea's nuclear weapons program. it should be embarrassing if these outlets for capable for embarrassment for the
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incompetence of their reporters. trish: they're doing the propaganda work for her. it's as though they're on the payroll. part of the north korea propaganda department. i'm curious. given your wealth of experience as ambassador of the u.n., you've seen things like this happen during your time. i can remember seeing reports on venezuela where, you know, you had a network correspondents touting the benefits of the venezuelan regime there which we know was not a good thing and is not a good thing for those people there today. what do you think as someone on the inside who was there as ambassador to the u.n. when you know the truth and the media is painting an entirely different picture? >> well, i don't think they're doing their home work. i think they buy the surface appearance and they fall for this kind of propaganda all of the time. it's a long standing problem. back at the time of the russian
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revolution, vladimir lennon referred to people in the west who didn't understand communism, who would facilitate the soviets with their objectives, he kawbled them useful idiots. it was demonstrated in south korea this weekend. trish: it's interesting they were the useful idiots. i'm talking about the leftist media, people who don't understand all of this somehow, they're the idiots, that the right is somehow not as smart as the left. but, you know, i guess we all know better. thank you so much still ahead, the fbi director in a state of total denial. christopher wray says he sees no signs of bias, no, at his bureau that is rocked by all kinds of scandals and biases. we're going to talk about that with our panel next. our investors stay confident for over 80 years.
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the delusional world he's living in. for him to say there is no bias when we know for a fact there was and is. "alice in wonderland." >> i understand he loves the fbi. i doesn't want to admit things are going on on the 7th floor and he would like to slowly quietly clean it up. but it's better to rip the bandage off. trish: to ignore it and pretend it's not there, come on, the american people aren't that stupid. mollie: the tenure of james comey really saw this with the bias.
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in recent months we have seen 6, 7, 8 people demoted or reassigned. it would be great if you had a director who says they are taking it seriously. to my understanding they haven't investigated the leaks that have taken place. also these hearings that are public are opportunities for a lot of grandstanding but not a lot of good information sharing. i'm hoping in private he's better. >> he did say to the lawmakers. i'll talk to you about it this afternoon. mollie: it's important for the public to hear the answers to these questions. the public needs that credibility restored. it's important that he not just hide behind closed hearings.
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trish: i would like to see the original fisa warrants. i don't want to see it through the republican or democrat prism. i want to see how they got this thing. mark: the president said i want this by the books, i didn't realize you had to make a special request if you want it by the books. trish: what do you think about her writing this after the fact? mark: cya. cover yourself. but she is admitting if you want it by the books, you have to ask for that otherwise you might not get it. trash * they are investigating collusion, whatever that is. whatever crimes they think that may be when the real story they ask is what was russia doing to try to influence our election.
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she is referring back to a meeting that took place the day before that dossier was briefed to president-elect trump. the facts of that meeting almost immediately was leaked to cnn and got the russia his area going. trish: i think they wanted to make life as difficult as they could for the incoming administration. mark simone, thank you so much. happy valentine's you have got your red on. i'll see you tomorrow. 2:00 p.m., that's where i am every day. thank you for joining us tonight. i'm going to see you again. congressman massie is among my special guests tomorrow. good night, everyone.
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kennedy: u.s. intel chiefs say north korea is as dangerous as ever. so why is the media falling for their charles offensive. are 36 democrats thinking about running for president? jump in the clown car. it's time to ride. u.s. snowboarders have been crushing it at the winter olympics. if collusion were an olympic sport cnn and the "washington post" would have platinum
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